Shadow’s Recompense

Story by Spudz on SoFurry

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I managed to write this short little story on the side. Figured, since I haven't posted anything in a while, that I would throw this up. It was more of a challenge to see if I could write something short and sweet with less than 3k words. Hope it's a good read.

Thanks to Robert Baird for his awesome help as always. :)

Shadow's Recompense

Written By: Spudz

The vixen's eyes opened all at once. She did not move from her sprawled position on the bed, and instead listened. She'd trained herself to be a light sleeper, to rouse from a dead slumber in an instant.

The open balcony door let in the dirty neon light of the night street outside. A harsh shaft of color illuminated the Spartan accommodations of the dingy hotel room: a few shabby pieces of decrepit furniture that had seen better days, a lamp with the shade missing, an old and leaky bathroom. The worn bed that just barely fit in the center of the cramped space was well used, but still marginally comfortable. Off the beaten path and far from luxurious, it was the perfect place for someone who did not want to be found.

The din of noise outside the balcony door from Manila's nightlife provided the familiar backdrop of commotion. The hotel room was situated on a second floor right above one of the more happening bar scenes of the Philippine capital. Even with the steady buzz of activity outside, something had jolted her from her sleep.

The fox still didn't move. Only her open eyes betrayed her transition to the waking world. She had stayed here too long, she knew. It had been a week, far longer than initially planned. She had gotten sloppy. Stupid.

Her hand slowly snaked its way beneath the pillow. Her heart sank; the standard issue Walther PPQ she always kept at the ready was missing.

There was no mistaking it now. She was not alone.

Slowly the vixen sat up, letting the bed sheets fall from her naked fur. The bright neon of the street outside ruined her night vision. Her breath held as she scanned the room around her, looking for anything amiss in a space she had memorized down to the notepad arranged perpendicular to the edge of the nightstand.

A shaky breath. She was rattled, horribly exposed.

Maybe her gun had somehow dropped to the floor. Maybe it had been just some overly loud partier that had startled her awake. Maybe... maybe... please, maybe.

Her ears twitched at the sound of an eerie creak. The disturbed floorboard gave dreadful emphasis to the sight of a shadow, separating itself from the fluttering curtains. The silhouette was unmistakable: a gun, and the ominous profile of its silencer. All the false hope vanished.

Her luck had finally run out.

Muted horror gave way to resignation. She knew this was the end. There was no hope of escape. The shadowy canine that now stood before her, his profile backlit by the lights outside, would be the last thing she ever saw.

She stood alongside the bed, letting the covers fall the rest of the way from her naked form. The vixen grimly faced down the prominent muzzle of the silencer as it was leveled at her. "I was kidding myself to think I could run forever. Stupid to think it wouldn't end like this."

The shadowy figure said nothing. He remained motionless, perfectly framed in the open balcony door. The raucous nightlife outside went on in blissful ignorance.

She could make out his features better. He was a wolf, his fur a familiar jet black; one with the surrounding shadows. His yellow eyes held her in unflinching resolve.

Recognition played the vixen's expression as her ears flattened. It had to be him. She couldn't hold his gaze and dropped her head. "If there's anyone who deserves this."

At any second the muffled report through that silencer would be the last thing she would hear on this earth. But it never came.

She managed to look back up at him. Her words were almost pleading. "What are you waiting for? Do it! For what I did - did to you." She choked back a sob. "Please."

The hand holding the gun shook. His eyes still bore into her, resolute. A war was clearly raging in the lupine.

"Please," she implored again, nearly whispering.

He bit his lip as she shut her eyes.


The click of the gun's safety reached her keen ears. Her eyes opened again. She blinked in disbelief as he threw the pistol to the floor with a heavy clunk of metal on the worn wooden floorboards.

They held one another in an unwavering stare. An impossibly long instant passed.

The vixen moved to him; he met her halfway. Their muzzles locked in a fiery kiss, arms enveloping one another in the sudden throes of long repressed emotions.

She melted into his embrace, relishing the feel of his roving hands exploring her bare fur. Her tongue wrestled with his through parted maws, fighting for dominance. His scent, virile and intoxicating, infused her senses. It had been far too long.

He pushed her back heavily against the wall - the nightstand lamp fell to the floor, unnoticed. She craned her neck and uttered an enraptured moan as he nipped possessive at the exposed fur of her throat. That familiar hint of cologne teased her nose, reminding her of the past she had never forgotten.

She peeled his dark shirt off to the wolf's warning growl. His muzzle found hers hungrily again as his hands cupped her perfect breasts, thumbs teasing the tender nubs of her little pert nipples. He pushed her up against the wall harder, wanting more from the vixen.

She whined submissively, letting him explore and savor all her desirable curves. Enthralling. Beguiling. She subjugated herself to the powerful lupine; the only man who could have her.

Suddenly she was being carried, hoisted by the rump toward the bed. She wrapped herself around his muscular body and licked at his whiskers. Her heart raced like the ever escalating beat of a drum. Her breath quickened with every heady thought of what was to come.

He flung her roughly onto the rustled sheets. Her eyes never left him as he shed what remained on his clothing - dark attire yielding to even darker ebony fur that almost seemed to glint in the shaft of vibrant neon light spilling into the room.

The wolf's crimson length throbbed angrily as he mounted the bed. Her tail thumped against the bedsheets. She looked down through parted legs at the shadowy lupine that hovered just out of reach. His golden eyes were fixated on her. Close.

He pounced with a snarl, pinning her forcefully to the bed. She exhaled in a hissing sigh. His body was hot and heavy atop her. His breath wafted enticingly across her pointed ear. The wolf's length ground against her inner thigh. So close.

His hips shifted and a hint, a fleeting hint, of hot slick flesh met the bareness of her heated folds. The vixen gasped softly at how wet she was. Frustratingly close!

She whined softly, begging him to take her as his bitch. More than ever, she needed this... needed that engorged wolfmeat inside her right now!

A smile. The vixen caught just a trace of a smile touching the corner of his muzzle. It carried with it wicked connotations.

The lupine's hips surged forward in a show of dominant power, burying his entire length to the hilt. He snarled possessively, nipping at the vixen's exposed neck as she contorted her back completely off the bed.

An involuntary moan escaped her muzzle, dripping with carnal satisfaction. Every inch of his cock filled her, trying to split her in half. Her whole body reeled, suddenly consumed. "Fuck. Yes, Take me! Make me yours again!"

His teeth were bared, his eyes screwed shut. There was a battle of restraint as he slowly withdrew, pulling every agonizing inch of his sizeable maleness from her, torturing her so. The vixen let out a whimpering mewl at the emptiness his cock left behind. She needed that wonderful length filling her hot pussy!

The wolf slammed his hips forward, satisfying her unspoken appeal with guttural pleasure. She wrapped her arms around him, only to have them pinned to her either side by his. He held her against the bedsheets, claiming his bitch - he bucked into her again, and again, building a vigorous rhythm.

"Oh God, Yes!" she cried out, overcome. His every thrust drove her harder into the sheets. The wolf's cock pounded her mercilessly, stuffing her sopping cunt. The old bed creaked with his powerful strokes as he drove himself deeper into the whimpering vixen; neither noticed or cared about the headboard pounding increasingly harder against the wall.

The lewd slapping of his haunches against her quivering body gave hypnotic punctuation to every burst of pleasure shooting straight up her curved spine. His eyes were unfocused, distant - ears slightly pinned in heady delight. She watched his chiseled abs work to slam that wonderful wolfmeat into her over and over, harder and faster still.

His arousal drenched her senses. Feral and potent. Her whole body twisted and contorted beneath the wolf. She wanted more. She wanted much more!

An extra punctuation jolted her senses. His impressive knot, swelling fast, entered her rudely. Her legs wrapped around his haunches, drawing him harder against her with each thrust. "Knot me! Please!"

His rough growl answered her, strained by the instinct to tie with his bitch. His renewed vigor rippled through her body with every forceful surge of his hips. Labored grunts mingled with heightening cries of passion from the vixen. That knot, that glorious knot... swelled; his tapered cock hit all the right spots.

Resistance. A pinnacle moment that stole the vixen's breath; his knot slammed into her tortured folds one final glorious time, before taking her fully in savage finality.

Her body wound tight as a coiled spring, a strained moan spilling from the back of her throat. They were tied, destined for a wonderful finale. A welcoming tightness grew in her loins.

The wolf released her arms and she wasted no time wrapping them around his hulking shoulders, holding on for dear life. He humped against her quivering form like an animal possessed - his knotted length held them fast in the passion of lustful crescendo.

His muzzle parted, lips curling back to showcase fangs in a struggle to hold back the inevitable. The summit took violent hold as his body tensed with one last thrust of his hips, bringing their heated bodies together at that last heavenly edge.

The stoked fire erupted into a blazing inferno; the vixen was consumed, caught up in the ecstasy of a carnal release unlike anything she had experienced before. Her tail lashed violently between the wolf's legs, ears splaying back almost disappearing against her head. The pleasure was all-consuming, unrelenting, overwhelming.

The wolf leaned back as if to howl, his body shuddering violently above her. Only a weak whimper came as his cock gave a powerful jerk, giving the first thick spurt of his seed into her clenching sex.

She reveled in the shared experience, letting the waves of carnal satisfaction wash over her awareness. He rocked his hips against her, draining everything his balls had to offer. White hot blissful serenity - the perfect recompense for slights of the past.

Time was lost. It was not found again until some minutes later. The raging inferno died down into a smoldering ember, pleasantly aglow as a gentle ebb of their passion.

Her lover collapsed onto her body in a fit of pants. She welcomed his warmth and hummed softly as they rested together. His knot would hold them together for some time; she didn't want this moment to ever end.

The vixen felt the slight sting on her neck before she heard the hiss of compressed gas being released. Their eyes met as he tossed the medical injector to the floor. Was it poison? Was this it? Was she going to die in the arms of the man she desperately loved?

The nightlight noise outside the balcony continued unabated.

The world slowly started to fade away. She saw his eyes; they held her with a caring regard. His words were the last thing she comprehended. "You'll know where to find me."


The light blinded her dazzled eyes as she groggily peeled them open. Useful consciousness was not immediately forthcoming, and it was some minutes before the vixen managed to sit up in her bed.

The sun was up; it was mid-morning or early afternoon. The hustle and bustle of the nightlife outside had been replaced with the more muted tone of the day crowd and light vehicle traffic.

She stood beside the bed, grimacing as a stretch loosened stiff muscles. The sheets were a mess, and she was too for that matter. The wolf's scent was heavy on her fur. Only a memory of his physical presence remained from the night before.

Slowly, she put the pieces together.

He hadn't killed her. They'd be after him now, just like her. He had sealed his fate the moment he had decided not to pull the trigger. She didn't know what to think about this turn of events. She couldn't believe last night had even happened.

Her handgun was found atop the nightstand. A quick jerk on the slide confirmed that the chambered bullet was still there, as was the magazine. He had been thoughtful enough to leave it behind.

But there was something else on the nightstand too besides the broken lamp. Several plane tickets. Not ones she had bought herself. The first was a Cathy Pacific flight leaving out of Manila at 4pm. The others were connecting flights, tracing a path across several continents. The final destination drew a heavy breath from the fox: St. Maarten.

The memories came flooding back in a rush; a quaint little bar overlooking a gorgeous white sand beach, a black wolf favoring her with a sly grin and her favorite mixed drink, past exploits where it had all begun.

A smile played the corners of her muzzle. "Wait for me."