Something to keep safe - Chapter VIII

Story by Ryat on SoFurry

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#8 of Something to Keep Safe

It's getting a bad habit of mine to write those chapters so slowly. What can I say, my computer basically died so I lost what I was writing, and another long period of writing block. Again.

Anyway, plot is back. Some of you already knew this was coming. Now that I think about it it's not fair from me to end my chapter with such a cliffhanger. Guess I couldn't help. Have fun reading !

A little friendship

AuRon opened an eye and widely yawned. After the disasters of the preview day, the two dragons just headed back to the grey male's cave and went to sleep without any other incident happening. And now was the next day. For once, he wasn't waking up with a raging erection, just an half hard morning wood. It really was a relief not to feel awkward about the dreams he had made... Well, considering he was half hard there had to be something kinky. But at least he wasn't feeling horny at all.

Hazel still was sleeping beside him. Like usual, he had covered her with his wing during his sleep. The grey dragon just sighed at this habit he just couldn't fight. AuRon looked at the red dragoness sleeping, her breath slightly moving his wing up and down. This was the first time he could actually watch her sleeping without getting thoughts induced by her heat. The sight of Hazel peacefully sleeping made him smile. She was so cute and defenseless in her sleep. He watched her for a few minutes before she eventually woke up. The red dragoness widely yawned, difficultly opening her eyes.

"Good morning Hazel." AuRon greeted her.

"Morning." she grumbled, still half asleep.

Without any other words the dragoness closed her eyes and put her head on her paws, seeming to be half-asleep. This surprised AuRon who raised an eyebrow.

"You're not going to get up ?" he asked.

Hazel just opened an eye, looking at him.

"I'll just enjoy the fact that for once I don't have to get up right after I woke up because of inconvenient thoughts or events." she simply replied.

The grey dragon didn't answer, thinking about this answer. Hazel was actually right, this was the first time since she arrived that a morning didn't end up in a major catastrophe. The idea to get back to a light snooze like Hazel just did really seemed like a tempting idea. He lied his head back on the ground, between his two forepaws, and relaxed his body. Yeah, he definitively was going to enjoy this peaceful morning.

Hazel opened an eye, yawning again. Judging by the sun entering the cave through the opening on the top, it now was later in the morning, meaning she had been snoozing for a few hours. The red dragoness let out a contented murr as she felt some sunrays softly heating her scales. What a delicious feeling to wake up to after a small nap... Not to mention her mind was clear for once ! Well her heat still was there, but the events from the last day definitively seemed to have somehow calmed it. Hazel blushed as she caught herself trying to remember the "incident". That was quite a fantasy she had made up at that moment ! Having AuRon savagely taking her... The dragoness looked at the grey dragon still snoozing beside her. It was the first time she was daring to detail his body from that close. Probably like every male dragon, AuRon was featuring a pretty muscular build. Hazel's look stopped a few seconds on the muscles present on his forepaw, making her smile. Yeah, that definitively was...

Her eyes widened as she finished her thought. Sexy ? Was she really shamelessly detailing AuRon's muscles, and almost imagining again that fantasy she had while she masturbated ? What was she thinking again ? It seemed like her thoughts still could easily drift if she wasn't cautious about that... Her heat still was there after all. The red dragoness sighed. This morning that was perfect until then just had been ruined. Hazel sighed again and put her head back on her paws. She would wait for AuRon to wake up, since it was way too late to sleep again.

AuRon difficultly opened his eyes, slowly waking up. He dozed off really faster than he expected, and longer than expected as well. He glanced at Hazel and saw that the dragoness had lied her head on her paws, surprisingly looking angry.

"Hazel ? What's the matter ?" he asked her.

The dragoness made an annoyed puff before answering.

"I made the mistake to believe I could just ignore my heat for a moment, after what happened yesterday. I was wrong. I was so comfortable on your side before I started to get those thoughts..."

AuRon slightly smirked. "Now that you're mentioning it, I'm smelling your heat clearly again."

The red dragoness had a small chuckle.

"There's no reason I'm the only one to suffer here !" she exclaimed.

AuRon chuckled as well. "Well, I guess this means it's time to get up then ?"

Hazel nodded and stood up, stretching her body in the process. The grey dragon soon did the same, only adding a long yawn while stretching. The two dragons then headed outside the cave, greeted by the warm breeze blowing over the cliff. The sun was already quite high in the sky, indicating it was pretty late in the morning. Its rays softly heating their scales were really enjoyable without being too hot. Now that AuRon was thinking about it, the weather really had been splendid these last few days, not even a single day of rain. The grey dragon stretched his wings before folding them back on his sides.

"So, what are we going to do today ?" Hazel wondered.

AuRon thought for several seconds before answering.

"Well, I don't know for you, but... Since you have been here, I didn't check the borders of my territory, so I really should make a patrol to ensure there's no intruder. The region is maybe calm, but that doesn't mean I mustn't check from time to time." he replied.

"Oh, alright. How long is it going to take ?" Hazel inquired.

The grey dragon shrugged. "Unless there's a problem, it shouldn't take more than a few hours."

"I'll just be waiting then. I guess I'll stay at that place we were last time, your spot next to the cliff." the dragoness replied.

"Okay. See you later then !"

The grey dragon then stretched his wings and dove from the cliff, disappearing from Hazel's view.

AuRon quickly landed in the woods next to the cliffs and began his patrol. Even though he loved the company of the red dragoness, he had to admit he was enjoying having a moment totally alone, may it only be to escape her heat for a moment. All this story was pretty straining for him after all.

AuRon quickly sniffed the air, checking if another male tried to mark a nearby tree. The young dragon frowned a bit as he noticed that although there was no new smell, his own mark was hardly noticeable. Well then he would use this patrol to mark his territory again. A strong marking was sure to drive most of the younger dragons away... and a young dragon contesting his territory definitively was the last thing he needed with all the problems he already was having at the moment.

AuRon raised one of his hind paws and instinctively marked the nearest tree, checking the scent afterward. Yeah, this was way better. There was no way a younger drake tried to claim this part of his territory with this strong marking. The grey dragon continued to walk, stopping from time to time to mark another tree. At this rythm, it would take a bit longer to circle his territory than he originally planned. He hoped Hazel wouldn't start to worry about him if he was taking more time than he told her.

Thinking about her... AuRon couldn't deny that the red dragoness was really cute, and that she had some effect on him. But this was mostly due to her heat, wasn't it ? The young dragon shook his head for himself. No, that was wrong. There were a lot of things the grey dragon realized he didn't want to admit. It really was about time he thought more deeply about the recent events. This walk suddenly promised to be way more than a mere patrol of his territory.

So, what could he begin with ? The whole situation felt like a huge ball of knotted events and feelings. One thing was sure, one way or another he was attracted to the red dragoness. Her heat only was the pretext he was using not to admit it. Just acknowledging it made him feel slightly guilty, but on an other hand there was nothing wrong about that. It was perfectly natural for a young dragon like him to feel attracted to a young dragoness. However it wasn't only a physical attraction, and he perfectly knew it. He really had enjoyed those last days spent with her. But could he have simply enjoyed it because he was feeling alone ? After all, since he settled in this territory he didn't meet a lot of dragons, so some company was more than welcomed. Once again, the young dragon shook his head. This was a pretext again. AuRon was particularly at ease with Hazel, not like he would have been with everyone. The red dragoness had at least become a good friend to him. And at most...

AuRon suddenly blushed hard when he understood where his reasoning was leading. At most what ? At most he... fell in love with her ? Was that the sentence that came to his mind ? That was... Well... AuRon felt confused at the sole thought of the possibility. He tried to calm himself, but no coherent thought managed to emerge from his confusion. Ugh, definitively there was nothing to do when it dealt with Hazel, there was always a point where he was feeling lost and confused. Maybe he should stop trying to think about it, but how could he after that thought he just had ?

Well anyway for the moment he had something to do, so he'd better focus on that. After all, AuRon didn't want the marking of his territory to be incomplete, and it wasn't like his thoughts were leading to anywhere. The grey dragon resumed his patrol, still feeling disturbed about all those thoughts. He would try to sort all that later, when he would have calmed himself a bit.

Hazel jumped from rock to rock, quickly climbing the formation that was delimiting the spot she was looking for. It didn't take her long before reaching the summit and climbing down the same way she climbed up. There she was, the sunbathing spot. At this time of the day the stone under her was starting to get warm, and the red dragoness had a small murr of anticipation. Well of course she remembered how it ended up the last time she came here, but this time AuRon wasn't there, and her heat had calmed off. That time everything should be fine, and she would be able to fully enjoy the spot.

Hazel lied down on the ground, making herself comfortable and putting her head on her paws. She let out a sigh of contentment as she felt the warm rock beneath her heat her belly scales. No wonder this spot was one of AuRon's favourite. And on top of that, she had a good view on the forest below. Yeah this spot was perfect.

As she was looking at the landscape, the young dragoness noticed the lake she was at the day before, reminding her of the events that occurred. She slightly blushed as some parts came back to her mind, surprisingly well detailed. These were shameful memories... but on the other hand they also were pretty exciting for obvious reasons. She really would have to be careful not to let this happen again...

Hopefully AuRon didn't seem to take it bad. Well of course like he said it would have been kinda hypocritical to blame her when he also did the same some time ago, but Hazel had the feeling the poor grey dragon felt horribly awkward when he spotted her. And who wouldn't ? After all she also spotted him right after the act, even though at that time she was too angry to feel awkward.

That was kind a difficult situation they both were in. Her instincts were urging her to have AuRon mate her, and Hazel was pretty sure his own instincts were about the same. Now that she was thinking about it, it was really mean from her to stay with him with her heat... She was surely making his life a hell. Yet the grey dragon never complained about it, even though his body was clearly affected by her heat. Hell, it even got to the point he couldn't take it anymore ! The red dragoness was pretty sure his patrol without her would make him some good. Maybe she should try to live a bit farther from him ? This would surely help relieving the tension she was constantly applying to him. That, or...

Wait, what was she thinking about ? Did she just think about satisfying AuRon on that domain ? That for sure was another thought induced by her heat. Yet... Hazel had the strange feeling that she almost would go that far if it could make AuRon feel better. But why did she have that feeling ? She only was sure that this time, this thought wasn't caused by her heat. Hazel really wanted to do the best she could for the young grey dragon to feel better. But going that far ? She shouldn't think about such acts with a dragon that wasn't her mate.

The red dragoness' eyes widened as she slowly realized something. Up to this point, she only thought about AuRon as a kind friend. What if it was more than this ? She already thought about the possibility several times earlier, but each time rejected it. Well maybe she only wasn't ready for it. Yet, the more she was thinking about it the more she realized their relationship couldn't be just friendship. Since the beginning they had been sleeping together. Wasn't that actually strange ? Yes, there was no doubt about it, there was something more than friendship between them.

Yet the dragoness couldn't think of AuRon as a mate. The grey dragon was lacking... something, she couldn't quite put a claw on it. What exactly defined a mate ? Of course someone Hazel would want to spend the rest of her life with. But on top of that, what did she imagine a mate was ? Hmm, he would have to be brave, ready to protect his family. Then, he would be handsome, attractive, gentle, with a large nice territory and...

The dragoness interrupted her thoughts as she realized how silly they were. There's no wonder she felt like something was missing, what she was depicting was just the perfect dragon ! How silly. Of course no one could have every single of these qualities. The only thing AuRon could lack was a bit of self-confidence. So now she was sure about it, she was having a crush on the grey dragon. Well, admitting this sure had been some work on herself...

The red dragoness wondered if AuRon was feeling the same for her. Well there had to be something, right ? After all no one would endure all that without complaining if there wasn't any feeling behind it. But it wasn't sure he actually knew it, a bit like herself had been denying her feelings. Well about that... Maybe the best solution was to ask him ? Hmm no, she couldn't really ask something that important like that. Males had their pride after all, and it always had been males who first declared their feelings to the females. Yet, Hazel couldn't just stand and wait. Well she still could try and lead AuRon to the topic ? Yes that sounded like a good idea. This way he still would be the one to make the first step and she wouldn't hurt his pride.

Hazel smiled and let out a satisfied puff of smoke. All this sounded like a perfect plan. She briefly wondered how AuRon would react when he would understand where she was leading him. Would he surprise her and admit his love for her right away ? Would he be surprised ? Or would he simply feel so awkward he would turn again into a bright red ? Hazel giggled at the thought of the last possibility. It was so funny when AuRon was turning red like that. It was somehow so cute... Well that was mean for the young dragon, but it was one of the things she liked with him.

The red dragoness laid her head on her paws, still smiling, and murred as she made herself comfortable. Between the warm rock beneath her and the sun softly heating her scales, she really was feeling great. Definitely today would be a great day for her.

Suddenly the memory of her past months came to her mind, and the dragoness began to shake uncontrollably. She had been trying her best to forget all that, but with that moment of inactivity they came back. Her eyes began to get wet as a tear formed at the corner of one of them. Since that event, two years ago... her life had become a storm. The dragoness sobbed as the memories came back to her surprisingly clearly. But she managed to get those thoughts away and stop sobbing as she thought of the last few days. If her life had become a storm, AuRon felt like a providential sun ray. She laid her head back on her paws and let out a sigh. She just couldn't wait for AuRon to come back from his patrol to engage the discussion with him. Hazel's eyes gradually closed as she let herself fall in a light sleep. Yeah, she just couldn't wait for this moment to happen.

AuRon marked another tree by instinct, his thoughts totally away from the marking of his territory. Even by the time he went where he was he didn't manage to untie the knotted ball of his feelings. He really liked being with Hazel, but did that mean he fell in love with her ? That was the question he still couldn't answer. How could such a simple question get that difficult to answer ? And he had all the elements to actually answer this... After all, he knew he liked the company of the dragoness. He was having fun with her, and she seemed to like him as well. Yet he was feeling some apprehension at the idea to live with her. Was she really the one going to be his mate ? In the stories he had heard when he was an hatchling the dragons instantly knew they fell in love. So was it just love being a more complicated matter or wasn't Hazel the one meant to be his mate ?

Maybe he was concerning himself too much over nothing. Well that was even more than likely. But AuRon couldn't risk any wrong decision on that topic ! The grey dragon sighed, marking another tree. He really stepped in a domain he knew nothing about. Never would he have expected love to be so complicated ! Maybe he should talk about it to Hazel later. Even though he had no idea how he could bring such a slippery topic properly...

Well at least the marking of his territory was going well. No other dragon tried to claim his land as theirs, which already was a good point. He already had enough problems not to have to worry about another male contesting his territory. The grey dragon arrived at a river and stopped in his tracks. This river was where he first noticed Hazel's intrusion in his territory. It was his border with the black dragon Terreth. Thinking about him... AuRon never asked Hazel about it since he had the feeling she wouldn't want to talk about it, but something was highly bothering him in this whole story, and it was about Terreth. Actually the grey dragon knew the black dragon quite well. He still could remember the day he first met him, the day he had arrived in this region in his search for a territory. And at that time, Terreth was a really friendly dragon. He was extremely proud of his mate and his daughter, and he was making his very best to protect them from any threat. And today, his daughter was fleeing him while he hadn't heard anything about Hazel's mother. How could such a situation be ? What could have possibly happened for that once happy family to shatter like this ? Hazel might have had an hard life for a while. Yet, if it was indeed the case, she had been holding it for her. AuRon wondered if he shouldn't try to ask her about the events that occurred before her arrival. He would have to akal be cautious about that topic though, if she never talked about it it was bound to be for a reason...

The grey dragon walked toward the border of the river and, bending his head, began to drink the fresh water. All this marking made him thirsty. He really had a lot of sensible topics to discuss with Hazel when he would be back at his cave. How could he bring them without it being awkward ?

"Hello, neighbour."

AuRon almost chocked with the water he was drinking, and suddenly raised his head. On the other side of the river a black dragon was standing. Terreth. When did he arrive ?

"Oh, erm, hello Terreth !" the grey dragon tried to answer the most naturally possible, after a few coughs.

Talk about a coincidence. He didn't see him for two years, and now he was there exactly as AuRon was making a quick patrol. The grey dragon gulped, nervous. That... wasn't good. Not good at all. The troubles were there...