Fall 08 snuff project: A Clean Death

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#9 of Fall '08 Snuff Project

A Clean Death ((ACD))

Red stripped off his clothes slowly as he was looking around the clean, white tiles of the shower rooms. His long pink tail flicked nervously as the rat bit his lip, looking for the buff lion who'd asked to meet him here. Setting the clothes aside he stepped into the shower he had been told to meet at, and he leaned back, relaxing his white and brown spotted body against the inner wall to give his best coy pose possible. He wondered how long he might have to wait, as just about everyone had left for the night, the showers now empty and quiet, with just a hint of musk and sweat remaining.

The wait was not too long before the lion arrived. Already nude, his heavy sheath and dangling balls swayed proudly as he grinned over at the posing rat. Already a hint of red peeked out from that tawny furred maleness while the lion playfully growled to the posing rat. "Glad to see you could make it, cutie," the lion purred, reaching over to rub the fellow male's chest and then belly. Red shivered in delight at the teasing of claw tips in the scritches, while the lion slipped into the shower and closed the door behind him.

The showers themselves were set in a fairly high basin, similar to a bathtub as well. The large, heavy tiles gave it a clean, pleasant atmosphere. Although the discretely set binding rings along the side gave some ideas of not so clean uses. Red shivered a little as the slightly older lion dragged his fingers and claws along his throat, before leaning in to bite the tender flesh gently. The rat shivered and squeaked, his claws clattering on the smooth ceramic surface beneath him as he was pushed against the cold tiles of the wall behind him. The large lion grinning widely as he rumbled into his ear, "So, a pretty boy wants to experience everything The Last Gasp club can give..."

A big paw settled on Red's lap, feeling that pink, slim cock slide up against his rough paw pads. Teasing the tip with a finger as the rat whined with pleasure and a tinge of fear. He'd heard the rumors of dark happenings late at night, and the lion's forwardness about these made him shiver with eagerness. Leaning his head back more from nibbles as he pants, "aaa... yes... I.. I do." The rat hugging himself around the lion's waist as the larger male pressed his fat arousal to his own, the two stiff cocks rubbing together towards their full arousal.

A set of firm nibbles and licks along Red's neck drove him wild with desire as the lion teased him so nicely. He had yet to get his name even, just a big, handsome anonymous male to get dirty with. He licked his lips, panting as their cocks pressed and rubbed together, the scent of lust thick within the closed shower. Slowly the lion slid back, growling playfully as he helps shift Red forward past him, purring, "now on your knees boy, like a good little boyslut!" He gives the rat's firm butt a solid slap as Red carefully knelt down. He looked over the binding rings before him as the larger male leaned over his exposed butt. A hot, firm touch teased upon his rodent rear as the lion adjusted the controls to turn the water on. A cold splash of water quickly warmed up to a hot downpour as the two quietly groan. Red watching the water pool beneath him with morbid curiosity.

The hot water soon poured down their fur as the lion leaned himself over the rat. A steady, smooth push slipped that stiff, pointed cocktip into Red's butt with a quiet groan from the smaller rat. Red pawed at the growing pool of water as he moaned out his pleasure. Panting in the combined heat of another male and the hot rush of water upon his body, jostled with each thrust into him. Listening to the lion rumble with pleasure, as he groaned and grunted each time he is stuffed by that heavy leonine arousal.

The lion leaned down more, nipping and biting the rat's nape as he growled quietly, "so ratty, you do know what these showers are used.. hff... for..." He grunted as he gave a firm thrust, making Red squeak with pleasure. Red clenched up tighter as the water steadily rose before him, remembering the stories of breathless encounters he had heard happen here. Supposedly this was quite a place for one to lose their breath, quite literally. And the binding rings set against the floor definitely made him start to realize the truth of these rumors. The firm weight of the lion pressing down against his body began to push his nose to the hot water that was pooling around his hands and knees as Red gulped, "to... to drown, bad slutty rats like me....?"

A firm, lustful shove of hips and paws announced his correct answer. Red grunted as he's pushed steadily against the water, eyes wide as the hot warm kisses his lips and nose. He clenched his eyes shut and struggled to avoid breathing in the hot water while his rump was firmly fucked. A deep growl above him "oh.. hfff, of course, and gonna see how well, mmph, you can breath water, boy." His paws settled onto the rat's shoulders as he pushed the struggling Red into the several inches of water that's already formed. Red vainly tried to turn his head to try to keep his nose above water, the warm fluid so close as his tail began to lash, kicking his feet and splashing the hot water all over. His eyes widen fearfully as he strains tightly, feeling the hot tickle in his lungs, ready to take a big lungful of water. Then finding himself lifted up to gasp heavily in the steamy air as the lion growled his delight, "But not yet, I want to hear you begging to drown first."

Red's heart pounded in his chest, his devious fantasy being so fearfully close to being fulfilled. His head swam with lustful fear as he squeezes down upon that stiff flesh buried in him, biting his lip as he felt the heavy male atop his back, while the water slowly rose up his knees. He closed his eyes tightly, breathing deeply as he whimpers and shivers, pressed firmly back into the lion's rocking hips. "Please... please, claim me like the slut I am..." he whimpered out, feeling those hands press to his shoulders and inch him downward towards the water's deadly kiss. There's a sharp, stinging pinch in his nape as he felt a hand settle on the back of his head "That's right, you're gonna drown like the little slut boy you are."

Red took the last breath in his life as the lion growled, then that weight leaned over his back. Red found his cheek pushed to the smooth, heated surface of the shower now, his eyes clenched tight as he began to instinctively struggle. The lion's hips thrusted slowly now, trying to not push himself too quickly now. He wanted to savor the doomed male who was settle between his hips now. Enjoying the flexing around his cock as those strong legs jerk and squirm. One hand placed on the rat's head, holding him firmly down in the foot or so of water that was slowly climbing up the shower wall. The other between his shoulder blades, to help keep him pushed down as his arms flail and splash the water wildly.

Red felt himself lost under the water now, hearing echoing sounds of splashing and feeling his limbs thump against the floor so far away. He felt that sharp tingle in his chest, burning for the air he'll never breathe again. The hot water beckoned for him to fill his lungs with it's soothing warmth as he writhed on the shower floor. His head spun in the rush of fear, knowing he's a bad little slut rat who's gonna get himself snuffed by a big proud lion. And fearfully loving the thought as he squeezed his eyes shut tighter to hold his final breath in. His muscles pulled taut as he's rocked against the smooth floor of the shower by the larger predator. His lungs beginning to burn for that air so needfully as his loins ache with lust as he's rutted so casually.

That burning ache of lust and fear grew quickly, with Red knowing he won't last long as the water urged him to try and breath in it's warm silkiness. The steady pulse of prickling heat in his rump too much as he began to shudder. His cock soon jerked and twitched, begging for release along with his lungs. The rat gets his last pleasure as he gives in to his lust, beginning paint his slick, sticky ribbons of cum into the water as he's held more forcefully down. His eyes tearing up in the shock of pain and pleasure of this forceful fucking beneath the deadly water.

The hot trembles of climax fade, leaving him with one last burning need to take care of. Finally he could take no more, and his mouth opened wide to draw that hot water into his lungs. He coughs as the hot fluid poured in, sputtering and breathing out his last breath with a spray of bubbles. The lion atop him leaned over more, the weight painful and heavy as red instinctively kicked and fought. He breathed in again, another smaller sputter of bubbles escaping his gasping lips. Then his lungs rise and fall with just the warm, clean water, frantic pulses of the silky warmth in and out of his chest. His head quickly grew dizzy as he watched sparkles of asphyxiation form in his vision. No more air to draw in as the steady, firm pulse of water in and out of his lips grew strangely relaxing. The aching urge in his lungs faded as he felt himself grow weak and slack beneath the lion's firmly pounding hips. His vision became dark and tunneled as he felt detached, barely noticing the sharp digging of claws into his side as the lion roared his conquest above the water. Hot cum pouring into his relaxed rump as he gave a faint shiver of pleasure. Feeling like he was watching himself drown beneath the lion's climaxing body.

He gives a final, fearful shudder, as he realized he was soon to die. But the heat was so relaxing, and the male atop him seemed so heavy. Everything was becoming black as even the flashing spots in his vision faded, his last sensations one of hot cum being buried nice and deep under his tail, and then the sharp, hot tug of feline barbs dragging out as the lion pulled free. The rat's eyes grew vacant as he slumped, satisfied to give the lion pleasure with his dying moments, and now he was just a dead weight between the lion's thighs. No longer needing to be held down as the unnamed lion grinned, feeling the body against him twitch quietly as Red finally succumbs to his watery death. Holding tight to feel that last flutter of a heartbeat grow still, watching Red's muzzle mouth faintly a few last times as he gave his final watery breath.. Holding the wet, still warm rat tight as the water continued to rain down upon them, red just a toy now, no life in those vacant eyes.

The lion opened the drain, letting the water flow out as he turned the shower off. He grunted as he pulled the limp, water heavy male onto his lap to kiss those still lips, watching some water bubble out. Looks like he will eat very well tonight indeed... and perhaps enjoy his new toy a few more times. It would be a very good night indeed for one lion.