The Beastridden part 5, pt 1

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#7 of The Beastridden

This chapter was long, I mean LOOONG.

So I broke it into parts! The Beastridden part 5, part 1!


The Beastridden

part 5,

pt. 1

Knuckle, his friend Jonas, and his cousin Cajo wandered through the waste, all three highly strung after escaping a strange and ominous stampede of feral life. The three of them were silent, each one wrestling with thoughts and feelings of his own.

[Ah can't believe him.. Ah get chased off cause'o this beast rider bullshit, and he just takes it!] Knuckle thought.

[Ah hope little Jonas didn't see that. Prolly woulda killed'im..]

Jonas kept close to Knuckle, nevertheless disheartened with the appearance of his friends' new plan.

[I don't want to go back.. I've seen more of the world in the last week than I ever would have at the reef.. I WANT excitement! I WANT experiences! I want LIFE!]

Cajo walked a little more calmly than the rest. He had to fight himself, for grinning would bring him trouble. And while the base of his tail was very sore, he walked under the sun like he was king.

[Damn... Why ain't he tryin to tear me open some more? Ah'da thought he'd found my tail top-notch!] he thought a little sullenly. He found his cousin desirable since they'd discovered themselves, but every attempt was met with failure or rejection.

But a new feeling, for now too small to be noticed by Cajo, was a pit of unappeased hunger that brought him an incredible surge of vitality and strength.

Cajo cleared his throat.

"What're we gonna eat cousin? We had to hightail it before breakfast.." he said, and Knuckle looked away disdainfully.

"We can eat when we can be sure there ain't nobody followin us."

Cajo looked around, and pointed his nose up to take a sniff.

"Ah'm guessin' we're in the cl- Then ya missed the smoke!" Knuckle cut in, pointing toward the horizon and to a tower of billowing grey.

"Well shit, it's downwind!" Cajo said defensively, then with a dark realization, he stopped and took a knee.

"Knuck, hold it!" he hissed, and Knuckle and Jonas stopped.


"Downwind... Whoever the hell it is..already might know we're 'round."

"Whatcha thinkin?" Knuckle asked, circling back with Jonas to plan their evasive route.

"Ah think, and don't quote me on this... But Ah can almost see 'em.." Cajo said, and closed his eyes. As he focused his attention, he began to make out a faint familiarity, like he and those he sought the image of were cut from the same cloth. Cajo then sharpened his focus, and made out a single large framed figure, huddled with a few more. Cajo strained, clenching his eyelids as he..

"Ah see a bear!" he shouted. Knuckle and Jonas were immediately repulsed.

"A bear?" Knuckle asked, and Jonas shook his head. He'd had enough of ursines.

"Yeah, hold on.."

As Cajo forced his focus to almost peregrine levels, the bear he pictured began to look around, and sharply turned his head, looking dead at him over the distance. As the bear looked on, Cajo could make him out. Visually he looked familiar, and he was certain of this once he saw his yellow tobacco pipe. The bear grinned as he narrowed his eyes and Cajo opened his own, hurling his attention back to the immediate area.


"What? Whatcha see?"

"Now Ah'm SURE they know we're here cousin.."

Knuckle looked shocked, then irritated. Jonas shook with fear.

"Ah didn't know he could..look..this far too!"

"Well, what did he look like?" Jonas asked, almost certain of the answer.

"He was the one near you when I busted the both of ya outta Burnstrom little guy."

"Oh no, I knew it.." Jonas sighed.

"What? Who- Oh. Him." Knuckle said, shaking his head.

"Did you see another? Species unknown, but he's got a sword. Mean skills too." Knuckle asked. Cajo shook his head.

"Naw, but the bear had a few more people around him. No swordsman."

Knuckle scanned the empty waste.

"Was he where the smoke was?" he asked, and Cajo nodded.

"Yup. Means we gotta circle 'em before they come after us." Cajo noted.

"But... IF they come after us, Ah got us a little bit'o protection" he said with a smirk as he fished out two thin weapons from the pockets of his trunks. They resembled brass knuckles, but instead of blunt tips for impact they had axe blades that spanned an inch past the outermost grip rings. Knuckle looked on, stunned by a small piece of home he had forgotten.

"We'll be alright Knuck. We got these." Cajo said with confidence.

"Didja bring my set with ya?" Knuckle asked, eager to wield weapons that he partially earned his name from. Cajo's head jerked back.

"When Ah busted you two outta Burnstrom Ah really hadn't planned to see ya cousin.." Cajo said, a little apologetically. Knuckle looked down, then shrugged. The weapons could be used individually or as a set, so the best he could hope for was at least to use one of them.

"Oh well. Could Ah- HELL NAW YA CAN'T! THESE'R MINE! WHEN WE GET HOME YOU CAN USE YOURS, DIRTY MUTT!!" Cajo shouted standoffishly. Knuckle's frown deepened.

"Okay, okay." the brown wolf muttered. Cajo beamed inwardly.

Hearing the wolves speak of their return to their home made Jonas's heart sink. But it was best for him to keep his silence. And it seemed to him that they were serious. As selfish as it sounded of Knuckle to send him away, Jonas knew that he was no use to either of them in the face of such powerful foes.

"Let's go then. We'll just circle 'em at this distance until we get clear." Knuckle said. Cajo nodded and stood, and the three carefully began to make an alternate route through the vacant waste.

***** ***** *****

Futoranda sat, huddled with more of Senryul's Beastridden as they awaited orders from their leader. It had been a while since Senryul and Shiriya went to be alone, and the bear was becoming more and more anxious. Shortly before he felt a ping from another, and the image he saw gathered thought as if attracted by gravity. He stood, gathering himself to report to his retainer and sped away.

"Got to talk to Boss!" he said, and the others shifted away from him like startled static.

He entered a dark space between two large angled stones; an archway that led to a secluded cavern.

"BOSS! I GOT 'EM!" he yelled into the space, and he stood to the side. A few moments later, Senryul emerged with one sleeve of his tucked robe over his shoulder, sliding the other up as he went.

"Good work." Senryul said.

"'Randa, I have special orders for you. I require that you abstain." he said with a stalwart gaze, silently backing his order. Futoranda shrieked inwardly.

"Boss, you know what happenes when I have to hold back.." the bear said lowly, nodding his head a little, as if to be endearing.

Meanwhile, Senryul looked on darkly.

"It will be of great use to me, your Three-section Salo." he said. Futoranda swallowed nervously and shifted his eyes around, spotting Senryul's mate through the cavern's entrance at a glance. She writhed where she layed, moaning in ecstasy while her delicate digits touched her body, surfing every curve and contour. The bear's eyes widened for a split second, then immediately averted.

"Will she be.." the bear began, jerking his head in Shiriya's direction.

"Let her rest. My business will leave her well fired by my return." the hybrid said with a laugh as he walked away.

Futoranda was crushed, but his spirits lifted as he remembered the carnage he commanded with his weapon; a three-section pole with the outer sections housing broad, three-pointed blades at the outermost ends. The steel of the blades was stylishly blued, and Futoranda especially loved the way his talent with it created a flaying sphere around him. It ate stone, it scattered dust and anything unfortunate enough to enter its range was rent to pieces.

The bear layed out with a grim smile, resting his head on his arms as he fantasized about the horror he could wield with his "Angry baby".

Deep within, a hunger began to take root.

*** ***

Knuckle and his companions kept wary of the location they wished to avoid, dearly hoping to maintain monotony as they trudged through the light dust of the waste. The wolves kept their ears up and open, searching the air for any disturbances that equated to assailants and trouble.

While Knuckle kept his ears tall, he eyed the ground as he tried to keep his frustration from ruining their plans with bickering that he was sure would be racuous.

[Day after fuckin day Ah gotta deal with him and his emotions. Ah tell ya, first chance Ah get...] he thought, grimly digesting the thought that he wanted nothing to do with his cousin.

"Heya Knuck.." Cajo started, and Knuckle's ears quivered.

"Ah think we should find somethin to chow on.. Little guy's stomach's gonna shink into dust.." Cajo advised with a light, fanged yawn. Jonas walked a step further, then meekly turned to face his guardian.

"Knuckle?" Jonas asked, and his heart jumped when he saw Knuckle's face, alight with anger.

"MAYBE Ah'll feed ya to him when Ah get through tearin you apart, gape-assed whelp!" he growled. Cajo stopped.

"You sayin Ah'm tasty?" Cajo retorted, and Knuckle drew his arms up tensely.

"GADAMMIT!" he exploded, and dove for Cajo...who ducked smoothly. Knuckle sailed over him and landed in a roll, and stood to look his cousin in the face before he tried to attack again. Cajo smiled as his inner hunger grew, and he read Knuckle's body to evade every punch he threw with ease. Jonas took a frightened step backwards as the wolves kicked up more and more dust.

"Now Cousin.." Cajo said nervously, feeling a little ashamed for dancing around Knuckle so easily.

After a few more minutes of being evaded, Knuckle kicked some dust into the light breeze and stomped off a short ways, fuming.

"What's wrong with him?" Jonas asked, completely unaware of Knuckle's strife while he looked on. Knuckle stood still, his back to them with his arms crossed.

"Ah dunno... He woke up like that.." Cajo said with a light chuckle.

"We can't leave him here, so let him cool off." Cajo said, and Jonas nodded as he looked up into the clouds.

"Are there any settlements nearby?" Jonas asked as he and Cajo took a seat in the dust.

"If Ah ain't mistaken, Hornstrel is beyond the mountains.." Cajo said, with a finger pointed with his approximation. Jonas smiled on the inside as there might be a chance they could all sleep in comfort, and that he had at least one more day to spend out in the world, with Knuckle.

"Hornstrel ain't for poor folk though, and we're broke. Don't get your hopes up little guy." Cajo warned.

"Right.." Jonas agreed. He looked at Knuckle over the distance and saw that he had taken a seat as well.

"I'll be right back." the otter mentioned as he took to his feet. Cajo called to him before he took a step, and he stopped.

"Hey uh... What was up with your trousers?"

Jonas froze.

"My trousers? W-what do you mean?"

"We were gonna tell ya 'bout our plan, so Ah picked 'em up. Was gonna fold 'em for ya, but Ah caught a sniff 'o something that seemed a little off with ya."

"Y-you did? what?"

"Spunk little guy, smelled like ya had a mighty...interestin' dream. But Ah had ya pegged for a proper little otter. Guess Ah was wrong.." Cajo said with a smirk that melted into a warmer smile.

"Um.." Jonas stammered, but Cajo waved a hand.

"Don't worry 'bout it. Go get Knuckle so we can get the hell outta here." he said before flopping to his back.

*** ***

Jonas approacked Knuckle slowly, his heart racing as he imagined the worst of the situation, feeling the pressure all around him. He stopped just outside of Knuckle's reach and cleared his throat.

" Knuckle?"


"We might have a destination.."

"Where's that?"

"A place called Hornstrel. We might be able to get some good food, and lodging.." the otter whispered as he kicked a little dirt around bashfully. Knuckle turned his head, and Jonas was relieved to see Knuckle's fangs bared in the same smile that introduced them to each other.

"That's an idea! ...Y'all waitin for me are ya?"

"Well, yeah but.. What's wrong?"

"Ah just woke up with a burr on my pair. Don't mind me little buddy." Knuckle said, standing up and placing a hand on Jonas's shoulder.

"Let's go then. We could use a good meal and a great soak. Ah bet you're a mite tired of all this dry land." Knuckle said warmly. Jonas giggled as Knuckle walked past him, but the otter spoke once more.

"Hornstrel's past the mountains.." he said, and Knuckle turned to face the otter with a smile that was a little more devious.

In an instant, he snatched up Jonas and took off in a Beastridden sprint, leaving Cajo behind for a moment. Knuckle smiled as Jonas frantically clutched him by the shoulders as they sped through the dust, totally taken by the moment...until Cajo caught up to them with an annoyed look on his face. Knuckle rolled his eyes, but nodded to him as the three rocketed up the steadily inclining surface under. Knuckle and Cajo veered off from one another, leaping from jagged rock to weathered sapling until they made it to the summit of the small mountain they traversed. The wolves stopped, and a shaking Jonas climbed down as they all looked out over the waste. The sun was setting slowly, and they viewed their destination with determination and satisfaction. Hornstrel was within reach; a stonecut settlement that was surrounded by giant fanglike stones that marked its perimeter. Each of the fangs' points had a faint glimmer that the three beheld with wonder.

"Might as well be Starline!" Knuckle said, a little excitedly.

The brown wolf extended a hand to Jonas, and when the otter gripped it Knuckle hoisted him into another embrace.

"See ya at the bottom!" Knuckle said to Cajo, and they both jumped and scrambled down the mountainside before them.

***** ***** *****

Futoranda watched Knuckle and company remotely while fueling his inner fire with deviant fantasies, and sat up suddenly as a hand caressed his chest.

"WHOA-!" he cried, and grew even more surprised as he recognized the hand: Shiriya's.

"M'LADY, WH-" he fell silent as her hand groped and made its way down his pants.

"HEY!" he shouted as he found himself on his feet, backing away until he met an obstruction. He turned around, and his blood froze as he looked Senryul in the eyes.

"Boss, I can explain! I was..I was workin up an appetite see, an-" he fell silent as Senryul walked past him to his mate.

"'Randa, I am aware that my mate has...amorous hands. I am also aware that you are not interested in her beauty. Your revulsion is unapparent, but your loyalty to me is why I trust you around her." Senryul muttered tiredly.

"Boss... I'd never let your lady put her paws on me... But I got some news on our targets!" the bear said, attempting to shift the subject around.

"Yes?" Senryul asked as Shiriya breathlessly caressed him, seemingly enthralled by a lustful power.

"They're headed to Hornstrel!" he exclaimed, and Senryul raised an eyebrow as Shiriya licked her mate's neck sensuously.

"Perrrrfect.." he gasped as his woman licked along his neck slowly. Futoranda averted his eyes a little, opening his coat as his body grew warm from the display.

"Alert the rest. We move in an hour, and we attack in the morning." the hybrid said as he moved to lick his mate's muzzle.

"Yeah Boss. I'm on it." the bear said as he began to complete his orders. He took a step but stopped, a grin forming on his face.

"Boss, one more thing.."


"Can I watch?"

***** ***** *****

Knuckle and his companions strolled through the city checkpoint with the darkening evening sky as their backdrop. Stars glittered above and the air was calm. The arches of the city entrances were dark, and the guards posted nearby welcomed them to their home.

"Welcome to Hornstrel." they all said in a roundabout fashion. Jonas took his cue to be charismatic, and greeted them in return.

"Where can I find an appraiser of artifacts?" he asked politely, bright-eyed with a warm smile.

"One operates in the center of the city." the guard, an informative rhino, told him.

"Thank you!" Jonas graciously replied, and he scampered back to his guardian, and his guardian's cousin.

"Cute little guy..." the rhino said with a smile.

** **

Jonas and his entourage approached the door of a dimly lit building.

"I guess he's closed for the day.." Jonas sighed. Knuckle shook his head and stepped past his charge to bang on the door, leaving the wood dented and cracked from the strength of his fist.

Shortly after, one window lit up, and Jonas grew excited as the building's occupant made his way down, the trail of his feet leaving a sonic trail to the door. Locks were undone and latches were released, and a mole with round glasses opened the door. He looked the three over, piecing the situation together a little at a time until he finally spoke.

"Well, come inside then.." he said, and Jonas entered, followed by Knuckle who gave him a nod, and lastly by Cajo who ignored him completely.

** **

"What can we get for this?" Jonas asked, fishing around in his pockets to produce his gold and amber brooch. The mole sat behind his desk, mildly amused. He'd seen many attempts at trying to hawk fakes for money. He'd been threatened and even attacked, but he always managed to make it out with no more trouble than a shout.

"Well, what is this?" the mole asked, taking the brooch into his long claws and sniffing it.

"This brooch is passed onto each ordained priest of the Green Reef's stable. I am..a priest, even though I may not look it.." Jonas asked, beaming with pride. The mole drew a silver needle and slowly swiped the gold surrounding the amber insert, and nodded at the stretch. Then he gently prodded the amber and looked closely, inspecting the fine indentation from the needle's point.

"Not only is this genuine...the combination of rare metal and mineral produce a fine aesthetic. I cannot take this." the mole said, glad to see a real customer after so long.

"The design is grand; the techniques used to engrave a pattern in the gold is unique and perfected. Also, this is molded, but refined by hand."

Knuckle cringed a little at a time as he heard the mole's appraisal, and while he would rather not let his charge toss his treasure away, the mole was growing more and more impressed.

"The amber stone is hand turned, smoothed with silk bands and set into the gold with rivets of copper. The gold is untarnished, the amber is pure and the design is peerless." the mole said as he produced a scale and weighed the trinket. Jonas was growing more and more excited as time passed, as the more impressed the mole grew the more the three of them could make off with.

"I can't take this, but I would truly enjoy copying the pattern. Therefore, I will rent it from you, so I can make molds of the item. How would eighty scales suit you? Per piece removed?" the mole asked modestly.

-Jonas realized he was on his back, Knuckle gagged as he had fallen on his throat and Cajo's lower jaw had fallen open wider than it could under his own power.

"That's amazing!" Jonas shrieked. The mole nodded.

"What an honor to meet one from the Green Reef.. Come and retrieve the item when you choose to leave. I will be finished by midnight however. It will be in good hands." the mole said, and Jonas smiled with glee. The mole wrote a note and melted some wax to stamp it with his official seal.

"The money changer should be open at this hour. Good night and take care. Enjoy your stay in Hornstrel." the mole said, bearing calm impression from the encounter.

"Thank you!" Jonas shouted as the three collected themselves, and left to complete their transaction.

** **

"SIX HUNDRED AN' FORTY SCALES! GOT-DAMN!!" Cajo whistled as Jonas hefted the weighty bag he held, filled with the compiled equivalent in gold, with Knuckle thumbing through additional paper notes. Cajo held on to the remaining change, and it was still a handsome sum.

"What should we do first?" Jonas asked, bewitched by the glitter of his riches, the strain on his unaccustomed arm becoming more and more alluring. Cajo was entranced by the amount of change he had in his pockets, so much so that he relocated his knuckle axes. Knuckle remained (outwardly) unconcerned with the wad of bills he had in his pockets.

"Ah say we find a place to stuff ourselves and crash. A soft pillow sounds mighty comfortin' right about now.." the brown wolf said, with a lighter step as he ambled with his companions, a slight swagger giving his footsteps rhythm.

"Right on! Goddam Knuckle's on track tonight! Let's sleep on some GOOD pads!" Cajo hooted, and the three gathered directions from more of Hornstrel's militia, sweetening the deal with a few scales for their cooperation.

Shortly after, the three encountered their accomodations at a high-end location called The Crystal Stag, a place that also housed the keep's wealthier tenants. It was more of a community really, with the rentable housing intermixed on various floors with the permanent occupants.

Later on they found their lodging, a two-bedded room with a seperate lavatory and dining area. It was lavish but rustic, and fully furnished with edibles, crafts, and various large pillows. There were two gigantic cushions with light, soft blankets in the bedroom that could comfortably house eight creatures Jonas's size, or just big enough for Knuckle and Cajo to stretch out a small amount.

"Ah call this one!" Cajo yelped as he jumped to crash into the bedding farthest from the door. Knuckle looked down to Jonas.

"Ah'll take the floor then. Since ya paid for the room.." the wolf said with a gentle smirk. Jonas nodded, but offered a rebuttal all the same.

"You CAN'T be comfortable down there.. Would you take a blanket at least?" Jonas asked with a little concern for the wolf who'd stuck by him as long as he had.

"Naw, Ah'm fine lil' buddy. Thank ya though." Knuckle said a little lightheaddedly. He sat between the two big, thick mats and stretched out, yawning and stretching hard enough to pop a few of his joints. With a light whine he closed his eyes.

Cajo looked to Jonas, who had swiftly removed his robe and crawled under the blanket in a flash of brown. The otter sighed as comfort enveloped his body, and Cajo shrugged as he slipped his trunks off in a pile near Knuckle's limp feet, rolling around on the blanket enough to create a soft cradle.

He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them restlessly. He looked at Knuckle who had easily fallen into a deep sleep and was amazed at how little time it took. Cajo's eyes then drifted to Jonas who had rolled to face away from the wolves. Cajo's hand found a small, round pillow nearby and tossed it to the other bed. Jonas rolled over, delivering a confused look to Cajo who took the opportunity to speak softly.

"Hey Jonas, you sleep yet?"

** ** **

Knuckle's eyes opened slowly, gently drawing his attention to the outside world as he felt hands on his body. One hand rubbed his chest hair about tenderly, drawing light scritches just below his armpits. Knuckle faintly chuckled as the feeling flushed his grogginess bit by bit. Another hand gently traced around his belly, and its size alerted Knuckle to the otter's participation.

"Hey Jonas, how're ya?" Knuckle asked sleepily as Jonas settled against him.

"Wake up, sleepy wolf.." the otter whispered playfully. Knuckle grunted as (assumedly) Cajo's hands worked their own magic, blatantly trying to awaken his wolfhood with expert accuracy to his sensitive spots.

"...Okay okay, go ahead. Don't feel bad at least.." Knuckle grunted.

"WHA-HUH?!" he yelped as the scene made itself clear; Cajo and Jonas were working together. The brown wolf struggled but Cajo applied great strength against his shoulders in an instant.

"Chill cousin, its cool!" Cajo said with a smirk. Jonas giggled a bit too, and as the otter snuggled against Knuckle's side, the pinned wolf froze as he felt Jonas's..hard dick press against his side.

"J-Jonas..! What..?" Knuckle whimpered, helpless and confused. Jonas blushed as the tip of his erection dug a bit into Knuckle's hair, and drooled a small amount of pre.

"We're here to help ya cousin! You seem...pent up. Ah know when yer nuts get heavy you get all serious'n stuff. A real boner kill ya know?" Cajo said as he and Knuckle were now nose to nose, eye to eye.

"We want you to enjoy yourself Knuckle.." Jonas said tenderly as he pressed his cheek against Knuckle's chest. He sighed warmly, pleased at the rapid pace of his guardian's heartbeat.

"Please Knuckle, play with us!" Jonas pleaded. Cajo took the chance to pull down Knuckle's black trunks.

"Your bone wants to man.." Cajo snickered as he squeezed his cousin's fat knot, and hurriedly freed it from its sheath to stand tall...after a few seconds. Cajo shifted to sit on his cousin's chest, his tail comically batting against Knuckle's muzzle.

"Callin ME a boner kill.." Knuckle whispered. But he turned to look Jonas in the eyes, and touched his large muzzle gently to Jonas's lips. Jonas flushed but soon calmed down as Knuckle began to lick the otter with just the right amount of tongue. Entranced by Knuckle's move Jonas made his own, returning kisses to the tongue each time it passed by. Cajo looked over his shoulder, inwardly satisfied with the moment as he lowered his lips to Knuckle's cocktip, slowly opening to bathe his cousin's throbbing wolfdick with drool and sensations that made Knuckle break his kiss with a sharply drawn breath.

"Ah, ah fuck.." he whimpered in pleasure, but Jonas retrieved his champion's attention by moving between Cajo's hairy butt and Knuckle's nose. The otter began to kiss all over Knuckle's muzzle, really showering him with attention. Knuckle panted as a grin formed on his face, his ears drooping as the wolf brought his hands to the otter's back, drawing him forward to press the tip of Jonas's red cock against his lips. Jonas was electrified with anticipation, and Knuckle introduced his tongue with Jonas's stiff erection for the first time with no hesitation. The otter siezed as Knuckle bobbed his head along the cock in his mouth, throbbing faster and faster until it fired four ropes along the wolf's big tongue.

"Ahhhhhhh.." Jonas breathlessly moaned as he thrust in a bit further in time with Knuckle's eager mouth. The spent otter relaxed a bit, looking into his handsome savior's eyes with adoration, before another, much bigger organ slid into Knuckle's mouth along the underside of Jonas's shaft.

"Ah THINK we popped little buddy's cherry Knuck!" Cajo huffed as he frotted against Jonas, rocking the spent (and blown away) otter with his own thrusts. Cajo and Knuckle's eyes met some time after as Jonas's erection returned, and Cajo gleefully hooted as Knuckle bobbed faster, gruffly chuckling as he swallowed about a mouthfull and a half of male fluids.

"Yeah Knuck!!" the wolf barked, ears tall with determination. Jonas slipped from between the two wolves and found Knuckle's thick shaft, standing tall like a monolith in the waste. The otter marveled at the throbbing spire before he took it in his grip and began to lick it all over, tagging several sweet spots. Knuckle yelped in surprise, pleasure claiming his attention once more as Jonas then took a surprising three inches into his mouth. Knuckle was deeply impressed if he noticed at all.

"Aww, AWW, fuck yessss..." Knuckle yelped, rocking his hips instinctively as his pre oozed down his knot. Cajo pouted a little after he had fallen free from Knuckle's mouth, but had a fautless idea.

"Knot me Knuck..." Cajo whimpered, taking cues from the foggy musk that all three males released. Knuckle's ears fluttered as everything came to a screeching halt.

"Naw." Knuckle said as he sat up, free from the lustful trance that Jonas and his cousin placed upon him.

"But why Knuck?"

" Well, it ain't about how ya look..." Knuckle cut in.

"Well then.. What is it? Why can't Ah have some knot cousin?" Cajo asked in defeat.

"Ah got run off cuz'o this Beastridden stuff! And YOU just show up and squat on it like it ain't dangerous!" Knuckle growled. Jonas slid off the end of Knuckle's dick as he heard the beginning of an important discussion.

"Maybe our family wadn't so understandin cuz.. But Ah left 'cause Ah would rather be with my favorite cousin.. My only cousin.." Cajo admitted. Knuckle's ears fell as it all became clear to him. Cajo sought his friendship for as long as they'd known each other, and Knuckle wasn't so accepting. Jonas also sat and listened.

"Ah would rather wander the waste with my cousin than be without 'im. Ah'm serious. Ah love ya Knuckle." Cajo continued. Knuckle frowned in disappointment with himself.

"Knuck.. Ah want ya to do me a favor then. Stay out on your own. They ain't changed. You been doin' good takin care'o Jonas. He likes bein around ya, and you need to recognize that. But...whether or not you wanna hear it..from me.." Cajo said, finally drawing closer to Knuckle's face.

"You're the best Knuck.." Cajo said with a smile, and Knuckle blushed deeply.

" C'mere rudderbutt, tell Knuck how cool he is!" the two-toned wolf hooted. Jonas responded by stuffing his mouth with the tip of Knuckle's shaft and sucked strongly. Knuckle was in heaven.

"Well, that works too.." Cajo said with a nod. But Knuckle was taut with the sweet sentations of the otter's mouth, whimpering with delight.

"Lemme know when ya wanna dump yer load Knuck.." Cajo said, before his slick cock re-entered Knuckle's muzzle.

*** *** ***

The Beastridden :Part 6

The Beastridden part 6 Knuckle awoke gently, his awareness settling about himself like falling snow. He blinked his sleep away, rubbing his eyes as he felt the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders. True relief, as it was indeed. He took a...

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Bloody Knuckle -Ronson's Story [Re{LOAD}ed]-

Bloody Knuckle Ronson's Story [Re{LOAD}ed] I drove, careful not to make any hard turns as we made our way back into town. Knuckle wasn't in good shape, and me drivin like I was just out for the night wouldn't cut it. I had him carefully laid out from...

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The Beastridden -Council of Fangs-

The Beastridden -The Council of Fangs- Senryul sat upright on the stone floor of his temporary dwelling. His woman sat near, against his side as she shared her presance with her mate who was inwardly distraught. "The Council of Fangs will meet...

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