The Consequences are Unbearable

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#29 of Miscellany

Just the result of sleep deprivation. Sigh.

The big brown bear handed over the envelope

of cash to the weasel sitting behind a desk in the rather garish and tastelessly

decorated office.

"Are you sure about this? I'm

paying good money for some fun and I don't want any trouble coming from it."

"Relax. We got the whole thing

covered for you. She'll be walking down that road I wrote down for you, right

after school lets out. You'll need to be in the specific spot on the map,

because no one will see you there. The rest will be up to you. We're supplying

the old van for you to use, because it's equipped with everything you'll likely

need. If you want to bring something else to help you pass the time, then go

for it. Just don't get too crazy. I don't want anything coming back on me. And

if you get caught, I'll report the van as being stolen. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it. You had better be

right about this, or I'll come back here and beat the crap out of you. Do ya

got that?"

"Like I said, relax. Kids walk that

road all the time. The one you want should be easy to recognize. That is,

unless your nearsighted or something."

"My eyes are fine. If she's there,

I'll find her. And when I do..."

"I don't want to hear it. What you

do once you grab her is your own business. My business is to set you up for

your fantasy thrills. After that, I wash my hands of the entire thing."

"And the van too, I bet. I assume

you clean it to remove any evidence?"

"Shut up and leave. I know how to

handle my business!" The weasel was looking fed up with his customer, but it

was mostly for show. A lot of these guys tended to want to back out once they

paid, and if this guy backed out now, there was a lot of money down the drain.

"Fine, fine! Give me the keys and

I'll be out of your fur."

They sailed in an arc and nearly

struck him in the face. He frowned a bit, but held his tongue and walked out to

the parking lot. The van was nondescript with no windows, was several years

old, and perfect for what he planned on doing. A look inside showed a thin

mattress on the floor, handcuffs, straps, and a variety of other items he knew

he would have no need for. This was going to be a straight forward matter.

He needed to get his nuts off on

something petite and innocent looking. It had been something stuck in his head

and he was finally going to be able to fulfill his darkest desires.

He drove towards the chosen spot, purposely

passing by the school twice just to feel the thrill of his upcoming exploits

intensify. The second time around the school-bell had just rung, and kids began

to pour out the doors to head home. He raced to get into position and prepare

for what came next.

Meanwhile, a short little adorable bear

was making her way from the direction of the school. She was dressed very

prettily and was easily only one sixth the size of the male in the van. Of

course, she knew nothing about him. She was just taking the route she knew to

take, and that was all there was to it. She knew better than to deviate from

her chosen way.

She had on her headphones and was

listening to music as she skipped her way down the road. This stretch of road

was normally pretty deserted,   but she was very familiar with it. Once the

woods gave way to more open spaces, there was little danger of anything

happening. So why worry?

Her petite feet started dancing to

the melodies as she traveled farther along the tree-lined asphalt. She was

often a little embarrassed to do that, but with no one around, she felt a

little freer about moving to the music. She was soon absorbed in doing her

grooving, and hardly paid attention to the van stopped by the side of the road.

There was a big guy there, in the middle of changing a tire. Too bad for him,

she thought. It's got to be a tough break to have a blowout, but he seemed like

he knew what he was doing.

He looked at her and smiled, but

turned his attention back to his work. She peeked into the back of the van and

saw the oddest collection of gear ever. This guy was certainly not a typical repair

man or a vender. Heck, it looked like there was an old mattress on the back

floor of it. Who traveled with something like that?

Unless he traveled a lot, she thought.

Then it might make sense. Oh well, she had someone to meet farther down the

road and lingering here wasn't going to get her there any faster. She skipped by

the big bruin and made two steps before a big furry paw was over her mouth. She

was hauled off of her feet and swung around in an arc, landing on the mattress

which saved her from getting bruised too badly.

The doors slammed shut behind the

fellow as he climbed in, the very same one who seconds before had been intent

on fixing his tire. Now he looked like he was intent on something else. Her

skirt was in disarray, her blouse was disheveled and her backpack was laying

there half on and half off her shoulders.

The big bruin was breathing

heavily, admiring her brown fur and imagining what treasures were held underneath,

both the fine soft  hairs and her skimpy

clothing. His cock had been already hard just anticipating her arrival, and her

presence now was more than sufficient to harden it some more.

He didn't say a word as he grabbed

the cloth drawstring bag and slammed it over her big ears. With a quick yank he

drew it closed to an almost chokingly tight pucker. As she struggled to get

free, he sat on her, stifling her screams and yanking one arm, and then the

other, securing them to the framework built-in for just such an occasion.

Her legs he left free for the

moment, opting to jump up and slam the van into gear and racing off down the

road. There were other,  more deserted

places than this and he was intent that no one would find him, leastwise until

he had his fun. That might be a few hours, maybe longer. There had been no time

limit in getting the van back. That was all part of the price. I had been

steep, but this was going to prove to be the greatest investment he had ever


He pulled off onto a service road used

formerly used by a logging company and drove back a mile to the abandoned camp

and put it in park. He had been able to hear the screams and cries from the

back, but most of them had been drowned out from the bumpy ride. Now, they came

through clearly and where a delight to his ears. She was going to be screaming

a lot more before he was done.

He stepped outside the van for a

moment to undress, as he was big and the inside was cramped. Once he was

undressed, he could deal with the confines, though with all of the wide open

spaces he considered taking her out and tying her down between a few of the

small trees that were springing up after the recent deforestation. Or better

yet, he might strap her over the end of one of the leftover logs and have her

that way.

He just about creamed himself

imagining all the possibilities.

He ran back and whipped open the

rear doors and gazed at her struggling form.  Her skirt was up, exposing the panties

underneath. They were a cute little pair with cartoon characters on them. He

didn't recognize the images, but then, kids these days watched the strangest stuff.

But nothing she had seen on television was going to prepare her for what was

about to come.

He started with her shoes, pulling

them off and tossing them over his shoulder onto the ground. Her stockings

followed before he reached for her panties. She was kicking up a fuss now, and

her tiny, muffled voice was reaching panic levels.

That was perfect!

He snagged his claws into the

waistband and pulled them down, revealing a bare, bear bottom of exquisite

pertness. Her stubby tail sat watch over the valley that split two miniature

mounds of ass, and he could just see down to the base where the source of his

was hidden in shadow. Her struggles hardly slowed him down as the cotton

underpants slipped off one, and then the other foot. He sniffed them a moment

and then tossed them into a corner of the van. The smelled vaguely of scented

soap and something he couldn't put his finger on.

"So little one, what should I do

first? I have so many ideas and sooooo little time to get to them all."

"Leave me alone! Go away. You're

not supposed to..." Her words dissolved into a scream as he poked a thick finger

into her ass. It didn't go in far, for it was dry, but he seemed to enjoy the

scream since he just kept prodding away.

"Yep, this is gonna be fun!"

He looked around outside for

another moment and then spied something that pleased him. He climbed into the back,

untied her and carried her, kicking and screaming, to a couple of small

saplings that were tall enough for his purpose. He roughly tied her to one

trunk and the then the other, leaving her to dangle so that she didn't touch the


He thought about taking the sack off

from over her head, and undoing her blouse, but that could wait. There was no

point in letting her get a good look at him in the broad daylight. He would do

that later, under the cover of darkness.

When it would prove the most


For now, he had some sweet pink

tissue to meet, and he had just the organ to do it with. He poked his finger at

her again, this time skipping the backdoor and spreading open the front.  He thrust his middle finger in and grunted

with the tightness of the hole. That old weasel at the agency had told him she

would be tight, and why not? She was a tiny little package. And he was going to

be ripping into her like it was his birthday!

She screeched again, but he ignored

it and pressed his finger in deeper, knowing that if she found this disturbing,

what was about to come was going to be excruciatingly awful. He about came just

thinking about it. The funny thing was, her hole was super wet. He didn't think

too much on it, knowing only that she was going to need every drop of

lubrication her body could muster.

He grabbed her, lifted her up

enough to thrust his hips forward under her body and lowered her back down over

his cock. Its narrow tip sliced in between those tight furry lips and pressed

in as he pushed down on her shoulders. The cries thus elicited were music to

his ears.

She was now resting on his cock,

strapped by both arms to the adjacent trees. He grabbed their thin trunks and

began humping her furiously, reveling in the motion of her body bouncing up and

down in time to his movements. Each upward thrust pushed a strangled cry from

her lips, and each downward withdrawal from her hole made her suck air back

into her lungs. She hardly had time for much of anything else.

He was pushing it in deeper and

deeper. It finally got to the point that no matter how much pressure he applied

to his motions, she simply wasn't going to fit any more inside her narrow

little hole. He watched as her fingers clenched up into tight little balls of

rigid flesh each time he tried.

He noticed she had quite the set of

nails and they were polished with a bright pink color. Kids these days seemed

to grow up so fast. I mean seriously, how old was she to be sporting such a

color? Oh well, she was going to be seeing red, and seeping red for a while so

a little provocative polish was of little consequence at the moment.

He worked her over for a while,

stopping at one point to flip over a chunk of log to use as stool, sitting down

under her and resuming his methodical rape. She was now resting on his lap,

still attached miserably to the trees of course, but he was now more

comfortable in his position. Heck, he should have brought himself some beers.  He was likely to get thirsty at some point.

Oh, life was suddenly so much

better. She continued to squeal and holler, but anytime she started getting to

the point where she could spit out more than a few words coherently, he picked

up the pace of his internal barrage and stifled whatever complaints or pleas

that might have been trying to form. At some point she seemed to just give up

and while he was mildly disappointed, he was also just as glad to not have the

distraction.  It was obvious he was too

much for her.

That was the point in having this


He had suffered from this desire

for years and now that he had paid his money, he intended to squeeze every drop

out of it. He almost felt bad about the consequences of this, but he was

assured that if he followed the instructions, no one would ever find out. Having

gone a few steps beyond that in coming way out here, he felt better.  He didn't entirely trust the weasel. The

little creep had shifty eyes and was all too quick to snatch the money out of his


But the little suited freak didn't

matter anymore. Out here in the wilds, it was just him and his little sex doll.

And she was delightful. After years of dealing with big bossy bruin bitches, it

was payback time like no other.

He found a groove and fell into a

pattern, delighting in the fact that he hadn't blown a load yet. It was far

better than he had ever hoped. Cumming was nice, but the feeling on the outside

of his cock was not to be missed either, and the longer he could carry on, the


Her crack was spread open farther

than it was ever meant to be, forming a tight little band of barely flexible

flesh around his red meat. He had never, ever had a hole this tight, and she

was likely to never have something that big in there ever again, not until she

grew up.. He pummeled away on it, satisfied that it was never going to ever get

any better than this. Hell, he was thinking that it might be a good idea to simply

kidnap her permanently. He was ruining her as it was, so why not finish the


The thought of repeatedly raping

her triggered his nuts, and in a moment he was pumping her full until it was

squirting out the sides. He let go of her and grabbed the slim trees for

support, allowing her weight the keep her in place.

She was gasping and wheezing,

accompanied by sniffles and whimpering.  She pulled against the restraints to try and

pull herself off of him, but she didn't have enough leeway to accomplish it. He

had seen photos like what he was doing in the dark recesses of the internet,

but they lacked the stimulation of the additional sound effects. They made this

so much more exceptional in real life as did the wonderful sensation

surrounding his cock. Getting off on pics was one thing, but this; this was

beyond mere words to describe it.

"Well little one, I hope I wasn't

too rough on you. After all, I'd hardly want to break you in too much before

the day was through. You've got two more holes to explore, and I have all the

time in the world to try them out."

"No! Don't you dare you..."

Her words were cut off when he cinched

up the bag a little tighter.

"I didn't ask you to speak. So shut

up. If you haven't figured it out yet, I can do what I want. There is no one to

save you. It's just you and me, all alone in the middle of nowhere. So unless

you want me to leave you tied up out here where no one will find you, I'd

suggest you keep your words to yourself."

As he was talking, he grabbed her

around the chest, slipped under her arms and began the process all over again.

He had been hard on and off for days, and he knew the persistent rigidity wasn't

going to go away after one simple fuck.

She started to try and say

something, but he slammed her down hard and her words turned into a cry. He put

one big paw on the top of her head and pushed downward until he thought the tip

of his cock was going to come out her mouth. He knew anatomy better than that,

but it was still something to consider. There was the back hole after all. But

why rush into it? This entrance had a long ways to go before it ever got


This time he really took to

slamming her down, once in a while twisting her body back and forth as far as

the restraints would allow him, just like he might half of an orange on an old

fashioned juicer. He considered untying her, but thought the better of it.

There were just too many variables to deal with, and this was one he knew he

didn't have to worry about. He was big and strong but not fast, and hardly

wanted her getting loose and then trying to chase her down. That would put a

damper on his fun.

He poured every ounce of effort

into his molestation, fucking the hell out of her with every fiber of his

being. A lot of it wasn't even sexual, just an accumulation of anger towards a

lot of things that had gone wrong in his life. He knew it wasn't fair to her,

but there was so much in his own life that hadn't been fair. He was just paying

it forward with a vengeance.

He sat there for what had to be an

eternity for her, stroking his cock with her petite body, until it seemed she

had finally come to grips with her situation. He didn't find that all that

exciting, and lifting her up, he pushed her body forward and rammed his cock up

her ass.

Her shrill scream echoed off the


"Oh fuck yeah!" he grunted as his

initial penetration of her backdoor made his eyes roll back in his head. The

worse part for her was that there was more room, length wise, for him to enter

here, and she soon found herself full of bear meat. Her butt was impaled to the

maximum. She had never even imagined anything like this. Her fingernails dug

into her palms as he entered into his next phase of fun.

It was a good thing she had been

wet, because her ass would have suffered a far greater decimation if she hadn't.

Not that he cared, but he did a little. In his own, selfish way, he didn't want

to ruin her too quickly. For the cash he had paid to have this set up, he

intended to get his money's worth. Too bad to anyone else who suffered. This

was to assuage his own past suffering and pent up needs.

He bore down on her shoulders

again, and he could hear her fighting back words. The tears were obviously flowing

which was part of this whole thing that he had longed for. It was about making others

suffer, all the while getting off on it.

His cock was pressed in to the

hilt, the tip tickling her insides while his girth stretched her wide open. It didn't

get any better than this. His fingers held her in an iron grip as he worked her

up and down furiously, rubbing his cock past her sphincter which in itself was

pushed to the limits of its ability to  withstand the onslaught of his attack.

He continued to rape her for the

next hour, switching abruptly from one hole to the other, delighting in causing

her so much pain. On the fifth switch, he felt his balls tighten up and he

ravaged her until his sperm flowed like lava.

Once he was sated he got up, pulled

her off and untied her. He was looking around for some other spot to secure

her, but finding nothing interesting, decided to go against his better judgment

and undo the bag. Part of him wanted to see firsthand the effects of his abuse.

He undid the drawstrings and pulled

it off. She shut her eyes briefly against the light. For the first time since

snatching her did he get a good look at her face. He stopped, stunned beyond


"What the fuck is this?"

Blinking in the daylight and

clearing away the tears she was finally able to see. The bear was big all right

and presently looking scarier than he probably had been all the while he had

been raping her.

"Who the hell; what the hell are


She sniffed back a tear. "My name

is Natasha."

"You're not a bear cub!" He was

holding the restraints as she dangled high in the air.

"Of course not! I'm a koala!"

He dropped her on the ground. "There's

no such thing as a brown koala!" But he had noticed before that her ears were outsized

for her head.

"I know that! I was told to get my

fur dyed for my next trick. Sammy said it was going to be a huge payday."

The big bruin fell back onto the

ground. "You mean that little fucking cunt of a weasel tricked me?"

The koala picked herself off the

ground. "Why, what did he tell you?"

"I wanted to rape a little bear

cub. He set me up to be at that school, the school where you were coming from."

"He dropped me off just past there

with instructions that I would find some mild little guy who liked teddy bear-looking

girls at a house just past where you abducted me. That's why I colored my

pretty grey fur this drab brown hue."

"Well fuck it all. I've been duped.

How old are you?"

"Twenty three. How old did you

think I was?"

"Never mind. Now I don't know what

to do."


His eyes were filled with rage. "I

paid a lot of money to get off. Now I find I've been scammed."

It was her turn to get angry. "What

the hell are you whining about? You've stretched both of my holes beyond

repair! Don't tell me you weren't getting off. Do you know how long I'll have

to kegel just to get back into shape after what you did to me? Sammy knows

better than to set me up with a brute like you!"

Then her eyes narrowed. "How much

did you pay him?"

"Eight grand."

And he thought he was mad. "That

little son of a bitch was only going to give me seven hundred and fifty dollars

for this trick. I wondered why he was being so generous for such a simple job.

The fucking bastard set me up so that I wouldn't know what was coming."

"So I take this guy is your boss?"

"Boss? As much as a pimp can be my

boss. The son of a bitch gets me gigs, and we split the cash. That fucker really

has it in for me. I think he was hoping you'd finish me off so he didn't have

to pay me anything!"

A big paw clamped onto her. "I

still have time you know..."

She gulped. "Hey. This isn't my

fault. What the hell more do you want?"

"Oh, I could go days showing you.

Kid or not, you're the right size for my needs."

"What if..."

His eyes narrowed. "Go on..."

"The thing is, I can hang with you

if you like. I'm not going to be fit for any other customers for a long time.

And it seems to me you have money. What say I just go back to your place and

hang for a while? As you can see I can take a lot of abuse. What I was really

worried about the whole time was that this was a real rape and you were going

to kill me when you were done."

"It was a real rape..."

"If you say so. But if I were you,

and I was really mad about being tricked, I think I might consider taking it

out on the guy who set me up. That is to say, set both of us up."

"Hmmmm. You have a point. And I have

his van too. I think your idea has merit. But why would you want to hang out

with me after everything I did to you?"

"Hey! I might be cute, but I kinky

as hell. After that brutality, I think I might like to see what else you've got

hiding deep inside."

"Yeah, maybe. But I've never had

sex with a guy before. Sounds kind of..."

"Kinky?" she managed to say with a

smile. The rawness she felt would be alleviated a little by the knowledge that

her pimp got an equal dose of it.

"Yeah. Not quite my thing."

"Oh, don't be too sure. Dress him

up in a skirt and a blouse and I'm sure you'll get over any qualms you might

have. And I bet his ass is as tight as mine used

to be." She stressed the last words in a mild rebuke of the damage he had wrought

on it.

He pictured the slim little weasel,

thought about the money he had paid, and suddenly he found the idea palatable.

"So no hard feelings?" He stuck out

a big paw.

"No hard feelings?" Her voice was

high with emotion. "My cunt has been subjected to hard feelings; my ass has

been subjected to hard feelings, and you think an apology is all I deserve? I

have rope burns on my wrists and I can't walk straight!"

"What do you think I can do about that now?"

"Well, for one, you can take a lady

for a drink. We'll discuss our plans for revenge over cocktails."

He snickered.

"Cock - tails? Really?"

She realized belatedly the

misspoken pun and blushed furiously.