Life In Training -Chapter 2 - The ties that bond

Story by Lost Soul on SoFurry

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#2 of Life In Training

A loud metallic clang of someone banging against the door woke us all up, "Get up, 5 minutes and your moving onto the cruiser." As we dressed I noticed how muscular the others were, even Morton who was supposedly rubbish at fighting had muscles rippling on his chest.

Fully dressed the door opened to show the same lieutenant who had lead us before and he took us through a maze of corridors to finally reach a elevator. "You'll take this elevator to the 2nd floor and proceed to the door ahead of you and complete the written exam; after that someone will lead you to your new quarters. After lunch you'll be taken in pairs for a medical and fitness exam."

As the lift doors closed, Skara said, "written test? I thought this was meant to be a training exercise not exam."

The lift doors opened suddenly and a leopard standing infront of us answered the question; "the exam is simply to test an overall knowledge and help pinpoint weak areas that need to be enforced."

He led us through to a massive hall lined with chairs and desks; "Answer the questions in your own time, I'll take you to your new home when you're done."

We took seats next to each other and started the test. I started to have déjà vu from school; the test was so similar to exams I had taken. A large portion of the questions I couldn't answer let alone start to comprehend, ‘explain the dynamics of the hyperdrive engine, and describe in detail how it works,' ‘list the common armaments on a fighter squadron that are commonly launched from the cruiser.'

Several questions were rather straight forward and some even asked about the procedure in firing different weapons. When I was 15 my dad had decided to start teaching me in the art of fire arms, I'd quickly learned how to assemble a weapon, clean it and fire it properly, so I was able to anwer most of them with ease. A large majority of the questions also covered mathematical sums, geographical questions, label diagrams of the body and describe how to stop it bleeding, and even asked about moral reasons of why to fight.

Unfortunately the final questions were on historic battles, and typically it asked in detail all the information you knew on the Cyclar Mudflats Disaster. This was the battle I could recount so clearly in my head from my dads' memories. I could vision him dropping off in a transport and on the frontlines as the two armies met; he knew little of why they were fighting or what the strategic value of the land was, only that to win meant to survive.

By the time I'd finished I'd written nearly an essay for the last question and my eyes were heavy with tears at revisiting those memories. Getting up I handed the paper to the leopard and noticed that everyone else had already finished.

Morton noticed my eyes were red, and despite seeming shy around me, asked, "Are you ok?" his voice sounded quite concerned.

I smiled at him, he seemed to finally be losing his shyness, "I'm fine, it's just that my dad was in the Cyclar Mudflats."

"But that was over 20 years ago, and... " said Ventrell, pausing with realisation, "so your dad was the lone survivor, little is known about him except he quit shortly afterwards."

"Please, If you don't mind, it's quite a delicate subject."

We were lead to another elevator and shown off into yet another metal corridor. I noticed immediately that the architecture was substantially different and I was proven correct when the leopard gestured wide, "Welcome to the Odyssey, your home for the next year. Morton and Shane, please go down this corridor and take the first right, a instructor will meet you there. Skara and Ventrell follow me, I'll take you to your quarters.

Following the directions we entered what looked like a small race track, in the center were weights and various exercising machines. A cheetah in a jogging clothes stepped forwards, "Alright, you'll be having several hours on two days a week for exercise; this day is primarily to test how fit you currently are. 20 laps around the track. GO!"

Jolted into action we started to jog around the track, after the first two laps I figured 20 laps must equal 6 miles. As we ran I decided to use the time alone to ask some questions and answer a couple suspicions of mine.

"So Morton, back on the bus what was with all the stares?"

Morton stumbled slightly, shocked by the question but quickly recovered, "err, it was nothing, just, erm" he stuttered, his face blushing slightly underneath his fur.

I smiled, certain that my suspicions were correct, "I'm surprised you like me, being a human and all."

"Why wouldn't I like you, I mean, in a friendly way."

"But it's a but further than just friends isn't it?"

"Yes," admitted Morton after a long pause.

"Don't worry, your quite handsome yourself,"

"I am? You mean you don't mind?"

"No, not really."

Once we'd finished the laps we were put onto the machines; how many press-ups in a minute, constant rowing for five minutes upstream. After an hour of exercising with a five-minute break in the middle, the instructor declared we were finally done.

The leopard from before appeared with Skara and Ventrell and took us to our quarters. Our bedrolls and spare clothes had already been unpacked for us so we rested on the beds opposite each other.

After five minutes Morton stood up hesitantly, I sensed he wanted to ask something and stood up as well. "Shane, there's something I've wanted to do since I first saw you," He stepped forward and grabbing my head kissed me passionately. I was so surprised that my eyes flew wide open and it took me several seconds to realise that Morton's tongue was dancing around with mine. I closed my eyes as we kissed, holding it for several minutes.

Morton eventually pulled back, wiping a string of saliva he said, "do you want more?" I merely nodded and followed his example, taking of my vest and slipping out of our jump suits. When done we were both standing in only our boxers with fairly large bulges in them.

Morton knelt down and pulled of my boxers, revealing my 7in hard on; he licked his lips gingerly then knelt forward and began to slowly stroke me off. I gasped in pleasure at the touch, and the overwhelming sensation that followed as his incredibly soft paw slowly moved up and down along my shaft.

After several seconds he leaned forward and ran his tongue along my length; my whole body shivered in pleasure as he slowly tilted his head in engulfed my cock in his mouth, all the time I was moaning slightly from the sensation. I rested a hand on his head, ignoring the fact that he was a wolf with incredibly sharp teeth. As his head slowly went up and down along my shaft I scratched him being the ears, feeling the warm, soft fur between my fingers. The pressure that had been building down below suddenly reached a breaking point and I groaned as I climaxed into Morton's mouth.

Morton greedily swallowed the first few shots of cum then pulled back and stroked my cock, causing the last few shots to shoot onto his hand and face. Licking his face clean, he pulled down his own boxers to reveal a large, black 9in cock with a small knot already forming at the base. Using the hand covered in my seed he lubed his own cock, fully hardening it; with his other hand he pushed me onto the bed and said, "Do you want more?"

"Yes," I whispered slightly still slightly shocked by what I was doing. Morton grinned happily, "Prepare yourself then, it will most likely hurt at first but it will fade."

Positioning himself, Morton slowly probed at my entrance with his cock, listening to me moan. He suddenly flipped me over onto my stomach and thrusted hard into me. I gasped loud at the pain but after several seconds, as he said, it did fade and mixed with pleasure as he slowly pulled out, then thrusted back in, all 9 inches filling me.

He started to rhythmically pull out then thrust back in, leaving me senselessly moaning in pleasure and pain as he penetrated me over and over. This continued for a while as he started to thrust harder and faster. He suddenly hilted me and I felt him push hard, wiggling slightly as he forced his knot inside me.

As I gasped at the entry into me, Morton drew back his head and howled, shooting his seed deep inside of me. Luckily the door was closed and the room was soundproof so no one heard his howl. He ejaculated over and over into me then finally stopped and leaned over me, panting hard.

"That was fun." He panted into my ear, "Enjoy it?"

"Yes, tremendously so."

We stayed like that for a while for the knot inside me to shrink, eventually it became small enough for him to pull out. We quickly washed up, using a door we found that lead to a large bathroom with showers, rinsing each other clean. Once washed we dressed again and waited for the rest of the group. They arrived 5 minutes later, and we were taken to lunch; looking at a clock I noticed it was already 4pm, they didn't have much in keeping to a regular schedule.