A New Life: Lies

Story by StevenFox on SoFurry

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#2 of A New Life, A New Love

HA! I think I finally got the story series set up! Alrighty then back to the story... Must be 18+ and all that stuff... (chapter 3)

The rain spit dropplets of water onto the ground below. A slight breeze whipped through the trees, enveloping anything in its path. The coolness of the breeze made the fur on Ally stand up.

Even with Chris holding her in a warm embrace he could feel her shivering because of the cold. Her fur was cold and wet, but he could feel the warmth of her body through her drenched fur.

"Common, let's get you inside," Chris said taking her hand and leading her to the back door. Another breeze ruffled Chris' fur, making him shiver. He took a hold of the handle and slid the glass door open. He led her inside and quickly closed the door behind them, not letting the cold come into the house.

He walked down the hallway with Ally and opened a door which led to her parents room he guessed. He let go of her hand and walked to a closet. Reaching inside, he grabbed an armful of towels and blankets. First he spread a few towels on the bed so it wouldn't get wet.

"Common Ally, lets get you to bed," he wrapped his arm around her and helped her to bed. Her head hung low as she walked grogily to the bed. She was exhausted from today and he could tell she needed some rest. He layed her down on the bed and wrapped her in a few more towels before laying the bed sheets ontop of her.

"Chris sleep with me tonight," Ally said half asleep.

"Can't I have to get home before it gets TO late," he said noticing it was already six. How long had he been there?

"But I..." Chris held a finger to her lips.

"No buts. You need to get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow," he gave her a soft, gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I... need... to ask... you... someth..." Ally tried to get something out, but sleep quickly overwhelmed her and she dozed off. Chris looked at her sleeping beauty and felt her soft hair with a finger before leaving the room.

He walked to the living room where all the action had previously taken.

"Where are my pants?" He thought to himself looking around.

"Right," he said aloud and walked over to where his boxers and jeans lay on the floor. He put them on and looked for his shirt. It had landed on a chair like it had been set up there on purpose. He slipped his shirt on and picked his hat off the ground. He put the hat on and walked to the front door.

He stopped before he opened it and thought, "should I be going out the front door?"

He locked the front door so nobody unwanted walked in and walked out the back door. Hoping there would be a gate on the side of the house to the front yard he jogged the the right side of the house.

To his luck there was a fence, but no gate.

"Great," he thought to himself and tried to stop. Instead of stopping to turn around, the lower part of his body kept moving and his feet slipped out from under him. His body hit the ground with great force when he fell.

"Fuck!" He shouted as a rock tore his right pant leg along with his shin. He grabbed his leg and looked at it. There was a nice deep cut in his shin. He sighed and having no other choice, got to his feet and hobbled over to the other side of the house.

"Of course," he walked over to the wooden gate and walked through. Closing the gate hard behind him, he walked over to his car and opened the trunk. He bent over the trunk and looked inside for a first aid kit. The rain pounded his back hard as he searched the trunk. Chris finally found one and pulled out a bandaid. He closed the trunk. Using the car as a brace he walked to the driver's side and opened the door. He plopped down on his seat and slammed the door shut.

He thought about today's events and chuckled a bit to himself before putting on the bandaid.

"Hell of a first day," he said before putting the keys in the ignition and turning it on.

Chris pulled into his uncle's driveway, noticing the lights still on.

"Oh great," he mumbled before turning off his car.

"Maybe she won't yell that loud," Chris thought about what his aunt would do when he walked through the door of his uncle's house.

"Haha, that's a good one," he said stepping out of his car into the rain. The rain was cold and unwelcoming as he walked to the front door. Chris leaned on the door pondering what would happen once he walked through that door. Sighing he walked through the door; of course his aunt was standing there glaring at him through her glasses. She was an old women in his eyes and could barely look at her.

"Where the hell have you've been!" She shouted more then questioning.

"How'd you know I was home?" He shot back a glare.

"I saw your headlights through the window. Now stop being a smart ass and take care of your clothes that have been in the dryer all day! And what happened to your leg?" She pointed to his torn jeans.

"It's nothing and instead of waiting for the damn dryer all day, you coulda' just taken my clothes out and put yours in," he pushed his way past his aunt and went into the garage. Slamming the door so his aunt couldn't have a chance to snap back.

He swung open the dryer door and grabbed a laundry basket. He scooped all of his clothes out of the dryer and into the basket. The basket was a little heavy, so he grabbed both ends with his hands and used his foot to close the dryer door. He braced the basket against his hip so he could use his free hand to open the door. Instead of his aunt standing in the doorway, his big uncle was there.

"You shouldn't disrespect your aunt like that," he said with his arms crossed.

He walked past his uncle and mumbled under his breath, "maybe she shouldn't be a bitch."


"Oh nothing," he replied quickly.

"Where have you been anyways," he raised an eyebrow. Chris looked back at his uncle, looked back at the stairs and started walking up the carpeted stairs.

"A friends house," he walked into his room and set his clothes on the floor. The white door closed behind him, enclosing him in his room. He sighed and climbed on his bed.

"Thank god tomorrow's saturday," his eyes felt heavy and he looked at the clock. It was only 8:00, but he felt rather tired. He turned off the light and let sleep overtake him.

That night he dreamt not about Ally, but about that mysterious white wolf in his P.E. class. It was a rather exotic, sexual dream. He didn't know why he was dreaming about her, but all he knew that as long as it was a dream; he was fine with it. He was just about to thrust his already wet cock into her tailhole when he felt a vibration.

He awoke from his erotic dream and realized he had fallen asleep with yesterdays clothes on. He threw the sheets off his bed looking for the source of the crude awakening. When he looked down at his jeans, there was a bulge in his pants.

"Damn traitor! You're only for Ally," he cursed at his cock that was hidden in his jeans. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes. Realizing what the vibration was he shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out his cell. It read: One New Text. He flipped open his phone and Ally's name was there. He pressed the middle button to open the text and rubbed his eyes once more.

"Hey! Wakey wakey sleeping beauty, its already one in the afternoon!" He looked at it confused. How did she know he was awake?

"How did you know I was awake?" He sent the message and got off the bed. He streched before taking his shirt off and stumbled over to dresser. He took off his pants and removed his boxers. Before he could put on another pair of boxers his phone vibrated again. He searched his jeans for his phone. Realizing he was naked, he pulled out his phone and set it on the dresser. He pulled on a pair of boxers before answering his text.

"Haha, cuz I know you silly! Now get over here, I rented something scary to watch!"

"K, let me get ready I'll be over in about 45 minutes." He decided on a pair of black jeans and a dark blue shirt with white splatter paint across the top. And behind the splatter paint, in dark red lettering, was a phrase written in bangladeshian. He wasn't sure what it said, all he knew is that it looked cool. He put on his cap and rushed down stairs.

"I'm going out! Be back later!" He shouted back into the house. The keys were sitting on the counter and he snatched them before exiting out the door. He hopped in his car and sped off down the street.

Before going to Ally's house, he stopped at a fast food place and grabbed a burger so he wasn't too hungry. He ate with one hand and drove with the other. It was dangerous, he knew that, but he wasn't on a busy street. So he knew nothing bad would happen.

He turned a corner and continued down the street, chewing a piece of gum to make his breath smell better. But he slowed as he saw a white wolf being attacked by a tiger. He had her in an unbreakable headlock that was hurting her. His eyes went wide as he noticed it was the wolf from his P.E. class. She was stuggling to get out of the tiger's grasp, but he overpowered her easily. As he drove by, he saw the sheer terror in her eyes as the tiger pulled her into some nearby woods.

He snapped from his trance when another car blew its horn. Chris turned his head just in time to see a car coming straight at him. He slammed on the brakes as the other driver swerved around him and flipped the bird. He could care less about what the other driver did, all he could think about was that wolf being dragged into the woods. He clutched the steering wheel breathing heavily. Having no other choice, he turned his car around.

He parked his car next to a curb and jumped out rushing to the woods.

"Common, where are you?" Chris said looking around the forest.

"Tell me where you are..." A scream made his ears perk up. He turned around towards the noise and ran as fast as he could in that direction.

"Screaming won't help you now bitch," the tiger had a firm hold of her arms as she tried to escape his powerful grasp.

"Common, Kaitlyn. You know you want me."

"No I don't!" She shouted flailing her legs and arms.

"Oh I think you do," he almost whispered leaning towards her.

"Hey douche!" Chris yelled.

The tiger spun around and glared an evil glare at Chris.

"This doesn't involve you!" The tiger stood up revealing his true height. He was at least 6 foot 6. With huge muscles and a pile of rope at his feet.

"It doesn't," Chris returned the glare, "but you're not hurting her."

The tiger let out a huge laugh.

"Haha! You!?! Alright then, show me what you've got!" He lunged towards Chris, his right paw swinging at him. Chris repositioned himself and dodged it easily. He stuck out his leg and made the tiger stumble. Then in one quick motion swung his other leg around and hit the tiger straight in the back. The tiger let out a howl of pain and fell to all fours with the wind knocked out of him.

"Hurts, don't it?" Chris delivered another kick to his chest making the tiger scream out in pain. Chris squated next to him and looked at him.

"Look at me," the tiger turned his head with a pained expression. He just looked at Chris, trying to get some air in his lungs.

"Alright then," with all of his force, Chris punched the tiger full on in the face. He fell to the ground unconscious, blood pouring from his nose and mouth. Chris stood up and grabbed the tiger's shirt and dragged him far from the incident, along with the rope. He found a nice tree and layed him down on the tree trunk. He pulled out some rope and tied him to the tree nice and tight.

Chris stood up and brushed the dust off his hands with his shirt. Looking at the sky, he noticed it was cloudy, but no rain.

"Alrighty then," he said stepping away from the unconscious tiger, "now where's..."

He wasn't able to finish his sentence when the white wolf tackled him from the side. They landed at the bottom of a tree, him sitting down and her ontop of him.

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" She was hugging him as hard as she could.

"It's nothing," he managed to get out, short of breath.

"I can't thank you enough," she started to lick the fur on his neck. His eyes went wide when he noticed what was happening.

"Stop," he said turning his head away from her.

"That's enough," he avoided eye contact.

"What is it?" she said pulling his head back to face him.

"I'm already in a relationship."

"So? She doesn't have to know," she moved down to his pants and unbuttoned them. She slid them off fairly quickly. Chris clutched the surrounding grass.

"What am I doing?" He thought to himself as she slid off his boxers.

"See? You're already hard," she said and Chris looked down.

"Damn it," he mumbled as he realized his 8 and a half inch long cock was out of its sheath. He placed his head against the tree as she dragged her tounge across his balls. His breath quickened as she licked from the bottom of his sack all the way to the tip of his cock. He let out a moan as she did this. Smilling she took his all of his wolf meat into her mouth, with Chris moaning every bit of the way.

He no longer had control of his body as he placed his hand ontop of her head, urging her to continue. Her tounge wrapping around his cock as she bobbed her head up and down. She was sending Chris into pure ecstacy. Chris could feel his climax coming with each bob of her head. She played with his balls as she continued to suck his hard member.

"I shouldn't," Chris whispered. Kaitlyn looked up at him and took his erect peins out of her mouth.

"What was that?" She asked stroking his erect member. Chris could finally control his body again and he stood up.

"Oh, I see," she said standing up unbuttoning her jeans.

"No," was all Chris said and he pulled up his boxers and pants. Buttoning his jeans while he ran, he sprinted back to his car trying to forget what just happened.

"It's to late Chris! What's done is done! You can't take it back!" Kaitlyn's voice rang from behind him. He felt a teardrop roll down his cheek. He reached his car and speed off as fast as he could from the woods.

"What have I done?" He kept questioning himself on his way to Ally's house. The guilt and betrayal welled up within him. He could barely face the fact of looking at Ally without remembering what he just done.

He finally pulled up to her house and stopped the car in her driveway. Sighing, he pulled the keys from the ignition and stepped out. The clouds had become darker, the cold, sharp air sent shivers down his spine. Chris walked up to the front door, another tear forming in his eye. He rang the door bell. The door opened just a few moments later. An ecstatic Ally answered door and quickly hugged Chris tightly.

The hug was loving and welcoming, and he wasn't able to hold in his feelings as a lone tear rolled down his cheek. When Ally pulled away from him, her expression changed from happy to worried.

"What's the matter?"

"It's nothing," he said wiping the tear from his cheek.

"Well then," she pulled him inside, "I rented The Hills Have Eyes!"

"What?" Chris wasn't the biggest fan of scary movies, especially ones with flesh eating zombie things.

She had set up a huge bean bag that they both could fit on. During the whole movie, Chris was probably jumping more than Ally was. Mostly because she had her face burried in his chest most of the movie. The movie finally ended and Chris sighed with relief.

Ally giggled, "you seem relieved."

"Very," he said inhailing deeply.

"This should make you more relaxed," she whispered lovingly, turning on the radio onto a smooth jaz channel. Chris cocked an eyebrow.

"Did you have this planned out?" He said eyeing her suspiciously.

"Haha, maybe," saying it in a teasing way moving closer to him.

She looked at him with the same eyes that caught his attention the first time he met her. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her head upwards. He kissed her passionately, letting himself drown in the moment. He slipped a hand under her shirt. With one clean lift he took her shirt off, breaking the kiss for only a moment. She then did the same thing, rolling ontop of him after his shirt was removed.

They held their hands together and their fingers intertwined. While they were kissing, Chris slipped his hands behind her back and unbuckled her bra; letting it fall to the floor. She took his gesture as a sign to continue with the stripping, so she pulled her jeans down revealing her already soaked panties.

But this was a win-lose for Chris. Yes he was with his lover, but what happened earlier still haunted him. In a flash, he was naked with his lover ontop of him, kissing away at his chest.

Playfully, he spun her around so she was on bottom and he was looking down at her. He slowly inserted two fingers into her vagina and used his other hand to keep himself up.

"Hey babe?"

"Mmmm?" She had her head thrown back, her eyes closed enjoying the pleasure taking place. He continued to tease her, pulling his fingers in and out of his lover.

"If it would be ok," he removed his fingers and licked them clean, "could I take you a different way this time?"

She looked at him with a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?"

"Turn around and I'll show you."

She obeyed and turned around so she was on all fours. He rubbed the tip of his cock along her dripping pussy. A moan escaping her as he did this. He made sure his hard penis was all lubed and he positioned himself before her tailhole.

"How is this diff-" She wasn't able to finish when suddenly Chris slowly put the tip of his cock into her tailhole.

A sharp gasp escaped her lips as she burried her face into the beanbag. He continued to slowly insert himself into her as she was overwhelmed with pain and pleasure. Once he had finally gotten all of his wolf meat inside of her, he pulled out and went back in slowly.

She looked back at her lover as he continued to ram her ass. Smilling she let out another moan before burying her face into the beanbag again.

"Oh god," she yelled when Chris put two fingers into her slit. This made her moan even louder, as Chris made waves of pleasure course through her body. She could barely scream when her first orgasm of the night hit her. Her juices flowed over his fingers and onto the love seat.

Just feeling her climax made him want to join her. He abrubtly stopped his thrusting and pulled out. This made Ally gasp as the feeling of him inside her suddenly stopped. He gently flipped her over so she was facing her. He then re-entered her tailhole making Ally moan with pleasure.

"Harder Chris! As fast as you can go!"

He listened to her and picked up the pace, making her moan louder and louder. His climax came closer and closer with each thrust. His knot hitting her, begging to be let in. Ally felt his knot slamming against her entrance, and with one motion, slammed against Chris. His knot popped into her making Chris gasp from the quick move she pulled. His pace was shortened to quick bursts, his climax nearing.

"Oh god Chris!" His seed exploded inside Ally. His cum shooting in quick bursts. The feeling of him filling her up sent her into a second orgasm. Once the feeling subsided, he fell ontop of Ally, exhausted from the experience.

"That was something new," Ally said.

"We should try it again sometime," she smilled at Chris.

He smilled back, "we should."

After a few minutes passed he was able to pull out of Ally. He layed down on the beanbag that was a little sticky from their activities. Ally curled up next to him and rested her head against his chest.

"Hey Chris?" She asked twirling a finger across his chest an abs.


"Do you love me?" She began.

Chris' heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe she was asking him this, but she also sounded a little concerned.

"Or are you with me just for the sex?" Her warm breath tingled the fur on his chest.

"Of course I love you, if it was just for the sex I would be coming over A LOT more," he could feel her heart beat faster when he said those words.

"Do you mean it?" She said removing her head from his chest so she could look at him. There were tears forming in her eyes from pure happiness.

"Ally, nothing could keep me away from you. You are the thing I hold closest to my heart; if i had to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I love you," with those words said, Ally broke out into tears and squeezed Chris with all her might.

"And if you keep... squeezing me like this... I might have to say it... sooner than I thought," Chris gasped for breath.

"Sorry!" She loosened her grip a little.

"It's all right," he said returning the hug. They stayed like that for sometime until he heard the faint sound of his phone vibrating in his pants pocket. Sighing, he reached over to where his jeans lay on the floor and pulled his phone out of the right pocket.

"Who is it?" Ally asked.

"Drew," he said looking at the caller I.D.

"He has a thing for ruining these kind of moments doesn't he?"

"Mhmm," Ally replied, her head rubbing against his chest.

"Hello?" Even though it was Drew, he still answered it normally.

"Dude?!? Where the fuck are you? You were supposed to be at the school five minutes ago!"

"Oh, shit! That's right!" Drew sat up recalling he needed to be at school to try out for the track team.

"You're lucky the coach is giving you a chance," Chris held the phone to his ear while trying to get his boxers on.

"Tryouts are already over so you better impress the hell outta' the coach today," Drew continued.

"Yeah I know."

"You might have to resort to giving him a BJ if you don't make it," Chris heard Drew snicker on the other line.

"Very funny Drew," Chris said hopping into his jeans.

"Yeah. You got about five or ten minutes before he leaves so hurry."

"Alright, I'm on my way," Chris hung up and pulled his shirt on.

"Where you going my mate?" Ally was still sitting on the beanbag watching Chris frantically put his clothes on. He paused for a moment with his shirt halfway on. He looked back at his lover and pulled the rest of his shirt down.

"I forgot I have to go try out for track," he adjusted the hat ontop of his head.

"Right now?" She begged walking towards him.

"Sorry," he met her in a warm embrace, "I'll take you out or something to make up the time lost."

"It was just getting nice and romantic too."

"I know," Chris gave her a reassuring pat on her naked back. He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes.

"I'm not leaving forever you know."

Ally giggled a little bit. "I know."

"Alright then," he pulled her close and gave her a gentle kiss.

"I'll call you tomorrow," he said walking away. She blew him a kiss, smilling Chris walked out the door and walked to his car.

"Chris! Where've you been?" Drew held his arms out wide as if to hug him.

"Busy," he said pulling on a different shirt. He had changed from pants to shorts before he drove off from Ally's house.

"Well come one, coach is waiting," he pointed to a black jaguar behind him. He was a few inches shorter than Chris. He walked psat Drew and up to the jaguar. He looked up from a clipboard he was holding.

"I'm coach Lawrence, so you're here to try out?" He held out a hand for Chris to shake.

He shook the coach's hand, "yeah, my name's Chris."

"Well then Chris, Drew here is one of the fastest kids here. If you beat him in the 200 you're in."

Chris pulled up into his driveway and took the keys out of the ignition. He had beaten Drew in the 200, and boy was the coach impressed. A spot was given to him on the varsity team, which was rare, considering he was a junior.

"And now for my day to be ruined," referring to his aunt. She was probably going to yell at him for something stupid. Like he had to do a chore or clean something up. He stepped out of his car and slowly walked to the door.

It was dark now, the air chilled Chris to the bone. With a slight breeze blowing at his back he approached the door. Instead of walking in, he stood there for a second, deciding if he should walk in or go to Ally.

Sighing he gave in and grabbed the handle. He hesitated before turning the knob and letting the door open. But surprisingly, she wasn't there waiting to yell at him. There was silence instead of yelling.

"Something's not right here," he thought to himself letting the door close behind him. He cautiously stepped into the living room. On one of the couches sat his aunt and uncle.

"Chris, come sit down," his uncle said, niether of them looked at him. They just looked at the ground. Chris obeyed and took a seat on a couch opposite of the one they were sitting on. It was his aunt that broke the silence.

"I know this is kind of sudden, but Chris, there's something you should know."

"What is it?" Chris sat up looking concerned. A sigh emitted from his uncle.

"Chris," his uncle twiddled his thumbs, "we're not your real aunt and uncle."

"What?" Chris looked at him in confusion.


"We aren't even related, you started calling me uncle when you were three."

"Then how did you know my dad?" Chris was more furious then heart broken. The closest thing to a family he had was gone in those few words.

"We knew each other when we were in the navy, when I lived in California. Your dad thought it was funny how you called me uncle whenever you came over, so he never told you." He didn't know what to call the people sitting in front of him.

Chris sat back and put his face in his hands.

"Anything else you havn't told me?"

"Yes," the man in front of him reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper. His wife and Chris both looked at him in confusion. Apparently only the wolf knew what was on the paper.

"Read it," his uncle handed the letter to Chris.

"What is it?" Chris started to read the paper. His grip on the letter got stronger as he read it. When he had finally gotten to the end, tears were in his eyes.

"What the fuck!?!?" Chris exploded and tore the sheet into as many pieces as he could. Tears started to fall as he vigorously tore the letter into a billion pieces.

"If there's anything else you want to tell me," Chris shouted standing up, "don't bother to fucking tell me!"

With that said, Chris spun around and stormed up the stairs as fast as he could. Leaving the people he thought were his family, behind, to think about what they were going to do.

Chris bursted into his room and slammed the door behind him, locking it so no one would bother him. Face down in the pillows, Chris cried like never before. He hadn't cried like this since his parents' death. He cried his eyes out for as long as he could go. He felt as if another part of him died.

He finally controlled his emotions before sitting up on his bed. There was only one thing he felt like doing right now. He reached under his bed and pulled out a case. Inside was a bass guitar, one that he hadn't played since he moved here. He needed to drain the sadness from him, not through tears, but through music. He pulled out a music player and plugged in his ipod. He went with Until The End by Breaking Benjamin first.

In his mind he wanted to drown in his tears, but this was the only way he'd be able to control his emotions he thought. He began to pluck the notes to the tune, feeling just a little better with each note.

"What was the letter about?" The female asked looking at her husband.

He looked back at her, "he's escaped."

"What? Who? Who escaped from where?"

"He left a note on the wall saying he's coming to finish what he started."

His wife was becoming somewhat impatient, "who!?"

"The murderer; he's coming for Chris."