Angie (prt 2)

Story by delphinic on SoFurry

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#2 of Angie

Then, like the scar on her chest, a miracle happened.

Angie squirmed a bit, as if shaking off the dry land. Then her blowhole peeped open and she seemed to gasp for air. Finally, her beady black eyes unclenched and I felt her body rise in temperature. She sat there, letting the salt water dampen her skin as she gasped for air. I felt a great deal of relief well up in me, causing my legs to buckle slightly. She was alive, and regaining her strength. I stood there with my hand holding her up. She began to float naturally again, and opened her eyes. She looked to the sides, seemingly confused and I doubt she remembered much of the ordeal. Then she looked up at me, and her expression changed. It became one of love and gratefulness. In a few minutes Angie's vigor returned, and she began to swim again, in small circles around me. She was excited that she was alive, and squealing out deep thanks to me.

I didn't share her enthusiasm. I was too shocked at how close she came to death and how quickly her strength had returned, I just stood there, mouth gaping, my eyes following her. Angie stopped in front of me, and then swam up. She lifted her head parallel to my body and I wrapped my hands around her, below her melon. She chattered to me and kissed me on the lips. I felt the shock wear off and it was replaced by relief.

"Angie, next time we won't cuddle outside the tide line." I said to her, holding her tightly.

"Breeeeeeee!" Angie made a sort of agreement, and I continued to hold her. I was catching my breath after the strain. After a few minutes, I let her go and she sunk back down.

"Was that what you were trying to tell me? That you had become beached?"

Angie's thoughts seemed to snap back to her. Now that she was in water, she turned and flashed her dorsal fin to me. I seemed to get it now.

"You want me to ride on you to the peninsula?"

"Eeeeeeaaaaa!" Angie squealed happily, since I figured out what she meant. She waved her dorsal fin at me again, but I was hesitant.

"Angie, are you sure you can pull me?" She was, after all, only slightly smaller than me. I guessed she weighed around 350 pounds and I weighed closed to 190.But she did have some strong muscles... I couldn't decide.

"rrrrrrEEEEEEE" She gave out a confident squeal and flashed her fin again.

I sighed and gave in, gripping my hands around her dorsal fin and holding tightly.

"Just let me know if we're going underwater, ok?"

Angie chattered a reply and started off, long before I was ready. She started slow, but quickly increased her pace. Her streamlined body had no trouble flying through the water, but my body was only used to going through air in this speed, and I immediately lost my grip and began to sink.

With great agility, Angie zipped back toward me and nudged her head under my arm, supporting me up.

She rose to the surface, carrying me to get some air.

I caught my breath while she waited, clicking worriedly.

"I'm...ok." I said between gasps, "I think you....started too...soon"

She sat there, her head rising out of the water, looking up at me. I eventually got my breath back and grabbed her fin again. She happily whirred and started began to swim.

I was amazed at her speed! Even with me hitching a ride, she didn't show any signs of carrying around extra weight. Her breathing didn't even increase and her muscles smoothly but strongly tensed and relaxed. The movements of her tail made her whole body seem to swell up, and then she would burst forward with great force. She looked up and me and trilled a bit, meaning we were going underwater. I took a gulp of air and Angie plunged beneath the clear water.

She moved faster down there than she did on the surface of the water. She cut through the dense water with no trouble at all, constantly beeping for maybe a fish or any signs of danger. I was used to her using sonar on me. When she beeped me to check if I was hanging on, I ignored the prickling feeling since I had gotten used to it. She swam near the bottom and my ears popped from the pressure and speed. My vision was blurred by the salty water so I only saw outlines and colors of fish and rocks, but just the feeling of swimming with Angie was good enough for me. I didn't even realize that my chest was starting to hurt. I let a big air bubble escape from my lungs, and instantly Angie swam upwards. How she had sensed the bubble, I do not know, but it seemed I had underestimated her senses. We broke the surface, and I let the humid air fill my lungs. Angie listened closely find out when I had gotten all my air back. As soon as I took another deep breath, she dove below again.

The density of the water, mixed with the speed, began to make my skin hurt. I found it difficult to hang on and thought for sure I was going to let go. Then I remembered something nursing dolphins did when swimming with their mothers. They tucked themselves under the parent so they could break the water, making less resistance on the calf. So, with my hands still hanging dearly on the dorsal fin of Angie, I tucked myself below her. She seemed to take no notice, but I found it was easier to hang on. It was like tucking in your hand after having it out of the window of a speeding car. My whole body felt less resisted and a lot more comfortable.

We sped on, Angie swimming at break-neck speed, and I tucked under her, holding all the air I had in the best I could. Finally, she slowed down and broke the surface. As soon as the trip had begun, it was over. The dark rocks came into view, rising from the ocean floor like giants. Angie turned herself over and my hands slid off of her dorsal fin. I climbed onto the rocks, my chest heavy and my body lined with salt. I lay on my back, trying my best to catch my breath. Angie swam up to me and nudged my hand. Without looking, I reached down and started to stroke her. I was still overcoming the experience of swimming with a dolphin. Angie, however, seemed casual about it and didn't show any signs of being tired or out of breath after carrying me. She had turned slightly on her side, so now I was rubbing her behind her pectoral fin. I had caught my breath and looked down at her. By now, she was on her back. I kept petting her, but I constantly stared at her pussy. She wasn't aroused currently, but I found myself wishing she were. Over the time we were apart, I began to accept her for wanting to have sex with me. She loved me, I loved her, wasn't sex another part of love? Angie became aware of me staring at her cunt and she suddenly began to turn pink, obliging to my 'desire'. I let my instinct kick in, and I too became aroused. I stopped petting her and moved my hand instantly to her pussy lips. Excited and now a dark pink, Angie tried to thrust my fingers into her vagina. Something stopped me, like I had regained my thoughts after being in a trance. I let my hands hover above her pussy, Angie bumping her lips against my palm. They were hot like fire.

I felt guilty about stopping, and let my hands rest on her steamy skin. I could feel her tough, swollen lips quiver as I touched her. Her lubricant liquid began to flow out of her, and she waited with anticipation for me to begin. Just like how I always pet her, I raised up my fingers so only the very tips touched, and began to move back and forth over her slit. She squealed happily, glad that I had agreed to have this sort of bond with her, and thrust her pelvis hard onto my hand.

I stopped stroking her cunt, making Angie squeak loudly, shocked and confused at why I had ended the little game. I caressed her belly with my other hand, trying to calm the agitated dolphin down.

"I'm sorry, Angie. I can't do it yet. I'm not ready, but I'm close, and I promise you I will."

Angie, saddened and disappointed, turned over to look at me. If she were human, I guess she would have been blinking away tears. Her eyes were sad but understanding, almost as if she were saying she would wait but only because she truly loved me. I felt her heart sink with mine, both knowing what we wanted, but I didn't have the courage to give in. I kissed her lovingly on her rostrum.

"I'm sorry, girl."

Angie backed off a bit and submerged her head underwater, trying to mask her disappointment. This made me once again angry with myself. 'Now look,' I thought, 'You just HAD to start in on that, didn't you? You were in too far to stop then, and now she might leave you again. Why do you have to torture her like that?'

Somehow, Angie seemed to know what I was thinking. She raised her head and began to stroke my hand with her beak. She didn't quite like having that be interrupted, but she didn't want me feeling that way about myself either. I noticed the pink on her underside was receding, just like the tide that almost killed her a while ago.

I smiled at her and lovingly rubbed her behind her eyes, the spot she loved to be petted near the most on her head. Her eyes began to shine again and she opened her mouth is a sort of grin. She let her tongue hang out, which I took to rubbing in no time. Angie seemed to make a snorting sound as I did this, blissfully letting me caress her tongue. Her tail would jerk and she'd trill happily now and then, but other than that, she was silent.

After a few minutes, Angie backed off from my hand. I massaged her on the top of her melon as I spoke.

"Angie, I'm sorry I yelled at you and scared you off. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself, but I hope that you can forgive me. I didn't mean to do it. I love you, Angie, and I would never hurt you."


She whistle-squealed a reply, and kissed me on my lips. I sat back and watched her figure sink below the waves and out of sight. The sky was turning bluer, showing that noon was over and evening would begin soon. I lay back on the rocks, looking upward and feeling the emptiness begin to fill in.

Abruptly, I heard a splash. Out in the water, I saw the sleek grey figure of Angie jump into the air. I had never seen her do this before and was instantly intrigued. She seemed to turn her head towards me, tilting on her side. I saw one of her pectoral fins shake back and forth, a sort of wave. Before I had time to get this all in, she landed and swam off. I laughed through smiling gaping jaws, amazed by the act. That was an odd way to say good-bye, but it also seemed like a thanks, for saving her life and forgiving her. I felt a great deal of contentment over what had happened that afternoon. I stood up and left the peninsula, my bond with Angie feeling stronger than ever.

Part 6

Our relationship had been restored, and the tension died down, back to the way it was. Whenever I was away from her, I found myself occasionally thinking of her pussy. I was slowly beginning to feel comfortable with Angie's desire for me. The part I told her that I had accepted her liking me like that was actually a lie. I told her that because I was too overcome with surprise and desperation when she returned that I said anything to get her back. When I had come close to fingering her when we were at the peninsula, it had taken me a great deal closer to accepting her. I recalled feeling excited and aroused, yet not quite a lust. I was doing it because I loved her, and I wanted to keep my promise. So it came as a shock when I found myself feeling aroused when I thought of it. Before, I felt dirty and angry, but now the idea didn't seem so bad. However, I didn't give in because I seemed to lose it when I was around Angie.

We still cuddled and played, trying to keep on routine and not bringing up any sex. Like I had said before, Angie never forced me, so she patiently waited for me to accept her as a lover, rather than just a love. She kept up with her playful ways and she was always happy to see me, even if I wasn't going to finger her. She loved being cuddled nearly as much as I did, so she would gracefully settle for the next best thing.

My vacation was running short, since I had to return to Florida in July. It had been two months that I had spent on the island, and I had known Angie for one and a half months. I was angry at myself that time was running out to please Angie like I promised, so one day, I decided to give in and let me and Angie become lovers, as planned.

On my last day, I went to see Angie. She was waiting by the rock peninsula earlier than I had thought. Just seeing her made me have second thoughts. How could I do this when I had known her for so long? Biting my lower lip, I walked up to the spot she was floating at. I had decided that I wasn't going to have sex with her yet, but merely let her pleasures be sated.

"Hey, Angie." I muttered, stammering with nervousness.

She chattered a greetings to me, making me smile a little.

"Angie, I hate to tell you this, but I'm leaving today. I don't live on this island, rather far away, in the United States."

"RRRR-eeeeeee-OOOO?" Angie didn't understand. She must not have known about any area outside of the island.

I began to make movements she would understand. I would point to me, then the hill behind me, the open water, in the way of Florida, and then I stroked her rostrum. I spoke with each movement.

"I...don't live here... I live out there...I have to go, and this will be my last day. I'm sorry, girl."

She seemed to understand half of what I meant. I would be going and she didn't know when I'd be back. Sadly, she nibbled on my fingers.

"Yes, I'll miss you too. I don't even want to go. I love you and I don't know how I'll be without you around." I stroked the roof of her mouth, another caress she seemed to enjoy, and rubbed her melon. She let go of my fingers and turned over, pointing her scar to my face, expecting just a tummy rub. I gulped and began to rub, working my hand slower and slower down her underside. She was in for a surprise. My hand was about an inch away from her vaginal slit when I stopped. Angie raised her massive head and clicked at me curiously.

I smiled. "Angie, you know I love you, and I want to show you how much I love you. I gave in to our desires and decided to let us be lovers. You love me, and I love you, so what is there to worry about?"

Angie's eyes twinkled and she cooed happily at me. I bent over and kissed her beak, then set to work.

Angie's pussy was already beginning to swell, towering over her dark pink pubic area. Tenderly, I ran my fingers over the swollen lips, just like the time before. Her tail quivered as I carefully stroked her swelling lips. Angie's eyes were shut with her mouth gaping wide open. With the other hand, I rubbed her below her head, right where her scar began. She responded by whirring and jerking her head up and down.

When she was ready, I moved my hand outwards to the edge of her body. Angie raised her head again, but now she was just wondering why I had stopped.

"Ever heard of foreplay, girl?"

"Aeeeoooooo!" Her eyes grew playful and seductive. She seemed to be saying 'you sneaky devil. I love you!'

"Yes, I love you too, Angie." I said, grinning yet still nervous.

I began to make wide circles around her vaginal area, which was a deep pink by this point, and hot to the touch. Her pussy was starting to leak a clear, yellow-white, lubricant juice as she waited to be entered. I continued to circle her swollen lips like a vulture circling a dying rodent. I could feel her body spasm often, and the closer I got to her pussy the higher she clicked or squealed. Soon, my finger would pass nearby her clit, and I would make smaller circles around there. She arched her back to get closer to my hand, overcome with pleasure. Now I was doing figure eights, making a small circle around her bulging clit and around her vaginal slit. Angie was going crazy, her tail slapping the surface frantically and her head jerking up and down, too lost in the experience to control herself. However, I didn't want her being too worked up and began to stroke her behind her eyes a bit, to calm her.

"It's okay, girl. Enjoy it but try to relax a bit."

Angie seemed to regain control and shuddered a bit. To help her breathe, I supported her head out of the water enough for her blowhole to have some air. Then I let her head go when she had some of her breath back and started working on her slit again. Steadily and playfully, I rubbed around in tighter and tighter circles. Occasionally, when I had gotten close enough to her clit to touch it, I let my finger rest a bit there, with Angie squealing with delight and her body going into spasms. After some time, my finger circled on top of her lips and I felt Angie quiver, ready for me to finger her. Letting our desires take over, I plunged my finger into her well-lubricated pussy, stimulating her almost instantly. Angie let out a loud squeal of surprise and arched her back again, trying to get my finger in as much as possible. Inside of her pussy, I could feel her hot muscles squeeze and knead my finger. Greedily, she used those muscles to pull more of my hand in until all of my fingers were inside of her. She clamped down on them in an embrace, and then rubbed her sensitive vaginal walls against fingers. I smiled a bit and realized that I wasn't doing much, just providing her with something to please herself on. She began to whistle, soft and slow, and seemed to pace herself as to not climax too soon. Steadily, picking up speed like a log rolling down a hill, her muscles rubbed harder and faster against my fingers, and her low whistle crescendoed into a high-pitched squeal. I lifted her head up, with some difficulty, so she could breathe. Her eyes were jammed tight and her mouth was hanging open as if stuck with a metal rod. Her head flapped against hand, so I held her with my arm. By now, her head was out of water and her tail began to shake as she reached just below her climax. The whistle was now close to a scream, and was getting higher in pitch, almost out of my hearing range.

Then, before she could flap her tail again, I removed my hand. Her vaginal walls tried in vain to pull me back in. Angie's eyes popped open and they swiveled around to look up at me, wide in shock. I set her head back down and she started to chatter wildly. I felt bad for her, to be truthful. She had come so close to climaxing and I cut her experience short. Yet I had my reasons.

"I'm sorry, but it is my last day. This might be the only chance we get for a while. Calm down, Angie, I promise that you'll reach your orgasm."

She didn't realize what I was up to, but I could tell she was upset I had denied her of climaxing to my finger. If only she knew what was in store next, she wouldn't have objected.

I looked at the hand I had used to finger her. On the tip, I saw her lubricant juices still there, refusing to move. Aroused and not really knowing what I was doing, I flicked my tongue onto the tip and tasted her. If you could think of a better aphrodisiac, I'd like to hear it. The taste was so enthralling! It was warm and salty, just like the water, but had a little bit of a shock to it, tangy and slightly spicy. The taste was hard to describe, its best if you try it yourself. The lubricant juice was almost like her arousal and excitement packed into liquid. Greedily, I stuck my finger in my mouth, tasting Angie and wanting more. When it was gone, I sensed more in her pussy, calling to me to come and get it. Angie, during this time, looked at me with confused eyes. Here I was, licking my finger with excited eyes (and a hard cock, as you can imagine), while she floated there waiting for me to continue the 'game'.

Forgetting about my shirt, I slipped into the water. Angie backed up so we could have some space. Soon we were in the deeper shallows, with the water up to my hips. I told myself not to start yet. She was too close to her orgasm and should let it die down a bit. I ignored my fiery arousal and put on a calm demeanor. I stroked the aroused dolphin's cape and began to speak softly to her. She seemed to forget about her arousal too and relaxed, with me holding her. As I spoke, I massaged some of her muscles, which she would respond by closing her eyes and whirring in pleasure. Angie was just happy to be held and petted, but I was turning her on her side to watch her pink disappear. When I last saw Angie's underside it was a dark pink but now she only had a slight tint on her silvery-white belly. Seeing this, I turned Angie all the way on her back, still holding her head out of the water. Seeing that the intermission was over, she kissed me affectionately. I set her head down and moved over to her side. It was time to begin.

I bent over and kissed the top of Angie's scar, and moved my way downwards. I kept pecking her down her scar like I was following a road. Nearly halfway through the scar, I stuck out my tongue and began to lick her underside, tasting the salt water embedded in her. Angie was flushing pink throughout her belly, and I could feel her sleek skin begin to warm up. She shuddered with pleasure and clicked wildly. I still moved downwards, tasting her hot briny skin. In no time at all, I was at her clit. Carefully, I began to circle my tongue around it, making Angie squeal with this new delight she had never felt before. I raised my head and placed my lips over her clitoris, causing her to spasm and shake. With the tip of my tongue I flicked the top of it and began to rub one of my hands on her once again swelling pussy. As I ran my hand over, I felt the lubricant juices gathering in reservoirs between her lips. Now, I was eager to enter her.

I removed my head from her clit (causing Angie to squeak disappointedly since that experience was over) and moved my tongue between her lips, tasting her puddle of lubricant juices ravenously. Looking back at how her juices excited me, I begin to think I was the animal there. Angie, feeling my rough tongue on her pussy lips, made her arch her back heavily into my face, eager for more. After I had licked up most of her juices, I finally plunged my tongue into her pussy. Angie squealed, more screamed, with wild delight. I felt her hot walls press hard against my tongue and rub, similar as to my hand. I could feel her lube juices flow from her walls and lapped at them, making the dolphin's body jerk to the side. Working on instinct I never knew I had, I used my tongue to simulate the best I could, a prehensile dolphin penis. Angie, however, knew that this was better than a dolphin penis. It was a human tongue... something she wasn't used to, was just as prehensile, and felt better when it rubbed against her insides.

I felt her walls continue to rub. Angie was squealing at a higher and higher and pitches for what seemed like minutes on end, though she wasn't able to breathe.

Her pussy played around with my tongue, working on a mind of its own. Nearly as soon as she started, her orgasm was approaching and her pussy began to squeeze tightly on my tongue, causing me to wince a bit in pain. Angie's head rocked back and forth violently, splashing the water, while her tail was moving in opposite time. She let out a loud squeal and clamped my tongue tight, like a bear trap. I felt her pussy begin to gush lube juice and realized she had just climaxed. Her body stiffened, still in her orgasm, her eyes tightly shut and her mouth gaping open. Then, her squeal died down to a soft whistle and she shuddered. I pulled my tongue out and supported her now limp figure with one hand. I flipped her over and her blowhole burst open as she began to 'pant'. With my hand under her, I could feel the warmth begin to disappear. The experience had just begun, but now it was over. I was happy for her, and she was still recovering from her powerful orgasm. With my free hand, I rubbed her cape.

Angie rested how all dolphins do. She seemed to go into a half-conscious phase and just floated in the water, one eye slightly open. After a few minutes, they'd snap out of this and go to the surface for air. Here, however, she was resting with me holding her up. She still was only 'asleep' for about ten minutes. I held her up and watched her sleep, caressing my love.

She woke up slowly, slower than I usually do. First, her breathing increased. Then, she shuddered again. Finally, she opened her eyes fully and looked up at me. They twinkled brightly and she softly trilled a greeting. My grin grew wider and I continued to pet her. She floated freely now, still in an afterglow. We kept at this pace for about twenty minutes. I kept petting the dolphin, occasionally speaking softly to her, which she would respond by rubbing my arm with her rostrum. It seemed the wild sex act's effect had died down. Angie was calm and I didn't have that sort of lust I had had before. I knew I had to go and spoke my last words to her.

"Angie, I know you can't understand all of this, but I just want you to know that I WILL be back here. I won't be gone for more than a month." Angie cocked her head, hearing me speak but not exactly knowing what I meant.

"You can trust me, but I must warn you, do NOT trust any other human on this island. Stay wild...never forget that. Don't let any humans contact with you, unless you know you can trust them and they wont blab about you to everyone else." I was referring to a dolphin in Australia I had heard about that allowed humans to come in contact with him. Soon, thousands of people flocked to touch the wild dolphin everyday, some even abusing him. He lashed out due to too much stress, injuring and nearly killing four people.

Angie still looked at me blankly. I sighed and smiled at her again, trying to get her to understand.

"Don't let the other humans touch you, girl Stay as wild as you are." I said, summing it up as simply as I could. "I'll be back in a short time." She seemed to understand and licked at my face. I giggled a bit; this always reminded me of a dog. That and her tongue did tickle. I soon realized about how much I was going to miss her, and I felt my bond with her tying me to the island. As she licked my face, I couldn't control myself, and slipped her tongue into my mouth.

Angie wasn't startled. I could have sworn that was her plan for me anyway. She licked the insides of my mouth, exploring my mouth, as I wrestled her tongue with mine. Then, our tongues coiled around the other in an embrace kiss. Angie clicked happily and I could feel it move through her and into me. This was a final goodbye gesture, and something to make our bond even stronger. The kiss was heartbreaking and exciting at the same time. I was sad to say goodbye, but I began to forget it as I caressed her tongue using mine, taking her favorite type of petting to the next level. We must have held that only for ten minutes, but it felt like ten hours. We were both sharing equal ecstasy, our eyes closed and relaxed.

At the same time, we broke off. Angie let out a falling whistle, voicing disappointment that I had to go.

"I know girl, I'm going to miss you too." I rubbed beneath her beak. "Goodbye, my love."

I made my way toward the peninsula again. I looked back and saw Angie following me.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come with me." I rubbed her again, wishing she would leave, since I hate long goodbyes. However, she flashed her dorsal fin to me, looking in my direction with her beady eyes.

"If you say so." I said through a chuckle.

Part 7

I didn't pack anything for my trip. I kept all the things I needed in the house, since I return often. Luckily, I had locked the door before seeing Angie, because the beach is on the way to the ferry dock, and I didn't want to pass the water seeing Angie out there, pleading me to come in.

I rode with Angie around the curve of the island and up near the jetty. I was surprised at her sense of direction, hanging on tight as her body bobbed dizzyingly at break neck speeds through the water. When we were about there, I had Angie stop. I couldn't be seen riding her near all the tourists.

"Goodbye, my love." I said again, rubbing her beneath her rostrum. Angie nibbled my fingers, softly protesting with me not to go.

"I have to, girl, I'm sorry. I'll be back and we can get back to where we started. Maybe even go all the way, if that's what you had in mind."

Angie ducked out of my hands and swam down to where my trunks where. She buzzed them and found her target. I was startled at the sudden movement. Using her beak, she split open the break in my swimsuit and started to lick my cock.

This sure was new! I gasped in surprise but then leaned forward, yielding to the thrill of Angie licking at my dick. She seemed to be repaying me back for letting her desires be fulfilled, though not as far as planned. She lightly flicked her tongue over my hardening uncut tool, and then took it into her mouth.

She did the moaning squeal again, seemingly enjoying the taste of me. I rested my hands on her cape and also moaned. Her rough magnificent tongue was working around my cock, sending shivers up my spine.

Then, out of the blue, she stopped.

I was still gasping too hard to notice. This was quite a surprise, even for Angie.

The dolphin broke the surface, and I could see she was reluctant to have stopped. My guess is she was encouraging me not to stay away too long, a treat was waiting when I got back. I sighed from being denied this enjoyment, but it was time to go. I gave Angie a quick rubdown, starting from her beak and moving to the muscles in her flukes (I paid some extra attention to her genital area) which I massaged for her.

"You should get going, girl." I said, not really meaning it, "I don't want to drag this out."

Angie, knowing that she didn't want to drag it out either, kissed me again and then was off.

I knew I would see her again, but I didn't know how long I'd be gone. I hesitated, and then moved out of the water. The ferry was waiting nearby.

The captain of the ferry is a Jamaican-American I had befriended while in the Bahamas. We kept in touch for a while, and I heard that he had lost his job when his boat capsized after being flipped by a whale. He had been hired by a company that were sticklers for keeping their boats running, so he lost his job. This was around the time my father and brother where found in a sinking jet in the North Sea, and when the island was becoming a tourist attraction. I hired him to captain the ferry, taking the long two-hour trip from the island to the coast of Florida every day. He was about the only one on the island that I could actually stand to be around (besides Angie, of course).

He was greeting passengers warmly as they boarded. I walked up and I saw his face light up.

"Oh, hey Cameron. Are ya goin' back so soon?" He still spoke with his native accent, despite living in the Keys for most of his life.

"Yes, Joe (that's what he'll be called, these identities are kept secret), I told you I'd be returning at the beginning of July."

"Ah, but when ya row dis boat along all de time, ya lose track of de months."

"Yeah, I'm sure you do." Usually our conversations are livelier, but I just wasn't so joyful today. Joe seemed to notice this.

"Hey, mon, ya look a little down. What's da matter? Did ya want ta stay a little longer?"

Oh, if only you knew how much I wished I could, Joe. I wouldn't even go back to Florida.

"No, I have things to do back at home. I really need to get home."

He nodded and smiled. Then, he placed a dark, weather worn hand on my shoulder and led me into the ferry. We went up a flight of narrow stairs and into the control room, where Joe pulled up a chair for me and a chair for himself. I was confused why he wanted me in here, but I was too down to care.

"So tell me, Cam, what's de trouble?"

I wasn't prepared for a question like this and only looked at him with blank eyes.

"What do you mean?" I acted as though I had no idea what he was saying. I just didn't want to tell him about Angie.

"Come on, Cam, ya know what I mean. Why do ya seem depressed? Is somet'ing troubling ya?"

I swallowed. Should I tell him about Angie? Would he believe me or think I was crazy? His thoughts would be nearly the same to mine when Angie had first shown signs of arousal near me. However, he was a friend, and I trusted he would keep this secret.

"Alright, but you have to swear not to tell anyone."

"Hey, you can trust me, can't ya?" I looked at his old, honest face. Yes, I suppose I could trust him.

I sighed, hesitant still. "Ok, it all began in Mid-may..."

I proceeded to tell him about rescuing Angie from the net, her allowing contact, our first actual close encounter, how we had lived over the next few weeks, her showing a whole different love for me (Joe, at this time, raised his eyebrows in half disgust, yet wanting to hear more), the separation, the beaching, and giving in.

"Then, she stopped and I kissed her one last time." I took a deep breath; I had talked a bit too much. Somehow, I felt better, like a weight had been lifted my shoulders. I sat up, relaxing after a long nervous slouch, and looked at Joe. He didn't appear disgusted, yet more intrigued. He sat there, resting his head on his fisted hands, and looked at me. After a few minutes of silence, a smile broke on his face.

"No, really, what is it dat was troubling ya?"

I was confused. Did he really think I had just lied to him?

"What do you mean? It was leaving her that was making me depressed."

"Look, don't get me wrong, dat was a good story. A little warped, but it was still good."

I began to fume. Did he really think it was just a story?

"I mean, come on, a rich kid falling in love wit' a dolphin? Dat's not like dose love stories I usually read about."

I sighed. It was no use, he didn't believe me. He was smart, but he did have a little trouble telling fact from fiction. I stood up. "Yes, it was about leaving the island. I always miss it." I coughed up a lie, just to spare me any more anger and get out.

"So, what was da t'ing about dolphin love?"

I grinned, hiding my furrowed brow. "It just mean watch out for dolphins and whales, since a lot of people like them."

"Oh, come on, I already learned dat from my last job."

I said goodbye and moved out of the captain's room, irritated at my friend's attitude.


I'd calmed down and accepted leaving the island. I stood at the top deck, a half empty bottle of Bud in my hand, watching the island slowly disappear behind me. I let the hot flat alcohol slide down my throat, trying my best to stay alert.

Suddenly, Joe poked his head out of the window below.

"Hey, is dat de one you were talkin' about?" He shouted up at me, pointing to the ferry's wake. There was a dolphin jumping in and out of the massive choppy waves that the ferry left behind. I shouted back down in a slightly slurred voice that I'd go check. I moved to the back of the boat, checked and moved back, an annoyed look on my face.

"Joe," I shouted, "That's not her. It's actually a he."

"Sorry." Joe poked his head back in, quick to avoid the mighty wind.

I wasn't angry at Joe for not knowing, but for reminding me of Angie again. To make matters worse, that was a male from her old pod. I was too angry to finish my beer, and couldn't decide whether to throw it away or chuck it at the captain's window.


I made it home safe and sad. During the ferry ride, I came to the realization that I wouldn't be able to return to the island for at least three more months. How could I live without her for that long? I was sure that she would manage, but she had become my whole life. How would she know when I was back?

This was September now, and I was sitting on my bed, taking a nap.

The phone startled me out of my dozing. Still shaky, I reached next to my nightstand and picked it up.


"Hey Cam, this is Mom."

"Oh, hi Mom."

"Are you okay? You sound depressed."

"No, ma, I'm fine." Most people tell me I'm a convincing liar.

"Well, I hope so. I've been worried about you. When you were up here before you went to the island, you seemed so normal. I figured the devastation of losing your brother and father had worn off. But when you returned, you hardly answered the phone and never answered my mail."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what it is. Maybe a mid-life crisis."

"Mid life? Ha, I haven't even had one and I'm 54!"

I wished she would leave. I really didn't want to reveal the thing between me and Angie like I had with Joe.

"Say, I think you just need to get out. Come with me to the aquarium. They have a dolphin show. You've always told me how much you love dolphins. What do you say?"

I cringed each time she said 'dolphin'. It only reminded me more of not being able to return to the island, and seeing dolphins in that context, in a tiny tank performing tricks and then begging to the power of their trainers for fish like a brainwashed patient, it would be too much. But something told me that a dolphin's a dolphin, and I did need to get out.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea."

"Okay then, I will meet you there at noon tomorrow. Goodbye."


I hung up, realizing now that I had made a big mistake.


The warm autumn sun beat down on me as I drove the long road to the aquarium. I was a few minutes late, having stayed in the car for a while, wondering if I should go or not.

My mom's car was parked in the lot overlooking the open dolphin show arena below. She had her back leaning away from me, leaning on the hood of car. Inside the tank, I could see a trainer giving one male a belly rub. Other swam around the circular tank, while others played in a private section of the pool, where the dolphin that performed next were kept. I parked in an empty space facing the other way from the tank.

I walked up to her; startling her out of the daze she had watching the dolphins.

"Aren't they beautiful, Cameron?" She pointed towards the tank.

"Yeah, they're darling." I said, rushed and obviously not meaning it. "When are we going to leave?"

My mom put a wrinkled hand on my shoulder.

"I swear, you're 25 and you haven't changed at all. Well, I suppose after we see the dolphins. I grabbed us some tickets for the show at 2:30. Is that fine with you?"

I agreed that it was a perfect time, and we walked off toward the aquarium entrance to our right.

The time dragged on. We pasted row after row of giant glass tanks, with fish and other animals swimming lazily around, waiting to be fed.

Eventually, we made our way toward the dolphin show. We sat a few seats above the splash zone, facing directly to the pool. Already, I could see a few of the opening dolphins splashing around in the tiny tank. The crowd gathered and chattered anxiously.

Suddenly, a cheesy pop song burst through the speakers and the trainer's voice boomed through it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Dolphin Magic. Let's meet our talented performers for you today!"

The crowd erupted in applause as a male-leaped five feet into the air, twisting wildly.


Another dolphin sprang out like a bullet from the water, hung for a bit, and then fell back to Earth in a smooth move.

"Keisha!" The crowd erupted again. I stayed still and glared at the overly excited trainer, as she introduced the other dolphins, all springing up and twisting in the air, then returning back to the water.

"Tangles! Michelle! Trevor!"

The crowd erupted again. One more dolphin to introduce.

"And the newest member to our family, Mary!"

A small female dolphin leapt from the water, doing a 180, and fell face first back into the water.

I almost threw up.

Part 8

I stared straight ahead, even though "Mary" had long gone out of my eyesight. The color drained from my face and I began to feel woozy. The sight of the dolphin's underside was burned into my retinas.

"Cameron, are you okay?" My mom tried in vain to rouse me from my spell. Things got grey and I fell forward, headfirst into the person ahead of me.

I woke up with worried faces surrounding me. My mom pushed them back. I think I just fainted for a few seconds.

"Give him some space!" My mother shouted, nearly punching some of the people hovering over me. "Cam, are you okay?"

I answered that no, I really wasn't. She offered to get me out of there but I insisted I would be fine until the end of the show.

I sat up and had to face the tank again. The trainer, realizing that the scene was over and she had to move on, transited the audience back into the show.

"Well, sir, I guess this must be very exciting for you!" The crowd laughed heartily. I just stared forward, at "Mary" as she swam back and forth through her tiny pool, waiting for the show to end.

Suddenly, I saw the dolphin catch my gaze, and I felt an echolocation hit me. The people around me looked at each other, wondering what the odd sensation was, but they kept their brains toward the action. The dolphin squealed low, sad, yet somewhat welcoming. The crowd ignored this, since all the dolphins were chatty today, but I could only hear Angie's squeal out of all the sounds.

The show dragged on, Angie keeping her gaze on me (sometimes having the trainer shout for her when she wasn't paying attention) and I kept my eye on her. She performed the tricks but didn't bother to beg for fish. With each jump, I could feel her die a little inside. That may sound dramatic, but it was a bad time for both of us.

Eventually, the show ended, and the crowd scattered.

"Cam, are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to drive you home?"

Still looking toward the tank, I answered, "No thanks, I have my car. I'll see you soon."

Without another word, my mother left.

I sat there, my jaw gaping on my pale face. Angie swam back and forth, watching me.

I broke out of my awe and stood up. Angie, seeing I was moving, stopped and waited, facing the glass wall. I stumbled down the steps and up to where she was floating. Still we kept our gaze.

"How'd you get in here, girl?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer.

Angie whistled lowly, her eyes no longer shimmering.

"I've got to get you out. This is torture..." The dolphin and I kissed the glass, separated by 4 inches that felt like a light-year.

We held the pose until I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. I spun around and saw a security guard.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you not to tease the dolphins."

I almost socked him, but merely nodded. "I'll show you the exit. If you want to stay for the next show, you'll have to purchase another ticket." His massive hand grabbed my arm and he led me out. Angie followed us, trying in vain to coax me back to her. Close to the exit, I saw a Help Wanted sign. Something sparked.

"Excuse me," I said to the security guard, "I'd like to apply for a position here."

The guard gave a smug smile. "Work here so you can tease those poor dolphins without getting kicked out? Yeah right..."

'Poor dolphins' me? They were the ones who put them in a pool and made them perform every day.

"I'm serious!" I insisted, as he pushed me past, "I wanted to work here. I just wanted to get to know some of the dolphins first. Just let me apply, please?"

The guard hesitantly dropped his hand from my shoulder. With a sigh, he pointed toward a long corridor with a door at the end, most likely leading to the office. He followed me inside.

The room was small, with a single desk and a few file cabinets. On one side of the wall were pool supplies, and a freezer. Behind the desk sat a large man, slightly balding at the top.

"Who is this?" He inquired, in a northern accent.

"I caught this sleaze outside, teasing one of the dolphins. He said he wanted to apply for a job here."

The man turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "Why were you teasing the dolphins, son?"

"I wasn't. I was walking by and one swam up to me. I was just getting a closer look. I was thinking about applying here and wanted to get to know at least one dolphin before I applied."

A door to the pool opened, and the trainer stepped in. She looked from the man, then the security guard, and then to me.

"Hey, weren't you that guy who fainted during the show?" She asked me.

I nodded, and saw her eyes grow a little wider. She couldn't have been any older than I was.

"What happened? I thought you were going to have a seizure."

"I'm not sure. I've just been under a lot of stress lately."

"Ok, so you want to apply for a job? What's your name, son?"

"Cameron ________"

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Cameron ________? Wasn't your dad an oil tycoon?"

"Yes, I guess so." I didn't get it. So my dad was in the oil business, I was your average person.

"That's something you don't see everyday. A rich kid teasing dolphins and then wanting to be a trainer. You ever studied dolphins, young man?"

"I did some cetacean study in college." I replied, actually telling the truth. This was an awkward moment for me. Why should it make a difference if I'm rich?

"Well," The man behind the desk said, shifting in his seat, "I suppose I could give you a chance. You can grab an application on the way out. First, Carol here will show you the dolphins." He nodded his head to the blonde trainer, who promptly shook my hand.

"I hope you make it here. You look like a trainer anyway."

Right, like I was some overexcited trainer throwing fish into gaping dolphin jaws. I was just desperate to see Angie.

"Right this way, Cameron. I hope the dolphins like you."

She led me out of the side door and up a small flight of stair to the pool.

"I'm sorry, but the other dolphins are currently in the enclosure." Carol said, shaking her head disappointedly, "I'm sure some of them would love to meet you."

Suddenly, I felt a familiar buzz run through my body.

"Did you feel that? You know, you're the first person I've seen who hasn't freaked out when they were hit by an echolocation." Her words were followed by a familiar happy whistle, and a splash from outside of the enclosure. A silvery-grey figure zoomed upwards and broke the surface, emitting a vapor of water in a powerful chuff. Sitting there, her head above water was Angie.

"This is Mary. Go ahead, pet her. She seems to like it." Carol told me, noticing I was just staring wide-eyed at her. I was astonished to see Angie sitting this close, after the long period of separation. I kneeled down and began to stroke her rostrum. Angie's jaws gapped, remembering how much she liked my touch, and began to roll on her side. She was excited and I was too, but something was still missing.

"Wow, Mary really likes you. Usually she was stubborn but you brought out her good side."

'You don't know the half of it', I whispered under my breath.

Angie was now on her back, flashing the scar that had been on my mind these past months.

"I'm amazed. NO ONE so far has kept a straight face when she flashes her scar like that. That's how we gave her the name, because of Virgin Mary."

I was hit head-on by the irony.

" It's Angie..." I whispered, still too amazed. The dolphin turned her head to look at me, and I saw her eyes twinkle again. She hadn't heard that name in a few months.

"What?" Carol overheard my feeble attempt to whisper. I sighed, still rubbing Angie, and began to speak again.

"This dolphin lived off the coast of my island. I recognize her from the scar, and I had gotten to know her well enough during my last stay. She was a wild dolphin but she must have been captured. That's how she knows me, and I call her Angie, okay?" Carol's eyes widened. That was an easy way to sum up my story without getting too personal.

"You knew her, and she was a wild dolphin? Maybe that's why she's so ornery. Well, don't point the finger at us, she was transferred here from another aquarium. Lucky you! Getting to know a wild dolphin is like my dream!"

I closed my eyes. Something about her attitude made me realize I had to help Angie. I stood up and looked Carol right in the face.

"Carol, if you put in a good word for me and get me hired, I can tell you more. You can get to know her, but you HAVE to get me this job! Please, Carol!"

The woman's smile faded. She looked at me a little strange, but nodded slowly.

"Alright, I'll put in a good word. You can stay out here and I'll talk to the boss."

I felt like I had just sold my soul to the devil. Carol went back down the stairs and into the office. I turned back around, watching Angie as she sat there, waiting for more attention.

"Angie..." I said softly, as I walked toward her.

She trilled and looked up at me. This wasn't right for a wild dolphin to be in the tank.

"Oh, Angie..." I whispered, holding back sobs. I sat down on my knees and buried my head in my hands, sobbing dryly yet again. Angie gently nibbled my fingers as I cried.

I got the job. Carol put in a good word and I was rewarded by working around Angie. The security guard was in awe over himself. "Wow, I never would have thought I could talk like that to an heir! I sure got some guts."

I become even more depressed, but at least I got to be around Angie. When we were at the island, we were free to do whatever we wanted and didn't have to worry about other dolphins or the area to swim in. Now, I had to watch out for Carol and other dolphins, so any PDA, so to speak, was off limits. Carol stopped me from giving Angie or any of the other dolphins belly rubs, because she said that it put them 'in the mood'. I began to realize that was probably why Angie became attracted to me. Then I told myself I was being foolish and realized that if that were the case she would have been like that since the first belly rub. It seemed more logical that it was because she was lonely, and sensed I was too. I was a male, she was female, and I had filled in her loneliness, so she was filling in the gaps.

Carol was a lifesaver during that time. I was able to tell her about what we had done, but left out the sex acts since I didn't think she would be the best person to talk about that with. She kept all the things secret and after some time Angie seemed to like her too, yet not the same way as she did for me.

I never really got to know the other dolphins, since Angie wouldn't let them near me. If they swam up close she'd dart in front of them or would slap her tail on the water. Once she even bit a young male. I scolded her not to do that, but when she looked at me with a playful gleam in her eyes I realized I didn't really care. I seemed to become Angie's personal trainer, but since Carol was one of the only ones there, she'd train the other dolphins and I'd act like I was training Angie. Carol actually was smoke screening me from the boss so I could talk with Angie.

I had to perform shows. While Carol would make the other dolphins do tricks, I'd always end up with Angie. She did the tricks she was supposed to do, since Angie and I both knew I'd be fired if she didn't. Sometimes, during a performance, I would accidentally call Angie by her name instead of her stage name, which made some people confused. Keeping the sickly attitude of trainers, I would announce I must have let something slip and this 'Angie' was a girlfriend of mine and I was thinking about her. The crowd bought this mushy lie.

It was fine for at least 7 months. I got to be around Angie, talk to Carol, and things seemed great. Then, one day, I heard some bad news from our boss.

I was playing catch with Angie when Carol came out. She looked pale and worried.

"Cam, I have bad news. The boss wants to see you."

I smiled a little, "What's going on? This wouldn't be the first time."

She shook her head. "Please, don't joke around. This is bad. It's about Angie."

Angie, swimming back and forth through the water, cocked her head at the sound of her name.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying not to jump to conclusions.

Carol bit her lip, "Cam, just remember one thing. He loves money, and doesn't quite care for the dolphins."

My eyes widened. Was she implying what I think she was? I looked down at Angie, still swimming back and forth.

I burst into the boss's office.

"Ah, there you are, Cameron. Please, have a seat." He motioned for the chair, but I stood by the door.

"Oh, alright. Suit yourself. Now, Cam, I've been noticing that you have grown quite attached to Mary. So this isn't the easiest thing to say..."

"Christ, just say it. You're selling her, aren't you?"

He looked down at his desk and avoided my eyes. "Yes, Cameron, I am. I found an aquarium farther north that would treat her better than we could here. You see, with the budget we have it's hard to look after her, and she's always been so ornery to the other dolphins. I think that at the aquarium, she could develop social skills and they're paying a lot for her. Don't get me wrong, she's the best performer we've had here, and I feel reluctant to be selling her, but sometimes things just don't work out."

I saw through him like the tank walls. He just wanted to make some money.

"You can't do that. She likes it here, I can tell. Try spending 8 hours around her every day. The only reason why she was so ornery was because she's wild, and you have her locked up."

The boss looked up, anger starting to show on his face.

"Wait a minute, that's none of yours or mine's business! She was caught in fishing net and was taken to an aquarium. After she recovered, they thought she was too domestic and transferred her here. How would you know if she was wild?"

"She lived off the coast of my island! I met her there. I only wanted to become one of your' big family' to be around her."

His face began to get red. "Look, you have no right talking to me like this. She belongs in a safe and comfortable environment."

"There's plenty of that, you asshole. It covers most of the planet!"

"If you cared for her, you'd want her to be happy."

"If you didn't see her as just another commodity, you'd put her back in her habitat!" I stormed out.

Carol was waiting for me, right at the pool. She had been watching the whole thing and knew that I wasn't reacting the same as she was. She looked away as I came up.

"I can't believe it." I said, mostly thinking out loud, "I just can't."

She looked back up at me. "Cam, I know you want her back in the ocean, but she has been away for a long time. The ocean is too dangerous for her when she's become dependent on humans for too long."

Angie, behind her, let out a squeal in protest.

"You see? She's just as wild as she's always been. Believe me, I've known her long enough."

Carol looked away again. She knew that, but didn't want to argue with the boss. We both knew that my outburst had gotten me fired. I didn't care if I had the job or not, but I realized that I couldn't be around Angie if she was to be moved. I looked down at her sad eyes. She seemed to know what was going on and obviously didn't want to leave me. I looked up at Carol, avoiding the stinging pain of Angie's sorry eyes.

"Carol, when is Angie getting transferred?"

"He said they'd be here tomorrow. I just didn't want to tell you."

"I think I'd like to set up an all-nighter." This was something trainers could do if they needed to cram in training for the dolphins. The security guards would stay away and the trainers had the tank area to themselves. This would be the perfect time to spend my last hours with Angie.

"I suppose I could set one up for me and let you use the time. I doubt the boss would let you do an all-nighter after your outburst. I'll set one up and you act like your staying late. After he leaves, I'll leave too. You can spend tonight saying goodbye to Angie."

I smiled, amazed at how quick she had worked this out. I agreed and we went back to work.

Though the all-nighter would end with Angie being taken away and me getting fired, I'd be able to say my final goodbyes, and finish what we had planned to do before she was captured.

Part 9: The finale

The day dragged on. Angie seemed to be shattered and lazily floated around the area I was in. She would look up at me and each time she did I saw the usual gleam was gone. Even though she was in captivity, up until now she still seemed happy and lively. Now, she seemed to lose hope. Before, she didn't know if she would see me or not. Now, she knew she would never see me again.

I would sit at the edge resting my head on my hands, watching her as she paced slowly across the tank. Occasionally she'd seek comfort and swim to me. I'd talk softly to her while petting all along her head. Once she seemed to be feeling better, she would swim around some. One time I remember that she dove down and emerged again carrying a pink ring. She placed it by me and began to nudge my hand. I looked into her eyes and saw her eyes were gleaming again, yet it was dishonest. She merely wanted to lighten the mood a bit. I forced a smile and tossed the ring a few feet out. Angie followed it with her sonar and darted for it the second it hit the bottom of the pool. Then she brought it back up and we repeated the process.

This game we had played a few times back at the island. My guess was that Angie was mimicking the tourists who played fetch with their dogs that were constantly at the beach. She was a master at mimicking actions, and seemed to enjoy testing out what she had seen people or other animals doing. She had even taken to mimicking me like she had on the island. I would raise my right arm and she'd turn on her left side, showing off her right flipper. If I stuck out my tongue, so would she. I recall one time I lifted my arm and put it around my head. Angie, not being able to move her arms like this, merely squeaked at my smugness. I began to laugh and we cuddled in the waters. Just thinking about this made me realize how unique she really was and how much I really was going to miss her.

After a while we switched the fetch back to catch. Angie was trying her best to seem happy but I saw through her. I'm sure she saw through my smile too, because after a while she stopped tossing the ring back. She swam up and stroked me with her rostrum. We were both petting each other for at least half of an hour. This was a highly emotional time for both of us. I was happy Carol was on her lunch break.

That's how the day went. Then, after high mixed emotions and endless hours, the boss was on his way out.

"Cameron, you know we can't have you talking to me like that around here. I also have noticed how little attention you have paid to the other dolphins. I regret to say that you're fired. Have you desk cleaned out and don't come back here tomorrow."

I nodded, reaching for the pool door handle. Already I could feel my hand shake with anticipation.

The boss left around 8:00. The sun was far down and the night was warm and clear. Perfect weather for my last night with Angie.

Carol was waiting at the pool, saying her final goodbyes to Angie, who was waiting in the shallow pool. She too had taken a liking to Angie, but not as much as I had. To Carol, Angie was just another dolphin to come by. I moved up to Carol, who was dressed in street clothes like me, and she stood up.

"Well, the night is yours. I'll most likely see you in the morning." Carol could tell that I was desperate to be around Angie and didn't want to waste my time. I smiled and she left. It looked like there was no going back now.

Angie was a friend and lover, but now she would be my mate.

Angie looked up at me and I noticed that her beady dark eyes were gleaming, truthfully.

"Well, Angie, what do you say we get started?"

"KeeeeeeeeeRRRRRRRR!!" Angie agreed, somewhat nervously.

I squatted down and began to stroke her warmly, from her beak to her dorsal fin. Then, she turned parallel to the edge, giving me more access, and I began to stroke down on her tail. I smoothly massaged her pelvic muscles, causing her to tense and press against my hand. I moved my hand beneath her and felt for her slit. When she began to whistle I knew I had found it and began to rub more. I could feel her smooth skin begin to heat up and swell. Her tail was out of the water and swishing from side to side. She rolled on her back and floated there, showing off her flushed underside and excited pussy. I stood up and watched as her eyes followed me, swiveling to keep our gaze. I was as nervous as she was, but she had better control. While she was shaking slightly, I was having trouble unbuttoning my shirt with my trembling hand. Slowly I undid the buttons on my shirt and let it fall off my arm, standing shirtless in the warm Florida air. Then, with Angie's shimmering eyes still gazing at me, I unzipped my pants and kicked them off of my feet. I stood there, virtually naked, looking at Angie as she grew more anxious and nervous. I knew there was no going back now, and took off my underwear. There I stood naked, the cool night breeze blowing through my long black hair and semi pudgy figure. Slowly, I stepped into the warm salty water with Angie staring up at me from below. There wasn't a chance that I could I have been more nervous or aroused, my 6 inch uncut cock showing off my excitement. I lied down and propped my head up on my arm, so I was level with Angie. Obediently, she turned on her side and faced toward me.

As I rubbed her I could feel her quiver with excitement as to what was about to happen. She pressed her belly to mine and began to rub up and down. The feeling of her warm glossy skin pressing against mine thrilled me, so I began to press back to her fiery underside. It hit me with a grin that she was trying to make my underside turn pink and for me to erect my cock (if that was even possible to get more e

erect!) like her previous mates had. She began to grow even more excited and as she rubbed against me, I could feel her pulse quickening. Angie still kept her eyes on mine, not daring to break the gaze. Her mouth began to open up, as if in a yawn, and she grinned contently at me, all the while excited squeaks and whistles erupted from her blowhole. Then, once we had stopped rubbing each other, Angie began to shift closer to me, arching her back and getting comfortable for what was about to happen. I reached around her and pulled her in close, while she wrapped her flippers around me. At this range, I could feel her heartbeat and every breath she took. If she made a sound or echolocation, I could feel it pass through her. Her skin was touching areas that she had never touched before on me, and the feeling of her smoothness and warmth around sensitive spots was enthralling. Still keeping our gaze, I reached an arm down and searched for her clit. When I found it, I felt every muscle on Angie's body tense up and her breathing increase. Still, she kept her eyes half lidded and looking deep into mine while I rubbed her most sensitive spot. She writhed and whistled as I massaged her clit. Then, trying to return the favor, Angie flexed onto my cock, rubbing it with her underside. It was tough to do but I managed to keep the gaze with her, despite me rubbing her clit and her rubbing my tool. Then, when we both sensed that foreplay was over, I reached down and guided my dick to her vulva. She had a spasm when I touched her lips, feeling a human penis down there for the first time. Gently, I rubbed my cock head between her lips, feeling her well-lubricated pussy beg me to enter her. With slight hesitation, I shared one final moment gazing into her eyes. Then, with one smooth thrust, I entered her.

Angie shuddered and squealed as I entered, then seemed to let out a blissful sigh and began to work her amazing muscles. It was a different story from my finger and tongue, now I was feeling her muscles with the most sensitive part of my body. Finally breaking our gaze, I jerked my head back and gasped for air at this sudden rush. The feeling was amazing! I could feel each muscle move around my member while her amazing warm sex juices flowed out and onto my cock, lubricating both of us to make the act smoother. Angie's eyes were jammed tight and she began to spasm and shake, feeling this foreign member in her pussy. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I began to thrust myself deeper in, loving the electrical feeling with each movement. Angie's vaginal muscles clamped down and forced me to stay in place. I looked back up at her and saw that she wanted to give me a treat after all I had done for her. I was happy to oblige. Then, releasing her muscles just enough for me to be comfortable, she used her experienced muscles move up and down my penis.

I began to pant, running out of breath at this amazing feeling. She was jacking me off and having sex at the same time. Occasionally she would squeeze my member, causing me to tense up like she had done. Soon Angie was losing control, as was I, and she began to writhe in my grip. She made clicks and high-pitched whistles as she continued to masturbate me and her with her pussy walls. I could sense her heart rate was increasing and could feel each breath she took. She had never experienced anything like this, and was trying to make the feeling more powerful. Angie began to thrust her tail and I would thrust back. Her tail would move up between my legs (the feeling itself was almost too much for me!) and up around me, resting her flukes on my buttocks for a millisecond before dropping down again. Her mouth began to gape, and I tried pressing her closer to me, to try to get my cock deeper in her. I was lost in pure ecstasy and began to lose track of time. The water was in frenzy as she would thrust her tail and squirm, and as I thrust back. I began to moan and hugged her tensing body tighter, wrapping a leg around her tail.

I had lost track of time but could feel myself ready to cum. I didn't want to but the moment was going too good to be interrupted. Angie was approaching her orgasm and began to thrust harder, massaging my dick with more intensity. She began to squeal at higher and higher pitches. I could only hold back a few seconds as well as Angie. Her flippers squeezed my naked side and she tensed up as she orgasmed, clamping down hard on my cock and ready for my load. I was only a few seconds behind her and then with a grunt I thrust into her, shooting my cum deep into the whistling dolphin. Her head bobbed up and down as she climaxed, milking me for every bit of cum in my balls. She pressed her pelvis hard onto mine and we both shared our climax, as high in intensity as a speeding train.

When it seemed to have just started, the sex was over. Angie's relaxed and unclamped my penis, as my grip on her loosened a bit. I could feel her gush her lube juices and it mixed with my cum. Like we had timed it, we both shuddered at the orgasm withdrawal, this feeling just as good as the sex itself. By now, I had lost my erection and tried to pull out of her, but Angie refused, tightening her vaginal muscles. A little surprised, I look back up at Angie and she looked at me, trying to convey her thoughts. She didn't want to end the experience already. I smiled and stroked her pectoral fins, letting her pull me back in.

Angie, exhausted yet satisfied, drifted off to 'sleep'. I knew we had a long night ahead of us, but if it was going to be like that, I was willing to spend as long as I needed to in the pool.

I stroked my mate as she 'slept', feeling her heart slow back down to its normal pace, both of us still embracing the other.

Things slowed down and soon all I could hear were the splashes from the other dolphins as they swam around, not paying any mind to Angie or me.

I too began to drift off to sleep, needing to rest after the powerful climax. I kissed Angie on her beak and got into a comfortable position. In no time, I too was asleep.

(Author's note: This part of the story is optional to read and may not be written as well)

I remember waking up, feeling the warm morning's sunbeams beat down on my face. Had I been asleep? No, there wasn't a chance; it was more like I emerged from fainting. I had 'awoken' to find that I wasn't in the shallow pool with Angie, but had drifted into the pool itself. The water out here was nearly 25 feet deep, and I instantly grew terrified. This surely wasn't an area I would want to wake up in! Surprisingly, though, my lungs didn't call me for air, though I must have been underwater for quite some time. My eyes, now adjusted to the salt, grew clearer than I had expected, and I could see everything as if I were wearing goggles. I was sure my eyes were playing tricks on me, since in the middle of my vision was a blind spot, a thick black line where I was blind. In addition, I noticed that my eyes were resting and I was positive should have been looking forward but instead looked at an angle, near the bottom. How odd my eyes were today! I could see perfectly in this briny environment, even though I had a blind spot in the middle of my vision line and I was looking more downwards. I panicked, wanting to call my eyes bluff and get out of here, but tried to swim I realized I had no hands! Moving (no, that's not the right word. They more swiveled, as if on a set path) my eyes to the spot, I noticed with some difficulty that sure enough my hands were gone, replaced by flippers!

No, this is too much! Maybe I'm dreaming... but somehow dreaming didn't fit. I could sense everything, the temperature of the water, the current that moved through it, the sound of every single drop that hit the water as a fake wave splashed on the edge.

Still panicking, I tried desperately to make a sound, but as I opened my mouth, the only thing that came out was a rush of water. No air, no bubble, just water. I guess I'm not myself this morning, I thought hysterically.

I heard (or rather, sensed) a movement beyond that of the tank. It was movement, complete with a pulse and water displacement, a dolphin maybe. I followed this movement (seeing as I still could move me head, I figured I still had a neck) and saw that it was Angie, swimming up to me. She circled around me a few times then stopped, clicking a very distinct sort of greeting.

Looking at her like this, something seemed different about her. She seemed...smaller. She was small anyways but now it was like she had shrunk, just a tad. I wanted to touch her but couldn't, seeing as I had no hands. Angie swam up to me and began to rub my 'face' with her rostrum. I was surprised that there was little contrast between her skin and mine. Her skin and mine... oh no... I realized what this meant. I had become a dolphin.

Now, I recall this always being my wish but at this point, my fantasy coming true only left me confused and scared. How did this happen? Why did it happen?

Angie continued to stroke me, calming me only a bit. If I had become a dolphin, why did I still think like a human? Maybe I was wrong and just needed to swim to the surface, when I also began to notice my lungs beginning to hurt. I needed air! Angie, sensing this, dove beneath me and pushed me up with her head. As soon as my skin broke the surface, I realized I didn't know how to breathe out of my blowhole. Thinking I was about to drown, I panicked again and started to thrash about. Angie bit me hard on my pectoral fin, making me jump and half gasp. I looked down at her, shocked. Blood flowed from the narrow mark on my fin. Why did she do that? Angie, seeing the blood and realizing she had bitten too hard, causing me harm, began to rub my head.

"Oooooooooeeee." She squealed, almost as if apologizing.

Something hit me. I was breathing again and was no longer panicking. This bite had roused me from confusion, and gave me time to breathe. Angie had saved me. If I didn't instantly panic, I would have been able to breathe. With my beak, I began to rub her back, grateful that I was calm about this now.

I swam with Angie around the tank a bit to get used to swimming with a tail. The movements were smooth yet powerful, and I could make a trip from one side to another side of the tank in about 10 tail movements.

With my dolphin body, I still had my human thoughts, but dolphin muscles and instincts. Though my eyesight was a little warped, I soon learned how to echolocate. Angie scanned me and all I thought about was scanning her. Just thinking about it, my instincts clicked in and I without me knowing it, I had sent out a series of sound waves and they returned to me, and I saw Angie without my eye problems in the way. Not only did I see her, but I saw THROUGH her. It was as if she and the area around her were brought up in a diagram in my brain. I saw that there wasn't as much blood going to her liver as to her lungs, that her skin temperature was warm, and that her current mood was: excited. The real picture was a bit different but I made it closest to how a human mind would see it.

I wouldn't say that being a dolphin improved our communication, it merely balanced it. Instead of me relying on speech and body language to communicate, I only had to use body language. Angie didn't get confused if I spoke to many words or ones she didn't recognize, but she still understood me now as much as she did when I was a human.

We continued to swim around the tank, up close to each other. I began to get used to how the dolphin body worked, preferring it by far to the human body. After swimming about, I began to hear someone calling my name.

"Cam? Cam? Where are you?" It was Carol.

I swam up to the surface to greet her, not really expecting on how she'd react to the change. When my head was above water, I almost fell forward, not realizing that dolphin's were balancing as they did that. This was about as unnatural as you can get, my head out of the water and the uncomfortable feeling of the water evaporating off my skin. I might as well have been balancing plates on my beak.

"Oh, there you are. It looks like you two had a good night together." Angie surfaced next to me, same as I was. Carol didn't seem fazed by the change and merely bent down to talk with us better.

"Hey, I got some good news. I met the boss in the parking lot on my way out. I told him to think over what you said. He got angry, and stormed off to his car. 'You both think it's so easy to own these dolphins! Fine, I'll cancel the aquariums order!' He grabbed his cell phone and dialed. He goes into his car and begins to talk. Then he rolled down his window and shouted to me 'You can have the damn thing, go ahead! Keep in her your pool if you want! Just get her out of here!' and then he sped away." She looked to Angie, who obviously didn't understand.

"I own you now, Angie." Carol grinned, "But I'm sending you back to Cam's island. You'll be wild again."

With a loud whistle, Angie did a little spin in her spot while I nibbled Carol's hands gratefully.

"It gets better, Cam. Since you were fired, you can't stay here. You'll be joining Angie back to the island."

I was too stunned too move. We were both returning to the island, to be together. This couldn't have gotten any better! Carol grinned again and began to stroke my head. Her gentle skin made me quiver with delight. I began to see why Angie liked being petted so much. She smirked a bit and stood up.

"You'll have to watch him, Angie." She said, starting to walk away, "He's a wild one."

At this, Angie nudged me beneath my head, closing her eyes a bit.

The 'movers' arrived at about 6:30 am. We were hoisted into tanks on the back of an open truck and were sent down to the water's edge. When we got there, a crowd was gathered to watch them release us. Angie was set in first, and she waited around until I was lowered in. Without a moments hesitation we swam off from the cheering crowd.

We were out about 10miles from the shore. I looked back and saw my home for a quarter of a century was now just a tiny speck off in the distance. I don't know why, but I felt a sudden urge to return. My house, my family, my 'friends', my whole life was back there. I turned back around and faced the speck, wondering if I should go back. Angie, noticing that I wasn't swimming anymore, swam back to where I was floating, trilling curiously. She tried to coax me back by nudging beneath my head, but I moved away from her. Still confused, she tried to move closer to me, but I moved away again. I was too deep in thought to worry about her right now. Would I be happy living with Angie at the island? Wouldn't anyone be worried at to what happened to me? Should I return?

Angie, hurt at the lack of attention, let me move and sat silently.

I snapped out of my thoughts. Of course, a life with Angie would be much better. It was like starting over with my one true love. I sped over to Angie and, as she squealed in playful surprise, I spun her around once with my beak. Seeing I was back to my normal self, she rolled back upright, brought her mouth close to mine, and began licking the tip of my beak, a kiss I returned to her. I scanned her and became aware that she was getting aroused, with her increased heart rate and blood rushing to her genital area. Feeling me scan her, Angie swam beneath me, turned over, and floated with me, her pussy by my face and my slit by hers. Obliging, I began to lick her warming slit, eliciting Angie to press her pussy closer and rub my belly with hers. Call me crazy, but this was a major turn on for me. It was apparent the things that excited my dolphin body were kicking in, and soon I could feel my internal penis awake. My underside began to grow warm, a pleasant feeling. I could feel my genital cavity filling up, swelling, and felt the seawater against the very tip of my penis. Angie, noticing this, flicked out her tongue and coiled it around my tip. To my surprise, my tip coiled back, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

No, I'm in control I thought to myself, knowing that that was what I wanted to do anyway. As my cock swelled, my genital crack yielded to the pressure and my dick liberated itself from the tight area. Angie let go of the tip and began to rub up and down the shaft, jacking me off. Judging by how she rubbed, I guess my cock was about 9 inches long, 3 inches at the base, and tapered to about ΒΌ inch at the tip. Practicing with my recently unused penis muscles, I would wrap my penis around Angie's snout (a feeling impossible to describe!) and press my erect tool underneath her rostrum. We both sensed it was time to begin and I turned over, knowing that male dolphins were usually on the bottom. Angie swam up above me and floated down to my tip, which I thrust in without hesitation.

Angie seemed to gasp, gaping her jaws and bugging her eyes a bit. Perhaps I didn't even know my own strength! At this point, though, my thoughts seemed to cloud. All I wanted was sex, and didn't seem to care if I was too big for Angie or not! I began to thrust, stopping occasionally to explore around Angie's pussy with my penis. Her head began to shake back a bit but it wasn't as in pain as much as in ecstasy. We both started squeaking with each thrust and I could feel myself starting to cum already. Dolphin sex is great but it's a bit too short. Angie didn't seem to be using her pussy as much as she had been before when I was human, merely seemed to let me lose myself in lust. I could feel an immense amount of pressure built up at my base and with one final thrust and squeak, shot my load into Angie. She climaxed with me, both of us squealing in unison. I had no idea I could cum that hard (or cum that much!) or else I would have pulled out. Angie was now limp, sinking slightly onto me. I was awoken from my powerful lust and now it was obvious I had been too hard on Angie.

But it's hard to describe. When I sensed Angie getting excited, all I could think about was getting into her. I didn't care about anything else and I was going to do anything to get my way. I know this sounds a bit cruel, but if Angie had tried to swim away, I would have bitten her. Now, though, I was out of it and feeling guilty to have been so rough.

The dolphin mind is a powerful thing. If you don't respect it, it will bring you down.

I pushed her up to the surface so she could get some air. While I waited, I licked her head and beak, grateful she didn't try to resist my effort. I made a mental note not to lose my head next time as I watched my cum trail out of her pussy.

I waited for about five minutes, getting increasingly worried until Angie stirred. She opened her eyes and, seeing me, jumped back slightly. Then, seeing I was no longer in my lust stage, swam back and began to lick me too. I squeaked out something close to "I'm sorry, I'm sorry". She seemed to understand and began to kiss me.

Then, when she was least expecting it, I swam around and nibbled her on the tail. Clicking excitedly, she shook me off and tried to swim back to my tail but I dove downwards, avoiding her jaws. She bolted past me and the second I turned upwards, she swam to me and gently nudged me with her rostrum.

We continued this cetacean game of tag for about 10 minutes; spinning, chasing, nibbling, nudging, darting, and for the whole time making those mock laugh noises. Then, by coincidence, we bumped into each other as we were swimming upwards, falling back downwards belly-to-belly. We were calming down after chasing each other. Since we were touching bellies, I became aroused and could feel my cock awakening again. I shook off the powerful lust again and pulled my tool back, forcing it to stay in me. I wasn't going to hurt Angie again.

Ready to swim again, we broke apart and rose to the surface, gathering air before diving down again. Before going back down, I looked back to Florida one last time. Angie nudged my side before I could start thinking again. I 'grinned' and turned back around, raising my flukes out of the water as if they were my middle finger, pointed them to the land, and my mate and I swam off, ready to start our new life.

(Back to the story)

My eyes slowly opened, and I saw with slight disappointment that I must have dreamt the whole thing. No dolphin body and spending a new life with Angie, no nothing. I was just a human sleeping with a dolphin. I didn't seemed fazed as I lay in the dream's afterglow. Angie, who had been resting the whole time, stirred. Her head bowed forward and she moved her tail back, like she was stretching, then she opened up her eyes. Judging by the moon, we must have only been asleep for twenty minutes.

"Hi Angie," I said, rubbing around her blowhole, "Did you sleep well?"

She bent her head down and nibbled my shoulder. I could have sworn that she squeaked something like "You're it". She looked up at me with a playful gleam in her eye. Did she have the same dream I had?

"Did you want to swim around a bit?" I loosened my grip so that Angie could move a bit. Dolphins are usually active and by now she must a been uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, its fine" I told Angie, who seemed hesitant. Though she could be a little sarcastic sometimes, Angie never wanted to offend or insult me in anyway. She must not have wanted me to feel like she was leaving me, but I didn't mind.

After reassurance, Angie moved from my grip and let me pull my cock out of her. She started to swim around near me, working out her muscles. I waited in the shallow pool and watched Angie swim around. Occasionally she would move close to nudge at my dick or coax a petting. I would talk to her and things would be as casual as they were before.

"You seem happy tonight"


"I know, that was intense!"

We spent the rest of the night cuddling, playing, and having sex. None of the other experiences were as intense as the first one but they were all great. Once in a while, Angie would take me for a ride around the pool but with such a small space, she couldn't reach her dizzying speeds. I lost track of the time during the night and must have fallen asleep, holding Angie.

"CAMERON, wake up NOW!"

Carol's voice pierced through the morning air. She stood above Angie and me, a half look of anger on her face. It had the same atmosphere of the "Wife returns home from work, finds her husband and secretary doing some missionary work" scenario. I let go of Angie and stood up. Surely, Carol was going to tell someone, or start to hate me. Looking in her eyes, she was obviously thinking "What are you doing naked with that dolphin, you sick freak?". I was about to say "You don't understand..." When Carol glanced over me, head to toe. Her cloudy expression grew a twinge of a grin, and she uttered in a stern voice "Look, just get dressed. I can talk to you when you're done." She threw my clothes to me. I looked back to the dolphin who sat in the pool, looking blankly up at me. Like I've said before, sex is a natural thing for all dolphins and seeing anyone frowning upon any form of it was confusing to them. I smiled to her to ease her confusion and scurried off to the employee bathroom.

The only thing running through my mind was "Carol's going to call the cops". Wasn't this sort of thing illegal in Florida? I thought about how my perfect last night with Angie was ruined by a rude awakening. Why hadn't I stayed up long enough to watch for Carol?

I came back out with all my things. Carol didn't have the angry look anymore, but she didn't quite look happy.

"Look, Carol, I know what you're thinking..."

She raised her hand and stopped me. "Cam, don't even worry about it. I know you weren't hurting Angie in any way. You respect her too much to do that. I won't tell anyone, so calm down."

Angie clicked rhythmically behind us, subtly asking for attention.

"It looks like you too had a good night anyway." She said, smiling a little bit, "But Angie is going to be transferred. You should leave before the 'movers' come by. If I were you I wouldn't be able to stand her being lifted into truck."

I knew she was right. It was time to say goodbye to Angie one last time. Slowly, I walked to Angie, who lighted up at seeing me return. Doing my best to look cheerful, I bent down to be face to face with Angie.

"I guess this is goodbye, girl."

Her lightened mood faded and was masked by that of sadness. This was it, no more 'See you tomorrow' or 'I'll be back', this was the last time I would get to see her. Angie, my friend, my lover, my mate, she would be out of my life. She let out a soft sort of whimpering sound and began to nibble on my fingers. I let her, stroking her around her head and down her body. Then, after she let go, I moved in close and kissed her for the last time, our tongues intertwining. If Angie was human, she would have been crying right then. I whispered to Angie "I'm going to get you out of this, I swear to you."

Half of Angie seemed to say "You know it's no use." The other half cried out "I hope so!"

It's weird. I was able to save her from a net and from dying on the beach, but in a moment where her life didn't depend on it, I was helpless to save her.

Knowing I had to go, I stood up. "Goodbye, my love" were the last words I spoke to her. I turned my back and let Carol lead me out of the door.

I didn't feel as sad as Angie was, mostly empty. We walked down the stairs to the office and out of the door. As we walked through the narrow corridor, I came to the realization that we would pass the tank. I would have to avoid seeing Angie behind the glass walls. As we approached, my mind furiously pulsed the phrase "Don't look, don't look, don't look". We passed by the tank, and I looked. Sure enough, Angie was swimming nearby, looking as empty as I felt.

Was this how I wanted my last memory of Angie to be?

"No..." I said out loud, answering my own question, "NO!!"

Furiously I turned back, trying to run but found myself being wrestled back by Carol.

"Cam, let it go! There's nothing you can do!"


I could still see the tank slightly. If only Carol would let me go, I could see Angie again.

Carol jerked me back and I knew it was futile. I started to sob, walking with Carol with my face buried in one of my hands. We found a bench and sat down. Carol wrapped her arms around me, and at this point, I was too crushed to compare her embrace to Angie's.

She waited until I calmed down a bit before speaking.

"Cam, I know it's tough when a dolphin leaves, but that's life. I know you were lonely most of your life and so was Angie. She was sent by the Lord for you, your own personal angel. Maybe that's why she has that scar on her underside, she's a gift from God. Imagine where you would be if you hadn't met her."

She was right. I had been going into a slow downward spiral of depression after my father and brother died. I had always felt that they were the only people I could relate to but they had both gone out of my life. If I hadn't met Angie, I would be in deep depression by now, maybe even suicidal. I had always thought I saved Angie's life, but the truth is she saved mine.

I stopped sobbing and we both stood up. We walked to the parking lot where my car was sitting, overlooking the dolphin arena. An overhang had been built and hid the pool from my parking space, which I was thankful for. We reached my car but Carol stopped me before I could get in.

"Cam, don't worry. I know how you feel. I'm a delphinic zoophile, just like you. That's one of the reasons why I work her. I had always hoped I would get a chance with a dolphin. I guess when I saw you I felt more jealously, and I'm sorry for that. You've gotten lucky, Cameron. Few DZ's get to fulfill their fantasies."

Delphinic zoophile? Me? I was only attracted to Angie, not any other dolphin. Instead of objecting, I let Carol continue.

"Angie's never going to forget you, I can tell you that. Who knows, you might see her again soon. Well, goodbye Cameron. It was a pleasure working with you."

I shook her hand and she left. Carol, a delphinic zoophile?

I stood at my car, waiting for Carol to be out of sight. She disappeared behind the glass entrance doors and I felt better, yet still empty. My last memory of Angie was-

Suddenly, I heard a splash. I looked over to the pool and saw a sleek grey figure leap through the sky. Angie, glistening in the rising sun, waved her fin to me and squealed out what I heard as "I love you". Then, she fell back to Earth, making a slight splash. My mouth gaped wide open.

A lone tear rolled down my awe stricken cheek, and I raised up a hand and waved.

"I love you too, Angie."

The end

First draft finished on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 3:56 am

Revised and reread on Thursday, December 8th, 2005 at 11:40 pm