The Royal Gryphon's Pet - Training

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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#2 of Royal Gryphon's Pet

Talos the Gryphon King has taken ownership of a young human pet, and needs to train him in order to make him into a proper servant of his desires...

This story was written by myself and my amazing pet avatar?user=70674&character=0&clevel=2 Atlas86, the human in this story.

Big thanks to avatar?user=172255&character=0&clevel=2 Calkhi for proofreading this story, I appreciate it!



Licking his beak confidently, Talos looked down at his new acquisition with a broad smile. The human sat before him looking between his legs with a mixture of awe and intimidation as he revelled in the submission of his new pet. Now that the man had given in to his desires, it was time to start training him to become a well-rounded servant of his needs, something which could take a little time. He didn't bother to close his thighs; keeping Sam enthralled with his package was one way to easily and effectively hold his attention.

"It's only morning," the King reminded him in a low, authoritative tone, "we have all day to get you used to the idea. Take your time, get comfortable, and we'll discuss your 'terms of employment', so to speak." Sam listened to the King's words, but his eyes could hardly ignore what was packed between those muscular legs. Once he was finally able to drag his eyes away from them, he was met with the royal gryphon's powerful gaze.

"I have standards I expect my pets to uphold at all times, understand?" he asked directly, earning a nervous nod from the man. Shuffling back a little, Talos slowly covered his groin up once more, leaning his head down until it was right in front of Sam's face.

"First and foremost, you will now call me Master at all times, and failure to do so will result in punishment, am I clear?" The gryphon's stern expression made the human swallow anxiously.

"Yes Master," he replied quickly, commiting that little detail to memory. Looking pleased, the hybrid moved his head back a little and smiled.

"Good," the King praised, "now lets get down to business. I have probably made this very clear by now, but I do not beat around the bush when it comes to what I want. I will not lie to you, or ever make my intentions unclear from this point forwards. This is not a relationship or a friendship, I am your owner and you are my property, that is all there is to it."

"P... Property, Master?" Sam asked in surprise. He hadn't quite expected things to escalate so quickly.

"Yes, property," the gryphon confirmed, "is there a problem, pet?" Sam looked at the beast and tried to find a way to say what he wanted without causing offense.

"I... I assumed I would be perhaps... serving you with the option... of leaving if I wanted," he explained in a shaky tone. The gryphon's smile never left his beak, and he didn't appear upset.

"No," Talos responded bluntly, "from this day onwards you're my possession. I can do with you what I please, whenever I please. Do not, however, think this is a bad thing. You will come to adore your role, and the many perks it brings. Would you like to know what kind of things my pets get to do and have, little one?"

Sam hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Yes, Master, I would."

A smile cross the gryphon's beak. "My castle is very grand. Far larger than you have seen. When you are not serving my needs you will have free reign within its walls, as long as you are not making a nuisance of yourself. That means that if you are hungry you can sample a delicacy from the kitchen, tour my gardens or wander the halls. If you crave knowledge, the Royal Archive has one of the largest libraries in the world for you to scour, and if you should find yourself feeling...sore, we have a massage parlour within the walls, with a team hand-picked by myself."

Sam's eyes widened as the King listed out all the things he could do, from right within the palace walls. So much more than he could have done in his entire life alone, yet here he could have it all done in a week and it didn't even look like his new Master was finished yet. "It is important for a pet to keep himself clean, so you can visit my personal bathhouse. Soft, relaxing showers and, by your standards, huge baths where the water is always warm and constantly running. There is nothing more soothing than a hot bath. Have you ever had one, pet?"

"No, Master," he replied. "It's always been in the river near the village; it can get quite cold."

The gryphon chuckled softly. "Yes, well, I promise you that there will never be a drop of cold water during your bath," he remarked. His grin turned upwards, fixing an amused gaze upon his pet. "Perhaps you and I should take one together, hmm?"

A blush burned into Sam's cheeks, and he glanced away for a moment. "I...err..."

"Remember pet, you are going to be serving me sexually for the rest of your life. Sharing a bath with your Master is the last thing you should be embarrassed about."

"I...yes, Master," he nodded. "I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am," the gryphon replied with a smile. "Your Master is always right. Best to remember that, pet. Now, if you find yourself tired, there will be a room for you. It will have to be with the human servants, unfortunately, but that's the only place to fit a human-sized room. It will be furnished however you like, with the best bedding and pillows the tailors can make. However, it won't be anywhere near as soft as your usual bed."

"My...usual bed, Master?" Sam asked.

The gryphon smirked down at him. "Unlike my other pets, you are quite small, and easily accessible. Even if you have your own room, I don't think I want you using it unless you are ill, or something else has come up. Otherwise, I want you to share my bed every night."

His blush returned in full force. "Sh-Share your bed...M-Master?"

The King nodded. "It's more than large enough for the two of us, and it is important for you to become used to being so close to me. It will only help your training. Do you object to sleeping with your Master, my pet?" he asked, cocking his brow down at the human.

"N-No, of course not, Master," he replied, stuttering softly.

"Good, but there is plenty of time before we have to concern ourselves with sleeping. We have so much to do before then. Would you like to get started?" he asked, calming but assertive.

Sam hesitated but nodded, swallowing nervously. The King was so overwhelmingly powerful, so intimidating, so dominant; he had so much power, and he barely felt like he could do anything to avoid the King's desires. In a single day he had walked into a party, and become a gryphon's personal servant. He was glad it was Talos; at least that name bore respect, wealth and protection. He doubted anyone would dare harm something the King had laid claim to.

"Master..." he muttered, not wanting to offend the gryphon, "I'm... I'm a little nervous. Please don't... don't take it badly if I'm... not very good." The gryphon paused and slowly reached down with a claw, pushing his chin up so he could look his pet in the eyes.

"Do not worry or be afraid, little one," the King reassured him in a soft tone, "I am a fair King, and you have nothing to fear from me. I do not expect you to possess skill or talent, not yet, so do not worry. It is your mental attitude that will be worked on first, and your abilities will improve with time. What I want to see most is a pet that cares for his Master's needs, no matter how good he actually is at the role. I am a good teacher, have trust in your owner." Sam listened, feeling better as the hybrid soothed his worries.

"Thank you, Master," he said with genuine appreciation, "I... I know that you've defeated me, but I'll do my best to fulfill the role." The avian chuckled softly and placed his paw back down on the bed.

"I'm glad you understand," Talos told him quietly, "I have taken you as my possession. Humans normally resist such things, but I ultimately feel you will come to appreciate it. I always get what I want, and I know that you may feel I gave you no choice, but I believe with a little training, and some time, you'll look back on today and praise the heavens that you did not turn me down." Keeping his gaze fixed on his Master, Sam nodded slowly.

"You are the King, Master," he replied with a brief smile, "and I am just a human in your domain. Refusing you wasn't ever going to be an option, but I will believe in you."

"Good," Talos noted, ruffling his wings lightly, "then we can begin right away. I have cleared my schedule, so I shall have the entire day and night to get you into the proper mindset for being a good pet." He gave the human a beaky smile, still sitting tall over him. His mere stature was intimidating, but Sam put all of his trust in the fact that this King was true to his word.

"First things first," Talos instructed with a firmer tone, "you need to be comfortable with my body. You will be spending a great deal of time with it, so you need to be relaxed, confident and capable to serve your Master however he so desires. I will be very blunt with you at times, so I need you to get it into your head immediately that I will be asking you to do things which put you outside of your comfort zone." Sam nodded in agreement.

Leaning in a little, Talos lowered his voice and smiled. "Let me give you some examples, so that you are not caught off guard. I may return to my castle after a long flight and wish for my claws to be hand washed and bathed. If the winds were bad, I may want my mane combed down. If I am bored, I may ask you to pour me a glass of whisky, and then pleasure me while I consume it. If I am in need of release, I may mount you like a hen and rut you. As you are a new pet, I will be gentle. I will teach you to withstand my more intense side, and I will sculpt you into a strong, resilient human who can handle my needs. What I don't want to see is reluctance. If you possess the will to experiment and go beyond your boundaries, you will be rewarded. Resist your King, and you will be punished. I have had unruly pets in the past, and I know how to deal with them. I promise you my kindness only extends as far your your willingness to pursue it."

He gulped, the gravity of the situation settling in on him as the gryphon's hot breath wafted past his ear. He nodded quickly, his eyes locked on his Master's gaze as he smiled down at him.

"Well then, let's start with something very easy," the King said, the confident smirk returning to his countenance. "It is one thing for you to be comfortable with my body, and another for you to be comfortable with your own. To start, get rid of those awful clothes of yours. From now on, you will be bare in my presence, unless I decide to put you in something. Just throw them somewhere for now, and I will have them destroyed later."

"My clothes..." he repeated blankly, as if he didn't understand the order. The gryphon's gaze never wavered as he stared blankly up to him. What he said next would determine whether he started his pethood off with a treat or with a scolding. "My clothes. Of course."

Grasping at the sides of his shirt, he pulled it up over his head, exposing his flat torso. It was easy to see from his unsculpted abdomen, with his ribs just visible under his skin, that he hadn't been particularly well-fed over his life. He had never gone hungry, but he didn't think he had ever been truly full, either. With his skin bared to the beast, he shivered as he felt the heat exuding from the beast cover him. Next were his pants, worn but still sturdy. He undid the button and began to slip them off, pulling one leg out before the other until they slid into his hands and were cast away behind him. Sitting on the bed in front of the enormous gryphon he now called Master, the only thing keeping his modesty safe was a thin layer of cloth wrapped around his waist. Looking upon his Master's endowments, it briefly crossed his mind that a loincloth would be entirely ineffectual for someone like him, not that he would try to wear one in the first place. With a shaking breath, he pulled the pin holding the loincloth together, and began to unravel it. Slowly the support against his groin lessened, allowing his own privates to drape between his legs. A moment later, he was stark naked before the King of gryphons, the last scraps of his clothing discarded wantonly behind him.

"Hmm, yes. I think you will do nicely." Talos remarked, looking up and down his body. A crimson blush formed on Sam's cheeks as he felt his blood pumping under his Master's gaze. He had never been naked in front of anyone before, let alone one who planned to use him almost exclusively for sex. He couldn't help it when his shaft began to slowly swell, and he began to cover up his groin with his hands in embarrassment. It was then he realized his first mistake, as swift claws clamped around his wrists and yank them upwards above his head. "Do not go back on your order as soon as you complete it, pet. I told you to uncover yourself."

"S-Sorry Master," he replied, letting his arms fall to his sides as soon as they were released. He did nothing to hide his erection from his Master, pitiful in comparison to even his flaccid sheath. His testicles were loose and hairless, but they were in a league entirely different to the gryphon's. He could never hope to compare to such a creature.

"Good. You are a handsome little thing. I don't think I'll have any trouble enjoying you," his Master smirked, a claw slowly tracing its way across his chest and over his stomach. He stiffened at the foreign contact, holding his breath as the sharp tip passed so close to his body. It ran all the way down his torso, down his thigh, and across before hooking upwards between his legs. He gasped as the King fondled him, shifting his balls and touching the underside of his shaft. "Adorable. It feels good to be touched by another, doesn't it?"

"I...I just wasn't expecting it," he replied. After the sensation of the touch had faded, he sat back on his rear and looked up at the looming gryphon. "Now what, Master?"

The King paused, bringing his claw up to scratch his beak. It wasn't often he had a human plaything around to enjoy, but he didn't want to rush into anything without savouring it first. His human was almost hairless, which was impressive considering many he'd seen beforehand.

"From now on, everything standing before me belongs to me. That cute little smile, your torso, your legs, your cock and balls, all of it is mine. You may not consider them yours anymore, and they never will be again. I am a dominant gryphon, and therefore you will come to understands that you are my possession, my property, in every sense of the word. You own nothing anymore and never will again. This is why I ask of you to remove your clothing; to wear it would be to mean you own something, and that is not to happen. If you are to leave the castle, you may be given temporary clothing to avoid the harsh weather, or if I need you presentable for a foreign noble or visitor. That is the only times you will wear clothing, understood?" Sam nodded, anxious about being naked all the time but for some reason it didn't seem so strange around the King.

"Yes, Master," he responded respectfully, "I will not wear clothes anymore." The gryphon smiled, pleased with the immediate reply. Respect was good, and he always appreciated it from those around him. He did not believe in being harsh for the sake of it, if his pets obeyed, they were treated like royalty themselves.

"How do you feel," the gryphon asked with genuine interest, leaning in a little, "be honest with me, you can speak freely so long as it is with respect." Sam hesitated, but lowered his head and shuffled his feet a little.

"I feel alright Master," he told his owner truthfully, "I'm nervous... unsure of my future, but I'm not unhappy. You seem to know what you're doing so... I'll just follow your lead. If you really are going to be my Master then I have to learn to trust you, to trust your lead. To do otherwise will get me punished, I imagine, and I don't want that." Talos laughed softly at that reply, appreciating just how honest his new slave really was. He certainly had good potential.

"You have no illusions about your new life, do you?" the gryphon inquired with a wide smile, and the young man shook his head.

"No, Master," he confirmed, looking up at the hybrid, "I'm going to be your personal servant, doing the tasks you command me to do, which include pleasing you sexually whenever you feel like using me for that kind of thing." The gryphon's smirk never left his face, but he approved of what he was hearing.

"Good, good," he mused, ruffling his wings gently, "most humans are a lot more resistant to that idea than you have been. It normally takes weeks to break them in, not a few hours. Since you seem so confident about things, I think we can get stuck right in. How would you like to play with your Master's balls? I would enjoy some rubs I think, and you seemed to enjoy them before. You have full permission to explore my scrotum in any manner you deem desirable."

"Yes, Master," he replied, turning his attention back to the hefty scrotum between his Master's legs. The way he was sitting left the supple sack resting on the bed, pushing his testicles up and accentuating their size and shape against the smooth, short-furred skin. He fell forward onto his hands and knees, crawling between the gryphon's legs once again. In this position his Master's haunches formed high walls around him, enclosing him in a warm, furred canyon. The heat exuding from his Master's groin was incredible, and he swore that if it were any colder in the room, he would be able to see the steam wafting from the heavy balls. Positioning himself before the monumental testicles, he took a deep breath in through his nose. The rush of incoming musk made his whole body tingle, and he heard the gryphon chuckling above him while he softly coughed some of it back.

"You will have to get used to that scent," he said, rubbing the back of his new human's head. "You will be surrounded by it near constantly."

"Y-Yes Master." he sputtered, before trying again. He slowly let the thick, hot air spread through his lungs, trying not to resist the tickling sensation deep inside his chest. It felt like it was seeping into him, spreading all through his body and making him feel warm. The next breath he barely had to struggle to contain it, and the one after was effortless. He closed his eyes and sighed as the rich, earthy odors pleasantly tingled in his nostrils, and made every breath more satisfying than any clean, mountain air.

"Do you like my musk, pet?" the King asked.

"It's very earthy, Master. Very warm...delicious," he replied, sinking lower towards his Master's scrotum.

Talos chuckled as the human discovered himself; bathing in his scent and finding just how willing he was to submit to the gryphon. "It tastes just as good," he whispered, tickling the back of his new pet's neck as he hunched over his groin. He felt a gust of air waft through his fur as the human's breath touched his sack, and soon tiny fingertips brushed against the skin. The small fingers could prod and move his supple skin in a way no paw could. With the right training, this human would make a wonderful little toy.

"They're so warm..." he said quietly, now sliding his fingers beneath the heavy scrotum. The fur was short and soft, but also covered in a thin fluid that stuck to his hands as he slid them out again. Looking down at his palms, he could see the clear, lingering coating of sweat from his Master's balls, releasing copious musk directly into his nose. His hands were covered in the stuff, and habitually wiping it on his legs only managed to spread the scent further. It stuck to him, wrapping around him on all sides. He quickly realized that if he was going to be covered in gryphon sweat, he may as well enjoy it. Leaning forward, he buried his hands into his Master's supple scrotum again, pressing his palms flat against the heavy testicles. He began to rub back and forth, feeling the covered surface of his orbs under his fingertips. He could almost feel them churning, making new sperm that he may soon draw forth.

The more he rubbed, massaged and covered his arms and hands in musky sweat, the more he seemed to enjoy it. His shaft was pulsing with the beginning of his arousal, and his nose craved every breath of musk he could draw in. He was drawn into the aura of his Master's balls, and yet he wanted more. He saw a space between the solid, melon-sized orbs where the flesh of his scrotum fell inwards, unsupported. Without even thinking, he pressed his face into the short, sweaty fur. His face was immediately drenched in the warm, tangy fluid. His nostrils directly assaulted with musk, and soon the juices had seeped into his mouth, bathing his tongue in masculine flavour. He couldn't help but moan softly into the flesh surrounding him, and his slid his tongue out to run long licks over its surface.

"Tell me about my scrotum, pet," the gryphon said, smirking down at the little thing buried between his legs. "I want to hear everything you're feeling right now."

"Mmm~ it's incredible," he moaned, throwing himself fully into his task. His tongue worked furiously against the surface of his Master's testicles, replacing sweat with saliva as he tried to soak up as much of his Master's masculine flavour as he could. "It's so soft. Like a cloud wrapped around my face. It tastes nothing I've ever had before. It's like a gourmet meal. I can't get enough."

"Good, good. I'm glad you are enjoying your new position in life," Talos replied. Gently he pulled his pet away from his scrotum, making him sit back and watch as the gryphon hooked his claws around his sack and lifted it up. Sam's eyes went wide as he was given a look into the shadowed trench between the King's thighs, and an even thicker wave of musk wafted out from inside, making his nostrils tingle. "Roll onto your back and slide inside until you can go no further. Don't worry, the bed will take my weight."

Sam's cheeks were turning rosy as he did as he was told, lowering himself to the bed and rolling over until his back was surrounded by the plush bedding. Looking up, the gaping opening loomed before him, looking even larger from this position. Pushing with his arms and legs, he began to slide himself forward. The light around him began to fade as he passed into the shadow of his Master's massive sack, until he was submerged in the darkness behind it. His upper body was surrounded by the King on all sides, and he stopped pushing when the back of his head brushed up against a solid wall of damp fur. His breath was laboured in the humid environment, filled with more musk than air. Looking down the length of his body, he watched as his Master's claws pulled away from his balls, and they flopped down over his belly, sealing him into the gryphon's musky taint.

"Show me what you've learned. Put your hands and tongue to use."

The heat inside his tiny enclosure was nearly sweltering, drawing his own sweat from his body before it was quickly washed away by the superior gryphon's. He pulled his hands up and buried his fingers straight into the fur above his head. It was thicker, twice as long, and with a larger build-up of sweat than his testicles. After sitting with him for so long, the musk had built up beneath his body to the point where it was starting to make him feel light-headed. As his fingers pushed into the soft muscle, the slick clear fluid was shaken free, onto his face and lips below. At the same time, he pressed his puckered lips up into the gryphon's fur, kissing the flesh below and tasting his raw masculinity. The close proximity to his nostrils made every breath overwhelming, his nose burning with his Master's scent, and his tongue electrified with his flavour.

Above him, Talos rumbled with satisfaction. The little human was breaking nicely, moulding perfectly to his whims. He would work him in slowly, steadily, presenting him one task after another until he was perfectly suited to serving him. From what he had seen so far, he didn't suspect this one would take very long at all. With a wide smile cracking his beak, he spread his legs a little wider, lowering his body down onto his pet's face. He could feel his pet's body press into his fur, smothering him entirely in his taint, and at the same time, his pet's shaft was at full height, throbbing powerfully between his uncovered legs. He chuckled softly as he watched it move and sway in the open air.

"Every day," the King said, his voice muffled by the flesh and fur pressed against his ears. "You're going to worship my body with your tongue every day. My musk is going to fill your lungs, my sweat will overwhelm your taste buds, and it will cloud your mind with lust. I can already see your arousal, little one. That is good, I want you to enjoy worshipping me. From now on, your pleasure will come from me. I want you to be hard when you taste me. If you are a good pet, I may reward you with pleasure beyond anything your virgin mind can comprehend."

The enormous gryphon bent forward, bringing his head between his pet's legs. Opening his beak, his tongue slowly slid forward and ran the lightest brush over the tip of his pet's shaft. He smirked as he felt the body between his legs shudder from the contact, and the petite cock jumped with need. "However, if I ever catch your hand around your cock without my permission, you will be punished. Do you understand, pet?"

"Y-Yes, Master," he replied, pushing back against the mattress to try to get some breathing room. This only made the gryphon lower himself more, keeping his pet firmly buried in his taint.

"Good," the King said firmly. "You cannot go back now, little Sam. I'm going to keep using you as my pet, and we'll see how well you do. I don't think it will take very long at all for you to learn everything I need to teach you. I think you're going to be a good little slut."

The assault on the human's senses was incredible, the sealed pocket of gryphon taint leaving the young man unable to think clearly. It was evident that such a powerful scent was designed to lure gryphonesses to him, and yet it was smothering him so completely that it felt like it were dominating his mind. If he tried to move back, the gryphon only pushed down more, until he realized all he could do was inhale it and try to keep his sanity. Gods above it smelt good...

Talos smirked down at the human's body poking out from under him. He was well aware of how strong his scent was, how much it could incapacitate any lesser being, and he used that to his advantage. He didn't relent, not for a good ten minutes, until Sam was breathing his air like he would any other kind of oxygen. He could not have his human fainting when exposed to his strong musk, it would not do well for his training. After a while, he hooked a claw under his scrotum and pulled it up, gripping the human with the other and sliding him out.

The man gasped as fresh air filled his lungs, the oxygen feeling so much lighter, unimportant, in comparison to his Master's ball-sweat. He looked up at the King, chest rising and falling, his face dripping with avian sweat. Talos admired his handiwork, seeing the newly-conquered slave literally dripping from the soaking his taint had given him. He had deliberately kept himself unwashed after the party, just so he could subject the little plaything to his feral scent.

"How does it feel to be under the King?" Talos asked with a smile, gazing down at his toy.

"In... incredible Master," the stunned human responded in awe, "I've never... been exposed to something so... so male." The King grinned and brushed the man's cheek with a claw, rubbing back and forth slowly.

"You will soon come to know that the King cares for his pets," the hybrid explained in a quiet voice, "that I look after them, as long as they serve my every desire. You have just been underneath the testicles of the most potent breeder ever to have lived, and smelt his breeder's scent. Nothing in your life will ever come close, and you will think about that smell for the rest of your life. If all goes well today, you will also smell like that. I have ways of making it permanent, a mark upon the things I own. Soon, you too shall smell of me, and then everyone you meet will know you are my possession."

Sam blushed. He could really smell like that for so long? Would he get used to such a powerful smell if it were attached to him, or would he be constantly debilitated by it? Surely even a few showers could wash a foreign odour from him, would it not? His Master was already a creature beyond normal gryphons.

"Can you really do that, Master?" he asked, blinking through sweat that was not his own. "Can you really mark me as your pet with just a scent? Wouldn't it just come off in a bath with some oils?"

The gryphon smirked above him, a sparkle in his eyes. "You could scrub yourself with oils for half of every hour in the day, but you could never get the scent of your Master from your skin. As soon as you got out of that bath you would be beneath me again. You would give up trying to clean yourself long before I grew tired of sitting on my comfortable new cushion. I don't even have to mark you permanently, but on the off chance you end up with someone else's scent on you through the course of your service, I can't have anyone questioning your ownership. Once I'm finished with you, I could replace the breeding stand in a stable for your body, have you bred by a hundred stallions, and at the end of it you still wouldn't smell of anything but me. A mere hound could find you, no matter what you rolled in to hide yourself. Even the blindest elder would know exactly who you belonged to, even without seeing your collar."

"Collar?" he asked, looking up at him quizzically.

His Master smiled. "Yes, I had a collar commissioned for you from a tanner in the palace's employ while you slept. It should be ready within the week. It needs some extra time to...properly treat."

"You were very sure I would agree to be your pet, weren't you?"

The King chuckled. "You drip with my sweat after being smothered in my taint, and you ask how sure I was of your submission?"

He blushed and shifted his eyes away in embarrassment. Claws gently grasped around his chin and lifted his gaze back up towards his Master's towering face.

"If I want something, pet, I will have it," he said, and flashed a smile.

"Y-Yes Master," he replied. The same would go for his service, he knew. Anything he was physically capable of doing, the King could ask him for. He would very quickly have to get used to being outside his comfort zone, lest he discovered what punishments his Master could think up.

"Which leads me to our next activity. We have many aspects of service left to train you in, and I just can't seem to decide where to go from here. Why don't you decide, pet? What part of your Master would you like to learn about next?"

"" Sam stuttered, taken aback by the question. His Master was letting him pick? He wouldn't even know where to begin for such a thing. He would have thought that, for something of a servant like he was, he should learn proper mannerisms, and about the castle in case he was asked to get anything. However, he remembered that, as the King of Gryphons, his Master had a hundred other people to ask. He was just a toy for sex at the heart of it. That was what he needed to know most. He'd already massaged his Master's testicles, tasted his scrotum and taint. It seemed there was one piece of his Master's groin missing. Rolling onto his hands and knees, he pushed himself into a sitting position and looked up to his Master, waiting patiently for his response. "May I learn about...your...penis, Master?"

The gryphon's beak lit up in a grin. "You would like to learn about your Master's cock, Pet. That is a good choice. However, would it not be more prudent to first learn about what contains my shaft?" He shifted his hips, making his thick sheath swing atop his testicles before him. "One step at a time, little one. If you want to learn about my cock, you must first draw it out."

Sam's gaze was drawn between the big beast's legs once more, watching that plump, hanging flesh bouncing before his eyes. He was still intimidated by such a large pocket of skin, knowing it could only contain an immensely proportional gryphon tool. Talos knew he was impressed, as all others were when they first laid eyes on his royal package. He watched his pet with a smirk, and slowly stopped moving about.

"What do you think?" the King asked, lowering his head a little, "do you like it?" Sam blushed, but didn't look away. He'd never even considered other male's genitalia before, so to be asked if he liked it was something he wasn't sure how to answer. It certainly looked soft, supple and certainly musky, and he couldn't quite avert his stare. This was the flesh that owned him, and he would serve it and its contents for as long as the King so desired it. He knew that he was powerless against it, and that the King's cock and balls were superior to all of him as a consequence of that. Therefore, he was merely a sheath himself, somewhere the King could slide himself when his erection poked free of its home.

"It's beautiful Master," he replied finally, relaxing his muscles. He had to learn to appreciate the King, and after smelling his fragrant balls and taint, his resistance to the idea of being a pet had all but fled his body. Talos spread his legs even wider, and patted the bed in front of him.

"Come, slave, explore my sheath. Feel it, open it, smell it, taste it, admire it," the King encouraged, wafting his scent forwards. Sam didn't dare disobey, sliding forward between the King's mountainous thighs in order to follow his orders.

"Let me tell you a little about my sheath," the King purred, settling into the mattress. Sam looked up, wondering what the gryphon had to say.

"I'm a powerful gryphon, leading a country full of nobles, diplomats and all manner of other creatures. In order to get my way, I ensure every single one of them knows they belong below me, between my hind legs. If a noble is speaking out of turn, I will mount him in front of his colleagues. If a foreign diplomat is trying to negotiate beyond their means, I will rut them until they see otherwise. If an army attacks my lands, I find and penetrate their leader until they surrender. Our entire country runs on my sexual whims, and you will find that I will often come back to you having exercised those powers." Sam listened, mesmerized by the royal avian's words. How could one gryphon be so incredibly influential just by using his sexual prowess.

"This is also part of your job," the King added with a smirk, "whenever I come home from these 'events', you will be tasked with cleaning my sheath of any leftovers I bring home with me. Sometimes it will be the sweet nectar of a gryphoness coating the inside of my sheath. Sometimes it will be the musky ass of a dragon, the semen of others I have shared a hole with for my amusement or perhaps just my own spent ejaculations. In other words, no matter what you find in there, you will be responsible for cleaning out each and every drop of it with your tongue."

His face flashed hot. He would have to drink all that, from so many people he didn't even know? To serve his Master was one thing. He was there; he could touch him, hear his words and smell his scent. These were people he may never meet, though. It would be like sucking them off, rimming them, or eating them out, when he had no idea who or what they were. He gave a visible shudder at the thought.

"Do you have a problem with that, pet?" the King asked, emphasizing his title with a hard click of his beak.

"N-No, Master," he stammered, shaking his head. He reached out and took hold of his Master's sheath around the middle without hesitation, and then suddenly froze. It was so soft and smooth. Like the finest fabric, his sheath felt like it could melt into his hands, the flesh moulding perfectly to his palms and fingers. It was as if his sheath would suddenly collapse flat into his hands like a sheet, but it maintained its cylindrical shape. When he gave it the gentlest squeeze, he felt a firm, hot object contained within. He could feel it throbbing in time with his Master's pulse; he could feel his Master's flaccid cock in his grasp.

"What do you think of it now, pet?" The gryphon asked. He had no idea how long he'd been holding his Master's sheath and staring, but for the first time he noticed his mouth had been hanging open. He snapped it closed with a start, noticing how much saliva had built in his jaw since he had begun. He wanted this. It almost scared him how much his body wanted to worship his Master's sheath, as if he had been preconditioned to it from his birth. Holding the King's great sheath felt right, but things only got better when he started to rub his hands back and forth, from tip to base. He could feel the undeveloped architecture of the Gryphon's shaft under the skin, feeling how the head was shaped, where it widened, and how it ended against his groin. He could close his fingers around the empty space near the fleshy entrance to the tube of flesh, showing just how impressive his Master was when he was entirely unaroused. He could not even begin to imagine what it would look like erect.

"I..." he didn't know where to start. What could he say about his Master's sheath that would do it justice? Could he say anything at all? With his face staring down at its entrance, the musk leaking free from its interior was making conscious thought more difficult. All he wanted was keep touching that miraculous sheath. To feel each hair bend and brush against his fingers. He lost track of how many strokes his had run along its surface, but soon he didn't feel like it was enough. He wanted more. He bent forward, neck stretching forward, until his lips met with the fleshy entrance of his Master's sheath. His eyes would have shot wide if passionate lust hadn't closed them, as he began to make out with the entrance of the King's sheath like a beautiful lover. The rich, tangy flavours of what could only be fresh pre-cum and used sexual juices burst across his tongue. He could still find the familiar flavour of his sweat underneath the sexual concoction, but it was like a smooth drink of water in comparison to this lusty wine. His hands trailed back to the base of his sheath, caressing the length housed within. He could feel the King's pulse quickening, ever so slightly. He was finally arousing his Master. He felt a surge of pride well up within him. The question that kept bouncing around in his mind was, why did he feel it at all? Was he doing this because his Master had ordered him to, or was he now doing this for himself, sucking at the sheath of the King of Gryphons because he was slutty enough to want it? He didn't know, but as long as his Master was enjoying it, he didn't really care.

A purr of satisfaction from above continued to stroke at his pride, making his mouth suckle harder at his Master's entrance, and his fingers massage the hidden flesh inside with more vigour. "You are the first human to ever make out with my sheath, pet," The King said, although he wasn't sure if it was meant as congratulations or as a taunt. "I am impressed by your progress. Humans by nature are usually quite reserved, especially in sexual matters. To coax such desire from you so quickly is a good sign for your future as my pet. I will admit, I've been holding myself back to see if your efforts are worthy of my arousal. I wouldn't want to waste the open air on my shaft if I didn't think you could serve it properly. I think you are ready, Sam. Would you like to see your Master's cock?"

The man nodded slowly, desperate to see what was contained within that incredible body. He couldn't help but admire the King in every way, to wonder about every part of the feral gryphon's imposing body. His balls were huge, his sheath immense, and his erection would no doubt be regal in stature.

"Yes Master," he responded truthfully, "I would appreciate that a lot if I am to serve Your Majesty between your legs." Talos nodded and shifted his legs apart further, leaning forward so his sheath was angled directly at his pet's face.

"You have to earn it," the hybrid told him firmly, "you have to open my sheath and forage for your owner's length. Unless you're prepared to get yourself dirty, you'll never arouse a King like me. Prove you have what it takes, slave." Sam nodded at his Master's words, and slowly shuffled forward a little more so he could get a better level of access to that mighty slab of flesh. His hands curled around the base, his lips still hovering mere inches above the tip, and he slid his fingers upwards until they reached the opening. This was it, it was time to see what the King was hiding inside his wondrous sheath.

"Take care the smell does not overwhelm you," Talos warned, "it is a much more concentrated breeding scent than what you were exposed to under my scrotum. Don't disappoint me; learn to breathe it, for Master's air is your air now." Sam nodded in understanding, and looked down at the sealed, damp slit that guarded the King's pride. He felt nervous about opening it, but at the same time excited. He couldn't wait to see what his majestic owner was really equipped with, because it was all he would ever truly serve for the rest of his life.

"Don't be afraid," Talos encouraged, sensing the hesitation in his pet, "there is nothing to fear. You will do just fine, all you have to do is try. Soon I will teach you to pleasure me properly, but until then all you have to do is admire a superior male's body. Go on, little human, show me that you admire your King. Show me that you crave him, that every fiber of your being wants to forget your past life as a poor human boy and instead wishes to be under the legs of a mighty breeding gryphon. Your owner is watching, show me that no matter your ability or skill, you want to learn how to serve."

With his fingers resting against the soft, fleshy opening, Sam took a breath to steel himself for what was coming. He took comfort in his Master's reassurance, knowing that he was safe with him. He didn't have to be perfect the first time, he just had to try. Curling his fingertips inward, he parted the slit closing the gryphon's massive sheath. Kneeling over it, he was immediately struck by the steaming musk that burst out into his face like a loaded cannon. He couldn't help but cough as he was taken by the scent, invading his nostrils and making them nearly burn with sensation. The slit had closed again around his fingers in his distraction, resealing his Master's sheath and giving him time to recover. When he finished his coughing fit, he looked up at his Master again. There was no disappointment on his face, only a soft smile of reassurance. Taking another breath, he situated himself in front of his Master's sheath once again, and opened it. This time he was expecting the intense aroma, and was better prepared for the sensation it gave him when he brought it into his body. He coughed a few times, gently, to help his throat cope with this new substance attempting to fill his lungs, so unlike even the musk from the gryphon's taint.

His eyes were gently watering from the heat and odor forcing themselves onto his body, but from this angle there was enough light for him to see down into the depths of his sheath. The inside walls were a fleshy pink, shiny with clear lubricant. What fluids were not clinging to the walls in gooey strings were bubbling at the bottom of the sheath. A thick, creamy, off-white solution of the gryphon's cum, pre, and whatever other juices his sexual conquests had drawn into him. That was surely the source of such a powerful scent. Deep inside, standing in the center of the swirling pool, was the first few inches of his Master's shaft. A proud, tapered tip emerged from the depths of the fluid, surrounded in small barbs that at the moment lay flat against his shaft. Even from there it looked massive, and there was so much more hidden under the surface. It was something to be said about both the size of his Master's shaft, and how full his sheath had gotten.

If he wanted to see that impressive length up close, he had to reach for it. Hesitantly, he lowered his face towards the stretched opening. He once again put his lips to the now open end of his Master's sheath, and extended his tongue. He could feel the fleshy inner edges of the entrance against the sides of his tongue, and visibly shuddered as his taste buds were exposed to the raw sexual flavour that hung in the air within the combined space. Hot, creamy, and with a sour hint of age, he grew light-headed trying to process aspect of the gryphon's flavour. It was the taste of sex, rich and powerful. He continued to press forward, letting the sheath compress inwards until his tongue could dive into the lake of fluids below. He shuddered again as the flavours on his tongue increased tenfold, so many facets of his Master's taste. Then his tongue stroked up along the underside of his Master's tip. The fresh pre-cum and lubricants there were like a spring rain on his tongue, cleansing his taste buds of the old flavour of long-gone mates. His touch against the hot, hidden flesh caused a tremor in his Master's groin, and a heavy pulse of blood through his shaft. As his tongue rolled back and forth, in and out of the sludgy mess and around all sides of the King's flaccid cock, he found it getting progressively easier to reach the tip, and more of the shaft was becoming available to him. His Master's cock was slowly breaching from the thick fluid of its home. His Master was growing erect for him.

All the while Talos watched, enjoying the feelings of dominance and power that he could impart upon this smaller being. He allowed himself to grow in his sheath, his avian pride growing slowly to meet the accepting tongue that beckoned it forth. He knew full well what his slave was tasting inside of him, the results of his efforts the previous night. He had taken a gryphoness on his bed, pounding her hard and loud so his pet-to-be in the room below could hear him clearly. He had filled the female with his seed while his sheath mashed against her soft sex, and some of it had come back with him when he pulled out.

"You remember the fun I was having last night, don't you pet?" the King chortled quietly, keeping his gaze fixed upon him. Sam slowly slid his tongue free from the royal sheath and looked up to meet his stare, hands continuing to slide up and down.

"Yes Master," he responded with a smile, "how could I forget?" Talos grinned and leaned in a little.

"What you can taste in there is last night's cum, and a bit of the gryphoness who I was mounting. Quite the taste, is it not?" The gryphon smirked as he spoke, and the human nodded swiftly.

"Very strong Master," Sam replied instantly, "but it tastes incredible. I didn't expect it to be so... enjoyable."

"I'm glad you like your first taste," the hybrid told him with a ruffle of his feathers, "because you'll be getting a lot more where that came from. If you think that's strong, wait until my balls give you your very first, freshly churned load of my semen to drink. It will make everything else you've ever experienced in your life seem unremarkable." Sam shuddered in both anticipation and nervousness at what was to come. Nothing his owner had said until now had been anything less than correct, and so anytime he was now told such things, he was quick to believe it.

"I look forward to it Master," he replied, trying his best to sound both respectful and involved.

While he worked the inside of his Master's sheath, he found himself having to stretch even farther around the swelling shaft to reach the thick fluid he had grown accustomed to swallowing. His throat felt slower with each swallow, the contents of his Master's sheath piling up on their way to his stomach. He could already feel himself filling on the heavy juice. If this kept up, he wouldn't want to eat dinner tonight.

"Not much longer now," Talos said. "I can feel you slowing down, getting full on your Master's leftover juices. Trust me, pet, the fullness you feel now is just your body's interpretation of the concept. I will make sure that you know what full really feels like, but for now just fight the feeling. I'll make sure you never feel it again without my help."

"Yes, Master" he replied around a mouthful of spunk, swallowing it down with an exaggerated gulp. He was finding it difficult to reach that far now, forcing him to pull only the smallest drops on the tip of his tongue back into his mouth. Now his Master's shaft was all his could taste, filling the entirety of his sheath. Now he was making out with the tip of the gryphon's cock just as much as the opening of his sheath. No matter where he squeezed around his furred tube of flesh, it was always thick and solid. His tongue was covered in constantly flowing pre-cum, dribbling from the wide slit breaking up the center of his tapered head. At any moment that sheath could snap back around his length, leaving only bared cock flesh for him.

Talos cooed softly as his tongue worked exclusively over his head. "I want you to explore the tip of my cock before it comes out. I want you to know it first with your tongue, before you know it with your eyes. Your tongue will become one of your most important tools while in my service, and you should know how to navigate my body with it alone. Even if you lost your sight, I would still have you serve me."

"Y-Yes, Master," he said around his tip, struggling as it began to push up between his lips. He ran his tongue as far around the thick head as he could. He felt every ridge and bump along the first few inches, extending himself as far as he could to explore his Master's tip. He could just reach the first row of barbs, feeling how smooth they were against him until he drew his tongue back, making them flare and rub against his taste buds. Even that brought a sudden shiver to the gryphon above him. Trying to maintain his close contact with the lips of his sheath, he felt the tip of his cock reach into the back of his throat, and he gagged and coughed gently on his length. Claws were suddenly against the back of his head, pulling him slightly away from his groin.

"Do not overexert yourself, either. You are not ready to take someone like me untrained. I don't want to break you quite yet." The King smirked down at him, rubbing the back of his head while his lips were pushed away from the tip of his sheath. Sam popped off his tip with a sputtering gasp, and watched as a shining pink tip began to emerge from its home. It kept growing, the brown fur sliding back with ease along his engorged shaft, revealing every inch of powerful flesh. This was the tool of a truly accomplished breeder, as long as his arm and constantly thickening. He stared at it in awe, watching it bob and quiver before him while his Master's smirked high above him.

"Well, my pet? What do you think of your Master's breeding organ?" he asked, watching it twitch with desire now that it was fully exposed. "Do you think you could serve a cock like this for the rest of your life?"

"Yes Master," he replied, his eyes gazing upon his King with awe, "I will do my best to serve you." Talos smiled, and lowered his claw until it was resting on his pet's head, rubbing it gently.

"That's all I wanted to hear," he purred quietly.