Child's Play

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This is the story of a kind-hearted thief looking for an easy target. When he encounters a little girl, he gets in trouble way over his head ... quite literally.

Raccoons. Good-for-nothing wrongdoers. Always hiding and scheming behind this mask of theirs.

How he hated these stereotypes. Okay, granted, it wasn't helping that his own hands were busy fiddling with a window hatch of a home that wasn't his, but just because the stereotypes coincidentally fit him didn't mean he had to like them, did it?

And by the way, why did they call it cat burglar? Why did he always have to compare to cats? They didn't know the first of it, always aloof, always too proud of themselves. Time to show them who was better at this job.

Silently he opened the window and listened for a moment, before he slid in and landed on the ground without a sound. The room he entered was dimly lit by the moon and the stray light of the street lanterns outside, enough to let him make out it was a child's room, probably a little girl's. His assumption was confirmed when he found the kid sleeping in her bed, a little cat curled up into a ball of fur and snuggled under her blanket.

A smile came to his face when he glanced over the peaceful display. As much as he disliked cats, he wouldn't do her any harm. He was a thief, not a mugger, much less a child molester! The less they'd notice of him, the better. All the valuable stuff, television, decoration, jewelry, probably was downstairs anyway. He almost felt bad for the little girl that her parents would have to cut back on presents in the near future. Almost.

As he turned around to leave the sleeping child behind, he felt something tug on his tail. He glanced back over his shoulders and cringed when he saw the kid had turned in her sleep and grabbed the tip of his tail. He gently tried to pull it from her, but she only grabbed it harder and snuggled it up close, as if it was her plushie. Damn it! Why did things like this always happen to him out of all?

He stretched his fingers before he tried to loosen the girl's grip a little. Her tiny hand wasn't strong, but the tricky part was getting her fingers to open without rousing her. Carefully he slipped the tip of her blanket under her fingers until he could pull his tail out, her hand grabbing the soft fabric instead of his fluffy fur. He held his breath and went perfectly still, when the little girl mrowled in her sleep, as if something was missing, but then she relaxed and dozed off again.


When he let out his breath a little too triumphantly, her eyes fluttered open, blinking at him in surprise.


She wasn't shocked or scared to see him, just a little perplexed, as if she wasn't sure if she was still dreaming. When she opened her mouth and yawned, he put a finger to her lips.

"Ssshh!" he silenced her, looking her deep in the eyes. "Go back to sleep sweety, will ya? Just forget you ever saw me."

Her eyebrows furrowed when she cocked her head and looked at him curiously. "Who are you?" she inquired.

"I'm Santa's little helper", he smiled at her. "I'm gonna make sure you're nicely sleeping in your bed, like all kids should."

"But ... it's June", she blinked, puzzled. Then she pointed at him accusingly. "And you don't look like an elf!"

"Hello?" he pointed at the mask in his fur. "I'm disguised! Who'd want to be spotted walking around as an elf? Way too many questions. We elves have to work in secret, all year long, to make sure which kids are naughty and which are nice."

"Oooh", the little girl slowly nodded.

"Tell ya what, kid", he patted her thigh. "If you wanna be nice, be quiet and get back to sleep now. Santa'll bring you a lot of presents this year if you behave!"

"But I'm awake now", she pouted. "I can't go back to sleep!"

"Yes you can. Just close your eyes and snuggle under your blanket and you'll be dreaming in no time!"

"But I'm not tired!" she insisted. "Can we play til I'm tired?"

"Ooh, sweety ..." he sighed.


"Well, how 'bout this ... I'll go check the rest of the house if everything is okay and you stay here and don't make a sound. And when I get back, we'll play as much as you want. Are we good?"

"But ..." she pouted again, but this time he put a finger to her lips.

"A-ah!" he shook his head. "No sound! Remember? That's no speaking, no singing, no screaming, no jumping ..."

She frowned, but finally slowly nodded, pulling her blanket close to her and hugging it tightly against her chest. He smiled appreciatively. "That's a good girl!" He turned around to leave the room. "I'll be back in no time!"

"But I wanna play now!" she insisted and yanked on his tail.

This time he lost his balance. It felt like the floor had dropped like an elevator, the ceiling shooting upwards, the walls shifting and elongating. He blinked his eyes, dizzy for a moment, and unsteady has he climbed back to his feet. He felt like a little kid that had just jumped off a rollercoaster.

"Stop that you little ...!"

When he turned around to the girl, he stopped, his mouth hanging open. She looked down on him from her bed. Down?! He wasn't reeling anymore, he was standing! How could she be above him?

She cast her blanket aside and slipped out of bed, meeting him at eye level. She hadn't grown any bigger, yet she was nearly his own size. The whole world had grown. Or, he gulped ... did he shrink?

With a giddy smile, she took his hands. "Come on! Let's play!"

"N-no, sweety, I really have to go!" he stammered, trying to pull away from her. But the moment he turned around, she yanked him back, making him tumble to the ground and fall over on all fours. Again, he felt dizzy and everything seemed to stretch, even time itself. When he finally hit the floor, he was gasping from the sudden shift. Face to face with her toes he could only stare at them in awe, each digit easily as big as his head.

He nearly didn't dare to look, but he raised his head nonetheless. The little girl was towering above him like a giant, slender legs like tree trunks vanishing behind the curtain of her nightgown. Her smile revealed unnervingly sharp teeth. She still was a predator and he had just been reduced to bite size.

He was left no time to ponder how this was even possible when the girl bent down and reached a hand towards him to pick him up. He shrieked and crawled away, but her fingers easily wrapped around his chest and waist, lifting him in the air like a doll, leaving his legs to struggle.

"Aaah!" he screamed. "What did you do?! Put me down! Put me down!"

"I just wanna play!" she told him, baring her teeth again in a menacing smile.

Oh god she's gonna eat me! Thoughts ran through his head faster than he could grasp. She got fucking magic powers! I have to get out of here! Fast! Now!

He looked down only to see his feet dangling high above the floor as if he was standing on a skyscraper, but with nothing but thin air between himself and the ground. If she dropped him now, he'd surely be nothing but a mess on the carpet! Feeling himself struck by nausea, he raised his head abruptly, his eyes searching for something, anything, to avert his impending fall.

When she lifted him overhead to scrutinize his tiny form, he was reminded of the other danger awaiting him. Every time she opened her mouth, he froze at the sight of her pointy cat teeth, her broad tongue flicking over the glossy white surface, leaving it shimmering in the dim light. His heart pounded too loud to even understand her words, he just had to get out of here! NOW!

Acting on instinct he shot forward and sank his teeth into the thumb pressing against his chest. The effect was immediate.

"Ouch!" the girl winced and released her grip. With arms flailing in panic he slipped out of her opening fingers, grabbing for support but missing by just a few inches. He fell down, landing slump on her muzzle, his feet treading on her jaw, his hands grabbing her whiskers. She recoiled from the sudden touch on her face, squeezing her eyes and her jaw shut. He could just barely pull back his toes before her teeth came clashing together, but that meant he had nothing but the springy whiskers to support his weight. He sank down again, dangling right before her mouth, his hands slipping over the thin ropes of her hair, until there was no more whisker to go. He hit the bed of her chest fur, stopping his descend on the neckline of her nightgown, panting heavily.

The girl nearly sent him flying when she shook her head to clear her eyes. "Hey! Come back here!" Her voice not only echoed loudly in his ears, it also rumbled low in her chest, making his fur stand on end. When he saw her hand coming for him, he only had a split second to decide where to go. His feet pushed against the fabric of her nightgown, stretching it far enough to let him slip under the cover. Caught in the crevice between her chest and the gown, he dug his claws into her soft fur and the sail-like cloth for purchase, hanging high above the opening at her legs, trying hard not to look down.

"Eeek!" she squealed at the sudden touch of his claws, his whole world shaking in an earthquake. He lost his grip, slipping downwards again, quickly stretching his arms and legs for the elusive gown, stopping his fall just in time. Slam! He looked above to see the two walls of fur and fabric smash together when her hands went after him, trying to grab him through the cloth. He hastily let go again, sliding deeper, catching himself with desperate clawing, before her hands followed suit and hit the spot he had just been in. Slam!

"Stop iiit!" he heard the kitten mewl, a terrifying rumble so close to her giant body. "That tickles!" Slam! He found a rhythm, releasing the cloth for a second, sliding down her belly, digging back into the mesh to stop before he plummeted to his demise, coming ever closer to the end of the gown and the gap between her legs. Slam! "Come back, you!"

He couldn't go any further. If he let go again, he'd dangle from the edge of her dress, where she'd catch him for sure. It was still much too high to just jump down, he'd at least break a leg when he hit the floor. The kitten's legs were big as redwoods, but her skin and fur were too smooth to allow him to climb down. Slam! He barely ducked, going down the last bit, clinging to the fabric without any support from her body, dangling right before her crotch. Then he saw something swish beneath him. Her tail! Of course! If he got there, he had a chance to reach the ground without breaking his neck!

He flung his own tail and legs away from her to gain momentum, clinging to her nightgown like a giant swing. On his way back towards her he could already see her hand approaching, he had to act fast and get cover! His claws stretched out and grabbed for her panties, the only thing to support him now, and he slipped between the fabric and her body as fast as he could. This was his only cover, she couldn't grab him here, he could probably crawl down between her legs and get to the tail on-


The air was squeezed from his lungs when her hand came crashing down, pinning his whole body flat against her crotch. He felt himself being smothered into her girlish lower lips, the pressure pushing him towards the yielding crevice in their middle. He gritted his teeth and spread his arms and legs to push back, against the underwear, against the giant fingers in his back. His struggling and wiggling to get free from her grip only made her press him down harder, nearly drowning him in the tender folds.

"EEEK!" she squealed loudly, muffled by layers of cloth and flesh he was trapped in. "You're tickling meee!"

His body went limp when his head became dizzy from the lack of air and pure exhaustion. His muscles were burning, protesting against the ordeal they were put through. He was in the grasp of a giant child, shrunken down to the size of a toy, trapped in her undies and nearly suffocating! He already didn't care where exactly he was, the idea of just giving up and ending it right now began to sound rather comforting against the hopeless struggle to get free from his tormentor.

Suddenly the pressure was released, his body sinking back against her panties, gasping for air. He got a good mouthful of her prepubescant odor, the smell of the little girl nearly overwhelming his already clouded mind, but at least he could breath again!

"You okay down there?" she asked and lifted her dress to cast a glance down her panties. "Why'd you stop? That felt nice."

He looked up into the pair of big kitten eyes high above him. She didn't want to hurt him, she was just a little kid playing, not knowing when to stop. No!_he told himself. _She's a cat, she's just toying around with me! I still have to get ou-

"Do it again!" she interrupted his thoughts with a booming command. Her fingers slipped into her underwear, right behind him, pressing into his back and shoving him against her mound. He was overcome by a sudden jolt of vertigo, not from the scent laden air he was breathing or the realization of his position, but from the very real feeling of her lips slipping away under his grasping hands and her fingertip stretching across his back. She was shrinking him again!

Panic gripped his mind as he turned around, trying to wriggle free, clinging to the finger that was already bigger than he could wrap his arms around. Desperately he tried to climb the smooth leathery surface of her fingerpads, but he was thrown back when she pressed him between her lips, rubbing him up and down the moistening cushions, ruffling his fur. He didn't hear her purr in delight as much as he felt her, quivering all around him, like a giant maw ready to swallow him whole.

With each stroke his fur became slicker, his body sinking ever deeper between her tight folds, but at the same time his wiggling and squirming became easier from the lack of friction. Just when he thought he had a chance to slip past her finger and out of her reach, she made the final push and plunged him inside. He didn't see anything, already engulfed in darkness, but he felt the rush of movement, the heat and wetness inside her body washing over him. He was crushed against a fleshy nub nearly as big as himself, dragged along her inside walls, and squeezed into the tender flash that seemed all to eager to embrace him.

No! He didn't want to go in there! Even if it was the last thing he did, he wouldn't stop fighting! He twisted around, baring his teeth, biting down on the sensitive nub and digging his claws into the soft flesh around. There was a flicker of hope when he felt her shudder and wince, felt her squealing reverberate through her body and through his own. If only he fought hard enough, he could force her to let him go or pull him out! He gasped for breath in the thick, humid air, then he sank his teeth into her sensitive spot again, clenching down hard.

He immediately came to regret his decision. Instead of pulling him out she just pressed harder, punishing him for hurting her, nearly crushing his tiny form between her fingertip and her inner walls. He felt himself overwhelmed by an all too familiar tingling of dizzyness and vertigo, both flesh and finger suddenly slipping away in all directions at a fast pace. A cold shudder ran down his spine and his stomach clenched when he realized what that meant, his hands grabbing desperately for the soft, slick flesh, but to no avail. If she kept shrinking him, he couldn't even imagine where he'd end up!

Her finger came up again, or at least he supposed it was her finger. The ridges and valleys of the leathery surface seemed more at home on an alien planet as he was bounced back, squeezed into the moist, soft, rubbery surroundings that he could hardly believe to be part of a single living being anymore. Up and down began to lose their meaning as he became suspended in her fluids, a thin film along her walls enough to wholly engulf him and make him float. Even space and time seemed to break down, the sound of what must have been her heart beating, her throat purring, and her nethers contracting became a faint distant thunder, oscillating rhythmically, but sensible all around him, like ripples in his universe. He could only hold his breath, shut his eyes, and hope for the best, hope that some miracle would redeem him, that somehow he could get out of here, maybe wake up in his bed or on the street with his head hit, anywhere but lost inside the body of a little girl never to be found again.

And then there was a direction again. Something pulled him, pushed him, he went with the flow, unable to swim against the overwhelming current in her fluids. He was swirled around, loosing all orientation if he had any of that left, before he was smacked onto the ground by the flood, like a giant wave crashing on the shore and leaving him gasping and coughing. There was a dim light again as he could see when he opened his eyes. With a heavy groan he pushed himself up on all fours, his hands touching the ground beneath him. It was rough and uneven, like tree bark, but softer and wet from the flood. More of these these faintly white things stretched out around him, forming an eerily regular pattern of hills and crevices, curving up to giant ridges on the horizon.


A booming sound echoed all around him, startling him, barely recognizable as slow, thundering speech. He lifted his head to see the kitten above him, her head high in the sky, incredibly large and incredibly far away, like a moon threatening to crash down onto the earth.


He saw her lips move like tectonic plates on a distant planet, but every syllable reverberated in the air around him, every slight movement of her body shaking the uneven ground he was kneeling on. She must have pulled her panties down, he was stranded on a single fiber of their fabric.


Her eyes darted around, searching for him. He didn't think that she could even see him on this microscopic scale, but when her gaze finally fixated on him, her lips curled up into a smile. Her finger reached out for him, came down to block out his view, fill his sky like a menacing storm cloud. He wanted to run, wanted to hide, but he had no more strength left in his limbs to get himself up. It didn't matter anymore. She would simply crush him and end it or shrink him into oblivion. Even if he could escape her now, he would have nowhere to go, stranded in an alien world that didn't even notice him anymore. He closed his eyes.

The finger came down, but it didn't crush him. When it gently touched his back he suddenly felt like he could throw up, his whole body trembling and his head spinning from a feeling like surfacing after he had been diving miles deep into the ocean. The whole world rushed towards him, the fibers on the ground snaring together until they became a tight mesh instead of a drawn out landscape, the giant fingertip on his back concentrating on a single point. Within just a few seconds he grew several dozen times larger, reaching his full former size. Well, at least the size to fill out her panties he was still kneeling in.

"That was fun!"

He couldn't believe what he just heard or what he had just experienced. He was struggling to realize he was still small, but so much bigger than he had been only moments before. He was everything but safe, but so much safer than he had been when she could have crushed his body with nothing but the tip of her claw, when she could have blown him away with a mere breath. A manic laughter welled up in his chest and shook his body, breaking free with a cough. He had survived! He was still alive!

With a soft giggle the girl joined in on his laughter. Picking him up, she gently cupped him in her hands, lifting him up to her face. His mind started to scream, urged him to keep struggling, keep running and fighting, but right now he could just hold onto her fingers, panting heavily, cherishing the feeling of not being crushed.

"You look tired", she told him, looking him over with a frown. He nodded weakly. "Me tooo..." the girl replied with a little yawn, followed by a soft smile. "Let's go back to bed."

She flicked away her discarded panties and climbed onto her bed, holding the little raccoon tightly against her chest. He was buried in the tuft of fur beyond her neckline when she rolled on her back, pulled up her blanket, and snuggled under it, gently rubbing his back with her thumb. He couldn't help but murr a little, his body relaxing after the ordeal she had put him through, despite all the screaming fears in the back of his mind. He had to rest, no matter what, and if she decided to be nice, he clearly wouldn't object.

"Tomorrow I'll show you the others", she told him in a dreamy voice. It took him some time to even realize what she had said, considering his exhausted state. There were others like him?

"We're gonna have so much fun!"