Chapter 3: Don't Stop

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#3 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 3: Don't Stop

Kira had known about Eno for years. And why shouldn't she have known? Loryn had been very honest from the start. Before they were married, he took her paws and told her that he liked cock as well as pussy: he liked it in his ass, he liked being in another male's ass, he loved sucking cock, and stroking cock -- but he loved pussy too, and Kira was the only female he had ever loved, and he wanted a family with her, he wanted to be happy with her. He loved her.

Of course Kira had been shocked sixteen years ago to hear all these things, but looking up into Loryn's dark, frightened eyes, she knew she loved him. It didn't matter if he liked males too. She could live with that. And she told him she would marry him and it didn't matter how many males he fucked -- so long as his heart belonged to Kira alone, it didn't matter.

And so when Loryn returned sixteen years ago from the winter village with a new "friend," Kira did not hesitate to suspect that this new friend was just another fuck buddy for Loryn. She had been good to Loryn about it, had even invited Eno for supper into their home. But as the years passed, she began to notice Loryn's affection for the younger male growing: he would look at Eno softly -- in the soft way she had always thought was just for her! -- and he would lovingly stroke Eno's short, bristly mane behind his ear, and one night she came home to find him feeding Eno from a spoon, whispering lovingly beside the firelight, and how that Eno's eyes shined up at him! Kira couldn't stand it. Loryn had always been honest with her but now it seemed he had lied. She stormed in and kicked them both out, hurling all of Loryn's possessions out after him, and she would never forget how their daughter had cringed in the corner, not understanding. Seeing the look of terror on Lea's face, Kira would never forgive her husband: if it wasn't for him and his male-fondling their daughter wouldn't have grown up in a broken home!

But Kira still loved Loryn. She knew this in her heart. And she had harbored a crush on him from the time she was a pup, though Loryn was completely oblivious. He had always been so handsome, her Loryn, and so silly and teasing, and yet so sweet. Though it was strictly taboo and they would have been punished, she approached him once when they were but fourteen. He was washing at a little stream up in the grassy hills behind the village. He had been on a circuit doing some warrior training exercise and was breathless and filthy, but seemed pretty pleased with himself. He stopped at the stream and squatted down, his muscular thighs open wide to reveal his thick cock and balls. Kira, hiding some distance away, had gasped. It was the first time she had ever seen a young male's sex this close. Young males and young females were strictly separated in the summer village, and her spying on Loryn even from this distance would have earned her a sound spanking. But she didn't care! Loryn was so beautiful, this striped male rising now to let the water fall back through his mane. Beside herself now and bold with her lust, Kira had revealed herself and approached. The male was startled into freezing, and what was more, his cock throbbed straight up, thick and hard. Kira had giggled at him but he didn't seem ashamed.

"Well . . . hello there," Kira remembered Loryn saying as she stopped in front of him, and his lips spread slowly into a mischievous smile -- that smile she had become so familiar with through all her years of heartsick spying.

Kira's heart pounded in her chest and her lashes fluttered. She remembered Loryn's dark eyes hovering on her breasts and how his hard dick had throbbed to look at them. She knew her white breasts were enormous, but it had never crossed her mind that a male would like that about them, that a male would want to touch them or suck them, as Loryn whispered he wanted to do now. Kira had blushed all over her white fur to hear this, and suddenly self conscious, she covered her breasts.

Loryn took a step closer until he was standing over Kira, and she breathed in the scent of his fur and shivered. God, he even smelled good! He touched her face and she closed her eyes, tilting her head to accept the touch. And then before she realized what was happening, he had leaned down and was kissing her! Kira had never dreamed for this much! Her first kiss. She would never forget it. Loryn's lips were so tender and yet so hungry, pulling at her, tasting her, and then his tongue entered her mouth and caressed her tongue and she felt his organ brushing against her thigh.

In his mounting lust, Loryn pulled her closer, and she felt acutely how small and slender she was beside him. Loryn was rippling with muscles, even at fourteen. And he was too well endowed for his age, surely. The feel of his cock brushing against her thigh again frightened her. But his touch was tender and his smiling eyes gentle and he whispered things in her ear that made her shudder under his kisses.

"You smell so sweet, you tender little thing, you. I'll make you feel so good," Loryn whispered between kisses, his lips traveling over her neck, "I'll give you such pleasure, you'll never look at another male again . . ." And his lips traveled lower, to her breasts.

Kira cried out as her nipple was sucked for the first time. She felt so naïve. She had never imagined having this happen, these gentle and wet sucks -- had never imagined feeling such a throbbing between her legs. But her pussy lips swelled and she felt this strange but delicious wetness, and she didn't understand it. Her head fell back as Loryn licked her breasts and kept promising in a whisper to make her shudder, to make her never forget his touch.

Kira felt his kisses traveling now down her slender belly, and his big paws clutched at her waist. Her poofy white tail was flashing now from nerves, from ecstasy. And then she let out a cry and was shocked and confused when she felt a hot, loving lap on her sex. She squeezed her thighs shut and looked down at him with wide eyes. But he told her this would make her feel good, that she wouldn't get with his pup. Kira only moaned and shook her head: such a thing would have been disastrous. But the male pried her thighs apart and gave her sex a deeper lick that made her trembling and weak. He gathered her in his big arms and laid her gently in the tall grass. Kira saw him on his knees as he looked all around, his ears pricking forward, as if he was making sure no one was approaching, and then he turned back to her with a soft smile and stroked her thighs, pushing her legs up and wide apart. Kira moaned. What was about to happened here? He was kneeling between her knees, smiling at her.

"The grass is too tall for anyone to see us for miles around," Loryn had whispered to her. "We'll only be discovered if someone trips over us . . ." His eyes drifted from her blushing face to her sex, and there was a hunger in those dark mirrors that frightened and aroused her. "But even if we are caught, you're worth it."

"What are you going to do to me?" Kira couldn't help herself asking.

"I'm going to eat your delicious pussy," he told her, and she gasped when she felt his fingers gliding into her sex.

She saw her nipples stand out hard and pleasure flushed through her body, making her squirm. She felt him rubbing her thigh again, massaging the inner curve, and knew he was trying to relax her. She looked down to find those dark mirrors in his face smiling gently at her. God, he was handsome! So big and so strong! And yet he was a pup still. They were so young.

"Will it hurt?" Kira squeaked.

Loryn laughed, his eyes twinkling at her innocence. "It will feel very good. You'll be begging me not to stop in a moment . . ." So saying, he lowered his head between her thighs and her body tensed, waiting for what was about to happen.

That first loving lick made Kira shiver, then melt all over. He licked her sex again, then gave her thigh a long, loving lap, then licked her sex. His tongue slithered hotly as he worked her, gliding inside her tight crevice a moment, then lapping at the pussy lips. She couldn't stop crying out, couldn't stop gasping with each new lick. He sucked her pussy lips hard into his mouth, kissed them, then sucked them again, almost as if in hunger. And then he worked his tongue around that little ball of throbbing flesh where she knew her pleasure gathered in one pumping, swelling, agonizingly exquisite spot. He sucked at this spot, and she cried out, her back arching, her breasts thrust to the blue sky. Her body grew very hot and she was trembling and gasping. She knew she was red in the face, that her breasts were probably red too, and that he was enjoying seeing her squirming, helpless against her own ecstasy. Oh, what were these things she was being made to feel? The feeling overpowered her, growing more intense with each lick or suck, and she knew her pussy was dripping when he gave an appreciative moan and slipped his tongue inside her again. His tongue brushed the rim of her vagina opening, then sucked it, then brushed it again. He moved back to that little pumping knot of tormenting pleasure and he sucked there too, licked the lips all around it, sucked them, then kissed them.

"I like the way you taste," she heard him whisper as he paused to give her pussy a loving stroke with his finger.

"Oh, don't stop now!" Kira moaned, shocked at her own words.

"Anything for those bright eyes," Loryn had whispered, and she shuddered when he dipped his tongue very deeply this time into her vagina. She felt his tongue slither out again between her pussy lips, wet and rough in the stroke, and then his tongue slid inside of her again.

Kira was now gasping shrilly, and he seemed pleased. He clutched her thighs and gently spread her legs wider. Being splayed so bear to a young male made Kira blush again. She was more open to him now than before and when his tongue came down on her again, the pleasure seemed doubled. He ate away at her now as slowly and as lovingly as before but with a hungry abandon that shocked and delighted her. His moans of longing, his gulps as his lips pulled away at her clit, aroused her more than anything else. As she arched her back on the point of some climax that had stolen her breath, on the point of an intense feeling that she did not understand, he rubbed her thigh and even lifted her leg onto his shoulder, drawing her closer to him. And then it happened: she felt a delicious release and she realized as she cried out that he was swallowing her juices. His hot mouth closing over her as this happened seemed the most wonderful thing in the world to her, and that he had given her so much pleasure here in the tall grass beside the stream made her more determined to have this handsome wolf all to herself, to love and to hold forever. But how could she claim him?

"Are you pleased?" she heard him ask, and she opened her eyes to realize he was hovering over her, the mischievous smile on his lips again. "A silly question," he said, before she could answer. "You came in my mouth."

Kira blushed.

"So you liked it," he whispered, leaning down to start those slow, wet kisses on her neck. "Does that mean you like me?"

How could she not like him? Looking at his finely sculpted body, so tight with muscles and yet so lean, she wondered if he knew he was handsome, that the eyes of females followed him everywhere he went.

"I want you for myself," she confessed, and he laughed through his kisses.

He kissed her face, her cheek, her eyelids. She closed her eyes under these tender kisses, but when she opened them again, she saw that his cock was still painfully hard, that it jutted straight past his navel. She reached down and caressed it, and he sighed at her touch but didn't stop his kisses.

"Do you want that for yourself too?" he teased.

Kira felt embarrassed and let go.

"Do you?" He stopped kissing her neck and looked into her eyes, the stripes on his face twisting with his smile.

Kira was embarrassed. "I - I don't know . . ." she stammered. "What happens during the mating season? I don't even know that . . ."

Loryn straightened up and clapped a paw on his rigid cock, which seemed massive in his passion. "This," he said, wagging his cock in his fist, "goes in here." Pushing her thighs apart with his knee, Loryn cupped a paw over Kira's sex and let his fingers glide inside her again.

Kira gasped.

"It seems impossible, I know," Loryn said with a laugh. "You're so tight . . ."

"And you're so b-big! You're not going to do that now, are you!" Kira cried, wide-eyed. She wanted to know how it felt, but anything that was supposed to happen during the mating season should happen during the mating season -- not in the tall grass just beyond the village.

Loryn shook his head and lowered himself to his paws and knees again. "Of course not. I'll save that for when I see you at the mating season." He gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek that made her heart flutter, then he stood and gathered his spear.

Kira wanted to leap up, to make him stay, but when she made a sudden movement, he told her to remain lying in the grass until he had gone. Kira nodded and understood: if they were even seen alone together, they would be punished.

"But I don't even know your name!" Kira cried in earnest as the young warrior examined his spear. She saw that his hard-on was going down and it saddened her. For some reason she did not understand, she had wanted to lick it.

The handsome wolf smiled at her. "Loryn is my name. What do they call you? Aside from gorgeous."

Kira flushed at his teasing but whispered her name.

"Kira," he repeated, smiling at her. "We'll meet again." His eyes traveled over her shapely body lying breathless and flushed in the grass, as if he was trying to keep the image in his mind, then he pursed his lips at her in a silent kiss and hurried away.

And that was it. Kira was hooked.

Now present-day Kira sat beside the fire in her hut, her head bowed, crying. Like most of the females her age in the summer village, her breasts were wrapped in a shawl. Her ears were flat on her head as she gazed into the fire with wet eyes, a finger curled against her lips as if in thought. What had she done in kicking Loryn out? She had missed him everyday of her life since then, and seeing him around the village had only intensified the ache. Oh, why couldn't he just love her and only her? Why must he give his heart freely to that Eno!


Kira looked up and saw her sixteen-year-old daughter Lea standing uncertainly in the doorway. Lea looked much like her mother had at sixteen: lush white fur, a poofy tail, a long mane, great white breasts with pink nipples. But Lea had also inherited her father's black stripes. The stripes were quite stunning on her, curving to the shape of her buttocks and waist only to disappear into her poofy tail. Kira smiled at her daughter. How beautiful Lea had grown. The males would not be able to keep their paws off her when she was seventeen and thus old enough for the mating seasons next year. Kira had lost her husband, and now she was losing her daughter! She started to cry again and heard Lea rush to her side.

Lea knelt beside her mother's chair and peered imploringly into her face, but she needn't have asked why Kira was crying: her father. Kira missed Lea's father! She was angry suddenly. She missed her father too: had missed coming home to his smiles and his jokes, had missed being bounced on his lap every night before bed. And now that she was older, she missed having her father always there to protect her, for with her great breasts and tiny waist, the young males were always after her. She hated her mother for having sent her father away, but at the same time, she pitied Kira too. Kira looked so wretched sitting by the fire that Lea took her mother into her arms and kissed her ears without a word.

Lea wanted to ask why her mother didn't just ask Loryn to come back, had wanted to ask this for years, but she knew better. Maybe Kira was too proud. Or maybe Kira was scared Loryn would say no. The reasons were fathomless to Lea.

"I wanted to gather some wood, Mom," Lea said quietly. "For the fire. We need more wood."

"I don't want you going out in the forest alone!"

"Well, Dad offered to bring us wood but you won't hear of it!"

"Enough, Lea! What have I told you about mentioning your father?"

Lea backed away, her paws on her hips, and looking up at her daughter, Kira recognized Loryn's headstrong spirit in her black eyes.

"If you go in that forest I'll whip you good!" Kira threatened.

"I'm too old for that, Mom!"

"You'll never be too old to listen to your mother!"

Lea's breasts heaved.

"Where are you going!" Kira demanded when her daughter stalked toward the curtain again.

"I forgot my sewing things at Zalia's hut!" Lea shouted angrily and disappeared through the curtain.