Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 4

Story by Camophlo on SoFurry

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#5 of Half-wolf Pokemon Adventure

Note: I'm not the best at M/M but I atleast try. I can only (hopefully) get better the more I continue writing. I'm also bad at tags. Hopefully, this isn't that bad, but my hopes aren't high for this chapter. I will gladly accept any advice on how to make my story better. Have a great day!

A Night Alone

(Typhlosion's POV)

"Is that the last battle?" I asked Junior, who seemed relieved. He looked at Lucario and Zoroark in worry since the jackal and illusion fox were breathless from battling. When we left Santalune forest, we entered Route 3 which was full of trainers. Most of them knew Junior was a champion so like idiots they challenged him to a battle. Most of them lost, but Junior let some kids win just to see their little smiles. Many of the trainers were around Serena's age and had fairly strong Pokemon, but some were children with Caterpie, Azurill, Pichu and one of Kalos' Pokemon, Bunnelby.

Junior glanced at Lucario's and Zoroark's pokeballs, but he put them back on his belt.

"Santalune is just at the end of this road. You two can walk with us until we get to a pokemon center." Junior said. He walked toward me and went on one leg so that we were at eye level (since I was sitting down).

"How are you feeling?" Junior asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Hungry... I'm feeling hungry." I annoyingly said. As if on cue, my stomach growled softly. Junior chuckled as he helped me up and we continued down the road.

"Don't worry. I can buy you something once we get to the Pokemon center...Actually-" He stopped walking and turned toward the group. "I can buy everyone something to eat if you're hungry! And Serena-"

"What?" The honey haired girl asked.

"Maybe if you want......I-I can buy you and y-your Pokemon something. T-That is if you don't mind." Junior stuttered. He looked down quickly. I glanced at Junior and I was surprised at what I saw. Is....is he blushing?! I angrily thought. Why the FUCK is he blushing at Serena? My blood began to boil in anger at the thought of my mate loving that bitch.

"Y-You don't need to do th-that. I can buy s-something for my Pokemon." She continued down the road without another word. As she passed by us, I growled at her, but she didn't notice.

"Junior, are you ok?" Lucario asked worrisome. He slowly walked toward him, but stopped as Junior spoke.

"I'm f-fine. We should get going." He gazed at the dark, star filled sky. His brown eyes seemed to shine in the moonlight. "We better hurry to Santalune because we all need a break." Junior said then he gestured toward us. Everyone nodded as we continued onward.

(Junior's POV)

As we entered Santalune city, the first thing I saw was the Pokemon center. It was directly in front of the entrance and there were two streetlamps on either side of me. I would've ran in, but I was still helping Typhlosion walk. That didn't stop Lucario and Zoroark though. They both ran into the center without a care.

"Guys! Wait up!" I shouted at them. I entered the red and white building while assisting Typhlosion, but oddly enough there was nobody inside. The four of us began to look around and there was no sign of a nurse.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Typhlosion asked. His voice echoed throughout the Pokemon center indicating the silence.

"Maybe nobody is here?" Zoroark pointed out. Just then, a woman walked out from behind a double door with a red medic kit printed on it. She was wearing a white dress with a peach colored top. She wore white leggings, peach colored shoes, and a white hat that had a pokeball logo on it. Her hair was a deep pink with it being styled into two circles. She seemed confused at our presence.

"Hello. Why were you outside at this time of hour? Are you nocturnal?" She asked. My ears fell on my skull, but thankfully my hood was on.

"Well you can say that. We've been at Santalune forest for awhile and we were wondering if we can stay here for the night." I responded. She glanced toward my Pokemon then stopped once she saw Typhlosion.

"What happened to him?"

"Oh...well he's out of energy. While at the forest, he used Solar Beam and it drained him pretty bad. I decided to help him walk since he can't at the moment." She narrowed her eyes as she watched me. After a minute or so, Nurse Joy advanced toward me at a slightly fast pace. Once she was ahead of me, she reached into her pocket to pull out a small blue key. She handed it to Typhlosion instead of me.

"This key leads to the room at the end of the hall." She motioned to her left which led to a hall. "If you or your pokemon are hungry you can make something in the kitchen." She went back into the double doors once she was done talking.

"Hey, Junior let's get to the room. I'm tired and hungry." Typhlosion complained. "And once we get our alone time..we can ma-"

"Typhlosion, we'll get to that in a bit. At the moment, we should get some food." I interrupted. We both smiled (and I was obviously blushing) as the four of us slowly opened the door.

The room looked pretty normal. There was a brown couch facing a wooden table. There were also blue and red tabletops in the corners near the door. Each of them had a bouquet set on top of them. Beside the couch, was two leather chairs. At the end of the room, was a big cabinet full of antiques. It had many old vases, statues, and plaques. It seemed very dusty meaning it hasn't been cleaned in awhile. Besides that, the room wasn't very interesting except for two doors parallel from each other. I frowned in disappointment.

"This looks...."

"Boring?" Zoroark interrupted me. I nodded my head in agreement. I moved toward the couch and laid Typhlosion on it gently. Once Blaziken was out of his pokeball, he sat on the couch on the opposite side of Typhlosion, whereas Lucario and Zoroark sat on the chairs.

"I'll be right back with some food. Don't destroy the room." I told them strictly while glancing at the two fire types. Typhlosion and Blaziken dropped their gazes as they blushed from embarrassment.

"It wasn't my fault. Blaziken got me mad so we fought...with fire." Typhlosion said quietly. I sighed silently. Well might as well forget the past. I know how often Typhlosion and Blaziken fight. They never really liked each other especially when they first met (I'll explain at a later time).

"I'll be back." I said then I opened the door and left the room.

(Typhlosion POV)

After Junior left, the room quickly fell silent. Every once in awhile Lucario and Zoroark would talk to each other since they were close friends, but Blaziken and I didn't talk. We mostly try to avoid each other whenever possible. But, if we do talk we always argue or fight. Sometimes I regret helping Junior catch him.

"Have you noticed how Junior has been acting weird lately?" Zoroark asked Lucario (who didn't look surprised). Blaziken quickly turned toward him with interest.

"What do you mean weird? How has he's been acting weird? TELL ME DAMN IT!" Blaziken yelled at the illusion fox as he grabbed him angrily. Zoroark flinched in fright.

"I-I-I just kinda noticed. Even if I only been out for awhile, I seen him act strange whenever he's near T-Typhlosion. I saw this at the beginning of the journey because when Typhlosion talk to or gets near him, he blushes!" Damn it Zoroark! You fucking blabbermouth. All three of them stared at me in confusion. Lucario slowly took a step toward me.

"Typhlosion....do you know something we don't?" The jackal asked me. My face began to heat up from embarrassment.

"I...um.." I couldn't find any words to help in my case. Before anything else can happen, Junior opened the door abruptly and he was carrying a big silver plate. There were multiple bowls filled with food which made me hungrier. He was holding the silver plate in a waiter position.

"Anyone hungry?" He asked in a happy go-lucky tone. Everyone immediately looked at him and smiled (especially me). Thank you, Arceus. Thank you! I thought thankful. If Junior hadn't come on time, I may have been pressured into telling them the secret.

Junior began to happily give everyone their favorite food starting with Lucario. He gave him a plate of large pancakes with syrup already added.

"Thanks!" Lucario exclaimed happily. He took the plate and sat back down on his chair. Next, Junior gave Zoroark some chocolate cake since he loves sweets. Zoroark smiled gleefully as he got his food. Then, Junior gave Blaziken and me spicy curry with rice. We both had gigantic smiles as we accepted our food. We all began to eat, but I noticed something under my rice. When I checked, I found two chilly peppers hidden underneath it. I glanced at Junior, who just smiled warmly. I'll have to repay him somehow. I thought. As we ate, Junior sat down and checked his Poke-Gear. I heard the clicks signaling he was just scrolling through it. Once I was done eating, I crawled closer to Junior without him noticing me and I leaned closer to his wolf ears (since his hood was down).

"What are you doing?" I asked him loudly. Junior jumped in fright causing him to drop his Poke-Gear. A loud crack was heard from the fallen device.

"TYPHLOSION! WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled angrily. He growled at me murderously with his sharp fangs becoming visible. I was shocked by his sudden anger toward me. I didn't understand why he was angry until I saw the broken Poke-Gear. I picked it up slowly and studied it. The double screen was destroyed and pieces were scattered around the floor. It wasn't major damage, but enough to make it unusable for awhile. I turned back to Junior with guilt in my red eyes.

"Junior... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I asked him. He stood up abruptly and quickly walked toward the wooden table. He placed our four pokeballs on it with an emotionless expression.

"Do me a favor...and stay in your fucking pokeballs." He opened a door which led to the room and closed it hurriedly. He must be pissed off at me since I broke his Poke-Gear. Hopefully I can fix this. I thought sadly. I heard three soft clicks behind me so I turned around. Lucario and the others went into the pokeballs so at the moment, I was alone. Facing the door, I sighed with anxiety flooding me. Well here goes nothing. I thought as I entered the room.

The room was the same size as the previous one, but more interesting. A shelf with various books was placed on the left of the room while a computer on a desk top was on the right. A ceiling fan was right between the door and a large bed. Two small tables were on either side of the large bed. Each had an iron base lamp with a pokeball clock. Laying on the bed, was Junior. He was staring at the ceiling with one paw on his stomach while the other laid beside him. He wasn't wearing his hoodie, his shoes, or his gloves so his paws were visible. I slowly crept closer to him trying not to be detected.

"Don't you dare pounce on me Typhlosion." He said strictly. I ignored his saying as I jumped on top of him. He grunted from my weight as I snickered.

"Too late!" I taunted. "By the way, why was my mate mad?" I asked in an innocent tone.

"......." He stared at my eyes with a hint of anger. I had to get his mind off his anger and I knew how.

"Junior, can we mate now?" I asked curiously. His ears perked up from interest and he started blushing. He began to fidget slowly in nervousness. Yes! It worked. I thought happily.

"I-I don't know. I've never d-done that b-before." He stuttered.

"Really? You've never mated before?"

"N-No...and I'm a-afraid to." I saw the fear in his brown half-wolf eyes. "I'm worried I might mess up...or not good enough or-"

"Don't worry Fluffy, I'll teach you how to mate properly." I whispered into his ear lustfully. "But first, why don't we take these off?" I said as I poked at Junior's clothing. Without warning, I proceeded to slowly take off his brown t-shirt then his black pants. Once his pants was off, his red underwear was exposed. Along with what appeared to be a growing bulge. As I reached for the red clothing, Junior spoke.



"D-Do we have t-to?" He stuttered. His ears dropped down to his skull. He must've not trusted me enough to breed yet. But that didn't stop me. Before he can ask anything else, I gripped his bulge firmly. He yelped from the sudden pain I inflicted on him. I smirked evilly as I realized Junior was in my control.

"Now.. how about this. We are going to mate and you're going to enjoy it, Fluffy. Got it?" He stayed quiet so I squeezed his bulge tighter. He yelped louder. "I SAID GOT IT?!"

"Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok." He repeated hastily. "I g-got it! P-Please l-let me go! It hu-hurts!" He cried. Normally I would've stopped hurting him awhile ago (actually I wouldn't even hurt him), but he needed to be pressured into breeding. To do that, I had to be dominate. All I hoped was that I didn't hurt him too much.

I loosened my grip from his expanding bulge and Junior sighed from relief. I leaned closer to him until our muzzles and crotches were touching. His breath was steady but it felt uneasy.

"Now I'm going to take this off." I began as I tugged at his underwear. "And you're not going to stop me. Ok?" He nodded hurriedly. I reached for the clothing and began to slowly remove it. Once it was gone, his silver sheath was exposed. Before I can continue, Junior began to squirm from discomfort, so I placed my paw under his furry chin.

"I thought I said we are going to mate, Fluffy. Didn't I?" I growled at him. He cringed from fear as his ears drooped.

"I-I'm sorry, but...I don't w-want to-"

"Breed? Well...don't worry. I will lead and I promise not to hurt you." I whispered into his canine ears. Suddenly, Junior pressed his lips against mine passionately. I closed my red eyes as I melted into the kiss and I began to blush a light red. His ears rose and his tail began to swing quickly. When he pulled away, he smiled happily.

"Okay...I believe you. Just don't overdo it...please?" He asked sweetly. Instead of replying, I leaned toward his sheath. I knew he wasn't hard so I had an idea on how to get him hard. I stuck out my tongue and gingerly bushed it along his furry balls. Instantly, Junior moaned lightly. I chuckled evilly at the wolf as I continued to slowly please him. I kept licking his balls for about two minutes until I glanced up to see Junior's penis sticking out. The red appendage was about 5 inches long with veins surrounding it. There was a ball of flesh at the base of his penis meaning Junior had a knot. Drops of his clear pre were dripping from the tip.

I licked my lips in lust. This is going to be fun. I thought lustful. I leaned closer to Junior's wolfhood and I took a deep whiff. The scent alone could've made me drunk off it. It wasn't to strong, but it was enough. It had a light musky smell as well as a slight sweet scent. The right mix for the right mate.

I studied the appendage for a few seconds before I took the first 3 inches into my muzzle. Junior's pre tasted fairly well. Like his scent, it tasted musky and mild. If I had to survive off this, I would've. I began to bob my head up and down at a steady pace. I slid my paw under my mate's balls and I began to massage them firmly. Junior moaned and moaned in ecstasy.

"Ty-Typhl-Typhlo-sion! Ah!" He moaned loudly. "F-Fast-Faster! Oh!" I didn't argue as I sped up my bobbing speed. Four of his five inches was in my muzzle and coated in my saliva. As I worked on his meat, Junior threw his head back with his tongue hanging out his mouth. He began to involuntarily thrust into my muzzle with lots of force which caused me to gag. I continued to speed up until I managed his whole penis, including the knot. After awhile, I felt Junior's member beginning to expand inside my maw. He kept moaning loudly until it sounded like he was howling.

"Typh-losion! S-Slow d-down! I don't w-want t-to cum yet!" He howled. I don't think so. I thought lustful. I continued bobbing my head with incredible speed. I wanted him to cum so I can know how he tastes. Suddenly, Junior grabbed my head and began to thrust powerfully. On the sixth thrust, he reached his peak. Strings of his cum began to flow down my throat and flooded my muzzle. I swallowed the life-giving liquids in delight. I even lapped the cum off his softening meat. It had a light taste similar to his pre but tasted slightly muskier. Junior panted slightly from exhaustion.

"Sorry. I couldn't c-control myself, Typhlosion. I couldn't stop my instincts even if i tried. But, that was wonderful!" He exclaimed happily. "Even if I didn't last long...it's nice to know that we finally mated." He began to sit up slowly and put his gloves back on. I glanced at him with a confused look. My mind didn't understand why he wanted to stop. We just started! I thought annoyed. It was still dark out so we had lots of time to breed. A burning sensation began to grow in my stomach. I placed my paw on Junior's chest as I growled. I pushed him back on the bed as he blushed crimson.


"Shut up, Fluffy. We're not done breeding." I growled at him murderously. I pinned him down on the bed aggressively. Once he was paying attention to me, I smiled and I licked his black nose lovingly. Like I said, he needs to be dominated to breed.

"Now my little Fluffy, it's your turn to..." I thought for a minute until I decided on something. "It's your turn to please me. How about....you submit yourself to me?" I tilted my head in question. Junior just laid there. Quiet. Not a single word was heard. His ears dropped a bit but mostly stayed up. I wasn't sure if he was thinking or if he didn't want to please me. Either way, I couldn't take the silence anymore. I brushed my paw on Junior's cheek and he seemed to snap back to reality. For a second I swore I saw his eyes change color.

"Okay." He suddenly said. This caught me off guard as the silver half wolf looked at me straight in my eyes. Then out of nowhere, he pushed me off him and he pinned me down on the bed. I was shocked at his sudden strength. His member rubbed onto my leg as he smiled evilly.

"Junior h-how-"

"I said ok. I want to submit myself to you Typhlosion. To prove that I love you. To prove I'm yours. Your friend. Your lover. Your mate."

(Junior's POV)

Typhlosion stared at me, tears filling his red eyes. This was the first time I saw him cry. It was heartwarming actually. To see a strong, confident fire type being emotional. I was going to keep talking until I felt something warm and slimy poke my leg. I glanced down to see Typhlosion's appendage poking out his genital slit. My cheeks became crimson as I stared at his red member. Typhlosion saw what I was staring at and he grinned.

"Like what you see?" He taunted.

"Um...no-Wait I mean..ah!" I set my head on Typhlosion's shoulders as I slowly collected my thoughts. I felt our members brushing against each other, causing us both to moan.

"Y-You mean yes d-don't you?" He asked. I nodded my head in agreement. Typhlosion set his paw behind my left ear and began to scratch it. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the feeling. "Then pleasure me. Prove to me that you love me because words are meaningless unless followed by actions." Once he said that, something clicked in my mind. His words floated in my head as I stared at him. I couldn't ignore the feeling that I remember someone or something saying those exact words. Stop it Junior. I thought to myself. Now isn't the time for this crap.

"Typhlosion...where do I begin?" I asked innocently.

"You can begin with..this." He pointed at his member with a devilish smile. "Just do what I did and that should be enough." I leaned closer to Typhlosion's appendage and inhaled his scent. He had a deep musky smell. It also had a slight spicy scent, probably because he was a fire type. I stuck out my tongue and I easily brushed it along his appendage starting from the base. His pre tasted spicy and musky similar to his scent. Once I got to his tip, I gave it a slow, gentle kiss causing Typhlosion to moan in ecstasy.

"Jus-Just like th-that. Fluffy, k-keep it up." He said. I glanced at him and smiled. It was reassuring that I was pleasing Typhlosion correctly. This whole time I thought I would've messed up somehow, but I didn't need to worry. Now I had a mission. My mission was to make Typhlosion cum.

I continued brushing his penis with my wolf tongue until I was sure it was covered in my saliva. I pulled away from Typhlosion's cock and I looked at him.

"N-Now what?" I asked the fire type.

"Well. You can u-use your muzzle." I glanced at the damp member. Then, without warning, I tried to take his entire member into my muzzle, which resulted in me gagging. Typhlosion pulled me off quickly with a look of worry.

"Calm down, Junior. You're going to kill yourself if you try too fast."

"Ok....then how slowly do I go?"

"Enough so you don't gag. Ok?" I listened to him as I took his first 2 inches of his member. Typhlosion began to moan from ecstasy. Then, he reached for my ears and began to scratch them as I pleasured him. My moan was muffled by Typhlosion's appendage. I bobbed my head at a steady pace, so I wouldn't overdo it and my muzzle was beginning to be filled with his pre. He slowly thrusted into my muzzle as I sucked him off. His soft moans became low growls of pleasure. After a while, I was able to manage five of Typhlosion's six inches. I was enjoying sucking Typhlosion off until I felt something pull on my ears. It slowly pulled my ears up until I was separated from Typhlosion's penis. Glancing up, I saw that it was Typhlosion. Confusion entered my mind as to why he would want to stop.

"Typhlosion, don't you want to..um....f-finish?" He stared at me with a smile.

"Oh I do! But..I was thinking of finishing," He began as he glanced at my silver tail. "Somewhere else. T-That is if you don't mind!" It took me a second to realize what he was talking about. My ears twitched rapidly until they fell on my skull. I was enjoying the whole breeding thing, so maybe it could be enjoyable. But, I was afraid. Afraid that he'll hurt me.

I bit my lip (which hurt like hell) in worry. Typhlosion saw my hesitation and he gave me a small sweet kiss on my cheek.

"Don't worry. We won't do it if you don't want-"

"I want to." I interrupted him. He seemed shocked but nonetheless, he leaned closer to me until he was whispering into my ears. His voice full of lust.

"Ok. Now here's a question. Do you want to be the top or the bottom?" I knew what I wanted. I wanted to submit myself to Typhlosion.

"Typhlosion, I said I want to submit myself to you. I want you to mate me, so I can be marked yours." Typhlosion suddenly hugged me with powerful strength and then nuzzled me in affection.

"I'll do all the work ok? All you need to do is enjoy it." He said full of lust. I nodded my head as Typhlosion began to put me in position.

I was lying on my back with my tail between my legs. I wasn't scared, (well just a little) but it was because I was lying down on it. Typhlosion proceeded to lift my legs over his shoulders and lock them in place with his arms. He moved my silver tail to the side which revealed my tailhole. He had a sinister smile across his face as he lined up his penis to my pucker.

"Junior, you ready?" He asked sweetly.

"Y-Yes. Can I have some k-kind of warning bef-" I was interrupted as Typhlosion thrust two inches of his dick into my hole. I grit my teeth to prevent me from screaming. The pain grew as Typhlosion continued to thrust into me. Even if his appendage was covered in my saliva, it still didn't enter as smoothly as I hoped. Tears began to fall slowly from the pain.

Typhlosion had his eyes closed and his tongue out as he thrusted in lust, so he couldn't see that he was hurting me. I tried to talk, but the pain was too much to handle. So instead, I yelled.

"TYPHLOSION!" He suddenly opened his eyes and immediately stopped thrusting.

"Oh Arceus! Numquid faciam tibi?" He asked quickly.

"W-W-What?" I replied. My voice was quiet and broken from the pain. What the hell did he say? I thought.

"S-Sorry. Did I hurt you?" He asked concernedly. I nodded my head quickly. Typhlosion's gaze dropped onto his member and my tailhole. He looked heartbroken. Suddenly, he began to pull his appendage out of my pucker. This worried me. I wasn't sure if he'll want to breed like this again if I don't stop him from pulling out.

"Don't pull out Typhlosion! Please. Just...let me adjust..t-to the p-pain." I pleaded. He stared at me in disbelief, but he understood. He leaned down toward me and kissed my cheek. Through the pain, I made a half smile. Typhlosion gently caressed my silky, silver fur with passion in his red eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Junior. I don't know why I-"

"Typhlosion, it's o-okay. I know you wouldn't purposely hu-hurt me." I interrupted him. He smiled warmly then slowly scratched my ears. I closed my brown eyes as I enjoyed the feeling. I slowly purred which caused Typhlosion to chuckle.

After about 5 minutes, the pain was slowly replaced with pleasure. I signaled Typhlosion to continue and he nodded. He began to thrust into me at a slower pace and I moaned in ecstasy as he penetrated me. The hot appendage quickly warmed my anal canal. I threw my head back as my moans got louder. The fire type closed his eyes when half his member was inside me. His flame collar was set ablaze. Beads of sweat trickled down our foreheads from the intense heat.

"Ty-Ty-Typh-losion..H-Harder! F-Fast-Faster!" I moaned abruptly. Typhlosion immediately started to thrust faster and harder. His whole member went deeper inside me with incredible speed.

Typhlosion pulled his whole member out (besides the tip) and shoved it all back in forcefully. I moaned his name as I was being bred. I felt my appendage beginning to throb indicating I was close to cuming. Typhlosion saw my member throb, so he reached for it and began to jerk me off. I moaned as he pumped my shaft in rhythm to his thrusting. A sudden surge of pleasure went through me as Typhlosion hit my prostate.

"Ty-phlo-sion! I'm g-gonna c-cum!" I moaned in ecstasy. He sped up his pumping speed and kept thrusting into my prostate. Our blushes became dark red from our pleasure. I tried to prevent myself from cuming, but it was in vain. I howled as ropes of my cum shot out quickly. It splattered all over my chest as well as Typhlosion's chest and paw. I felt my muscles squeeze around Typhlosion's penis, causing him to moan loudly.

"Y-You're..so t-tight!" He stated. He continued to jab my prostate without stopping. I felt his member throbbing inside me, wanting to release. Suddenly, Typhlosion thrusted with tremendous force as he reached his peak.

"I'm..I'm C-Cuming!" He yelled. Then, strings of his hot liquids began to slowly flow through me. We both moaned in ecstasy as my body was filled with his cum. I felt overjoyed as I accepted his seed.

He collapsed on top of me once he finished cuming. He kept his member inside me to make sure it all stayed in me. We both panted heavily from exhaustion. Typhlosion weakly lifted his paw up to his muzzle and slowly licked my cum off it. He looked delighted from the taste.

"You taste really good! Want to try?" He asked sweetly. I hesitated for a second, but I decided to atleast try. I leaned toward him and I licked my white liquid off his paw in satisfaction. I never knew I tasted this good. I kept licking the cum until Typhlosion's paw was licked clean. He growled at me weakly.

"Hey! I still wanted some!" He stated angrily. I made a small smile, which revealed my fangs. I weakly nuzzled Typhlosion causing him to smile. A blush clear on his face. He slowly leaned toward my ears and whispered. His voice was full of lust.

"Ready for round 2?"

Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 5

_The Queen Of Pests: Here Comes Viola!_ (Junior's POV) I awoke from the sun shining through an opening in the window's curtains. It shone directly into my brown wolf eyes. I groaned as I slowly tried to get up, but something heavy was on top of...

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 3

Secrets & Rivals (Typhlosion's POV) I fucking hate Serena. Ever since she joined us, she wouldn't leave Junior alone for even a second. When we entered Santalune forest, all they have been doing was talk about Kalos and Johto. I ignored what Serena...

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 2

_Choices _ (Zoroark's POV) I felt sorry for Lucario. Out of everyone, he was the most depressed about the news of Junior's condition. He knew the chance of him getting better were slim but he still hoped for it. Everyday he was at his side for the...

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