The Brother's War-Chapter 1

Story by Dobb on SoFurry

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#2 of The Brother's War

Chapter 1-Sabotage

1930 hours

January 2nd, 1943

English Channel.

The proud and courageous men of the King's Legionnaires brave the high seas in their small transport ship disguise as a fishing boat named S.S Olga. The squad will enter Belgium beaches in less than an hour so every single one of the members prepared themselves by memorizing maps and cleaning their weapons. Their squad was also known for their wits in using different firearms, they were given special weapons and even experimental ones for them to test and use in the field of battle. It was their job.

"All right ladies, let's review the mission once more, or else Birdbrain here will forget the whole plan..."

"Once we reach the beach, we will head out to meet the Belgium resistance leader code name Walnut, after that he will escort us to the secret factory in the forest."

"Sir, is it true that the Jerries are making some sort of death tank?" Asked Johnny, a tabby cat and an engineer, also the smartest one of all in the team.

"Johnny, that's why we are here for, to find out what the fuck that the Nazis are doing in that fucking factory, as far as I know, woodcutters in the forest has been experiencing strange shite like mild earthquake, paranormal beings spawn here and there, weapons that the OSS has no idea of, you know all that lads, their doing all those hush-hush things inside." The sergeant breathed and continues his briefing.

"When we're there, we will plan further...unfortunately..."

"Why's that sir?" asked Rupert while cleaning his rifle's chamber.

"We have no idea of what the fucking factory may fucking looks like. But our damn objectives are to seize any documents, kill all those fascist bastards, interrogating the fucking scientist or the engineers, blow up any traces of tank manufacturing and kidnap the top official who is behind these fucking charades-"

A fennec fox dress in black stood up and walked up to the sergeant and gave the sergeant a hard slap on the face.


Some blood spilled from the sergeant's mouth as well as some spit.

"I hope God can forgive your blasphemy as for I never will. Never will! You hear me?"

The sergeant's face turns red, the men couldn't tell if it's anger, pain or even embarrassment. The fennec fox walked inside the small cabin and slammed the door behind him. Everyone was silent, not even a peep of sound until the sergeant rubs his face and continues his briefing.

"Err, ok lads, forget about him, he fucking knows nothing."

The men look at him with despair and hatred.

"But sir, that was our paranormal agent, and he's also a priest-"

"Look, he can be even the cardinal of France or the pope for all I fucking care. I don't believe in God. And I hope all of you don't."

Everyone stays quiet for they all have religion and God by their side. In this squad, only the sergeant is an infidel.

"You can't be fucking serious? Look never mind this crap, we got more important matters in our hands right now and I hope everyone is focus."

The men nodded their head in total agreement. Then the captain of the disguise transporter, S.S Olga walked out from the cabin. A handsome young German shepherd with blonde hair and blue eyes that what Hitler calls the "Master Race". With a pipe in his mouth he looks more sophisticated than your average sea captain.

"Sarge, why is little Jimmy Hawking so pissed off? Did you swear again?"

"Does it matter captain? Why are you here? Have we reached our destination, captain?"

"In another 20 minutes we ought a. Sergeant O'Riley, request to speak with you privately."

"Permission granted, see you in the cabin in a minute, captain."

The captain trailed off into the cabin. The sergeant turns his head towards the men and patted on Rudolf's back and started whisper something. The men look at them with suspicion. After that, he stood straight and said:

"Men, for God sakes don't soil our squad's name. Especially you Julius! So don't fool around, you know what happens the last time when we had you on a mission."

"Total destruction and utter failure? Oh lighten up sarge, we can do this, I mean what's so hard about blowing up a tank factory in the middle of nowhere?"

The men laughed.

Julius Baker was a field mouse and also the squad's anti-tank unit. Despite his lack of seriousness in his field of duty, he was also careful when comes to certain situation. He was also the most experience man besides the sergeant. He blew up a lot of tanks and armored vehicles during his service. He earned the nickname, "Tiger Killer" when he blew up a score of tanks in 1941.

All of the sudden, the men sense something was wrong

"Sarge...why are we stopping?" asked Johnny

"What in the king's name...hang tight men, I check with the captain."

The sergeant jerks away from the deck and rushed into the cabin. Once there, sensing danger, the sergeant took out a silence Webley Scott revolver, he peeked inside the smaller room and found the captain speaking on the radio.

"Jawohl, Herr Hauptsturmführer, ja..."

The sergeant recognizes the language as German and slammed open the door and shouted:

"Put down the radio Kurt. I know what you're trying to do."

The German shepherd who the sergeant refers as Kurt put down the radio and took out a luger. He begins:

"Fool, does it had to take this long for you to figure it out, eh Tommy boy? I already inform the Hauptsturmführer about this and you can kiss this vessel goodbye."

"What happened to the real captain?"

The sergeant pulled back the hammer and trying to take an aim on Kurt.

"Well, like what the Yankees always says, sleeping with the fishes, ja? Oh sergeant, don't be so hard on yourself, besides, you can't stop me. I am just like you, only better and more trained and can sustain more pain or damage that anyone can inflict, give it up sergeant."

Kurt too pulled back the steel hammer of the German weapon.

"Oh dear, I am shaken!" The sergeant said it sarcastically.

"Kurt Werner or 'Waffen November', a man of steel and heart of stone built by the Nazi Secret Weapons lab to take out King George's greatest S.A.S squads. Tsk, tsk, what a shame when he was nearly killed by a Naked Russian GDU woman. Oy! After the news has been broadcast, we all nearly laugh our heads off!"

Sergeant Tom can sense that he has lost some confidence and defense. He continues to do so to demoralize his enemy and kill him.

"It is better that you give it up, even a woman who is not bio-engineered like us can nearly kill you, what of the odds that YOU can kill me? Think again."

With quick lightning speed, the sergeant fires 3 rounds at Kurt. All three rounds had lost it's trajectory and ricochet off. Kurt quickly ran up to O'Riley and trying to do some submission moves to bring the sergeant down.

But luck was on the British S.A.S commando's side, he took the nearest object, which in his case, a wooden chair and throw it at Kurt. Kurt was too fast and grabbed back the stool ... and crushing it with his bare Germanic hands.

Both the bio soldier charge at each other and begin brawling. Nearly two minutes of fighting, blood and sweat all pouring down from their mouths and bodies. Remembering the order he had made with the Hauptsturmführer, he cursed at the limey. He charged again at the sergeant and trying to throw him aside. The sergeant backed away and dodges his attack.

With all the tidal wave's sounds and foghorns, it is hard to tell what is going on. The men still relaxing on the deck and feasting on some British delicacies and hoped that the mission was postponed because it looks more like a paid vacation than on a mission to halt the Nazis from global domination. But one man, Jimmy Hawking was aware of the commotion and he came out from the ship's cabin and begins to take up arms.

He reloaded his Sten gun with his homemade bullets. His special bullets, although it may look familiar on the outside like any ordinary 9mm parabellum, but they were something strange and different on the inside.

He walked to the radio room where the two soldiers were fighting, and he breathed deeply and emerged in front of them and saying:

"There is only one commandment in the frontlines. Thou shall kill."

Kurt stood up and run towards the window panel behind him and hoping to escape his death.


Four rounds came out from the priest's Sten gun. The bullets went through Kurt but strangely it was no blood that had spilt, but oil.

Kurt was shot in the back with phosphorus bullet, it burns, it hurts, but not as painful as his memories served. The most painful was the fight with the Russian GRU woman back in 1942.

* * *

November 5th, 1942

Kiev, U.S.S.R

It was cold, so very cold, winter had come, but this is the worst winter in history and it still getting worst by the day. There he was, Waffen November, or Kurt Werner as everybody was referring to, stalking the camp for 3 days straight with no food or water, he was suitable for this job. According to German Intelligence Headquarters, a Russian colonel was here, visiting his men before the onslaught on the outskirt of Kiev will began. Colonel Nikolai Gassudorov was vital to the Nazis because he had important information regarding a hidden lab under the great gates of Kiev. The lab as one of the captured Russian soldier mentioned:

"It has rockets that can reach to the United States of America, it has chemical bombs that can take out the whole city of Berlin, it has rifles that shoot out beams of burning light, it has mortar that can be launched from Moscow to Australia, it has..."

"All of these must be uncovered, do you know how much carnage and destruction we can create to our enemies?!?!" that was what Heinrich Himmler, the head of the S.S said to Waffen November when receiving the orders.

Waffen November was created in a bio-factory in the midst of the Bavarian Alps in 1933, just after Hitler become the chancellor of Germany. He was a soldier, a well trained one. He was specially created with armor plating in his skull, thick inches of armor in his body and enhanced vision to seek out the enemies...etc.

The scientist and the wizards of the nazi had created such being for Hitler himself. Due to the resources they had, they were limited to create only 1. He was Hitler's favorite person and was also given many privileges. He has it all, fame and fortune but he lack something...a companion. He was always demanding, he said to his maker that most guys he met was cheap, the girls he slept with was sluts. He always complained about finding a mate.

He found one. They both met in London while he was on vacation after an assassination mission in Ireland. It was love at first sight, his lover, was the son of a rich tycoon. They been to everywhere in London, a stroll around Trafalgar square, playing Frisbees in the park, chatting under the moonlight, a bicycle ride around the city of London and making love in their room in the heart of London...

But duty comes first; he had to leave his wonderful lover behind. He went back to Germany with his heart broken, to make matters worst, command had ordered Kurt not to go near to any Englanders, especially his lover. Every single night he had dreamt about him, always waking up with fluids in his pants. He even masturbates by fantasizing this handsome young man. "Oh God, why can't I see him, I could tell him how much I love him... words may not speak how much I love him but I can show him, with a kiss, a kiss of love that can show my appreciation to such wonderful man...I would make love like no one had before, you shall experience how I make love to my lover. I wish I had not left London, I want to escape the tyranny of my "captor", I can seek refuge with you, oh my love, I want to be with you forever. I love you with my every breath. I will be strong and be faithful to you, no matter what. I love you..."

His thoughts was interrupted when three Ukrainians emerge from the shadows, pointing their Mosin-nagant 1890 at him. Demanding him to get up. Well, this is not professional-like for me to be captured by three bumbling idiots, he thought. He focuses his mind on the one that is standing behind him because he only holds a TT pistol. With grim determination, he quickly turned his body 180 degrees and using his hand to strike at the neck of the Ukrainian.

He fell on the ground, lifeless. With this horrible sight, the other two Ukrainians drop their rifles and running towards the camp trying to get help. Not to let himself to be discovered, he took out his modified Schmeisser submachine-gun and shoot at the two cowards. Luckily the weapon was modified for such condition, silencers, scope, extended magazine and etcetera.

The two Ukrainians dropped dead like their comrade here. He noticed a packet of Ukrainian cigarettes and took out one. He put it in his lips and light it up with the lighter his lover gave when he left London. He tried not to think about his mate and continue with his mission, to capture the colonel.

He took out his special made Gewehr 41 from his backpack and scope for the colonel. From left to right he look but the colonel was unseen. Did he leave the camp? No, the staff car is still there. He must be in there, somewhere, hiding like the sewer rat he is.

An unknown figure entered the tent, 6 feet tall, brutish body, bearded and also a Siberian Bear. It was him, too bad it was not an assassination mission or else he'll pull the trigger and he can go home and look at his lover's photo. Beside the man, a woman holding a DP machine gun. It must be his bodyguard.

"I can't believe the Russians are so damn desperate that they use woman for war?" he said quietly.

Nevertheless, she had to die.

He jerked his head out and looked around the camp. Memorizing every detail of it and begin to plan.

There are three BA-20M armored machine gun vehicles and one KV-1 tank. A trench full of soldiers ranging from conscripts to commissars, fairly easy, a little too easy.

"I can do this all gung-ho style."

He took out all the weapons from his 50-kilo backpack. 2 Panzer Faust, a couple of Molotovs, 5 M24 grenades, the MP40, G41 and lastly, a Sterling Patchett. He got out from the shadows with a Panzer Faust in one hand and a Molotovs in the other. The soldiers were all surprised at the sight of Waffen November. The commissar shouted


"Ho, these tunic does scare 'em. Haha, never mind, when their messing with me, it's the same they messing with their HARBINGER OF DOOM!" He thought and laughed at the same time. He threw the Molotovs at the trench just in front of him, the bottle flew right at the commissar who is shouting death to Waffen November. The petrol spilt all over the ground and into the trenches, the flame followed it. Everyone was burning up in flames. To Kurt's delight, the fire spread around the trenches, burning everyone and everything in sight.

When the gunners of the BA -20M noticed Kurt, they began to load their weapons. Kurt was feeling luckier when he found the vehicles parked so close to the ammo dump. He pushed back the hammer of the weapon "Iron Fist" or Panzer Faust and began firing at the vehicles. One of the BA -20M took a direct hit and exploded alongside the artillery shells in the ammo dump.

The KV -1 tank's engine started and it's turrets aiming at Kurt. With the speed of lightning he charged towards the tank. He climbed up on top of it and with its extraordinary strength; he opened up the tank and dropped a M24 in it. He closed the hatch and ran away. The crew of the KV -1 tank screaming for help while the grenade dropped inside. They nearly escape the death trap but it was too late. The tank blew up along with the crew.

Waffen November picked up his submachine gun and began firing volleys of bullets at the survivors of the Molotovs. No one survive this onslaught, not even a single one.

Kurt Werner stood proudly in front of the colonel's tent and thinking of the rewards he could have, more French chocolates? Perfume? He barged inside. To his astonishment, the colonel was still dressing his tunic and the woman, in the bed with semen still inside her.

"Hands up, both of you, you are now property of the Holy German Empire." Said Kurt.

"Oh no you don't, you fucking German slime." The young woman took out the DP which was under the bed and began firing at Kurt. The bullets hit Kurt. He fell to the ground and some blood and oil bleed from his body. He stood up wobbly-like and said

"Sorry but it's gonna take more than that to hurt me, dear." He dropped the MP40 and took out his favorite weapon, which is the Sterling Patchett and begin firing at the woman. The woman somehow dodged the bullets and started running up to Kurt. Despite his careful aim, he could not hit the woman.

The young woman gave Kurt a hard beating, his body armor dented by the woman's fist of fury. He pushed her aside and found that he was bleeding more severely this time.

"I will not let the likes of you get the best of me. What kind of witch are you?"

"GDU, train as an assassin and bodyguard, don't you understand who you're dealing with here, pup?"

"You're making a big mistake. I'll make sure I crush your puny bones once I've done with you!"

"Try me." The woman said it confidently.

Kurt roared ferociously and trying to punch the young GDU woman. Her agility was far better than Kurt and she just simply dodge every punch and kick that Kurt made. Kurt was getting angrier by the minute that he can't hit a woman smaller his size. He skidded back and wielding the DP that she used on him and fires at her. The bullets buzzed around the tent, making holes and eventually the tent collapse and rendering Kurt immobile. She ran out before the tent collapse, this was her chance. She took his Sterling Patchett and started aiming at Kurt.


The bullets hit Kurt continuously until her eighth shot was interrupted. Bullets went through the GDU woman's shoulder, it was Von Paulus men. They had arrived to fight the Ukrainians guarding the so-called Great Gates Of Kiev but were shocked to find corpses.

The young GDU woman ran to the woods naked. With blood still bleed from the shoulder. She escaped. But now the matters were focused on Waffen November. He's dying; his face was filled with bullets. His chest bleeding blood and oil. It was a mess. He was evacuated back to the lab for reconstruction. The news of the young naked woman nearly killed the Nazi's most powerful weapon were broadcasted around the world, showing weakness in their regime.

Alone he was. In the dark room. Recuperating from the wounds. He had never thought a young woman could defeat such weapon. It was painful. Very painful. Angry. Sadness. His thoughts were messed up with all these emotions. He was given extended vacation. Only time can heal. But time is not the problem. Revenge is. Like what he said when he first took a glimpse of her in Kiev. She had to die.

End Of Chapter 2

The Brother's War

The Brother's war. Written by Dobb **The Wages Of Sin Is Death** -Roman 6:23 Prologue. "Wake up, come on!" His eyes started opening, slowly...calmly. "We got to move now, we're late!" Oh for God Sakes he thought, what...

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