
Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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This is one of those stories where I remind you, just in case you forgot, that my mind goes weird places sometimes. This time, the weirdness is of a sort where I don't really recall what inspired it. Certainly nothing comparable to the content, because, well, where do you really find that kind of stuff?

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between a male. You'll understand when you read it. Or maybe you understand already, I don't know.

It was a warm, sunny day, the kind just made for long and relaxing walks. As such, the old downtown was a relative bustle of activity, with plenty of pedestrians swarming the sidewalks and streets. Among them were a white-scaled dragon and a grey-furred wolf, walking side-by-side as best they could through the throngs, their determined gait suggesting they had a particular destination in mind.

"I've never seen it this busy down here..." the wolf remarked as she dodged yet another sidewalker. "What's all the hubbub about?"

"I'm afraid I can hardly keep up with all the events they plan down here, my dear Leili," the dragon responded, his voice taking a very casual yet vaguely sophisticated tone. "It seems every year they have more and more events to bring in patrons, and yet for the life of me it doesn't seem like they ever need them with as busy as it gets."

"Well, you'd be the one more likely to know, Risk, you live here."

"I live uptown. The matters of downtown are rarely within my attention." He glanced into the window of a passing building, a slight grin twitching on his lips as he caught sight of something - and it wasn't through the window.

Of course, Leili saw this and just had to snort. "Yeah, your attention is wrapped up in something else all the time. Come on, I know this place isn't open all day."

Risk sighed and ruefully pulled his gaze back to the street in front of him. "Such impatience in youth these days. Spoiled by your on-demand television and high-speed loading times."

"Oh, for crying out loud, Risk, you're eight years older than I am. That's not a generation gap, that's a generation crack in the sidewalk. Quit acting like you're an old fogey."

"I still assert that I am correct in my assessment."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. If this is what a 'high-class' upbringing does to you count me out. The way you're going you'll be yelling at kids to get off your lawn before you hit forty."

"Ridiculous. That's what fences are for." Risk's eyes wandered the scene, taking note of their location; the curiosities shop Jephroh's Curios was drawing near, and he was hoping it wasn't going to be quite as busy inside as it was outside. It was definitely one of the more interesting places in town, something like a pawn shop but dealing exclusively in the unusual and unique. This time around it was more for Leili than anything else - finding something for her to write about for her modern history course at the university, where he worked as a tutor - but if he found anything that piqued his own interest he wasn't going to hesitate.

Although, as his eyes wandered towards another window as they passed by, there were things to pique his interest outside the curiosities shop, as well. He stopped again and turned towards the window, admiring the view of his reflection. Naturally, Leili was on him in an instant. "At least tell me you're looking at a pretty girl inside there."

"Unfortunately not. I shall simply have to settle for this entirely different level of sexy."

The wolf simply shook her head in exasperation. "How do you ever expect to get a partner when you're so full of yourself?"

Risk flashed himself a grin in the mirror. "My dear Leili, I am the epitome of patience. I'm just seeking that one lucky lady who appreciates me as much as I appreciate me."

Leili rolled her eyes. "That will probably never happen, because it's probably not physically possible." This behavior wasn't at all surprising to her - Risk's intractable narcissism was well-known throughout the history department at the university, and she'd sought help from him knowing full-well what he was like - but it could still be irritating to deal with at times. Especially when he lamented his lack of love life. You'd think he could be completely satisfied with a mirror, the way he goes on.

"Oh, please, I'm sure there's someone out there who would fall quite head over heels for this."

"Yeah, YOU."

"You know what I mean."

"Right. Maybe they'd like what they saw, but it wouldn't take more than one date for them to get completely sick of you talking about yourself."

"Then I'll simply have to find someone who has an endless interest in me."

"So you're limiting your dating pool to creepy obsessed stalkers. On a completely unrelated note, would you mind if I took out a life insurance policy on you?"

Leili tugged on the dragon's arm, indicating she wanted to get moving once again. Risk reluctantly pulled away from the window. "They say there's someone out there for everyone. I'm certain there's more than a single someone who would admire this heaven-sent visage the way I do."

Leili didn't bother replying with anything more than a sigh. At least if he's going to be a creepy obsessed stalker, his target is himself. Safer that way.

"Thank goodness this place is still open, or I'd've had a trendy new vest and boots," Leili snarked as they entered Jephroh's Curios.

"Sheer lunacy. I don't have nearly the surface area for both. Though they would no doubt be the most sought-after articles in existence." That was another thing that irritated Leili - Risk could turn around pretty much any jab into another self-glorification. Most people knew how to take an insult properly. Still, they were there for a reason, and she decided to let it go and start working on that reason.

It was definitely a selection to admire. Fascinating baubles, magical items of various styles, tiny machines that served unknown purposes, all the way to pieces d'art with sensational, sometimes unbelievable stories, or furnishings that would have belonged nowhere within the past several centuries. How Jephroh came into most of it was beyond their understanding; he simply seemed to be a magnet for it.

Still, nothing was really striking either of them...until Risk's eyes fell upon an odd charm, simple and plain but with the unmistakable thrum of magical energy within it, and instantly lit up. "Oh, my! Wonder of wonders, this is an exquisite find!"

Leili looked over his shoulder. "What...that old thing? Doesn't look like anything special."

"Ah, Leili, you've a lot to learn about hunting for magic!" Risk picked up the charm, rubbing over it with his fingers, feeling the slight charge of magic send a thrill into his nerves. "This happens to be a Charm of Hasilidy. One of the 'wish granter' charms from the eighteenth century, renowned for its uncanny effectiveness. Very few of today's charms can claim success like Hasilidy could."

"Wish granter charms? I thought those were totally bogus. I mean, a charm that could grant a wish, that would be so sought after..."

"If they worked the way people imagine they did, perhaps. But Hasilidy's charms are different. They can't create your literal desire in the real world; what they do is instead create a powerful fantasy, so powerful that while it's in effect it cannot in any way be distinguished from reality. This fantasy allows your wish to be granted, before returning you to the real world, none the worse for wear. It was considered the ultimate way to experience thrills one could not possibly accomplish in their real lives, and as you can imagine they had an exceptional rate of satisfaction. Alas, Hasilidy never revealed her secret, and when she passed on no more of the charms could be made, so they became quite the collector's items. And the shame about collectors is that they never use them for what they were supposed to use them them, they are simply for display."

Risk handed the charm over to Leili; as she raised it up and felt it, she too recognized the faint pulse of magic within the simple charm. "Huh...I had no idea any of these were real, but there's definitely something to this. You'd think they'd have become a bigger business."

"Alas, no. Hasilidy's expertise pretty much defined wish-granter charms...all others who tried to compete were flawed in various ways, causing more trouble than they were worth. And it didn't help that the Industrial Revolution saw an almost wholesale replacement of magic with technology, so little effort was made to improve on them."

"Yeah, I remember learning about that...magic was just considered a parlor trick for a long time. Only starting to make a serious comeback, and even then there's a lot of competition." Leili twirled the charm in her fingers once more before handing it back to Risk. "Seems like one of these things could be risky, though. Someone could get addicted to fantasy fulfillment."

"Indeed. Another of Hasilidy's foresights, the charm requires seven days of down time before it can be used again. Too great a gap for any debilitating addiction to be established. Most other wish-granter charms that actually worked didn't have this limitation, and it turned out exactly as you would expect. One of the reasons they were abandoned for the most part."

"Huh. Well, tempting as it is, that's way too big a price tag for me. But thanks for showing it to me."

"You're quite welcome! Perhaps you'll get to see it again sometime."

Leili paused, then turned. "'re buying that? You can afford it?"

"Absolutely! This is likely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I would be a fool to pass it up! This will be a fine addition to my collection!"

Leili just looked at Risk. "Didn't...didn't you just say..."

"It would not be simply for display, Leili, of course not! I would want to make use of it the way it was meant to be used. As I do with many of the artifacts in my collection, at least those which can be used safely. Besides, this might be the perfect opportunity to realize one of my deepest fantasies."

"What would...oh, wait. Ugh, really? You're going to have dream sex with a girl who fawns over you? That seems desperate even for you, Risk."

"Now really," Risk replied shortly, sounding a bit offended. "I'm not simply going to get a cheap thrill, that would be wholly unsatisfying. No, I intend to hone in on an individual who I could then find in the real world. Learn what she is like, learn about her, so that I can seek out someone who might fit that description and get to know the real person. That, I believe, is how to use one of these charms to its best effect."

"What happens if you can't find a person who's like that in reality?"

"That shouldn't happen if I use it properly."

"I have my doubts about that...well, whatever, it's your money, your life. Just try to keep me out of that part of it."

Risk chuckled. "I daresay you are highly unlikely to be targeted, so you have nothing to fear."

Hours passed, day faded to night. The late evening saw Risk at home, utterly ignoring the milieu of books and papers and other assorted detritus scattered all over his house. His attention was wholly devoted to his mirror image.

The body-length mirror reflected his nude form back at him in sharp focus. His striking blue eyes, almost glittering in the soft light. His gleaming white horns, standing in resolve against the pearl of his scales. His pristine teeth, sharp enough to be dangerous but groomed to such impeccability that they could scarce belong to anything but a perfect gentleman. His slimmer torso and arms, in his eyes the absolute ideal size given his 5'10 13/32" height and 163.27 pound weight. His well-manicured claws, rubbed down just enough to be no threat unless desperate force was applied. His fully erect member, precisely 9 1/8 inches long and 8 5/8 inches around in the shaft, tapering off to a point at the tip. His sturdy legs, leading down to able feet with tow claws as well-kept as the ones on his fingers. His thick, strong tail, flicking this way and that in enthusiasm as he drank in the wonderful sight of himself.

"I am simply, irrefutably, fantastically gorgeous. It is a miracle of the modern age that anyone can resist the sight of me."

He was aware that he was heavily narcissistic. But the brain that allowed him to recognize it didn't also provide the capacity to care much about it. It simply seamlessly integrated into his concept of his own perfection, a recognition of reality to his own sense of self, one that he didn't really mind if no one else shared.

The mirror thing was a pretty standard nightly ritual for him, spending a fair bit of time ogling himself and admiring what he had on display. Tonight, however, he cut it shorter than usual. After all, he had a date with a fantasy, and he wanted as much time to enjoy it as possible. the charm lay on his bed, and he picked it up and took its place, twisting it idly in his hands, wondering what the experience was going to be like as much as he wondered what it would include. It went without saying that he was entering uncharted waters, as far as his own experience was concerned.

He mulled over what to say. From what he knew, there was no chance that the charm would have any kind of wish corruption - it would read his desires rather than taking his words too literally, and there was no risk of a nightmare if he didn't will it. Rather, it was a matter of what exactly he wanted to desire. Certainly he had his ideas, but it felt like there were a million ways to will it, and not all wills would be quite the same.

Eventually he settled on something he thought acceptable. "I wish to experience a good time with my ideal partner. Someone who enjoys me as much as I do, and desires me the same."

As he spoke, the thrum of magic intensified, beginning to radiate through his body. He felt an odd sensation in his head, as through he was growing tired rather quickly; instinct started to fight it, but he willed it down, allowing it to settle into him. The room around him faded, his consciousness dissolving with it...

There was an odd quality in the scene that formed around him as things came back into focus. He was in a dark room, though he could see himself quite clearly...the room seemed blank and empty, yet he had the distinct sensation that whatever he needed was around him. Certainly, there could be no question of the whirl of magic around him...he was indeed in the fantasy realm, as promised. But where was the one he wished for?

Almost as soon as he thought it, he became aware of the presence of another. As he turned to his left, he could see a cloaked figure, shadowed only by the room, making no motion to reveal itself but clearly waiting for him. He grinned as the revelation was delayed; being tantalized like this, it was rather appealing, perhaps he had wanted it this way without quite realizing it. "Well, hello there...I suppose by your form, you are likely another dragon...very good, and unsurprising. Why not show me a little more?"

"I think..." Risk started a bit, how odd! The voice that came sounded very much like... "that I should show you a lot more." Almost like a cloth, the cloak of shadow pulled away, and Risk's jaw dropped. He was staring what appeared to be his match in the face...what a match it was, he must have been looking in a mirror.

And then, as he took in that lustrous pearl body, it started stepping towards him, without him moving himself, and he realized that it wasn't just a mirror image. It was a copy...a copy of himself.


The fantasy Risk grinned at him; without question, it was him, even the grin was a perfect replica. "Surely you can't be surprised?"

"I dare say I can be! I was supposed to envision my ideal mate!"

"But you are, Risk." The fantasy Risk stepped up to him and ran a clawed finger underneath his jaw. "Nary a woman in the world could ever hope to match your love of yourself, naturally, it stands to reason that your ideal mate must be you."

"But...this is quite unexpected. I have never dreamed of satisfying myself with another male."

"That I know as well, but stop and think for a moment: your love of your own body is complete and total, including those precious regions. Now look at me, bearing that exact same body and those exact same regions. Can you tell me now, honestly and truly, that you could not be satisfied with pleasuring yourself upon this kingly form?"

Risk cast his eyes over his dream clone. It was true, everything about him, every single detail, was perfectly matched to himself; he knew enough about himself to be able to say this with certainty. And he growing fire in his body was telling him that, yes indeed, he could derive great pleasure from this; though he had no preference for males in general, there was no reason not to make an exception for such a perfect form as his own. He broke into his own grin as he looked the fantasy Risk in the eyes. "You have made a convincing argument, I must say. Of course, how could I expect any less from me?"

"You couldn't, of course." His double stepped up to him, arms wrapping around Risk as he leaned in close. "I'm your fantasy Risk...your Fisk, if you will. And I'll give you one to remember."

Risk knew exactly where he was leading to, and simultaneously they engaged in a deep kiss, lips locking tight as swaths of pleasure rattled through their bodies. Their tongues grappled with each other, their hands wandering over each other's bodies as they got lost in the pleasure of the kiss. Finally broken after an indistinct time, Risk panted and looked wantingly at Fisk. " an excellent kisser...

"Indeed, I am," Fisk said with a grin. "And that's not all I'm good at." He trailed down Risk's body, his tongue now licking all over, the warm sensation thrilling Risk wherever it landed, and his neck, on his chest, down to his stomach. As much as he knew what was coming, he still wasn't prepared for it when Fisk starting licking at his cock, legs buckling a bit from the pleasure before he caught himself, moaning in unrestrained desire.

And even that was nothing compared to the next rapid motion, when Fisk quite suddenly brought his mouth down onto him, engulfing his entire length at once and then drawing himself off slowly before diving down again, nearly driving the dragon insane with pleasure. " on earth...can I be this something I've never done?"

Fisk simply let out a muffled laugh and continued at his ministrations. It was bizarre and incredible at the same time...though it was Fisk giving the blowjob, Risk could swear he was getting that taste on his own tongue...or was that just the desire to have it that way? Either way, it spurred him into action. "Ah...Fisk, I believe...I should be reciprocating."

Fisk pulled off of him, grinning up at the original. "And you were hesitant before."

"I was caught off-guard. Now I'm quite in control of myself, and I demand to be giving pleasure as well as receiving it!"

"Well, if I insist..." Fisk laid back, his cock standing proudly up waiting for Risk to take charge. And take charge he did, quickly positioning himself above Fisk so that his copy could return to his earlier task. As his own mouth descended around that delectable shaft, he knew that he was only imagining the taste before - this was much more potent, much more desirable, and he couldn't get enough of it. He engulfed his clone's cock immediately, as Fisk did the same, the two seeming almost in complete concert once again as they sucked each other off.

The slow bobbing soon developed into a rapid pleasure assault, the two feeling their climaxes approaching fast and equally trying to get the other there as well. There was no doubt to either of them that they would peak at the same time, and indeed they did, a pair of moans silenced by the rush of fluid in their mouths. It was a fantastic taste, one that Risk could scarcely describe in terms of quality but which was to him the finest thing to grace his tongue in all his years. He eagerly drew from Fisk's cock, trying to gather as much as he could before the experience ended, shuddering as his own fed Fisk just as soundly.

It felt like ages before it was over, though perhaps that was just the peculiar state of their current existence. Finally, Risk pulled off and struggled to his feet, panting but so deeply satisfied. "I had no idea my own taste was so delightful. How have I not tried it before?"

Fisk grinned at him, wiping his mouth and licking off a bit that had gotten away from him. "It isn't something that a male normally does. I'm sure you won't regret it if you try it."

"There could be no doubt..." Risk still felt primed for more, and the fantasy didn't seem to be over. He felt certain there would be another step. "Have you any idea what comes next for us, then?"

"It's your fantasy...I know what you want, but the question is, do you?"

"I...believe I do, in fact." Risk now laid himself back, ending up on a soft bed that appeared out of nowhere, not questioning that turn in the slightest. "Not having desired males, I haven't ever had the experience of one entering me...I think that would be the only appropriate way to finish this."

"How correct you are! Don't worry, it will be nothing short of phenomenal."

"How could it be any less from myself?" He spread his legs, exposing his unblemished tailhole. Never before had he entertained the thought of having something enter that spot...but if anything was worthy of overcoming that, it was his own luscious cock.

Fisk was prepared to deliver, climbing onto the bed over Risk, positioning himself tantalizingly at his entrance. He pushed in slowly, giving Risk the chance to savor the feel of being penetrated for the first time. Risk grasped at the bedsheets, throwing his head back in wanton pleasure; there was no discomfort at all, it was simply a fantasy after all, and he felt nothing but a fantastic fullness which rose as Fisk went deeper, rubbing up against his prostate wonderfully as he fit himself all the way in. "'s so incredible..."

"It will get even better very soon." With that promise, Fisk drew himself out, earning another long and unsteady moan from his original, then re-entered, slightly faster but still taking it at an easy pace. It was doing wonders for Risk, so he kept at that way, a slow rate of thrusting accompanied by rubbing the dragon's body with a free hand, touching all those spots he instinctively knew would heighten the euphoria of the experience. That roaming hand was like a lightning rod to Risk, sending a jolt through him every time it touched a different hot spot on his body, combining with the rubbing of that cock inside him to create something as close to perfection as he could imagine.

Then Fisk sped up, his hand becoming occupied with keeping him stable as his cock started giving Risk the full experience, the pleasure becoming more of a constant and driving him wild. Instead of his hand, Fisk used his mouth, licking and nibbling at Risk's shoulders and face, sending shivers through him each time, overwhelming him with raw experience. Once again Risk had to wonder how his clone knew so well how to do this when he himself had no experience with sex with males, though it was a thought that escaped capture quickly, as did all others under the hurricane of ecstasy swirling in his head.

Risk knew that Fisk was close when he felt his own pleasure swell past the point of no return, his body intent to climax despite his efforts to prolong it. His hands went from the covers to Fisk's body, holding him tight as he let out a cry, his cock surging and seed shooting out all over him, while at the same time Fisk did the same inside him, his bowels filling with the wonderful essence of his own self, adding to that full sensation to which he had nothing to compare. The two held each other close as they rode out the peak, which felt even longer than the first one, a seemingly endless rush of pleasure that gripped them both until it was good and ready to let go.

When it finally did, and Risk came down from that high, from the heat of the moment that had him under such a was only then that he became cognizant again of how unusual this fantasy had been. "That was, without question, the most surreal experience of my life."

"Undoubtedly so," Fisk replied with a grin. "Yet, you adjusted rather quickly."

"Indeed...unexpected as it was, I find it quite hard to dislike it. After all, is still is a pleasure fantasy, even if the role was filled by an unexpected player. My only regret is that this will not bring me closer to my goal of finding my real-life mate."

"Perhaps not, but is that what you're really looking for? Maybe this is a sign for you to look deep into your desires, understand what they are and why they are there...and you may find that what fulfills you is not what you expect."

"Mmm...maybe there's that..." Suddenly Risk felt himself drifting away again, the same sensation as when he was entering the fantasy. Over already? What a shame, he wanted to hold Fisk some more...but there was nothing for it, it was time to wake back up.

"Remember, seven days...and perhaps you will see me again..."

Risk's eyes fluttered open. He was on his bed, in his room, exactly as he had been when the fantasy had started. Though memories of the sensations he had felt during his time under the spell remained, in some nebulous fashion that wasn't quite exact but was close enough to keep the fantasy well alive in his head, his body was as it had been, untouched and unused. Truly, only a fantasy, which he was grateful for...the effects of other charms on the real body was one of the deep drawbacks that they had.

He looked at the charm again, twirling it in his fingertips. The thrum of magic still remained, but was considerably dampened, and he knew it would be some time before it recovered. Seven days, in fact...a smile came to his face as he recalled the last words of his fantasy self. Perhaps, indeed, some self-reflection was in order, an assessment of what he really wanted. Such an experience as he had could scarcely be replicated in the real world - any clone or mirror of the self never truly came out exactly as the original did - but he found himself wondering if he really needed that, or if perhaps his fantasies were all that mattered all along. The answers were not there yet, but he was sure time would take care of them.

One week...well, that is a good thing. Such pleasure could certainly become addictive...I should pace myself anyway. But I will certainly be indulging in that again. He placed the charm back on his dresser and hummed to himself as he made for the shower. And they say there aren't any perks to loving yourself so much.