Sonic Sleeps Over

Story by 2BIT on SoFurry

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#1 of GeneX


Chapter 1 - Sonic Sleeps Over

Pairing - M/F, vaginal

Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and

Sonic Team. You knew that, right?

GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.

Note: This story takes place after GeneX - Soleanna Struggle, and shares the same history to that point as the main GeneX series, including the adult version of GeneX - A New Beginning.

GeneX Prime and GeneX Necros are but two of many incarnations of a similar realities inhabited by genetic experiments and a familiar blue blur named Sonic the Hedgehog. Another such reality, GeneX Heat, is very similar to GeneX Prime, even sharing some of its history. However, the focus in GeneX Heat is a bit more recreational. Feelings of lust run high in this reality, and those feelings are about to reach a point where they can no longer be contained. This will lead to adult situations, and why shouldn't it? In animal years, the furries of GeneX Heat are plenty old enough. Still, if you have issues with that sort of thing, let this be as far as you delve into this universe. If not, sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun. Heck, if you're feeling artistic, maybe these stories will inspire you to draw something. If so, go for it, I'm sure fellow readers would be thrilled to see what you make. OK, fourth wall breaking time is over. Now is the time for Sonic to see just how different this reality is...

It was late at night. Most residents of Station Square were sound asleep, or at least indoors. However, there was one resident who was out and about. Rainbow the echidna found herself wandering the city alone this night, just killing time until she got sleepy. Her friends, Copter and Punchy, were both currently out of town. Punchy was off trying to pilfer the Master Emerald once again, this time making a solo attempt in hopes of sneaking up on the shrine easier. Copter's whereabouts were unknown, as usual. It was the first time in a while that Rainbow had found herself alone, and even though she grew up alone, she found herself feeling unusually lonely. However, despite what she was feeling, she was not alone. As she wandered the seemingly deserted city, a sinister presence watched her every move, following her every step. She was wandering near a shopping mall, but at this time of the night, the mall was closed, and the area she was walking past would normally be deserted. As she walked, she heard what sounded like voices nearby. She glanced around somewhat skittishly.

"H-hello? Anyone there?" she asked nervously. There was no response at first, so Rainbow began walking away. As the voices began whispering again, Rainbow started walking faster.

"Just the wind... Just the wind..." Rainbow whispered nervously. The voices were growing louder, and Rainbow could make out a hissed word.

"Losssss.... Losssss..." Rainbow realized that this couldn't be good.

"Uh... Gotta go!" she said, making a break for it! As she did, slimy Losol creatures began emerging from all around her! In moments, she was surrounded!

"Omigosh-it's-a-buncha-slimy-sludge-mutants-somebody-HELP-MEEEEEE!!!" she screamed in panic! Just as the slime creatures were about to pounce on her, the wind began blowing more fiercely! Out of nowhere, a blue gust blew into the area, then sped to the Losol and knocked them all away before they knew what was happening! The Losol quickly fled the scene as they saw the cause of the wind emerge: Sonic the Hedgehog!

"Weird! I saw those monsters before, but not out in the city like this! I wonder how they got here?" Sonic said to himself as the creatures fled.

Sonic turned to Rainbow and squinted at her as he tried to remember who she was.

"I've seen you before... At Eggman's base. You were with that clone of Knuckles!" he realized. Rainbow threw her arms around Sonic and started sobbing.

"Ahh! Why do I have that effect on girls?" Sonic groaned. Rainbow was babbling at first, but soon started talking more coherently.

"Oh, thank you, Speedy! I thought I was done for! By the way, my name's Rainbow! Thank you again!" she said before releasing Sonic.

"Uh... OK.... You're welcome, I guess. Bye!" Sonic said, preparing to run away. Before he could move, though, Rainbow grabbed him again.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!! Don't leave me alone like this! Those monsters could come back! Please, walk me back to my house!" she pleaded. Sonic looked at her nervously.

"W-walk? But... walking's slow! Besides, um, it's past my bedtime!" he protested. Rainbow refused to let him go.

"We can RUN! And you can stay at my place! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE NOW!!!" she cried. Sonic realized that the choice was pretty much out of his hands.

"OK, I'll take you home..." he groaned.

It wasn't long before Rainbow led Sonic into the sewer tunnel and through the secret passage she used to reach the Hidden Ruins. Sonic gazed in awe at the underground city.

"Th-this is incredible! I didn't know a city existed down here!" he gasped. Rainbow nodded.

"Yeah, it's pretty secret. In fact, only me, my sister, and my friends know about it." she said. Sonic started walking ahead of Rainbow, eager to explore.

"I gotta check this place out a bit!" he said. Rainbow grabbed him again.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" she insisted. Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't anyone else live down here?" he asked. Rainbow shook her head.

"No, well, One lives here sometimes, but he's not here now and I'm lonely and scared!" she said. Sonic sighed sleepily.

"Aw, all right. I guess I'll sleep at your place tonight..." he said. Rainbow released him and ran towards her home.

"OK! Follow me, Speedy!" she said.

After getting over the initial shock of seeing Rainbow's massive home, which was formerly a temple, Sonic found himself left alone to explore the temple while Rainbow washed up. He ran through the halls as he explored, trying to burn off the rest of his energy so he could get to sleep. Normally, he wandered where he pleased and slept when and wherever he wanted, but Rainbow had made such a pathetic face earlier and he just couldn't refuse her. He wasn't much watching where he was running, and eventually, he came to the hallway leading to the fountain Rainbow was bathing at. Rainbow was stepping out of the room containing the fountain, and Sonic had to stop quickly to avoid running into her! As he skidded to a halt, Sonic jumped backward with alarm as he saw Rainbow, who was dripping wet and completely naked! Though Rainbow appears similar to Amy with her dress on, Sonic quickly realized by looking at her that she was older than Amy! Her furry yellow body shimmered in the dim light, due to being wet, and her decently curvy figure was a feast for Sonic's eyes. He enjoyed the view so much, he spaced out and forgot to look away! Rainbow didn't care though, for she knew no reason why she should care.

"Hey, Speedy! You know, you should slow down a little! You almost hit me!" she said. Sonic blushed as he realized he was still staring at her.

"Oh, uh... S-sorry! I was... Um..." It was hopeless, Sonic couldn't say anything coherent. Rainbow laughed at his gibberish.

"You're always in such a rush, you can't even slow down enough to talk right! That's OK, though. I think I get it! From the looks of things, I'd say you wanna play!" she said. Sonic glanced down and saw that he'd become erect, and this made him blush even more.

"You... huh? Play? You mean...." Sonic moved his hips a bit to illustrate his point, and Rainbow nodded.

"Yeah! That's loads of fun! Since I dragged you down here, we might as well have some fun!" she said. Never had Sonic suspected that Rainbow would be this sort of girl. If she knew better, she probably wouldn't be, but Sonic had no reason to believe she didn't know better.

"Are you sure, though? What about... what's his name... Punchy?" Sonic asked. Rainbow shrugged.

"What about him? He's not here. I'll play with him a bit when he comes back, probably." she replied. This was enough for Sonic, especially since he was too horny to refuse at this point.

Sonic was always one for doing things fast, and he wasted no time getting started with Rainbow. He reached for her hips and held her steady, aiming his dick for her vagina. Rainbow giggled at how quickly Sonic had grabbed her.

"I'm not going anywhere, Speedy!" she said. Sonic grinned.

"I know. Hope you're ready, 'cuz I'm goin' in!" he said, carefully pushing his way into Rainbow's flower with his cock. Rainbow squealed with delight as he pushed deeper and deeper, finally stopping once his cock was as deep as it could go! Sonic then stopped to get a feel for his partner, moving his hands up from her hips and across her chest before finally resting his hands on her breasts, which he squeezed lightly. Rainbow smiled playfully and reached for his head, pulling him closer until her lips met his! Sonic opened his mouth first, then pushed her mouth open with his tongue. Rainbow accepted the kiss, and pet Sonic's quills as Sonic explored her mouth with his tongue, all while his penis was still plunged deep inside Rainbow's pussy. Sonic squeezed her boobs tighter, and Rainbow responded by lowering her hands and squeezing Sonic's back. Sonic had been with other women before, but this was the most romantic moment of his life. As Sonic broke the kiss, Rainbow gasped for breath.

"Ah.... That was good! See how much better it can be to slow down a little?" she said. Sonic smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I think we can stand to take this a little faster!" he suggested. Rainbow nodded in reply, then pulled Sonic down to the ground, so that he was lying on top of her! Sonic paused a moment once they were on the floor. This was the furthest he'd gone with anyone he actually knew somewhat. He avoided doing Amy, because she would probably demand they get married afterwards, and Sonic wasn't ready to settle down yet. Would going further with Rainbow complicate things? Rainbow stroked his back spikes a bit, and it drove such questions out of his mind. Now wasn't the time for logic. Now was the time to screw! Pressing his arms to the ground for support, Sonic began pulling his manhood out of Rainbow's pussy, stopping just before pulling out completely, then dove his rod into her again fast! Rainbow gasped with pleasure as he did, and this encouraged Sonic to do it again! Before they knew it, they were both moving their hips in unison, gasping and shouting with excitement all the while! Sonic was desperately trying to hold back his speed, for it would be painful for Rainbow if he went as fast as he could go, but he was still going pretty fast. Rainbow didn't mind, though, she savored every move Sonic made!

"Ah!! Oh!! Th-that's.... incredible!! Ohhhh.... Ahhhhh.... S-speedy!! Oh!" she gasped, unable to say much else. Sonic was loving this, too, but his cock didn't have the endurance to hold out at his high speed.

"Ohhh... Ahh! R-rainbow!! Hahhh... I'm.... g-gonna...." he gasped, not sure if he'd be able to pull out in time. Rainbow was asked by Punchy whether she wanted him to cum in her before, and she understood that Sonic wanted to ask as well.

"Ah ha... G-go for it... Speedy!! Ahhh!!" she said. It was too late to stop Sonic, anyway. One thrust, then another, and Sonic unleashed his load deep into Rainbow's flower! He continued to push into her a couple more times, and then Rainbow reached her orgasm! They gasped and shouted excitedly as their climaxes occurred, and once Rainbow came, Sonic collapsed into her arms. He'd gotten himself pretty tired while he was running before this started, so now he found himself drifting towards sleep. Rainbow held him tightly, knowing that she, too, would be sleeping in that position tonight, mainly because Sonic was on top of her.

"Thank you... For everything..." she whispered, though Sonic was too drowsy to really hear. The night had ended up being much better than either of them had expected, and they were content to fall asleep now in each other's arms...

The End for now.