He Came on the Western Winds

Story by Flashbackwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of HCotWW

This is my first chapter in Remnant's story. Based in the world created by Felldwan, this story takes place within the first few months of Remnant's freedom from a war with the dragons. A war in which he lost family, friends and home. This is the tale of his recovery, and the love that helped him get there.

The desert was a hostile place. It's inhabitants hardened by the terrain's insistence that the weak die either by the hand of something stronger, or the harsh conditions that the sandy dunes provided. The sun bore down upon its inhabitants especially hard on this day. Weeks without a northern wind left the people overheated and exhausted. As was apparent in the shuffling steps of the lone figure that walked the sandy plains.

The figure was covered from head to toe in garb meant to keep the sun's rays away from the skin, and yet light enough to allow air to move through the garbs. This creature was an ambiguous one, all but a tail and nose exposed to the dry air. But as she sighed, the sweet voice suggested a feminine identity as the young creature made her way from one cactus to the next . Cutting the red buds from their arms.

She stopped under one of the few trees the area had to offer. There wasn't much life out in the desert. Well none when you needed it. The young woman slowly leaned against the tree, happy that the sun had not left the solid bark too hot to lay back upon. In the speckled shade of the sparse leafed tree she felt like she could pull back her light fabric hood.

She was a jerboa, her long ears dusting the tree behind her as they came free of her light hood. She gave a soft sigh as she checked her pack, double checking her inventory. She still had a full skin of water and a few flowers. It was the flowers that she was looking for. The cactus grown, red flowers were important parts of most healing ointments used in her small village.

She felt a breeze slowly come in from the west and decided to take full advantage. After taking a quick look around she decided to enjoy the slightly cooler atmosphere. With the wind blowing so gently and not a creature in sight there seemed no better time for a mid day nap.

She set her pack down beside her, and took her long slender saber from its place in her pack So that she may hold it in her lap as she slept. She knew better than to wander the sands unarmed. The place was dangerous, and her blade of iron and leather did a fine job of protecting her.

She shut her blue eyes and let herself relax for a while. Doing her best to shake off the heat of the hot desert while she had the shade of the tree to cover her. She nestled down into the sand, wiggeling her rear to shift the top layer of sand to the side in an attempt to find a cooler layer just below. Once she had managed a good level of comfort she closed her eyes and let the whistle of the light winds lull her too sleep.

Her nap was not to last however. It was only about five minutes before she heard a rustling from the west. And there she saw him. As if he had been brought on by the winds, an odd, mysterious figure came stumbling over the dunes. He was a wolf of some sort. Though his ears and tail seemed to go against this. He had long ears like a rabbit, and a whip tail, much like a mouse. The young woman was shocked by the appearance of this strange man, wearing nothing but a loin cloth. At first she had feared she had been spotted by the man but as she watched this stumbling, shambling male, she realized even if he saw her, he would not realize she was there. She put on hood again before rushing out to him. This man was obviously not equipt for the desert. What was he thinking? "Hello? Sir? Are you alright?" His head turned to her, his eyes seeming to look past her. He didn't even have water. Just a pair of iron axes hanging from his hip. "Here, water." She said offering the male a drink. He took hold of the water skin and brought it to his mouth. "Just drink it all, we can just go back to my village no problem." She tells him, letting him have as much as he wanted. As he suckled the water skin she offered she put her arm around him. "Lets get you someplace safe." She said softly.

The male at her arm stumbled and shuffled along. He was barely conscious. The water may help but not for long. Dehydration took time to overcome when it got this bad. Sure his body now had water, but exhaustion would soon take him. A lack of water and the heat of the sun could suck the energy from even the hardiest of desert warriors. Let alone some wander inexperienced In the ways of the sandy dunes.

Soon the village was in sight. "Almost there... Are you alright? Hey... Hey stay with me!" She could feel him sinking. His body slowly falling to the ground as she did her best to prop him up, to keep him moving. "Please come on! Look. Look! Right there! Water. Food! Just stay with me. But his legs gave way, his eyes rolling back in his head. Then he hit the desert sand.

Remnant awoke in a small hut. The building was made of sticks and mud. Small gaps between in the walls letting a nice breeze whistle though the place. He looked around the quaint little place, as he started to stand up. He found that he was naked, his loincloth nowhere to be found.

A small, raspy voice met his ears. "Good to see you are awake. We were worried you would never wake up. People like you don't do well in the desert. Usually you don't get a second chance in the sands. You are a lucky... Whatever you are." Remnant turned to find the voice came from a small, elderly woman. She was human, not rare in these parts. Her skin was tanned and leathery after years in the sun. Her white hair was wirey and short, and her left eye was blind, milky and white.

Her good blue eye looked him over. She smiled, seeming to like her view of the male. But who could blame her? The male before her was quite the fine specimen. Though currently malnourished he certainly still held the image of a male of strong build. His shoulders, while not so broad as a bull' or barbarian's looked strong. He had a sleek figure, strength in lean muscle and speed. Of that she felt sure. He was a beast, quick on his feet. His white fur reflected the sunlight that trickled through the walls. And all over his body were marking, a strange yet beautiful violet, almost seeming mystical. Spiratual. Undoubtedly of tribal nature. She was unsure what he was though. He looked a wolf, but his ears and tail were of a different species. "Where you come from desert fool? Obviously a place without threat of the sun." She said with a smile.

She pulled out a bowl filled with water. "Come speak with me. I wish to know who it is that graces our village on this day." She let him drink as she slowly slowly began to sit down, her old joints making this a difficult task.

Remnant took the bowl, drinking greedily. "I am Remnant. I come from the west. May I ask who you are?" The old woman smiles at the question. "I am Shilona, I am this village's elder and guide. Mother of our current village chief." She said proudly, a wide grin on her face. "Now you say you come from the west, well that is quite a broad stroke, please, perhaps more specifics are in order."

Remnant nods in agreement. Though with that agreement comes hesitation. Some things did not need to be spoken of to be understood. This faltering in his words an all to obvious mark of pain. He clearly did not wish to speak of his homelands. But he managed a slow and shakey "Woods... I'm from the great woods."

His eyes held a distinct pain in them, a burning within his very soul. He had seen more than any male should have. Though the elderly woman was not suporised. Many realms had been abuz with word on the war to the west. What had started as a petty squabble over cultural invasion had become one of the bloodiest wars in recent memory. He did not just carry the scars of combat but the struggle of loss. Mass loss.

"I see. Well I know you have much need of rest. I shall have more water sent in. Please partake as you desire. Our town is a bit of a rare oasis. So feel free to drink however much you need. Oh and I shall have clothes set out for you. Proper desert garb. I would hate for you to pass out of heat stroke. I hope you will wear them and join us for dinner once the sun sets."

Remnants nodded, agreeing to the arrangement set out before him. He then lie back down and rolled to face the far wall, away from the door. Shilona grimmased as she soon heard as low, defeated sob from inside the hut. She had heard that sound before. The sound of those who had lost all that life had gifted them. Family, friends, and love all ripped from the poor creature's hands. "As the muffled cries continued she only sighed and moved on. He was not yet ready to speak of what had happened to him. He may not have fully com to terms with it yet himself.

The sun began to set as the Wolf hybrid slept the day away, recovering his strength. When he finally awoke he found a set of baggie pants and and long light tunic. Beside it was a long coat with loose sleeves and a long coat tail that looked to nearly reach the ground, split in the middle for his tail. This garb looked heavy for the desert, but in fact it was perfect. It kept the sun from the wearer's skin while its fabric was light and soft, letting air in.

Remnant dressed, feeling odd in such full garb. He was used to the loin cloths of his people, this seeming a bit more constrictive. He stepped out into the night air, the tan fabric of his new outfit blowing in the blessedly cool breeze. He saw at the village center a fire pit with people gathered all around. He smiled to himself as this made him feel like he was back home.

He saw Shilona and walked over. "Ah hello dear Remnant. Here, sit with me."she said making space on her bench. These people didn't have much, but it seemed they put everything they did have to good use. They had traded small trinkets of the desert for cloth farm animals and building materials. They seemed to have so little, but they made so much of it.

Remnant took a seat on the bench, sitting with the kindly old woman who had taken the time to greet him to their small village. Sit, have something to eat. I wish you to meet the person who brought you to us. She was very concerned for your well being."

Soon on the other side of Shilona a small woman sat. It seemed all of this village were small, perhaps due to their lack of resources. "Rain, this is the man you brought in. I believe he has words for you.". She got up from between the two, nudging Remnant closer to the young female. She was wearing a lighter garb now. The sun now down she could enjoy a bit less coverage. Her sand colored fur was visible across her tight midriff, toned muscles made it clear she was quite strong. Her shoulders were also bare as she wore only a simple top of fabric, made to conceal her chest. Her hair was let down, the golden red locks dusting her shoulders gently as she looked up to her canine rescue.

Remnant scratched the back of his head, a bit flustered. Looking over her body he felt a heat rise from within him. One he had not felt in a long while. But he did not feel right for it. He did not deserve these feelings boiling up in him. Why should he livd to feel these emotions again? He didnt want to let his hosts on to this so he swallowed the feelings. Her blue eyes looked into his golden ones as he smiled. "Um... Thanks for the rescue. I would be dead now had you not found me when you did. I hope I may repay you someday. He said bowing his head, his long black hair falling into his eyes. He kept it in a ponytail, but his time wandering had seen his hair grow unruely and long, no ponytail able to contain it.

Rain smiled, feeling a bit of something herself. "I... I couldn't have left you out there. Guilt would have been the end of me. It is no problem good sir. I... I hope you find the peace and solice you need while you stay with us." He nodded grateful for her well wishes. Shilona came back, holding a few bowls of a paste with some meat on the side. "Thank you Mother Shilona." Rain said with a smile as she took the food. "No problem dear. You to just take some time to talk. I think rescued and hero should always speak to one another. It helps us appreciate the actions taken." She said before shuffling away.

Remnant smiled, "She may be right. I think I already appreciate your choice to save me all the more. Knowing the one who saves you helps put your situation into perspective.". He said before taking some of the paste onto his finger. Looking at it quizzically.

"Oh here..." She grabbe her meat and began to scoop the paste up with it. It was a tough jerky and easily scooped up the paste. "Its not the best tasting on its own, a bit strong but its a fine flavor when used on other food."

Remnant watched and soon understood. He had seen food like this back home,though it tasted rancid. They were usually eaten before the big battles as they were believed to grant the eater strength. But as he bit into this, he was relieved to find that he was rather enjoying it. The flavor was strong, a flavor he had never experienced before.

"This is much better than I was especting!" He said excitedly. The odd wolf creature happily scarfed down his meal. Rain smiled a bit, happy he was enjoying the food. "Well I'm glad you like it. It gets a bit tiring when you live around here." She said.

The night went on peacefully enough. A few other villagers came to Remnant to inquire about his origins, of which he honestly answered. It was not as hard to answer them, they knew much less of the goings on in the west. Though any one watching a bit more closely could see each inquiry chip a bit more away from the smile he put on for the people of the village.

But the fire began to simmer down, and people went back to their huts. "I better get back home."said Rain. Remnant nodded, "Of course. I think I'll see ... What did you call her? Mother Shilona?" She chuckled. "Yeah she is like the mother of this village. She takes care of all of us. Remnant smiled. "She seems the sort."

Rain smiled and nodded. "Yeah she is. Sometimes she can Be a bit pushy, dig herself in a bit more than one would want. But she has the best in mind. Sometimes you just have to look at it that way." He smiled and just nodded. She had indeed picked at a scar when he first met her. "Well either way, good night . I'll speak with you again later then." He said with a smile before heading off to find the elderly woman as she would likely know where he was to sleep that night.