A Roll of the Dice

Story by TerraMGP on SoFurry

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#6 of Ester Series

A Roll of the Dice:

By TerraMGP

((Ester, Diana, Jamie, Jimmy, and Connie are all original creations Copyrighted to me. Please do not use them or redistribute this story without express consent. This is the sixth story in the Ester series preceded by all tied up and followed by The Ropes. Comments Adored.))

All things being equal Diana had to admit that the situation was not nearly as bad as she initially suspected. The small shop seemed only slightly bigger than the others that occupied the surrounding strip mall, mainly due to what was perhaps once a stock room being totally open and exposed to the public with nothing but double door hinges to indicate the shoddy 'conversion.' Looking to her left Diana noticed rows and racks of grey pewter and lead miniatures flanked by magazine stands full of books and massive boxes that she recognized as sets for those models her beloved little girlfriend seemed to love painting so much.

She walked over to one of the nearest racks and picked up a small miniature, a feline priest holding aloft a staff that was probably intended to be topped with the orb that now rattled around at the bottom of the plastic blister. "Wow you two... real quality place you found here. If this is the best shop in town I‘d hate to see the worst. Probably on fire or something." She looked over with a sigh to notice that neither Ester nor Jamie had apparently been paying any attention, both now standing in front of the large glass card counter which dominated the opposite end of the game shop.

"Hey, if you two are going to drag me into a place like this the least you can do is stick by me." A couple of hours ago this all just seemed so simple. Diana was basically offered a chance to go out with Ester almost alone, only having Jamie around to muck things up, and she was already pretty sure that she and Ester could slip away once or twice on the way. It seemed more than worth it in exchange for at least feigning interest in that odd little card game her girlfriend obsessed over. Of course the little flaw in her plan had seemed to be just how much Ester wanted to teach her this game, and how insistent Jamie was that they get to the shop quickly.

"Hey squirt. Looks like you got an extra friend in tow today. You finally pull one of your friends away from my competitors?" Diana stopped a bit short and looked across the counter at the somewhat muscular though slightly pudgy and rather scruffy looking mouse standing behind it. He looked simple enough for what one might consider the ‘typical comic book guy' image, dressed in jeans and wearing a shirt with what Diana could only guess was a symbol from some kind of game or another. Still as she looked on the Chipette couldn't help but feel that she was somehow missing something that was right in front of her face.

"Sorry pal I'm not really into all that geeky stuff... well except those D&D games Esters mom has, but that's not exactly because of the game itself." she said moving over to put her arm around the small mousie as if to once again reaffirm her claim on her little girlfriend. Ester simply giggled a bit more and looked down

"aww... Diana sweetie this is my cousin Jimmy. Jimmy this is Diana." Putting a couple of cards back into their sleeves Jimmy extended his paw out to Diana who very reluctantly took it in a very fast shake.

"Wait... cousin? Ester I don't mean to be mean or anything but... well you know..." Diana really didn't want to bring it up but considering the fact that her little mouse was adopted, the fact that he was a relative, and an apparent blood relative, set off a few warning flags.

"it's a long story." Ester quipped softly giving her love a comforting kiss on the cheek.

Jimmy nodded at that. "Yeah, Probably want to hold off on that one for now. You might want to wait and ask Aunt Lil for specifics" he said with a bit of a shrug before turning back to his cousins girlfriend. "So Diana, any idea what kind of deck you want to use?" Jimmy asked in his usual helpful shopkeep smirk. Ester raised a hand to chime in only to find Jamie grabbing her by the wrist and pulling it back, shushing her best friend and thankfully averting another of Esters Tirades.

"Look" Diana grumbled. "I have no idea how this game even works, How on earth do you expect me to know what I want off the bat? The only reason I'm even trying this game is so I don't have to sit there while these two and their friends spend two full hours playing against each other. Just give me whatever simple deck you have and I'll sort it out later."

Jimmy was a bit taken aback at the sudden snap, but then just let out a sigh as he started to dig up the Guild Pact and Invasion binders, opening up his two favorite sets with a chuckle. "Heh allright allright I get it. Sorry I asked. Still there are a lot of options out there. You want to play something more defensive? Or maybe play something with a lot of creatures? Or..." Jimmy grinned wider and just started to chuckle. "You could always get a deck that punches people in the face." Diana seemed to perk at that, just had Jimmy had imagined. She might. "Maybe a deck that's made to just hit opponents really fast and really hard, without a lot of complex tricks or over thinking. Just a deck about beating the other person down before they have a chance to react." Surprising as it was Diana was looking quite interested. Jimmy quickly reached down to open the guild pact binder, turning to the Distension rares and yanking out an Avatar of Discord, the twisted dark angel like visage holding aloft a wicked looking scimitar. "Hmmm, maybe something based around cards like this?"

Diana blinked a bit and then started to lean in, grabbing the card and then grinning a bit. "Ok... she looks like a bit of a badass."

Jimmy just started to chuckle and then took the card back. The three girls looked on as the shop owner started to assemble potential components for a deck. "Tell you what then. Ester I'll put all this on your tab. Just consider it my way of extending a paw to a new customer." Ester smiled a bit at this and nodded, knowing full well how lax her cousin seemed to be about her own tab.

No sooner had Jimmy pulled the last of the rares out than Ester snatched them all up and read the selection over again her face plastered with a huge grin. He watched with at least mild amusement as his little cousin snatched hold of her loves paw and dragged the bigger girl into the large open gaming room that dominated the back half of the store with the newly acquired deck fodder in tow. "Wow... really can't fault that kind of enthusiasm can ya?" he laughed looking down at an obviously exasperated Jamie.

"Nope... though I'm kind of wondering if Diana really understands what she got herself into on this one. Almost feel kinda sorry for her." With that Jamie put down three dollar bills and flashed the three dollar rares she had been looking at before slowly moving off to join the others leaving Jimmy yet again alone at the front with his binders and check lists.

Jamie and ester moved to the table nearest the door and sat down first, with Diana following close behind, leaning up against the wall right beside her loves chair and looking down as the slew of cards were taken out of their plastic sleeves. "You know for a nerd, the guys not half bad." Diana chuckled as she prodded Ester a bit. "So how are you two related anyways? Isn't your mom... I mean weren't you kind of..."

Ester leaned in to give Diana a hard, reassuring hug as if to let her know that it was ok. "Yep. Its ok Diana, Mommy did adopt me. There's nothing wrong with that. See my parents died when I was really young, they got in a crash when I was still a baby and I guess there was some mix up in trying to find my family. Later on though my birth fathers brother and his wife tracked me down with a private detective. I didn't want to leave mommy, but It was nice to meet them. I still try to keep in touch." She smiled a bit more before turning back to the stacks of cards and grinning a bit. "Later when Jimmy decided to open up a game shop and Mommy gave him the loan, he decided it might be nice to move up here so he was sure to pay her off, and to have some time with a bit of distance between Uncle Clark and Aunt Marie I guess... Still I like it. Its really nice having some family around here. I mean I have Grandma and Grandpa and my Aunt and Uncle from Mommy, but they don't live anywhere near here."

Diana looked on with a tiny bit of shock at Esters reaction. From everything she had seen before little Ester had gone though a rather delicate and sheltered existence up until this point. Hell it seemed at times like the two were from different worlds. Letting a smile cross her lips Diana just wrapped an arm around the little Mousette and looked down over the cards feeling strangely just that tiny bit closer to her girl. "Ok now, tell me what that card does there, the one with the guy who looks like he's on fire."

The next few hours were a nice little distraction as Jimmy fulfilled his obligation to ‘aunt lil' by keeping one ear on the three girls in the next room, doing his best to hold back the few chuckles he felt as Ester once again tried to explain the most exacting details of the mana system while Jamie attempted to interject with simple analogies. He could almost hear Diana pulling her hair out at the third attempt to explain all the many reasons to consider your options at the untap phase when the young man found his attention being drawn away by the telltale tinkle of his front door. "Hello and welcome to Hoardraider games. What can I get.. You.. Oh, uh... Hey Connie." Jimmy stumbled a bit as he looked on at the white-furred redheaded mouse strolling into his shop. Connie looked back over at him a moment with a warm smile and nodded as she strolled up to the counter brushing a few errant strands of hair behind one of those big ears.

"Hey there Jimmy. I was hoping you finally got some new 40K figures in by now. I know you said next Thursday but I figured it couldn't hurt to check just in case right?" Jimmy nodded a bit tongue tided as he did his best to not feel like a goof when he smiled back, craning his neck over the shoulder of the girls simple sky-blue top and over to the wall of box sets.

"Well. It looks like we have most of the Elder sets in stock again. Its hard to remember just what I have in stock most of the time. Seems like everyone around here wants to do them though. Nobody likes Imperial Guard."

Connie chuckled at the overly-exaggerated pouty tone. "Yeah yeah I know your so broken up. That's why your always so eager to be the only one busting out all that armor. Don't think I haven't seen that half-done bane blade in your office either. One of these days I'm going to start panting my army again and when I do I'm testing it out on that." She shot Jimmy a small nod before looking back over to the wall and walking over to the Eldar sets seemingly without any care in the world.

Slowly Connie stroked a finger along her chin as those brown eyes scanned over each of the boxes with a discerning gaze. "Hmmm I don't know. I was really just hoping to get a few of the new Wraithlords to round things out." It took a few more moments for her to decide, finally reaching out to pick up a box of Scorpion models and tucking them under her arm walking back towards the counter where Jimmy again averted his gaze trying to look busy. "Thanks again Jimmy. I really don't like going into all those other shops. They never really like helping out their customers. Not to mention how annoying it is to have all these annoying guys who just won't stop ogling me." She set down her box set and popped open her purse, pulling two twenties from a small pocket book and placing them on top of it.

"Yeah, well. You know. We aim to please" Jimmy nodded slowly as he hit a few buttons on the cash machine, slipping the money in and pulling out her change. simply stood once again dumbfounded as the redhead gave him another smile and snatched up the bills from his paw. "Thanks again" Connie chuckled as she started to walk out, apparently oblivious as the long gaze Jimmy gave her. Jimmy jumped in shock a few moments later as a slow, deliberate clap emanated from right behind him breaking the momentary silence that had fallen over the room.

"Wow... just wow. That was just beautiful." Diana slowly walked up to the counter still splitting her gaze between the door and the befuddled mouse. "You know if you want I could go get her so she can give ya a kick in the crotch too." Diana watched as her loves cousin quickly struggled to regain his composure with more than a mild amusement.

Jimmy quickly shook off the momentary daze and narrowed his eyes and leaned over the counter a bit. "Look I don't care who you're here with, You don't come into someone's place of business and talk to them like that."

Diana started to laugh a bit as she walked up and put her hands on the counter looking up at the stocky mouse with a small, cunning grin. "Yeah well maybe if you didn't have your jaw wide open at every customer who walks in here, unless she's someone special hmm?" Diana hadn't exactly been too keen on coming in here, but honestly the shear hilarity of how Jimmy was behaving just made coming out here worth while on its own. Jimmy just kind of looked over to the side a second and then shook his head.

Jimmy just shrugged a bit and tried hard to push the growing discomfort out of his mind in spite of the barrage of questions. "She... well she works in the library. I've kinda had a thing for her for a while now. Every week she comes in trying to see about new 40K models or cards, sometimes paint when she doesn't feel like going to Hobby Lobby."

Diana's smirk started to grow a bit as she moved around to the side of the counter looking him over with careful scrutiny. "I see... God I guess Its pretty obvious where Ester gets it. Aren't you a little old to be having crushes? I mean come on what's the worst that could happen if you ask her out and she says no?" Jimmy just shook his head in reply, obviously a bit put off by all of the questions. "Come on man, that's just pathetic. Your really afraid of talking to girls? What are you thirty?"

"Twenty six... and why am I even talking to you about this? Look this is my issue ok? I don't need to stand here and get mocked because I don't feel comfortable asking out some girl I don't even really know outside of her gaming habits." quickly he started to pick up a large binder of cards and started to check off things that he was missing from newer sets so that orders could be placed. Diana watched this for half a second before slipping a few fingers under the binder and shoving the it closed with a loud thump and then shaking her head. "Did I hit a nerve there? Sad as it is to say she comes in here every week. Ester said you have three other game shops around here, and I'm guessing hobby lobby has cheaper paint right?"

The young man just gave her a sour look as his ears folded back, already taking a rather defensive posture. "Yeah... but that doesn't mean I have the right to ask her out. For all I know she could have a boyfriend. Hell for all I know she could be married. If I go ahead and ask her out without knowing more about her then.."

"Then what?" Diana interjected "Then she gets mad? Takes a bit of offense? Maybe yells? She's just a girl for crying out loud, its not like she's going to pull out a gun and shoot you. She probably won't even bite, at least not if she's going to say no. Honestly what is it with all you gamers and your inability to just say ‘hay, I like you, lets go out on a date."? Jimmy slipped a finger back into the binder flipping it back open and then shaking his head.

Jamie looked up at the second hard binder slam, setting her hand down the feline walked around the corner back into the main shop room seeing the tough young woman and shop owner sort of exchanging venomed glances at each other. The tension was thick and palpable even if nothing was being said. "Psst!" She quickly hissed out to Ester who was still sitting and sorting out the various new cards intended to go into Diana's deck, oblivious to the outside world in its entirety. After a few more attempts to get her attention discreetly Jamie moved over to grab her friend by the arm and pulled her up moving her forcefully back to the unchanged scene just out of sight from the other two as if taking cover from a bomb blast.

"You know its pretty sad that you can't even deal with me talking to you about a girl we both know you like. I bet you haven't even had a girlfriend yet have you? Hell have you even been on a date?" Jimmy was about to speak up just as Ester moved closer and then kind of moved beside Diana and tugging at her arm a bit trying to distract her and diffuse the conflict.

"Well yeah" Jimmy Quipped. "I had a girlfriend in high school, for a good couple of years even." The man really didn't seem too convincing about the whole issue.

Diana shook her head as she moved forward and paced around him again. "Did you now? And are you counting someone you just talked with on the internet about a few things?" He kind of winced and shook his head trying hard not to look as embarrassed as he really was by the dressing down.

"D-Diana please... don't be so mean." Ester said as she moved forward again trying to diffuse what she saw as an escalating situation.

"I'm not trying to be mean, but its just kind of sad that he can't even ask out a girl at twenty six. Its pretty obvious he needs some kind of help. I figure now is as good a time as any." Without another word Diana began walking behind the counter, grabbing on to Jimmy's chair and wheeling it out into the middle of the room looking at him and crossing her arms as she nodded to the chair. "Well? Do you want to impress her or not? Come on, sit down." she said. Jimmy waited a few moments before finally just deciding to sit down looking more than a little upset given the circumstances.

As soon as he was seated Diana began pacing around the chair again shaking her head in frustration. "Look, Jimmy. Your not a bad guy ok? Ester obviously likes you, so that earns you a few points and I have to admit that some of those cards are kinda cool. So instead of just mocking you relentlessly about this like I should, I'm going to just come right out and tell you what your problem is. You have no spine. I mean seriously what on earth could happen huh? What could really be so bad?" Jimmy just shook his head in frustration, thinking about getting up before looking back at Ester and staying where he was, deciding that for now at least he would trust Diana for the girls sake.

"Well she could get pissed." he started "Connie has been a damn good customer for years now and a pretty good friend too. I really don't want to throw that all away over nothing." Diana started to quirk her brow a bit upon hearing this moving a bit closer.

"Over nothing? So getting a chance to date a cute girl, who likes the things you do and who you seem to be better friends with than you let on really is nothing to you? That's pretty damn sad man." She walked over to Ester and put an arm around her as if to emphasize her point. "I'm going to tell you right now I put myself at a lot more risk from more than just getting yelled at by some customer when I let Ester know I liked her. Nothing too bad happened. Its not like you can get any legal recourse from asking out a customer is it? So why the hell are you so worried?" Diana of course decided not to draw the connection between what she went though with Ester and the potential legal recourse, but then that could probably wait for a while. The room fell silent for a long while as Jimmy sat and thought about the whole situation shutting his eyes and letting out a sigh of frustration.

"So what do you suggest hmm?" Jimmy finally asked feeling more than a little annoyed. "Should I just go up to her and ask her out, get rejected and then its ‘oh well I lost a friend and lost a customer but at least I didn't miss my chance at trying to impress a girl who might not even like me." Diana started to rub her temples again as she walked back up to him, wanting badly to say something though at this point sure it would only make matters worse.

"you really think that I... I mean you honestly. Gah." Everything fell silent again as Diana moved back a few paces and thought long and hard about the exasperating situation with the even more exasperating mouse. "Ok fine... lets try something else then. Jamie, Ester, I'm going to need you guys to help out with this." Everyone just kind of looked at Diana in confusion after this even as the chipette started to move Ester along to stand her in front of Jamie and then took a couple of steps back, sticking her thumb out like an artist checking on a painting.

"Ok... well I'll bite. What the hell are you doing?" Jamie snapped as the two girls were arranged right in front of Jimmy. Diana raised her finger for a moment and then lowered it as a thought seemed to slip away from her. Slowly the Chipette started to pace back and forth a little stroking her chin genlty and stopping every now and then to try and flesh out the unspoken idea. Everyone else seemed to grow quite frustrated as the moments ticked away. Finally just as Jamie opened her mouth to make another comment Diana stopped and ran back over to arrange the two girls fueled by a flash of pure insight.

"I've got it. Its so amazingly simple. Apparently mister entrepreneur is worried that he's going to lose friends and business if he tries to ask this girl out. Were going to have to show him that its not so bad." Everyone just stopped and stared at her for a long moment in utter disbeleif not really sure where any of this was going.

Jamie's brow raised at that, the tension in the room quickly growing as everyone looked around nervously. "Show him that its not so bad... how?" Jamie asked as Diana looked between the two girls still contemplating a bit.

"The way I figure it, Jimmy is freaked out about asking this girl out because of what might happen if he does, right? He's afraid of scaring off a friend? Well it seems to me like if we just show the big baby that nothing will go wrong then he won't have any more reason to be uptight." Ester let out a small nervous squeak at the sound of that, looking back at Jamie who just eyed Diana. Everyone in the room could already tell that this was going to be very bad, one way or another.

"And... just how exactly are you planning on ‘showing' him this?" Jamie quipped. Diana's grin grew at the question, if only because of Jamie's attitude.

"Simple, Your going to ask Ester out." Any previous hostility quickly turned into something akin to outright shock at this point. Both girls looked at Diana in total disbelief even as she shrugged a bit and turned back to Jimmy. "Look I know its not an Ideal solution, but what exactly do you want me to do? Its not like your actually going to be going out or anything. Lord knows I wouldn't allow that. Your just going to ask her out on a date."

Jamie just took a few more moments to look at Ester before turning back to Diana. "No way... uh uh. That's just crazy. Do you really think that's going to help him with his problem? Seriously?"

"You want to help the guy our or not? I don't hear you coming up with anything better." As much as she wanted to, Jamie knew that she couldn't. It wasn't exactly a brilliant idea but then they really didn't seem to have any options. Taking a few deep breaths to center herself, Jamie looked over at her best friend of so many years and tried to force a smile.

"Ester... you ok with this? I mean do you really think this would kind of..." Jamie looked at the poor Mousette who was obviously quite nervous, more so even than she normally was. "Ok ok fine, if you really think it will help I'll do it. But I still think it's a stupid idea."

Diana simply shrugged at the comment and moved over to wrap her arms around Ester again patting her on the rear once and tilting her head. "Come on Mousie. It won't be so bad, promise. Just go ahead and play along." It was quite obvious that Ester was only growing more reluctant about this, as was Jamie. The two girls shot a few awkward glances at each other before finally moving a tiny bit closer.

Jimmy winced at the painfully unwieldy situation now set out before him, finding very little comfort in it. "Come on this is really getting out of hand. You expect these girls to go through with this? Its just pointless."

Diana shot him another scowl and then turned with a huff. "You know what if you don't want my help then fine, just say it or shut up and watch. Maybe you'll actually learn something." he was still more than a bit shocked by the whole situation, but considering this was all supposedly for his benefit Jimmy sat back and simply watched the two tense girls milling around in front of him fighting every urge to just stand up and call It quits. For a long while little happened as both Ester and Jamie looked between each other awkwardly while doing their best to avoid any sort of eye contact. Every once in a while the still of the shop would be broken up either by someone clearing their throat or the tapping of Diana's foot, but little else really came of the long arduous minutes slowly ticking away.

Eight minutes passed before Jamie finally looked up at the clock and moved forward towards the nervous mousette, doing her best to smile warmly even with the odd knot growing steadily in the middle of her stomach. "Hey, uh... Ester. I was wondering if I could ask you something."

It was what Ester had been dreading. Every fiber of her being suddenly clenched with irrational terror as she looked up over the rims of those thick glasses at her best friend in the world. She knew what to say, knew the role that was apparently hers at the moment. Still try as she might all Ester could manage to squeeze out were a few small squeaking sounds and awkward half giggles before her gaze returned firmly to the floor. She could already feel everyones eyes on her. The words running though her mind over and over again even if they really weren't more than parts of an object lesson. "W-what is it Jamie? Is everything ok?"

Jamie forced a nod and then smiled a bit wider struggling to hide the nervousness she knew they both shared. "Yeah Everythigns fine Ester. I was just wondering, well I wanted to know if you wanted to... well. You know, Go out some time?"

If Ester had really been in this situation she was unsure it would have been any easier. The smallish Mousette looked up wide-eyed at the feline and swallowed hard to clear the slowly growing lump in her throat. "G-go out? On... you mean like on a date?" she Squeaked again ears folding back. Jamie winced at the word as her gaze yet again shifted off to the nearest object and away from the Dormouse. Slowly though she started to nod and once again put on an even wider and now comical grin.

"Well yeah. I mean we've known each other a while. I don't see any reason why... well you know. After all we are good friends. It only makes sense that..." She simply could not finish it. Hopefully it would be enough but at this point Jamie was just too embarrassed to even muster up another fictional pleasantry on the situation.

"I.... I would love to." Jamie blinked in shock at the answer. Even if it was the one she had expected it didn't seem like Ester would even have such a response in her. The feline girl narrowed her eyes a bit and perked her ears just to make sure she was not hearing or seeing things. Ester had indeed agreed to the little mock date though now it seemed she was unable to even really speak anymore, which hopefully meant the end of this little improvised play.

Jimmy stood up and spun the chair around before moving it behind the counter again and sitting back down once again popping open the binder and starting to check things off. "So what was the point of that whole exercise exactly hmm? Trying to show me just how bad its going to be if I screw things up?"

Diana sighed loudly at yet another minor tantrum holding her head in one paw. "No... the reason I put both of them though something like that was to prove a point. Do you really think that these two are going to be at each others throats or avoid each other because of all that? Really? I mean come on nothing that you could possibly do would be nearly as bad at what you just saw right? Lets face it this is probably one of the most shocking things either of them has had?"

Jimmy stopped for a moment to just think about that. That little display had been quite cruel, but truth be told he could kind of see the logic in what Diana was saying, strange as it was. "So your trying to tell me that you think just because you put ester and Jamie though something like that it really won't be that bad for me to ask her out huh? That's it? that's your big lesson?"

Diana smirked a bit at that and shrugged "Well if that's what you got from it, that's what you got from it. Honestly I just thought it was fucking cute." With that Diana simply shook her head and started to walk back into the back room putting an arm around her mousie and giving her a hard kiss on the cheek. Jimmy watched all this with a sigh of frustration before sitting down and starting to check off cards once more as the girls went back to dealing with Diana's first deck.

Diana's words seemed to prove true over the next couple of days. Ester and Jamie both seemed to get over things well enough to shrug it off within a few hours and now the duo sat at what was becoming their usual table. "See Diana I told you, it's a fine game once you get used to the rule set. Nice hand by the way Jamie." The feline quickly moved her cards away from Esters prying gaze and let out a hiss of mock-threat before turning back to her opponent and smirking a bit.

"Nice try but your little spy isn't going to help you this time. I told you its going to take more than a couple of burn spells to take me down." Diana rolled her eyes at the rather corny retort and then looked back up at Ester before tapping three mana and grinning "

Avatar of Discord." Diana said with a wide grin, a bit surprised at how much she was really enjoying this game. Jimmy found it a bit surprising as well, though the black and red deck did seem to fit. Taking another moment to relish the sentimentality of the situation Jimmy then shrugged and began to pick up a stack of 40K model boxes, moving back and forcing the flap for the counter up. For some odd reason he found himself whistling the opening music from secret of mana as he slowly stacked up a few new plastic sets of space marine terminators and a Plaguelord stopping the second the bell tied to his door began to jingle.

"Hey and welcome to Hoardraider games. What can I get you?" Once again that light airy giggle filled the shop as Connie moved over and started to look down at the remaining boxes stacked up next to him.

"You know that line is really getting old. So are you going to be holding a match tonight? You didn't seem exactly enthusiastic about it last time I stopped in." The shopkeep smirked as he reached down to the bottom of the stack of boxes nabbing one with a picture of a large gaunt figure blasting though some enemy troops before turning around and offering it to her.

"Well yeah The match is still going on tonight. You may want to go ahead and put that thing together soon if you want to use it though. I figured you would want me to hold on to one." Jimmy smirked and just nudged the box towards her again already far more confident and relaxed than he usually was in their prior encounters.

Connie blinked a bit and then picked up the box before grinning a bit at him and nodding. "Wow. Well thanks for remembering. Let me guess though its going up against that Baneblade of yours?"

"Maybe." Jimmy shrugged in reply and then took a look back at the room where the three girls were for a moment, the grin growing across his face. "Hey Connie." He smirked. "Ya know, I was wondering if I could ask you something..."

All tied up

All Tied up By TerraMGP ((Fifth story in the Ester series, Preceded by chaperon and followed by A Roll of the Dice. Ester and Diana copyright myself. Please do not use them or repost this story without consent. Comments and criticism adored)) ...

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Chaperon: By TerraMGP ((Fourth story in the Ester series, Preceded by One week and Followed by All Tied Up. Ester, Ruth, Lillian, June and Diana are all copyrighted to me. Please do not use them or redistribute this story without prior consent....

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One Week

One Week: By TerraMGP ((This is the third story in the Ester series, Preceded by Game day and followed by Chaperone. Ester, Diana, Lillian and Jamie are all my creations and copyrighted to me. Please do not use them or repost this story without...

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