Chapter 8: Reckonings

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#8 of Those College Years

Hey there! After a frenzied session of writing, here is the shocking resolution to the events from Chapter 7 (it may not be shocking, but that's a great tagline^^)! As always, a big thanks to all my readers *hugs*.

Of course, the following contains adult material, etc. etc. blah blah blah.


* * *

"I can explain," Tyler repeated, panting.

The scene, however, required little explanation. Ty was red-faced, gasping, and bent over a pool of his own cum. Meanwhile, Mark's cock was firmly lodged within him, the swollen knot still sending twitches of pleasure down the grey wolf's small body. For his part, the large wolf had frozen when his eyes fell upon the figure in the doorway; his arms were still wrapped firmly around Ty's torso, with one paw rather indelicately grasping the small wolf's shaft. Both animals were panting wildly, leaving little up to the imagination of the viewer.

"I'm sure you can," his mom replied coolly. There was no mistaking the rage and shock thinly veiled within her voice. "I'll see you in the car," she spat, fighting to contain herself. "Just you," she added quickly, her eyes darting imperceptibly to Mark's crotch. She knew quite well that her son had to be tied to the larger wolf, and likely would be for some time. Trying to fight the disgust welling up within her, she turned and walked slowly out of the room.

"I'll wait in the car," she called over her quickly receding shoulder.

Ty gulped as she left, the previous moment's bliss almost entirely forgotten by now.

"Shit," the small wolf breathed quietly. Knowing his parents, there was no avoiding what was about to come. He started to shiver in fear, the cold air of the room invading even the thick fabric of his tux.

Suddenly, Mark came about, his mind just now registering what had occurred. With a sickening sense of dread, he pulled his wolf upright, numb to the spasms which still quivered across his still-hard member. He could feel the small animal starting to tremble beneath him, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the sensation.

"Honey?" he asked quietly, squeezing Ty comfortingly and leaning in to nuzzle his neck.

Growling in frustration, the grey wolf pulled his head away, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. Every fiber of his being was trying to tell himself that he hadn't just been caught by his own mother, but his conscious mind knew better. This storm was not one to be dodged for long.

"They're gonna kill me," he said, his voice starting to break. He could only imagine the repercussions awaiting him, and those visions were far from pleasant.

"Well, they have to go through me first," Mark replied with a smile. He felt Ty's body relax slightly at those words.

"Thanks, babe," the small wolf replied, squeezing Mark's arms close to his own chest. "But I think this is one fight I have to tackle on my own."

"Bullshit," the larger wolf responded immediately. He had no intention of letting his lover face this alone. "You're not doing this without me," he quickly added, sensing a rebuke from his partner.

Ty smiled weakly. "I really do appreciate it," he said, leaning back into Mark's chest and sighing, "but having you around right now is probably not the best idea." The small wolf's heart skipped a beat as he said those words, and he looked up into the face of his lover, his vivid green eyes pleading for understanding. "I love you too much for that."

Mark smiled back reassuringly. "And I feel exactly the same way," he whispered gently.

The white wolf could feel the pressure in his crotch starting to slacken, and with one quick movement, he pulled his member out of the smaller animal. Ty gasped before turning around and leaping into Mark's chest, catching the larger fur entirely by surprise. His arms clasped tightly around the white wolf's neck, and Mark could feel warm tears starting to run down his back.

"It's ok," he murmured, pulling Ty close and slowly rocking his shaking body from side to side. He ran one paw up and down the small wolf's back, gently ruffling his fur as he went. With a sigh, the larger wolf placed his head atop Ty's, closing his eyes and humming quietly.

"I don't wanna," Ty whimpered, digging his muzzle into Mark's shoulder.

"But you hafta," the larger wolf answered, giving the small wolf's face a couple of affectionate licks. Ty's ears were pulled down close to his head now, and his tail rested firmly between his legs. Mark had never seen his wolf so scared before, and another quick pang of guilt shot down his spine. He knew from experience, though, that this situation would be a lot less painful if dealt with now.

"Ok, little wuff," he said finally, pulling away from the smaller fur. "Your parents are waiting."

Ty's face drooped in disappointment, and Mark's heart melted at the sight. Screwing up his resolve as best he could, the larger wolf started to don his clothes once more. His mind was screaming at him to protect his love, to shield him from all that might do the grey wolf harm, but his rationality prevailed.

"You're overreacting, little guy," Mark said with a grin, pulling Ty close once more. "It's not gonna be as bad as you think."

Ty looked back with suspicion.

"You don't know my parents like I do," he replied, earning a low chuckle from his partner.

"No, wuff," Mark answered with a laugh, "but I do know you." He nuzzled him affectionately, running a loving paw up the small wolf's side. "And it can't be any worse than that."

A smile pulled now at the corner of Ty's lips. His heart knew Mark was right, and that was really all he needed to know.

"I love you," Ty whispered, planting a quick kiss on the larger wolf's lips.

"I love you too," he answered warmly, "and I'll be here when you get back."

Ty simply smiled in response. Mark would always be there for him, that much he knew. With that warm thought floating in his mind, the grey wolf turned and walked from the room, bracing himself for the most awkward car ride of his life.

* * *

Ty fought to avoid eye contact with his parents, trying instead to focus on the mug of hot chocolate steaming between his paws. His ears pressed firmly against his head as he hunched over the kitchen table, attempting to make himself as small a target as possible. Occasionally, he looked up to watch his parents pace back and forth, exchanging venomous glances with each other from time to time. Once in a while, his parents' eyes met his, and he could only look down in shame.

The ride home from Heading College had been one of the most terrifying hours of Tyler's young life. It had passed entirely in silence, a silence which had grown now so think that it was almost unbearable. The grey wolf's father had several times opened his mouth to speak, but his courage failed him at the last moment, and he satisfied himself merely by choking the life out of the steering wheel. Ty's mom had been unusually passive, as well; she never did anything other than stare straight ahead.

Now, a pall hung over the room, a hideous silence no one had the fortitude to break. A year ago, when Tyler had intimated to them that he might be gay, his highly religious parents had forced him to promise that he would never so much as think of another man. And now, his own mother had caught him doing so much more than thinking. Although he knew his heart belonged to Mark, Ty couldn't help but be wracked with guilt at the thought of how much pain his parents were feeling.

Distantly, the small wolf registered the sound of a door opening and shoes being kicked off quickly; his brother must be home. Risking another glance towards his parents, Ty saw his younger brother, Jacob, standing in the kitchen doorway with confusion scrawled across his face. It took only one glare from their father, however, to convince Jacob that his attention might be better diverted elsewhere. With a silent glance toward Ty, he turned and left the room, still wondering why his older brother had come so suddently and unexpectedly home.

After what had to be hours, the small wolf's mother suddenly broke the thickly hanging silence.

"Tyler," she said sternly, in a voice he had come to both know and dread, "what were you doing?"

Ty looked up in shock at those words. Did she really want him to repeat what she had seen in the dressing room? He studied her face carefully, looking for some clue, some indication of how he should answer, but to no avail. Thankfully, his father answered in his stead.

"Martha, I don't think there's really any question of what he was doing," the large grey wolf said scathingly. He opened his mouth to say more, but thought better of it, instead fixing Ty with a searing glare. The small wolf whimpered slightly in response, wishing he could just blend into the table completely. It was his father's wrath he had most feared, and he wanted more than anything else to avoid giving the large wolf any reason to explode.

"I know!" his mom replied angrily. "It's just..." She sighed, still struggling to come to grips with the reality of what had happened that night. "It's...he's..." She gulped as her mind grasped blindly for words. "He's another guy," she finally blurted."

Silence followed the statement, quickly filling the room once more with ominous, unspoken threats. Trying once again to avoid eye contact, the small wolf peered desperately around the chamber, noting with irony the large cross hanging on the wall opposite him, seeming to add its own silent disapproval.

How could he make his parents understand? If only they could see him with Mark, see their oft-frantic son comfortable for the first time in his life. Perhaps then they would be more open; perhaps then they could see how much their son needed the white wolf.

"I love him," Ty finally stammered, looking up with pleading eyes at the bemused faces of his parents. For a moment, he thought he saw their faces soften ever so slightly, but he dismissed it as nothing more than a hopeful illusion.

"You think you love him," his dad uttered quietly, fixing the small wolf with a cold stare.

"No," Ty responded with slowly growing confidence, "I know I love him."

His mom spoke up suddenly, moving close to grasp the table.

"How?! How do you know you love him?"

The question caught Ty off-guard. He had never really considered the question; he simply knew, and that was all there was to it. For a moment, the small wolf pondered in silence.

"How do you know you love dad?" he asked, cocking his head to one side.

His mother scoffed at the question.

"That's totally different. We're talking about -"

"How?" Ty interrupted her. "How is it different?"

She was taken aback by the sudden question, gently reeling away from the table.

"It''s..." she stammered, "it's just how it's supposed to be."

Anger was slowly starting to build in Ty's small body. How dare she deign to tell him that? His fighter's spirit was slowly ebbing back now, and he wasn't about to let his parents have that point unchallenged.

"And this isn't supposed to be this way?" the small wolf asked impatiently. As frightened as he was of his father's ire, the small wolf wasn't about to have his love for Mark demeaned like this.

Tyler's mother sighed in exasperation.

"You just can't have those sorts of feelings for another man, Tyler," she said; disdain was painfully clear on her voice.

Those words stung Tyler to the core, causing him to visibly shake as he rose from the table in anger.

"You can!" he shouted, warm tears starting to well in his eyes, "and I do! Mark makes me happy in ways I didn't think possible!"

"Don't," his father snarled suddenly, moving towards the small wolf menacingly, "say that mongrel's name in this house." He growled threateningly, the fur on his neck standing on end. "My son will not be some dog's bitch!" he spat, baring his teeth in anger.

Ty said nothing in response; he simply stood there, his upper lip quivering in hateful anger. Tears of despair were running down his face in small rivulets, dripping mournfully off his muzzle. In the corner, the small wolf's mother was sobbing pitifully; she could hardly bear to look at her eldest son now.

"You never understood," Tyler said suddenly, his voice chilled and level, belying the swell of emotions coursing through his body. "And I don't think you ever will. You don't know never knew me."

"How dare you?!" his father growled, moving suddenly at the smaller wolf with menace in his eyes. For the first time in his life, though, Ty stood his ground. With every thought dwelling on the image of his lover, he stared at his father and awaited the strike.

It never came. In a flash, his mother flew from the corner and grabbed the paw in mid-air. Her steel-cold eyes were fixed on her husband, fiery with pent-up rage.

"You will not," she said through furiously clenched teeth, "touch our son."

For a moment, the two stood there, saying nothing. Ty looked on in stunned awe; he had never seen his mother act like this, but there was no denying the fire that burned within her eyes. Even his bull-headed father soon withered beneath their gaze.

Confident that she had defused the situation, Ty's mother slowly turned to look at him.

"Ty, honey, we love you very much, and we always will." She paused. "But this part of your life simply can't be."

Tyler stared back at her in shock. How could she ask that of him? Mark was his all; there was nothing else. With tears streaming down his face, Ty turned suddenly and ran from the room, letting the front door slam as he fled from the house, his parents calling after him desperately.

* * *

The family looked up in mild shock as Mark burst through the door to Jayden and Ethan's room. It took them a moment to register that Ty was missing, and every eye was soon fixed on the panting wolf.

"Um, Mark," Ethan said slowly, "where's Ty?"

In a rush, the white wolf explained all that had occurred, sparing not even the most minor detail. He told of the cold malice on the voice of Ty's mother, how the small wolf had literally shaken in fear, and of the despondent expression that had been the last view he had of his lover. With increasing haste, he told them how Tyler's parents had whisked him off campus, quietly escorting him back to their home. Periodic gasps punctuated the story, and a sense of dramatic urgency hung in the air.

"So now what?" Mark asked as he finished his narrative. He was positively panting now, and they could see the glistening tears gathering on his face. Silence answered him.

The same thought flew through everyone's mind: Ty's father. They all knew and respected the large wolf; he was an internationally renowned physician, and among the most intelligent and kindest furs they knew. He also had a temper to rival Ty's, and - unlike the small wolf - the strength to back it up.

"We go get him," Ethan said finally, breaking the silence with his determined resolve and earning shocked looks from the other furs.

"What?!" Jake asked in disbelief, and Ethan repeated his statement with even greater vigor.

It was Jayden's turn to respond.

"Are you suggesting," the dragon asked animatedly, "that we drive down to his house and kidnap that wolf from his parents?"

Ethan simply nodded.

"Do," Mark said with hesitation, "do you think that would work?"

Ethan sighed. Evidently Mark hadn't heard this story, which was honestly not very surprising; the small wolf was not fond of sharing it.

"Mark," the golden retriever began, "let me tell you the story of when Ty came out to his parents. I know you haven't met them, but his parents are, um..." he paused to think of the right word, "emotional."

Mark's ears drooped at this statement; his mind was already conjuring visions of his lover at the unrelenting mercy of his father. He had heard at least enough of the small wolf's parents to know that it was in him that the threat lay.

"But," the golden continued, "when Ty broke up with his first boyfriend, he needed emotional support, badly. Unfortunately," he said with a sigh, "they were up at their lake house. The only support he could get was his parents. So, in a move that I will never fully understand, he decided to tell his parents that he was gay. Thankfully, that was all they found out for the time."

He sighed again; this next part was a particularly emotional one for everyone involved.

"Suffice it to say, however, that this was not a happy revelation. About, let's see..." He looked up at ceiling, racking his brain to remember the appropriate details. " hour later, we get a phone call from Ty. His parents were threatening to withdraw him from Heading and send him to counseling. We," he said, indicating the gathered family, "were not about to let that happen. As soon as we could get away, we drove up there and - quite frankly - informed Ty's parents that he would be returning to Heading if we had to drag him with us."

He laughed, "how they managed to keep a straight face is beyond me, but the sight of all of us gathered there, totally unprepared to make good on our threat, was enough. They relented, and here we are."

A pause followed Ethan's end as Mark digested what he had just heard. Now he understood why the small wolf had always dodged the question when asked about his parent's thoughts on their relationship. He had never imagined how dramatic the entire ordeal had actually been for Ty, and another wave of guilt wracked the white wolf as he realized what his lover must now be experiencing.

"Well," Mike said from across the room, rising and looking towards Mark, "let's go get your wolf."

* * *

Ty ignored the cold wind as he walked forlorn into the dark night. He vaguely registered that it might have been a good idea to grab a jacket before running off into the wild surrounding his house, but now was no time to consider that. Tears welled in his eyes as he considered what he had just done, but in the end, it was pointless. There was no going back now.

The only thing which brought warmth to his thoughts was the image of Mark. The sight of his wolf was burning in his head; his bright warm smile, the gentle expression on his face as he held Ty close, and especially those azure eyes. Even as nothing more than a warm memory, those eyes seemed to peer at his very soul, gazing past the hardened shell and into the small wolf's protected heart. He sniffled at the thought, wishing more than anything else that he could look into those eyes right now.

Without watching where he was going, Ty snagged his foot on a ground-clinging vine and fell to the ground. He cursed as he pulled himself up, brushing the leaves from his hair and looking down to see fresh blood on his leg. As if he needed more to bother him right now...

Part of him still couldn't believe he had walked out on his parents, but the rest of his being still shook in anger at their last words. If this wasn't true love, he consoled himself, then there was no such thing. If his parents couldn't understand that, it was their fault.

And until they did, they would be out a son.

* * *

Ty's mother gasped at the ring of the doorbell. With hope springing once more in her heart, she leapt up and ran to the front door, flinging it open in excited anticipation. She knew it must be her son, finally come home. She didn't even bother to hide her surprise when Ethan greeted her.

"Hey Mrs. Dougan," he said calmly, trying not to betray his intentions, "is Tyler here?"

At the mention of her son, the female wolf broke down again, bringing a concerned expression to the golden's face. Tyler's dad, who had just arrived at the door, knew immediately what was going on. Memories of that day at the cabin flashed briefly into his mind, and Ethan's inentions were apparent just as quickly.

"Tyler left," he said matter-of-factly, fighting to contain the worry that filled him. He had immediately regretted what he had said to his son as soon as he had said it, and now his thoughts were consumed solely by his safe return.

The golden looked back at Dr. Dougan in stunned silence, grasping to understand what he had just said. Tyler had run away; after all these years, he had made good on his ultimate threat.

"Well," Ethan asked slowly, "where is he?"

The wolf's dad heaved a sigh, and he began to explain the events of the previous hour. The golden's eyes widened as the story progressed; he had never imagined it would come to this. But as much as he disagreed with what Ty's dad had said, there was no denying they were now united for a common purpose.

"Well let's go find him," he suggested simply.

Ty's dad considered the idea for a moment. He had entertained the thought himself, but had dismissed it as impossible on his own. Perhaps, though, with two cars searching, it was a possibility. And regardless of how slim the chance, he had to take it; he had to make things right.

"Ok," the large wolf answered, moving to grab his keys. "Call if you find anything."

Nodding quickly, Ethan turned and ran back to the car. Mark and Jayden stared at him as he entered, expecting an explanation for the lack of Ty's presence. The golden explained quickly as he turned around and left the driveway.

"Where are we supposed to find him?" Mark asked with despair.

"Don't worry," Jayden answered with a smile, reading his roommate's mind, "I think we know where to go."

* * *

Ty sighed slowly as he looked over the river below him. He had come to this bluff often as a child; the whispering rumbles of the water far below could soothe even the most agitated nerves. The moon was full tonight, and it bathed his surroundings in a shimmering sea of white light. Even the trees seemed to sparkle, and the distant song of a nesting bird brought a smile to the troubled wolf.

With a wry grin, the wolf considered that day that had forever changed his life, the day that had opened the door to all that was happening now. February 22nd, to be exact: the day he had come out to his best friend. If not for that single - if inevitable - revelation, Ty would be a very different wolf today. And yet now he had run from his own home, all for the sake of the wolf he loved.

And now, more poignantly than ever, his love was nowhere near. The small grey wolf was decidedly on his own, with an angry house behind him and an indifferent world around him. His one rock was miles away, as utterly helpless to comfort him as the small wolf was to face the gathering storm.

"Mark," he cried out into the darkness, stifling another wave of tears and confident that no one would answer, "I need you! I need you more than I've ever needed you before!"

"I know," a voice said from behind him.

With a start, Ty jumped up and wheeled around, gasping at the sight. At the base of the small hill stood his white wolf, grinning, and behind him sat Ethan's car, idling with its driver-side door wide open. For a moment, Ty simply couldn't react, so sure was he that this couldn't be real.

"I'm here," the white wolf reassured him once more, "and you're crazy if you think I'm going anywhere without you."

No longer fighting back his tears, Ty sprinted down the hill, nearly losing his indelicate footing on the way. With a shout, he jumped into Mark's arms, wetting the larger wolf's fur with his warm tears as he clasped him tightly. Mark squeezed him back in reply, rubbing the small wolf's back as Ty snuffled loudly. The white wolf's face was equally wet when they pulled apart.

"Are you really that surprised?" Mark asked with a lopsided grin.

Ty responded by pulling the larger wolf's head down into a passionate kiss. He moaned in ecstatic delight as his hands roamed up and down Mark's back, tracing rough furrows in his fur. The white wolf returned the kiss with enthusiasm, his tongue forcing its way roughly into the smaller fur's muzzle. They moaned together as their tears mingled, adding a raw salty flavor to their embrace.

They were interrupted by a flash from Ethan's headlight's. Grinning wildly, the two wolves looked at the Volvo in mild bewilderment; for a moment they had forgotten about the outside world.

"Well, little wuff," Mark said with a stupid chuckle, "we probably oughta get you home."

Ty smiled back at him.

"I think you're right," he said, kissing him again as they headed back to the car.

* * *

Ty's mother was the first one out of the door when Ethan's car pulled into the driveway. As soon as she saw her son, she pulled him into a strong embrace, forgetting all the harsh words that had flown between them. Her son was safe, and that was all that mattered. His father was slower behind, but his emotions were no less intense. It vaguely occurred to Ty that he had never before seen his dad cry.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ty saw Mark starting to slink back towards the car, but the small wolf knew in his hearts that a change had come over his parents. Perhaps the threat of losing their child had opened their eyes, however slightly, to how much this meant to him. With butterflies parading through his stomach, he grabbed the white wolf and pulled him roughly over to his parents.

"Mom, dad," he began, his voice breaking slightly in fear, "this is Mark."

A brief silence followed Ty's bold proclamation, and Ethan and Jayden were half-ready to mount another rescue attempt. However, after briefly surveying the white wolf, Ty's dad slowly extended a paw.

"Nice to meet you," he said, catching Mark entirely by surprise. Shaking visibly, the white wolf extended his own paw.

"Niceameetyoutoo," he muttered in a single incoherent breath.

Ty's dad suddenly smiled widely.

"You know," he started, "not many people would have the guts to pull a stunt like that." He looked at his son, understanding slowly creeping across his mind. "That devotion doesn't come from nowhere. Why don't you come inside?"

Grinning, and on the verge of collapsing, Ty followed his parents and Mark as the four wolves walked slowly to the door. Before walking in, the small wolf turned to look at the car in his driveway.

"Thank you," he mouthed before walking in and closing the door.

* * *

Ethan breathed a huge sigh of relief when he stepped into his own room. He knew, however, that Ty would go across the world and back for any of his friends, and it was the least they could do to respond in turn.

"Well, that was fun," Jayden said sarcastically as the door closed behind him.

Ethan fixed him with a glare.

"Yeah, if you're into S and M," the golden said with a chuckle, "or you're just a sucker for punishment."

The dragon looked back with an oddly suggestive expression on his face.

"You never know," he responded cryptically.

For a moment, the two stared at each other. Jayden's intentions were clear as they could be, but as always, neither had the courage to act on them. Instead, the golden merely winked and returned his attention to the computer before him. With slight disappointment, the dragon did likewise. One of these days, he thought to himself, they were going to get over their reservations.

The minutes passed and grew into hours, and yet the two said nothing to each other. Finally, the dragon threw his hands up in frustration.

"This is bullshit!" he gasped in exasperation. "We both know that we're thinking the exact same thing right now."

An awkward pause followed the dragon's exclamation.

"I call bottom," the dog said suddenly, and Jayden nearly jumped in surprise. He hadn't actually expected that little ploy to work.

"Um," the dragon stammered, "uh...sure."

With surprising rapidity, the two animals quickly stripped naked, throwing their clothes into the corner. Standing in the middle of the room, the two stared at each other naively; as always, they were acting faster than they thought. Jayden noted with slight satisfaction, however, that Ethan's cock was already hard; the dragon wasn't far behind, and the sight of his roommate's shaking member was all the extra provocation he needed.

Savoring the cool air as it flowed around his newly-freed erection, Jayden slowly stroked from his base to his tip, moaning as he ran his claws around the head. A small spurt of pre greeted the attention, and Ethan whimpered as he watched. Moving in close, the golden reached out a hesitant paw and slowly joined Jayden in his stroking, earning an approving groan from the small dragon.

Ethan's own cock started leaking pre, making him blush. There could be no denying now how primed he had actually been for this action, and Jayden smiled wryly at the realization. The dog was clearly excited about the possibility of being penetrated for the first time.

Suddenly, and without warning, the dragon pulled themselves apart, earning a whimper from Ethan, who had grown used to sensation of their crotches grinding together.

"Well," the dragon said, lust dripping from his tongue, "bend over."

The golden hesitated ever so slightly before obeying his dragon master. He got on all fours and raised his tail, wiggling his rump invitingly. Licking his lips in anticipation, Jayden moved into position behind Ethan, licking a finger as he moved. Smiling excitedly, the dragon placed his hand below the dog's tail and inserted the finger quickly.

Ethan gasped at the intrusion, wriggling a little as his tailhole adjusted to fit the slick, wet invader. After a short moment, the dragon slowly withdrew the finger before sliding it all the way in once more, rubbing the outside of the sensitive tailhole. The golden retriever gasped and whined at each movement, unconsciously pushing his ass against Jayden's wrist.

The dragon laughed quietly. "Someone's eager," he chuckled. Ethan blushed in response, but the pre oozing slowly from his rock-hard cock betrayed him.

"Don't worry," Jayden reassured him playfully, "you're gonna be glad we didn't skip this step."

Ethan moaned loudly in response as the dragon slowly began to pump his ass with the finger, using every opportunity to stretch the virgin hole. Finally, satisfied that he had done as much as possible, the dragon slowly eased his finger free; Ethan whimpered at the new and unfamiliar feeling of emptiness. Their last escapade was still fresh in the dragon's mind, and he smiled at remembrance of that same sensation.

"You ready?" the dragon asked, moving his cock to the base of the dog's tail.

"Yes," Ethan whimpered. The warm tip was resting on his tailhole, tantalizing him, teasing him and making him moan with every movement.

Jayden planted his feet behind Ethan's, grabbing the golden's hips firmly before slowly applying pressure to the tight pucker. The dog began to whimper, and Jayden twitched in sympathy. He hadn't forgotten this part, either.

"This might hurt a little," he warned the squirming canine, who merely yipped in response.

Slowly, being careful not to rush his entry and harm his partner, the dragon slowly began to slip his cock into the golden retriever. He gasped as Ethan's tailhole clamped down on his shaft, sending a shockingly powerful wave of pleasure up his spine. Below him, Ethan gasped in turn as the dragon's member slowly eased into his virgin ass. His hair stood on end as the warm cock quivered within him, wracking his body with pleasurable sensation.

Jayden was panting by the time he had hilted within the dog. Ethan hadn't told him how unbelievably tight a tailhole felt, or how close to the edge you came when its muscles clamped down on you. Ever so slowly, trying to keep his instincts under control, the dragon pulled out, nearly exiting the golden retriever in the process. He felt his cock twitch, and he moaned as another wave of bliss coursed through his body; the dragon wasn't going to last long at this pace.

The golden retriever writhed and squirmed as Jayden pulled out; this was unlike anything the canine had ever felt. Every movement, even the slightest twitch, set his body afire with pleasure, and he felt his member shoot out another spurt of pre in response. Suddenly, the dragon pushed slowly back into the dog, eliciting a yipping groan from the canine. Jayden answered with a loud moan, the sound of his partner nearly driving him over the edge.

The dragon pulled out once more before setting up a slow, steady rhythm. Both animals grunted in time, the slapping of their balls adding to the noise. Their musk filled the room, and the familiar scent teased the nostrils of both animals, inviting them ever closer to the edge. The dragon's hands had moved ever so slowly, and he now held Ethan's shoulder's firmly, using the extra leverage to drive ever deeper into the gasping canine.

With a start, Jayden felt his cock spasm; he was hovering on the edge now, his vision almost white with ecstatic pleasure. His thrusting was accelerating, and they both moaned loudly with every grinding of their hips. The dragon's cock was pushing against Ethan's prostate with every vigorous thrust, sending waves of orgasmic ecstacy across the canine's trembling body. Jayden's wings quivered in time, adding an accent to every groan and yip.

Ethan could feel his own member starting to ache; his balls were pulling up against his body as the pressure yearned for release. Another thick gob of pre flowed from the tip of the quavering cock, signaling that the main load was not far behind. He moaned again loudly as he felt the dragon thrust even more deeply, and then once more as his partner's thrusting reached a fevered pitch.

Jayden was panting and grunting loudly now, every inch of his body screaming at him; his feral instincts told him only one thing: mate the squirming golden retriever. His cock was shaking within Ethan, eliciting screaming moans from the canine as their climaxes approached. Suddenly, and without warning, the dragon's thrusting became erratic and unpredictable. He could feel the final spasm traveling up his member, and he groaned as his load emptied itself into Ethan's ass. He continued to thrust as long as his member twitched, coating the golden retriever's gut with a second, and then a third, filling of hot dragon cum. The orgasm was the most intense Jayden had ever felt, and his head rolled back as he swam in the blazing hot fire of passion.

Ethan gasped as he felt the new warmth coat his insides, his body shaking in time with the dragon's every spasm. Within seconds, his own cock was twitching, and he failed to stifle a howl as a warm string of hot dog cum flew from the tip of his member. A second string soon followed it, leaving a warm, sticky mess on their carpet. His body shook at the orgasm, and for a moment every sensation was deadened except those which flowed from his cock and ass.

The two animals panted madly, adrift in warm sensation; neither of them heard the door open slowly.

"You know," Ty said, smiling at their expressions when they turned to see the grey wolf, "after tonight, it might be a good idea to lock your door."