Possessive (A1, B10, C9)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#9 of Twilight of the Gods Book10



Chapter -9- Possessive

Saturday, November 6, 2049 - 5:10am EST McLean, Virginia District Coast ...

Conner looked down at the tarmac."Damn, that was fast. I didn't know private jets that hit Mach 1 were allowed to fly over American soil."

Conner stretched and performed a somersault from the private jet. He landed on the smooth, recently paved blacktop. He turned around and grinned. "C'mon, Karla. Let's roll."

"Can you not wait for the staircase to...?"

"Oh, stop being so patient. Let's go."

Karla sighed. She stepped off the carpeted deck, much to Conner's surprise. He opened his arms and she slid into his embrace. They came nose to nose.

"What ... what the hell was that?"

"Is this not what you wanted from me?"

Conner gawked. "I figured you would teleport or something."

"Should we be using our abilities in public?"

Conner laughed and shook his head. "I'm not sure this is a good idea, either. I mean, having me pretending I'm dating Karla so that chick doesn't know you're involved? That's weird."

"Do not deny the attraction you feel to her."

"I ... have a thing for Asians," he said with a caddy grin.

"You are a man. I know your hot testosterone well, love. Karla has the same hormone, but her body possesses such in excess of a normal woman. You are eye candy, Conner. I enjoy looking at you even more than I did as Tamae."

"Oh, Christ, this is getting awkward. I've never flirted with Karla before."

"Karla is asleep in the backseat, Conner-kun. Our road trip consists of two - you and me, my heart."

"Okay, okay. You're right. I can pretend for you, because it's really you in there. How, uh, do you like using her powers and body?"

"It was most enjoyable. The telekinesis I am able to handle. The teleportation, however, I have yet to master. Karla explained to me that its function is emotionally charged. But I have not yet been able to summon the emotion to trigger such."

"Alright, you need to act like Karla right now. You're sounding too ... aristocratic or something."

"Gomanasai, Conner-kun. I will endeavor to..."

"What are you talking about down there?" Sandy asked from up on the plane. "They were bringing us a rolling staircase."

Conner smirked, looking up at the woman. "Don't you know everything about me, USPRI lady? I jumped. Hell, doesn't the CIA know everything about me?"

Sandy sat down on the edge of the rear exit hatch, waiting for the rolling stairs to be brought out. "Executive Order twelve-triple-three, Mr. Parker. The CIA is restricted in the collection of information directed against US citizens."

Conner smirked. "So what you're saying is ... that's the NSA's job, huh?"

"You want to swing by Fort Meade and ask them? They still operate their old location in Maryland."

Conner guided Karla away from the plane. A rolling staircase came up to the side of the plane. Sandy came down with Conner's cane.

She handed it to him. "Why does that burn when you hold it?"

"Because you have to be a badass, like me, to wield it." Conner stepped away from Karla, took the cane into his hand and twirled it about. He went through motions like a majorette. "Watch."

He switched hands, then moved it back to his right. After the handoff, he grasped the cane firmly in his palm. Hanging from the hooked end, Sandy's weapon dangled by its trigger guard. "See?"

She reached up and snatched the weapon from his cane with a grimace. "Why does it burn to touch it?"

"Because it's irradiated orichalcum. There's no adverse effects and it's not the radiation particles like you're probably thinking...

"So it's not radioactive?"

"Not by definition. But it radiates stored energy, and that's what you feel when you touch it. It lets me do things like this..."

He drew his arm back and launched the cane like a javelin. It sailed through the air and clattered further up the tarmac.

"That was..."

"Wait, lady. Watch." Conner held his hand up. "Karla, can you levitate me about fifteen feet up?"

"Hai. Yes, Conner, please be careful."

Conner snuck a glare at Karla. "And ... go." He jumped up into the air, propelled by the telekinetic launch. He performed a simple somersault.

The cane launched up into the air and met his palm at the crest of his jump. He dropped to the ground in a crouch, with his left hand planted on the tarmac, between his knees.

Conner stood up and twirled the cane off his knuckles. He went through a complicated pattern of twirls. He placed it on his shoulder and used his body to cause the cane to roll about the back of his neck to his other shoulder. He followed through by taking it into his other hand.

With another twirl, he performed a roundhouse kick, swiping his foot through the twirling cane without striking the length of the staff. He came out of the kick and posed. "See? Easy."

Sandy tilted her head. "Showy."

Karla murmured to Sandy. "Do not look at him with those eyes," her voice lowered further, adding, "you cougar."

"Excuse_me_?" Sandy crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at Karla. "I'm married."

Conner sighed through his nose, unaware of the exchange between the two women. He approached them, guided his cane into a specially designed holster on his back, and reached for Karla's hand. "So, when do we start?"

A limo pulled up.

"Late tonight," said Sandy, opening the back door for them. "We'll spend the afternoon resting at a location we've set up in the vicinity." She shook her head, looking from Conner to Karla. "You two don't read like your dossier."

Karla smirked, sinking down into the posh limousine. "Then it is obvious - your profiler does not know his or her job very well."

Sandy rolled her eyes. "You'll be breaking into one of the top five most secure locations in America. I certainly hope they were right when they put in your profile that the two of you are capable of pulling this off."

Conner arched his brows. "Really? The CIA's old headquarters? I could have sworn the list was Fort Knox, NORAD, Oak Ridge, the White House of Chicago, and the National Security Agency's Omega Site."

Sandy panned her gaze back to Conner. "The fact you know about the Omega site is surprising. The old CIA building used to be impressive. Perhaps it's not one of the top five anymore, but it was, once. The reason we're breaking into it, is because they have neither the manpower nor the countermeasures and defenses of the American CIA of the United States Federal Government."

Conner shook his head and scoffed. "So, the Confederation isn't quite as well staffed huh? Gee, I wonder why, considering the tiny population of the District Coast."

"I hope the two of you get along better than your profiles suggest. We don't need any drama tonight. Are we clear?"

Karla turned to face Sandy. "Please do not presume to think you know me."

"Your husband perished earlier this year. Your youngest of two children went missing earlier this year. That's your second child you couldn't protect. Now you're dating a teenaged boy and talking like an egotistical child who thinks she has a big vocabulary. I guess you're right - I don't know you."

Karla glowered. She turned away from Sandy, seething. "Your opinion does not matter. At least, not to me. I am insulted by your lack of respect."

Sandy narrowed her eyes. "I don't care. You're both children as far as I'm concerned. You think I want to end up a nameless star on Harold Vogel's wall of fucking shame? I only have one goddamn life to lose for my country."

Conner smirked, glancing to Karla in expectation. She said nothing. He frowned and whispered, "This is the part where you tell us who said that and make a witty comeback."

Tamamo frowned.

Karla's eyes faded, briefly, and became brilliant green. She stretched a bit, causing a soft popping sound to come from her lower back. "I told her to stretch," she muttered with a wry grin.


Karla grinned and said, "Do you regret_having only _one life to lose, or not? Or are you afraid of giving it even once?"

"I would give my last breath for this mission. It's bigger than either of you can possibly imagine," said Sandy. She leaned back in her seat and smirked. "Not that a child like you could possibly conceive the depth or meaning of my quote to begin with."

Karla playfully draped her arm over Conner's shoulder. With a confident posture and tone, she said, "The last words of Nathan Hale, before being executed by Bill Richmond and Bill Howe in 1776, in Queens, New York. So ... are we good?"


Karla teleported Conner and Sandy so that they switched places in the limo. When they reappeared, Karla had her arm around Sandy. "Are we good or not?"

Sandy blinked and looked around. "Did you just...?"

"Yup. Sorry if you're disoriented. You get used to it." Karla drew her arm back from Sandy's shoulders and ruffled her hair. "See? You're working with true professionals."

The limo came to a stop.

Sandy moved out of the seat. "I'll show you to your room, you two. You don't mind sharing, to you?"

"We'll make due," Conner said, following Sandy out of the car. He held his hand towards Karla.

Karla grinned at him. "Such a gentleman today." She took Conner's hand and eased from the back of the limo. "Maybe you're trainable after all."

Sandy held a key out to Conner. "Stay in the guesthouse behind the main building. It's in the backyard."

Karla teleported the key from the exchange of hands. She held it up with a grin. "Thanks. See you after sundown."

"Ten. Be up at ten."

"You got it, tuits." Karla grinned. "Hwyl!" She announced in a playful tone. Conner's cane disappeared from the harness on his back. She and Conner vanished.

They appeared in the courtyard, next to Conner's cane. She picked it up and handed it to him. "Sorry to use your cane as a landing test, but your girl forgot my purse." Karla looked around the dark backyard. "Lucky for us, the cane didn't wind up as the new sword in the stone." She nodded towards a rustic cabin, surrounded by flowers. "Oh my God how cute is that?"

"Karla..." he sighed and put his cane into the harness. "So Tamamo is dormant now?"

"Shh, not here," she said, adding, "Get your butt inside and we'll talk, babe." She handed him the key and followed him into the cabin.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"First of all, make sure we're not being watched. There are cameras in here right?"

"I'm creating distorted interference. I do it as often as I can. If we're being watched, they can't use biometrics, the audio is distorted, and it's hard to read lips."

"Good enough." Karla placed her hands on his shoulders. "Are you okay with this flirting thing?"


"Tam had me say I'm your girlfriend. I think she was being territorial around Sandy, too. I think it's great, really. Now their profile about me is all messed up. They think I throw fire, talk like some aristocratic snob, they think I'm you and I are in a relationship. Let Sandy and her people be confused."

"Oh. I kept thinking you were going to be _so_pissed off at me afterwards."

"No, babe. It's method acting. Besides, T really loves you. I can tell it when she's in control. It's cute how she's being territorial around Sandy. But Sandy is obviously married."

"I don't know what to do."

Karla smiled. "Babe, I need you to have faith in T, okay?"

"Are you sure? She tried kissing me earlier."

"Psht," Karla laughed. "I don't give a shit if you two snog. Seriously. I'm a succubus, dumbass. It's not me kissing you. It's her. Do whatever it takes to make that dumb bitch, Sandy, think her intel is wrong."

"You're sure? I felt awkward just having your arm around me in the limo."

Karla looked around the small cabin. It had a kitchenette, a small living room, and a single bedroom with a king-sized mattress. She came back to the living room and checked beneath the sofa cushions. "There's no mattress beneath this sofa."

"I'll sleep on the sofa."

Karla grinned. "Look, I'm not giving you carte blanche with T, while she's borrowing my body. But if you want to kiss her, or share a bedroom, I'm okay with that."

"It's still weird. You really want me to sleep next to you? And why do you keep calling her 'T,' anyhow?"

"I know you and your sister hate my guts, Conner. I get it. But when T is in control, it's not me. Kissing is okay. Holding hands, or snuggling for body warmth is okay. But now Sandy and her intelligence think we're a couple. That will keep them from learning about T. We need to pretend T died, and that I'm your rebound relationship to get over her."

"So keeping her existence a secret is a top priority in this situation?"

"Our enemies think your girl was killed by Sigyn. We don't know what kind of information our bad guys can access. It's best if everyone thinks you and I have a relationship."

"Oh, I see now. Well, that makes a lot of sense. We can't let it get back to Loki's wife because we don't know if she is friends with Sandy and her people, right?"

"Right," Karla said with a firm nod. "So you need to pretend you're in a physical relationship with me. You need to sell it, babe. Sell it like a shady crook in a trench coat sells puppies and watches."

"What if uh, 'T' jumped out of your body and possessed Sandy? Then we could find out everything that woman knows."

Karla shook her head with a sigh. "Conner, I don't think you understand the severity of the situation."

"How do you mean?"

"Your girl was hurt bad, babe. Sigyn stabbed her in the Celestial Realm, putting a hole in your girlfriend's spirit. T will not heal, if she's dormant in me. She has to be active."

"I don't get it. If she's in you, she should heal regardless right?"

"Babe, to heal, your body has to be in harmony with itself - mind, body and soul. I have a healthy mind and body. Her mind and soul need to be in the driver's seat for my body to heal her."

"Have you ever done something like this before?"

"Nope." Karla walked back into the bedroom and dropped down onto the mattress with a sigh. "And right now, my body is pretty tired. We ate on the plane and that's cool, but I need to rest. We both do. And you need to be there for your woman."

Conner followed her into the bedroom and sat down on the bed besides her. "Karla, she can't even figure out how to use your teleportation yet. If we're in serious trouble, we'll need you to..."

Karla reached up and placed a finger on his lips. "Good. It's nice to be needed. You finally see I'm a valuable member of this team."

"I ... look I'm sorry I disrespected you before, okay?"

Karla laughed. "Apology accepted. Now, tell me I'm super hot."


"C'mon, dipshit. We're dating and all that. Tell me I'm super hot."

"You're super hot."

"Tell me I have a great ass."

"You do. I mean - you have a great ass."

"Great! That's all I need to hear from you every once in a while. I like compliments. Now, tell me I'm intelligent."

"I never saw it before now. But then when 'T' didn't know the answer to something regarding American History, I found myself looking at you, and expecting you to say something about it."

"So tell me I'm smart."

"Okay, it's true. You're smart."

"See? That wasn't so hard!" She reached up and cupped either side of his face with her palms. "No more fighting between us, okay?"


"And thanks for catching my ass when your ditzy girlfriend jumped out that hatch, back at the airport. I didn't expect that."

Conner's eyes lowered, not knowing what to say with her hands on his face. "Yeah, no problem."

Karla smiled. "Maybe we can be friends after all. I see how much you love her. I see how awkward it feels to do things with a woman that doesn't have Tamae's face. You're not so bad, 'Conner-kun.'"


"If she does that shit again, don't you dare drop me."

"I promise I'll catch you. You weigh, like, nothing."

"I'm a buck ten."

"Soaking wet, maybe."

Karla laughed. "It's all in my T-and-A, babe."

"Jesus." Conner licked his lips, adding, "And, look, Karla ... I don't hate your guts, by the way. I can't speak for my sister - I know she was rude to you and I'm sorry for that. But I'll try and be a better friend to you."

Karla grinned. "Now, if you're going to convince these fake US Government noobs that we're an item, you need to sell it, babe. So, from here on out, we need to roleplay, and you need to call me 'Karla' no matter what. I mean it. Tamamo is dead, do you understand? You and I are on the rebound, are we clear?"


"Also, your girl feels like you've been ignoring her. So when she comes back, you need to hold her hand and snuggle with her."

"I just..."

Karla put her hands on his cheeks. "I'm not_saying to 'go all the way.' You _don't have carte blanche, Conner. Like I told your sister, I wouldn't dare even consider it. But if they are watching us, even with no audio and poor image quality, you need to kiss me and sleep next to me for them to believe you're not with Tamamo anymore. You need to prove to them that Tamamo died. Understand?"

"Yeah. But, Karla, she didn't bring your pills."

Karla shrugged. "I'm pretty sure it's my metabolism that's helping to heal her."

"Oh. So you don't need to have sex to heal her?"

"It's my first time hosting the injured soul of a deity capable of possession." Karla put her arm around him. "Stop worrying. Tammy and I go way back. We've had our differences, but we respect one another. We respect each other's boundaries."

"How do you mean - boundaries how?"

Karla shrugged. "She'll ask me before she puts me in danger, or before jumping in front of a bullet."

"No offense but I won't make out with you unless she's the one in control."

"Well good, Conner. That goes both ways. But I've seen the way Sandy looks at us. She's not buying it."

"Okay. You're sure, Karla? I should flirt back with Tamamo?"

Karla looked away.


Silence. Karla exhaled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up her name. I can do it. I can pretend she's dead, okay? I can pretend we're on rebound."

Karla nodded, facing away.

"Karla, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she said. "I zoned out for a second. Brain ... fart."

"I was asking, should I flirt back with 'T' more, now? I need to ask your permission before I do something, especially because it's your body. So, should I flirt back with her?"

"Do you love her?"

"Yeah, of course I do." Conner ran his hands up over his head and sighed. "But I have feelings for Tamae, too. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think the body hopping thing is confusing."

Karla pulled him into a hug. "Relax. You will be fine. It is okay to hug her. It is_okay to kiss her. I promise you have my permission okay to flirt in front of Sandy and her group. But if you keep acting frustrated with Tamamo, you _will_upset your mate. Being rude to Karla, this weekend, _will push you two apart. You want your relationship to blossom, correct?"

"Yes, of course!"

The succubus patted his face and released him from the hug. "Then treat her like you care. So no more glaring at her when she says something off cuff."

He nodded quietly. "Okay."

"Mm, good. You know you like getting hugs from 'Tamamo-no-Karla,' don't you?"

His eyes dropped and he replied with a chuckle. "Yeah. We're cool."

"Your eyes are on my breast again, just like last night." Karla grinned. "So, you do like what you see, hm?"


"I am just teasing you."

Conner looked away.

"My love, I was only joking. Please do not be upset I called you out on where you were looking."

Conner glanced back at her and noticed her eyes had changed back to brown, with slightly vertical pupils. "What the...?"

"I saw you lower your gaze because you felt awkward. I was joking that you gazed upon my chest. Did I do an amicable impression of Karla? I watched how she acted, just a moment ago, and did my best to emulate it."

"Yeah, uh, actually I didn't realize you were back, Tam."

"Mm. For now, love, call me Karla. No matter what. As it was explained to you moments ago, Tamamo is dead, my love. You never know if we are being watched or listened to. I expect them to arrive shortly. Now, are you comfortable with us being together, alone?"

"Yeah, of course."

Karla turned to Conner and cupped his face.

Her soft, golden gaze was difficult to see in the dim illumination of the single lamp on the nightstand, but he was sure she was Tamamo.

"Do you still love me, Conner-kun?"

"I do, hon. I do. Of course I do."

"I am sorry. Please understand things from my side - we have had little time together as of late. I look forward to reconnecting with you soon. For now, Karla also requires rest."

"How do you mean?"

Her voice lowered, speaking softly to him. "Like the woman said, earlier ... Karla lost her husband, her children, and everyone else she's cared about. She is a strong woman with a strong personality, but she really is looking forward to not having any worries or responsibility for a few days. The next time she emerges, on Monday, she will be fully rested and back to her normal 'feisty' self."

"It's weird to see Karla go anywhere without her big purse, Kuda, her pills, and her cellphone. She hasn't had any of that since you took over. It really is easy to tell the two of you apart."

She kept her voice soft. "So when you look upon Karla's face, you see me, Conner-kun?"

"I do. I really do. Heh, and by the way, she said you need to do back stretches often, else your spine will hurt from those, uh, melons strapped to your chest."

"Understood." Tamamo grinned impishly. Her pink lips pursed together. She tucked back an errant strand of blond, and leaned towards him expectantly.

Conner met her lips with a soft kiss.

Tamamo slanted her head and darted her tongue into his mouth, briefly. She closed her soft, pink lips, suckling on the tip of his tongue. Her hand moved, teasingly, between his thighs, just to flirt.

Conner tensed, somewhat. His body reacted one way, his mind reacted another.

Tamamo traced her fingers over the slight bulge growing in his pants. She saw the uncomfortable expression in his eyes and lifted her hand back up, over his chest. She eased her head back, looking him over, and grinned. "Why do you worry so?"

"Because you didn't bring that handbag on this mission. Therefore, you didn't bring the pills."

"Why would I need pills?"

Conner looked her over and grimaced. "They're taken so that you won't need to have sex. She, er, you never go anywhere without them."

"Ah. I've always wondered if the succubus requirement for feeding is a want or a need."

"Tam, hon, where are they?"

"Tamamo is dead," she said in a stern voice. "Do not speak that name again. Please."

"I'm sorry, hon. I won't mess it up again, I promise."

"Good, love. Thank you. As I told you earlier, we do not know who is watching or listening in." Her voice lowered. "I wish you to call me Karla, even when I kiss you; I will not be jealous. As Karla, herself, said earlier - it is acting."

"But I'm kissing you, not her."

"Hai. Correct. We both know whom you are kissing. Taking refuge in a church that does not reflect your denomination does not make you apart of their flock. You may kiss the lips of Karla, and still be loyal to the kitsune you hold dear in your heart. I am yours, no matter the name involved."

Conner nodded quietly. "How about we get some rest."

"With all due respect, you should sleep in a state of undress. You said they have distorted video feed. Seeing us together in a state of undress would go a long way to convincing people we are a couple, and that Tamamo is past tense."

"The boxers stay on," Conner said. "Sleep how you want, but my boxers stay on." He pulled the covers back, slid into bed and slid his shoes off, followed by his shirt and pants.

Conner looked back at her. She dropped her panties from beneath the skirt with a devious sort of grin. "I forgot how much I enjoyed being a flirt. In this body, it comes naturally." She took off her blouse, unzipped the skirt, and dropped them around her ankles.

Conner reached over and quickly turned off the bedroom light. "I, uh, wouldn't want them to ... see my 'girlfriend' getting naked. Right?"

"Mm, I suppose so. Unless they had infrared." A playful smile spread across Karla's lips in the dark. The bra came off next. Its underwire thumped on the floor.

Conner swallowed.

She slid into the bed, eased herself beneath the covers and moved close to him. "You won't let me be cold, though, will you?"


She rolled away from him, lying on her side. "You can't even touch me? Fine. I guess you heard nothing either of us told you. And when the truth gets back to Sigyn..."

"Stop," he said.

"Nothing needs to be said. The truth is in our body language."

With a soft sigh, Conner rolled towards her and put his arms around her body. He reluctantly moved closer until his chest was against her back.

Tamamo wiggled Karla's rump, pressing herself against the front of his boxers. "Mm, so you do love me."

Conner replied in a whisper. "Of course I do."

"I am glad, love." She wiggled her hips again, teasing him. "Then 'sell it,' Conner-kun. Make me feel loved." She tucked her hair beneath her head, to keep it out of his face.

"Okay." He held her close and breathed against her ear from behind. "Sleep well - I love you ... Karla."



Saturday, November 6, 2049 - 10:30am McLean, Virginia District Coast of America ...

Conner draped his forearm across his forehead."Who knew the DCA could have such nice luxury houses with soft, pillow-top beds. The media always made this place sound like a dump, filled with hicks and stuff."

"Conner-kun, can you not sleep? You'll need your sleep before we work tonight." It was Karla's voice but Tamamo's concern could be heard in the succubus' tone.

"Mind is racing. It's hard to sleep. Sorry I'm keeping you up, Tam- er, Karla."

"I also could not sleep. Body is stiff and I am exhausted, but I am finding it difficult to relax enough to rest."

"Oh." Conner frowned. "Why don't you take a shower? I mean, this bedroom has it's own luxury bathroom. Might as well use it. And remember about the contractions."

"Yes,you're quite right. And the shower sounds like a very good idea. Will you join me?"

"I ... I'm not sure that's a great idea, Karla."

"Conner, it has been a while since we have bonded. I am a woman, and I need your touch to know you still love me. I desire to be desired, love."

Conner closed his eyes and sighed. He reached for Karla and pulled her close, putting an arm around her.

Her head rested on his chest. "Mm, I love hearing your heartbeat."

"I wish you weren't injured. We could hop in a mirror and spend some time together the way we both want."

"Yes, and then I wouldn't feel so sick."

"What do you mean?"

"Karla's merit is her ability to heal rapidly. But it is not happening, at least not for me. We ate food. Apparently she metabolizes a great amount when using her abilities. But healing is only partially tied into her metabolic rate and thus her shortfall. We all have our flaws, I'm afraid. Her other hunger needs to be sated as well."

Conner sighed, exasperated. "The pills."

"Hai. I fear I need them to help with my healing after all. I am sorry, Conner."

"You have a bottle in Chicago and your spare is in Japan this weekend with Sinopa and Tamae. Jesus Christ, I can't believe this. You can't heal, now?"

"I have been in her body for a day, and am no better than before."

Conner grimaced. "So now what?"

"We both know what comes next, Conner-kun."

"I just ... wait, you won't die if Karla doesn't feed, right?"

"I may not die, but I will not heal and I will become a burden on Karla's body."

"We'll get the pills in Chicago when we go back there on Monday," Conner said. He pinched the bridge of his nose the way his mother always did. "Maybe if you just talk to Karla about this, she'll let you stay in her body until Wednesday or Thursday."

"Hai. But I do not wish to wait until Monday to begin my healing process. I certainly do not wish to stay this way for three more days."

"We don't really have a choice, Tam..."

"Karla," she corrected. "Please. No matter what, you need to do this for me." Her voice lowered dramatically in tone. "Do not call me by my given name until I am healthy enough to return to the Celestial Realm, and then ... only there. It _is_for the best. You must stay in practice of calling me by the given name of my host at all times from here forward. It will go a long way to tricking Sigyn into thinking I have died."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm really tired. Sorry."

"Please, Conner-kun. You must help me now. It will be for the best."

"What? What will be for the best? Having sex?"

"Hai. With Karla's body, I can help you sleep afterwards - and you must sleep to do your job properly tonight."


"I want to be patient as you have suggested. But I need to feel your touch. I was not prepared to starve, and I am sorry I did not bring her pills. Please, Conner. Touch me. Heal me, love."

"Karla, this is a really, really bad idea."

"You would starve my body, and leave me injured?"

Conner swallowed with a frown. "I didn't mean..."

"Conner-kun, I..."

He looked down, defeated.

She swallowed, seeing the expression of hurt and turmoil on his face. "I am sorry I have offended you."

"Look, I just need a minute. I need some fresh air to collect myself. You're usually sure and confident and now you're injured and vulnerable. And I get it - Karla is a succubus, and her kind has needs and all that. Just ... let me take a minute and get some fresh air."

She slid off the bed and adjusted the drapes so that there was minimal light. She returned to the bed and leaned in, touching her lips against his neck. Her left hand slid down his chest, dipping into the waistband of his boxer-briefs. "Please, love. Please, just this once. I need you so badly."

He pushed his way off the bed and stood up in the middle of the darkened room. His eyes went to the line of white light where the drapes barely touched, at the center of the window. "I can not do this to Karla! I can't! She said I can make out with you, and that I should sell this relationship. But she said I don't have carte blanche, and, god dammit, I can_not_ have sex with you. I don't want that drama later, when she's herself again. Look, I need to stretch."

Conner went to a brass stand adjacent to the bedroom door. He pulled a bathrobe from one of the hooks on the stand and pulled it over himself.

"As you wish," Karla said, the disappointment evident in her voice.

Conner picked up his phone from the charger on the nightstand, and walked out of the bedroom.

He thumbed the screen, closed the bedroom door behind himself and brought the phone to his ear. A moment later, in a soft voice, he said, "Hey, Sinopa. You guys make it to Japan okay?"

"Conner. Yes, thank you for asking. I did not expect to hear from you."

"We're not finished yet. We pull the job tonight, but plans changed. We're just south of Washington DC. It's a long, long story. You got a minute?"

"Hai, I have as many minutes as you wish. Is this about finding the information that leads you to the final bomb? Or is this about making love to Tamamo in a different host?"

"God, how do you know all this stuff?"

"The truth, Conner, is that I knew there would be a third bomb because I dreamt you and your friends would be the one to find it and stop it, but first you need to steal information from a government location. I had that dream weeks ago."

"I hope I pull it off. So how did you know about the situation with Karla?"

"I saw it in a dream while sleeping on the plane ride to Japan. I occasionally have prophetic dreams. In my dream, you were with Karla. She was in desperate need of her pills. You sated her, and together you found the information that led our people to the nuclear weapon."

"Jesus. Who finds the nuke? Do we go after the person responsible?"

"Karla and Reno pair off to achieve one goal. You, Tamae, and, possibly James pair off to achieve another. Tamamo returns to the Celestial Realm, healed and healthy. She seeks to help restore order. But, first, she will wish to bond with you and Tamae."

"So Tamamo goes back to the Celestial Realm fully healed? And what do you mean by 'possibly' James?"

"Yes. She will be fully healed after this weekend. So far as James, it was blurry."

"And this all happens because of the information I find this weekend, with 'Tamamo-no-Karla'?"

Sinopa snorted in amusement at the name. "It was amusing when Karla referred to herself as such. It is still amusing to me. And, yes, my grandson, the dream encompassed your weekend with Karla. Tamamo was irresponsible to have forgotten Karla's pills. I have her emergency bottle. Kuda and Tamae are with me, also."

"I feel stupid."


"I don't think it's a good idea to sleep with Karla. I don't want the drama that follows."

"Then do not sleep with her."

"But how do I 'feed' her?"

"There are other ways to feed a succubus than to lay with her in bed ... oh dear."

"What's wrong?"

"Tamae has overheard my conversation. She wishes to speak with you."

Conner frowned. "Put her on."

Tamae's voice came over the phone. "Conner, do you feel I am a part of this relationship?"

"I do. I really do."

"Then tell me what is the matter at hand?"

"Tamamo didn't bring Karla's pills. See, Karla is a succubus. She feeds on something found in sex. Without it sex, God only knows what will happen to Karla's body. Tamamo is being amorous right now, and I don't know what to do."

"I ... see."

"Tamae, it's not you, so it's weird to even consider such a thing. And to be honest, I'm starting to get annoyed with her flirting."

Tamae sighed. When she spoke again, her voice sounded deflated by emotion. "Tamamo is used to my body. She is certainly not used to the demands of Karla Loupe's blood. Can she not heal with Karla starving?"

"I don't think so. It's just hard on Karla's body, and the healing process is suspended."

"Will Tamamo die?"

"She doesn't seem to think so."

"How do the pills work?"

"I don't know. They just do."

"Understood. As much as it pains me to say this, perhaps you should help both Karla and Tamamo."

"This will be super awkward." Conner paused. "I just realized ... this is the first time I've really had an in-depth conversation with you, _without_Tamamo."

"I am pleased we spoke of this together. I've developed feelings for you, Conner."

"That's why the thought of doing something with Karla is so ... weird. I've fallen in love with Tamamo, and I've fallen in love with you. I do _not_love Karla. You're the face I look at whenever we're together like that."

Tamae sounded flustered. "Arigato, Conner-san."

"No, no. I'm not 'san.' I'm just Conner. We're in a relationship. I don't need a title. Look, Tamamo said she's going to heal up and head to the Celestial Realm soon. I look forward to getting to know you. The real you."

"I adore you both. Please give Tamamo my love as well. I look forward to connecting. However, there is still the issue of your problem at hand."

"Yeah ... she's in the next room right now. She's insulted because I won't feed her hunger. She says she's upset because my action could feed Karla's body and heal her - heal Tamamo. So am I betraying my girlfriend and Karla? Or would I actually betray Karla by fooling around with her?"

"There might be a way to do both without having sex."

"What? Masturbate into a shotglass? Do you know how awkward it would be to do that while someone watches? It would kill the mood."

Tamae giggled over the phone. "No, Conner. You feed her literally_. Let her taste it_. While it happens, you close your eyes." Tamae's voice calmed somewhat. "Imagine that it is me. And, with luck, I will never have to share you again after this moment."

"You ... you mean oral?"

"Hai. From what I understand of the situation, it is not her hormones driving her, so much as her hunger. When sated, she will no longer have the cravings. Just ... close your eyes and imagine it is me."

Conner felt himself turned on by Tamae's advances, but also by Tamae's genuineness. He liked her gentle demeanor, her softly spoken tone, and her effeminate nature. "You know, it's refreshing to talk to the real you."

"How so?"

"You're not aggressive or overconfident or snarky. You're really a sweet girl."

"Thank you, Conner."

"I'm told Tamamo is going to invite us to the Celestial Realm in a few days. The three of us. And she's going to bring us together in a relationship capacity."

"Hai. I am aware that Tamamo wishes to come together with us as wife, wife, and husband. It is my honor to fulfill this romantic obligation to her, but it is my fondest desire to join with you. So ... I look forward to the ... opportunity."

He could tell from the way she said the last word that she was most likely biting her lip.

Conner fidgeted. "I've never ... you know ... with two women before. I wouldn't know what to do first."

"Tamamo will surely guide us through it with her confidence. She is very sure of herself. She will conduct it as she sees fit. We are simply her lovers."

"You and I have a thing, too. We might be Tamamo's lovers, but, Tamae, we're lovers too. I just ... you know, I've never done anything with the real you. I hope I'll make you happy."

"You already do. You know my body and I admire you, Conner. I hope I can make you happy."

"Thank you for the advice."

"Thank you for speaking to me with consideration. I know this must be difficult for you. I am ashamed to admit I am jealous. But if you close your eyes and imagine, as I've told you, then it will be over soon. It is Tamamo, and we have a romantic obligation to her."

"Thanks, Tamae. Our job is tonight. I'll call you when we're finished. I miss seeing you."

"I miss ... everything about you."

Conner smiled softly. "Is it weird to say 'I love you,' when we've never technically been together without Tamamo involved?"

"It is not weird for me_. I have given a part of my life to you for some time, now. Conner, I love you_."

He felt his heart quicken in his chest. "I promise I'll think of you. I'll keep the lights out. I just don't know how I'm going to go about getting into this."

Tamae's voice lowered, as if to speak so that Sinopa would not hear her. However, the way she spoke made her voice husky and seductive sounding. "Conner, imagine you're walking into the bedroom ... it's dark. The lights are out. And your fingers find my hair. And you guide my lips to yours, then you guide me down, so that my lips trail your chest."

Conner just listened to her, in awe of her silky, coquettish voice.

"Imagine you continue to guide me downward until I taste the flesh of your manhood. Imagine my lips sliding over you, while you run your fingers through my hair. Imagine my warm breath on your skin. Imagine only me, as I swallow your offering. Imagine my desire; my only wish being to please you, until you've given me every last drop."

Conner swallowed, turned on by her teasing, sultry voice. "Thank you."

"Mm, no, thank you_, Conner. Thank you for considering me. I will show you just how grateful I can be when I see you next. I love you_."

"I love you, too." He heard the soft tone from the call disconnecting. Conner reached down and adjusted the bulge in his boxer-briefs.

Conner went into the bedroom, closed the door, and shuffled across the dark room to the nightstand. He plugged in his phone, made his way to the drapes and adjusted the corner, so that absolutely no light came through.

He returned to the bed, took Karla by her cheeks and kissed her forcefully. It took her breath away and she swooned.

He guided her lips down to his neck, and then to his chest.

She allowed him to guide her down.

He felt soft, plush lips against his abs. Still turned on by Tamae's flirty advances, he felt Karla's lips slip over the length of his arousal.

She placed her palms on his hips and guided him into a relaxed sitting position on the bed, propped up against pillows and the headboard.

Conner let out a soft murmur at the sensation of those smooth, pliable lips, sliding from tip to hilt. He wasn't sure if it was Tamamo's skill, or Karla's experience that made the sensation so good. He convinced himself that it was his imagination instead - it didn't matter if Tamae was going to be this good. It only mattered that it would soon be her.

His fingers sifted through Karla's blond locks in the dark room. He felt his way through her hair, almost certain he felt the softness of two fox ears.

Perhaps that, too, was his imagination, but the fox ears made it easier to think of her as someone other than Karla.

He felt soft hands against his torso. Her fingertips slid up his skin. Her fingernails gently dragged back down, causing goosebumps.

Those slick lips, and her lush tongue worked in tandem, dancing skillfully over his cock. Conner arched his hips up. The warm breath against his skin was a tease that he couldn't ignore. He groaned softly.

He thought back to Tamae's words. His mind raced with her delightfully provocative flirting over the phone earlier. He smiled to himself.

Conner recalled how Tamae's voice was smooth, silky, and barely above a whisper, as though she had a naughty little secret to keep.

He cupped his hand over the back of her head and thrust his hips up. It would be Tamae soon. He just knew it.

If this moment was part of a 'romantic obligation' to Tamamo, then he would take Tamae's advice and honor it as such. He met her rhythm, matching her pace. As her lips slid down, his hips arched up to meet her.

And then he felt her warm lips disappear. She eased up, placing her hands on his shoulders, and she kissed him. Her lips felt different from Tamae's kisses, but he was too close to release to let it break the illusion.

He felt her tongue slide into his mouth. Her right hand went to his cock, keeping him firm with her ministrations. Her left hand guided his right to move between her thighs. He heard her soft whisper, muffled against his lips. "Touch me like you love me, Conner-kun."

The name made it easier to pretend she was Tamae. The whisper was a nice touch, too.

He felt his hand guided into place. His index and middle finger dipped into her. He felt her body tense up at the sensation, followed by a sigh of delight, felt where their lips pressed together.

She clenched her folds around his fingers, bucking her own hips against his touch. "God yes. Feed me, love. How does it feel?"

"Good," he said breathlessly.

"Call out to me. Call my name."

"Tammy," he whispered.

"Iie, say the name you promised to call me."

He tensed up, but her touch was so good. Her smooth palm slid along his cock. Her slick pussy worked his fingers. Her breath was warm against his lips.

He swallowed and said, "Karla..."

"Good boy. Say it again."

"Nghh... Karla. I'm close, hon."

"Mm, louder."

Conner reached up, put his left hand in her hair and guided her down, until her lips found his cock again. "Don't stop. You want to be fed, then don't you spill a drop. I'm almost ... almost right there."

Karla's lips found his cock again and she engulfed him to the hilt. Her tongue teased the bottom of his length with lavishing licks, while her lips captured every needy inch of his swollen flesh. She gorged herself on him, trying desperately to taste his offering.

She moved to the side of his right hip, so that he was able to keep his fingers buried within her. She reached down, placing her hand atop of his, between her thighs, to coax him and guide him.

She whined delightfully in reply to his thumb resting against her ass, followed by a third finger, which sank into her aching, needy pussy.

And then ... bliss. Or, perhaps not bliss by the definition of the word. Conner felt release. A powerful, albeit awkward release. He groaned in relief, but placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to guide her away.

Tamamo used Karla's telekinesis to keep him from moving away. She gorged herself on the honeysuckle nectar that jetted across her tongue in frothy ropes of pearl.

Conner struggled against the power of the telekinetic force, which kept him from pulling away. He only felt it pinning his torso and hips. He panicked, unable to push away.

He reached his left hand up on her shoulder and pushed a finger into a pressure point where the top of her collarbone met her shoulder. He mashed his fingertip down with all the strength in his forearm.

The pain broke Tamamo's concentration and she rolled away from him, bringing a hand up to cup her shoulder. The pain faded away in an instant. "What ... was that??"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I felt panicked because I couldn't move. It was a defensive reflex action from my training." Conner swallowed, hoping she would buy the white lie.

Tamamo sighed. She sighed from the subsiding pain, from the spectacular feed, from the enjoyment of having so much control - she sighed softly and eyed him in the dark. "I can see your face, Conner. I have fox eyes. You look upset."

"I just ... I panicked. I couldn't move."

"Gomenasai." She bowed her head, despite it not being seen in the dark. "I've never seen you react with such ... I suppose the term is a 'refractory period.' Perhaps you could hold me instead?"

"You can't just go using her powers like that. You can't just use them on me. We're supposed to be a couple."

"Making this our first fight."

Conner shook his head. "This isn't just some lover's quarrel, okay? This is you forcing yourself because you want something. It was selfish okay?"

"You came back in the room and kissed me firmly. You put your hand in my hair and guided me down. I thought you wanted this, Conner."

He grunted in frustration. "I had to call Tamae about this, and she talked me into doing this. She said it was an obligation between lovers. But you can't just control me when you want something done like that."

Tamamo swallowed. She drew in a slow breath. "I was wrong, Conner. Makoto ni moushiwake gozaimasen deshita - I did not mean to force you into doing something you did not want. I do not have the pills; you were unable to sleep, and I craved the feeling of a bond between us. I needed a physical connection. I wanted it to create an emotional connection. Moushiwake arimasen deshita. I realize the error of my ways. Now, all I crave is your forgiveness."

He frowned. "Well ... no one can deny that the Japanese are masters of an exceptional apology." He dropped back on the pillows and rubbed at his face. "God. This is so awkward."


"Does this have something to do with you having a crush on Karla?"

"W-what? Gomen ne, Conner-kun, please explain this to me."

"Nothing, it's just something I heard."

"Go on," she replied in a stern voice.

"Because Rachel threw herself at Karla, back when she was still confused by all your memories."

Tamamo turned on the light and opened her mouth to speak, but words failed to come out.

Conner cut his eyes away from Karla's naked body. It was hard not to look. She was beautiful. She had a slender frame and extraordinary natural breasts. Despite birthing two children, Karla had no stretch marks from her healing ability.

And, like the thief that he was, he stole another glance.

He saw her brown eyes lower. All at once Conner felt the strangest sensation - one that many men weren't used to feeling. He felt the shame of being naked in front of a lover.

Conner reached for blankets and pulled them to cover himself. He used the corner of a sheet to dry the excess saliva from his manhood.

Again, he looked away from her nude flesh, glistening with a light sheen of sweat. His curious eyes kept returning to the artistic sculpture of Karla's body. "Get dressed or get under the covers."

"I do not feel shame under such a praising gaze. Karla is equally proud to parade her sumptuous curvature to any willing to look. Clothes are for warmth or fashion."

"It's awkward."

She smirked. "What you feel is purely in your mind."

"Or it's shame because Karla told me I don't have carte blanche with her body. Or, worse, because I feel like I just cheated. That's when people became self-aware right? Like, in the bible and all that? When we learned shame and humility, and how to learn from that - that's when everything changed and we weren't animals anymore. Well, I like my shame. I'm not an animal."

Tamamo narrowed her eyes. "Are you saying I am?"

"No. You're a deity, so you don't need shame. You're above all that. That's what makes me the lowly and meek; by comparison, you're perfect."

"I..." She saw the broken will in his eyes. In that moment, she realized just how badly she'd hurt him.

Conner said nothing.

She swallowed. "I cannot tame you to do as I ask, mighty Sampson. And I would be a fool to break your will to be your own man."

"Fuck it," he said. "Cut my hair, if that's what you want. It's obvious I have no say in this relationship."

Tamamo frowned. She spoke softly, so their shared words felt more personal. "Conner, I am hardly perfect. Gods know shame, fear and grief. When Susanoo betrayed his sister, Amaterasu, she hid away."

He said nothing.

"Amaterasu was the sun goddess, Conner. Her decision to hide in the Rock Cave of Heaven brought a time of darkness over Japan. She hid because she struggled with her fear, her shame and her grief. She hid because of her anger at her brother. She hid because her heart ached."

Conner sighed. "I ... I don't know what to say or do right now."

"Speak your heart. If you bottle your anger, you will push away from me. Let us discuss it, please."

"Fine. I'm proud of my body. I work hard for it do what I want and to look how I want. And I am not ashamed of it, okay? But I didn't want to share it with Karla, okay? If that sounds like something a chick would say, well ... whatever. Think what the hell you want."

"Conner, no. For us to work, we cannot judge one another. Speak your mind."

"Fine," he said. "They say, in some cultures, that a person's name has special power and sharing your name with others, gives them power over you. I think that was a metaphor that was taken out of context over the years. I think it means you're not supposed to share all of yourself, mind body and soul, with someone unless you trust them with that power."

"And now you feel Karla will have power over you because of the sharing?"


She shrugged her shoulders. "Perhaps you are right. Perhaps such was a metaphor. How can a simple name hold power over someone? It was silly to think of such."

"I guess."

She continued, as though trying to change the subject away from what happened moments prior. "Gods are more powerful than humans, and our names are well known to our worshippers. Worshippers have painted and sculpted our bodies in the nude for thousands of years. We have nothing to hide."

"Yeah, but Karla didn't need to share her body with me."

"And why not? Karla's body is beautiful." Tamamo slid off the bed.

"Yeah, it is..."

The kitsune sauntered across the bedroom and stood in front of a mirror. "She, herself, called her body a sports car."

"I think she used 'Hot Rod.'"

"No matter the exact term, Conner. You see, she is proud of flaunting her body, and even prouder that it is always meeting the acceptance and approval of others. That is how a succubus survives."

Conner stole a glance at her backside, unable to help it.

"Did you know Karla slept with Aphrodite? Like Venus, Aphrodite well understands that sex is far more than something to hold over another. It is something you also do for yourself. Something to be enjoyed. It is the next level of enlightened communication."

"How the hell do you figure it's 'enlightened communication?' Because if that's what it was, then I felt like I was communicating what you wanted to hear, and only what you wanted to hear. Okay? And you sure as hell didn't listen to my side of that, uh, 'communication.' A conversation goes two ways, else it's just masturbating with the unwilling. And you know what culture calls that? It's called rape. So, by all means, go ahead and use the telekinesis again. I'll just lay here, and you get what you want. But I'm not interested in Karla like that. And I'm not going to betray her, either."

Karla's body turned around, facing away from the mirror. She sauntered back to Conner and placed her palms on his face. "Love, shh. I will explain. 'Intercourse' is a duel-meaning word. It means 'communication within.' Course, like 'discourse.' That is the part of the word that means we are sharing and communicating. It is the reason I crave it with you, so we can bond on an emotional level that spoken words cannot always seem to provide."

Conner looked away. "I don't want to fuck Karla."

"Karla is not here. It is impossible to fuck someone that is not present. When you make love to someone, you make love to their heart and their mind. So, it should not matter how I look. When we make love, you are communicating with my heart and my mind. You are touching my soul. Mine, not hers. It should not matter the face I wear."

"But you look like Karla," he murmured. "And she asked me not to do things with her."

"Outer-course, discourse - this is how you would communicate to the body of another. That is why lovers look in one another's eyes. Even in Islamic countries, where eye contact is considered rude, it is certainly appreciated to meet the gaze of your spouse. But when we make love, it is our souls joining. Our hearts connecting. Karla is not here right now. If you made love to me, right now, it would not be Karla. It would be me."

Conner sank down under his blankets and draped his forearm across his eyes. "I understand."

"Do you? Do you agree, or are you agreeing that we disagree?"

"You said you also did this to help me sleep. Right?"

"Hai. Karla has an effect on her lovers. They typically feel tired after she draws energy from their body. It is part of her feed."

He nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I couldn't make love to you right now even if I wanted to. I came, and now I feel like I could sleep hard."

Karla climbed back into the bed and turned of the light. In the dark, it was easier to imagine her as anyone other than the succubus he always argued with. It was easier to see her as Tamamo.

"Do you still love me, Conner-kun?"

"Of course I do." He eased down on his back, arm up over his forehead.

Tamamo crept across the bed and laid her head on his chest. "Are we broken?"

Conner sighed and put his arm around her shoulders, cradling her head against his chest. "You're a goddess who is used to seizing whatever you want. I'm a Master Thief who is used to taking whatever I want. When we both want something different, it gets weird."

"Hai. It becomes a battle of our egos. Are we broken?"

Conner swallowed. "I'd like to think ... what we have ... transcends a stupid mistake."

She kissed his chest. "I am pleased you love me for who I am, mistakes and all."

"Imperfections make us different from the next person. So they're not really imperfections. They're, like, personalized differences and traits and such."

"Mm, that's why I said 'mistakes,' love. As you can see, we agree on one thing - we are both perfect as we are."

He laughed and stared up at the blackness above. He was glad the lights were out. "Hell, I'm not perfect. I'm a cocky little shithead who gets bent out of sorts when someone with Karla's personality tries to argue with me. Even when she tries to be sweet to me."

"When has she ever been sweet to you?"

"We talked, once, in the storage space in my basement. And I got nasty with her, not the other way around. And the day that building came down in Chicago ... she knew I needed to vent. And she washed my face off with warm water. We might not get along, but that's no reason to disrespect her body. I can't do that shit. I'm a thief, but I'm not that selfish."

"I see."

"Do you feel better? Did you, uh, get whatever it is you need?"

"Hai. We both needed it."

"No, I could have done without it, no offense."

"I meant myself and Karla's body. She has needs, too. Needs that have not been fulfilled since I foolishly left her pills in Chicago."

"Oh. Right, yeah, I'm glad I could help you both." He felt the dark pull of consciousness slipping away. His eyes felt tired, and he felt sluggish. "God."


"This is worse than the IV of Benadryl they gave me at the hospital when the antibiotics made me itchy. I can't stay awake."

"Then sleep. You need it for tonight."

Conner felt himself shutting down. He couldn't be sure if he was dreaming it, but he thought he felt her lips on his chest again. And then the sensation trailed down over his abdomen.

...Consciousness faded away.

Next Chapter: https://www.sofurry.com/view/836081