I Will Protect You - Part 4 - Starting Over

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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#4 of I Will Protect You

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my adult furry story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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Starting Over - I Will Protect You - Part 4

By Komatose © 2009

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"Okay everyone! Get ready!"

Carla always was the most enthusiastic, even when it came to a simple event like this. Everyone was gathered in her living room; her sofa, armchairs, and even the floor taken up to seat all of her friends.

In their paws they were all clutching unopened letters, some they had gotten weeks ago, but were told specifically by the Pomeranian not to open them until the set date came along.

The letters in question were all from colleges and universities, some local, some distant. Over the last few months of school, the students took entrance exams to see if they would make it into the desired location of higher education.

Laura sighed loudly as he stuck her buck teeth out from behind her lips, the rabbit was clearly unenthused.

"Carla, O-M-G, this is so not that exciting, most of us will just be going to nearby colleges anyway."

Carla gave the rabbit the eye.

"Laura! Some of us have big plans! This is the time to reveal the path we are taking into the future."

Laura rolled her eyes.

"Slow down, Turbo, don't wet yourself now."

Carla reached behind her and pulled out a frilly throw pillow and launched it in Laura's direction, only to hit Bill in the snout. She gasped and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry Billy!"

The bull turned his head toward her and smiled.

"Its ok, hun, just be glad you don't have a pitchers arm."

Drew leaned over to the bull and gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

"There, all better now?"

Bill smiled at the hyena and let out a short giggle.

"Yes, babe, I'm just peachy now."

Haley slapped her paws onto her knees, the lynx was clearly irritated.

"Ooookay! Can we open these stupid letters now!"

Carla nodded.

"Alright, alright, start opening those letters!"

The room was filled with the noise of paper tearing as one by one the envelopes were opened.

Heather gasped and hugged the letter she had opened.

"O-M-G! I got accepted into Burgess University! They have the best fashion designing instructors the state has to offer!"

Adrianna leaned into the Corgi and gave her a quick hug.

"Aye, chica, that is great! I got accepted into Hapsburg Medical College, I want to be a pediatrician just like mi mamá!"

Heather giggled and returned a hug to the Chihuahua, both of them laughing with joy.

Carla opened another letter and look to Amy, the human just sitting there smiling as she watched the others.

"Amy! Where are your letters?"

The human smiled and let out a brief chuckle.

"Hun, I thought I told you! I am going to Landcleve University for college. My cousin goes there and is offering me a place to stay and everything, its perfect!"

Carla's arms drooped into her lap.

"Oh that's right...I going to miss you, Amy!"

Amy giggled and nodded her head.

"I am sure you are all going to miss my furless booty! Don't worry, we can still keep in touch."

All of the girls nodded, smiled, and went back to letter opening.

Lastly, on the loveseat across from the armchair that Carla was seated in, was Blake and Wes. Wes did not have the best smile on his muzzle, since he had only three letters in his lap, all from schools down south. Blake, on the other hand, had quite the stack from schools all around the nation.

The German Shepherd placed a paw on Wes's leg and looked to him.

"Hey, hun, are you going to open those?"

Wes shook his head.

"Naw, ain't no real reason tuh. These're all from schools down south, an' I dun really wanna move back since I jus got 'ere."

Blake's eyes focused onto Wes's chest for split moment. He could see what was under the Bull Terriers shirt...the scar...from when he almost gave his life...just to save him. He was not going to let college tear them away from each other.

"Don't worry, Wes, I am sure we can find a school to go to together."

Wes looked at Blake, his emerald eyes focusing into the other's.

"Yeah? I jus' feel so dumb, yuh're real smart, sugar, yuh need tuh go tuh one of them big schools for higher learnin'."

Blake slowly started to rub the Bull Terrier's thigh with his paw, gently gliding back and forth across the jeans he was wearing.

"Wes, there is nothing that can take you away from me, the degree I want to start does not need to be at some fancy school for geniuses, any normal college offers it, we will be together through school."

Slowly, a smile came to Wes's muzzle, not the sly smile he was used to showing when about to do something playful, but a smile of gratitude.

"Thanks, sugar, college sure is gonna be a lot better if yuh're there with meh. Gonna need help with muh homework."

Blake smiled and rested his head on Wes's thickly muscled shoulder.

"Just like in high school, eh, love?"

Wes chuckled and turned his head to give Blake a lick on the forehead.

"Jus' like high school, sugar."

Blake took a moment to look at the letters he had not opened. Letters from Hamstead, Upsnot, Worthington, it did not matter, as long as Wes was there, he did not care where he would be going.


A lot of changed happened that Summer, it was one surely not to be forgotten...

Stan, the cougar who almost took Wes's life in a fit of rage with a deadly weapon, was now behind bars for assault with a deadly weapon. His trial would be soon, and most likely, he would be sent off to prison to serve his sentence, regretting every action he had made and throwing a big part of his life away, just to get revenge which he did not fully receive.

Things were going to change for the Lewis family after the death Pastor Gregory. Ophelia could no longer keep her rank as quiet pastor's wife and started looking for an occupation, and found it at the same hospital Blake's mother works as a pharmacist technician, the income and life insurance would be just enough to keep the house paid for and they would not have to be kicked out due to a foreclosure.

Blake's parents were completely gratified to have Wes dating their son, he proved it after his act of courage to safe his life. They told Wes that they loved him like another son and would do anything to help him if he ever needed it.

The next step in the lives of these once-high school students would be college.

Theirs fates were determined over the course of summer vacation. Bill and Drew would be attending Addison University up north. Drew was told how good of a university it was by his cousin who currently attends the school. They would not be the only attendees from Juniper Hills, Laura would also be going to that school. She was very excited to have friends go there, since the university was fairly large and there would be so many new faces.

Blake and Wes came to the conclusion to go to Cherryvale University. Cherryvale was the third largest university in the state and located in the city of Quincy, the same city the two went to on the shopping trip in which Wes revealed his sexuality. It offered plenty of different degree options, lots of dormitories and private housing, and at a price that would not put too bad of a dent in the wallet.

The two would not be alone, Carla was going to attend as well, and naturally, was ecstatic. Haley would be attending a two-year community college in Freeton, the next city over. Adriana, Heather, and Amy would all be going to different states for their schools.

The degree's were decided, classes enrolled in, housing chosen, supplies ready, and all that was needed was the eager students to make their big move.

The lines were all drawn out for them to follow, hopefully.


August 14th, it was a perfect day that day, the sun was shining down upon the town of Juniper Hills, making the colors really stand out in the trees as they changed to shed their leaves for the season.

Outside of the Fausten and Turner households, two vehicles were slowly loading with possessions, it would be the last day Blake and Wes would be living in Juniper Hills. Wes's truck was loaded with furniture, and Blake's car had boxes of clothing, books, and other smaller things inside of it.

Blake was trying to get the rear passenger door shut, pressing against it with all of his body weight as he grunted, cursing under his breath.

A voice came from the front door.

"Blake! You have too many things in your car!"

Sandra walked outside of the house and crossed her arms a few feet from her son.

"Are you even going to be able to see out of your rear window?"

With one final shove, Blake got the door closed securely.

"Yeah, mom, I can see just fine, I don't want to make a second trip."

She shook her head.

"It is not that far of a drive, dear, a second trip would not be that difficult to make!"

Blake smiled and walked over his mother.

"You know how I am, mom, I don't like to do things twice."

She chuckled to herself.

"I know you all to well, sweetie."

She uncrossed her arms and closed the gap between the two and have her son a kiss on his forehead.

Across the yard, Wes was tying the final bungee cord to his truck. A shrill voice called to him from the front door.

"Wesley! Yuh got that furniture all settled into yur truck, now?"

She closed the door and waddled over to her son. He looked at her and smiled, giving one of the cords a tug.

"Yup, looks all secure, I dun think anythin's gunna be fallin' out now."

She smiled as she gave her short, whip-like tail a flick.

"Yuh better not be loosin' anythin' now! Yur gonna need all that shit for yur 'private livin' quarters'!"

Wes shook his head.

"Its just an apartment, ma, better then them nasty ass dorms."

She waddled closer to her son, arms out and wrapping them around him in a hug, her head only touching the bottom of his chest.

"Tuh think, we just moved here last year, and yur already movin again..."

Wes placed his paws on his mothers back and returned the hug.

"Yeah, but at least I'm gunna be with the best guy in the whole world."

She chuckled as she patted his huge back.

"Darn tootin', yuh just make sure not tuh get shot again, Wesley, yuh already scared the shit outta meh once this year."

He nodded as he returned the back patting.

"I promise ma, I ain't gonna let no one take meh away from yuh, paw, or muh love."

After a few minuets of double-checking and securing any loose items, the two canine families were gathered in the driveway by Blake's car. Blake and Wes were facing there families, knowing that the last goodbye would be coming.

Blake's dad, Doug, broke the silence.

"Blake, Wes, today you will begin your lives as college students, I am very proud of both of you, I remember my first day of college...Heh...that's where I met your mother."

Sandra smiled at her husband and grabbed his paw, giving it a squeeze. Blake shook his head.

"Well Dad, I already met that someone. I just hope you all won't spoil Scott since I wont be here."

Everyone looked to the younger brother as he shrugged his shoulders.

"What spoiling? I am not spoiled!"

A few chuckles came from the group, making Scott cross his arms and turn his head to the side.

Austin, Wes's dad, spoke up next.

"Son, yuh be a good boy now and listen tuh yur boyfriend, he's a real smart dog."

Wes smirked as he wrapped his arm around Blake's shoulders, pulling the smaller dog into him.

"What yuh sayin', paw? Yuh sayin' I'm dumb or somethin'?"

Austin chuckled and nodded his egg-shaped Bull Terrier head.

"Naw, son, I'm sayin' yur as dumb as a box of rocks. That's alright, yuh get that from yur maw."

Mae snapped her head toward her husband and have him a stare, only to smirk and give him a rough slap on the backside, making him yelp.

"Wesley, yuh don' be 'fraid to give us a call every now 'n' then now, cuz yuh know damn well I'll be callin' yuh ever night."

Wes smiled at his mother.

"O'course, maw, the both of yuh know I love yuh both very much."

Mae could not help it, she threw her arms open and waddled to her son, her lip quivering as to hold back a sob as he made contact with him, wrapping her chubby, short arms around Wes's midriff and giving him a good mom-hug. Austin shook his head, smiled and joined in the hug, his head coming up to his son's shoulder as he patted his back.

Doug and Sandy saw the token of affection and followed suit, padding over to their son at hugging him at the same time, Doug on the left and Sandy on the right, Blake could not help but hug them back, since he would not be seeing them for who knows how long.

After the parent-son hug was complete, it was now time to switch the one getting the hug for the two parents. Doug and Sandy made their way over to Wes as Austin and Mae bounded over to Blake.

Mae was almost in a full on sob as he embraced Blake, still shorter than him, but not dwarfed in height like to her own son.

"Yuh take good care of muh little boy now, Blake, he's all I got."

Austin wrapped his arms around the two, one around Mae and the other around Blake, patting him one the back.

"Yur a good kid, Blake, I'm glad muh son is with someone like yuh, now."

Blake smiled as he hugged Wes's parents.

"Thank you, I promise that I always show Wes the same love that you two do, I am glad to have met you all."

Doug and Sandy firmly embraced Wes, having done so many times after he recovered from the hospital after the shooting. Wes was basically another son to them.

"Wes, again, we cant thank you enough for protecting our son, we know he is in the safest paws, you really are a perfect mate."

Wes chuckled at Doug's words, a blush easily coming to his cheeks.

"Dear, you ever need anything, don't afraid to ask us, you are family to us as well, I am so relieved that my son is with you."

After Sandy's gratitude, Wes was full on blushing now.

"Well shucks, thank yuh, thank yuh for makin such a fine son."

Wes looked over to Blake, the Sheppie's eyes met his and they both smiled wide.

The parents detached from their 'other' sons and stood back once again, Mae was in a full-on sob as Austin held her, her sobbing caused a chain reaction with Sandy, making her eyes tear as she embraced her own husband.

Standing behind the whole time was Scott, just watching everyone, waiting for the brotherly moment. Slowly, he walked up to his brother.

"Well, bro, You have a fun time at college now, I will catch up to you someday."

Blake nodded and put a paw on his brothers shoulder.

"Yeah, you have a good Junior year, too, Scotty."

Scott looked down for a moment and back at his brother. Unexpectedly, he wrapped his arms around his brother in a hug. Blake gasped, but slowly smiled and hugged his baby brother back.

"Thanks, Scotty."

Scott nodded.

"Yeah...take care now, Blake, I'm...gonna miss you."

Scott slowly departed from his brother and looked over to Wes, who was now padding closer to Blake.

Before Wes could make it over, Scott walked to him and wrapped his arms around the hulking dog, stopping him in tracks as he gasped as well.

"Take care of my brother, ok, Wes? Just like you did before..."

Wes placed a paw on the back of Scott's head, the other on his back.

"I promise I will, yuh can count on that."

Scott looked up into his emerald eyes and smiled.

"Thanks, Wes, you really are a cool boyfriend."

Wes could feel another blush coming on as he just let out a low chuckle, a paw coming to his head and stroking through his own head fur.

Scott released Wes and padded back to his parents side. Wes continued over to his boyfriend and stood next to him, taking his paw into his own as they looked at each other and grinned.

"Well, mom, dad, Mae, Austin, Scotty, its time for us to get going, umm, we will call you when we arrive, ok?"

The group of parents nodded.

"Dun worry, now, we shouldn't be havin' too much trouble findin' our living space and the college, eveything's gonna be alright."

Once again, they nodded.

Slowly, Wes and Blake parted away from their families and went to their packed vehicles. Blake opened the door and looked back.

"Goodbye, everyone! I love you all! Ill call you tonight!"

Doug nodded, Sandy wiped a tear.

"Goodbye, honey! We love you very much! Have a safe drive!"

Mae and Austin followed behind Wes as he made for his truck.

"Maw, paw, I'm gonna miss yuh a whole lot, but I'm gunna be just fine, y'all try not tuh worry."

Mae sobbed another tear as Austin rubbed her shoulder.

"Wesley, yuh be safe now! Dun get lost on yur way! If yuh ever need money, call us!"

Wes nodded and slowly entered his truck, the cab sank as he placed his full weight inside of it. Blake looked over and saw Wes enter his vehicle and did the same.

The engines turned on as both cars came to life, ready to make the long travel to the city of Quincy and Cherryvale University. Blake exited the driveway first, Wes following behind. Everyone waved to them as they pulled away from the houses, down the street, and out of the line of sight.


Ophelia had never seen her son's room so clean. Then again, everything was packed into boxed, plastic bins, and suitcases.

She could not see her son in his room, he said he would be up there packing things for he big move, she knocked on the frame of the door.

"Andrew? Are you in there?"

A head popped out of the closet, two rounded ears perked up on top with a surprised look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm in here, mom, just packing whatever is in the closet."

She crossed her arms and slowly walked into his room, he floor was visible, the walls were clean, everything organized.

"Are you excited, dear? This is going to be a giant step in your life."

Drew threw some old shirts into a black trash bag.

"I sure am, Addison really is a nice city, and best of all, I will have people close to me go there to, like Bill and Marcos."

She nodded and smiled.

"Marcos is a good boy, I must say, I tell my sister that all of time when we get together."

Drew nodded and threw a shirt into a box labeled "Clothes."

"Yeah, he said he is going to show me around...but..."

Drew lowered his head as Ophelia tilter hers.

"But what, dear?"

Drew looked back at her.

"He doesn't know I am gay, I hope he doesn't, like, freak out and hate me."

Ophelia shook her head.

"You and Marcos have been almost like brothers, I am sure he will not do that."

Drew smiled.

"Thanks mom, I just hope for the best. I really am going to miss you, but I am glad I will have Billy with me."

She placed a paw on her chin and nodded.

"I will miss you as well, darling, I am going to be all alone in this house."

Drew grinned at his mother.

"You should start dating, mom, you are only...what...thirty-nine?"

Ophelia blushed and turned her head.

"Oh Drew, I don't think I can do that yet...your father has not been gone that long..."

Drew could see her frown.

"Mom...did you still love dad, even before he died?"

Her eyes met his.

"I...cannot say no, but...I could feel the love he had for me fade as years passed...he devoted more of his time to the church...less time to me...Did I ever tell you the story of our marriage? He would never allow me to tell you."

Drew exited the closet and sat down on his bed.

"Tell me, mom."

Ophelia smiled and sat down next to him, her rounded ears giving off a flick as she began the story.

"Well, it all began back in high school, I was only seventeen, Greg was nineteen, he was so handsome, pro athlete, good Christian boy, and I was in love with him. We gave into our love one night, and soon after, I became pregnant with you. He was so upset, since he had broken his vow of abstinence and the rule of no pre-marital sex. He asked me to marry him, I accepted. He started college, I gave birth to you and stayed to finish high school, your grandmother did a wonderful job helping raise you. His parents helped us get this house, he became a pastor, but after that, I noticed him change. I always told him that I wanted more children, but he did not want anymore, he proved this by getting a vasectomy without telling me. There would be no more children."

Drew blinked, closing his mouth which slowly became agape as his listened.

"Dad...got himself neutered? I did not know that..."

Ophelia shook her head.

"I did not either, not until you were twelve. He finally told me the truth, and I was heartbroken, I though all this time it was me, that I had become infertile after I had you, but it was him the whole time."

She took Drew's paw, leaned in and kissed him on the forehead.

"I am so happy that I have at least one child, you are my angel, Andrew, gay or not, I love you with all of my heart."

Drew smiled, he could feel his ears turn red.

"Thanks, mom, I love you too."

At the Kellogg household, Bill was doing the same. The only difference was that he had quite a considerably greater amount of clothing, having five boxes along dedicated to wardrobe.

Bill picked up a pair of pink boxer briefs from the dresser drawer, letting out a slight giggle.

A certain cow poked her head through the door, long shoulder length sandy blonde hair held in by a purple headband flowing as she looked inside.

"Heya, Billy! How goes the packing? Ooh, nice undies!"

Bill gasped and threw the undergarments into a box.

"Ashley! Knock first! My goodness!"

She snorted and walked into his room.

"I sure am going to miss my big gay brother, are you going miss me and Heidi?"

Bill stuck his wide tongue out at her.

"Of course! Who else am I going to give fashion tips to and help do their make-up?"

She giggled and sat down at his desk, crossing her legs and placing her hands on top of the higher knee.

"So, are you really sure you want to move in with your boyfriend at college?"

Bill looked into her eyes, his wide ears flicking as they met.

"Of course I am sure, I love him a lot."

Her mouth slowly came to a shallow frown.

"That is what you said about every guy you have dated, Billy, and something ends up happening."

Bill's eyes slowly closed as he looked down to the floor.

"I...I know, sis...but...He really does love me, too."

She leaned forward in the chair, setting her hooves back on the carpet.

"I just hope you find the right guy someday, Billy, you remember hearing about all the times dad told us about trying to find the right one, you and him are so alike in that way...except you are totally gay."

Bill snorted and shook his head.

"Yeah...maybe I just...really desire someone to love me, so much that I...you know...kinda rush things."

She stood from the chair and placed her hands behind her back.

I really think that you should take things slow, get to know the guy first, because if you rush into things, you might find something you don't like, then what will you do? Dad got married to mom after he took is slow with her, they dated for the longest time before they made the big steps, got to really know each other. I am not saying that things will not work between you and your boyfriend, but you need to take things slow."

Bill looked his sister in the eyes again and forced a smile.

"Yeah, I suppose you are right, I need to take things slow."

She smiled and nodded her head.

"Good! I hope for the best between you two! I'm going to go get a drink, then I will help you pack those cute underwear you have!"

With a giggle, she exited his room and disappeared down the hallway, her reflection mirroring off of several picture frames in the hallway.

Bill, now alone in his room again, slumped his shoulders and sighed.

"But I can't help it...I want love more than anything...if I find something I don't like...I will just have to adapt to it..."

He turned back to the dresser and continued to unload its contents into the cardboard box.


Wednesday, August 16th, it was a rainy day in the city of Quincy, really dampening the mood.

Blake and Wes were still busy putting their new apartment together, luckily, Sandra and Mae had made special momma visit to help them get everything set. The apartment was pretty nice, kitchen, small dining room, decent sized living room, bathroom, and two bedrooms. The bedrooms were pretty spacious, one was designated for sleeping and the other turned into a study room, the computer desks, bookshelves, and Wes's weight bench all placed into the second bedroom.

The apartment one in a large complex of apartments all built to look exactly the same in a long chain that lined the streets outside of the University. The building was three stories high, the first floor was made completely of garages and the doors that lead up to the living room, kitchen, and dining room. The topmost floor was where the bedrooms and bathroom were located, the larger bedroom having a sliding door that led to a small balcony. Blake and Wes were fortunate to get one of the private living spaces, there were many, many apartments, but an even larger number of students wanting to live in them. They were now happily living in complex D, unit number eighty-eight.

Mae was busy at work with her sewing machine, making curtains for them to hang over the windows while Sandra was in the kitchen, showing Blake the cookbooks she was letting them have as well as methods of proper preparation, storage, cooking, and any other information they would need to start fending for themselves when it came to kitchen work.

Later on that day, the rain came to a stop just in time for dinner. Sandra watched her son cook the meal for that evening, trying her best not to reach in and help him if he started to mess up. Blake was surprised to see everyone actually enjoy the dinner that he had made, and it was actually quite fun to make! Cooking was going to be no trouble.

The sky turned dark as the sun went to bed, letting the moon come out to play. Sandy and Mae took off, giving both of the boys ample hugs and kisses and motherly love. The apartment was looking nice, Blake had his cooking skills, and now it was some time for some relaxation.

The sofa in the living room was actually quite comfortable, Blake was very gracious of his Uncle to just give it to them, after all, he said it was just sitting in his basement not being used. It has a bit of a musty smell, but that was nothing some fabric spray could not fix. Wes was laying on his back on the burgundy sofa, Blake on top of him with their chests pressed against one another and Wes's thick arms around him as they both stared into the television, the one that used to occupy Blake's bedroom. No satellite or cable had been hooked up yet, so there was nothing but the basic channels to watch. The lights were off, the only illumination came from the colorfully flickering box at the other end of the room.

"Hey, Blake."

The sheppie took his eyes off of the television and looked to the source of the voice, which he could feel as well, the deep words rumbling from large chest he was pressed against.


Wes smiled and leaned his head forward, giving Blake a nuzzle as their noses met.

"Yuh sure made a good dinner tonight, I can't wait tuh see what else yuh can make for meh."

Blake returned the smile and licked Wes's big, flat nose.

"Thanks, babe, I really liked cooking, this should be really fun!"

Wes relaxed his neck and let his head fall back against the armrest of the sofa.

"I sure hope findin' our way 'round this University wont be too hard, now, this is a pretty big place. I dun wanna get lost."

Blake let out a gentle chuckle.

"I don't think you will get lost, all of the buildings are really close to each other, and there are maps everywhere to point you around."

Wes grinned and squeezed tight onto Blake.

"I jus' hope the teachers are real nice, too. There are gonna be a lot more students here than at that school back home, I sure hope we can make some more friends."

Blake nodded.

"Yeah, and Carla is here too! Don't forget she is coming over on Friday to go buy books with us."

Wes chuckled, his chest rumbling and echoing into Blake's.

"Yup, sure is nice to have 'er here, but most of all, it's nice tuh have yuh here, sugar."

With that, Blake felt a strong paw grasp his left butt cheek, making him gasp lightly and then let out a low murr as a grin came across his muzzle.

"Wes, you are so naughty, I love that about you."

Wes's paw slowly started to rub around Blake's tight buttock, caressing each cheek and then slowly grasping his fluffy tail by the base and following up until his paw released it, letting it flop back against Blake's backside.

"I jus' can help muhself, yuh got such a nice, tight, cute little ass."

Blake could feel a blush coming on, he loved it when Wes complemented his body.

"Oh, babe, you are so sweet, I am glad you like my fuzzy ass."

Wes nodded, his head barely moving as he was still reclining against the armrest. His paw made its way back to Blake's butt, grasping and squeezing the firm cheeks.

"I don't jus' like yer ass, I love it, but I love the owner a helluva lot more."

Blake saw those lips...and he wanted them, right now. Blake lunged forward and slammed his muzzle into Wes's, who was already prepared for impact. It was not a tender kiss, but a lustful lip-smacking maw suck as they swapped saliva, their tongues coming out to explore as they moaned into each others maws.

Wes lifted his head from the armrest and Blake took the opportunity to move his arms forward and wrap his arms around the thick neck of the dog he was laying on top of. Wes now had both paws on Blake's back, one slipped under his shirt and was gently scritching up and down his soft back fur, the other had slipped into the pants and was gently massaging the sheppie's firm butt.

Blake started to slowly grind his hips into Wes, it came instinctively after he could feel the all-to-familiar sensation of Wes's sheath start to swell in his jeans. Blake could feel his own tingle from the maw action as well as the gentle back and ass rubbing, it was so relaxing and sensual.

At the same time, another sitcom started on the television, its flashing lights changing the illumination of the room for each different scene. The mother on the television was looking herself in the mirror as her husband stood near her.

"Honey, is my butt too big?"

At that same moment, Wes pulled down on Blake's shorts, letting his soft cream and caramel colored rump come into full view, his crotch still covered in the front, straining against the growing sheath. With a nimble paw-finger, Wes started to gently trace around Blake's pink pucker, feeling the clenched muscle throb as he glided over it. Blake released a low moan as his pucker was gently tickled by the strong paw.

Wes could feel his cock straining against his underwear in his tight jeans and it was steaming hot from being stuck in-between the two bodies and was getting uncomfortable. He needed to release it, now.

Wes's paws left Blake's back and moved to his shoulders and gently pressed on them, Blake knew what was going to happen and parted from Wes's lips as he lifted himself off and scooted backwards on the sofa, patiently sitting on his knees as he watched his mate sit up and grin as he reached for the crotch of his jeans.

The television called out as a child ran over his father, something in his hands as he smiled wide.

"Daddy! Look at my banana!"

Wes quickly undid the button and zipper in his jeans, Blake could see the outline of his huge shaft trapped behind the tight denim, crying for release. The big dog opened his fly wide and reached into his red boxer-briefs, Blake was shivering with anticipation, his tail going into a mad wagging fit as he started to pant.

With a quick glance and a sly grin, Wes showed his mate what he was no doubt looking for, grabbing his shaft at the base and slowly pulling it out of its cloth confines, the cool air of the room felt so good on it after being heated up during its entrapment. Wes slowly gave his meat a great stroke, his paw going all the way from the shaft up to just under the pink, swollen head, the white skin and veins wrinkling as a glop of pre-cum collected at the top.

The musk immediately hit Blake's nose, kicking his salivary glands into full gear, making him lick his lips to not drool all over himself. With a quick glance into Wes's eyes, Blake reached forward and grabbed Wes around the base, his left paw wrapping around and his right going into Wes's underwear to bring his heavy ball sac along with. Blake never ceased to be amazed by Wes's size, his paw could barely wrap around the swollen shaft, it had to have been at least five inches around. His paw slowly traced upwards, his index paw-finger finding the biggest vein on top and following upwards as he gave it a stiff stroke, making Wes lean back and inhale loudly with a low moan at the end.

The television called out again as the dad pointed at his wife's loaded breakfast place.

"Um...are you going to eat all of that?"

Blake's muzzle closed the gap as he leaned forward, his tongue already outside and waiting for the contact, the taste, the warmth. Wes bit his lip as Blake's tongue wrapped around the underside of his shaft and slowly made its way up, tickling and lubricating his shaft as it took its leisurely climb. Blake's tongue came to the tip and he licked in a circular motion, collecting any pre that tried to drip down, the tip of his tongue grazing across the cum slit, making Wes take a deep gasp through clenched teeth.

Blake murred contently from the taste of Wes's pre, the warm, slightly-salty liquid had just the right flavor. Blake gently wrapped his lips around the fat cock head, his tongue doing the work on this inside as it lapped and tickled, making Wes's toes curl and let out deep moan as he bit his lip. Blake's eyes focused back into Wes's as his maw slowly began to descend down the fleshy pole, his tongue curled around the underside, licking back and forth as more of the shaft entered his muzzle.

Wes placed his right paw on the back of Blake's head, grasping about his chocolate brown head fur and ruffling it as he scritched his mate's scalp. Blake pushed down further, filling his maw with as much cock as he could, not wanting to take it all in quite yet. He pulled his head back up, adding some delightful suckling as his lips slurped their way back to the head.

Wes's legs would kick every now and then as he tried his best not to holler out with a deep moan of satisfaction, now knowing that there were other furs behind the walls of their new apartment. Blake's paws needed something to explore, so they went into Wes's tight shirt and slowly rubbed his solid gut, Wes's huge abdomen was just so much fun to touch, so warm, rigid, and soft.

Blake's head repeated an up and down motion, sucking harder and slowly gaining speed as he continued to slurp down and swallow any pre that tried to drip out of his mouth, the slurping sounds getting louder. His paws made their way to Wes's huge pectorals, massaging in a clockwise motion, his paw-thumbs coming to a rest on the big dog's pierced nipples, gently tickling the sensitive area as Wes threw his head back and let out a deep moan of satisfaction.

Wes pushed on the back of Blake's head, giving him the sign to go down all the way, and Blake happily obliged. Blake took a deep breath and pushed down hard, he could feel the cock head squeeze in the back of his throat and fill it entirely. Wes pushed down harder on Blake's head, helping him reach his destination as Blake slowly but surely took in Wes's entire eleven inch shaft into his maw, his nose burying into Wes's soft black pubic fur.

The television reacted to this as the dad tried to stuff one more object into a full refrigerator.

"Look at that! It fits!"

It was Wes's turn to do some work, he knew Blake could not hold his breath forever, so he made quick of the moment, bucking his hips into Blake's maw as he gave him a quick maw-fuck, moaning and breathing through his teeth as he gently thrust himself back and forth. All Blake could do was close his eyes and grasp onto the firm pecs his paws were resting on as his muzzle was bucked into by his mate.

It was when Wes's knot started to form the Blake needed a breath of fresh air. He patted on Wes's chest and he stopped humping and released his grip of Blake's head, letting him come back up and take a deep breath of air, a strand of pre connecting his muzzle to the tip of Wes's drippy, moistened cock.

With a quick lick of the lips, Blake was back down and sucking, a paw coming from Wes's chest down to the swelling knot to grasp it tightly and slowly massage the sensitive, veiny tissue. Blake went into a sucking frenzy, his head bobbing up and down quickly his tongue rolling around the underside, his head adding a twisting motion as his lips passed the thick shaft over and over.

Wes was trying his best not to just scream out in pleasure, gritting his teeth and clenching his eyes shut as he started to kick his legs, it would be arriving soon. Blake's other paw came down to the crotch and cupped the balls in his paw, rolling them around as the other paw twisted the knot as if he was trying to open a jar. Blake felt his head fur get pulled with a great tug, almost making him wince, he knew what was about to happen next.

Blake could feel Wes's balls pull closer in his body and the thick member start to throb against his tongue. With a deep breath, Wes threw his head back and arched his back, his hips bucking into Blake's maw his he could feel his entire crotch tingle as he began to climax. He could not hold his tongue for this.


The voice echoed throughout the apartment, furs behind the walls where sure to hear but who cared.

Wes's cock throbbed hard into Blake's maw and erupted with a flow of sticky, hot, creamy seed shot down his throat. It felt so warm inside of his mouth, the familiar taste and texture coating his tongue as he gulped it down, not letting a drop slip out of his muzzle as he slurped and sucked on the throbbing cock.

The television remarked once again, this time the father grabbing the child, whose face was covered in paint, by the paw as he tried to run by.

"What is that all over your muzzle? I hope you did not eat that!"

After the perfect orgasm, Wes's body relaxed and he collapsed back onto the sofa with a loud sigh and some panting. He brought a paw to his brow and wiped away any sweat that had started to bead up. Blake sat up, licking his lips, still smiling as the sides of his mouth and his paws still had some after-sex fluids still stuck to them.

"Thanks for the dessert, stud muffin."

Wes could not help but chuckle and reach out to pull Blake onto him.

"Damn, yuh got such a nice mouth on yuh, sugar, yuh really now how tuh get me shootin'."

Blake giggled and wrapped his arms around Wes's thick neck.

"Well, you shoot so much! I almost choked!"

Wes let out a guffaw and reached down to give Blake a playful smack on the rump.

"If yuh didn't choke on muh cock, I dun think yuh could choke on muh load."

Blake smiled and pressed his muzzle into Wes's, giving the big dog one more satisfying kiss in the afterglow of his orgasm. Wes murred deep, he could taste his own seed still fresh on Blake's tongue.

Blake pulled away from Wes and rested his head on his mate's chest. Wes's strong paw came to Blake's back and lightly rubbed up and down, gently caressing him.

"I love yuh so much, sugar. I love yuh with all muh heart."

Blake smiled and nuzzled into his mate's strong, chest, his scent and cologne coming into his nose and soothing him.

"I love you too, Wes, always and forever. I think we are going to have lots of fun here at college...I am glad you are here with me."

Wes rested his chin on top of Blake's head, his black goatee tickling the Sheppie's ear, making it flicker.

"Yup, I'm thinkin' that were gonna have a good 'ol time as well, as long as I got yuh, I'm gonna be jus' fine."

Blake ran a paw through Wes's short black head fur.

"Me too, baby, me too. Let's get some sleep, we have some shopping to do tomorrow."

Wes chuckled and licked the inside Blake's wide ear.

"Let's jus' sit here a little while longer...and I think we missed the show on the T.V..."

The family sitcom on the television gave its last remark for that night, the mother shifting off of the sofa her husband was sitting on.

"...did you just fart?"

Blake and Wes both let out a good chuckle.


Thursday, August 17th. It was quite a windy day in Addison, the two lakes that were encircled by the city had big waves cresting on them as they crashed into the shores. The leaves on the trees that lines the streets were changing color, the air had a fresh smell, almost like that of Juniper Hills, and furs strolled up and down the sidewalks, grabbing onto their hats and coats so that they would not be blown off.

A minivan pulled up outside of a large two-story green house with brown roofing and a wide porch in front. The windows had a dark brown trim, the ones on the second floor even had shutters on them, only for decoration since they did not open or close.

The passenger's side door opened up and out stepped a Hyena, looking up at the house, a big smile on his muzzle.

"So this is where Marcos lives, this is going to be great!"

The driver's side door came open next, and a bull stepped out, his blonde locks flowing in the breeze.

"Wow! This house looks so comfy! I am so happy that your cousin saved the other half for us!"

Drew looked over to Bill, his short brown head fur ruffling in the wind.

"Yeah, I just hope everything will go alright."

Bill walked around the van and over to Drew, giving him a hug.

"Of course! This is going to be great! I cannot wait to decorate the inside."

A smile came to Drew's muzzle.

"Thanks, Billy, lets go meet my cousin."

Slowly, the two walked up the curved, lantern lined sidewalk and up the stairs, the porch had a few lawn chairs and a small table out on front, and two doors that led to the two sides of the duplex. Drew remembered that two-thirty-two and one half would be their new address, so he rang the doorbell with the silver colored numbers '232' nailed to the door.

Drew pressed the doorbell, anticipating to see his cousin again, the last time the saw each other it was at his father's funeral, not exactly the best family get-together.

After a few moments of waiting, they heard the door knob turn and the door slowly opened.

Slowly, a black furred Wolf came into view, we was wearing a black t-shirt with "Zildjian" written on the front and black jeans being held up with a black metal-studded belt.

He pressed open the screen door, and looked at the two with a gaze of confusion in his face.

"Uhh...Hi. Who're you?"

Drew frowned a bit.

"Uhm, I am Drew Lewis, Marcos's cousin. I am moving in today."

The wolf blinked once and smiled, slapping himself on the forehead.

"Oh DUH! He told me about you two! Guess I forgot! Shit, sorry man, I'll go get him for you."

The wolf turned his head into the house.

"MARCOS!!! Your cuz is here!"

He turned back to the two.

"Ey, my name's Travis, by the way. Nice to meet you, dude."

Drew nodded his head.

"Oh! You are Marcos's drummer! I saw you on stage once in Quincy, that was a good show!"

Travis smiled, his sharp teeth protruding through his lips.

"Thanks, dude! Yeah, that was a pretty good show. Remember that fox chick that came onto stage and flashed everyone her tits? Priceless!"

Drew did not seem to care about that.

"Oh yeah! That was funny!"

Just as Travis was about to go on, a paw landed on his shoulder, making him turn his head.

Another Hyena came into view, he was wearing a navy blue hoodie and baggy black jeans with holes in the knees. Bill looked at his face, he looked quite like Drew! He was different, though, he was taller, around six feet tall, and thin, not short and muscular like his cousin. He had short, black spiky hair, and in his ears were twelve gold studs, six for each rounded ear. Around his neck were a pair of big grey headphones, they looked like they were very comfortable with all the padding on them, a cord running into the pocket of his hoodie. His thick eyebrows slowly lifted as a smile came to his face.


The hyena pushed past Travis and into his cousin, giving him a welcoming hug.

"How've you been, man, good to see you again!"

Drew patted Marcos's back and nodded.

"Yeah, thanks, Marcos, I've been pretty good.

Marcos took a step back, his paws on Drew's shoulders.

"Are you...you know...taking it well?"

Marcos must have meant the death of Greg. He remembered the funeral, he was one of the pall bearers.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I am really glad you saved the other half of this place after the other guys moved out, thank, cuz."

Marcos smiled and nodded.

"Oh Hell yeah! Who better to have next door than my favorite cousin? Oh...is this your roommate?"

Marcos looked over Drew's shoulder to Bill. Bill knew not to mention the boyfriend thing yet, since Marcos did not know Drew was gay yet.

"Oh! Yep! Drew and I are really good friends, and hopefully we can be friends too!"

Marcos grinned wide, his ears flicking making the piercing clink together.

"Good attitude, guy, you seem like a cool dude."

Bill wanted to roll his eyes, but just nodded back.


Drew wanted to laugh after hearing Bill say that, but held it in.

Marcos looked back to Travis.

"Hey dude, we are gonna help move the stuff into their side, alright?"

Travis sighed.

"Fine, but you owe me some McDonalds."

Marcos fake punched the wolf in the gut.

"Fine! C'mon!"

A few hours passed by, slowly the van and the Uhaul trailer that was attached slowly began to empty out as the house began to fill.

The inside of the duplex was very nice. A big living room to enter in with a staircase right in front of the entrance with the huge, spacious kitchen behind that lead to the back porch and fenced in backyard. Upstairs were two bedrooms and one very surprisingly big bathroom. The house had a certain odor to it, not a bad one, but one could tell that people had been living in it recently.

The house now had all of the basics, the kitchen thankfully came with a fridge and stove, so no need to buy them, the living room had its sofa and television, and there was only one bed. This puzzled Marcos.

"Uhh...Drew...you only have one bed, dude."

Drew could feel it, this might have to be the moment. Did he want to stall it?

"Oh, yeah, we need to make a second trip back home to get Bill's, it would not all fit in the trailer."

Marcos shook his head.

"What? No way, there was plenty of room for another bed, the mattress cannot be that big."

"Dammit Marcos..." Drew thought in his head.

"He's got a really big bed and stuff...so it's just going to be another trip."

Marcos leaned against the doorway in the bedroom, trapping Drew inside.

"You know I hate being lied to, cuz. There is something between you two. He was at your dad's funeral, I saw him...he had his arm around you the whole time, I saw you two hugging a lot."

Drew sighed, there was no avoiding it now. Might as well get it over with.

"Fine, Marcos, you caught me. I'm gay, and he is my boyfriend."

Drew felt like Marcos was going to punch him, he braced for impact. Marcos slowly walked over to Drew and patted him on the shoulder.

"There, doesn't telling the truth feel better?"

Drew looked him in the eyes.

"You...you're not mad, are you?"

Marcos let out a good hyena-like cackle.

"Hell no! You do what ever you want to, cuz, as long as you are happy, right?"

Drew slowly smiled.

"Yeah...I am glad you are alright with it...dad was not..."

Marcos put his other paw on Drew's shoulder.

"Wait...Uncle Greg knew before he died?"

Drew nodded.

"It was the last thing I told him...I saw him die...I watched him have his heart attack..."

Marcos shook his head.

"No way...that's crazy...do you think it was you telling him that pushed him over the edge?"

Drew nodded again.

"Yeah...might have been...but he...he really lost it...he tried to slap my mom...I stopped him...he was going to call the police if I did not leave the house...but then...I remember his last words...'The Lord does not love impurities, if the Lord lets mistakes like you into Heaven, may he strike me down.'...and then he was stricken."

Marcos's eyes were almost bulging from his head. He had not heard this part, it was just beyond belief.


Drew nodded once again.


Marcos closed the gap between the two and have Drew a hug, his paws slowly rubbing his cousin's back..

"Dude...that must have been so shitty to see...Damn..."

Drew hugged his cousin tight.

"Yeah, I am just worried about mom, I hope she does not get too lonely now with me gone..."

Marcos parted from his cousin and smiled.

"Who knows, maybe she will start dating now. Aunt Ophey always has been a sweet lady, I am sure she can find you a step-dad."

Drew rolled his eyes and lightly punched Marcos in the arm.

"Right, she is going to need to have another kid in order to got some grandchildren."

Marcos rubbed his arm, wincing.

"Dude! You are too strong, damn! Yeah, cuz you are a fairy now. Umm...what is it like...you know..."

Drew perked a brow.

"You really wanna know? Bill gives the best head, sex with him is beyond amazing."

Drew looked past Marcos's head to see Bill standing in the doorway with lamp in his hands, a surprised look on his face.

"Umm...Drew...What? Does he know?"

Drew gulped and nodded, Marcos turned around with a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah, Billy, it's alright, there won't be any trouble."

Bill smiled, his sky blue eyes almost twinkling.

"Fabulous! Now I can do this!"

Bill hooved over to Drew and planted a wet kiss on his cheek, Drew smiled and gave Bill a smack on the butt as he continued to walk by and over to a side table to set the lamp down. Marcos's mouth was just hanging open.

"W-wow...that was kinda..."

Bill turned around and did a pose, one hand in the air, the other on his waist.

"Gay? Thank you!"

Marcos tried to smile.

"Yeah...I guess you could say that...I am going to go see what Travis is up to."

Marcos turned and headed to the staircase, as he descended, he heard his phone ring. He pulled it from his pocket and held it to his ear.

"Yeah? Samantha? How you doing, babe? Yep. Alright. See you later tonight."

He closed the phone and put it back into his pocket, his paw reaching the doorknob of the front door.

"Damn it...Drew...Why can't I just..."

He sighed and held his head down, pushing the door open and leaving the house. He set his oversized earphones back into his head and blared some music into his head to drown his thoughts.


Friday, August 18th, a sunny Friday afternoon, so calm, so soothing, until a quick-paced steady knock rapped on the door to Blake and Wes's apartment.

Blake's ears perked as he turned to the door, a wide, goofy grin coming to his muzzle as he jumped from the sofa and over to the door. He stood in front of it, brushed his shirt off and adjusted his glasses, and placed a paw on the doorknob.

Slowly he turned the knob, anticipating the face behind the door. The door was pulled inwards, but ended up being pushed open by a familiar ball of caramel fluff. It screamed.


Blake was hugged around the midriff and taken down to the floor by the willing invader, both of them giggling like pups.

"Princess! I missed you!"

Carla sat up from the take-down and stood back to her foot paws.

"I am so happy to see you, Blakey! It has been what...about a week since we last seen each other?"

Blake sat up and nodded, adjusting his glasses.

"Yeah! I am excited about the campus visit today, not so much about the book buying...they are so expensive..."

Carla crossed her little arms and shifted her hips to the side.

"Yeah, but that is just one of the things you have to do in college, can't learn without books, silly!"

Blake rose back to his foot paws and brushed his shirt off again.

"I am so glad my parents saved up for this, such a relief. I feel kinda spoiled, so many other furs don't have the money for college..."

Carla beamed a smile.

"Aww, you are always so caring! Such a prince! Hey...where is little Wessy?"

Blake chuckled at the 'little' addition to his title.

"He is getting done with a shower, after that we can go to the campus."

Carla spun around in a circle as if she were a ballerina.

"I can't wait to see all the other students! I hope there are some hotties...not like...you know..."

Blake lowered his head. He knew who she mean...the same fur who almost took Wes's life...Stan.

"Yeah...he won't be seen for a long time now...good."

She lowered her head as well, but with a sigh a relief before she spoke.

"I am so glad Wes came through...he is my hero as much as yours."

A deep voice came from upstairs as they both looked up to react to it.

"Well shucks, sure makes meh happy tuh be someone's hero 'round here."

Wes slowly descended the staircase by the door, the stairs creaking under his heavy frame. He was wearing the same tight jeans and an even tighter white tank top, one of Blake's favorite shirts to see him wear.

Carla waited patiently from him to get down to the last stair, and then made her move, pouncing up onto his arm, only to have him lift her into the air as he raised it.

"Wheee! You are so strong, Wes!"

She giggled as she kicked her little foot paws while she hung in the air from his arm.

"Thanks, cowgirl, gotta keep in shape tuh keep for muh love, yuh know how much he loves these muscles."

Blake bit his lip as his ears turned red, trying not to look too embarrassed in front of Carla. She just giggled and let go of Wes's arm and landed back on the floor with a clop of her shoes. She slowly eyed Blake.

"Oh, Blake is one lucky dog, who wouldn't want a huge muscle stud like Wes to hold you at night?"

Blake scratched the back of his head.

"As much as I love his muscles...I love who they belong to a whole lot more."

Wes smiled and Carla clapper her paws together, holding them to the side of her face and batting her lashes.

"Aww! That is so cute! You two are so perfect for each other!"

Blake nodded and walked over to Wes, standing next to him and putting his arm around the big dog.

"I sure think so!"

Wes leaned down and kissed Blake on the cheek, making him almost blush again. Carla gave the couple another smile.

"Hey lovepups, lets get going! Don't want the bookstore to run out of things!"

Blake and Wes nodded as the three left the apartment, making sure to lock it and then head down to Blake's car and the short drive to the campus book store.

The parking lot was crowded, lots of furs walking around with bags, clearly buying book was on a lot of lists for errands that day. With book list in paws, they slowly walked into the bookstore that was attached to the visitors center, also simply referred to as building A.

The trio was astounded by the number of other students running around with books in paws, attendants trying their best to help anyone who was lost. It was easy to get lost in the store, rows upon rows of shelves, all stocked with books, supplies, and other school related merchandise.

They split up and looked up and down the rows of books, trying to find what their book lists said was needed.

Since Blake was starting a degree in Accounting, just like his good 'ol dad, he needed some books in Math, Economics, Accounting, and, of course, English. Blake took a class on the side as well for some extra credit, he would be starting a German language class.

Wes had taken a similar path as his father and went into Engineering, automotive engineering that is. Wes always had an interest in vehicles, he always figured it would be nice to learn everything about how they work so he can restore old cars and fix broken ones, something he had really wanted to do. Wes's list was longer than Blake's, he needed many small books instead of a few big textbooks.

Carla was heading into a degree of Pharmacy. Lots of Science and Health books stacked in her paws as he traveled the isles.

Wes sighed as he picked up yet another book, making it a total of twelve now. To him, the stack was not heavy, but it certainly looked heavy, not to mention the fact that the glossy covers were quite slippery against one another.

He turned away to find the next, and last, book on his list, when he felt something brush against his elbow, the next thing he heard was an "Ooof!" and a thud. He then looked down to notice he had elbowed someone and knocked them over.

"Aw shit! I'm sorry!"

It was all he could say at first. He bent down, slowly lowering the stack of books he held so they would not topple and placing them on the ground. He looked to the fur he had just knocked over with great concern.

"Are yuh alright? I'm awful sorry, I shoulda been lookin' where I was goin'."

The fur he had ran into shook his head and placed it on his forehead as he sat back onto his knees, his other paw coming to his face and re-adjusting the large circular framed glasses on his muzzle. He blinked once and looked into Wes's eyes, his brown eyes meeting the emerald green. He spoke, his voice was very soft and gentle, cute one could say.

"That's alright, I am kind of short, anyway, no need to worry."

Wes reached for the book he had knocked out the other fur's paws, picking it up and holding it out for him.

"I hope I didn't hurt yuh or nothin'."

The smaller fur smiled and took the book from Wes.

"I am shocked that I am unharmed! You are huge! Your arms must be as big as my waistline!"

Wes's concerned look slowly turned into a smile.

"Heh, I doubt that, parnter. 'Names Wes, please tuh meet yuh, or bump into yuh, I should say."

The smaller fur nodded as he slowly got back to his foot paws, brushing off his shirt.

"My name is Malcolm, nice to meet you too! You have a very southern accent, not from around here, are you?"

Malcolm slowly stood up with the book in his paw, he really was short, standing at around five and a half feet, Wes towering over him. He was clearly a Dalmatian, since he had white fur covered in random black spots, both of his ears were black and he had little black specks under his eyes, giving him the look of freckles. Malcolm had short black head fur and was wearing a green long-sleeved shirt and long brown pants completed with brown dress shoes. The Dalmatian was quite thin, maybe his waistline really was about as big as one of Wes's arms...

"Yup, I'm a southern dog, came 'ere tuh Cherryvale with muh boyfriend."

Malcolm gasped, taking a step back, he started to stutter.

"Y-you are g-gay?"

Wes realized its best not to just go announcing that to everyone, but he did not care. In fact, if this guy was some sort of fag-hater, he would give him an earful.

"Yup, I hope yuh aren't some sort of queer-basher."

Malcolm quickly shook his head, his floppy ears shaking as his eyes opened wider.

"N-no...its just...well...I am too...But I never imagined I would bump into someone so huge who also happens to be gay...It is quite the coincidence!"

Malcolm looked at Wes's stack of books.

"Wow, you must studying automotives...quite the book pile you have! Oh! Are you also taking Rhetoric and Composition? I see you have the same book as I do!"

Wes looked at the book pile and back to Malcolm, nodding.

"Yup, got it with Toriello on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. How 'bout yuh?"

Malcolm smiled and hugged his book.

"So do I! That is so amazing that we are in a class together! Don't worry, I am pretty bright, if you need help, just ask me!"

Wes chuckled at the kind gesture.

"Well, shucks, thanks a lot, Malcolm."

Just then, Blake turned down the isle to see the Dalmatian and Wes, he wondered what they were doing...

"Hey Wes! You finding everything?"

Wes quickly turned his head and smiled at Blake.

"Yup! Jus' ran into someone 'ere, knocked him over."

Blake's face turned into a look of concern as he neared closer.

"You knocked him over? Is he ok?"

Malcolm nodded at Blake.

"I am just fine! It was a simple accident."

Wes looked back to the Dalmatian.

"Oh, Blake, this's Malcolm, by the way, and Malcolm, this's Blake, muh boyfriend."

Malcolm smiled wide and offered a paw to Blake.

"Pleased to meet you! You have a very kind boyfriend, good sir."

Blake slowly smiled and shook the paw.

"Well thank you! I am guessing that us being gay does not...you now...offend you?"

Malcolm giggled and shook his head, those ears flopping about again.

"Not at all! I am the same as you two!"

Blake was shocked, he just met another gay person and school did not start yet. Things like this never would have happened in Juniper Hills. It was nice to meet other's that shared the same lifestyle.

"Really? Well that is nice to hear! In the small town where we come from...being gay is not exactly...looked highly on."

Malcolm nodded, his smile turning to a slight frown.

"Well, it is not looked highly on anywhere..."

Blake lowered his head, remembering what happened that summer.

"Yeah, Wes and I have had our fair share of trouble..."

Malcolm quickly looked up and smiled again.

"Well, it is nice to know there are others like us here, I came from a small town too, it was not that easy, but Cherryvale his huge and diverse! It's time to live freely!"

Wes nodded.

"Yup, well, we shouldn't hold yuh back from yuh book buyin', we will see yuh on campus sometime, then, Malcolm. Yuh take care, now."

Malcolm smiled and nodded.

"Thanks! You two take care as well! Have a good day!"

Malcolm walked past them and turned to enter the next isle. He was still smiling as he whispered to himself.

"Wow...he is huge...I hope we can be friends...too bad he is taken..."

Carla caught back up with the duo, having to get Wes's help to carry her books. They brought them to the check-out and winced at the amount of money they had to pay. It was times like this that they were thankful that their parents had saved up for this period of life.

With books in bags, Wes carrying most of them, still with ease as Carla was amazed at his strength, they returned to the car and back to the apartment.

Carla hopped out of the car, grabbing her heavy books and bringing them to her little Volkswagen. After setting them inside, she ran back over to say goodbye.

"That was fun, guys! But I need to get back to my Aunt's, she and I are going to go clothes shopping! I am so excited!"

Blake and Wes both chuckled as she spun around in a circle.

"Well, I hope you don't spend too much money now!"

She stuck her tongue out at Blake.

"Nonsense! I am a very good budget shopper!"

Blake shook his head.

"I remember that shopping trip for Christmas, you had to make Wes carry all of your bags, silly!"

She put her paws to her hips and scoffed.

"What-ever, those were all gifts, anyway."

Wes chuckled.

"I dunno, I sure got a work out from carryin' them."

Carla giggled like a like schoolpup.

"You two are so mean to me! I am going to go home and cry now!"

Blake shook his head.

"Cry me a river, princess."

She stomped her foot-paw.

"Oh, I am going to cry you an ocean, Blakey!"

She ran over to Blake and gave him a super Carla hug.

"Bye-bye, hun! We should do something his weekend before classes start!

Blake returned the hug, patting her on the back.

"Sure! Just give us a call!"

She released him and ran over to Wes, grabbing him around the arm.

"Bye-bye, cowboy! Thanks for carrying my books for me!"

Wes chuckled and places a paw on her shoulder.

"No problem, cowgirl. Be seein' yuh around, now."

She released him and ran over to her car, taking one last look back to blow them a kiss.

With that, she hopped into her car and it sped out of the parking lot and down the road, the little lime green dot disappearing from sight.

The two hefted the bags of books into the apartment, slamming them down onto the dining room table.

"Whew! Textbooks sure are heavy...at least you don't a problem with lifting, babe."

Wes smirked and lifted all three of his bags with one arm.

"Nope, this stuff ain't heavy at all."

Blake slowly walked over to Wes, pressing himself into him and wrapping his arms about his midriff.

"I am glad I have such a big, strong boyfriend."

Wes placed his free paw on Blake's back.

"An' I am glad tuh have such a sweet, cute, smart boyfriend. Now, how 'bout we go out and get some supplies tuh match our new books."

Blake looked up and smiled.

"Sounds like a plan!"

Blake slowly puckered his lips, and Wes instinctively leaned down to meet them with his own, a loud smacking sound echoing through the apartment.


Saturday, August 19th. Addison was nice and sunny. Bill was going on a decoration frenzy, making the house look nice and cozy. Drew could see he was having a good time, and the house really was looking nice! Bill's fashion and decor senses were very strong.

There was a knock at the door, Drew peeled himself away from Bill's curtain hanging, which he did have a perfect view of his butt, and ran to the front door.

Drew opened the door only to see his cousin staring back at him.

"Oh, hey Marcos, come on in!"

Marcos nodded and entered through the door.

"How's is going, cuz, everything settled in and stuff?"

Drew nodded.

"Pretty much, Bill is having a ton of fun decorating the place."

A uneasy look came to Marcos's face as he looked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I was thinking you guys could come over for dinner, Travis, me and my g-girlfriend are going to be there.

Drew perked an eyebrow.

"Your girlfriend? I've never met her."

Marcos's rubbed his nose with his paw.

"Yeah, her name is Samantha, she is a hyena, too."

Drew nodded and put a paw to his shoulder, giving it a scratch.

"Oh? How long have you two been going out?"

Marcos shifted a bit.

"Uh, two months now."

Drew smirked.

"Wow, not too long, you two doing good?"

Marcos scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah! Yeah, she is really sweet and a good cook, she will be making dinner tonight."

Drew smiled.

"Sounds good! Just come knock when dinner is ready, we will be over."

Marcos nodded and patted Drew's shoulder, he kind of stared at Drew for few seconds, keeping his paw on his shoulder...

"Uh...yep! See you around six, have fun with...Bill, yeah, later."

Marcos quickly turned around and left the room.

Drew crossed his arms.

"What the Hell was that...why was he so damn fidgety? Whatever..."

He turned around to head back to the kitchen and make sure Bill did not fall off the step ladder while hanging curtains.

Later than night, the five were gathered around the table in Marcos's half of the duplex. It was quite messy, Bill offered to come over and clean the place some time, Marcos could not help but let him.

Samantha had quite the groupie look about her, shoulder length black hair, eyeliner, green eye shadow, black lipstick, three gold loops in each rounded ear, both eyebrows pierced, tight fitting black t-shirt, and hip hugging blue jeans. Around her neck was a collar and she had five gold hoop bracelets on each wrist.

The group was eating the chili and cornbread that Samantha, or Sammy as she liked to be called, had made for the evening. She took a bite of her bread and looked over Drew.

"Wow! You really do look like Marcos, you are a Hell of a lot buffer, damn, you got a nice bod on you!"

Drew gave her a half-smirk.

"Heh, thanks Sammy. I played a lot of sports in high school, Marcos was all into his band stuff."

Marcos rolled his eyes at his cousin, Sammy giggled.

"And to think that you are gay! I never woulda pictured that!"

She reached over to Marcos and entwined her arm around his.

"It took a bunch of asking to finally get this guy on a date!"

Marcos smiled at her and reached in to nuzzle her cheek.

"Good chili, babe, coulda added some heat."

Travis let out a belch and nodded.

"Yeah, I like the spicy shit, too."

Sammy shook her head.

"Noooo! I hate spicy food, I like it nice and mild, the heat overtakes the taste you get to enjoy!"

Bill wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I think you did a good job! This is some nice cornbread, too!"

Sammy smiled wide.

"Well, thanks! I am just glad I did not burn it like last time, remember that, Marky?"

She pulled herself into him and rested her head on his shoulder, he grinned...too bad it was forced.

"Yeah, I thought the house was going to burn down."

She snorted and let out a loud hyena-ish cackle. Travis cringed.

After dinner, Drew and Bill thanked Sammy again for cooking and headed to the door. Before they could leave, Drew was stopped by Marcos.

"Hey, Drew, thanks for coming over."

Drew turned around, looking his cousin in the eyes.

"Yeah, no problem, that was some good food, Sammy really is a nice gal, you are lucky to have her."

Marcos paused.

"...Yeah, really lucky. Well, see you later, then."

Before Drew could turn around to leave, Marcos pulled him in, embracing his cousin one last time. Drew could feel Marcos's paws touch his back, slowly pressing down into his muscles and gently rubbing downwards. Drew simply patted his cousin on the back.

"Okay...well...I am just going to be across the wall...we will be there if you need something..."

Marcos pulled away, what was he doing...

"Yeah, take care, you too, Bill."

Bill nodded and smiled slightly. They both exited the door and entered their own, closing the door and locking it behind them.

"What the Hell...was that..."

Drew said as he ruffled his paw through his headfur.

"What do you mean, darling?"

Bill crossed his arms.

"Marcos...I've never seen him act so clingy like that..."

Bill put a hand to his chin and scratched it.

"Maybe he misses you, and after all, your dad died only a few months ago, he still thinks you are hurt from that."

Drew slowly looked up and nodded.

"Yeah...I guess you are right...that must be it..."

Bill smiled and closed the gap between the two, leaning in closer to Drew.

"I can see why he loves his cousin so much, he is a very sweet young man."

Drew's lips came to a big grin. Without warning, he pressed his muzzle into Bill's snout, giving him the kiss he had clearly been wanting.

"Let's watch some television, Billy, I need to watch something to make me laugh."

Bill smiled and followed Drew to the sofa, resting his head on the hyena's shoulder as they watched some quality basic channels.


Monday, August 21st, the big day. Blake was flipping some pancakes in the kitchen, often checking them to make sure he would not burn them to a crisp. His ears perked when he heard the creaking of the staircase, that meant that none other than Wes had finally woken up.

Blake kept his eyes on the pancakes, trying to fake as though he did not notice Wes was coming. He heard the familiar clicking of claws against tile, and a deep inhale followed by a contented sigh. The smile on Blake's face just grew and grew as Wes approached him from behind.

Slowly, a large pair of paws grabbed Blake at the sides and slowly slid around to his front as two massive arms closed in to his sides, a huge body pressing into his back. He could feel that huge bulge being pressed against his rump, such a satisfying feeling. Blake was grinning from ear to big, floppy ear.

"Mornin', sugar."

Blake leaned his head back and pressed it into Wes's chest, rubbing his head fur into his solid pecs.

"Good morning, my love. Got some breakfast ready!"

Wes leaned down and licked Blake's ear, nibbling slightly.

"Good, cuz I need some, I'm starvin'"

Blake giggled and started to flip the pancakes one by one as he was let go. He took a glance to the side to see his favorite sight, Wes's butt in a tight pair of green boxer-briefs, the sight alone made his sheath tingle.

Wes sat down at the table in the small dining room, eyeing Blake the whole time over the half-wall that separated the kitchen from the dining room. Within a few minuets, Blake brought a huge plate of pancakes over to the table, syrup and butter ready to be used.

Blake quickly padded back to the kitchen and returned with two tall glasses of milk and took his seat across from Wes. Wes did not hesitate in digging into the feast of griddle cooked flat cakes.

Blake smiled as he watched the big dog devour cake after cake, going through eight of them, he was glad he had cooked ten that morning. Wes finished his place, patted his belly, and leaned back in the chair.

"Good griddle cakes, love."

Blake smiled as he wiped the milk mustache off of his muzzle.

"Thanks! I was afraid I was going to burn them."

Wes scratched at his chest.

"Naw! Yuh are a real good cook, I dun see how yuh could mess 'em up."

Blake smiled, stood up, and walked around the table to give Wes a big, wet, loud kiss. He reached across the table and grabbed the plates and cups, only to receive a playful pinch on the butt, making him yelp. He looked back to Wes, only to see that coy smile he loved to see so much.

They both arrived onto the campus at the same time, parking right next to each other, needing to take both cars since they left their classes at different times. As they walked onto campus, all the could see where tons of other students running around with backpacks, pull-along book bags, portfolios, and other school materials. It felt just like walking into the first day of high school all over again. Blake looked at his watch, it was ten till eleven.

Blake would be off to building M, the Mathematics building, for his Calculus I class and after that would be Economics I. Wes was off to Rhetoric and Composition I in the building L, the Literary building, where he remembered he would be meeting Malcolm, the little guy he almost knocked out in the book store.

Blake turned to Wes.

"Well, I'm off to my class now."

Wes turned to Blake, looked down, and smiled.

"Yup, yuh have a good time, now, I'll see yuh at one, right?"

Blake smiled and nodded.

"Yep! We can have some lunch, then!"

Wes licked his lips, thinking of what would be for lunch, even though he still had pancakes in his belly. He leaned down to Blake and gave him a goodbye kiss, only for the two to part ways and head off to their separate buildings for the day. Blake could feel that feeling again...like Wes's first day of high school at Juniper Hills, how he wanted to be with him the whole day...he missed him already.

The first thing Wes saw as he entered the L building was the stairwell. Beyond the stairwell was a double-door that lead to a hallway, he could see that all four sides of the building were like this, since in the center of all of the hallways was a foyer where vending machines, benches and tables were located.

He took another look at his class list, he was looking for room one-hundred-five. He pushed past the double doors and look at the first door to his right, room one-hundred-one. He kept walking down the hall, passing by other furs, some gave him a good look over, probably because of his intimidating size. He walked through the foyer and look a right, and luckily, he came to the right room.

The door was open, so he stepped inside. There were about ten or so students already seated, all of them looked at him as he entered, he could have sworn he heard a gasp or two. He looked in the back rows, and saw a familiar face.

Malcolm slowly lifted his paw and gave a small wave, a grin coming to his face. Wes made his way over to the desk adjacent to him, making sure he did not bump anyone or one of the desks as he walked over. He put his book bag down against the wall behind the desk and sat down, the desk letting out a loud creak of pain from his heavy body.

Malcolm leaned over to him.

"Hello again, Wes! How are you doing? Ready for some class?"

Wes chuckled and nodded slightly.

"I'm doing real good, I jus' hope the teacher is real nice."

Wes turned to grab for his supplies as Malcolm reassured him.

"Oh yeah! I heard that Mrs. Toriello is really sweet and fun! This will be a good time, for sure."

Wes placed his book and other necessities on his desk and gave the Dalmatian a contented nod.

"Sounds good, I never been a real big fan of grammar classes."

Malcolm pressed his glasses up.

"This class is so easy! It is the easiest Literature class, don't worry, I will give you help if you need it."

Wes smiled.

"Thanks, yuhre a good guy, Malcolm."

The Dalmatian put a paw to his muzzle and giggled lightly.

"Thanks! Looks like class will start any minute now."

Slowly, within the last three minutes before eleven came around, more students entered the room, some male, some female, until almost every desk was filled.

The last student to enter really caught both Wes and Malcolm's eyes. He was a Doberman, easy to tell from the cropped ears and coat pattern, but he was wearing a powder blue tank top with a very provocative silk screen image on it, of what apparently was a men's bathroom sign, except the little man had three legs and two ears at the top, and a tail to the right. The Doberman was wearing a pair of light brown cargo pants, hanging just below his waistline so that the elastic band of his underpants were showing, 'Furthermore', knitted in while along the black band, that was a designer brand of undies. Covering his foot-paws were a pair of 'Etnies' brand skating shoes, blue and white in color. The Dobie had a very calm look on his face, he seemed very comfortable with how he was dressed. Along with the look he wore a pair of thick blue framed glasses, two silver ball-stud earrings in his cropped ears, a navy blue visor hat encircling his ears and short black head fur, and a silver chain around his neck with the male symbol, except the north-east pointing arrow was extremely oversized.

Wes thought nothing of him, but Malcolm knew exactly what those meant. The Doberman took a quick view of the room and noticed the empty desk in front of Malcolm, and he made his way over to it, tossing his backpack to the floor and placing himself in the desk.

Wes's brow furrowed at the Doberman, but Malcolm was quite intrigued by this student. Not only did he have the provocative clothing, but he was quite muscular, not holding sheer mass like Wes, but having perfect definition, he must not be carrying an ounce of body fat on him.

The two figured the Doberman would not say a word the entire class, like most of the students probably would not, but sure enough, the Dobie turned around and looked first at Wes, then to Malcolm, a smile slowly coming to his muzzle as he eyed the small Dalmatian.

"Sup, cutie?"

Malcolm gasped gently from the greeting. He already thinks he is cute? And they just met? He must be...but how to respond...

"Oh! H-hello! Y-you think I am cute?"

The Doberman slowly nodded.

"Yeah! You ain't afraid of guys like me, are you?"

Malcolm quickly shook his head, his floppy black ears wiggling about.

"N-no! It's just, not many people call me cute when they first meet me, heh."

The Doberman turned a bit more in his desk and offered a paw to Malcolm.

"Name's Nate Meyers, how 'bout you?"

Malcolm smild and took the paw. Nate's paw was so warm, he had a very strong handshake, not the paw-crippling kind, but the good-to-meet-you kind.

"I'm Malcolm Keeney, and it is nice to meet a new face!"

Nate took his paw back to his desk, his dark brown eyes still focusing into Malcolm's.

"Yeah, thanks, most guys I try to talk to give me the evil eye, I guess it is because they are breeders, heh."

Malcolm's paws came back to his desk as he smiled.

"Well, most straight guys don't appreciate it when another guy calls them cute. How did you know that I was..."

Nate chuckled and shook his head.

"I didn't, that's just how I find out, and straight guy would just tell me to fuck off or something."

Malcolm nodded.

"I suppose that is a way of testing things...Oh! This is Wes! He is a really nice guy!"

Nate looked over to Wes, looking up and down at him.

"Damn...your huge, big dog! I bet if I called you cute you would break my arm."

Wes chuckled and shook his head.

"Naw, I dun mind, yuhre pretty good lookin' yurself. Put 'er there, partner."

Wes offered his paw, Nate gladly took it, giving him the same friendly paw shake.

"Nice to meet you two, glad I got some fellow fa..."

Just then, Mrs. Toriello burst into the room, huffing and puffing as the slammed the door, papers almost falling out of her paws. The Collie slammed them onto the desk and took a breath.

"Whew! Sorry I am late everyone! The copy machine was being a dick! Pardon my French..."

The room let out a good chuckle. Nate turned around and sat normally in his desk as she started to hand out papers to the students sitting in the front of the rows.

"Alright everyone, my name is Deanna Toriello and I am your instructor for Rhetoric and Composition I! I plan on making this a fun, easy class for you all, these will be the fastest credits you will get all year! I am handing out a syllabus for you all right now, just to go over the guidelines and such..."

She looked over at Nate.

"Like no hats in class, Mr. Dobie-in-the-back, sorry!"

Nate playfully stuck his tongue out and removed the visor, sticking it into his backpack.

The class dragged on for an hour, all the students had to speak up and tell a little bit about themselves. Mrs. Toriello seemed to be a very kind, happy teacher, the class may be boring, but she would try to make it fun.

Ten till noon came and she released everyone for the day, reminding them to come back at the same time on Wednesday. Malcolm stood outside of the door to wait for Wes, only to be greeted again by Nate. He gave the Dal a wink as he slowly walked by him.

"See you on Wednesday, cute boy."

Malcolm let out a shy giggled waved goodbye to the Doberman. Wes came out of the room next and stood next to Malcolm, a small smile on his muzzle.

"Well, this class looks like it should be kinda fun. I'm not sure about that Doberman yet, seems like a nice guy 'n' all..."

Malcolm nodded and pressed his glassed back up.

"I understand him perfectly."

Wes perked a brow.

"What yuh mean? Tell meh now."

Malcolm snickered lightly sighed.

"Well, from his shirt and his necklace...I am saying that he has a very large puppymaker."

It finally became clear to Wes, that was probably it.

"Hmm...yuh might be right..."

Malcolm nodded.

"It appears he also likes attention as well, clearly drawing it to himself with those displays, but I have no problem with him, as the old saying goes, 'If you got it, flaunt it'."

Wes scratched back of his neck and chuckled.

"Makes sense now, I kinda like tuh show off too, sometimes, since muh body's a lot bigger than the average dog's."

Malcolm sifted his book bag to the other arm.

"Yeah, you are quite large, indeed! So what class do you have next?"

Wes shook his head.

"I dun got another one 'till two, my mate gets a break at one, we're gonna get some lunch, and then I come back at two for three more classes, Algebra, Engineering I, and Automotive Design."

Malcolm tilted his head curiously.

"Oh neat! I could tell by those books that you are doing something mechanical. Automotive engineering, is it?"

Wes smiled and nodded.

"Yup, I'm really interested in cars 'n' how they work, maybe can fix 'em up some day."

Malcolm's ears perked up.

"That is pretty interesting! I am kind of a geek...I am doing computer programming."

Wes put a paw on the Dal's shoulder.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that, partner, yuh follow whatever yuhre good at doin' an' you'll be jus' fine."

A big grin came to Malcolm's little muzzle.

"Thank, Wes, you really are a nice guy! Well, I need to heat to the T building, see you around!"

With that, Malcolm walked down the hall and out the double doors, waving to Wes before disappearing.

It was now a little past one, Blake and Wes both were back home, enjoying the aroma of a cooking pizza, or rather, pizzas.

"Sorry I could not cook something home-made, frozen pizza will do for now."

Blake rested his head on Wes's shoulder as they relaxed on the sofa. Wes put an arm around him.

"That's ok, love, I like pizza a whole lot. How you likin' yur classes?"

Blake nuzzled the shoulder he was resting on.

"Good so far, my economics teacher is really funny, my math teacher, not so much. Lots of new furs to meet, though."

Wes nodded and gently caressed Blake's arm with the back of his paw.

"Yup, I met some new people tuhday, real nice folks."

Blake placed a paw on Wes's chest.

"Maybe we can make some more friends, that sounds nice, doesn't it?"

Wes's went from Blake's arm to the paw on his chest, cupping over it.

"Yup, that does sound real nice, but I have the best friend I've ever had with meh right now."

Blake smiled and leaned up to kiss Wes on the cheek.

"Me too, I love you, Wes. Now, lets eat some pizza!"

Later that night and miles away in Addison, a certain hyena just got home.

Drew unlocked the front door and pushed it open, the light from the inside of the house making him squint to adjust from the dark outside.

"Billy! I am home!"

Bill poked his head from the kitchen, a wide smile on his snout, a washcloth hanging from his right horn.

"Hey, stud-yena! I am just finishing up the dishes, how was your workout?"

Drew stretched and groaned, his muscles aching a good deal.

"Great! The gym at the college is huge! My arms are so sore right now...and I need a shower, be right back!"

Drew climbed the staircase, dropped his gym bag outside the door, and entered. Bill pursed his lips and looked at the full sink, grabbing the wet rag from his horn.

"Darn it! I wanted to smell that musk...maybe next time."

He giggled to himself, a perfect plan coming to his flirtatious mind as he finished the rest of the dishes.

After the kitchen was in order, he quietly hooved up the staircase and into the bedroom, listening to the bathroom to make sure Drew was still showering. He crept over to the closet and pulled out an unopened box, giggling as set it onto the bed and started to take his clothes off.

Drew checked himself in the mirror after he wiped the condensation from it, making sure his head fur was combed. He slipped a soft white towel around his waist and opened the door, the first thing to hit him was the cool feeling of the outside air...and then the vision that overtook his eyes.

There was Bill, leaning on the door frame to the bedroom with his back to Drew. He had on nothing but a pair of light blue fishnet stockings on his thick legs, starting just below the butt cheeks and ending above the hooves. His blond fur was done up with a blue bow, one also around his long tail as it slowly swayed back and forth. Slowly, he turned his head, light blue lipstick on his lips as he gave the practically naked hyena a seductive smile, arching his back.

"Oh, hello there...my, my, someone looks good after a nice shower..."

Drew's face was in pure shock, not from disgust, but from pure sexual desire. Bill sure knew how to push his buttons in just the right way. The bull giggled lightly.

"What's the matter, stud? Don't like it?"

Slowly, Drew smiled, very wide and toothy with a lustful look in his eyes. His paw came to the towel and undid the knot in front, letting it slump to the floor, his thick red cock already half-hard and jumping from its sheath in just the few seconds he saw him.

"Oh my! It looks like someone is enjoying this..."

Bill gave his large bottom a good shake, tail swaying along with it.

"Billy...you are so fucking hot...damn...I am going to give you a reward for dressing up for me."

Bill put a finger to his lip, pressing on it with a falsely-made confused look.

"Oh? What will I be getting, now?"

Drew licked his black lips, a drop of pre already starting to collect at the tip of his now stiff shaft.

"A big fat hyena cock up the ass."

Bill gasped and let out a low moo-oan.

"Mmm...give it to me..."

Drew slowly advanced over to the bull, his stuff rod swaying back and forth. He stood behind Bill and placed his paws on the bull's hips, making him gasp from the contact. Drew licked his lips and pressed his hot meat in between Bill's buns, slowly rubbing up and down between the cheeks, pre smearing and sticking to the crack.

Bill leaned back and moo-oaned, his own cock growing rapidly. He bit his lipstick covered lip and stuck he rear out further, bending and arching his back so his cheeks spread lust a little further apart. Drew's muzzle came close to Bill's ear, a warm breath coming out to meet it.

"Looks like I need to slick you up..."

With that, Drew took a step back and kneeled down, face to face with Bill's rump. He grabbed the long tail and held it to the side, Bill knew what was coming. Drew's tongue came out and pressed against Bill's pink pucker, saliva dripping down and wetting the tight muscle. Bill clenched his flat teeth together and sucked air in through them as Drew worked his tongue, lapping over and over against the puckered hole.

Drew shoved his muzzle further in between the cheeks, pressing his tongue against the hole and slightly entering it, wiggling around as more saliva dripped down, some dribbling down his chin. Drew grasped the two cheeks roughly, his paws pull of rump roast as his tongue went further in, Bill's delightful musk taking over his nasal cavity. Drew gave the pucker on last lick, a trail of saliva connecting tongue to hole as more dripped down the crack, matted with Bill's short black fur.

Drew stood again and placed his paws back to the bull's hips and slowly pressed the head of his fat cock against the now wetted hole. Bill moo-oaned low as the head stretched his hole wide, Drew's pre helping lubricate the way inside of him. Bill loved how thick Drew was, he let him measure it, even, the shaft was just shy of six inches around and it felt so damn good.

Bill clenched his hole around the cock to give it a better grip as Drew slid further in, slowly sliding until he was finally lodged deep inside of his mate. Bill could feel the heavy balls and curly pubic fur against his ass, it tickled ever so slightly.

"Mmm...Drew...give it to me good...go fast and hard...please?"

Drew leaned in, trying to get as close to Bill's ear as he could since he was now stuck inside of him.

"Sure thing, you big sexy bull."

With that Drew pulled back and gave a quick thrust, slamming hard into Bill's ass, making it jiggle and the bull gasp. He repeated the process, pulling back and slamming hard, it felt so good, Drew's girth was a perfect match for Bill's big butt.

Bill threw his head back, the bow in his hair swaying about as he moo-oaned loudly. Drew did as he was asked and did not let up, hammering the bull's ass as he reached around and hugged Bill about the midriff, his paws pressing into his firm gut. Drew realized that Bill needed some help and grasped Bill's beef stick with a paw, stroking it briskly as he pounded him.

Bill grasped the wooden door frame hard to prop himself up, arching his back even further as his body started to quake from the sensation of being thrusted and stroked at the same time. Drew could feel his legs start to ache and his hips start to burn from the rough fucking he was giving his mate, he could have lasted longer, but his legs were tired from his workout.

Drew squeezed Bill even harder bout the midriff and stroked him at a brisker pace. Bill could feel Drew's abs, his chest, his arms, all press into him as they contracted and relaxed. Drew felt sweat drip down his forehead and moisten his underarms, looks like this really was turning into a second work out for him.

Drew thrusted faster, he could feel a tingle in his testicles, his knot was beginning to form as it slammed into Bill's pucker with every thrust. With one last push, Drew pulled Bill into him at the same time, making his knot slip into Bill's hole with a loud, sloppy squishing sound.

Bill gasped for air, waves of pleasure sent over his body form the knot insertion.

"Damn...Drew...that feels so nice...moooooh....Mmm...I think I am going to..."

Drew knew what was coming, he immediately started to grind into Bill's ass, not being able to buck into him from being tied, and grasped tight around Bill's pre-slicked cock, making him holler in pleasure. Drew felt the cock in his paw throb, Bill screamed out Drew's name, and his body shivered as his orgasm began, bull seed ejecting from the throbbing cock and splattering all over the wall and wood floor, long lines of cum coating the floor.

Drew could smell Bill's seed, his musk, and it drove him over the edge, he could feel his knees go weak and his balls pull into his body as his own thick cock started to throb madly deep inside of his mate.

Drew leaned back and yelled as his orgasm came next, moaning from each shot his cock released deep inside of Bill. He must have let out over a dozen moans, because hyena cum was starting to leak out of Bill's pucker and travel down his crack, a thin river of gooey white goodness making a trail down his black ball sac and slowly drip down onto the floor.

They were both breathing heavily, their hearts still racing, Drew rested his sweaty head onto Bill's back, Bill reached down with one hand and took Drew's paw, grasping it tightly, Drew grasped back, their fingers entwining.

"Oh Billy...that felt so good...did you like that?"

Bill took a deep breath and looked behind him.

"I loved it...you gave it to me just how I like it, that was amazing, my dear sweet hyena stud."

Drew giggled and licked Bill's back.

"Thanks for dressing up for me...you look really nice in fishnets, never knew you had them."

Bill squeezed Drew's paw tighter.

"Was saving them for a special surprise."

Drew continued to lick Bill's big back.

"I really like your surprise, this was a perfect ending to the first day of college...if I could face you know, I would kiss that hot lipstick right off of your snout."

Bill giggled and ran his other hand through his blonde head fur.

"I think we need to take a shower and get cleaned up before bed."

Drew laughed, his other arm hugging Bill around the midriff.

"And I just took one, I guess there is nothing wrong with being too clean, now."

Bill shook his head, the bow swinging back and forth.

"Nope, especially when we get to take one together."

As they took their shower, they had no idea, or would have expected, what was happening on the other side of the wall in the other bathroom. It seems they were not the only two to have an orgasm that night.

Creamy white cum splattered against the tile floor of the bathroom in Marcos's side of the apartment. Seated upon the toilet, pants down around ankles, hoodie thrown to the side and paw-fingers around nipple with other paw still around spent shaft, was none other than Drew's own cousin, Marcos.

He rubbed a paw up and down his thin abdomen and chest, a look of desire and lust in his eyes as he enjoyed the afterglow of his ejaculation. Apparently he had been listening the entire time since the walls that separated the duplexes were not the most sound-proof.

"Drew....oh Drew...fuck...I want that so bad...I want you...Drew..."

******* ******* ********


Well well! Here we are! Time for college fun time! It looks like things are just starting! Who knows what will happen?

Will the first week of school go as well as the first day?

Did Carlo go overboard with her shopping?

What else awaits them on campus?

Will Blake ruin dinner next time?

Is Nate really as big as he implies?

How many more people will Wes knock over?

Did Marcos really just do that?

All these answers will possibly be revealed in part 5 of I Will Protect You.

Stay Tuned! =3