The Archaeologial Dig

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#1 of Ra's Rise Rewritten

So I'm sure some of you have read my original Ra's Rise series, but I decided after looking it over, that I'm not really pleased with how abrupt a lot of the chapters felt, so I've decided to come back to them and rewrite the story, though I don't plan to leave everything the same. I'm thinking I'm going to add in a bit of spice to the mix, and change up how things went, a re imagining of my old series. =3

"P... professor Mikaelson!" Jack screamed, rushing past a bunch of the other history majors as the professor was slipping on his jacket. The young archaeology major panted heavily as he stopped in front of the professor who smiled at the younger man.

"Deep breaths, Jack. What can I do for you?" the professor asked, watching as Jack panted. The young man's dusty blond hair hanging over his eyes was brushed back as he stood up and took a deep breath.

"Wel... well sir, I heard from Doctor Dinklin that you're planning on going to Egypt to help in a excavation of some new ruins, and... I mean, I love everything egyptian related... I was wondering if I could come along to help..." Jack said, grinning nervously as Professor Mikaelson gave him a once over. Jack was one of his top students in his egyptian history class, everything from the rulers at the time, to the gods they worshipped.

Cocking his head to the side for a moment, Professor Mikaelson's eyes glistened as if something juicy had been laid before him before he shook his head. "I'm sorry, Jack... you can't follow me..." he said, starting to turn before Jack grabbed him by the back of his arm.

"Please, professor! I'm sure you'll need an aide or something, I'll be that for you! I will go unpaid, I'll pay for myself to go, please let me come..." Jack begged, some passing students snickering as the professor turned his face away for a moment, his face sliding up into a smile before glancing back with a placid expression once more.

"Alright, you may come. I do actually need an aide, and I have another ticket, but I had another student in mind. You seem very intent on it though, Jack," the professor said, helping Jack back to his feet as he rummaged in his jacket pocket and pulled out a ticket. "Meet me at the airport an hour before take off, we have things to discuss, and don't forget to pack some clothes you don't mind to lose," he said, smiling as Jack's face lit up like the sun and he shook the professor's hand excitedly.

"Thank you, Professor Mikaelson! Thank you so much," he said, his heart in his throat as he gingerly put the ticket in his bag's pouch.

"Please, call me Devon. For this trip, you and I shall be working together to get to the bottom of the excavation, quite literally," he chuckled, Jack smiling as he shook the professor's hand once more and took off through the halls, bumping into students as he was in too much of a daze to really pay a lot of attention.

Once the student was out of sight, and Devon started towards the exit his eyes glinted a golden color. "I've done as you've said, Ra," he said, chuckling as a slight breeze licked his cheek.


Watching his pawn move on, Ra laughed as his soul fell back into the cursed scroll. "Soon, my escape is inevitable..." the falcon headed god feeling flat once more as he settled into the scroll, hundreds of years had passed since he had been sealed into the scroll.

Long before he had betrayed his sibling Anubis, and by extension the other gods as he had planned to take the mortal realm for his own, but Anubis had stopped him, and had taken away his army of servants, blending them into the sand of the desert. To be honest, Anubis never thought he'd be able to leave the scroll, but after many years he had gained enough strength to pull out of the scroll for an hour at a time per day, but he had sapped his drain manipulating humans to dig into the catacombs where he resided, but he'd done the deed he had set out to do.

"Brother," a voice filled the cavern, and if Ra could he would've sighed as a well dressed man stepped out from the shadows, brushing sand off of his jacket. "It's been quite a while, I hope you haven't been giving too many people paper cuts," he chuckled, picking up the box that the scroll was contained within. Opening up the box, Ra had to look into the eyes of his annoying brother Anubis.

Pulling out the scroll, Anubis looked over the paper. "You look to be in good shape, been exercising?" he asked, smirking to himself as Anubis had a few choice words to say to that, and though he tried to radiate the feelings of his hatred, it was too much after pulling out of the scroll for so long. "I figured it'd be best to visit you again, it's been two hundred years since I last came to check on you. Just to let you know, Bast is dating Thoth again, though I sometimes wonder if that baboon is sane, he's last three tails to her..." he mumbled, glancing off into the distance as Ra could only imagine the sultry goddess being lavished with gifts by the baboon.

"Under any circumstances, we shall be having a meeting soon. The first since your banishment to this scroll, so I figured I would make sure no one has broken you out," Anubis said, setting the scroll back into the box as he leaned against the falcon shaped pedestal. His human disguise vanished as he looked like his true jackal form once more, the age of centuries sitting on his back as he rubbed his eyes. "Every day brother, I imagine setting you free from this prison... hugging you, and going back to being friends once more... but... what you did..."

Though his hatred burned bright, Ra did feel slightly sympathetic if not a bit disgusted by his sibling, Anubis was so sappy, he would give his brother no such reprieve if it were up to him... "Well... it's best I get going, the meeting will be starting soon. Don't thin out too much more, you might rip," Anubis laughed, going back to the human form as he continued on with the terrible jokes. Closing the box, a portal of sand appeared, and Anubis stepped in, unaware of the fact that at that moment men were already above digging through the sand towards the catacombs, thinking of treasure buried there for centuries.


Stepping into the camp where he would be spending his next three weeks in, Jack took a deep breath of the hot desert air as he grinned brightly at Devon. "I'm so excited for this, sir! Thank you for letting me follow you," he said, his heart practically pounding nails into his ribs as the professor patted him on the back.

"It's really no trouble at all, Jack. Now why don't you follow me? We will be sharing a tent over here," he said, gesturing for the young man to follow behind, walking through the camp Jack waved to a few of the archaeologists already there who were covered in sand and dirt, but they looked just as happy as Jack did as they poured over maps and data.

Dropping off their bags in their tent, Jack stretched out as he glanced out through the fold of the tent. Outside was bright, hot, and full of sand as far as he could see. Kneeling down, he ran his fingers through the sand, Jack was from Ohio, so he wasn't used to seeing so much sand, and just the feeling of the grains was enough to get him to grin again like a fool. "This is exactly what I imagined it to be..." he muttered, and he fell face first into the dust as Devon smacked him on the back causing the professor to laugh.

"This isn't all we'll be doing, bud. Don't forget that we'll be helping at the digging site, we have to get our hands dirty too," Professor Mikaelson said, helping Jack to his feet as he started towards the digging site. "Let's get started now, I want to see if they've come across anything."

Rushing to keep up with the professor's surprisingly fast pace, Jack wiped some sand from his face. "So why did they pick here to excavate?" he asked, and Devon smiled.

"Well from what I've heard, one of the archaeologists found a map buried somewhere by the pyramids, and it led to this spot. Though to be honest, sometimes these excavations are nothing more than pure speculation, so it may be just a wild goose chase. All I know is I want to get my hands dirty," Devon laughed, and Jack found it infectious as he chuckled, the pair walking into the pit to grab some shovels so they could help, Jack's mind already imagining the gold or valuables they might find underneath the desert sand...


The meeting of the gods was as eccentric as ever, every few hundred years they would meet up, and every time Anubis swore some people refused to get with the times. "Bast, how... nice to see you," the jackal said, Bast turned and smiled her gorgeous smile, her current look was that of flapper from the twenties. She looked beautiful, but Anubis wished she would cover up a bit more...

"Anubis, honey. How are you doing?" Bast asked, giving the jackal a kiss on the cheek. Out of all of the gods, she tended to stay in human form the most just to show off new styles, or in this case old styles that she could pull off. Though she was equally vain in her cat form, and would often change her fur color to the current "in" color.

"I'm doing well, I gave Ra a visit just before I came here," he explained, matching her stride as they walked towards the meeting room. The building they were currently in was currently styled after a new york fashion designer's office, of course chosen by Bast for the meeting. "It's been a long time..." Anubis muttered, his expression darkening as Bast let out a squeal of delight as Thoth stepped out of a room, he was currently in human form, and Anubis had to admit he was thoroughly shocked.

Usually Thoth's human form was akin to albert einstein, often nerdy looking, and generally poorly dressed in all iterations, well that's when he did dress up. Usually they just saw him in his baboon form, but now... the god was extremely sharp looking in a fine pressed suit, and he gave a gleaming smile as he gave Bast a hug. "Anubis, it's good to see you," he said, and Anubis gave a shallow nod as he kept his jaw from dropping.

"T... Thoth, you look... different," he said, feeling a bit stunned still as he followed after the couple.

"Oh this? Bast has been helping me with my clothing," Thoth said, and there was a pinging noise in the air as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a PDA. "I've decided to do away with my old dusty tome, I've upgraded it into this little baby," he chuckled, showing off the device. It looked to be egyptian themed, even though it was very high tech.

Anubis gave a smile and nodded, though he was still put off by the new appearance of his old friend. He was going to continue on when his whole body spasmed, Thoth's eyes going wide as Anubis dropped to the ground, Bast was by his side in a second holding him up from collapsing to the ground. "Anubis... Anubis! What's wrong?"

Having connected Ra's tomb to his own soul, when the barriers were broken Anubis knew he would have a reaction, but this one... there were evil intentions from the opening of Ra's tomb. "Ra... his tomb... it's being opened," he hissed, the god struggled to his feet but fell back down. He had been connected to the tomb for hundreds of years, and had invested a lot of energy in it, so for it to be opened... "I need to get to the mortal world."

Thoth helped Anubis to his feet, and bit his lip. "You can't leave yet, Anubis. Once you've entered the world for the meeting, you can't leave until it's finished. That was Sobek's bright plan, since he said he didn't want people leaving just because they had differences of opinion. That crocodile thinks of the stupidest things," he grunted, and Anubis felt his chest closing up as he stood.

"We need to finish this meeting fast! We can't let Ra rise again," the jackal said, and the other two nodded as Anubis got his footing and they sped towards the god's meeting hall.


"Pull harder!" the leader of the laborers shouted, Jack coughing as dust blew up into his face, and he pulled once more, and they all stumbled backwards as the slab finally moved. They had found the entrance to the catacombs four hours into digging, thankfully Devon had been able to translate with the help of his fellow archaeologists, and were able to discern that it was an ancient burial ground.

As all of the men including Jack nursed their sore muscles, Devon peered into the darkness of the hole with a flashlight. "Can someone bring in a rope?" he asked, and a laborer nodded before typing up a rope to a nearby jeep, and they threw the rope down the hole. "Jack, are you coming?" Devon asked, and with a moan of soreness, Jack stood up and followed behind the professor, and the pair along with two other archaeologists slid down into the hole, the hole was about twenty feet deep, Jack glad that he had laid off the fatty foods when he had entered college.

Sliding down onto the hard floor, Jack shivered as if there was a cold breeze, but the room was actually very warm, oddly warm at that for being buried for so long... Turning on his light, he shined it around the room, but for catacombs there weren't that many bones or coffins, there was just one thing... a falcon shaped pedestal, and sitting upon that was a golden box which gleamed more richly than Jack could've imagined. "It's gorgeous..." Devon said, the professor walking towards the box, taking a moment to vaguely glance over the pedestal for traps, though Jack had the oddest sensation that Professor Mikaelson already knew it wasn't trapped... Picking up the box, Devon grinned from ear to ear as he looked it over. "What treasures could be held in here...?" he asked, the other archaeologists inspecting some runes on the walls.

Inspecting some runes himself, Jack could see warnings set into the walls. "They say.... there's danger here... an ancient evil," he said, and Devon just laughed and slapped Jack's shoulder.

"Jack, in every single tomb people have ever dug up, there's a great evil. I'm pretty sure we're fine," Devon said, and Jack chuckled as he did admit that the egyptians were evil mongers, thinking the sand had it out for them. "Let's let the others study these runes, for now you and I will inspect the confines of this box," the professor said, and after a quick word with the others the pair made their way back up the rope, the professor having stored the box inside of a bag at his waist.

As they climbed out of the hole, Jack swore that he felt something tugging at his heel... begging to come back, but he shrugged off the feeling. Walking over the professor, he could see quite a few of the laborers were celebrating with drinks, they would likely start digging in another spot tomorrow to see if they can find more. "Wait up, professor," he said, following behind as the man set the box on the table, and without much ado, opened it up. Inside was a parchment set with the picture of Ra, the sun god. "Wow..." Jack murmured, and Devon took it out, his eyes nearly as wide as dinner plates.

"This is... history..." Devon hissed, he set it on the table and slid the scroll out further so they could see all of the inscriptions on the paper. "Jack... go get my reading glasses from my bag... I need to know what this says..." Jack nodded and ran away, and as he did Devon could hear the familiar breeze of his god. "Ra..." he hissed.

"You have done well... soon I will be free..." Ra whispered into the human's ear, Devon's eyes trying to soak out the very ink of the page as he was enamored with it...

"Why the boy?" Devon asked, still curious why Jack was the one to be chosen.

"He is a descendent of my original general... before I was imprisoned, I rose men up from their stations of regular mortals, and changed them into my personal army... this young man of yours, he will make a very loyal subject to me," the god said, and then the voice disappeared as Jack ran back.

Giving Jack a once over, Devon smiled. "Let's get to it then."


The meeting of the gods was taking forever, even though Anubis had pleaded the point of how important it was for them to end the meeting early, Sobek and another god that Anubis had mostly forgotten over the years were in the middle of an argument. "Sobek, your river is getting too big!" the god shouted, and Sobek roared back at him.

"My river is meant to grow, I'm the guardian of the Nile! The nile is the very power of the ancient egyptian way!" Sobek said, slamming his fist into the table as Anubis ground his teeth.

"Gods! We must end this conversation soon! Don't you understand, Ra can have access to physical form once more soon!" Anubis said, slamming his fist into the table which actually shattered the wood.

Everyone exchanged glances, and they started to agree before the annoying god who apparently had a problem with Sobek proceeded to hit the crocodile in the face with a papyrus scroll. "Idiot alligator!" the god shouted, and Sobek's eyes lit with anger.

"I'm a crocodile!" he roared back, proceeding to pick up his chair to throw at the other god.

Anubis sighed as the gods started to take sides, and held his face in his hands. "This can't be happening..."


Jack had gone to sleep while Devon had continued on with his research of the scroll, so he was surprised to head a rhythmic sort of sound from outside. "Hm?" he mumbled, wiping some drool and sand from his chin. Sitting up, he noticed the professor wasn't back in the tent yet. "Professor?" he called, getting up and pulling on some shorts before walking out.

Outside it was night, yet towards the center of the encampment there was a glow that seemed to warm up the cold desert night. Walking towards it with heart in throat, Jack saw all of the laborers and archaeologists were swaying in sync, in the middle was Devon, gown in nothing but a Shendyt and from his body glowed a light as he read off of the Ra scroll. His voice seemed to fill the very air around Jack, echoing from everywhere at once. He enchanted words, his eyes glowing golden as he read it. "Professor!" Jack screamed, the air seemed to be getting hotter as he stomped through the sand that seemed to be growing awfully thick.

All of the archaeologists and laborers' eyes were glowing gold just like Devon's, and as Jake pushed through the crowd, the professor seemed to finish the incantation, and then there was an explosion of heat, and energy. It felt like the whole desert exploded, Devon smashed into the desert sand and was buried deep as the world was blindingly white. After ten minutes, Devon could finally see again, he coughed up sand as he sat up and brushed sand off. Glancing around, he saw people standing up... except... they weren't people. Their bodies seemed to have all become changed, their skin replaced by feathers, their eyes sharp like a bird's, and now sporting beaks. "Oh... god..." Jake coughed, and patted himself down, but thankfully he didn't have any.

Standing where Devon had been, a glowing Falcon headed man stood. The sand beneath him was now made of glass, and the air was raining small shards of glass, but they bounced away from the man. Pulling himself out of sand and stumbling to his feet, Devon watched as the man turned his eyes upon the young man. "You... approach Ra," the man said, and Jake was shocked as his legs pulled him towards the falcon.

"Where's Devon?" Jake asked, his heart beating fast as he looked at the god. He recognized the same look that was on the scroll, and his presence was intoxicating... He stepped in front of the god, Ra was far taller than Devon was, at least nine feet tall, and he was huge.

"I am... or was, Devon. I am now Ra, the god of the sun. I've taken this mortal form so I can finally return to life... but first..." he muttered, he grabbed the scroll, and burned it up in his grasp. "No more imprisonment for me, now I stand undefeatable. Now for you, your name is Jake, correct?" Jake nodded, it was like he couldn't disobey... and something in his mind didn't want to. "Long ago before I was sealed away, I had a general who I evolved from humanity. You are his descendent, his wife never underwent the change, so the human stayed, but even so your blood remembers me, and it is you that I want as my new general."

Forcing himself to step away, Jake shook his head. "No... you... I can tell something is wrong about you... just like in that pit. You're evil..." he grunted, and Ra laughed as he stared into the human's eyes.

"Human, you can't resist... I am Ra, and from today on, you will be my general, and I command you to approach me and take upon your new role!" he said, his words echoing inside of Jake's head, and even though he tried to resist his body walked right up to Ra, and he watched as Ra procured a golden band, and slid it around Jake's neck.

Jake was released from the spell, and struggled to get the band off... but it wouldn't come off, his shirt started to rip off as new plumage started to spread across his body, his very thin body putting on a shocking amount of muscle as the god's magic started to affect him. "I... I won't... I'm human... you're... evil!" Jake grunted, but the band was stuck fast, rich brown plumage rushing over his skin, he grunted as his back started to ache... and large wings started to sprout.

"My general, to command you have to see the whole battlefield," Ra said, grinning as his brainwashed minions bowed before the pair, Jake was growing larger, his clothes even changing to match the wear of Ra's own clothing. His eyes grew sharper as his face became stronger looking, more masculine and powerful. His hair sloughed away as it was replaced by his head of feathers, his shoulders squared up strong as Ra ran his hand down the falcon's shoulder.

Inside of Jake's head, he heard a voice... the voice of a god... he could tell after hearing Ra's own. "R... resist... don't give in..." it said dimly, but Ra's presence seemed to invade his very being, his brown eyes starting to take on a golden hue. His legs grew stronger, and his feet became talons as they dug into the sand, his wings growing longer and stronger as they flapped powerfully knocking over some of the nearby falcon men.

Ra picked up some of the sand, and pressed it finely into a red ruby, and placed it into the gold band around the new falcon's band as he stood tall, now eight feet tall and ripped as his new six pack flexed in the bright light of the god. For a moment the falcon thought to fly away, but his eyes met with Ra's, and a connection was made, one to his ancestor that used to be Ra's general. "My god, Ra," he said, his voice deepened by the transformation. "My ancestor was honored to be your general, and I shall be as well," he said, bowing before the great god. His eyes now gleaming gold from his new mental conversion by the god.

"Rise my general, Herep. Tonight I impart all you will need to know into your mind, and you shall train these thralls to fight. Tomorrow, we shall go out and start to spread amongst the people of Egypt. I will control this world," Ra said, and Herep rose as Ra took his beak and gazed deeply into his eyes and transferred information into his mind, his human life vanishing with the new memories. Taken in by the beauty of his new god, Herep kissed the great god, and Ra kissed back before standing tall. "Teach these worms, Herep. Afterwards meet me in my quarters," he said, giving the general a squeeze to his shoulder before walking away.

The winged general looked towards the transformed thralls of his god. "Follow my instructions, for tonight I will teach you how to fight for your god!" he roared, and all of the thralls cheered back.


Anubis had entered the mind of one who was there, one who would be able to change the tide of Ra's rising power, but he grew sick as the mind fell under the control of Ra, he froze as Ra's mind touched his. "Brother, I'm coming, soon the mortal and immortal realm will be mine!" Ra laughed, and Anubis unfroze as Ra's power disappeared.

All of the gods had felt it, and any squabbling was done now. Anubis looked up, and his eyes were savage. "Ra is alive, because you couldn't stop fighting for long enough to care... Now I must leave, regardless of your rules. Squabble if you must, but tonight I go to the mortal realm, and head to Egypt. For Ra is going to rise an army, join me if you want, but if not, stay out of my way," the jackal spoke, his voice filling the room and when he lifted from his chair it burst into black flames. The gods watched as he left, none moving... all watching the god of death go off to fight the god of life.

Making the News

The sun rose as it always did, lighting up the quiet town as the inhabitants slept on, completely unaware of any wrongs in the town. Though as dogs' barks filled the air, and animals became disconcerted the humans finally started to awaken, though due...

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Burying the Bone

"What about this planet?" his mate asked, stepping off of their small ship as they looked around the quiet earth neighborhood. The alien looked around, taking a few whiffs of the earthen air. It was cloyed with fossil fuels and the smell of excrement...

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Sensory Blackout

"Where am I?" Sean asked the fox across from him, the lizard had awoken in a cell along with a bunch of other anthros who were as confused as him. Once he had awoken he had watched as one by one they were led away by two... creatures, and it had only...

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