
Story by Ollie the Otter on SoFurry

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Hey guys! :D It's been six months since I last posted anything, for which I apologize immensely. I wanted to continue It All Started, but didn't know if I actually should or not. I got the inspiration to write this piece while I was sitting in my college psychology class, and the definition of Conformity came up, and so I wrote it down and immediately began writing. Sure, this is a big orgy on the surface, but hopefully you guys can see the underlying theme that I tried to put in there, because I'm not one to just write sex stories for the sake of writing sex. So if you guys could maybe comment and tell me what you liked about the story, that would be greatly appreciated, because I'm still trying to improve my own writing, and any feedback helps. Anyway, that's the end of my paragraph to you guys! Hope you guys enjoy the short story :D


The more a person is...

attracted to a group

expects future interaction with its members

holds a position of relatively low status

does not feel completely accepted

...the more that person tends to conform.

A cool breeze rustled my fur as I walked along, my paws in my pockets while I whistled nervously to myself. My tail swayed slowly behind me, and the sound of conversation filled my ears all around me. I was walking along the sidewalk next to the main road that went through campus, and it was always busy, especially on a Saturday afternoon. Students bustled all over the place, going to various fast food places on campus, or going to club meetings, or manning those annoying fraternity and sorority sales tables.

It was kind of chilly that day, and I could almost feel the weird looks I got from others as I walked. Of course, I didn't blame them. If I were them, and I saw someone with only a t-shirt and shorts on in the middle of the winter, I'd probably stare too. Of course, I lived in the south, on the east coast, and it rarely snowed or got anywhere below twenty-five during the winter. It was a bit easier than living in the north, which was where I had grown up. As a result, I usually ended up wearing summer clothes in the winter, and that always earned me weird looks wherever I went, but I really couldn't have cared less.

Even if I somehow did care about it, I definitely wouldn't have been able to that day. Hell, I wouldn't have been able to focus on much of anything at all. I was far too nervous to let anything cross my mind except my own nerves.

It was my first semester in college, and I knew absolutely no one. So just like a bunch of other college freshman before me, I had practically jumped at the first opportunity to sign up for a fraternity. I knew I wasn't the only one, and that it was a rather common thing for college students to do, or so I had been told, but still, I couldn't help but feel as though I was selling my soul to that smiling guy wearing sunglasses while sitting behind his little table that was absolutely crammed with pictures and brochures and a sign-up sheet.

I had gotten to talk to a few of the members, or 'brothers' as they were called, and things actually seemed to be going extremely well. I had even met with a few of them, and they seemed nothing like the dumb 'meathead' types that I had heard about in High School. Sure, they weren't the most compassionate people in the world, but they actually sounded like they had more than two brain cells.

The only problem I ever had was only with a couple of them. The way they looked at me was a little off; like they were sizing me up. I figured they were just stereotyping me, or that they were just trying to figure out what kind of guy I was, though for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Their stares had been almost intense, like they couldn't tear their eyes away, but I didn't really question it. I figured they were trying to intimidate me as part of a test or something. I was new to this whole fraternity thing, so really, I had no reason to think anything different.

They had told me that I needed to go through an initiation in order to join, and of course, with me wanting to meet new people and fit in, I agreed. All that had led up to me walking towards the fraternity house. It was in a section of campus called the Greek Village, and it was a bit of a walk from my residence hall.

Eventually, however, I managed to find my way to the house I was told about. The entire Greek Village looked like a giant cul-de-sac, and it wasn't hard to find the house I was looking for. On the door, the Greek characters sigma, phi, and epsilon were hanging on the door, colored blue, red, and gold.

I swallowed nervously as I slowly walked up to the door. I could hear laughing and talking inside, and I could feel my heart pick up the pace. Steeling my nerves, I reached up and knocked firmly on the door. Almost instantly, the laughing and talking stopped, and I heard footsteps. The door opened, and all I saw was a horse standing there. He gave me a pleased smile when he spotted me, and almost instantly, I recognized him as one of the brothers I had met up with. His name was Tony; big guy, and pretty nice.

"It's the new guy!" He shouted back into the house, and then he chuckled. "The guys are waiting for you inside. We've got your initiation ready." Swallowing nervously, I slowly walked into the house, and I felt Tony's muscled arm around my shoulders. "Hey, chill out man!" He said casually. "We wouldn't give you this initiation if we didn't think you could do it."

I just nodded slowly. I still couldn't help but be nervous. I couldn't stop thinking about the endless list of things they could have me do. However, my thoughts evaporated into nothing when we walked into the common area, and I spotted the brothers. Obviously, not all the brothers were there. I knew the fraternity was larger than eight furs. They were all lounging about on various chairs and couches, and the moment Tony and I walked in, their eyes locked on me. There it was again...that same intense stare I had seen from the brothers I had already met, all of whom I could see.

After a moment of silence, a tiger stood up. He was one that I recognized. Andy, if I remembered his name correctly.

"You ready to start then, Toby?" He asked evenly, a light smile on his muzzle. He seemed...smug, though smug seemed the wrong word for his expression. All I knew is that he obviously knew something I didn't, but I couldn't figure out why that made me uneasy.

Swallowing hard, I nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm ready. What am I doing?" Instead of responding, the tiger began to undo his pants, and already, I could see a very noticeable bulge beginning to form, and I felt my eyes widen. I could hardly believe what I was watching, especially once Andy's erection flopped out of his pants, hanging there in the open air.

Almost without thinking, I took a step back...and bumped straight into Tony. I quickly turned to look at the horse, as if to ask if this was a joke. "Oh come on Toby, don't play that game with us," I heard Andy say behind me. "I know you like what you see." If my eyes could widen further, they most certainly did. I slowly turned back around, staring at the tiger while trying hard not to stare at the throbbing erection just sitting there in open space.

How could they have possibly known I was gay? I didn't know anyone I would've told, and I didn't...I didn't think my personality gave it away or anything. "Do you want to be one of us Toby?" Asked the tiger. That constant victorious smile was on his face, and his tone was persuasive, maybe even seductive.

Then I started to think. When it all came down to it, yeah, I did want to be one of them. I had always heard about joining fraternities in college, and figured it was a normal thing. Honestly though, the part that scared me the most was not making friends. If I passed this up, who was to say I wouldn't even make friends? Besides, if they already figured it out, there was no harm in doing something that I was good at. Plus, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it.

Slowly, I walked forward and sank to my knees in front of Andy, who chuckled gently as he watched me. "Now that's what I like to see buddy," He remarked encouragingly. I eyed the tiger's boner hanging in front of my muzzle just inches away, and then I just closed my eyes, and my muzzle opened.

The first thing I remember thinking was wondering why the hell I was doing this, but soon after, I dismissed it. Sometimes, if you wanted to be accepted, some sacrifices needed to be made. Sometimes, a little conformity isn't always a bad thing.

I was so caught up in sucking Andy off, that I didn't notice the other guys start to get up one by one. They all cut to the chase and slid their pants right off before stepping out of the heaps of cloth. By the time I noticed the guys starting to group around me, it was far too late to stop...not that I exactly wanted to. The thing about me that most others don't know is my sex drive, which is absolutely off the charts almost all the time. When I got going, I didn't stop, and I certainly didn't stop there. The moment my eyes opened to see a ring of dicks surrounding me, both paws let go of Andy's hips, and they began to set to work pawing two more guys off while the rest just watched, stroking their erections.

I thought I was actually prepared for how this was going to go by that point, but then I felt strong hands undoing my pants, and they were very nearly ripped off my body as they were pulled down to my knees. That was when I felt a massive piece of flesh press along my ass and lower to middle back, and my eyes once again widened. I knew exactly who was back there, and I knew exactly what was about to happen. Still, I couldn't keep myself from pulling off of Andy's cock and letting out a loud moan with my forehead pressed against Andy's waist when Tony's huge finger entered me, slick with saliva. I could feel the finger twisting, turning, and pumping inside of me, and by now, my pants were unable to conceal my now raging erection; knot and all.

Soon enough, I felt a second finger enter, but this time, my muzzle was occupied. I had begun to switch things up, going from sucking one fur off to the next while my paws did the same.

"Damn, told you this guy would be a good cocksucker..." Muttered Andy, supposedly to the rest of the guys. Honestly, my ears barely registered it. All I could hear was the sound of the moans I elicited from each fur I attended to, and that was what kept me going.

My mind nearly went blank, however, when I felt Tony's fingers completely pull out, and then the head of his massive erection pressed against my hole, and I felt myself stretching further than I had ever stretched before. I let out a muffled cry of ecstasy when the head forced itself in rather suddenly, though Tony didn't stop there. He continued to push inch after inch into me, moaning and panting every bit of the way.

Finally, after what felt like hours of endless inches being pushed into me, I felt Tony's hips bump against mine, and he and I both were left sitting there, trying to recover before continuing, though I still had to deal with seven other guys with their dicks in my face. Like I said before, it's not like I was complaining.

After a little bit, I felt Tony's hips begin to move, igniting lightning bolts throughout my body with each movement. Soon enough, the horse was gently thrusting into me, and I'll be honest, I think I kinda lost the ability to form coherent thoughts at that point, although that was nothing compared to when he really got going. By that point, I was pretty stretched out, and when he felt that I was no longer squirming with each thrust, he really let me have it. Suddenly, I was forced to cling to a German Shepherd named Paul as I started to rock on my knees with each thrust that now stabbed into me. I couldn't even focus on thinking anything, much less being able to continue sucking, but it didn't seem I had much of a choice, because Paul grabbed my head firmly, but not tightly, and guided me back to his cock. From there, he and I didn't even have to do much work. The force of Tony's thrusts was enough to carry my muzzle along Paul's erection, and all I had to do was keep my teeth from touching, which was pretty instinctive anyway.

After about a minute of this heavy pounding, I felt Tony's grip on my hips tighten, and his thrusts got even heavier, but his grip now held me in place. My face was burning, and bliss filled every sense that still functioned properly. Finally, one last thrust buried Tony's entire length inside of me, and I felt that amazing throbbing as he emptied his load into me. With Tony having stopped, Paul took the liberty to grip the back of my head and start thrusting into my mouth. I was already exhausted, and I needed a rest, but the moment Tony pulled out, leaving a small bit of cum dripping out of me, the next guy walked behind me, and I could only brace myself before he entered me with no warning whatsoever.

This routine went on and on, putting me in different positions, and in different locations. By the end, I was pressed up against the wall with my legs hooked on Andy's shoulders while the cat thrusted into me none too gently, though by this point, I was pretty stretched out, and filled with the loads of seven other guys, some of which had dripped out, but a large amount remained inside me, and I could hear the squishing that came from Andy's every thrust. Finally, he too slammed into me once last time, and I felt that now familiar throbbing while his load emptied into me.

A minute later saw me laying on a couch, panting heavily as I tried my best to recover from what had just happened to me. Andy and the other guys were basically doing the same, and we were all more or less sweaty from the exertion.

It took a while for the room to grow silent again, but once it did, Andy stood up, and declared, "So let's welcome our new brother, eh?" What...? Oh right, the initiation. In the heat of the moment, I had forgotten about the whole reason I was there. I heard paws clapping around me, and I just smiled to myself.

College was gonna be awesome.