Dr. Jackie and Mistress Heidi 2: A Shift in Body and Mind

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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The real transformation begins as Eric's meddling begins to show itself...

Hello again, everyone. I cut it a little close, but I managed to finish the next chapter of Dr.Jackie just in time to keep with my weekly update plan. It's maybe a little rough, but I hope everyone enjoys anyway. As always, all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!

"Ow, ow, ow..."

Jackie had known going into her body modification plan that it was not going to be painless. To that end, the nano-bots she'd drunk were all loaded with a mild pain numbing agent similar to Novocain. She figured that would be enough for her planned transformation, and indeed it had been. Thanks to the meddling of the revenge seeking Eric, though, Jackie was now rapidly learning that it wasn't strong enough to block out his changes.

Speaking of Novocain, the first place Jackie felt Eric's handiwork was in her teeth. They seemed to be threatening to fall right out of her mouth as she felt a stabbing pain in her canine teeth as they grew slightly longer and sharper, forcing the rest of her mouth to accommodate their changes. She bit down on her lip as the pain coursed through her, only to cry out as her sharper canine teeth almost pierced straight through.

The pain in her mouth soon passed, giving Jackie a moment to breathe and collect herself. She was surprised that she didn't taste blood in her mouth, and a careful prodding of her teeth confirmed that there were no wounds or any other kind of damage. Any dentist would be amazed at the flawless mouth she had, once they got over the fact that she had a pair of genuine fangs in her mouth. Jackie tried to console herself with the fact that the nano-bots seemed to be healing the damage just as fast as they were causing it, and that the transformation probably wouldn't kill her. Probably.

That last thought had barely entered her mind when a new pain hit, this time in her hands. Spreading her hands on the lab bench in front of her, she watched as the nails on her fingers began to extend ever so slightly. The pain was similar to what she had experienced with her teeth, the increased number of places being effected amplifying the total pain and temporarily blinding out conscious thought for the young scientist. Had she been able to think clearly, she might have also taken notice of how they were also growing stronger and slightly pointed, leaving noticeable scratch marks in the wood of the bench even with the slightest touch.

The pain of her changing hands was quickly placed out of her mind as a sharp jolt up her spine forced Jackie upright. Her spine had begun to expand, adding new bones and pushing its way outward from the base. She barely managed to undo and force her pants down enough to make room for the growing extension of flesh emerging just above her butt. As nauseating and painful as it was to feel this thing coming out of her, Jackie tried to find comfort in the fact that she at least didn't have to watch it happen.

"Nails, fangs, and now the start of a tail." Jackie muttered as a prickly sensation began to spread around the base of her new appendage, certain that it was the beginning of the black fur Eric described her wanting to have in his script. "He really is turning me into a ca-"

Jackie didn't hear the last bit of catgirl, thanks to the fact that she temporarily no longer had ears for which to hear the word. Being made of cartilage and with all the much more painful stimuli, she hadn't noticed that the nanobots had broken down them down completely. It was impossible to ignore now as Jackie frantically felt the sides of her head, her panic levels quickly rising. If she wasn't already temporarily deaf, she almost certainly would have been with the ear-piercing cry of pain that escaped her mouth as her face continued to transform.

If it wasn't causing her such pain, the scientist in Jackie would have been quite amazed at what she was experiencing. Maybe she would have been intrigued with how the irises of her eyes were changing both shape and color, shifting from a rounded soft blue to a cat-like shape and jade green. Maybe she would have been amazed with how her brunette hair was shifting color, a black as deep as the night sky slowly creeping up from the base of her head and quickly flowing out from there. She probably would have been astonished with how her entire hearing structure was being rebuilt and would soon become functional again, albeit in a much less traditional way than she was used to.

Maybe she could have appreciated all that at some point, but all she could focus on was the pain. She couldn't believe Eric would have put her through this, just to get back at her for doing her job. It didn't take much for her thoughts to shift to anger at the man who had done this to her for petty revenge and his own sick perversion. Violence and anger were a mostly foreign concept to the meek scientist, but they were both beginning to sound like wonderful things to carry out.

"-and when I get my hands on that bastard, I'm gonna..." Blinded first by white hot pain, then by white hot anger, it took Jackie a moment to realize that the pain had stopped. Not only could she also hear again, she seemed to be hearing better than ever. Jackie withdrew a compact from her nearby purse and opened it, using the mirror inside to confirm her suspicions. Sitting atop her head were a pair of small, triangular cat ears. The inner pinkish color stood out in sharp contrast to her hair and the fur that covered the back of them, also the same color as her new hair.

"Cat ears now. Great. And eyes...hmm?" Confusion entered Jackie's voice as she realized something else was missing. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen any reflection of herself without her glasses; her eyesight was really poor, and contacts irritated her eyes. They must have slipped off her face at some point, but her vision was so clear she hadn't even noticed until just now.

"Well, at least there's ONE thing to be thankful for." Maybe Jackie would thank Eric for that, in between delivering sharp kicks to his groin for everything else he'd put her through.

Jackie took a mental inventory of her changes; longer, sharper nails, black cat ears and a tail, green cat eyes, and long black hair that went about halfway down her back. Those were all the physical aspects of the transformation she could remember seeing in her quick read through of Eric's script, and it seemed like those were complete. It felt weird and strange, and she had her pants pulled halfway down her butt to make room for her tail, but at least it was over.

Jackie started back toward the computer for what was probably going to be several hours of debugging and re-coding her program to fix this mess. Don't think about Eric and what he did, she told herself as she began clicking away at the keyboard. Don't think about that sick little bastard and how he tried to make you his sexual plaything. Don't think about how good it's gonna feel when you get back at him. Don't think about how mad you are...

"Don't think about how you can't STOP thinking about getting revenge on him..." Jackie sighed as she paused her work briefly to try and collect her thoughts. She knew she needed to focus on her work and not Eric, but damn it, she just couldn't. Just the thought of him, how he ruined her experiment, just made her blood boil. She wanted to throttle him so badly it almost hurt.

Speaking of boiling, why does it feel so hot in here all the sudden? Jackie fanned herself slightly with her hand as a wave of heat washed over her body. She felt like she was burning up, sweat starting to form on her skin as her breathing began to come in short, almost panting bursts. While she enjoyed the way her chest now had some bounce in it, any joy for that was quickly drowned out by concern with what else could happen to her now.

She hadn't noticed it during her quick read of Eric's script, but he wasn't satisfied with just giving Jackie cat ears and a tail. He wanted her to be his sexual plaything, and he was not going to be satisfied with the curves(or lack thereof) the normal Jackie had. She thought she had a nice, shapely figure now, but it became apparently quickly that Eric had other things in mind. The discomfort Jackie felt quickly turned to pain around her already tight pants as her lower body began to change again.

Jackie gasped and struggled with the button of her jeans as the denim began to bite into her flesh. She'd already gone through this once with her first enhancement, but at least she'd worn larger clothes and was able to just undo a belt to get some relief. Now her hips were widening again, make the snug fit unbearably tight. She couldn't even get her fingers underneath the waistband do undo the button anymore.

"Damn, damn, DAMN!" Jackie's frantic efforts did have some effect, but not exactly how she had planned. Her new nails seemed to be stronger and sharper than she imagined at first glance, as she had caused some damage to the material with her frantic scrabbling. Desperate for some kind of relief, she dug her nails into her sides and tore into her jeans. Between their sharpness and the stress they were under, it only took a few slits before her enhanced hips and rear practically exploded outward, bursting free of their denim prison.

She'd been embarrassed at first by the idea of not wearing any kind of underwear tonight, but ultimately Jackie decided that the discomfort it would have caused on her expanded body wouldn't be worth the modesty she'd be saving(especially if she was alone). Now she was downright thankful she had decided against it; it'd fit like a thong on her now, assuming it didn't just outright break apart. She also noted what little pubic hair she had was completely gone as well; apparently the nano-bots removed hair just as well as adding it.

"I've got an ass like a porn star, now. Fuck..." The words that came out of Jackie's mouth surprised her with how naturally they came. Her language was normally as shy and reserved as her personality. Still, she had to admit it did feel quite nice as she ran her hands gently over her rear. It felt firm and full, but had a soft layer of fat that made her just want to grab and squeeze it, and indeed she might have, if some other curves of her body weren't suddenly demanding more attention.

It wasn't too surprising to Jackie failed to notice her changing chest in hindsight, what with what was happening around and below her waist just moments ago. It seemed that her breasts were taking on her hips in a challenge to see which could garner more attention. Hastily removing her shirt to avoid a repeat performance of what had happened with her pants, Jackie soon stood nude save for the tattered remains of her jeans now hanging loosely around her knees. A small, almost wicked smile crossed her lips as she gently cupped her heaving mounds, her new tail swishing back and forth as she watched her breasts swell and grow again.

Some part of Jackie told her she should be embarrassed, maybe even ashamed of what she was doing as she slowly teased and rubbed her bountiful bosom. What if someone walked in on her like this, naked and with all these strange cat parts? They'd think she was some kind of weird, nymphomaniac freak. That part of Jackie just wanted to stop this, to run away or just hide until she could fix this mess she was in.

"Screw that!" Jackie was briefly taken aback with how defiant her own voice sounded, but smiled to herself a moment later. It felt a little odd, but really nice, too.

"So I'm naked and look like I stepped out of some sort of weird porn comic. Big deal." Jackie's hands slid over her sides as she got a feel of the hourglass-like figure she had now, accentuated by breasts that were now easily in DD-cup range. "I'm fucking hot, and the cat stuff is kinda kinky. Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

Jackie's thoughts quickly shifted from concern about being seen to resisting the urge to go out the door and find someone to have some fun with. Was it the mental changes kicking in? Eric had wanted her to be submissive, helpless and constantly aroused as his little plaything, and with the little time she had left to change it, she entered in the first things that popped into her mind to replace them. Submissive became dominant, helpless became confident, and constantly aroused became... hmm; maybe she didn't change that one, after all.

A slight purr escaped Jackie's lips as a scene began to form in her mind. She was sitting at a bar in a nightclub, looking out at the patrons on the dance floor. Her ears and tail were catching everyone's attention at first, but her hot body and equally hot red cocktail dress she wore was what kept their eyes on her. Whether it was male or female, or if it was shock or desire, she didn't care what drew them in. She was the center of attention, and she basked in it.

"Mmm..." Jackie wasn't even consciously aware that one of her hands had slid down to her clit, slowly stroking herself as the fantasy scene continued. She felt like a predator, biding her time and looking over all the delicious prey in front of her. She could approach any guy there, no matter how handsome, and have him wrapped around her finger within minutes. Hell, they'd practically be throwing themselves at her feet just to have a chance to speak with her!

"That's right; if I've got you in my sights, you're mine." It wasn't even so much what she planned to do with her chosen partner, but that she _could_choose her partner that was driving Jackie wild. She continued to rub herself with her thumb as she plunged her index and middle finger into her pussy, her already damp thighs quickly becoming soaked with her juices. Her other hand began to tease and squeeze her large nipple, finding it greatly increased in both size and sensitivity.

Jackie's fantasy grew wilder as her fingers increased their intensity and pace. One guy was resistant, not because of a lack of desire, but because he didn't want to get in trouble with his girlfriend that had come with him. He really loved her, and didn't want to mess things up by cheating on her with Jackie. Instead of being upset or annoyed at being turned down, Jackie saw this as a new challenge. He didn't want to do anything behind his girlfriends back? Fine; Jackie would just take them both at the same time.

"That's right; you'll BOTH be mine!" How she'd go about seducing another woman, Jackie had no idea, but she'd find a way. She'd get them both, and by the time she was through with them, they'd be begging her never to leave them again. She would, though, because there was still so much more fresh meat out there for her. A little bit of drool escaped from her lips at the thought of doing that night after night, seducing and taking whoever she wanted.

"F-FUCK!" Jackie's knees almost buckled under her as pushed herself over the edge of orgasm, forced to grab the workbench with the hand that had been playing with her breast to keep from collapsing onto the floor. She'd masturbated before, but never had it felt so intense, so primal, and so damn good! Her mind was almost blank to anything but the pleasure of not just the orgasm itself, but the idea of being a dominant, seductive beast. Whether it was just her new body or the mental rewiring of the nano-bots that made her feel this way, Jackie neither knew nor cared.

It was a good thirty seconds before the initial intensity of her orgasm began to taper off, and nearly another thirty seconds after that before the pleasured died down enough for conscious thought to return. With some regret she removed her fingers from her vagina, slowly standing up.

"Damn; I'm still kinda horny..." Jackie slid her juice covered hand over her breast, giving it a slight squeeze. She really was amped up to go again, and maybe give a little more attention to her chest, but eventually she shook her head and composed herself.

"No, no; I really should get to work fixing this. I still wanna kick Eric's ass, and if I try to go across the city naked I'll either get arrested or catch my death of cold." Jackie sighed a little, a part of her almost upset to have to give up her new body.

First things first; she needed to get cleaned up. There was an emergency blanket meant for fire suppression that would make a decent towel, and she could use one of the emergency chemical burn showers to wash herself. Then she could get to work undoing Eric's hacking and reverting herself back to her normal body.

"My normal, boring body..." Jackie sighed as she slowly slid her arms under her breasts, squeezing the soft mounds within firmly. "I'm gonna miss these..."

Dr. Jackie and Mistress Heidi 3: Introducing Heidi

Hello, everyone. Hope you've been enjoying the story thus far, and as always, all constructive criticism is welcome....

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Dr. Jackie and Mistress Heidi: Beginning

Hello, everyone. It's been way too long since I've uploaded something, despite the amount of work I've been putting into my stories lately. It just seems like there's always more to do before it's finished, and it's hard to keep up. Well, this series...

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A Catgirl for Christmas

Hey everyone! It's been way too long since I've done anything story related, and despite my best efforts to otherwise distract myself, I actually managed to get something done, from scratch, in one day! I didn't do any editing on this one, so I...

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