A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#5 of A Dragon In Suburbia

I wrote a slightly more pervier dragon thing than the last dragon thing

All of the people who skipped over my last chapter due to it being clean and having no adult scenes and were screaming "AUSFER, WHERE IS MAH HAWT DWAGGY SMEXY TIEMS YIFF MURR???!?1" can shut up and fap already. <3

A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies

"Alright, Nix ..." Kyle barely forced out between his mashed lips (he found it rather hard to talk with a jaguar-sized dragon sitting on his cheek!) "Maybe we can turn this into something we'll both enjoy, hm?"

He reached up between the yellowtail's hind legs with his good arm and navigated by touch, until down in between her hind legs he found the beginnings of a little crease in the dragon's blue scutes. The area was pressed up against the corner of his lips. Oh wonderful, now he knew what was right against his ear. Furrowing his brow, he wiggled a thumb between his cheek and the dragon's slit and began to rub.

He felt the dragon tense up, as if she was unsure of how to react. She leaned back on her hind legs (putting even more weight on Kyle's cheek) and lifted both forelegs to her chest as she looked down at the finger between her legs, steadily rubbing. Kyle waited. And he rubbed. And waited. And he rubbed. And finally, after a minute or so of rubbing, the dragon made up her mind with a hum of approval. She widened her hind legs and lifted herself up just a tiny bit--not enough to give him much breathing room, but enough space to wiggle his finger a little bit more.

"Urf," Kyle grunted, "You gotta give me more space than that."

With a heave and a spike of pain from his shoulder, he nudged the dragon upward, which elicited a grumpy growl from her.

"Oh, come on!" he complained, pushing harder, but he gave up when he felt the dragon's claws dig into his chest. It seemed he'd have to do more than a little slit rubbing to get his privileges of sitting up back!

"Alright, we'll do this the slow way, then..."

Kyle reached up and grabbed the yellowtail by the haunches with his other hand. He began to work the dragon's muscles--gently at first, but using a steady rhythm. Dragons of all shapes and sizes enjoyed their haunches and the bases of their tails squeezed and massaged, and Kyle knew from experience exactly the right way to go about doing it. Steadily, as he moved one hand up to her tailbase, he could feel the dragon begin to relax: her claws losing their grip on his chest, her tail growing limp in his palms. He ran his fingers across her mottled scales, tracing around the flecks of purple and indigo that were unique to females of her kind. Steadily he worked the dragon, pressing against those hardened scales to get at the muscle underneath, causing pleasurable chills to run up the yellowtail's spine and ruffle her wings in reflex. After a few minutes of the treatment, Nixi's head drooped and the dragon churred warmly in her throat.

Kyle's jaw was starting to hurt from the weight of the yellowtail on top of him. Gently, slowly, he coaxed her forward, nudge by nudge, until she was sitting more on his collarbone than his cheek. By the time Nixi realized what was going on, he had finally gotten her dragon butt off his face, managing to get a few inches of fresh air between them.

He felt the dragon move. Showing an impressive flexibility, Nixi curled her neck down between her legs and peeked underneath her tail, finding a grinning Kyle staring back at her.

"Hey, Nix ... what's up?" he asked, smirking.

The dragon blew a puff of warm, humid air in his direction, moistening his chin and face. A playful gesture. Seemed like her mood was already improving, he thought.

"Alright, does that mean you can get off of me no-"

The dragon let out a terse growl as Kyle began to sit up, and stamped a foot on his chest. He reluctantly laid back down.

"Suppose not..." he whispered to himself, sighing. Kyle was still in the doghouse, it seemed!

Straightening up, Nixi resituated herself into a more comfortable position for both parties, no longer deliberately putting pressure on Kyle's face, instead choosing to sit on his chest, facing away from Kyle. He had to duck his head to the side to get around her tail. When she was done she padded the futon with her hind feet several times and looked back over her shoulder expectantly.

"Of course, I haven't forgotten," Kyle laughed, resuming his tail and haunch massage. He moved to her waist, tracing the line where her green topcoat of scales met the blue, ribbed underbelly, and he ran his fingers along the pebbly scales and across the lines between belly scutes. All the while his other hand continued to knead the strong muscles in her tailbase. Nixi's eyes began to droop as she let out another warm hum. Her tail hung listlessly over the armrest. The yellowtail looked pleased as punch, and what dragon wouldn't! To be sitting on top of their handler, comfortably exerting their superiority while the human subserviently catered to their whims was any domesticated dragon's dream.9

Kyle moved his hands around to the dragon's butt. Gripping firmly, he began to squeeze the scaly skin, slowly working his thumbs inward, teasing underneath the tail. Nixi's eyes immediately opened wide. She craned her neck to look back at Kyle, who wore a knowing grin. She let out an inquisitive trill.

"What?" he asked. He raised an eyebrow as his thumbs snuck further under the tail.

The dragon needed no deliberation. Growling in approval, she leaned forward and lifted her tail, putting her rump on display for Kyle. He chuckled.

"I knew you couldn't resist."

Kyle wasn't sure if he was physically ready for another romp so soon (their last time was only a few hours ago), but having the yellowtail around his apartment with the privacy to fool around wherever and whenever ... it seemed to get Kyle in the mood. It felt to Kyle sorta like that first time bringing a girl home back to his dorm in college ... in fact, this was almost like being back in college all over again, only with more privacy!

... and more dragons, of course.

Nixi looked back expectantly, her tail politely raised over his head and rump in clear view, curious to see what Kyle would do. Using his two thumbs, Kyle spread the dragon's labial scales wide, revealing the pink flesh inside. Her skin down here wasn't swollen or reddened yet, her slit entrance wasn't wet or warm to the touch: Nixi was unaroused ... though it seemed she had no objections to Kyle poking around down there regardless. Rather than complain or object, the yellowtail scooted back a little and warbled to him, apparently expecting a performance. And at once Kyle knew what to do.

"Well, if this won't get you to forgive me for dinner, I don't know what will..."

Kyle, blinked, hesitating briefly. Being about to go down on a scaly creature always gave him weird thoughts. But then again ...

Then again, being able to witness just how much she enjoyed it seemed to make it worthwhile.

"And I suppose I owe you for the blowjob earlier." Kyle chuckled to himself.

Kyle took a deep breath and guided the dragon back down on his face ... not on his cheek, this time, but on his lips.

Nixi sucked in a deep breath as she felt the first lick. Kyle felt the dragon tense her muscles up in his hands. He wrapped them around her legs and continued their massage, squeezing and rubbing her tailbase, steadily working the strong muscles underneath the green scales. Nixi reared her head back, closed her eyes, and let out a vibrant hum of approval ... forget dinner: now this was how you treat a dragon!

Kyle couldn't help but chuckle as he felt her begin to press back against his exploring tongue. He dipped in between the smooth scales that guarded her entrance, teasing at the pink flesh inside. It took him a while to find her clitoris comfortably tucked just inside the apex of her vent: unaroused, it felt small, soft, and unassuming on his tongue, but Kyle figured it wouldn't stay that way for long. With his tongue occupied, his hands worked the dragon patiently, he rubbed and stroked, massaged and kneaded her tailbase and haunch, paying careful attention to Nixi's gradual transformation:

He could hear her breath began to quicken. Then came the open-mouthed panting. Then, the subtle rocking of her hips against his cheeks, the deep humming and crooning in her throat. The stretchy, scale-covered skin around her vent was becoming warm and growing more sensitive, beginning to bulge and puff outward as veins dilated and arousal grew. Hints of her fluids were reaching his tongue, carrying an acidic, earthy taste, and the scent of an aroused dragon began to fill his nostrils with every breath.

Kyle reached above. Grabbing the thick tail draped over his head, he gently pushed it upward to allow himself better access, trusting the flexible nature of Nixi's tail to bend quite easily. He felt the dragon's scaly skin bunch up at the top of her tailbase. By now the dragon was growing wanton: Kyle could hear it in her heavy breathing and the eager way she pressed back against his face. And he could feel it on his tongue: her clitoris was swelling, growing sensitive and hot with blood. He drew his lips over the bulbous nub and sucked, running his tongue over it in ways that elicited a squeal of excitement and pleasure from the dragon's parted lips.

Nixi faltered suddenly as one of her feet slipped down in between the futon's cushions, causing her to slide off of his face and let out a yelp of surprise. Her wings quickly spread out for balance; the thumb of her nearest wing grabbed hold of the futon's backing and held fast. Kyle laughed as the dragon removed her foot and took a moment to gather her wits. He used the time to shimmy backward so he could comfortably lay his head against the armrest. The movement, however, startled the dragon, who whipped her head around to face him. Kyle froze.

"Uh ... I'm still not allowed to get up, am I?" He let out an unsure chuckle.

Slowly the dragon turned around on the futon. The yellowtail climbed up on his chest, dragging her tail around to rest between his legs. She curled her neck down to meet Kyle's face, billowing hot breaths of air on his skin through dilated nostrils. Nixi licked the tip of her scaled lips. Transfixed, Kyle stared back at the dragon, her face inches away from his own. Slowly, a rumbling, rolling growl worked its way out of her throat, resonating in the dragon's neck as her eyes narrowed to slits.

Kyle lifted his head and gave the yellowtail a quick peck on the nose. "Don't worry ... I'm not going anywhere."

He cupped his hands around the dragon's hips and lifted, encouraging her to shuffle forward. Eagerly Nixi obliged, lining up the space between her legs with Kyle's lips and carefully resituating herself over his chin. Kyle waited for the dragon to get in a comfortable position, resting her haunches over him. When he started to once again kiss and nibble at the opening of her slit, the eager yellowtail let out a quiet coo and gently pressed against his face. There, he firmly wrapped his arms over Nixi's haunches and snuck his hands over and around her inner thighs, reaching down so he could spread the dragon's labial scales with a pair of fingertips. Nixi shuddered and let out a low growl as he wrapped his lips around her exposed clitoris and began to suck, unable to keep her hips from rocking. Her foreclaws grasped tightly on his head, holding him close.

A smile spread across Kyle's face as he suddenly dipped his tongue lower and parted her slit, forcing himself into her passage. Nixi responded with a fitful squeal and squeezed the tip of his tongue with her internal muscles, tightening around him with delight. Kyle laughed. The yellowtails' exotic flavor was now thick on his taste buds as the dragon continued to produce more lubrication. A thin layer of slick moisture smeared his mouth and lips, mixing with his own saliva.

He looked up at the dragon, and Nixi curled her head down to meet his gaze. The yellowtail's wide-eyed glare looked positively thrilled to have the turn of events going in her favor, and despite himself, Kyle began to smile at her eagerness. He wrapped an arm around the dragon's hips as he began to lap and nibble at Nixi's scaled entrance, savoring the soft, sensitive skin that lay inside.

Nixi's long, finned tail ran down his chest, stomach, and every so often it would thump against the cushions or swish between his legs with excitement. Kyle almost wished she could use her tail to give his growing erection a squeeze, but he knew a yellowtail's fin-endowed tail was made for swimming, not for grasping. Certain species of mountain-dwelling crested dragons, on the other hand....

Well, Kyle would have to wait for Relia to return from the breeder for that!

Kyle eagerly drew his tongue across the cleft between the dragon's scales, mouthing at her feminine folds, taking the fleshy, scale-covered skin in between his lips. Above him, he heard a low hum of pleasure. Nixi bent over around his head, unable to keep her hips from sitting down on him a little. He began pumping his tongue in and out of her, lapping along her walls and stroking her with his tongue, while a steady finger rubbed that extra-sensitive nub. With that sort of treatment, it didn't take much longer for Nixi to look like she was in heaven. With her eyes closed, loud churrs and trills of pleasure escaped her lips as her breath increased in pace... Kyle found a forepaw press against his head as the yellowtail took to grasping and pawing at his hair with wanton desire. The exquisite treatment she was receiving from the human lips and tongue nestled intimately between her legs had the dragon constantly squirming and wiggling in excitement.

As Kyle began to steadily kiss and lick inside her, he looked up, seeing the dragon's outermost part of her slit wrapped around his nose, her scent of arousal almost overpowering now. He spread the top of the dragon's slit with his hands, exposing the yellowtail's clitoral hood. Every rock of Nixi's hips sent the bottom of the sensitive little nub bumping against his nose while his fingers massaged the topmost part. It hadn't taken long for the treatment to send off a small orgasm for the dragon, and she tightened up in his arms, letting out a growl.

The pair continued like this for several minutes, with Kyle intent on dragging the process out. As far as he was concerned, it was nice to lie back and relax for a change, letting Nixi do some of the work as she grinded against his face. He did his best to try and gauge the dragon's arousal, trying to give her pleasure without forcing a large climax too quickly, backing off whenever Nixi began to tighten up in his arms. Perhaps, if she was of a more sound mind, the dragon would have hated him for this behavior, but the yellowtail was too lost in her own little world to care. She was entirely focused on the lapping, licking, kissing, nibbling, and stroking coming from between her legs ... so many sensations, and they were all so good!

As the minutes passed, the dragon began to get more and more vocal, and Kyle finally decided to speed up his efforts, figuring she was reaching the breaking point. Nixi was panting hard, eyes tightly shut in concentration as pleasure overcame her. The yellowtail wrapped both front legs around his head, practically hugging Kyle's face against her slit, letting out wild growls as a sensation of tightening pressure welled up deep inside of her. She threw her head back, jaws locked in a silent roar as the sensations overtook her, causing the dragon to flinch and convulse against the delectable tongue and fingers. Kyle held on as Nixi bucked into his face, rubbing at her clit in a wild pace and sending the dragon above into overdrive. Her wings fluttered, her tail thrashed and writhed between his legs. Her passage erratically spasmed and contracted around the tip of his tongue, pouring forth a rush of draconic fluids onto Kyle's lips. She hunched over his head and continued to clutch him tightly as she rode out her orgasm to completion.

And then ...

And then the dragon, overcome with ecstasy, began to relax in his arms. He felt her thick, sharp claws begin to loosen on his scalp, felt the tendons in her thighs begin to slacken on his palms. Nixi removed herself from Kyle's face and plopped down on his chest in a way that caused Kyle to grunt from the sudden weight. He looked up at her, seeing half-open, dazed eyes staring off into nowhere, and a thick tongue hanging lazily out of the side of the yellowtail's mouth. She was panting heavily, trying to catch her breath.

"Nixi-girl ..." he whispered, letting out a quiet laugh. He drew his other hand across the dragon's heavy and slightly bulging belly, laden with the extra portions from dinner, and pet her flank. "You like that?"

Nixi took pause to catch her breath, and after a moment she collected her hanging tongue back into her mouth and swallowed. The giddy yellowtail then curled her head down. There, she nudged and nuzzled Kyle's cheek and chin appreciatively with her snout for a moment. Cooing softly, she finished by gracing him a single lick on the forehead.

"Good," he laughed, reaching up to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand. "Does that mean you forgive me for the teasing at dinner? Am I off the hook now?"

Growling playfully, Nixi took his hand in her mouth and nibbled at his fingers and hand, giving them loving licks and nips. Kyle took that as a yes.

The dragon wasn't done. One climax wasn't enough to wear an energetic yellowtail out--this Kyle knew from experience. And it was something he was counting on.

Nixi arose, turning around on the futon to stand over Kyle, head-to-tail. She bent down and nosed at his jeans, nudging the bulge inside with a licentious growl. The dragon wanted what was inside the denim, and began to paw and grab at the area, eager to feel the stiffening flesh underneath, even trying to wedge her snout down his pants and search for it with her tongue.

"Allright, allright," Kyle laughed. With the dragon standing over him, he tucked his knees in and shimmied out of his jeans. Growling playfully, Nixi latched hold of his pants cuff and pulled hard, helping him remove these silly bits of clothing. Once they were free she threw the pants to the ground with a flick of her head. It hadn't taken long before Kyle's shirt and finally the boxers followed, and as soon as his manhood was unveiled the dragon wasted no time in pouncing upon it. After a moment of feverish licking, she reached out with a grabby paw and gripped him at the base between her toes--just like Kyle had shown her earlier--to steady it as she lashed out with her tongue. Nixi lapped down the length of Kyle's shaft with hard, forceful licks, looking to pleasure him, to arouse and entice. The dragon wanted this part of him nice and firm for her own purposes.

It didn't take long before the dragon parted her lips and began to fellate aggressively, cradling his growing cock between tongue and jaw, using her neck to pull back and provide motion. The groaning noises reaching her alert ears told her it wouldn't take much longer for him to get fully erect. Kyle was beside himself and basked in the moment, gripping the yellowtail's rump and holding on tight as he was serviced.

Nixi gave his shaft a few last tugs with her jaws, churring with delight as she affirmed he was now stiff enough before letting it drop from her mouth. The dragon then looked back at her partner with a narrow-eyed gaze and what could be considered a wide-lipped grin.

Kyle looked up at her, smirking. "Time to get on with the show, eh? You insatiable dragon!"

Trilling jubilantly, the dragon whipped around and pounced on her human, face-to-face, with Kyle's saliva-covered erection wedged between his stomach and Nixi's belly scutes. The yellowtail put both front paws on his shoulders and ducked her head low, staring her prey in eyes with a licentious gaze and emitting a low, rumbling hum from her throat. She savored the hot flesh rubbing against her labial scales and bucked against him repeatedly, rubbing her most sensitive spots along the underside of his shaft. Kyle snuck a hand in between their bodies.

"Come on, lift up a little," he encouraged the feisty yellowtail with a firm nudge upward. Nixi readily obliged, raising her rump and letting him tilt his cock upward. She tried leaning into it to get the thing to slide into her, while licking at Kyle's neck with impatience. Keeping his gaze upon the panting, excited dragon, Kyle fumbled around, navigating by touch the soft, parted scales between the yellowtail's legs. He felt her warm, natural lubrication smear across his cock head as he centered himself right were the labial scales started to give way. He watched Nixi's eyes grow wide as he hit the spot and before he had time to prepare, the dragon arched her hips down, impaling herself on his shaft. Kyle cried out from the intensity of the sudden sensations, joining in unison the long hiss of satisfaction escaping from Nixi's lips as she reveled in the sensation of the human slipping deep within her.

Grunting, Kyle wrapped his arms around and held the yellowtail close, hoping to keep her still for but a brief moment as he acclimated himself to the sudden warmth around his shaft. She began to fuss in his arms, and he tried to calm her with a quiet, comforting whisper.

"Hold on, girl ..." Kyle panted. "I know you're eager, but give me a sec."

He shut his eyes and listened to the rapid breathing of the dragon on top of him. Her muscles were tense with excitement, and her tail swished impatiently between his legs. Her wings fluttered and ruffled. The dragon couldn't help but wiggle her hips in place, so focused she was with the feeling of Kyle inside of her.

After a few seconds, Kyle let go and laid back, letting out a relaxed sigh, and looked up at the eager yellowtail with a grin.

"Balls deep in a dragon, in my own apartment ... nobody'd even believe me if I told 'em." He laughed.

Nixi cocked her head as she looked down at her human. Growling playfully, the yellowtail began to contract around his shaft, constricting him tight with her sets of egg-laying muscles. Kyle shuddered and groaned, buckling as his cock was kneaded and squeezed in seemingly impossible ways. Nixi dipped her nose closer to his own and watched his expression, thoroughly amused by his reaction.

"I ..." Kyle panted, beginning to grin. "I have a confession to make ... I love it when you do that."

Grinning deviously, Kyle returned the favor, flexing hard for the yellowtail, whose eyes widened and hummed deeply in her throat when she felt the masculine organ within her stiffen and engorge.

With an affectionate churr, Nixi bent down to lick at Kyle's chin as her hips began to move. He wrapped his hand around the dragon's scaled waist and held her close as the yellowtail worked. Sitting on top like this seemed to be Nixi's preferred way of mating for some reason--It seemed to Kyle that the dragon simply knew what she liked, and preferred to get the job done herself. Or perhaps this position played towards her dominant streak. Either way, Kyle wasn't one to complain, finding it an exotic thrill to have the dragon work her hips and pleasure herself rather than play passive and lie in place.

Kyle ran his thumbs over the dragon's belly scutes and held on for the ride as Nixi adopted her own rhythm, using both her hind legs and her tail, flexing and relaxing each in turn to grind and rock and bounce. He watched Nixi ride him, feeling almost mesmerized as he watched the dragon get lost in her own little world of pleasurable feelings and sensations. Her strong, sinewy hind legs and muscular tail providing the strength to bounce and grind, her delicate but strong wings held close to the body with thumb claws tucked in securely as if they were grasping something invisible, and her scaly forepaws gripping his shoulders tightly with sharp claws digging into his skin ... getting to watch this feral, scaly beast that was beyond all likelihood connected to him at the hips was at the same time both surreal and visceral, in a way that Kyle had been impacted by ever since his first time with a dragon ... and yet, months later he still couldn't fully put the experience into words.

Streaks of waning evening sunlight snuck between the blinds of the living room window, casting warm rays of gold across the dragon's waxy, pebbly scales. Kyle ran his fingers over them, watching the wrinkles in Nixi's scaled skin dance and move as the dragon bucked and rocked. A snort in his ear brought his attention back to the yellowtail herself. He looked up, seeing a panting Nixi, growling to herself in pure rapture as his thick cock worked the dragon's inner passage. Kyle ran a hand up her belly and held it against her proudly-puffed chest, and felt the pounding thump-thump-thump! of her racing heart beating against her strong ribs.

The sounds of sex were filling the room. Every bounce caused the dragon's labial scales to slap against Kyle's skin with light smacking sounds, their sound magnified by the wayward fluids that had leaked from the dragon's vent.

Nixi was settling down into a rhythm. Her impatient and fitful rocking had slowed to a more methodical, deliberate roll of the hips. She was using her expertise to get the human shaft inside of her rubbing against all her favorite spots, and the yellowtail was loving it. Kyle glanced up at the dragon, seeing her eyes rolled back towards the ceiling, mouth open in a wide grin, and tongue flopping about like an awkward fish as vibrant croons and yowls escaped her throat. She looked so happy and so full of life that Kyle did not dare ruin the moment for anything in the world.

His mouth dropped open in a silent moan as the lively dragon continued to work her hips, rolling them forward and back in just the right ways. That tail ... it was the tail that did it for him: the way she could flex and use it for leverage as she bounced gave the dragon a superior range of control. It felt different. Exotic. Better, somehow. And her muscle control ....

"Ah!" Kyle groaned, curling his toes as she squeezed and constricted around his shaft once again. The dragon was delighting herself in feeling just how stiff the the hot-blooded human shaft was inside of her, and Kyle wasn't complaining.

Slowly, he snuck one of his hands down the dragon's belly, running across her banded sky-blue scutes. He brought his thumb down to the apex of the dragon's slit, wetting them on her spreading fluids, and zeroed in on the sensitive little nub that lay beyond the parted scales. Nixi buckled and growled deeply as Kyle began to rub with a ferocious pace, trying to set the dragon off. Her forepaws slid down to his chest, claws digging into his skin. Nixi's face was locked in deep concentration, with furrowed brow, tightly-shut eyes, and dilated nostrils pumping out hot breaths with every bounce. The near constant, rumbling hum resonating within her throat seemed to fill Kyle's ears. He held the dragon's head close and continued to aggressively work her clit. Her rocking and bouncing became more wild. He could feel her body beginning to tense up.

Just then, Nixi reared her head back, with snout pointed toward the air, and let out a fearsome draconic cry as ecstasy claimed her. The dragon bucked wildly. Her tail thrashed violently between his legs, her wings spreading out unconsciously, seemingly to grasp the air around her as if there was something to hold on to there. And then, she clamped down hard around Kyle's cock as the sensations proved to be too much. Kyle held the trembling yellowtail as fitful vaginal contractions worked their way through her scaly body, causing her to flinch and twitch as excess dragon lubrication dribbled from her filled vent.

Slowly, her muscles relaxed, and then at once, Nixi collapsed her wings, relaxed her tail, and drooped her neck down to Kyle's chest. Chuckling, Kyle reached down to remove himself from the dragon's still-clenching vent. For he had a plan.

"Allright, Nix ..." Kyle began, scooting out from underneath the dragon. The giddy and satisfied yellowtail did not protest or stop him. For the first time in about an hour, Kyle was permitted to stand up. Holding in one hand his still-erect cock all soaked in lady dragon fluids, he threw a latch on the side of the orange futon and flattened down the backing, switching it from couch to bed and giving the pair more room to spread out. There he guided the panting yellowtail onto her back, taking care to fold the dragon's dorsal fin against her spine for her comfort. As he climbed over her, Nixi felt her dominance being challenged. She instinctively tensed and brought her hind legs to his chest, ready to kick the offender off. But wait, wait ... this was no insolent male dragon. This was Kyle. He was allowed. Slowly, she relaxed, and permitted the human to lay on top of her.

Kyle grinned as he folded her wings close and held himself over the dragon.

"Are you ready for one more?" he asked, even as he began rubbing the tip of his erection up and down the dragon's slit to tease her.

The yellowtail was tired, but she would not say no. The human had earned her favor back, and she told him that much by licking his chin with a gentle coo, and wiggling her hips against his own, signaling his invitation back to the spot in between her hind legs. And in her response, Kyle found a grin on his face that could not be wiped away.

"I knew it."

Kyle pressed the tip of his cock in, parting the dragon's labial scales and slipping back inside. He sucked in a sudden breath at the stark contrast between the cool apartment air and the dragon's slit. "Jeeze, you get so warm when you're horny," Kyle swooned as his shaft was slowly enveloped by the dragon's quivering vent. Nixi tensed her leg muscles and crooned in pleasure as she felt him slip back inside. Tired from two strong orgasms and content to be still for now, she reclined her neck back and rested the top of her head against the mattress, letting her tongue fall out of her panting mouth as Kyle began to thrust, driving his cock deep within the dragon's slit.

"Mmm," Kyle murmured in pleasure as he explored the yellowtail's depths with the tip of his shaft. Having the benefit of control, he began to take the dragon with deep, hard thrusts, causing Nixi's body to tremble and shake. He reached down and grabbed one of her hind legs, lifting it in the air for leverage.

As minutes past, Nixi raised her head back up and took to watching the human with a mixture of wonder and excitement as he took her, penetrated her. Although she had permitted Kyle to do it before, Nixi had never favored mating on her back with a male on top, huddling over her. The dragon felt vulnerable in this position. She felt exposed, uncomfortable. And yet ...

And yet, the moment was starting to stir up an unexpected thrill that the yellowtail could not ignore. It felt almost as if ... as if these strange feelings of vulnerability could be an exciting thing every once in a while!

Panting still, Nixi laid back and continued watching, reacquainting herself with these odd feelings that the dragon rarely explored. She felt Kyle stiffen within her as he grunted and shot a spurt of precum within her vent, and growled in approval. She licked her lips and put her paws around Kyle's waist, gripping him firmly, and took to resting her forehead against Kyle's collarbone. With her head nestled firmly against Kyle's, the dragon hummed deeply in her throat as each deep thrust of the human's cock carried her arousal further.

"Nixi ..." Kyle whispered, chuckling to himself. He felt that he was getting close and took a brief pause to rest his hips quietly against her own, not wanting to finish quite yet, as he was intrigued by the yellowtail's transformation. Only a short while ago he was being bullied by the dragon as she sat on his face, and now here she was on her back, holding on tight, and permitting him to take initiative. Wondering why he had stopped, the yellowtail opened her eyes and looked up, meeting his gaze with a wide-eyed expression of confusion.

"Nixi, are you being cute?" he playfully asked, bringing a hand to her cheek. "Better be careful, otherwise you might accidently turn this into a habit."

The dragon crooned softly in her throat and wiggled her hips. She nudged his chin with her snout, urging him to continue. He laughed.

"Alright, alright ..." he said, resuming the motion in his hips. "I hope you're ready; I can't last much longer."

The yellowtail brought her forepaws to Kyle's chest as he began to take the dragon roughly, causing the futon to squeak and creak in protest to the movement. Panting wildly with pink tongue pulsing in the air, Nixi shut her eyes tight and growled in sweet rapture as she gave in fully to the human's thrusting, finding an intense arousal in feeling a male's eagerness to breed her. Dormant was the dragon's innate pride and dominance--having been trumped by raw sexual excitement--as for just a brief moment she savored the thrill that came with submitting her body to the lascivious whims of another.

Nixi kicked a hind leg in the air and buried her snout in Kyle's shoulder, growling eagerly for more. She gripped his chest with her claws and pushed back--but not to throw Kyle off ... rather, dragon was instinctively wishing for firm ground under her feet so she could buck and press back against his hips. But no such ground could be found for her hind legs ... so the dragon improvised: she arched her tail back against the futon, which lifted her hindquarters up. She began repeating this action until she could match Kyle's rhythm, with each push encouraging his hips to slam against her own. The dragon wanted more; she needed more ... the yellowtail could feel it the tightening within her vent that she was close once again, and from the sounds of the human's moaning it seemed he was soon to finish as well. Nixi's tail tip thumped against the futon with excitement as she anticipated her partner's finish.

Kyle felt himself gaining. There was something about this yellow-tailed dragon's eagerness that always seemed to set him off. So accustomed he was to the dragon's cues that merely hearing the anxious thumps of her tail was enough to energize him.

"I'm ... I'm almost there," Kyle breathed, though he knew saying as much was little more than a formality for this dragon. The enraptured yellowtail was squirming in place, effusive growls and trills filling his ears as she was carried through yet another orgasm. She wanted him to finish inside of her--in fact Kyle knew she fully expected it, and he saw no reason to keep the dragon waiting.

Kyle let a loud groan escape his lips as he let the building pressure in his loins release with one final, trembling thrust. Nixi squealed in delight as she felt the first spurt of hot seed pump deep within her draconic vent, mixing with her copious fluids. She shut her eyes tight in concentration as the orgasm worked its way through her body, with her draconic vent muscles uncontrollably clenching around his hard cock, working to coax out more of Kyle's seed. Fitfully, she latched onto Kyle's shoulder with her teeth, biting down and growling loudly, pawing and grasping at his chest wantonly as she was filled with his seed. Kyle barely felt the sensations, too focused he was with the shuddering, quivering dragon underneath him.

Moments later, and his last few droplets of cum were persuaded out of him by the dragon's still-clenching vent. It wasn't until his muscles finally began to relax that Kyle sensed the very real ache of dragon teeth digging into his shoulder.

"Nixi," he groaned in pain, trying to pull away from her, but the yellowtail held fast, still growling to herself, still working her way through the last legs of her climax. Gently, he pried the dragon's jaws off of him, gasping in relief as she finally seemed to relax and let go.

Kyle locked his mouth in a silent cry of pain. " ... Ow!" he finally enunciated.

Nixi brought her forepaws to her chest and looked up at Kyle lovingly as he inspected his injuries. He tilted his head at an uncomfortable angle to glance at his shoulder, seeing the area pockmarked with red indentations, and frowned. A swipe of a hand along the sides of his waist and chest was met with a stinging sensation, and when Kyle dropped his chin to his chest to look, he found a plethora of red and white scratch marks from all the pawing and grasping of her forepaws. She had even broken the skin in a few places!

Scowling, Kyle went to sit up, but an unhappy growl from the dragon told him it was the wrong move.

"Wha-oh ..." Kyle grinned as he felt Nixi curl her tail up and over his back, effectively holding him down. He looked back at the yellowtail, seeing a giddy, panting and dazed wreck of a dragon. Nixi was enjoying her afterglow, and she didn't want to enjoy it alone. Complying with the push of her tail, Kyle relaxed and laid back down on her, resting lightly on top of her sky-blue banded chest and belly scutes. He felt the dragon's rapid, shallow breathing as her chest rose and fell against his own. With his waning erection still nestled deep within the dragon's vent, he brought an affectionate hand to her cheek to run his fingers across the webbing of her jaw frills and the soft, bulbous yellow tips on each spine.

"You enjoy yourself, Nixi-girl?" he asked, giving the giddy and effusive yellowtail a slow grind of his hips. Cooing softly, the dragon wiggled her hips against him in a clear show of approval and began to nuzzle his face, prompting Kyle to chuckle. He let the dragon dote affection with nuzzles and licks, returning the favor with snout rubs and the occasional kiss or two. Her leathery wings fanned out and curled back in, enveloping the pair in what Kyle could only surmise was the dragon equivalent of a hug.

"I guess we really did a number on you today," Kyle grinned. "You got to have fun with the vibrator, and I went down on you, all in the same day. No wonder you're so happy."

Humming and churring to herself, the dragon lapped and nibbled along Kyle's cheeks and chin--favorite spots for dragons to both touch and be touched. Sharp and pointed teeth designed for ripping flesh were instead nipping gently, causing little pain. Stirred by the moment, Kyle returned the gesture with a kiss on the snout.

Silent for now, Kyle lay still in the wings of his dragon, enjoying her presence and exchanging gifts of affection in the form of rubs and nuzzles.

Minutes passed. It was only once her spindly wings unwrapped themselves from around his back did Kyle finally get up, taking that as his cue that the dragon wished to stand. And indeed she did, rolling slowly to her side and rising to her feet on shaky legs. Exhausted, Nixi took time to stretch her aching leg muscles--first the left hind leg, then the right ... then both forelegs. She followed with her tail and wings for good measure. The dragon then flopped to her side on the futon, lifted a hind leg over her head, and began to lick herself clean of the utter mess she and Kyle had made of her well-used slit. When she was done, Kyle couldn't help but note her slipping that tongue of hers inside of her vent a few times to lick up the fluids he had left in her. It seemed to Kyle that for whatever reason, all dragons enjoyed that taste, as he had spied both females and males doing this regularly after sex, though he couldn't imagine what was so interesting about the flavor. When she had finished, the dragon lifted her head and began to nose around between Kyle's legs as well. Amused at her penchant for grooming (definitely a trait common amongst all dragons), he let Nixi lick and clean him to her heart's content, which she appeared to do so happily, churring to herself in delight.

When she was done, Kyle went down the hall, flipped the light of the bathroom on, took a look in the mirror, and gawked at what he saw. Scratches ... claw marks. Everywhere. All over his chest. Along his waist. Some even reached around to his back. And it looked like the toothy indentations on his shoulder were beginning to bruise. And it had to be his naked shoulder, too, not the one safely wrapped up in an athletic shoulder brace. He shook his head in disbelief.

"I suppose that's what I get for having sex face-to-face ... dragons have a lot of pointy ends on that side of their body." Kyle gave himself one more once-over and a grin began to form on his face. "Eh, I'll write it off as an 'occupational hazard'."

Kyle made a brief pit stop at the kitchen, and came back into the living room wielding the pet water dish he had bought in one hand and a glass for himself in the other. He set the dish on the ground for the dragon, who eagerly began to drink. He glanced up and surveyed the living room as he took his first sip of water, and nearly spat it out when his eyes came to the futon.

"Oh ... oh great! Not again!"

Still in the nude, Kyle rushed over to his orange futon, which now had a second and a third set of wet splotches and smears, thanks to the messiness of a certain scaly troublemaker ... not that it was a deliberate move on her part: horny yellowtails were naturally leaky, regardless of gender. Kyle leaned in close and gave the splotches a sniff, confirming the musky scent of aroused dragoness--that wasn't saliva or sweat on his furniture.

As if the first time wasn't enough ... Kyle had been so distracted that he hadn't even remembered this was a problem!

Grumbling, Kyle threw on a pair of boxers and then got out a bucket and some cleaning solution from under the bathroom sink. He began to wet the area and pad it with a towel as Nixi, curious of his actions, approached. She ducked her head in the bucket but quickly recoiled at the strong, unpleasant chemical smell of whatever Kyle was using to clean the futon stains.

Kyle glanced at the dragon and frowned. "If I keep you here any longer I'm gonna need to put down plastic on all the furniture," he griped, being only half serious.

Mildly confused, Nixi blinked at Kyle's nonsensical ramblings. She sat down on her haunches, curled her long tail around her feet and watched him, finding amusement in his actions. Nixi nudged Kyle in the back with her snout, looking for attention.

"Eh, hold on a sec, Nix." Kyle replied, not even bothering to look back at her. "Cleaning this up, right now ..."

A short pause. And then another snout bump. This time, harder.

"I said gimme a minute," he replied over his shoulder.

Another pause.

With a playful trill, Nixi jumped up on his back, causing Kyle to cry out in surprise. She wrapped her wings around him tightly.

"Hey, hey," he laughed. "Watch it!" He shook the dragon off of himself and pointed a finger at her.

"No. Just hold on a sec, okay? Let me finish this."

Nixi stared back at her human and his firm disciplinarian gesture. She examined his serious expression, foiled by his kind eyes and a smile trying not to show itself. The dragon cocked her head.

Kyle was unlike any dragon Nixi knew on the ranch. He would not go sniveling in the corner, too afraid to incite her anger, or prostrate himself before her in a pathetic show of submissiveness, as some of the males would. But neither did he affront her with callous insolence or come to blows over an attempt to challenge her whims, as others would. He was agreeable without being too easy, and could stand up for himself without being too obstinate.

And, most importantly, he was endlessly fun to tease.

Liking what she saw in Kyle's reaction, Nixi sat down and waited.



Post-story notes:

~Someone asked me what Nixi sees in Kyle so I tried to portray that in the ending of this chapter. Basically, she likes him because he is different than the dragons she lives around. And because he puts up with her bullshit without being a total pushover. And after this long of spending time around him, she's probably developed a "thing" for the human body by now.

~I tried to go all out on this one, in terms of the porny scenes. I had this huge cunnilingus section, which I know a lot of my readers enjoy. And then I had a double-sided sex scene with both characters switching dominant and submissive roles, to try and appeal to as many tastes as possible. And I made an effort to include a long wind-down scene with some intimacy and all that sappy shit that a LOT of my readers enjoy (Intimacy? In porn? What are you, some kind of weirdo? :P). Basically I included everything I could think of minus a blowjob since that was 2 chapters ago. Also minus an extra-long, extra-awkward human-on-dragon make-out scene because fuck no I am not writing that. Also, holy crap that was a lot of hyphens.

_~The reason why I was going all out is because ... well, this is probably going to be their last sex scene. What? don't give me that disappointed look. Do you realize all these chapters cover the space of a single day? They already fucked three times in one day. Do you realize how exhausting that can be? Lol. I have no doubts about Nixi but I gotta give some mad props to Kyle for somehow having the stamina of an ox. But even HE must be spent by now. And since Nixi is returning tomorrow morning, that leaves little time for recuperation. So yes, the story is coming to a close. But there's still some BIG things planned, so stay tuned! _

~ ... Okay, stop giving me that look. Fine, MAYBE they fuck after Nixi gets back on the ranch. But no promises. >:I

~I said I went all out, and yet the porn felt like it was missing something ... oh right! It's missing a long seduction scene where Nixi tries to get into Kyle's pants! Well, as fun and humorous as those are for me to write, I would say that Nixi and Kyle are past the "I must convince the human to mate with me" part of the relationship, wouldn't you agree? But if I still wanna write a seduction scene, thats what The Persistent Dragon is for ...

~Speaking of TPD, I am working on that next! I've had writer's block on it for about 6 months now but I am finally had a breakthrough and am already over 10,000 words in. And the next chapter will have some super cute stuff in there ... like, seriously, Penelope is ADORABLE. What she does is ... well, I won't spoil it. But I hope it gets a few "Awwww"s out of my readers. Oh, and there will be porn as well. Penelope is getting into Jacob's pants once again. And I don't think anyone except Jacob will complain about that. Lol.

~Special thanks to DrunkenDragon who commissioned these last 2 chapters. <3