The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:4

Story by DeamonPrince on SoFurry

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#11 of The Lusty Argonian Maid

Act 2 Scene 4 of my novelization of The Lusty Argonian Maid

Act 2: The Maid's Identity

Scene 4

Tali slowly opened her eyes, her body seemed heavy, she began to feel the fog rising off of her, and the wood of the ceiling came into focus. She lifted her arm and held it in front of her, she was in control of her body again. She sat up and looked around, "Is this real?" She said to herself softly.

~Of course it is real.~ The voice spoke in her head, weakly. ~I lost.~

Lifts-Her-Tail stood up, the blanket that was laying on her fell to the floor revealing her luscious curves and shapely tail along with her womanhood and all its glory. She struggled to hold herself up as the venom from the bite was still in her veins. She looked outside and saw night time, the sky was covered with clouds and she was in her dimly lit room as the darkness around it swirled holding enemies and predators she wished to never see. She turned away from her window and began heading for the door when she suddenly was no longer able to move her leg. "What?" She looked at her foot, nothing was holding it.

~Just because I lost...doesn't mean you win.~ She hummed softly.

"What?" Tali said out loud the demon of her mind now standing in front of her, weakly holding her side.

~Since I am weak, I am going to make you weaker. I've kept you asleep for days now, no eating or drinking, your body is almost in perfect condition for me to retake.~ The Daedra laughed, ~Soon I'll win again.~

"You don't make sense." Tali said when suddenly she began to cough violently, and with each cough more of her body lost feeling but continued to move. And with each cough more of the Daedric possessor faded away.

~I make perfect sense.~ She floated to Tali, as only a head and hand, ~Your sick body is easier to possess then your healthy body, so I'll keep you just sick enough until I have fully healed, then I'll invest more time into making this body more suitable for me, while killing you, and all while I seduce that succulent hunk of human you love so much.~ The demon was overpowering Tali in her moment of success.

"Please stop this." Lifts-Her-Tail begged the monster invading her mind. She felt her fingers slowly fade from her control and slowly the vision of her room began to leave. "Please." She said as her tongue and lips were torn from her, her room's musky scent slowly disappeared and she only heard herself, "I will not stop until I have complete control." And then silence, nothingness was once again Tali's prison, this time she floated in it, the feeling of gravity was gone and she was one with her mind, slowly disappearing into it.

Tali coughed one last time, and when she lifted her head she was smiling, a cruel inhuman grin. She walked to the door and opened it with no hesitation, the force of the door opening drawing the attention of everyone in the hall, butlers, the chef whom experienced that body, the Lord of the household who's hand immediately dropped to his trousers from his chin and covered his hardening manhood. "Hi everyone." She waved and all of the men waved back, drooling for a taste of her delicious pie, burning crotches desiring to be cooled by her spring.

"T-Tali..." Lord Corto began as he tried to avert his eyes, but with each attempt becoming more and more effortless until he finally gave into his lustful desires and followed suit like all other men around him. "Why aren't you dressed."

"You." She stepped out into the hall, her voice was stern and she was prepared for anything.

"Me?" He exclaimed stepping back for fear of his wife's rage.

"Of course sir. I am in need of a certain type of attention my master can only give me." Her words were drowning in the lewdness, her lips perking out into a kiss every chance she could muster, her sentence was finished with her hand raised to her mouth and she bit her thumb softly, "Please help me master." She said her eyes looking up at him filled with lust and innocence.

~NO!~ The weak voice of Lifts-Her-Tail sounded in the back of her own mind, her consciousness slowly clawing back to the surface and out of the mouth of the demon. She pounded on the invisible dome of her mind, trying to break free of the cognitive prison built to contain her. ~STOP IT!~ She bellowed, pounding what she imagined as a fist into the wall of her mind attempting to break free.

Tali felt her head throb and she reached out to grab Corto's collar and pulled him into her room. "Master. Please help me." She said slowly, puffing her lips into a kissing frown at the end of the sentence.

"I..." Lord Corto began, his voice catching nothing, failing him.

"What I it?" Tali begins as the door behind them shuts, "I only want your cream all over my face again."

~How does she know that?~ Lifts-Her-Tail's consciousness thought to itself as the demon's thoughts over powered hers and moved her hand down Corto's shirt, towards his pants.

"I just want my tongue to polish that thick manly spear until you release all of your lust on to me and into my lusty little mouth." The Daedra's words spoken by Lifts-Her-Tail's body, turning Corto's resistance into a game of cat and mouse. And the whore demon desiring nothing but to catch her mouse and steal the Argonian's body for a little mortal fun.

~How can you know that!~ The consciousness of Tali spoke to the her demonic guest.

~How do you think?~ The evil possessor said to her mental prisoner, ~I've been here since your first kiss with Corto, I've seen it all and I know you need him just as much as you think. And If I take him from you right here, right now, you are done.~ The Daedra laughed, ~First sex to destroy you, then I'll kill him to completely end you.~ She returned her full focus to reality when suddenly Corto pushed her down onto the bed with an anger she had never seen in him.

"Who are you?" Corto yelled at her. "Well Tali? Are you exactly what all those people in the Black Marsh said you were, or are you better? Are you going to rape me, or are you going to get a hold of yourself and realize how much I loved you before you turned into this fucking slut!" She stood back up with a huff and moved at him, to be answered with a swift shove into the wall and down to the floor.