Tris and the Dragon

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Another Commission for Segremores, but not of the Inches for the Dragon series.

The Dragon is (c) Segremores

Tristan is (C) Me

Edit- Segremores asked me to add more detail to the uB scene, so I did :3


It was Tristan's twenty first birthday, and he was in a club, sampling alcohol for the first time legally. As a result he was rather tipsy. He had come alone, and the buzz was helping him to forget that fact. He wore a rather nice jacket, open, and some tight jeans, and nothing else. Luckily he had found a gay bar before he started drinking, so dressing that way had no repercussions. Except maybe getting hit on.

He waved off those who came onto him fairly easily, getting less coordinated each time, until he found himself falling backwards on his stool. Warm arms caught him and he grasped the Ankh pendant he had had ever since he could remember. Tristan was raised in an orphanage, so he assumed the pendant had something to do with his birth parents. He came out of these thoughts to find himself in the strong but gentle arms of a dark grey Dragon. Tris looked up slowly to the smiling face of the reptilian, noting the crown of four black horns, and the red membrane earfins...

"Do I know you...?" He said, voice modulating from the alcohol.

The Dragon chuckled softly, "Maybe. Or maybe I've just been looking for you..."

Tristan blinked at that, looking confused. The Dragon gently pulled him fully off the stool, the bunny's rump landing against a very warm thick and long bulge. His eyes widened and he blushed, but found himself very unable to resist as the Dragon leaned down and kissed his forehead, before scooping him up and carrying him around the dancefloor, to one of the private rooms at the back.

The Dragon deftly opened the door and carried Tristan through, careful about the door frame, before easing the hare down onto the provided bed. He removed his shirt, easing it onto a nearby chair.

Tristan stared disoriented at the Dragon's sculpted physique and intricate, beautiful tattoos. His eyes flickered, then returned to the belly. Just below the navel was a very simple Ankh shape, but with the same design and proportion as the pendant he wore. He felt the pendant, looking at that tattoo.

The Dragon noticed this, and smiled broadly, before letting his pants fall. He chuckled as Tristan's attention was diverted to the massive draconic bulge in the straining jock strap, which he removed, letting his shaft and sac hang freely, though the shaft was growing erect, raising up, soon blocking Tris' view of the belly entirely. The Dragon cooed gently, "Strip, little bunny."

The hare perked at this order, then worked off his jacket, throwing it to one side, and then wiggling out of his tight jeans, made even tighter by how much his own bits were bulging out the soft panties beneath. He blushed deeply at the deep chuckle he heard and slipped the panties off. His own shaft grew upright in front of him, throbbing with need.

"Such a good bunny..." The Dragon cooed tenderly to the hare, as he knelt between the bunny's knees and parted them gently with his paws, before lowering the throbbing member down between the lepine's rumpcheeks. "Just relax... I won't hurt you..."

Tristan blushed deeply as he did nothing to prevent this Dragon from coming up to him and deflowering him... but the Dragon was so sexy, and he just said he'd never hurt him... The hare gasped as his thought process was interrupted by a slick hot cockhead starting to spread his tailring, spurting pre ahead of itself to smooth the way in. And indeed, Tristan felt no pain, only an intense sexual burning feeling as he was stretched, and parts of his insides were stimulated.

The Dragon smiled as he continued to coo in a soothing manner, sinking more and more of his massive maleness into the bunny beneath him, one paw reaching to gently stroke over the Ankh pendant. "Does the bunny want to hear a story about the Hare and the Dragon...?"

The bunny murmured blearily, his mind clouded by the overwhelming pleasure and the booze he had earlier.

Apparently the Dragon took that as a yes, as he started to gently thrust in and out, getting more inside with each thrust. "Once upon a time, there was a young hare, the son of some noble in a far away peaceful land. The land's protector was a wise, immortal Dragon, who kept predators from invading and destroying the society they had built there on peace. The young noblebun saw a plague start to ravage his people, and fearfully went to the Dragon. When he asked if the Dragon could save the plague victims, the Dragon simply told him that could not be done. He could only make sure no one else caught the plague. The noble looked frightened, and voiced his fear of dying to the immortal. The Dragon told the noble he could keep him young forever, if he were willing to give up his status, and submit himself to the Dragon. The noble, desperate, did so, and the Dragon has been keeping that hare young in his way for over a millennia..."

Tristan only half got the story, shuddering and moaning as he felt his peak upon him, holding onto the Dragon on top of him as he was thrust into with the entire shaft each time now. He shuddered and flexed his rump inexpertly, before his whole body tensed. Hot ropes of bunny seed spurted across the hare's chest, a couple drops getting on the pendant.

The Dragon hilted gently and let out a low, soothing moan of bliss, as his own shaft spasmed and began to pump hot draconic seed into the hare. He pet over Tris tenderly, a way the bunny had never been treated before, except in dreams. Slowly he pulled out of the spent hare, easing his feet together, and sitting onto them with a strange wet feeling and a pulsing. "Few people who know that tale remember the name of the noble, but I do..."

Tristan murmured softly and looked blearily up at the Dragon as he felt his feet wrapped in something strange and warm, which rippled and pulled so tenderly, over his ankles and starting up his legs. He looked down, but the heavy sac and spent shaft of the Dragon blocked his view.

Tristan murmured softly and looked blearily up at the Dragon as he felt his feet wrapped in something strange and warm, which rippled and pulled so tenderly, over his ankles and starting up his legs. He looked down, but the heavy sac and spent shaft of the Dragon blocked his view.

The Dragon grinned, "I'm back for you, Tristan."

The hare looked up, and stammered in confusion, trying to form words. He had never told the Dragon his name, and was certain he'd never been to this bar before so the Dragon couldn't have found out asking around.

The Dragon readjusted, and pulled on his sac gently, raising it up so that Tristan could see his knees sliding out of sight into a feminine slit where most guys would have a taint. "As per the terms of our agreement, you have submitted to me, so I will keep you young, again, in my way..." As he spoke, his sex flexed and drew more of the hare's legs in past the stretching rippling folds.

The hare blushed deeply, writhing softly as his thighs were drawn in, eyes landing on that Ankh tattoo again. He murmured weakly, and the Dragon gently guided his paws to his sides, to be claimed by the feminine sex, as the hare's feet pressed through a tight ring of flesh, and the belly behind that tattoo bulged with... his toes. Tristan wiggled them to be sure, and the bulges moved. He shivered and blushed deeper, unable to not become aroused by this.

The Dragon cooed soothingly, "That's it... you're returning to my womb, where you came from, and where I return you every generation... My Son." He groaned sensually, feeling the hare's broad hips stretching out his own, reaching to gently stroke over Tris' arousal as it started to get worked over by his folds from the base upward, claws moving away to massaging the hare's sides as the last of it slid out of sight, the hare's torso half gone.

The hare blushed, his chest starting to slide out of sight, as he was drawn deeper, his knees starting to have to fold for him to fit deeper inside. He ground his arousal about, lust fighting his worry and fear as he was wrapped in more warmth. He grunted as his shoulders wer overtaken by the fleshy folds, his face forced against the dragon's heavy, musky sac. His face was stroked tenderly as the feminine folds came up around his neck, and started to curve around his head. The hare closed his eyes, overwhelmed with love, lust, information, and potent mixed musk. He murmured weakly as his face was closed up over, his blunt muzzle parting in a weak, passionate moan as his body tensed, his loins spurting his thick seed all around himself in the passageway, before his nose and lips were gone from view, and all that was left were his long floppy ears slurping in wetly behind him.

The Dragon rumbled and pat his now round, full tummy as Tristan's ears slid all the way up past the cervix, which contracted, and used some of the hare's own seed to plug itself, as the womb started to fill with oxygenated fluids. He rumbled and rubbed over the ankh tattoo, as the hare weakly writhed, shuddering as the connection was made between the uterus lining and the hare's navel.

He sighed and cooed to the bunny held within his womb below the flesh, "Ahh... mine again little Tristan, last of my people... How I wish I could just keep you in there forever.... But a deal is a deal... just another nine months together, until next time... sleep...." He cooed softly and the ankh on his belly glowed, settling down the weak motions of the hare within. The Dragon got himself dressed, patting and rubbing his belly lovingly, and padded out of the room. He swayed his way through the dancefloor, and rumbled as paw after paw stroked his domed tummy. He could almost feel a soft churrring from within him as he broke through to the other side of the club, waving to the bouncer as he passed the threshold and out into the night.


Nine months later, a basket was found left at an orphanage, a tiny leveret wrapped in blankets within, with a small shimmering Ankh pendant, and a note, telling whoever found the baby hare that his name was Tristan.


Comments? Questions? Concerns? Commission Requests? Post them Here.