Lulu and the Rabies of Noire

Story by Nya Bri on SoFurry

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#3 of RP Adaptations/Collaborations/Main Series


This Is one of the first stories I wrote please give me feedback.

Why I came to this meadow,I don't know.I guess I was just drawn to it.My name isLulu and I am just your normal day 21 year-old fox,but that's not the way most others think of me.At my college the boys always say stuff like:"Your hot!","Hey beautiful!",and "Your pussy is soo tight!" I don't think im that special,do you? My body looks normal (I think tee-hee):I am 5"10,I have firm D-cup breasts,I have a very fit body from my work at the gym,my fur is brownish-orange,and my hair is brownish-blonde.I don't like to wear clothes because it makes my fur so itchy,maybe that's why all the guys have big bulges in their pants and are drooling over me. *Giggles*

I had just been on my way home from the gym and I followed a lovely scent.It smelled like a pretty flower that a guy would get me to win my affection.I followed the scent through a vast park to a very beautiful meadow to which I could never describe its vast beauty.My body seemed to get lighter as I walked through the meadow,my nostrils taking in the many scents.The flowers seemed to color the meadow with almost every color imaginable.I flopped down on a patch of flowers feeling very content,I must have laid there for at least an hour as I felt something stir beside me.I looked to my side and I saw a creature that I had never seen before,it looked like a mouse but not a mouse.The cute creature was only the size of my paw and had long pointy ears.It had an unusual tail too,one that looked like a syringe.Its fur was brown and it had rather red eyes.

I picked it up and set it down on my chest.The creature stood there for a moment and walked away.I was just about to look for it when I felt something in my pussy.I quickly sat up to see the creature with its entire head in my pussy,I wanted to pull it out but I was immobilized by pleasure.I started to pant lightly and moan as the creature ventured into my pussy.I moaned and panted louder and louder until the only part of the creature outside my pussy was the very tip of its tail.At that moment,I felt something wet and cold inside my pussy,and a unusual tingle sensation.I started to shake my right leg and moan loudly as I began humping the air."What was happening to me!",I thought.Before I knew it I was whining and whimpering loudly as I humped furiously and cummed all over myself.I thought It would never stop,when it did.My humping calmed down and the creature slid back out of my pussy,it was dead.I stood up and checked myself over:I was drenched in cum,from the waist down,how embarrassing. I quickly rushed home to my dorm,making sure I was seen by as few people as possible,and It didn't help when my roommate Azalea startled me as I crept in the dorm.

"Ooh!I see you've been having fun!"Azalea said with a smile,pointing to my cum.Azalea was my best friend, a blue furred fox that stood 5"5 and had a porn addiction.She had a body similar to mine and never wore clothes either.

"You could say that."I said with a red face.

I took a shower and got in bed with Azalea (we shared a bed),she was fast asleep and she looked pretty cute,cute enough to arouse me a bit.I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.I didn't know it at the time but several hours after I fell asleep something came out of my pussy and slivered up Into Azaleas,something dreadful.

When I woke up I found Azalea moaning,whining,and humping the air just like I was,she was covered in cum. "Lulu...please help me...I think theres something inside me!"Azalea,whined.I covered my eyes as I tried to look away and It suddenly got quiet,I looked to see her curled up in a ball.Slowly I made my way to her and rubbed her shoulder."Are you OK?",I whispered.Then the scariest thing happened,when Azalea looked up she had dark red evil looking eyes,her face was disoriented,and she was foaming at the mouth.Azalea growled at me and bared her fangs."Has she gone mad?",I thought to myself.My thoughts were interrupted when I saw something trail out of her pussy,it looked similar to a tentacle but nothing like one,it lunged at me and I bolted out the door and down the hall a ways.Horror filled my face as I watched the tentacle-like member slide inside our neighbor Audrys pussy and cause the humping and moaning.I couldn't stand to watch it any more.I just fled.