With tooth and paw, chapter 3

Story by Vedrit on SoFurry

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#3 of Fates of War

What do you do when your whole world changes from what you thought it was?

Chapter 3: You only think it's a hole

As the hole widened, Vedrit could see a ramp, paved with stones, leading deep underground, lanterns with peculiar glowing orbs giving off a blue tinted light. With a thud, the doors halted, leaving a gap several feet wide

"How is that possible?" Vedrit asked in pure amazement. Never in his life had he seen anything like that. So many questions swarmed Vedrits mind, but didn't have the chance to ask them

"From here on out, you are not to say a word until your initiation is finished." The fox said as the others began walking down the ramp, "Now let's go. There is much to be done." He added and led Vedrit down into the earth.

The ramp went on for hundreds of feet, continuously lit by the lamps, spaced every few feet. For what felt like forever, the sounds of conversation could be heard echoing down the tunnel, though it was another long while before the group got reached the end of the ramp. In front of them, a large room was filled with people, a large crystal-like shard of who knows what hung from the roof of the massive room, illuminating the white stone walls, which also had lanterns of the glowing orbs.

"Welcome, Vedrit, to the First Chamber of the Rangers. Most of whom you see here are new, just as you are. Here, alongside your mentor, will you spend your nights until seem fit to move to the Inner Chamber." The fox said, watching Vedrits face as he looked around the chamber, amazed that there were so many that were new, and how much work it would have taken to carve out the chamber, and the engineering to suspend a giant crystal.

A wordless breath of amazement escaped him, and the fox chuckled, "Exactly what I did when I first arrived." He said, waving farewell to the wolf-dog and lizard from the group, "Oh, I never told you my real name. As you guessed, Kirtar was a cover, though he will be on official documents for some time. I adopted the name for the mission because Kirtar was once a real noble, though a mole. A corrupted mole."

Vedrit understood instantly what happened to the original "Lord Kirtar" and imagined a well-dressed mole face down in the middle of nowhere with three arrows in his back. He doubted he was very far off from what really happened.

"Tirar the fox, at your service." The fox said with an elaborate bow, and Tiania giggled

"Always such a show off." She said

"But of course! Were I anything else, I would likely be dead." Tirar joked, "And with that, dear friends, I go my separate way." And, just as he said he would, left

Curious, and still sticking to what Tirar said before, didn't say a word, but looked to Tiania.

Picking up on the queue, Tiania began to explain "I have been chosen to be your mentor, isn't that great?" she asked, "You're my first student, so I'm going to be tested as much as you, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you know what you need to."

That was a bit of a shocker. Having become accustomed to the army's way of doing things, being the student to a female was...odd. But no complaints. Tiania was cute, energetic, and Vedrit got the feeling that she liked him.

"So, first things first! Let's go and get you your things. Follow me!" Tiania said, taking Vedrits paw and dragging him into the room and through crowds of animals, to an alcove where a skinny, old gray rat sat in white robes behind a desk, various clothes, weapons, bags, and bed-stuffs were arranged behind him.

"Hello Reinhal. Vedrit here is new and needs the usual stuff." Tiania said with a smile

"Ah, Tiania! It seems like just yesterday one of the masters brought you here for the same thing." Reinhal said, his voice dry and wheezy, "So, young cat, lived through vigorous tests of these reckless Rangers? How many lives does that leave you with?" he added and chuckled.

Slowly getting up, the rat looked Vedrit over, and, without another word, took a dark brown cloak, much like the one Vedrit was already wearing, a polished bow of dark-stained wood with a black leather case, and pack with strings and ropes dangling from it. Arms full, he placed the stuff on the table before removing bedding and adding it to the pile

"Reinhal, should Vedrit have a sword?" Tiania asked

"Hmm...well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Hold your arm out for me." The rat commanded, and Vedrit complied, "Hmm...not very long arms, are they." The rat seemed a bit disappointed, and took the bow back.

After going through half a dozen swords, daggers, poles, pikes, spears, bows and crossbows, the rate returned with another, longer bow, and a medium length steel sword and plain brown leather scabbard.

"There ya go. I think that should suit you well." Reinhal said as he sat, a satisfied smile on his old face

"Thank you. See you around!" Tiania said in farewell as she helped Vedrit with his stuff.

As they walked back, Tiania led the way, and had light conversation

"I have a question for you Vedrit. Would you rather stay here, with the others, or join me in my personal chambers?" She asked, looking at him through the corners of her eyes

Vedrits skin under his fur turned red and a lump formed in his throat.

His pants answered for him as various thoughts ran through his head

"Follow me." Tiania said needlessly and winked, changing direction and leading towards another tunnel, Vedrit not far behind, wondering if the rabbit was for real.

Passing several side halls, many having doors facing the main tunnel, Tiania finally stopped and pulled out a metal key and unlocked the door and motioned for Vedrit to go first.

Walking in, an orb flared into life, illuminating the room.

"Set your stuff down over there." Tiania said, nodding towards a corner of the room to Vedrits left

Without much organization, Vedrit put his stuff in the corner and looked to Tiania, wondering what she had in mind.

"Follow me." She said seductively, hooking a digit down the front of Vedrit tunic

Leading him down a hallway, she pulled him close and kissed him "Do you have any idea of how much I've wanted this since I first saw you?" she asked, her want burning in her voice, leading him into what was obviously her room, a large bed in the middle.

Pulling him on top of her, Tiania laid down on the bed, her breasts pressing against Vedrits chest, nipples erect

"I need you so much!"She moaned underneath him, trying to remove all of the clothing off of them both. Vedrit was simply amazed at was actually going on. He had never been with a woman ever, and had no idea of what he should do.

Well, the first thing is easy; he thought, remove clothes.

It was a bit hard to remove their clothes, lying on top of her, trying to return the heated lustful kisses, but they managed.

"Please Vedrit" Tiania moaned again, rubbing her breasts and playing with her nipples

Kneeling over her, Vedrit looked over her slim body. The brown fur of her belly, the curves of her hips, the fullness of her breasts, the scent of her hot, moist flower. Tiania was intoxicating.

Still a bit unsure of what he was doing, Vedrit rubbed his long, hard member against the opening of her sex, both moaning from the touch.

Slowly, Vedrit pushed in, growling at the heat and tightness of her, Tiania moaning from the size of him. He pushed until his balls touched her ass, his back arched from the pleasure, and non-stop moans from Tiania. In the pause before pulling back out, Vedrit wondered briefly if she had been with anyone else. She didn't seem to that much older than him, but one could never tell.

With that thread of thought quickly abandoned in the pleasure of the moment, Vedrit began pumping her as deep as he could, his pace quickening, and pumping her harder with each stroke, until the bed shook with the force.

It didn't take long for Vedrit reach his peak, "I'm...I'm gonna..." Vedrit stammered, trying to delay the end

"Keep it in me." Tiania begged, wrapping her legs around Vedrits waist just above his tail

With one more thrust, Vedrits hot seed shot out in sticky ropes, filling Tiania's womb.

Moaning and groaning with pleasure, Tiania didn't let Vedrit go. She wasn't finished with him yet.

"Come here, my sexy calico." She said, pulling Vedrit down so he again rested on her breasts, and rolled over so she was on top, "One more time." She winked and sat up.

Vedrit, feeling spent and exhausted, wasn't sure if he could go one more round so soon.

As soon as Tiania started moving her hips back and forth, grinding against Vedrit with his member still insider, he really didn't care.

Again teasing her breasts, Tiania started bouncing on him, going faster and faster, faster than Vedrit thought a rabbit could go.

Feeling he needed to do something with his hands, he put one on her hip, the other just above her flower and started rubbing her clit, causing Tiania to sit, quite hard, and moan loudly, her muscles tightening around Vedrits member.

Seeming to have recovered from her moment of weak knees, she leaned forward a bit, her breasts hanging above Vedrit, lacking attention. Sitting up, Vedrit started nibbling on her nipples. Tiania could feel her own climax rising, gripping Vedrits member with near-climax strength.

A little bit longer, and Tiania threw her head back and yelled out in pleasure as she came, her juices spilling past Vedrits member and onto her bed, sending Vedrit over the edge, once more, as he shot into her again.

As her yell faded, Tiania slumped forward, supported by Vedrit, who slowly laid back, his new love on top, both breathing hard.

Nuzzling his neck, she whispered "I love you."

Vedrit was more than willing to break his silence to answer "I love you too." And could feel, somewhere in his exhausted gut, that it was true.