The kitty and her master

Story by Raphina Flamefox on SoFurry

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#1 of betraying for love

It was a cold night, colder than it had been in a while. The moon shone high above the forest, casting shadows on the frosty ground. There was a slight clearing in the woodland, where a cave entrance was barely visible; it would've been completely hidden had it not been for the candles glowing in the tunnel. This tunnel led deep underground, twisting and bending so as to fend off any unwanted guests. At the end of the tunnel was a strong stone door, this was hardly recognizable as a door except to those who knew it was there, and even then only very few had the strength to move it. Behind this door, was an immense stone cavern, lit by hundreds of candles, there were two doors leading off from this room, one to a huge bathroom with a deep stone bath set into the floor, and the other leading to a bedroom with soft carpets, pillows and the hugest four-post bed. However, the main room was sparsely furnished, just a few essentials and a large cat basket on a round, red rug. Curled up inside the basket was a sleek black panther. Her fur was the deepest black, but shone purple in the light, she had blue feminine eyes and all the right curves. Her soft gentle paws had the deadliest claws, but she knew not to use them. Jade had been banished to her basket for betraying her master. Jade was naturally a shapeshifter, keeping mainly to feline forms. The panther was her angriest body, it was huge with the sharpest claws and the longest fangs, but she could be a leopard when she was feeling more devious and seducing, a cat when she felt like being playful, and the kitten when she felt like playing the innocent. She could also become human, but she was finding that less and less useful, and also preferring the freedom of naked feline bodies. She liked nothing more than to run through the forest feeling the cold night air against her fur and bathing in the streams. The reason she was banished was for her brutal attack on her master. Her crime was loving him and wanting more. He was completely forbidden to her because he was a vampire. There were rules about these things, inter-species relations were forbidden in polite society. However, she didn't care much for polite society; she was driven purely by her own lust and needs. She was nothing more than a pet to him, a cat when he wanted to play, a leopard when he wanted someone to hunt for him, and a human when he needed to feed. Her blood was much more precious than humans and Vlad had begun to rely on the potency of the shapeshifter blood rather than the weak water-like substance mortals would provide. She was bound to him by the blood she gave him and the little drops of blood he gave her in return. She relied on him, and loved him for it. She loved him for the control and the power he had over her, but she wanted him to love her in the same way, rather than loving her for the abnormal blood she supplied. She was a beautiful, curvy feline, spent most of her time in dark black fur and never cared about what she showed, but it just didn't work on him, she would nuzzle him and kiss him, but he didn't seem to care. She wanted to speak to him about this, but the rejection would kill her. As a last resort, she thought that if she made herself like him, if she stole his blood, then he would finally recognize her as an equal. She knew she was physically his match, if not stronger, she'd had to bail him out on many occasions where he was out of his depth. But then again, she had the suspicion he did that to test her loyalty. Having the feeling he either didn't notice or didn't care about the pure sexuality she exuded, her perfect breasts contrasting against the darkness of her fur, the lips of her vulva gently protruding at the top of her slender feline legs, she decided to take action. He went out hunting, so she saw her perfect chance. She was the leopard. She was stealthy and practically invisible amongst the trees, under the darkness of the night. He was standing on the top of a hill, exquisitely dressed as always, his velvet robes glowing in the moonlight, his long hair hanging perfectly across his face. And also, completely weak against any attack. She prowled through the undergrowth, keeping him in her sights, she could smell his blood, her bloodlust and arousal was driving her insane. Her claws were so far extended she could feel her paws throbbing, her desire to make him bleed, to slash him and to drink from him were overwhelming so she made her attack. She pounced, landing her paws on his shoulders, knocking him to the floor. She was biting at his shoulders, tearing his robes and then turned him over so he was facing her. His red eyes glared at her, but he was paralyzed with fear and lust. Before he had chance to react, she dug her claws into his shoulders and dragged down, tearing his robes off and tearing through his flesh. His body shook and buckled in pain as he feebly reached to push her off. Her legs pinned down his hips, his hardness betrayed his fear. She saw that his chest was completely covered with blood, oozing uncontrollably, so she started to lick up the vampire essence. As she licked, she sucked at the wounds, feeling his life drain into her; she was taking his soul with every drop. As his strength and blood was seeping into her and he was getting weaker by the second, she took his head in her paws and kissed him, her tongue pushing deep into his mouth and he responded by kissing her back, using all the strength he had to show her how much he wanted her. At this point, she needed more; she was overcome by the need for power and didn't care about his health or how much he wanted her so she dug her fangs into his shoulder to drain him completely. She felt the strength of his vampire blood flowing through her; she felt it overpower every one of her senses, it surged through her veins compelling every inch of her to obey it, she was possessed by it. She looked up at him, his blood dripping from her fangs and completely covering her face. The strength of his blood was starting to transform her, it was throbbing through her, distorting her senses, distorting her form, and also completely toying with her emotions. She was in a complete haze; her vision was nothing but a red fog. Maybe her body was too weak to take the blood, her mind too weak to deal with the changes. She passed out with the intensity, it was probably only seconds, but it felt like hours to her, she regained consciousness, the reality of the situation took hold and she saw his body lying lifelessly. She could still feel the blood inside her, she knew she would never be the same, but she knew she had to do something. She already had his blood flowing deep inside her, but what was the point if he died? She couldn't bear the thought of living without him, especially in the knowledge it was her doing. He was everything to her. She couldn't believe what she had done, she felt stupid for believing it would work, and her heart ached knowing he would never love her. How could he love her after this? She approached his body, which showed signs of life, but it was obvious he was only holding on by a thread. She slashed at her wrist with her claw, causing a deep gash. She positioned her wrist above Vlads mouth and let it bleed into him; hopefully it was flowing down into his throat. She used her other paw to stroke his chest, trying to revive him. The pain from her self-inflicted wound numbed her slightly, but it was insignificant compared to the pain in her heart. A devious thought crossed her mind. She was regaining clarity and had a plan. She dragged the lifeless body back to the cave and laid it on the floor. She knew she had to save him but was starting to worry about his reaction when he awoke. She bound his wrists behind his back, propped him against the wall and continued feeding him her blood. Because her blood was so heavily infused with his, she had no doubt it would work. Her plan was to revive him while he was bound, then she could explain her reasons and convince him why she did it. She was aware of his strength and knew his anger well. She didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of his rages so she had to take precautions. As he fed from her, she could feel him getting stronger, sucking the blood from her wrist and she was starting to get weaker. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at her. She tried to avoid his gaze as she fed him. He started to mumble questions, but she put her finger to his lips. "I'm sorry," she whispered. He struggled against his bounds, anger clouding his face. "How could you?" he asked, as memories of the attack came flooding back to him. She sat back on her hind legs, quivering and sobbing. He didn't understand why she attacked him, or why she saved him. He was angry, and bewildered by the blood loss and the strange blood flowing inside him. "Just tell me why!" he snarled, trying to break his arms free. She couldn't stop sobbing, "I'm sorry," she repeated. Her intention of persuading him was failing. She just couldn't get the words out. Seeing his broken body laying there, the wounds that she caused, the hurt in his eyes was too much for her to bear. She just collapsed sobbing uncontrollably. In one sudden movement he had broken his restraints and was on her, he held both her paws on one hand, pinning her down and slapping her hard with the other hand. The fact she had used most of her blood to revive him, and the force of his attack was enough to knock her unconscious. Vlad had left her there, dragging her basket from the foot of his bed, and hauling her into it. When she finally came round, he was glaring at her. "You will stay there, don't even attempt to leave this room or talk to me until I have decided what to do about you" he shot her a disgusted glance and shot out the door into the night, leaving behind a hurt, confused, and very scared little kitty.