
Story by AvengedSevenfold on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at a story. The idea hit me while reading some other stories, so I thought maybe I should try writing one. I'm hoping to make this a series.I know the actual yiff scene isn't the best ever, but I couldn't quite figure what to write. I was afraid the idea would slip before I got the chance to plan something great so here it is.(Constructive) criticism/comments/suggestions for another chapter are welcomed and appreciated. The lyrics in the story are from "We Come Out at Night" by Avenged Sevenfold (a.k.a. the best damn band ever).

  • * * Jake sighed as he reached over, turned off the radio, and pulled the keys out of the ignition of the rusty old Chevrolet. He grunted as he sat back in the fading leather seats. He was tired from a long day at school and working out at the community gym, and wanted to just relax in the seats of the car. But it was getting dark, and he had lived here long enough to know that dark was not a safe time to be out. He grunted as he lifted his heavy gym bag and backpack from the back seat. Moving to the back of the car, he opened the trunk and removed the groceries. He locked the car and headed across the street towards his apartment complex. As he walked up the stairs to the landing in front of the door, he could hear the far off noises of the gang violence. He ignored it and kept walking, opening the front door and climbing the stairs to his apartment, grunting with effort. Upon entering the apartment, Jake set his gym bag and backpack on the table and walked into the kitchen. The apartment was small, with a kitchen/dining room, small living room, and two bedrooms. He saw the new message light on the answering machine blinking, and pressed play. It was his mom, calling to tell him that she would be working late again, and that dinner was on the counter. Jake looked around until his eyes settled on a steak, still in its package. He made a mental note of it, and went to go and do his Chemistry homework. Jake sat for a long while, trying to focus on the complex chemical equations, but found his mind clouded by too many other distractions, as always. Eventually he gave up, setting his book aside and heading to his room, directly adjacent to the living room. Jake closed the door and took of his clothes. He examined himself in the mirror. In the old days he would have been proud of what he saw, but now such vanity was far from his mind. His fur was a deep glossy black, like that of his father's, but unlike most of the other wolves he knew. His fur fit his attitude, as many of his fellow students observed, but not to his face. He was tall, standing a full 6", 8', and his thick fur hid the lean muscles underneath. He was strong, fast, and agile. To say he was athletic would be an understatement. At his old school he had been the head of the football team, the star basketball player, the best hitter on his baseball team, and a decent soccer player. He had been popular, too. Everyone wanted to be with him or get with him. He could have had anyone he'd wanted. He'd had sex more than a few times. He had been intelligent as well, in the top 2% of his class. He had gotten straight A's every year, and was well-liked by his teachers. He was the dream guy, which only angered the girls at his new school even more. As he finished examining himself, Jake lay on his bed. He reached over and pressed the play button on his stereo, and closed his eyes as he let the music wash over him, only half-listening. His mind was swarming too much with memories and other thoughts to focus on any thing. As the music played on, Jake began to think of his childhood. Of long, warm summer days, spent practicing baseball with his father, playing with friends, or swimming. He thought of the large house of his childhood, with the yard that was just the right size, not too big or too small, for a young boy to romp around in and explore. He thought of wrestling with his brother in the warm grass as his mother called them in for dinner. ‘Black as night... Cold as ice... Warm as home.... Ready to live... Stars they shoot... In a clear... Across the sky... As does my time... Waiting, wanting, feeling, emotion. Crying, breaking, loving, nothing.' As the song continues, Jake's mind approaches that night. He had repressed this memory until now, and was hesitant to revisit it. He thought of the dark, icy night. He thought of listening in on his mother's conversation with the hospital, not understanding a word of it through his door. He remembered being rushed to the hospital, where he saw his father and brother laying in beds, not moving, breathing tubes in their mouths. He remembered not understanding what was going on at the time, his mind too shocked by the events to fully comprehend, and he remembered when the truth had hit him like a ton of bricks a short while later. ‘Clouds swallow the moon, and I'm alone, thinking good times, and why'd they go?' He remembered his 16-year-old mind shutting down, being void of emotions, and just sitting in the room staring at the floor with iced over eyes as his mom sat next to him, crying hysterically. He remembered being called in by the doctor that night to learn that his father and brother had not made it, that their injuries suffered during the crash had been too severe, that he would never see them again. No more coaching tips. No more friendly jokes between him and his brother. No more complete family dinners, bustling with conversation. He remembered knowing his life would never be the same, but not fully knowing the scale. ‘Breaking down, breaking away from me. Falling down, breaking away from me. Fuck. I need this place to get away from you.' Jake reached over and turned the stereo off. He got up from his bed, blinking away the tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes, and headed to the shower. As he turned on the hot water and got in, he instantly relaxed at the feeling of the warm water on his body. He quickly rubbed shampoo throughout his fur, and rinsed thoroughly. After finishing, he got out and dried off. Still feeling too distracted to do his homework, he returned to his previous position on his bed and continued thinking, though not voluntarily. It was because of the loss of his family that he had secluded himself from the rest of the school. Soon after the accident, he was forced to move. Without his father to support them, his mother could no longer afford the fancy house they had owned. They had been forced to move to this apartment, in the ghettos, where a gun was never too far from your back. His mother had taken up a job being a cook at a local fast food restaurant, and he had taken up several part time jobs in the summers. He would work at a local restaurant as a waiter in the morning and afternoon, then go home and change into his uniform, after which he would go to a local warehouse, where he was a security guard. He had gotten the job after pleading with the manager, who was uncomfortable hiring an 18-year-old for such a potentially dangerous job. Working such long hours kept Jake away from people and his home, which he viewed as a good thing. At his school, he had become a loner. Nobody openly mocked him, knowing his current situation, but that didn't stop them from ignoring and isolating him. He had become a shadow, not openly recognized, but known to exist. Nobody befriended him. Those who tried were quickly dragged away and told of his situation, and soon left him alone. He had no friends, engaged in no social activities, and showed no interest in his studies. His grades had slipped from straight A's to low D's and F's. His teachers knew he was bright, but like the students, found no point in coaxing anything out of him. He was left alone by everyone. Except one. In the midst of all the 250 students in his grade, one had put forth effort to become his friend. His name was David. He was a strong, athletic husky who was well liked. He was intelligent and popular, yet humble and caring. When Jake had moved and started school, David was the first to welcome him. In the end, David was his only friend, yet Jake knew he could trust him with anything. He knew that if it came down to it, David would lay down his life for him. David saw the worth in Jake, and never failed to coax it out of him. Even when he failed to crack Jake's icy shell over and over, he continued to try. He was relentless. And yet Jake found himself liking David even more because of it. As Jake thought of David, he felt his shaft hardening in his sheath. He knew he had strong feelings for the husky, but was afraid to admit it in fear of driving away his only companion. Even the thoughts of being publicly vilified or physically harassed by his fellow students paled in comparison to the thought of losing the one silver lining in his cloud. Jake was afraid to even hint at it when he was around others. His shaft continuing to harden, he slowly reached down and groped his crotch. He moaned in pleasure. It had been years since he had touched himself, and he had forgotten how good it felt. Strangely unsure, Jake wrapped his hands around his cock and began to pull. He squirmed and groaned with the pressure, the speed of his pulls slowly increasing. All the worries and tragedies of his past faded away as his shaft reached its full length. His mind clouding over, Jake began to imagine that it was David's muzzle down there, not merely his hand. All the feelings of loneliness and sadness were replaced by joy and pleasure as he continued to groan while he imagined David sucking on his cock. He soon found himself on the edge of an orgasm, and he slowly stopped. Waiting a few minutes, he started pulling on his cock again, finding himself moaning and convulsing as he imagined David's muzzle around his thick shaft, his tongue playing with the tip, hitting every pleasure point possible. As pre flowed out the tip, his hand began to slip and pull faster and faster till it was almost a blur. His eyes fluttered with the pleasure, and a low whine began to escape his lips. It wasn't long till Jake was close to an orgasm again, and this time he kept going. As he reached the orgasm, Jake's body began to shake violently with pleasure. His whole body reverberated with the sheer strength of the orgasm. Cum shot out of the tip of his cock, spraying his chest and muzzle. He found himself groaning even louder now, as the pleasure slowly ebbed. The orgasm had been much stronger than any he had obtained with his previous girlfriends, and he was left exhausted from it. As he lay on the bed, quivering in the warm afterglow of the orgasm, Jake found his thoughts once more drifting to David. A picture of the husky still in his mind, Jake drifted off to a deep, dreamless sleep, unlike those of the previous nights, full of nightmares involving the crash and the hospital. Jake lay on his bed, his subconscious finally silent, with a large grin on his face.