At Dinner

Story by somethingboring2 on SoFurry

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Uhhhh... I don't know what to say, cheers. Rate, Comment, etc. idk

The King sat upon his throne at the end of a full dinning table. the stresses of running his kingdom had worn on him giving him his white hair, long rather untrimmed beard, his blue eyes seemed drained of any youthful spark, he simply did not look well. He scanned about the dinning room, empty, as was usual for these days. He relaxed into his throne hearing the sounds of a battle waged outside, one he knew he would never win.A sudden thump resonated through the room as the old wooden door sealing the room was burst open. Dozens of soldiers, none of which his own stormed the table surrounding him. The king remained rather unfazed, he had been expecting them. "Welcome! Welcome to my home, feel free to sit at our table... I hope you would appreciate the hospitality." he said, his voice weak and frail.

His eyes centered on the leader of the group, a Vixen standing tall in metallic armor, whom met his gaze in return. "Welcome home" he smirked grimly "Please, have a seat" he offered, the Vixen silently accepted, her brown eyes staring back at him. "You know, when you first started, I hardly perceived you as a threat.." he sipped some wine "you won some battles, I won others, etcetera. You get the idea." he said looking down at his plate, full of his favorite dish, a simple steak "Then... something amazing happened... you started to win" he said cutting into his steak "first you took my border, then you took my ports and now you've taken my capital, it only took like what 10 years?" he said amused.

Her eyes bore anger and hatred as he continued "Congratulations on that by the way, you've exceeded my expectations." he met her gaze, smiling he went on "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know there's no hard feelings. On my end at the very least... all of what you done, I've forgiven." nodding, he continued ignoring the confused soldiers in the room, wondering why he wasn't dead yet. "You're a coward and a fool" the vixen spat at him, "as was your son." she added. That struck a nerve with him as he was visibly shaken. "It's... not nice to talk of your brother that way." his hand coiled into a fist. "ADOPTED brother" she correct him, standing up.

She sat back down questioning why she was entertaining this conversation, she let him continue "When you both ran away, you took my only family. I hope you realize this... I picked you up as a fucking urchin, raised you as one of my own, educated you, gave you access to my riches, I gave you EVERYTHING!" his voice echoed throughout the hall " and you in return thank me by leaving, taking my son with you and getting him killed-" "He died to your forces, not mine" she cut in before continuing "do you think you're a good person honestly? Do you use me to justify that delusion? You saved an urchin so all you've done is forgiven." she huffed "how pathetic".

He sat back visibly hurt by the words "You know, I waited everyday like this, hoping you two would come back." taking a bite of his steak he continued "I even had your favorite birthday dinners set up in vain I suppose, hoping you would walk in the door and join me for it... I'm sure you noticed" he said motioning to the massive table "Happy Birthday by the way... it's steak, I know it's your favorite". The vixen softened slightly, she entertained his delusion, eating the steak much to his surprise. Before he could ask she replied "I'm not above giving a dead man a final delusion."

Smiling he too began to eat "So tell me how is it out there... I never did take you out camping, did I?" He relaxed into his chair as she smirked "Well far from the comforts of the palace I'll tell you that". She lifted her head looking at him "No steak, no bed, I'll admit I missed this place sometimes" she jested "it's only when I was out there did I realize what luxuries I had here" She nodded looking back at him "That bed was the best, I look forward to using it again" laughing he sat back done "So any suitors yet?" he smirked to which she shook her head slowly getting up walking to the other side of the table.

The king ignored his urge to run "thank you for entertaining an old fool." He closed his eyes seeing her stand behind him, only to be given one last surprise, a hg from her. "I won't lie, I'm going to miss you... father" she said letting go and drawing her blade, "You're going to be a wonderful queen, Happy Birthday" he mused right before the blade tore through his neck. The Kingdom was dead.

Dear Amber

Dear Amber, If you are reading this then I have probably passed away. I only hope you read this in its entirety rather than ignore it like all my other letters. I understand you hate me for what I've done throughout your life but please allow me to...

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