Have a Drink

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#43 of Adult Story One Shots

A commission for someone over on FA clocking in at 22 pages, and as a little apology for often forgetting to upload there, I'll be posting it up here first today. =D

Two young men find themselves at the home of a very kind gentlemen, though when they start stripping for him they start to figure out that things aren't all they seem to be...

I hope you all enjoy, and I would love to hear your thoughts! =D

"Which house is up first for today?" Lloyd asked, walking beside his friend and partner Vince, the sun was high in the sky as the pair walked the street, passing by buildings that they'd walked past at least a hundred times before. The pair were a part of an religion that housed members of its church as long as they were willing to be evangelists, going from home to home preaching about their religion and how it would be good to join.

The pair had joined three years prior, and were now both twenty one, and had enjoyed living with the church and doing their jobs. They had actually gotten a few people to convert, though more often than naught doors would be slammed in their faces. "It looks like... this house up here, according to my notes..." Vince muttered, looking up and pointing out a house to his friend.

The house was practically a mansion, and Lloyd found it odd that he'd never paid it much mind in the past with how large it was. It looked to be five stories high, and Lloyd found his jaw dragging on the ground as Vince punched him in the arm. "Ouch! No need for violence..." he grumbled, rubbing his arm as they approached the house. Pulling out a bible and a few pamphlets from his jacket, Lloyd slipped on his smile as Vince walked up before him and rang the doorbell.

Lloyd got up the stairs in time for the door to open revealing a young man in what looked to be a butler suit, both young men blinked in surprise as a coy smile slid across the young man's face. "Oh, welcome. Let me get the homeowner, please come in," the young man said, both nodding appreciatively as they walked into the main corridor of the house, smelling a mint like scent wafting through the air.

They watched as the young man walked up a large staircase and disappeared around a corner, glancing around Vince and Lloyd were impressed. "Whoever owns this house must be loaded..." Vince mumbled, Lloyd nodded a few times as he heard the stairs creaking announcing the owner as he stepped into view. He was a rather handsome man, dark black hair with tips of red at the edges of his hair hinting at a dye of some sort, probably mid to late thirties... "Welcome gentlemen," the owner said, smiling as he approached them. "What can I do for you, Vince, Lloyd?" he asked, and both young men blinked in shock, but the man just laughed. "You wear your name tags," he said, poking their name tags and both chuckled nervously.

For some reason being called by their names... it was a shock, like static electricity jolting someone awake. Shaking himself out of his odd little daze, Lloyd tugged at his tie and smiled kindly. "Well we represent our local church here, and we just wanted to take a few moments of your time explaining what we're here about," Lloyd said, Vince nodding a bit numbly.

"Of course, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say. My name is Rhomas, please leave your coats on the rack," the man said, and Lloyd and Vince both knew that it was against rules to remove their jackets... but like a dog would follow a command from their owner, the pair discarded their jackets onto the rack and followed Rhomas. As they followed the owner into a room, they noticed a can of Ginger ale, and a can of Pepsi, the pairs' favorite drinks, and both felt a bit offput as Rhomas gestured for them to sit. "Please, take a seat," he said, and though Lloyd and Vince felt a bit offput they took a seat anyways...

Opening up their drinks, both took a sip before smiling at Rhomas, putting on their best smiles on as they got ready for their spiel. "Well sir, please let me tell you first that we appreciate us come into your house," Vince started, well rehearsed in his words as Lloyd nodded, the young man fingering his shirt buttons as he listened to his friend start giving the preface of their church's ideals, and suddenly he popped out the first button, all the while giving a big smile at Rhomas as he awaited his part, his hands worked methodically undoing every button, Vince doing the same but neither giving it much mind as Rhomas nodded, taking a seat across from them.

In sync both young man discarded the button up shirts leaving themselves with their white undershirts bare as Lloyd took up the flame from Vince. "Our church loves to bring the community under its umbrella of love and openness," he explained, Lloyd was a bit shocked as he felt extremely relaxed for some reason... usually when he gave this chat he was a bit bored and wanted to rush it a bit, but right now... he just felt good taking it nice and easy with Rhomas... He was unaware of a golden lock of hair falling out from his dark unruly bush on his head.

Vince was so relaxed... he couldn't be any more if he tried as Lloyd talked to Rhomas, for some reason he felt a bit jealous actually... he wanted to talk more to Rhomas, give the man his gift of knowledge... His light brown hair started to blacken and darken as Rhomas smiled at him, meeting eyes with him and giving him an odd sensation through his whole being... Never breaking stride with their explanation, the two young men stood up and slipped their undershirts off revealing their chests, sweat glistening on their bodies after the walk through the warm sun outside.

"Stop for a moment, boys," Rhomas said, and like that both of them stopped talking, moving, anything... their eyes locked on Rhomas. They were both shocked, people usually tried to stop them but they were to continue on undaunted, but this man... his words carried power like nobody else... they wanted to listen to him... as if he were their... "Sorry boys, you were getting a little ahead of me," the man chuckled, his eyes twinkling as both blushed unconsciously. "Can you start a little further back?" he asked, and both quickly retread their words before starting over again to help the man understand.

Lloyd's body started to grow stronger and larger as muscles were defined across his body, the dark hair on his body become golden just like his head of hair had become, his pants even became tighter around his crotch as his body grew, small whiskers started to poke out of his cheeks as he explained to Rhomas the church's values. He sat back down along with Vince as they slipped off their shoes, neither noticing what they were doing, nor the changes occuring as they continued to talk to Rhomas, occasionally drinking from their cans of juice as they explained the church's rules and roles in town.

As Vince unbuttoned his pants, he didn't notice the black fur growing around his hands and the new pawpads growing out from the flesh of his hands, his pants dropped down revealing his tight boxers, his dick getting hard as he stood up, his face taking on a more canine appearance as he panted a bit, growing horny as he stripped down to his underwear. The pair was wrapping up their explanation as they dropped their underwear, a wolf and lion stood before Rhomas as their dicks throbbed in the air, both had a longing in their ass for something more...

The pair finally noticed their changes as Rhomas grinned, both screamed as they tried to cover themselves, but the realization of their change started to kick in. "W... what the hell?! What the fuck did you slip us?!" Vince yelled, trying to cover up his hard dick.

"Nothing... today at least, boys. Believe me, everything you did was of your own free will, believe me... now please let me explain, take a seat boys," Rhamus said, and though the boys wanted to stand... they sat down immediately, both still feeling oddly empty as their minds suddenly lit up, memories that had been hidden pouring back into their minds...


A month prior...

Slipping out from their apartment as the priest did his rounds of saying prayers for each of the tenants of the building, Lloyd and Vince made their way down the stairs and slipped onto the sidewalk, the pair in their casual clothes. "Lloyd, we should really stop doing this. You know it against the rules..." Vince said, Lloyd just shrugged it off as he laughed, waving to some pretty women nearby.

"Vince, don't be such a stick in the mud. You know as well as I do, if we listened to everything the church says, we'd be doing nothing but church shit all day, and even if we watched TV in our room like the others do, we'd be watching 'church approved shows'," the young man said, flexing his fingers around the words. "The bar is our one vice, we're not betraying god by enjoying the lives he gave us..." he said, opening a door into the bar as Vince sighed and walked in.

The bar was alive with the nighttime crowd, men and women around the bar enjoying themselves, eating, drinking, and watching sports. Vince and Lloyd shot towards the bar where the bartender Leno had their drinks waiting for them. "Vince, Lloyd, got your drinks up, boys," he said, smiling as Lloyd gave him a five dollar bill.

Slipping onto their usual stools, Lloyd smiled as he took a swig from his beer, Vince was pouting up until he drank from his own, and sighed in relief as the drink sank down his throat. "I suppose god can't smite us for a couple of drinks after working a week for him," Vince admitted, chuckling as he leaned up on the bar watching a nearby TV. "So what did your letter from your parents say?" Vince asked Lloyd, watching the scores on a nearby TV showing what happened during other games.

"Eh, they still don't give a shit about me. They send those 'we miss you' and 'we can't wait to visit you' letters as always, but they've yet to put the time aside in their oh so busy lives to pay attention to their son," Lloyd spat, drinking down some alcohol from his bottle once more as he glanced over at Vince. "No word still from your family?"

Vince shrugged as he set his beer down and spun away from the TV as ads came flashing across the screen. "I've sent them one or two letters, but they've yet to respond to a single one. "I sometimes think they've completely forgotten about me, and you know what? I really don't give two shits," he said, grimacing as somebody walked up and took a seat by them.

He was handsome enough, his hair black and gleaming under the bar lights as he glanced over at the pair sitting beside him, and smirked as he listened in on their conversation. He'd been listening from across the bar, and now his interest was peaked enough that he wanted to see what they were like closer up. Sliding a black hair out of his eye, Lloyd sighed as he scratched at his head. "You know, bud... if not for the church we'd still be living with them... I suppose even though some days I just want to tell the pastor to shove all his religious bullshit up his ass... I have to thank them," he muttered, drinking down the rest of his beer as he rose his hand to get the bartender's attention.

"Too bad that we don't have anyone else besides each other, I mean the other guys try to relate with us, but they're so stuck in the religion that I can't get a word out otherwise besides religion, and the girls are all abstinant..." Vince muttered bitterly, sipping down his beer before smacking the bottle onto the counter, now empty. Leno had slipped into the back though, and they were annoyed that they had to wait for their drinks... until the stranger sitting next to them slid some canned beers down the counter in front of each of them.

Both young men glanced at the older man in shock, not expecting something of that sort from a stranger. "I got these earlier as I thought I'd be thirstier than I was, please have them," the older man said, and both guys shared a glance before thanking the man and drinking from the beers.

The beers tasted a bit spicer than usual, but it was a spiced ale so that wasn't too much of a surprise, but Lloyd swore that there was something odd about the drink, but it was delicious nonetheless, froth sticking to their upper lips as Lloyd put his down and grinned at the other bar goer. "Thanks, sir! I appreciate it, my names Lloyd," he said, shaking the older man's hand as Vince reached around his friend.

"Mine's Vince," he said, quickly getting a shake as well before the man smiled at them both.

"Mine's Rhomas, it's a pleasure to meet you both. I have to admit that I overheard you talking about you both working at the local church," Rhomas said, grinning as they both nodded. "I'm not much of a church goer myself, but I respect the fact that you both are willing to support your church," he said, grinning as he sipped down his drink.

The pair wanted to reply, but their minds felt awfully heavy all of a sudden... as if they'd drank a lot more alcohol than they actually had. Vince started to speak, but his tongue felt huge in his mouth, and he let it droop forward slightly, unaware of the fact that his tongue had grown a bit and even dangled out of his mouth slightly. Lloyd on the other hand had his chair shifting colors a bit, the black giving way to slightly golden roots, but neither could notice much as they found themselves listening wholeheartedly to Rhomas' words.

"Such a cute pair of young men," Rhomas said, chuckling as both had a dazed look on their faces, the man chuckled as he used his thumb to get some of the froth from Lloyd's lip and sucked it off of his thumb. "Some of my personal cream was put into those drinks, though neither of you will remember much by the time you get home. I am glad to tell you though that this is the first of many times you'll be tasting it, so I hope you like my little concoction... now my pretty little boys, enjoy your night. I'll be seeing you again soon," he said, rubbing their heads leaving both with a satisfied look on their face as he pulled his jacket on, and slipped out of the bar, both soon leaving the bar and walking home with boners, neither aware of what was really happening as they collapsed into their beds for the night... by morning their meeting with Rhomas forgotten...


Lloyd and Vince snapped out of their daze and looked at Rhomas in horror as he chuckled, his eyes twinkling as they glanced at each other in horror, taking in their new bodies. "J... jesus! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Lloyd asked, looking at the man in anger as he stood up shakily, his legs threatening to fall out from under him. "You fucking fed us your... cu... cum?! What the fuck are you?!"

Finding his legs as well, Vince stood up, his dick still surprisingly hard as he blushed furiously. "We're gonna call the cops on your ass! Tell them how you fucked with us and turned us into... these!" he shouted, gesturing to himself and Lloyd.

Though rather than being threatened, Rhomas simply looked amused as he stood up, chuckling as he ran his hand through his hair. "Boys, such a cute little game you put on. You two will do no such thing though, I assure you. Such a cute display though," he said, smiling as he walked over, admiring their bodies, walking around them as they found themselves unable to attack or even touch him. "Such beautiful bodies... I know that you two have already explored each other as well..." he laughed, and the pair blushed as they shook their heads.

"I'd never touch another guy!" Lloyd snapped, Vince nodding in agreement as Rhomas merely smiled.

"Well I do believe I do need to 'punish' you two for a bit, after all you're being so disobediant," Rhomas said, his eyes twinkling as he approached a doorway at the back of the room. "Follow me," he said, and though they wanted to do the opposite, their legs dragged them behind him, following him into a small room, too small to be a regular room, but bigger than a closet. "You two stay in here until you've had time to think over your actions," Rhomas said, almost like a parent would to a five year old.

As he closed the door, they saw his eye flash a yellow color before it shut and a lock could be heard. Upon the door shutting, they both started to try opening the door, their bodies bumping into one another as Vince attempted to slam the door open, while Lloyd tried to open the door knob. "Damn it... open!" Vince growled, but the door was extremely durable, and wouldn't budge an inch.

As Vince had continued ramming the door, and his tail was held high Lloyd found his eyes grabbing onto the sight of his muscular tight ass. The lion was surprisingly enamored with the image, the wolf grunting in annoyance as he backed off, rubbing his arm. "This fucking blows!" Vince cursed, scratching his head as Lloyd approached him, his eyes slightly glazed as he noticed his friend. "Lloyd, is something wrong?"

"I never noticed... how nice you looked... Vince..." Lloyd said, his voice low and soft as he touched Vince causing the wolf to recoil.

"Lloyd, you're naked, don't touch... me..." the wolf started, but as Lloyd approached again he noticed the lion's very large penis, and his muscular physique. "Lloyd... please... stop..." he slowly said, but his resistance wore away as his lion friend leaned in for a kiss, bending down to meet the lion's lips. "This... isn't right..." he mumbled after breaking the kiss, their cocks briefly bumped up against each other causing both to moan in pleasure.

An odd new desire that was alien to both grew in their minds, and like robots they moved around, Vince rose his tail as Lloyd laid on his back, licking his lips unconsciously as Vince moved his rear over the lion's face. The lion got a full view of Vince's ass, his balls were just above the anus and he watched as they swung low as Vince bent down bringing his ass right down to the lion's muzzle. "S... stop this... Vince..." Lloyd muttered, but it was half hearted as he closed his eyes and started to rim his best friend.

Vince moaned as the pleasure from being rimmed made his dick throb, for a moment he thought he might shoot off from the continuous erection, but his dick had other plans in mind as it held onto the cum. He growled in pleasure as he rubbed up against Lloyd's muzzle, making his friend get all the scents and tastes of his ass.

The tastes were both delicious and amazing, and awful and disgusting to Lloyd. The lion's mind couldn't seem to make a decision as suddenly an odd buzz filled his head along with Vince's, and they both spasmed as new memories arose in their heads, their bodies going into autopilot with the kinky situation as the memories formed...


"God the wait for that shower was terrible..." Vince muttered, Lloyd nodding as they walked into their room with towels around their crotches. "Laundry's backed up too, this sucks..." he grunted, flopping onto his bed as Lloyd nodded and flicked on the TV.

"Naked, wet, too bad we don't have girls here," Lloyd laughed, Vince throwing a pillow at him laughing as there was a knock on the door. "Who's that?" Lloyd asked, Vince shrugging as he hopped up making sure his towel was tight.

"Probably the laundry people," he said, walking up to the door and opening it to reveal a young man, around their age, holding a box. "Oh... hello," Vince said, blushing as he realized he was just wearing a towel.

The young man looked over him once, giving an odd smile before holding the box out to Vince. "Excuse me, I was told to deliver this to you," he said, and walked away before Vince could thank him.

Glancing after the young man in confusion, and then at the box Vince shrugged as he closed the door. "That was... interesting..." he muttered, locking the door behind him as he walked in.

"Who was it?" Lloyd asked, watching some church approved cartoons as Vince opened the box revealing two cans of soda and a note.

"It was this weird guy, though he did deliver this box. It has some soda and a paper in here..." Vince said, and Lloyd looked over in interest at the mention of soda.

"Throw me one, man! I haven't had a soda in months," Lloyd said, and Vince laughed as he tossed the drink over to Lloyd who popped it open and drank it down as Vince glanced over the note.

The note was written in very fine handwriting, but it was rather brief. "Enjoy the drinks... and each other's company," it said, and Vince rose an eyebrow as he popped open his own soda. "I guess somebody just sent this to the wrong room... though I suppose I won't complain with a free drink," Vince said, sipping down his drink as Lloyd's eyes dipped a bit.

The young man brushed his hand through his hair as he finished up his drink, neglecting to notice his hair shifting to a golden color, his eyes becoming sharper and green as he stood up to stretch, and his towel fell down letting his ass hang out bare. Vince was drinking his soda and covered his eyes as he saw his friend's ass. "Lloyd, cover up man..." he said, but something about it felt half-hearted... he felt kinda numb and... hot.

As Vince's hair started to blacken and some whiskers grew from his hairless face, he stood up and his towel fell down as well, the pair now naked as Vince wandered over to where his friend was, watching the TV. "Lloyd... your body... it's... wet..." he said, rubbing his hand over his friend's naked flesh.

"Yeah..." Lloyd said, enjoying his friend's touch against his flesh. "Yours too..." he said, turning to face Vince, his friend a bit taller than himself he leaned forward a bit, touching his friend's chest with his face. The pair were both getting aroused, rather oblivious to what they were really doing as the drinks tainted with Rhomas' cum ran through their bodies. "You know... I really like your muscles..." Lloyd said, giggling in a daze as Vince slid his hand under his chin, their eyes met, Lloyd's green eyes, and Vince's now amber.

"I like... your face..." Vince said, leaning forward and kissing his friend, their lips meeting as their faces started to grow out into muzzles, both leaning back a bit as their faces were covered in light fur, Lloyd's golden meeting Vince's black. As they kissed, Lloyd's eyes suddenly widened, slightly pushing Vince away who looked confused. "Lloyd... what's... wrong?"

Freaking out, Lloyd shook his head a bit, his head buzzing with the energy of his change and the drink. "This... this isn't... right... s... stop, Vince..." he said, but the resistance was almost half-hearted, and as Vince kissed him again he relapsed into his trance, drawing closer to the other man.

They hugged tightly as they fell onto Lloyd's bed, their bodies close together, their dicks bumping as they kissed another man for the first time... neither quite sure of what they were doing, but it felt so right... Vince running his hands over Lloyd's muscles while Lloyd felt up Vince's ass, dirty thoughts coming to both of them, but after thirty minutes of kissing and feeling, like clockwork they stopped all of a sudden, and Vince stood up before turning off the lights in the room, and slipping under his sheets as Lloyd also got under his sheets, and the pair fell asleep... unaware of the dirty acts they'd committed, they would just throw the cans and the note away in the morning, unaware of the meaning behind them. Their bodies returned to normal as well, neither recollecting a thing besides a drink of soda and slipping off to sleep.


After ten minutes of rimming, the pair were able to break apart, their faces flushed under their fur, their dicks at the edge of cumming, but the arousal died a bit as Lloyd smacked his lips. Musk, sweat, and other indescribable flavors filled his mouth, part of him wanted to gag, and the other part wanted him to savor the taste... "V... Vince... did you...?" Lloyd said, and Vince took a moment to nod, his ass tense around where the lion had licked.

Neither knew what to say to the other before the door unlocked and swung open, both of the anthros turned to the door, and saw the young man who had let them into the house, and Vince blanched as he remembered the face. "Yo... you! You gave me that soda...!"

The young man chuckled, leaning against the door frame as he winked. "Glad to see you two remembering some stuff... now, come along, boys. The master is waiting for you," he said, grinning coyly as he started down the hall.

Instinctively both Vince and Lloyd wanted to bolt... but just as Rhomas' words held sway over what they did, the boy's did as well. Begrudgingly following him down the hall, they turned right in front of the door that would let them out, and the bolt was even undone so teasingly, but they stomped up the stairs behind their captor's butler, grimacing at one another as they felt their testes slapping against their bodies as they moved, never before had either felt so lewd... and... slightly good. "Why do you work for this guy?" Vince growled, sickened at how nonchalant the other man was about the situation. "You some kind of sick fuck who gets off on this shit?"

The young man stopped and turned, for a moment his eyes flashing an emerald green before he turned all the way around showing that he just had regular blue eyes. "You'll see why soon enough," he said, not revealing anything as he turned around once more, starting up before stopping at the top of the stairs, and turning around he smiled at the pair. "I'm Deak by the way," he chuckled, both giving him a hard glare as he whistled, walking down the hall before stopping in front of a door and knocking.

"Come in," Rhomas' voice echoed from the door, Deak smirked as he opened the door, and they entered into a large bedroom, the room was filled by a massive bed for the most part, Rhosam was dressed in nothing but boxers, his body was crazy muscled, his pecs well defined and his abs were something to behold.

Both Lloyd and Vince wouldn't have noticed this before, but now... they couldn't tear their eyes away from an obvious bulge from underneath his underwear. "Y... you're... crazy..." Lloyd said, painfully tearing his eyes away from the candy hiding underneath the boxers and giving his best angry scowl which looked decently terrifying now that he was a lion.

"Actually I'm really not crazy, not in the least," Rhomas said, a smile sliding across his face as they swore they saw fangs in his mouth before the sight turned back to regular teeth. "You see boys, today you've both given yourselves to me, and as such I will make sure to take care of you both to the best of my abilities," he said, fingering the edge of his underwear making both glance at it longingly, neither able to resist the call of their new gay mindset.

Breaking eye contact with the man's package, Vince glared a hole through Rhomas. "You really are crazy... Neither of us would do anything like this... you're insane! You did all of this to us... made us into these creatures... made us like di... di... dicks..." he choked out, blushing ferociously as he admitted the fact.

"Mmm... well I can't lie that I made you like penises and men... but believe me, everything else was of your own volition... but for now, I think you two look very hungry... Vince, come give me a blow job..." Rhomas said, grinning as he dropped his drawers revealing a huge dick, and the wolf felt his mouth water like a juicy steak had been dropped in front of him.

The wolf shook his head as he sat back, digging his heels in as he knew that if he didn't his body would carry him over and suck off the man's... rock... hard... dick... Vince spasmed as his dick throbbed between his legs, nearly cumming right there. "I... won't..." he hissed, but Rhomas merely gestured for him to come closer.

"Come here, puppy dog," Rhomas said, and for a moment Vince eyes widened before he rushed in front of Rhomas, panting like a dog as he dug his muzzle under the dick, and started to lick it like he were trying to get the very last drop of water from a dried up pipe. "Good boy," Rhomas chuckled, Vince pining for the juice inside of the man's flesh as he started to suck on it and lick it, enjoying the flavor and forgetting himself in the moment...

Lloyd watched aghast, and then heard a zipping sound and glanced over to find himself facing a bird anthro, his dick throbbing in the air just like Vince and Lloyd's own. "Like what you see?" Deak asked, his body was much more lithe than the other two, very effeminate compared to the manly and muscled bodies of the wolf and lion. "The master had me get ready for this, and I'm very excited..." he chuckled, glancing over at Rhomas.

The man scratched behind Vince's ears making the wolf arch in pleasure as he smiled. "Lloyd, be a dear and rim Deak, I know how much you love it..." he laughed, not quite cruelly, but spiteful enough that Lloyd's ears flicked back momentarily as his claws extended from his hands.

"Kiss my ass!" Lloyd roared, but Rhomas just laughed, laughing for a good minute before wiping away a tear.

"Oh how sweet, boy. We'll get to that soon, kitty cat," Rhomas said, and Lloyd's eyes glazed over a bit. "Now do as you're told, and rim Deak," Rhomas said, and Lloyd turned around and took Deak's body into his paws, delicately rubbing his body as he sank down before digging into the bird's ass, taking a few whiffs before starting to lick it out.

Dean moaned in pleasure, arching as Lloyd licked and rubbed up against the feathered ass, blue mixing with gold as Lloyd growled in arousal. Another memory flashed to their minds as they enjoyed themselves, their bodies once more taking over by instinct as Lloyd and Vince dived into their memories.


Knocking on the door, Lloyd pulled out his bible as he straightened his tie, Vince stretching out from their walk. "This is the last house for today, right?" Vince asked, Lloyd nodded as they waited for the door to open. The weather was rather gloomy, the pair had their jackets wrapped up tight to prevent themselves from freezing.

"This place is pretty huge..." Lloyd remarked, glancing up at the house as he leaned over the banister.

"Yes it is," a voice shocked the pair, the door had been opened while they had been glancing at the house, a strangely familiar young man stood before them in a butler suit. "How may I help you?" he asked, the pair glanced at one another briefly.

"We're here to talk about our religion to the owner of the house," Vince said, the young man nodded as a glint filled his eyes and he smiled.

"Follow me then, I will show you to the owner," he said, gesturing for them to follow inside. "Please take off your coats," the young man said, but both shook their heads.

"We're not allowed to," Vince said, Lloyd nodded as the young man nodded and smiled.

"Please follow me upstairs then," he said, walking upstairs with the two in tow, the pictures hanging up on the walls showed a handsome man with black hair and red tips, for some reason Lloyd got an odd sick feeling in his gut.... "Here we are," the butler said, knocking on the door prompting a man inside to allow them in.

The room they walked into was nice, it appeared to be a library that was full of books from across the years and from across the world. Sitting in a chair, the man from the photos looked up and smiled at them. "Welcome! What can I do for the two of you?" he asked, standing up as he set a book down.

"Sir, they're here to talk about their religion," the butler said, a knowing smile on his face as the man chuckled and nodded. Stepping away, the man rubbed his cheek as he walked up to the pair, giving them an almost familiar look.

Sharing a glance Lloyd nodded at Vince who grinned at the owner of the house. "Well shall we start?" he asked, grinning at the owner who nodded for a moment.

"Of course, but please let me introduce myself, I am Rhomas, owner of this house, and before you go into your speech, please let me give you both a drink, you both are sure to be exhausted from walking in that awful weather," Rhomas said, gesturing out the window at the rather dreary looking street outside.

Tapping his chin, Vince shrugged at Lloyd who nodded. "Sure, that sounds great," he said, taking a offered glass of juice before drinking it down. "Oh, by the way, I'm Vince, and this is my friend Lloyd," he said, gesturing to himself and Lloyd in turn.

"Fantastic, well Vince, Lloyd... kiss each other," Rhomas said, and the pair were taken aback by this very sudden order.

Feeling embarrassed, Vince coughed into his hand. "I... I don't feel quite comfortable with that kind of joke, sir..."

"Oh, shoot... I always forget something..." Rhomas laughed, and approaching the pair he whispered something into both of their ears. "From today on, you will have a trigger, this will be a command that you will not be able to resist..." he explained, the pair was confused... but their minds were quickly dulling as fur started to spread much faster than the times before, whiskers sprouting from Lloyd's growing muzzle as Vince felt a tail pushing out from his pants. "Lloyd, yours is kitty cat, Vince, yours is puppy dog," he explained, and though they were confused and dazed, the words sank into their heads like glue.

"Lloyd, my little kitty cat, Vince, my big strong puppy dog, give each other a kiss," Rhomas said, and watched as the pair turned to each other, leaning in as they kissed, at first very lightly, but as they rubbed their hands over one another their kiss got more intense, the changes coming faster as black fur poured over Vince's bare skin, Lloyd's hair growing into a large mane as his skin was covered in golden lion's fur.

As their changes progressed beyond what they'd gone through before, Rhomas nodded at Deak who quickly disrobed, and changed into the blue bird boy he was, feeling his ass a bit as the two men kissed. While Deak's body grew slimmer, Lloyd and Vince grew larger, muscles pouring through the fur as they became muscled Adonises for the man. "That's enough," Rhomas said, and they broke the kiss, feeling a bit dazed as he approached the pair. "Boys, you've been so good so far, I watched your first sexual encounter through a camera I hid on one of the soda cans I sent you, and seeig you in the bar got me awfully hot, I've decided to give you both the permission to call me, Master," Rhomas said, giving both a kiss on the lips.

There was a little resistance left in Lloyd as he rubbed his furred head, his claws shining as they grew out for the first time. "We'll never call you master... m... Master," Lloyd said, but realized that it was beyond his ability to call him anything but.

"Fantastic, I knew you'd come to speak my way," Deak giggled, his dick hard as it shined in the dim light of the room.

"Of course they would, now boys, remove your clothes," Rhomas said, gesturing to drop their pants, and of course neither wanted to... but something told them that it was a great idea.

"Yes, Master," they said together, blushing hard as they realized what they said, but it couldn't live up to the embarrassment of disrobing their clothes, and finding their dicks standing up as hard as rocks. Vince's dick had taken on a red hue as a dog's would, and Lloyd's had grown much larger than he thought it ever would get.

Admiring the sight, Rhomas chuckled as he patted them both on the head. "Great... now for your first true test... rim the little birdy there," he said, pointing at Deak.

The pair was confused though, they'd never heard of the term. "What... is rimming... m... ma... master," Vince coughed out, unable to say more harsh words at the man.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" the man said, and placing his hands on their heads it was like a flash teaching lesson, and they both knew how. "Now puppy dog, kitty cat, do as I said," Rhomas said, the order was given, and Lloyd went in first, digging in his muzzle deep between the bird's ass, his change finally completing for the first time as the muscled lion's ass cheeks split a bit to let his new tail to grow in, naturally flexing up to let his ass get shown off, even though he tried to lower it with his rudimentary knowledge of how the new muscles worked.

Vince and Lloyd took turns, almost fighting over who got to take their turn at what time, the lion and wolf were shocked at how much they enjoying digging into another man's ass, the smell of musk and sweat drove them almost crazy with arousal. "Fantastic boys... now there's one more thing before I send you on your way... Deak, give them their first taste," Rhomas said, the boys were confused as the bird turned around. "Now," Rhomas said, and upon command the two newly changed men found themselves being covered in the bird's shocking amount of jizz.

It was shocking to get covered in the spunk, and naturally they both wanted to get it off... but the master's commands overruled that. "Boys, lick that delicious treat off of yourselves and enjoy!" Neither wanted to do it... they couldn't... they wouldn't... they started to lick the cum off... and at first it was awful... but then they couldn't get enough of it, licking it off more and more... resorting to licking each other's muzzles to get the taste into their mouths.

Rhomas laughed in delight as he watched the pair, groping himself in pleasure as they enjoyed the flavor."Well boys, you're almost ready to become my servants permanently... but for now, I have a few things to tell you..."


Blinking as they walked home, Vince rubbed his eyes as they approached home. "Damn, we came so close to finishing today's schedule..." he muttered, glancing at the unmarked house on their schedule.

Lloyd nodded as he smacked his lips. "I have the weirdest taste in my mouth..." he grunted, trying to place it as he scratched his head, not noticing the last of the gold fading from his hair. "Let's just get that house monday, tomorrow we don't have to go anywhere! Yay for Sunday," he said, laughing as Lloyd nodded.

Neither noticed the man watching them from the top window of his house. "Next time we meet... you'll be mine," Rhomas said, smiling as he pulled Deak into his room for more of his favorite pass time....


"Master..." both pets moaned, shaking their heads briefly as they quickly got away from it... Neither Lloyd or Vince could deny at this point though that they were gay... the pleasure was too much... At some point Lloyd had switched from rimming Deak to nearly plunging his dick into the bird's ass, barely breaking away from it.

Rhomas chuckled as he had Vince back up, Lloyd stepping near his other friend. "You two are such good pets already... you two can deny it, but you both contacted me to join me... believe me, I didn't force you into coming here today... I left the door open as a possibility," he explained, grinning as the pair traded doubtful glances.

"I... can't... believe that..." Vince said, but it was more like he didn't want to believe it... Lloyd shook his head, the taste of ass still in his mouth... and he wanted more...

"Boys, let me show you the truth of what you did... and then you can be mine," Rhomas said, and suddenly by instinct both boys turned, and presented their asses. There was a deep growl from behind them both, it wasn't like anything they'd heard before, it almost sounded like a demon... or a dragon, and Vince felt something scaly digging between his cheeks, and the tongue slid out and started to rim him deeply.

Vince moaned in arousal as Rhomas did so... or whatever Rhomas really was. This time the rimming was deep though... more so than just simply licking... he felt a strong hand groping his ass every now and again, even slapping it once or twice making him remarkably aroused, the idea of his master... Rhomas playing with his ass was making him hornier and hornier... until the memories came flooding back.


It was early monday morning, the same day the pair was going to go see Rhomas' house again, and they both awoke at one in the morning. Something told them to, and as they opened their eyes they sat up, and found themselves covered in fur. They remembered everything, meeting in the bar... examining each other's bodies... the sex... Vince climbed out of his bed, and climbed into Lloyd's, the wolf growling as he got close to Lloyd's mouth and kissed it.

There were no words exchanged as they engaged in the pure act of sexual pleasure, they needed each other... they needed to work out what they wanted to do... They started out kissing, grinding... then moved onto the buttplay, Vince had Lloyd lay on his front as he rubbed the lion's giant ass. He took a deep whiff... the lion's ass was rank with odors... and he loved it, loving women was nothing like this desire for men and their scents.

Drawing close he licked his friend and mate's ass, smoothing down the fur and getting some of his sweat and odor on his tongue, savoring it as he rubbed his muzzle against it. Lloyd flexed and mewed in pleasure, the whole time the knowledge of Rhomas being in his head, the same thing happening to Vince. Words couldn't express the pleasure they felt, and they even went into having anal for the first time... and yet it was like they'd done it all their lives...

Neither had ever bought lube, but someone had slipped some into their dresser, and they knew it by instinct. Vince lubed up his cock, and dived into Lloyd's ass, the lion growling and roaring in pleasure, and though anyone should've heard it... nobody did. It was quiet for all around the hall, but their noises were extremely loud inside of the room. Though as Vince started to pump into Lloyd's waiting anus, there was a feeling of wrongness... like they were supposed to wait, and Lloyd seemed to feel it too as after ten minutes neither had allowed himself to cum before separating, looking at one another.

"Master," Vince said, and Lloyd nodded before they looked at themselves, their gorgeous bodies... "I... I want to be his," Vince said, his dick pulsing in approval of his words as Lloyd nodded.

"Being human... being straight... I don't find pleasure in it the same way as with you... and Master," Lloyd said, and they picked up the phone and dialing a number they'd never even heard before, but it was instinct. The phone rang a few times before the deep voice of the one they were waiting for answered.

"Lloyd, Vince... are you ready?" Rhomas asked, and they gave each other a look, and nodded before replying as such. "Very good... well I'll give you instructions now, and then when I'm done you will sleep until it is time for you to come here. By the end of today, you two will be mine."


Lloyd roared in pleasure as Master rammed his dick into his waiting ass, but Master didn't cum into either of them as he pulled out before hand leaving both empty and dry on the insides. Both gave him a look of longing and reverence as they remembered everything. "Master," they both said, their voices filled with the same feeling of reverence that their eyes screamed.

Rhomas grinned as he shifted back to human shape, the reptilian wings sliding back into his back. "Boys... you're ready to become mine, and if you are ready to give up your own lives of self thought and anything but me, then cum away your lives," he said, and like a gunshot for the first time in their new forms, both came with a wave onto their master's chest, the man grinning before doing the same to them, but it was like a ocean to their wave, both being smothered in the juices, and loving it as they opened their mouths to taste the juices.

The pair in a moment of heat started to rim one another, Rhomas laughing as he saw them do it of their own volition now, all self pleasure was dedicated to him now, for his viewing pleasure. "I'll admit... I think the ass is the hottest thing in a man... and I make sure to spread it to all of my servants... I think you two will be a glorious couple... and my obedient slaves... Though before you stay here permanently... I have one more task for you at the church, you see I want you to stay there until some of my personal plans work out there... you'll know what I mean when they come around, but first boys... I need a bit of a touch up myself," he said, leaning over revealing his ass, and all three pets groaned in arousal as the two pets who'd already came became hard again thanks to their master's magic, and Deak already a practiced slave wanted more of his master's delicious taste... The trio took their turns tasting and glorifying their master's ass, all the while wondering what their master had in plan for the church...


One Month later...

Walking into their room, Lloyd closed the door behind him as Vince stripped off his clothes and changed into his wolf form, his tail already lifted as it always was in preparation for any penetration someone had in mind for him. "We must call the master! His plans have gone perfectly!" Vince said, grinning as Lloyd nodded, turning into a lion as he gave his mate a kiss.

"Indeed, a genius plan too," the lion laughed, picking up the phone he dialed one of three numbers in his new phone's contacts. One for Deak, one for his mate, and the top for his master. The phone was picked up on the first ring as always, his master's voice answering, and his dick getting harder than ever. "Master, your plan has worked! The church is saying that its doors will close soon due to some rumors floating around of terrible goings on, nobody else knows yet, but we do, and this is the perfect time for you to round up the men in the church for your pleasure, master!"

Rhomas laughed as Deak served him his dinner, grinning widely as he instructed Deak to grab all the drinks that he'd been saving up for a special occassion. "Perfect! Well then, it's time to enact my plan, invite all of the young men from the church to a party... I'll be providing the drinks... Puppy dog, Kitty cat, cum, starting tomorrow, you two will finally be living with your master permanently..." The pair came on one another before bidding their master good night... they had some business to conduct... specifically with a bottle of lube, and lots... and lots... of ass worship.