Chapter 7: A Concert to Remember

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#7 of Those College Years

Hey everyone! Here is chapter 7 of "Those College Years." For some reason this chapter was exceedingly difficult to write (including way too many sessions staring at a blank screen), but I finally managed to wrestle it into shape:D

Thanks to everyone who has read, commented on, and faved previous chapters. I hope you continue to enjoy this series!

As always, the warning re adult content applies here.


* * *

Sweat was beading on Tyler's brow as his slide flew through the air, his trombone singing in his agile hands. The small grey wolf was in his zone, every iota of his attention fixed solidly on the page before him, black as it was with notes. He looked up occasionally to see Dr. Fervens smile at him, frantically trying to follow his fevered pace as he raced through the most challenging passage of the piece. He did not have time to think, so quickly were the notes screaming out of his bell. Finally, he reached the final cadence, and the hall rang with the vibrant pitch as he took a deep breath.

"Great!" Dr. Fervens shouted, drawing his attention back to reality as she beamed at him. "Ty," she continued, "this performance is gonna be great! What did you guys think?" she asked, turning to the rest of the ensemble.

The band broke out in a cacophony of whistles and stomped feet, and a certain white wolf could very clearly be heard over all of them. Ty blushed at the attention, looking down at his feet in embarrassment; he was used to performing, but this was easily the largest and most ambitious piece he had ever attempted. He knew very well that half the time he was lucky to reach the end, and his musician's superstition was nagging at him, almost unbearably so.

Trying to avoid eye contact as he walked, the small wolf slunk back to his seat as the rest of the ensemble shuffled for the next song. He raised his head only when he reached his seat and plopped himself down next to Mark, who grinned at him.

"That was great, babe!" the larger wolf said quietly, trying to avoid Dr. Fervens' gaze. "You're gonna sound great!"

Ty smiled back; simply being in the presence of his love had already started to calm his steadily worsening nerves.

"Thanks, hun," he replied, sneaking a quick peck on Mark's cheek before the director took the podium. The white wolf looked back in shock - Ty was never affectionate like that in public - and the smaller fur merely winked at him. Both could already feel a familiar feeling coursing through their bodies, and they had to fight to stay focused through the next song.

For the rest of the rehearsal, Ty tried to keep his mind on the music at hand - or the wolf at his side - desperately fighting to ignore the feeling of anxiety creeping slowly into his body. Finally, Dr. Fervens looked down at her watch and closed her score, the one cue that everyone in the ensemble followed. Over the din of impatient musicians noisily packing their instruments, she reminded them of their call time for the concert that evening, sending another pang of anxiety through Ty's already tense frame.

This was going to be one hell of a concert, though, that much was sure.

* * *

Across campus, Ethan heaved a huge sigh as he let his heavy backpack flop onto the floor of his room. He had had yet another seemingly endless day in the lab, and he was about ready to throw the equipment out of the window by the time his supervisor had released him. Plopping into his chair, he quickly logged onto his computer and glanced at the time; Jayden was in choir, and the golden had the room entirely to himself for another hour. There was only one thing to do in such a situation, the dog thought with a smile.

Looking around once more to ensure, unnecessarily, that he was alone, Ethan slowly undid his belt and unzipped his pants, gasping at the cold air. He was already half-hard in anticipation, and he shuddered as he worked his boxers down past his knees. Pre was already oozing out of his tip; he hadn't had a chance to enjoy himself in almost a week, and his body was eager for release.

Stroking his tip with one hand, he used his free hand to call up his favorite porn site. His cock twitched at each movement, and he could tell that his pent up energy would not be long in releasing itself. Within moments, he was sporting a full erection, and his musk was rapidly filling the room. The golden, however, had every intention of enjoying himself to the fullest, and he carefully paced himself as he began to pump his paw across the trembling shaft.

Suddenly, Ethan heard a rustle behind him. He turned slowly, and his eyes shot open in shock as they met Jayden's. The dragon had evidently been comfortably asleep under his covers, roused only by the scent of the canid's arousal.

"What are you doing here?!" Ethan demanded. "You're supposed to be in choir."

"I used my skip," the dragon responded distantly. His attention was quite obviously fixed on the golden's glistening erection. Without thinking of it, he licked his lips, bringing a smile to Ethan's face.

"Interested?" the golden asked suggestively, his temporary shock past already.

Jayden merely nodded stupidly. He had been enjoying a particularly arousing fantasy before leaving his slumber, and was still very much excited from the fresh memory.

Hesitantly, Ethan moved slowly towards the dragon's bed, carefully locking the door on the way. Despite their past escapades, he was still nervous being so open around the other animal, but he swallowed his concerns. The memories of what had happened before were too warm to dismiss out of fear alone.

"You know," the golden said slowly, "I wouldn't mind some," he paused to think of the right word, "assistance."

The dragon looked up, his groggy mind slowly processing what he had just heard. Slowly, a smile crept across his face as he realized the opportunity being presented him. Nervously, never breaking eye contact with the dog, Jay reached a timorous hand towards the throbbing cock. He moaned as his hand ran down its slick surface, and Ethan replied in kind.

Jayden began to slowly pump his hand up and down, pawing the dog off with delicacy and savoring every moment. He could feel his own member growing hard, and he used his free hand to slip his boxers off surreptitiously. Ethan's sensitive ears heard the garment hit the floor, and he looked down to see the dragon's cock begging for attention. Grinning with lust, the golden reached out his own paw, stroking his roommate's shaft in perfect time.

Jayden groaned loudly at the new touch, his body quivering in excitement, and he slowly picked up the speed of his own pumping. He was determined to make the golden climax first, and he started massaging the dog's balls with his free hand. Ethan nearly jumped at the sensation, yipping in surprise and momentarily forgetting Jayden's throbbing erection.

Suddenly, the dragon stopped pumping; Ethan opened his eyes and looked at him, confusion scrawled across his face.

"Um," Jayden began hesitantly. He almost didn't know how to ask this. "Do you think you could," he swallowed, "mate me?"

An awkward silence followed the question, and Ethan's eyes went wide. He had fantasized about this before, but he had never imagined the situation would actually present itself. He stammered quietly, not entirely sure how to respond.

"Nevermind," the dragon said quickly, disheartened by the shock written on the other's face. "I just thought - "

"Yes," Ethan replied suddenly, cutting Jayden off mid-sentence. Another awkward silence followed as the two stared at each other, uncertain how to proceed. Finally, the dragon realized what the golden had just said. In stunned disbelief, the dragon silently got down onto all fours and raised his tail invitingly.

Slowly, not sure exactly what to do, Ethan moved into position behind Jayden. He was shaking, nervous about what was shortly to come. Taking a deep breath, he positioned his member at the entrance to the dragon's rear; he could already feel the warmth radiation off the smaller animal. Part of his brain still refused to believe this was about to happen, and he leaned over the dragon to peer into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked, concern plain on his voice.

Jayden nodded silently, and Ethan placed his hands on the small dragon's sides. Exhaling slowly, he pressed his cock against the dragon's rear, listening for the slightest sound of protest. When he heard none, he leaned his weight against Jayden's hips, gasping as his length suddenly penetrated him. Jayden gasped as well, and tears were forming in his eyes. He hadn't imagined it would hurt quite this much.

Ethan felt the dragon tense up below him.

"Should I stop?"

Jay shook his head vigorously, fighting back more tears. Ty had told him many times that the pain would go away, and that it was entirely worth it. Clenching his teeth, he fought to relax his tailhole, pushing back slightly against Ethan's length. As the dog cock slowly sunk further in, he whimpered loudly; the pain, though, was subsiding, and an entirely new feeling was starting to flow through his small body. He moaned, basking in the new, maddeningly intense feeling of fullness.

Slowly, being sure not to hurt his partner, the golden slowly applied more pressure, whimpering as the dragon's insides clamped down upon his shaft. His body vibrated as waves of intense pleasure shot up his spine, and his cock twitched against his will; this new tightness was almost too much for him.

Ever so gently, Ethan pushed his entire length into the grunting dragon. He paused once he had hilted him, waiting for the grunts to subside into pleasurable groans. Fighting his own urge to thrust back in hard, the golden slowly drew his shaft back out to the head, eliciting a groan and whimper from the dragon.

"Put it back," the dragon said suddenly, bringing a smile to Ethan's lips. With slightly more speed, he thrust back in, then pulled out once more before settling into a calm tempo.

The pain in Jayden's rear had subsided now, and he moaned loudly when Ethan's canine cock poked against his prostate. He could feel his wings flex in response, and his own member trembled beneath him; a pool of pre was already staining their carpet. The dog was thrusting more rapidly now, barely containing his urge to mate with full force. He whimpered slightly, his body absorbed in enraptured bliss.

Gradually, the dragon registered a new feeling at his rear, and with a start, he realized that Ethan's knot was already forming. The dog's thrusting had reached a primal pace now, and the knot slapped loudly at Jayden's tailhole.

"Ethan," Jay whimpered, "I'm not sure..."

Before he could finish, Ethan thrust again - hard - and the knot slipped inside the dragon with a pop. The golden retriever was blind to all else save the flood of ecstacy flowing from his member, and his thrusts became faster and more erratic as his body careened out of his conscious control. Jayden squirmed beneath him; the knot had caught the dragon by surprise, but he moaned in pleasure as Ethan applied ever more pressure to his prostate.

Arching his back now, Ethan looked toward the ceiling as he pumped wildly into the dragon's ass. His tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth, and he shook rhythmically as his climax approached. Jayden could feel his own member starting to spasm, and he looked down to see a line of pre hanging down from his tip.

Suddenly, and almost without warning, Ethan's cock spasmed, and he howled as his load emptied itself into Jayden's rump. The warm feeling was enough to push the dragon over the edge, and he moaned wildly as his own shaft shot strings of dragon cum all over their floor and across his chest. Ethan twitched with every spasm of his member, grinding his hips against Jayden and eliciting regular grunts from the dragon. Panting loudly, he slowly looked down at his partner, basking in the glow of his orgasm.

Vaguely, it registered to the dog that he was locked inside the dragon's ass. As his mind regained some of its senses, it also occurred to him that he hadn't planned to tie Jayden; now, however, the two were stuck quite firmly together. The dragon was coming to the same realization, and with a stupid chuckle, they looked at each other.

"Now what?" the dragon asked nervously. They had to eat dinner at some point before the concert, and it obviously wasn't possible going out like this.

"Um," Ethan responded, "I don't know. How long does this last?"

Jayden scoffed, "how should I know?! You're the one with a knot!"

Ethan looked around nervously before spying his phone lying on his desk. He got up to grab it, but stopped when Jay winced in pain.

"Watch it!" the dragon shouted, "that thing is a little large."

Blushing intensely, the dog moved more carefully to his desk. He flipped his phone open as soon as it was in reach, speed-dialing the number of the one fur who would know what to do.

"Ty, we have a problem."

* * *

Ty could hardly control his nerves through dinner, even if it was one of his favorite meals. His hands were shaking nervously as he downed his food, prompting Mark to reach over and grab his trembling paws. Their eyes met, and in an instant, Mark's concern was apparent.

"I'll be fine," Ty assured him. "I'm just a little nervous."

Mark smiled shakily, wishing he could do more to calm the quivering fur across the table. He knew Ty was prone to anxiety attacks, but he had never before seen the grey wolf so nervous about a performance.

"You'll do great, I know it," the larger wolf said, squeezing Ty's paws reassuringly. "You perform like no one I've ever seen."

A smile worked at the corner of Ty's lips; Mark knew all too well how much pride the small wolf took in his musical abilities.

"Thanks," he muttered as the butterflies in his stomach settled slightly. The larger wolf squeezed his paws again, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on Ty's lips. For a moment, the small wolf simply stared back into Mark's eyes, losing himself in the heavenly blue orbs. What he had done to deserve this wolf was beyond him, but not a moment went by that he didn't bless that fateful night, even if it seemed so long ago. Time seemed to stop when they were together, and Ty relished every moment of it.

The grey wolf jumped when his phone went off, and his confusion deepened when he looked at the number. Why would Ethan be calling him now?

"Hello?" he answered curiously.

A smile tugged at his lips as the golden explained the situation, and Ty was grinning broadly by the time Ethan was finished.

"Well," he laughed, "you just have to wait it out. And for the record," he continued, "you two will never cease to surprise me."

Mark gazed at the small wolf with curiosity as he flipped his phone shut.

"Ask me later," Ty said, returning his paws to the warm, strong grip of his lover.

The small wolf's focus snapped back to the here and now when he glanced at his watch. They were due at the concert hall in less than half an hour, and he had yet to shower. The familiar fluttering feeling returned to his stomach in full force as he shot out of his chair.

"Shit," he cursed, "we've gotta get dressed!"

Mark looked down at his watch in turn, his eyes widening as he saw the time.

"Crap, you're right," he responded, almost leaping out of his chair. "I'll see you at the hall," he finished, kissing Ty quickly once more as they parted at the door.

Within moments of reaching his room, Ty stripped off his clothes and leapt into the shower, taking only as much time as was needed to scrub himself clean. His tux was on in seconds, donned with the precision and agility that only years of experience could endow. The grey wolf stopped only to admire himself in the mirror, taking but a moment to straighten his coat. Finally, frantically looking once more at the clock, he grabbed his bowtie and ran from the room, affixing the accessory around his neck as he went.

* * *

Ty was well-winded by the time he had retrieved his trombone and claimed the dressing room, but he was pleased to note that he had arrived with just enough time to warm up and attack some of the more troublesome areas. He had barely put the mouthpiece to his lips, however, when he was interrupted by the sound of the opening door. The small wolf turned to see Mark, decked out in full concert regalia and smiling sheepishly. Ty grinned back; he had never before seen the larger wolf in his formal attire, and he had to admit that the sight was more than a little alluring.

"You look good," he said with a broad grin.

Mark's face flushed bright red in response. He wasn't used to being so over-dressed, and the larger wolf had never felt natural in a tux.

"Thanks," he muttered, clearing his throat. "You look nervous as hell."

"I feel nervous as hell," Ty laughed acidly, "like I can't shake this feeling of impending doom."

"Honey," he said with a smile as he moved in close, grabbing both of the grey fur's paws, "you worry too much." He nuzzled Ty's neck comfortingly, hoping to ease some of the tension out of the smaller animal. "It's a concert, and we both know you were born to perform."

Ty nuzzled Mark's neck and chest in return, relishing the warm strength that emanated from the larger wolf's body. Part of him just wanted to stay there forever, secure in the comfort that flowed from the warm chest, slowly rising and falling beneath his head. For a moment, he forgot the impending concert and instead listened to Mark's slow and steady heartbeat, the deep thrum gradually easing the anxiety out of his small body.

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Dr. Fervens in the doorway. Ty's head shot up as he looked at her.

"Hey Ty!" she said excitedly. "You ready?"

"Yep," the small wolf responded, mustering all the courage he had while fighting to ignore the rapidly returning butterflies.

"Great! You're on in fifteen minutes," she said with a wink, leaving the two wolves alone in the dressing room.

The two exchanged looks, and with growing concern, Mark noted a familiar edge returning to his small wolf's eyes.

It had occurred to Ty that this was the first time he had ever performed in front of such a large audience; it was also his first time to play with the entire ensemble supporting him. With a shallow gasp, he realized that an entire concert was depending on his ability. No longer was this a matter of his own satisfaction: fifty other musicians were depending on him. His stomach started to tighten as these thoughts raced through his mind, and he gasped in surprise.

"Honey," the larger wolf whispered, plaintive concern obvious on his voice.

The other fur didn't respond; he was starting to pant now, and with a deepening sense of dread, Mark realized that he was about to have a panic attack. As quickly as he could, the large wolf pulled Ty into a tight embrace, his well-learned hands quickly finding the sweet spot on the small wolf's back. He rocked gently back and forth as his hands gently massaged their target, praying that he could stay this attack before it grew worse.

"It's ok, babe," he said softly, placing his head atop Ty's, "I'm here."

The smaller wolf's eyes were clenched firmly shut now, and he was whimpering as all-too-familiar sensations of dread permeated his thoughts. As best he could, he tried to focus on the warm body holding him tight, but to no avail. His blood pressure was rising and his heart began to race as his mind started its fatal descent into panic. With every last remaining bit of mental strength, the small wolf tried to rein in his wildly fantastic imagination, knowing full well that he couldn't afford to have an attack now, with an entire ensemble depending on him. That thought, however, was too much for his already-stressed psyche to handle; with a final sigh, Ty dug his muzzle into Mark's strong chest, knowing he had no choice but to wait it out.

Mark could feel his lover's body tense up, and experience had taught him that there was now no avoiding what was to come. Sighing in defeat, he started to lick the top of Ty's head, squeezing him ever tighter in reassurance. He should have known that this was a possibility, and he cursed himself for having failed to grab Ty's stress medication for just this sort of situation.

Distantly, the small wolf registered the calming presence of his lover, but he took no notice of it. His body shook as it prepared to ward off a non-existent enemy, his fur standing on end against his will. He gasped as he felt a sensation eerily like the bottom of his stomach dropping out of its place, and what had before been mere butterflies soon escalated into a full-blown storm. His fatalistic imagination began to wheel out of control, and Ty panted loudly as all shreds of rationality flew from his body.

Mark continued to hold Ty tightly, and slowly, almost imperceptibly, his body started to ease up. Still whimpering, the small wolf wrapped his arms around Mark's neck, leaning into the warmth of the other animal's chest. He nuzzled the white wolf's chest affectionately; letting his mind run free and surrendering entirely to Mark's strong embrace.

Within a few minutes, Ty started to calm down. His mind had exhausted itself now, and his body was not far behind. Groaning, he let himself sink into Mark's arms, trying his best to relax his now-aching muscles. Panic attack or not, he had a performance to give. Mustering what remained of his strength, the small wolf stood once more upright and straightened up his tux. With no small hint of embarrassment on his face, he looked up at the white wolf.

"Sorry," he breathed, cursing his own inability to control his wild emotions. "I guess I didn't know how nervous I was," he panted through gritted teeth, forcing a meager smile onto his pallid complexion.

Mark merely smiled and rubbed Ty's sides once more.

"You have way too much tension in you, little wuff," he said with a sly grin. "We need to get you more relaxed."

The message in his voice was obvious, and Ty frowned in response.

"I doubt this is the time and place for that."

The larger wolf said nothing, instead sneaking his hands behind Ty's cummerbund. The small wolf tried to back away, but Mark held him tightly. His breath was hot upon Ty's face, and the small wolf could feel a tightening in his crotch as he breathed in the deep, earthy flavor of his lover.

"Since when do you say no?" Mark asked playfully, grinding his hips against Ty's; the small wolf gasped in response.

"Since I have a major solo in ten minutes," he answered, trying desperately to fight the surge of lust welling up within him. He knew as well as Mark, though, that he was fighting a losing battle.

"Uh huh," the larger wolf said, unconvinced, grinding once more against his lover. Even through the thick fabric of their tuxes, he could feel Ty's growing erection rubbing up against his. The aroma of arousal was filling the room, and the small wolf was starting to pant in excitement now. Mark smiled; if there was one constant in the universe, it was Tyler Dougan's sex drive.

"But what better way to relieve tension?" Mark asked, sneaking his paws deeper below Ty's waistband.

Ty stared back at him for a moment before suddenly grabbing Mark's head and pulling him down into a kiss. He moaned loudly as his tongue licked and slathered at the larger wolf's maw, his anxiety melting into the passionate fire of love. His paws snaked up and down Mark's body, tracing deep furrows in the larger animal's fur and eliciting a throaty growl from the white wolf.

They were panting when they pulled apart, and Mark murred in appreciation.

"Now that's the wolf I know and love," he growled playfully, sparing just a moment to glance furtively at the clock, "but I think we may to speed things up a little."

Without warning, Mark hooked his fingers around the clasp of Ty's cummerbund before edging it up across the small wolf's midsection. Taking care not to rip it, he quickly undid the buckle of the tuxedo and pulled the pants down roughly, smiling at the spots of pre dotting the front of Ty's boxers. Knowing full well that he was racing the clock, Mark slipped his hands into the small wolf's underwear, causing the grey wolf to gasp as his expert hands stroked gently across the rock-hard shaft.

With one final glance at the time, Mark pulled the boxer's to the small wolf's ankles and ran his tongue quickly up the side of Ty's cock, relishing the warm salty pre as it oozed out in quick spurts. The small wolf gasped and trembled at the touch, waves of pleasure shooting up his spine and making his hair stand on end. Mark growled slightly, smiling as he felt Ty jump beneath him at the sensation. He took another quick lick before taking the entire length into his muzzle, eliciting an appreciative murr from the grey wolf.

Ty moaned again, placing his hands atop Mark's head as the larger wolf started to bob up and down on the grey lupine's shaft. The warmth was astounding, and he trembled as the expert tongue sent waves of bliss across his entire frame. He yipped quietly as Mark's paw suddenly found its way onto his already-forming knot, gently massaging it and earning another spurt of sticky pre.

The small wolf was whimpering now, and he could feel his balls start to tense as his load begged for release. Mark picked up his pace in response, pumping his hand in perfect rhythm. Ty's cock twitched spasmodically, and the larger fur slowly ran his canines across its length, eliciting another loud moan from the small wolf.

"Gawd Mark," he groaned, "I'm gonna cum!"

As if on cue, Ty's member twitched mightily, spewing a hot string of cum across Mark's face. The grey wolf had to bite his lips to keep himself from howling, and a second round of spasms rocked his body as another load of cum issued forth from his cock. He panted as the heat of his orgasm rolled across his body, seizing it in an intense wave of blissful emotion. All anxiety was gone now, melted into the afterglow of his pleasure.

Without thinking, Ty pulled Mark up and grabbed him in another passionate kiss. He groaned at the taste of his own cum in the other wolf's mouth, and he vaguely registered the still-warm goo sandwiched between their faces. They moaned into the kiss, holding each other tight as long as they could. Finally, Mark pulled back, licking his lips in satisfaction.

"Better?" he asked with a grin.

Ty only nodded, his body still shaking from the experience.

"Then you should probably put your pants back on," Mark said with a grin, before pulling Ty close once more.

"For luck," he breathed, planting a peck on Ty's cheek before turning from the room to report to his chair.

Ty smiled after him as he pulled his pants up to his waist, taking just a moment to glance in the mirror as he straightened his cummerbund. With a final deep breath, he grabbed his trombone and walked out of the room.

* * *

Thunderous applause greeted the small wolf as he walked out on the stage, and he couldn't help but squint as his eyes adjusted to the bright lights. He could see Ethan and Jayden in the front row, eagerly giving him a thumbs-up, and he smiled appreciatively at them. Taking a moment to gather himself, he glanced behind to see the familiar faces of Mike, Jake, Melissa, and Christine beaming at him. Finally, he made eye contact with Mark in the back row, and he blushed as they exchanged shy glances.

Taking one last look at his music, he nodded at Dr. Fervens and brought the trombone to his mouth. As soon as he started playing, the audience fell under the music's spell, watching with enraptured attention. Every passage, every note, every minor nuance rang true; Ty played as he had never played before, encouraged by the thought of his wolf dwelling ever in the back of his mind. A moment of silence followed his last note before the hall erupted in a standing ovation.

* * *

Ty barely had time to store his instrument before the dressing room door shot open and a white blur rushed through.

"Honey, you were magnificent!" Mark shouted, grabbing the small wolf and lifting him off his feet. "You sounded as good as I've ever heard."

Ty blushed. "Thanks, though I think your 'therapy' might have helped just a little," he said with a wink.

Mark chuckled. "I guess we know what to do the next time you have an anxiety attack."

The small wolf growled playfully.

"If that's the case, I may just have to have them more often," he said, leaning up to pull Mark into a kiss.

They were interrupted when the door flew open, revealing the massed members of the family, all smiling broadly. Jayden and Ethan looked particularly entertained; Ty could only guess at the secret source of their laughter.

"Well?" the grey lupine asked excitedly.

"It sounded ok," Mike responded, earning a withering gaze from Ty and raucous laughter from the rest of the group. The small fur's buttons were simply too easy to press, and they knew all too well how to press them.

"It would also appear," Jayden said, moving in to peer at Ty's face, "that you may have found another way to relax."

The dragon licked his finger and ran it across Ty's cheek. Confused, the small wolf looked in the mirror, and he immediately turned beet red when he noticed a line of cum running across his jaw. The family erupted in guffaws at his reaction; the dragon had been waiting the entire concert to point out Ty's new facial decoration. Even Mark couldn't contain himself, though he had also turned a lovely shade of crimson in response.

"I always wondered why it took you so long to get ready for concerts," Ethan said playfully, fighting to control his own snickers. Ty punched him playfully in return while Jayden doubled over in laughter, turning bright red as he gasped for breath. For his part, the grey wolf was mortified beyond belief, and he could hardly muster a verbal response.

"Or maybe you just started the celebration a little early," Mark interjected suddenly, planting a deep kiss on Ty's lips and eliciting lusty "ooohs" from the massed family. Sensing, however, that the two wolves might enjoy some time alone, they slowly filed out of the room, still laughing heartily.

Once they had gone, Ty turned to Mark; lust was burning in the white wolf's eyes now.

"What was this about 'celebrating'?" Ty inquired playfully.

Mark grinned, pulling the grey wolf close.

"You're incorrigible."

Ty growled at the larger wolf, "and you love it."

Mark growled in return, and they kissed each other passionately, moaning as the stress of the night worked its way slowly out of their entwined bodies. The room was once again filling with the musk of arousal, and a familiar tightness was growing in their crotches. With wild abandon their paws roamed excitedly across their bodies, claws running through their fur with unbounded passion.

"God, I love you," Ty panted when they pulled apart after what seemed like an eternity.

"You are my world," Mark responded, leaning in once more.

Both furs moaned as their hands' explorations ventured further and deeper into dangerous territory. Within moments, their cummerbunds were lying discarded on the floor, and yips and groans filled the room as their growing erections begged for release from their fabric prisons. Slowly, working gently so as not to ruin their formal tuxes, both wolves worked their pants down to their knees, growling in excited anticipation.

With one final look, Mark's eyes met Ty, and they exchanged silent vows of unshakeable trust. Grabbing the small wolf firmly, Mark rotated him and bent him gently over the counter, slowly sinking his warm body onto Ty's. He ground his crotch against the grey wolf's rump teasingly, earning an anxious moan from the smaller animal.

"Take me," was all that Ty could say.

Slowly, savoring each rich sensation, Mark aligned his cock with Ty's tailhole before sliding his paws along the small wolf's sides. Their lips met again, and Mark gently pressed his member against the tight pucker as their tongues began to explore their usual stomping grounds. Ty groaned slightly as his rear stretched to accommodate the familiar intruder, but the pain was short-lived; he was soon moaning in pleasure as Mark's length slowly filled him. Growling quietly, the larger wolf delivered a gentle bite to Ty's neck as he hilted him, eliciting a sharp gasp of pleasure from the body below him.

The white wolf paused when his member was completely inside Ty, listening to the quiet whimpers of his lover squirming beneath him. Their hearts were beating in time, their bodies shaking together as they moaned in ecstacy. Taking a deep breath, Mark slowly pulled back out to the head, gasping as Ty unexpectedly clamped down on his shaft; the small wolf smiled slightly, happy to hear his lover's response.

As he slowly pumped his length back in, Mark reached a paw to find Ty's now-throbbing cock. The small wolf whimpered at the new touch; despite their earlier action, his cock was already slick with pre, and a small sticky pool had formed on the counter. Within moments, Mark's pumping had synchronized with his own thrusting, and he slowly mated with his wolf, savoring every sensation as their bodies shook in euphoria.

"I know," Ty growled up at the larger wolf, "that you can go faster than that."

Smiling widely, Mark happily picked up the pace, moaning again as another wave of pleasure rocked down his spine. Ty grunted beneath him, moaning every time the intruder's tip prodded his prostate. Eager to take his lover's full length, the small wolf began to push back against Mark's hips with every thrust, relishing the feeling as their ball sacks slapped together.

"Ooh," Mark groaned suddenly, his tongue lolling out in lustful, animalistic pleasure, "you're so good."

Ty murred in response. He could feel the rapidly growing knot at his base, and he burned to feel it in him.

"" he groaned between thrusts, pushing back with ever more force and begging for the entry of his lover's entirety.

Mark sped up once again, growling deep in his throat as his instincts took hold. With no degree of delicacy, he pounded his knot against Ty's tailhole, earning ecstatic gasps from the smaller wolf. Finally, with a loud popping noise, the engorged member slipped into Ty's rear, eliciting a rapturous moan from the grey fur.

Mark thrusted now with ever more intensity, groaning between the fevered motions. He could feel his balls tensing now, and Ty shuddered as he felt Mark's cock begin to spasm within him. He was hovering on the edge, his entire body trembling as his pumping became erratic. Eager to feel his lover's warm seed within him, Ty clamped down once again on Mark's shaft, making the larger wolf moan loudly in response. His entire body shook now, and his hips ground uncontrollably against Ty's.

Stifling a howl, Mark bit down once more on Ty's neck, and with one last great thrust, he lifted Ty off the counter as his entire body shook and trembled. The small wolf nearly shouted as he felt Mark's hot cum coat his insides, and within seconds his own cock was twitching in excitement. His balls pressed up against his own body, and with a trembling spasm, he emptied his second load onto the countertop. Both bodies shook and trembled as their orgasms swept over them, leaving the wolves swimming in a blind sea of blissful pleasure.


A cough from the doorway snapped both animals suddenly from their ecstacy. Both sets of eyes widened as they fell upon the figure of Ty's mother.

"Oh shit," Ty breathed. He had forgotten that his parents would be at this concert.

"I can explain."

To be continued.