Buying the Farm - Emergency Services Responding

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Buying the Farm

Another installment for Firewing84, who continues to allow the c-snakey goodness to flow.

First responders often put their lives on the line in order to help ensure the safety of their fellow citizens, but what happens when you're dealing with an outbreak the likes of which they had never seen before?

WARNING WARNING WARNING: This story involves very bizarre things, please watch the tags and read at your own risk! Some of the stuff here can't simply be described elsewhere... and you'll never look at certain animals the same way again...

It was a quiet day as usual in the small fire station, Fire Marshall Brent Sevenson just had the men finish up washing the truck and doing their morning inspection, which meant that a hardy breakfast was just around the corner. The dragon had moved to the rather small town after he worked for fifteen years in the big city, a sort of semi-retirement that he had been more than happy to accept. Other than the occasional barn or house fire that rarely turned into anything he and his men enjoyed the relatively light workload. He still constantly trained them to make sure they were ready for anything, especially with the military base that was housed less than a mile away.

"Hey boss, you ever figure out what happened in the woods next to those farms?" Terry, a senior fire officer and Brent's second in command, said as they began to eat. The gazelle had been part of the firehouse longer than Brent had even been there, if it wasn't for his daredevil nature he probably would have been made the Fire Marshal of the township. It was the fact that he and his crew were so undisciplined that Brent had been called in the first place. The two pushed each other back and forth the first months the dragon was there, but once he had tamed Brent's wild spirit he had proven to be an invaluable ally to reign in the others.

"No, the military has been very lax in getting back to my phone calls." Brent replied. "I should have sent a few men to investigate the site. Even though they probably know what they're doing it should be locals on the scene when it involves our communities. There's nothing worse than not knowing-"

The Marshall's words were cut short when the alarm suddenly went off, which caused all the firemen to suddenly jump up from their seats and head towards the engine room. "Are you coming on this one?" Terry asked as he stuffed the last of his bagel into his mouth.

"Nah, you boys can handle it I'm sure." Brent replied, remaining seated with his coffee. "Unlike you young bucks I only get to be the hero of the payroll and administrative duties. You'll be in charge, call me if you need anything."

Terry nodded and he and a number of other firefighters hopped onto the engine, which blared to life as they tore out of the station and towards the direction of the call. It only took a few minutes before they saw the column of black smoke in the air. It was a large, decrepit barn and homestead that had been set ablaze, one that he had known was abandoned for years now. They put the fire out in a matter of minutes, while it was quite expansive the fires were still young and the wood was still damp. Once they were finished Terry called in to Brent while the other four men split into two groups of two to explore the charred remains of the two relatively intact structures.

Stix and Samath, the two juniors on the team, had the arduous task of clearing the barn. With the stacks of burnt hay the entire building was filled with smoke and the two had their gas masks on while they combed through the stacks looking for live embers. Samath, a tiger shark from the coast that had moved to the country a few years ago, had just entered into a decrepit set of horse stalls when it started to feel like the air in her respiration gear had started to get heavy. It wasn't unpleasant, in fact it started to tingle in a most pleasurable way as she looked through the abandoned stalls.

"Horse stalls are clear." She communicated into her radio before she took a second to sit, her breathing starting to grow heavier as she sat down on one of the benches. As she did she felt something clang on the wood behind her and when she reached around she felt her air hose disconnected from the tank. Mentally the shark slapped herself in the head before she reconnected the hose, "would have caught a lot of crap for that" she said with a chuckle as she got up once more.

"This is Stix, storage area is clear." Her partner, a lizard man with black scales, said over the radio. "It's weird, all the dry hay here should have went up like a roman candle but it looks like great lengths were taken to prevent this stack from going up."

"Really? Let me see." Samath replied as she trudged over to the back of the barn, her breathing still slightly labored despite herself as she went back. By the time she reached the storage area her vision was tinged pink, but what really bothered her was the tingling sensation that was happening between her legs. She could feel herself start to get wet as she looked around, her concern over the inappropriate emotion clear enough that her partner picked up on it.

"You alright?" Stix asked as he put his hand on her shoulder, even between all the layers of equipment she felt her entire body shudder in pleasure from the touch. "Whoa, what's going on?"

Samath wanted to resist the urge to tell him what was happening, but the need had begun to build and soon it would be apparent either way. "I don't know what it is, it's like I suddenly went into some sort of heat." She confessed. "I haven't had urges this bad since puberty, like all I want is something inside me in order to dull the pleasurable ache in my groin."

The shark saw Stix begin to back away, but before she could explain herself he began to unbuckle his equipment. "Oh god, Samath, I feel the same way." He said as he quickly exposed his groin, his thick member hard as steel and throbbing madly. "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine."

Normally the gesture would have sent Samath running but today she unbuckled her own pants and hopped on Stix like there was no tomorrow, his tapered length pressed against her soft folds. At first she thought it would be difficult to guide in with most of their equipment still attached but with some surprise the female felt the tip seem to find its own way inside her, both of them moaning in their gas masks as they felt their lusts slake. As she continued to lower herself down on his member she noticed something slightly peculiar; on the hay next to them was Stix's air hose, also disconnected from his air tank but with a pink ooze that dribbled out of it.

Samath didn't care less, the only thing that mattered was the cock between her legs as they ripped off their air masks. It seemed to grow bigger with each thrust inside her as her already lubed slit seemed to get even wetter. Once their faces were free from their equipment they locked lips in a passionate kiss, their muzzles pressed tight as their tongues pushed into each other's mouths. As they continued to explore each others' insides both Samath and Stix felt their partner's tongues begin to push more and more, sliding past the root of their own tongues and beginning to press down their throats. A quick upwards thrust from Stix quickly pushed aside that thought and their mating grew more and more intense with each second. Their eyes glazed over as Samath's dimming conscious mind felt something else slide into her vagina, then a third thing that swirled around inside her and nearly caused her to pass out from the pleasure. She looked down to see that Stix was already gone, a pink fluid leaking out of his snout as something came up from the shark's throat and slid along her tongue into his mouth as well. By the time a fourth-cock like tentacle was pushed into her tailhole her rational thought had been obliterated, the two firefighters reduced to a pair of mating animals as more pink ooze saturated into the hay around them.

When the two finally exploded in orgasm their muzzles and groins were locked together by nearly a dozen pink tentacle snakes that had pushed their way into each other's bodies, though as the newest hosts finally calmed down they quickly retracted back into their bodies. As they stood up a large amount of ooze sloshed out of their equipment, something that the two creatures grinned at each other for as they both tucked away their bright pink cocks. "I know who we're going after next." She said while they put their equipment on to better hide their snake-infested bodies.

Meanwhile Lane and Arnold began to search through the remains of the townhouse, which had suffered much less damage than the barn. Even though both Lane and Arnold trained to be as muscular as possible they decided to take the easier job because it meant less equipment they had to carry and it was fun to boss the newbies around. "Should have just let the fire take this one out." Lane said, grunting as the crocodile male pushed away some debris.

"Yeah, probably going to be demolished either way." Arnold replied. The elephant had been working the longest at the firehouse save for Terry, and was proud to be the strongest of the entire group. Even Lane had nothing on him, his eight pack abs stretching as he hoisted a cabinet and let it crash to the side. The two muscleheads had competed for years and every time they were out together they tried to one up each other, even on the job.

As Arnold went down the wooden steps to the basement he could hear the wood creak under his weight, but it appeared that the entire area had been spared of fire damage. He was just about to turn and head back up when he saw something out of the corner of his vision, the elephant just curious enough to investigate. When he got down to the bottom of the dirt floor he suddenly felt a pair of strong hands wrap around his arms, pinning them to his sides like a vice. As much as he tried to struggle free he couldn't and as he thrashed around a second person came into view.

"Well well, if it isn't Arnold." Bella said as she stroked her naked form, the male's eyes widening and his cock twitching in his pants as she stared transfixed at the naked mare.

"Holy shit, Bella?" Arnold said, dumbstruck. "What the hell are you doing here... naked. Damn girl you look fine..."

"You should see me." A feminine voice said behind him as he was released.

"Donna!" Arnold said in surprise, the other female giggling at him as she pressed her large breasts together. "Have you always been that big? I know you two looked good but damn!"

"Arnold, what's up?" The elephant heard a concerned voice from above. "You find something down there?"

"Dude, come down here immediately and thank me that I'm willing to share." Arnold called back down. When the crocodile got downstairs he gasped and dropped the water extinguisher he was carrying onto the ground. Both mares giggled as the two males stared at them, unable to see as their skin began to distort from the anticipation of the creatures within.

"Well boys, why don't you strip down and show us what you got?" Bella replied, the two horny males not having to be asked twice before they ditched their gear.

"We gotta be quick man, no way this is going to be cool with Brent." Arnold said as he went up to Bella, his cock already half hard, only to have a finger put on his face to stop him. "Huh? What gives?"

"Well, we're not sure that you two are... man enough for the two of us." Donna replied, something that she could see had an immediate effect on the two prideful males. Neither one of them had ever been called small before, the elephant sported nearly nine inches of pachyderm meat while Lane had nearly seven inches of tapered, erect cock. "Tell you what, how about we do a little trade action; we'll pleasure you with our mouths and on your end you fill us right."

The two males were unsure of what they meant before Bella grabbed Arnold by the trunk and Donna grabbed Lane by the snout. "Wow, I did not know how kinky you two were." Arnold said as they were laid down, their moist nether lips positioned by their faces as the two females gripped their cocks and began to suckle on them. Both males groaned as the horse's muzzles stretched over their large cocks, unable to see the pink drool ooze down to their sack as Bella and Donna swirled their bright pink tongues around the sensitive flesh. Arnold looked at Lane and they both shrugged their shoulders, then as the crocodile pushed his scaly snout against the mare's slit he began to do the same with his trunk.

A strange, musky odor filled his nostrils as Arnold pushed the tip of his snout inside of Bella, his eyes widening as he watched those puffy lips eagerly take the whole thing. He wondered if he was supposed to push when he suddenly felt his snout get pulled further in. At first the blowjob he was receiving on his end made him too lustful to care, but after the first foot of his trunk was sucked in he began to get concerned, especially when he felt something trickle down his nose and into his throat. He tried to wiggle his trunk to escape but all that did was cause the mare to moan around his cock and push back even further.

As his face got closer and closer a strange tingling sensation began to flood his body, and though it felt extremely good he began to rethink his position. He pulled his head back with all his might and slowly his trunk began to slide out of the moaning female, but as he got about halfway out he gasped when he saw that the flesh of it had went from a molted grey to a bright pink. Before he could say anything about it Bella pushed back against the stiffening trunk until it had sunk completely into her snatch. As he grabbed her thighs in surprise he felt something bump against his lip and his eyes widened as her clit extended out into a bright pink prehensile horsecock that stuffed itself into his mouth as soon as it was able too. Pink ooze began to dribble out of the corner of his mouth as his own cock began to turn the same bright pink, flexing on its own accord as his throat became filled with alien cock.

Lane let out a muffled grunt as he saw his friend's trunk get sucked completely in and an alien cock sprouting from an otherwise female groin and push itself into the elephant's mouth, but before he could dismount his own snout had been trapped in Donna's vagina. His own cock had already turned pink as he could feel something slip into his mouth from inside her, traveling down his throat and pumping something into his stomach. As he clawed the ground he could feel his rational mind slip away, his stomach expanding before the scales under his muscular chest and torso throbbed with new tentacles underneath. Several more pink tentacles slipped out passed his reptilian muzzle and wrapped around his head as he succumbed just as his friend did, and as the two mares smiled at each other as they felt their prey become consumed like they had they looked to the canister that laid there on the floor...

Back at the engine Terry filled out the incident report while he waited for the others to get back, the only other person with him was a police officer named Issac who had come out to investigate the scene as well. He checked his watch and after an hour of staring down at paperwork decided to get out of the firetruck and stretch a little. "I don't know how Brent does that all day." He said with a grunt as he looked around, seeing the police cruiser but no officer. "Hey Issac, where did you go?"

He suddenly heard a loud, but muffled grunt from behind the police car, followed by a low, stifled moan. Terry raised an eyebrow and slowly moved his way around the vehicle. His hands immediately went to his face as his face twisted in horror; on his back on the ground was the wolf cop Issac, his pants around his ankles and his erect cock buried in the snatch of Samath who had her hands around Stix as she slid up and down the police officer's pole while the lizard bent down and French kissed the other male. Terry began to back away in shock when he hit the side of the car, which caused the three moaning creatures to stop and look at him. When they did they separated from each other slightly and Terry could see a bizarre pink cock jutted out from Samath's groin into what appeared to be a very female opening in Stix's scaled taint, as well as what looked like a bright pink cock instead of the lizard's tongue as it continued to wiggle and thrust into the wolf's muzzle of its own accord.

"AHHHHHH!" Terry screamed and bolted back to the fire truck, clearing the distance between him and the engine in mere seconds before he climbed up to the cab. When he opened the door to scramble in however a strong set of hands shoved him in the chest and he fell backwards onto the ground on the flat of his back. His first thought after he regained the wind in his lungs was that he was paralyzed, though as he started regain feeling in his body he found himself able to move his hands and feet. When he started to get up though he saw the huge foot of the elephant press down against his chest, the massive male stroking nearly three feet of pink meat.

"Hose him down." He said, the crocodile that had been his partner standing next to him with one of their fire extinguishers. Terry didn't even have time to cry out no before the rubber hose began to spray a thick, pink slime all over his body. The effect was instantaneous, as soon as the ooze penetrated his skin the gazelle went from fighting back the torrent of fluid to ripping off his clothes, his body engulfed in intense pleasure. His hips humped against the air as his body began to shift, though the two infested creatures were not satisfied with an outer coating and stuck the nozzle in his mouth.

Terry had already lost his mind to the inferno of lust and his muzzle instinctively clamped down on the hose, his back arching as the blissful fluid flowed into his belly. His entire body was covered in a cocoon of pink goo and by the time Lane was finished emptying the canister into the gazelle the male looked pregnant.

The two had thought about feeding him some of their own fluids next but the sudden influx of the parasitic fluid had an unexpected effect on the male. His neck stretched to near bursting as tentacles pushed out of his mouth, several of them already fully developed c-snakes as his eyes turned a solid pink, followed by more that pushed their way out of his nose, his ears, and even his horns turned into several of the tentacles. The gazelle's body became bloated as the male's frame expanded to accommodate the huge number of parasites, his cock thickening and pulsing as it grew to nearly three feet in length and grew a snake's head of its own. As Terry began to stand back up his body shuddered, each time with a new growth as pink tentacles sprouted from his elbows, knees, and two rows of particularly thick ones grew from his back.

The elephant and crocodile took a few steps back as the heavily infected gazelle continued to warp, his fur falling out and revealing shiny pink skin as several more c-snakes grew out from his chest and abs. When his transformation finally ceased he looked little like the gazelle firefighter that had left the station, what stood in its place was a seven-foot tall tentacle monster whose very skin continued to bulge and squirm with the sheer capacity of creatures underneath. "Well he can't infiltrate like that." Arnold said bluntly.

"We have an idea." The three looked to see their fellow hosts walking towards them, the cop trailing behind them. "Hose this one off, with water this time, and our plan will still be on schedule..."


The police station was unusually quiet as Sheriff Mitchell sipped on his cup of coffee, the police station quiet as usual as he read his paper. In the early morning it was just him, his dispatcher, and one other officer to take care of the needs of the awakening city. He had sent the other officer out to assist with a barn fire and the dispatcher kept to himself, which meant that he was alone with his thoughts while he caught up on yesterday's events. The German Shepard had just started to work on the crossword puzzle when he heard the back door open, and when he looked up he saw that it was the other officer in wet clothing.

"Got too close to the hoses did ya Issac?" Mitchell asked with a smirk, which only caused the young wolf to grumble slightly. "Go ahead and get changed before you feed our two 'guests', they can stand to wait a little longer."

The wolf gave him a curt nod of acknowledgement and then walked into the break room. The 'guests' that the German Shepard had referred to were an out of town couple that decided to get drunk in his town and start causing a ruckus, luckily one of his deputies had gotten to them before anyone got seriously hurt and decided to give them a day in their holding cells in order to clear their heads. Unfortunately it wasn't before they had decided to puke all over themselves and the interior of the back of their police car, which meant the two got a pair of orange prison uniforms and a bill for the detailing. He wasn't going to press charges though, the German Shepard remembered when he had gotten into his share of fun himself and thought that waking up with a hangover and dressed in prison scrubs would get the point across enough.

As time passed the other three deputies came in for the morning shift as well, the first one giving him a nod before heading blearily into the break room for his usual coffee while the other two sat down in their desks with the beverages they brought with him. "Anything exciting so far this morning Mitchell?" The large tiger asked.

"Not much Paul, newbie got drenched on a call out to a fire in the farmsteads, other than that the phones have been quiet." Mitchell informed him. "Also Yamir and Hoss pulled in two drunks for a disorderly, they're sleeping it off in the cells right now."

"Wish I could do that." The sleepy-sounding dragon said as he came out with a pot of coffee, pouring himself a second cup of coffee before he held the pot out. "You guys want a hit? It's fresh."

The other two deputies held up their store-bought coffees, but Mitchell downed the last of his coffee and held out the now-empty cup. "I'll take it if it's fresh, the last cup I had was from the night shift's brew, those guys wouldn't know a good cup of coffee if it bit them on the-"

A sudden shout caused the sheriff to stop and all four to look back to where the holding cells were. When there was a second one the German Shepard nearly slammed down his coffee cup and got out of his chair. "If I knew they were going to be this loud when they woke up I would have put the muzzles on them." He said as he grabbed a set of keys from his desk. "I'm going to go scare a little sense into them, you guys read the reports from last night and get yourselves up to speed."

Mitchell opened the door to the back and began to walk down the hallway when he suddenly heard a very distinct cry of someone calling for help. Though he was sure that it was probably just the couple overreacting to their situation he found his pace increased until he was at a quick dash to the door at the end. When he got there he dropped the keys to the floor with a gasp, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

In one cell the male hyena laid there on the hard bed with a glazed look in his eyes, a stream of pink drool oozed out of his mouth and nose as his hands seemed to mechanically stroking a rock-hard erection through the thin orange fabric of his pants that was beneath a very pronounced stomach. The female, a clouded leopard, seemed to be clawing at something that wiggled underneath her clothes. "Get them in- off me!" She shouted wildly, the sheriff unable to see what they were until the feline managed to kick off her pants. What appeared to be a two-foot long snake had wrapped around her leg with its head buried deeply in her pussy, the lips dribbling a pink substance as they stretched wide over the invading creature. "Oh god, I'm so horny, I can't take much more!"

Sheriff Mitchell was so shell-shocked at the unreal scene before him that he found himself frozen in place, unable to do anything but stand there as the leopard dropped to her knees. The leopard tried to shout out again but a second snake had come up from his shirt and wrapped once around his neck before it pushed its head into her mouth, almost immediately the female's eyes rolled back into her head and her body went limp as the strange snake began to slither deeper into his maw. This was enough to snap the sheriff out of it and he immediately went to his radio as he ran to the cell door in order to try and assist.

"Dispatch, call the hospital, the CDC, and whoever else is in our emergency contact book!" The sheriff called into the radio as he fumbled with the keys, cursing loudly as he saw the second snake at the feline's groin begin to push its own body further and further into the cat's quivering pussy to the point her stomach had begun to swell. "Dispatch! Respond if you hear this! God dammit, what the hell is going on here?!"

Mitchell was just about to put the right key into the cell door when a sudden bang to his right caused him to jump nearly a foot backwards. He looked to see the hyena staring at him, a manic grin on its face that quickly distorted as a small torrent of pink liquid gushed out of his muzzle followed by several snake-like appendages pushed out passed his lips, the biggest being what used to be the canine's tongue. The pink stained pants of the hyena bulged out obscenely before they finally ripped away, revealing a thick, foot long cock that began to wiggle on its own accord as it tried to reach for the Sheriff.

All the sheriff could do was pry his eyes away from the mutated hyena long enough to look at the other prisoner, the leopard's throat was stretched to the limit as the last half of the snake in his mouth slid into his maw while she began to masturbate. The German Shepard could see the changes already starting to take place, as the feline's hand stroked back and forth over her clit it began to grow, wiggling in her fingers as it stretched out in time with the snake that penetrated her feminine slit. Pink slime began to leak out of the tip of the leopard's newly-forming cock as well as her nose, eyes, and ears as her skin began to writhe, the fur pushed up as what looked like multiple tentacles slid throughout her body underneath his skin.

A sudden splat noise snapped his attention back to the hyena, who continued to pump his own cock with one hand while he reached out with the other. A pool of pink slime had begun to form around him and the German Shepard saw a bump form from the hyena's hand before it erupted out into the head and body of the same cock-shaped snakes while several more pink tentacles slid out of his sheath and two had slithered their way out of each of his nipples. That was enough for the sheriff, he hugged the wall as best he could to stay away from the monster and bolted for the door. Just before he ran out and slammed the door behind him he saw the last bit of the snake's tail slide down the throat of the leopard and the female's head snap down towards him, an alien smile on her face as pink ooze dribbled down his chin.

Sheriff Mitchell cleared the hallway in less than ten seconds and slammed open the door, which caused the other three officers to nearly jump out of their chairs. "We have to go!" He shouted at them, which caused them all to look at each other. "Where's Issac?"

"He just went to the dispatcher's office for something." Trieme, the other wolf on the force, said. "Boss, what's wrong?"

"That couple in the cells, something got to them, we need to get every government agency we can! Paul, you go check on dispatch and Issac and tell him to bring the Emergency Response List so we can call everyone we can from the road. Trieme you get to the storage room and get the heavy gear, looks like being close to that military base is finally going to pay off. Sigund, put the coffee down and go to the garage and start up the cruiser, I want us ready to go in five minutes!"

The other three just nodded and got up from their desks to accomplish the tasks at hand while Mitchell went to his desk. He opened the bottom drawer and took out his gun, something he wished he had before, and strapped it to his belt. Just as he finished putting it into place he heard a shout from Paul and the German Shepard immediately rushed over towards the dispatcher's office.

"What... the... hell..." Paul said with a shudder as Mitchell looked into the office. There, spread eagle on the communications equipment, the fox male let out a low moan as his tailhole was stuffed by the pink cock of the wolf between his legs. Issac's pants hung just below his ass and his uniform was covered in pink slime as he thrust his hips forward into the eager male below him. As the two continued to copulate both Mitchell and Paul watched as the fox's exposed chest puffed up slightly and with one deep exhale his nipples engorged out until they became a pair of thick pink tentacles.

As pink goo began to drip out of the fox's mouth the wolf turned to the two of them, a slacken expression on his face as his tongue snake slithered out. "Why don't you join in on the fun?" The snake said with a grin which caused both males to step back. "I have more than enough to fill you two as well."

In response Mitchell slammed the door shut, a flood of pink liquid gushing out underneath it. The two ran towards the storage area and already saw Trieme put on the last of the anti-riot gear that was stored inside, adjusting to make room for his wings before he put on his helmet. "I thought we'd never get to use this stuff." The eagle said as Mitchell went straight to the gun rack and pulled out a shotgun. "Where's Issac?"

"We're going without him." Mitchell replied bitterly as he tossed a duffel bag to Paul and began to toss several more guns and ammo into it. "We don't have time to strap on riot gear so you're going to have to be the point man on this."

"Yeah, how did you manage to get all that on so soon anyway?" Paul asked.

"Oh, the doors were already unlocked, so I just had to put it on." Trieme said with a shrug, which caused Mitchell to stop and look at him. "What? Can we get moving, this stuff is hotter than hell."

"Yeah, sure." Mitchell said, taking the last shotgun he had grabbed and slowly putting a shell into it. "Hey Trieme, could you pull up your visor for a second? I want to see... how much clearance you have with that beak of yours."

Trieme looked at the two, then at the gun that the sheriff was holding before he slowly began to back away. "Guys, what's going on?" The eagle asked as he held his hands up. "Sheriff..."

"Mitchell, what are you doing?" Paul asked in a hushed voice.

"Look down." Mitchel said in reply as he gestured towards the eagle's groin. Paul's eyes widened as he saw a tent forming in the heavy rubber of the suit until it stretched bigger than any normal man's bulge as one of Trieme's hands began to drift towards it. "I don't think he even realizes he's infected... was there anything in the suit when you put it on?"

"No, nothing, I swear!" The eagle said, the male's body starting to quiver slightly as it seemed to grow larger. "Well, there was this pink stuff in it, but I thought it was just leftover lubricant. It felt so good when it pressed against my package, made me so horny..." what resolve the eagle still had seemed to evaporate as his hands pressed against his crotch, rubbing it as the rubber-covered bulge continued to expand. "So constricted... feels... like... something inside, writhing... gonna... gonna explode!"

The eagle let out a shriek that turned into a gurgle as his cock burst through the already strained hem in the pants, the length turning a bright shade of pink as it wiggled in the air and sprayed a thick stream of pink goo in front of him. Multiple seams broke in the anti-riot suit, pink slime oozing out of it as several snakes began to slide out from under the helmet. Mitchell quickly pulled up the gun and fired right in the infected eagle's chest, which caused him to fly backwards against the wall as more slime and tentacles slid out from the blown-open chest plate. The two only took a few steps before the eagle had begun to stand up again, though any semblance of its old self seemed to be gone as the damaged helmet turned towards them.

The tiger and German Shepard didn't give it a chance to recover as Mitchell shot it once more before they ran down towards the garage, where they hoped that their fellow officer waited for them with the cruiser. Much to their relief both the dragon and the cruiser were waiting for them, idling just outside the open garage door. The two ran as fast as they could and hopped into the vehicle, the slightly faster tiger just beating out the German Shepard for the front seat and forcing the sheriff to hop in the back. Even before Mitchell had the door closed the dragon sped off into the town streets.

"Start heading towards the military base Sigund, maybe they'll have an idea of what the hell is going on." Mitchell said as he took out his cell phone, only to find no service. "Plus they might have a working phone."

"Can do boss." The dragon said as he turned towards the military base, grunting as he held his stomach. "Ugh, shouldn't have had all that coffee, didn't realize we'd be having this much excitement."

Paul looked over at the other officer and thought that the dragon did look a little green, which was saying something since he already had green scales. "I think we're out of danger, if you want you can pull over and we can switch spots." The tiger offered.

Sigund just shook his head and muttered he was going to be alright, and then the three of them drove silently to the farmlands. As they passed the city limits it appeared that the dragon's distress only got worse, his hand against his stomach as he clenched the wheel with the other hand. "Sigund, are you sure you're alright?" Paul asked, the sheriff unable to see much through the grating between the two seats.

"I'm fine." Sigund said angrily, though as he said that he let out a grunt that caused Paul even greater concern. The tiger was so preoccupied with his ailing friend that he didn't notice the dragon's tail slink behind him, moving with unnatural flexibility as the scales on the tip began to turn a bright pink. Sigund grunted again, the strange feelings in his stomach rising down towards his crotch as his pants began to tent. "I can do this... I'm just... so... horny..."

"Oh sh-" was all Paul managed to say before the thick tail lunged forward and buried itself deep within the tiger's muzzle, a visible wave of pleasure cascading through his body as his throat was flooded with pink goo. Mitchell let out an angry yell as he saw the tiger's pants immediately grow tight with his throbbing manhood, the dragon's cock already exposed as Sigund's claws ripped through the confining cloth. The dragon buckled against the seat in pleasure as the car began to skid sideways, Sigund unable to keep control as his tongue slid out of his body and turned a bright pink while it wrapped around his bright mammoth cock.

Mitchell dove for the door and tried to get out, but when he heard the clink of the lock he knew he was in trouble. The doors were locked on the inside and could only be opened from someone outside. As the car continued to swerve the transforming dragon somehow managed to keep it on the road, and the longer he stayed there the more control the strange creatures seemed to gain. He believed he only had one shot while the car was still slowed down, so he pulled out his pistol and shot out the back window of the cruiser. His ears rang in protest as he heard the dragon up front let out a series of loud hisses, the grating between them quickly doused in pink slime that oozed over the back seat.

"Sorry Paul." The German Shepard said sadly as he took one last look at his friend, whose uniform was already in tatters as more pink tentacles began to push out of his body, before he dove out the window and onto the street. He tucked and rolled as best he could into the nearby ditch but as he landed on his arm he heard the sickening crack of bone break as he tumbled downward. He continued to roll for several meters before he hit a wire fence that thankfully absorbed most of his momentum softly enough to prevent further injury. He grimaced as he stood back up as quickly as he could, running as fast as he could into the field while he cradled his arm. Had he looked back he would have seen a dragon and a tiger in tattered, pink-stained uniforms, their cocks fully erect and wrapped around one another as they watched their prey disappear into the fields, content to let him run... for now.