Exhibitionism Stream Story 5: Mirari's Talent Show

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yet another story of David and his time in Mirari. Looks like he might have bitten off more than he can chew...nah.

Mirari's Talent Show for Sunkit by Draconicon

David had heard of the Mirari Talent Show over the last few weeks. It was apparently a big blow-out among the 'park's' employees during their breaks between major jobs, and let everyone blow off a bit of steam. At first he thought it would just be one big orgy - considering the other things that happened around the park and how they did their job, he wouldn't have been surprised - but it turned out to be something rather different.

His friends had embraced the idea with gusto. Adam had taken up juggling, intending on using all the signs he made to speak as juggling materials. Bailey decided to show off his muscles, and until several others volunteered, David had been planning on volunteering to be part of the act. After all, it wasn't that hard to just lay there and be a weight for someone.

When that option was taken away, however, the otter was a bit at a loss. He'd already signed up for the show, and his only real plan for an act was gone. Everyone else was already paired up, and couldn't really accept an outsider at this point in time. With just a few hours before the performance, the otter decided to talk to his master about it. Maybe he could get an idea, or maybe find some way to get out of it.


The dragon hadn't been pleased at being interrupted, but Master Rannoi had given him something to help him out. David stood backstage, holding the ring he'd been given in the palm of his hand, while he watched Bailey go through his act.

As the big koopa threw two people in the air and caught them with only a hand each, David wondered if this was the best idea. His master had said that the ring would help him do a very good dance routine, but then again, the dragon had been crazy enough to run a whole chase routine through the park to transform him and his friends. There were times when he wondered if he could really rely on what the dragon said.

Particularly since he had never danced in his life.

David blushed as he realized just how much he could embarrass himself here. The vast crowd by the stage consisted of every 'employee' of the Park of Mirari. Considering how big it was, and how many people the park had absorbed over the years, that was thousands, if not millions of people-turned-anthros. Every one of them knew of his position under Rannoi, and he wouldn't just humiliate himself if he fucked up on stage.

He started to turn away -

"Thank you, Bailey, for that wonderful display of strength. I'm sure that we can all appreciate how much you've done for us, even though you knocked about half of us out your first night. Isn't that right, everybody?"

The crowd laughed at the announcer's joke, and David saw Bailey rub the back of his neck in embarrassment as he turned around.

"No worries, big guy, no worries. Nobody holds that against you. Everyone's a little psycho their first night in their new body. Of course, most of us don't get turned into a walking talking tank, do we?"

Bailey laughed with the crowd, and David stifled a chuckle of his own.

"But that's all in the past. Thanks again for your wonderful show. Bailey, everyone, give him a big old hand."

The koopa walked down from the stage as the crowd applauded, everyone giving him a massive round of appreciation. David was no exception, clapping from his spot backstage. The big guy was his best friend, and deserved his accolades. He doubted that things would be going so well with the park if it weren't for the big lug.

"Now, this next guy is probably well known to most of you. If you don't know his face, you definitely know his ass. The guy's such a huge slut that he'll take all of you at once, and somehow find room to make that happen."

David blushed at that, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Come on, it's not like I blew everyone."

"The guy that blew everyone over three days and nights."

"...At once."

The otter looked at the ring again. If he was going to wear it, now was probably the best time to put it on. He slid it down his finger, but it was too big. Likewise with his thumb. Thinking that his master might have been more perverted, he reached down to his cock, but it was surprisingly too small for that.

"The little otter that captured our master's attention, and has been his little cock sucking foot rest ever since his transformation."

It wasn't an earring, or regular ring, or cock ring. The otter racked his brain, dismissing what else it might be. It wasn't something that he could wear on his face, or on his tail. It was too small for all of that, and way too small to be something to wear over his groin. He couldn't imagine that it was something that would slide into him. That left -

"The exotic, erotic, extraordinary -"

Standing on one foot, David slid the ring down over his big toe. It pinched at the webbing on his feet a bit, but not much. As soon as it touched, he felt the tingle of his master's magic.

Please be good, please be good, please be good...


The crowd erupted into applause again, just as loud as what Bailey had gotten. David never was sure why he was so liked; maybe it was the sluttiness, but he was pretty sure that being a favorite of the boss was the biggest reason. Admittedly, no one sucked up to him about it, but he would bet that it kept some of the worst mischief away.

As they clapped, his ears picked up a beat behind it, and before he knew it, his legs were moving on their own. David went wide eyed as his toes tapped the stage three times to get the beat before his foot lifted and took a step forward. He turned on his heels as his body moved him forward, then stomped. He turned, and stomped again as he stepped past the curtains. Each movement carried out the beat. Up, heel turn, down, stomp. Over and over as he danced onto the stage, the exaggerated motions swaying his hips to the beat, and making his cock and balls sway just as much.

Nudity wasn't uncommon among the rest of the group, so it wasn't all that strange for him to be on stage without clothes on. However, unless someone had signed up to do a sexual show, it was a little weird to be flaunting it. David could see the glances going from one person to another in the audience as he hit center stage, and saw the ripples of laughter as he thrust his hips forward, making his cock and balls bounce around.

What is going on? I thought I was dancing?

You are, little one, said the voice of his master. But you're dancing my way. I like a little 'spice' with my nightlife.

The otter's heels kept counting out the beat in their stomps, and in short order he was swaying his way to the edge of the stage, his rudder tail following him down. His fingers snapped to the beat as well, left, right, left, right, as he got closer and closer to the audience.

With each step, his cock seemed to get harder and harder. Rising up from its place between his legs, it soon pointed towards the crowd. By the time he hit the edge of the stage, it was completely erect, throbbing and leaking. Something in the magic ring seemed to push him right to the edge with the dance, and then stop.

Still dancing to a music that only he could hear, David's body turned in place. He rose up on tiptoe, his hands swaying like a music was rising to its peak. He felt several fingers touching at his heels, at his soles, and the tickles almost threw him off balance. If it weren't for the ring that he was wearing, he was sure that they would have. The fingers darted over his soles as that tune went higher and higher in his head, and his hands rose higher and higher over him.

When they finally touched, it was like the bass dropped. His hands fell to his sides, and his ass twitched, his butt bouncing as he leaned forward. He was twerking, he realized, his ass cheeks bouncing up and down towards the crowd.

"Well now, David promised us a dance, and what a dance this is. Good lord, but look at that ass move. Let's see what else our little twinkle-tush can show us."

He kept up the butt jiggling for almost another minute before he started dancing to the returning higher beat in his head. The otter almost skipped away from the edge of the stage, each jump forward accompanied by a hard hip sweep to the side, making his ass cheeks clap together and then open, exposing his hole. Another jump, another clap, another exposure.

The crowd was going wild behind him, and his cock was getting harder and harder with each new dance step. David had to throw all his willpower into not ruining the dance by stroking himself, as it was just so tempting.

Then again, his body was so into the dance, he might not have been able to touch himself.

Nevertheless, he kept dancing, his hips moving and his hands snapping to the beat as he stomped towards the back of the stage again. The crowd was going wild by the time he hit the curtains again. David almost thought that he was done, but his body turned before he could leave the stage, his arms thrust behind him, his hips thrust forward, showing his arousal off.

The beat of the song suddenly sped up, and he ran at full speed towards the edge of the stage. His cock was throbbing harder than ever, like a warm pair of hands was jerking him towards his final climax. David's heart beat hard in his chest, his pulse rocketing higher and higher as he ran towards the edge of the stage. He hit the edge, jumping into the air.

Just as he left the stage, the song in his head ended, and his climax hit him. The otter arched his back in a final move as his cock felt like it was exploding with pleasure, shooting a rain of cum down on the assembled crowd. Half of them were groaning and the other half laughed as he shot spurt after spurt over them before falling on top of them. The crowd held him up, letting him catch his breath before dropping him to the ground.

Laying on his back, David looked up at the stage and then at the people around him. He blushed, realizing just how much he had done while the ring was on, and tried to shrink in on himself a bit.

"Well, that was a show I don't think any of us were expecting. Let's give the little pervert a hand. And a towel for that matter."

The otter blushed as he was handed the towel, rubbing some of his own seed off of his body. However, as soon as he had gotten it off, his hands whipped the towel around, holding it around his body almost like a veil.

"Oh, could it be? Is our little slut not done dancing?"

Not by a long shot, you're not. You want to interrupt me for help? Fine. But you're going to dance the night away, little one, and I'm sure you'll have no shortage of partners.

David gulped. This was going to be a loooooong night.

The End

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