A wanted man part 2

Story by Meiko on SoFurry

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So I finally got around to finishing this piece. Its been on hold for over a year due to life. But I finally finished it.

A wanted man pt 2

Sirens echoed throughout the city of Palpiateen as fire trucks responded to the scene on the highway. Black smoke rose into the air as James's get away car burned, slowly turning into a mass of twisted steel and melted plastic. The highway was littered with car parts from when the Charger detonated, sending those who had been in the chase scrambling for cover. As the fire trucks were pulling up, another explosion rocked the area as the fuel tank lit up. Flaming bits of car went flying though the air and landing all around. One blazing shard of metal was blasted through the gas tank of one of the patrol cars that had been in the road block set up to cut off James. The metal sparked as it passed through, causing the vapors inside to catch. The patrol car ignited, the trunk went flying through the air followed by the contents and spare tire. The suspension collapsed and the rear dropped to the ground. Those around were hit with bits of the car when it exploded. Several officers were hit with shrapnel in various parts of there bodies.

The squad of Dalmatian and Collie fire fighters pulled out hoses from the back of the trucks and hooked them up to the connections on the sides before racing the other ends into position to put out the burning hulk. They set up two hoses and began putting water on the flames. Meanwhile, John a buff German Shepard who had been involved in the chase, was looking over the scene. He was amazed and angered by what he saw. He was amazed at how well James was able to hold his own against the street patrol division of the Palpiateen police force and angry at how difficult it is turning out for them to catch one human. He returned to his patrol car just as police chief, Dakota came on the radio to get a status update.

"John what's going on out there?"

"He got away," John replied. "I don't know how he does it but he is harder to catch than we thought. He is very resourceful, almost as if he can think on his feet. We might have to get assistance from division."

"Report back to me. We will develop a plan from there."

Just as John closed the door to his Dodge Challenger cruiser the radio came to life.

"Attention all units, we have a report of an officer in a foot pursuit of a suspect heading west on Clark street. Are there any and all available units able to respond?"

"Do we have a description of the suspect," John replied.

"Suspect is reported to be human, white. 5' 2", 140 lbs. 16 years of age, we do not have a name at this time. Suspect was wearing a blue short sleeve shirt and blue jeans. The suspect took off after an attempted stop to check identification."

"Put me on that call dispatch," John replied.

He dropped the microphone, slammed the door and jammed his cruiser in gear. He pushed the throttle to the floor and his tires bit into the pavement, sending up a cloud of smoke. The spun around and heading down the high way, lights flashing and siren screaming.

Meanwhile, James was running for his life. He had escaped the crash unhurt but was now running again. Behind him were to officers, a Clydesdale and a Mustang. The two horses had tried to stop James to check to see if he had his collar on. But when he took off they gave chase. The two horses were built for speed. The Clydesdale and Mustang began closing in on James as the human ran in between innocent bystanders. James looked behind him and saw the two officers closing in fast. He looked around him and spotted an old fire escape on the front of a building. The ladder appeared to be low enough for him to try and jump for it but high enough that it would pose a challenge to the two officers.

"I hope you two aren't afraid of heights."

With that James took one final step and jumped as hard as he could. He reached out with his hand and hopped his luck would hold. He sailed through the air and then finally his palm slammed into the steel rung of the ladder. Using his momentum he shot himself up the ladder and onto the platform. Loosing no time, he turned and sprinted up the next flight of steps. The Mustang jumped up and pulled the ladder down with his weight before dashing up the ladder, followed by his partner.

"Dispatch, suspect is climbing up the fire escape of Tigress Clothing," said the Clydesdale on the radio.

James ran up the last flight of stairs onto the roof of the building and then across to the other side. He jumped of and onto the roof of the next building, rolling as he landed to absorb some of the impact before getting back up and continue running. The two horses made the same jump as if it was nothing, landing with ease. James looked back and saw they were still behind him. Then looked forward again and saw a small cluster of plants growing in a roof top garden. Growing on the plants were tomatoes. James ran by the plants, grabbing two tomatoes before spinning around and chucking them at the two horses. Both vegetables smashed into their faces, forcing them to stop to clean the mess off. This gave James the time he was looking for. In the split second it took the two horses to wipe the mess off, he jumped over the edge of the roof and dropped into a dumpster four stories below. He dusted himself off and jumped out before taking off again, exiting the small alley before the two officers came to the edge.

"Where did he go," said the Clydesdale.

"I don't know Kevin," replied the Mustang.

"Suspect lost dispatch. We lost sight of him, set up containment around our location. He couldn't have gone far," Kevin said over the radio.

"Who was that human, Mike," Kevin asked.

"If I had to guess, I would say that it was James the rouge human," Mike replied.

James ran out of the alley and into the open before ducking into another alley. He took cover behind a dumpster and hunkered there while he caught his breath. He leaned against the cool steel and chipping paint as he thought about his situation and possible solutions. The thought of going back to the police station scared him as he knew John would try to rape him again. Also getting caught by those two skilled officers scared him too. He knew he had to find someone who would be willing to hide him. He began to think of possible groups that if they existed in this society might be able to help him. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard voices coming off the street.

"I'm arriving on scene dispatch."

"Copy that John. Kevin and Mike made contact with the suspect earlier. They are still on scene. Their last reported position was on the roof of Tigress Clothing store."

"John to Kevin or Mike, do you copy."

"John this is Mike, we saw the suspect heading west. We lost sight of him when he threw produce at us."

"Produce? He threw vegetables at you guys?"

"Yes and he got us in the face," Mike replied.

"What did the suspect look like?"

"He was human and had no collar on or any identification tags. 5' 2" and approximately 140 lbs," Mike replied.

"That sounds like James, the one who caused the wreck on the highway. Did you see which direction he went?"

"No, he got away before we could reestablish visual contact," Mike replied.

"I'll head south and look. You and Kevin head east, he might and try to loop around."

James peaked around the dumpster and spotted John standing in the alleyway entrance with his back turned. He quickly turned his head back and remained totally still. He listened very carefully as John began to walk away. As the footsteps grew fainter he carefully crept out from behind the dumpster and slowly stood up, as if making too much noise would draw the attention of John back and he would have to start running. James paused there for a moment to check his surroundings, making sure he was alone and that no one was watching him. Once he was sure no one was around he made his way out of the alley and into the open.

James strolled out onto the pavement and walked along casually. He passed by other furries, some with human slaves and some without. As he walked past those with human slaves, he noticed that some of the humans had looks of sadness or depression. He began to wonder what happened at the homes these humans lived in. Were they being abused? Were their masters' treating them well or were they being treated like a dog? James pondered on these things as he walked down the street. He looked up at the blue sky and saw a flock of birds fly over. He stopped for a moment and watched, observing how the swirling mass molded into different shapes but always staying in one huge mass. James wondered if the birds ever thought that one was more superior to the others or if they thought that the others in the flock were equals.

James resumed his travel down the street, after a few hours of walking he entered a section of the city that appeared to have seen better, happier times. The buildings began to look abandoned. There were a few with all the doors and windows on the street level boarded up; some had gang signs sprayed all over them. By this time the sun had begun to set and the few street lamps that were working began to come on. James knew he had to find a defensible shelter soon or else he would be an easy target. He began to look around and spotted an old fire house. Making his way over he found the building to be in good condition. Looking around he found a fire escape ladder, his heart jumping for joy at the thought of having a safe place to sleep for once. He hurried over and suddenly stopped. Observing the ladder's position in relation to the ground suggested that it had been deployed. James looked up and the building again, looking carefully at the building for any sign that the structure had suffered a fire. He stood there for a moment, thinking aloud to himself.

"Ok James, the ladder is down but there is no sign of this place ever having a fire. Someone has or is using this place for shelter. We better proceed with caution."

Looking around at the ground he found a piece of broken pipe. Tucking it under one arm, James ascended the ladder up to the second story where he found an open window. Quietly he climbed inside and looked around. It was very clear the building had not seen service in years. Some of the wall paper had pealed off and pieces of plaster hung from the ceiling. A thick layer of dust hid the wooden floor which surprisingly had not warped or rotted away. Cautiously James began to explore the second floor, peaking into each door he came across. In one room he found a desk with some papers on it. James went inside this room which turned out to be an office. On the walls were plaques and framed pictures of what appeared to be of the crews who were stationed at the house during its time of operation.

James then moved over to the desk and looked down at the papers. There appeared to be some hand written notes and a newspaper article. James tried to make out the headline but it was difficult to see in the fading light. Looking around he found an old desk lamp and out of instinct turned the knob on the back. The light flickered then lit up, the station was still receiving power from the grid and this fact delighted James. Looking down again at the yellowed paper he saw the headline.

"Heroic station 14 due to close following deep budget cuts. Local neighborhood residences prepare to move in fear of reduced public safety."

James reached down and pulled out an old wooden chair from under the desk and sat down to read the article more carefully. What he saw made his heart sink with sadness.

"Fire chief Shepard announced that due to reduced population in the city and the terrible financial deficit in the city's budget, he will be forced to close a number of fire houses across the city. On the list is station 14, one of the city's most famous houses. Station 14 was credited with putting out a blaze which almost lit up an entire city block in 1951. Built in 1913 station 14 was commissioned on June 5th of the same year. The station was manned by only 15 fire fighters with four teams of horses. Since then the station had been upgraded to house the fire engines, which replaced the sometimes temperamental horse teams. However, despite an impressive record, sadly station 14 found itself on the list of closures due to take effect this year. In response residences in station 14's area of responsibility are putting up their homes for sale and moving out.

_ _

"We just don't feel safe anymore," said one resident. "Station 14 is a historic landmark and the only station out this way. Other stations that could take its place are also closing. I don't feel comfortable having my family live here anymore."

_ _

James slowly stood up from the desk and turned out the light. Turning around slowly, he exited the office and back out into the hallway. He walked down a little further and found a flight of stairs. He paused there for a moment, wondering if he should explore the rest of the house or stay safe on the second floor. His curiosity won and slowly made his way down to the first floor, being careful not to make too much noise.

At the bottom of the stairs he entered a large open area with light pouring in from the street outside through the windows on the fire house doors. Lockers lined one wall with an empty space separating one bank of lockers. To his right was a door that went into the station's command center. James closed his eyes and imagined what it might have looked like back in the day. Images of 1960's style fire engines parked in the garage, bright red trucks with shinny brass connections, fire fighters tending to their gear in between emergencies.

He opened his eyes and went into the command center and looked around. A large map of the city hung on the wall above a large desk. The map had red pins marking the location of hydrants and blue pins marking other fire stations. There were some other old pieces of equipment scattered on the various tables, which were in the room, some covered with cobwebs and dust.

James exited the room and headed back upstairs to the second floor when he heard a noise. He froze there in fear, listening carefully for it again. He pulled the piece of pipe he had kept under his arm the entire time and slowly crept up the stairs. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, he looked around the corner and listened again. He heard the sound of someone walking around. There was also the distinct sound of claws tapping on the wooden floor coming from above him. Looking around reveled a second flight of stairs which led to a third floor. James carefully began his accent up the stairs being as quiet as possible. As he approached the top he noticed a light coming from the hall. Staying in the shadows, he left the stairs and crept toward the source of the light, which was coming from one of the rooms. Hugging the wall, he silently made his toward the room, raising the pipe above his head ready to strike.

James came to the doorway of the room the light was coming from and looked inside. In the room was an old bed with a worn mattress on one side and a fireplace on the other side. There was a fire in the fireplace and sitting in front was a figure. James moved to get a better look when his luck ran out. He stepped on a loose floorboard, which let out a loud creak. The figure turned and James jumped out into the doorway and let out a war scream at the same time the figure let out a scream of terror. James and the stranger stood their ground screaming until finally they quieted down. James looked at the figure and saw that it was a red dragon.

The dragon was very well built, very muscular with large wings that were folded against his back. The dragon was wearing a dirty shirt with holy pants. The dragon looked at him, one arm raised up ready to defend should James come and attack. The two of them looked at each other for a while in silence until finally the dragon spoke first.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing."

James lowered the pipe, realizing the dragon was not a threat and that he was not in any danger. James had not planned on encountering others in the fire house. Well he had but only those who were armed, and this dragon was clearly unarmed. However, he was very intimidating, towering over him. James guessed he had to be sever or eight feet tall.

"I'm James, who are you?"

"My name is Razor. What the fuck are you doing in my fire house?"

"Your firehouse? I didn't see your name on the side of the building," James shot back.

"Well I didn't give you permission to come into my territory human," said Razor, getting mad now. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for a place to live, what are you doing here?"

"I live here," Razor shouted, squaring off to James.

"Hey calm down, there is no need to get angry."

"Calm down? You're the one holding a piece of pipe in your hand."

James looked down and then realized that being armed was not going to solve things. He tossed it down the hall and looked back at Razor.

"Sorry about that, things have been hard for me."

Razor lowered his arm when James threw away the pipe. "You don't have to tell me twice." Razor looked back into the fire and sighed. "I had a pretty good life until I opened my big mouth."

James entered the room and walked over to Razor, sensing an opportunity to learn about the dragon before him. "May I sit here to hear your story?"

Razor nodded and James had a seat on the hard floor.

"I came from a very rich family. My father is a developer and my mother is an advisor to the governor. We own lots of slaves," Razor shuttered when he said the word slaves. "I hate that word. Humans aren't slaves. They have a will of their own. Why can't this world see that? Anyway, one day I told my father that I didn't agree with how things are. I said that I don't think humans should be slaves but have the right to be equals and partners with us. Well my father didn't share this view and in a fit of rage threw me out of the house. All my family and my friends turned their back on me and left me to fend for myself."

James nodded his head and sighed. "I had the same thing happen to me too. My parents didn't throw me out though. I escaped."


"Yes, escaped. When the change happened, I was the only one of my family who wasn't affected by it. My parents, however, were. At first, they were the same. They loved me as if nothing happened. But then, as time went on they began to change. They became dominant and mean. Then they began to...approach me."

"Approach, you mean they tried to sexually dominate you," Razor asked.

"Yes, but I escaped. I found a group of humans who also escaped and we formed a resistance. When the law was passed, our leader came up with the idea of rising up and storming the capital. It was a foolish idea that got most of us arrested. I managed to escape."

Razor listened to James's story carefully. He felt sorry for him as James spoke. He had his whole world flipped upside-down and had to start all over just like him.

"For the last few months I've been running away from the police. Just trying to keep my freedom and survive."

"Well James, it would seem that you and I aren't that different. Um...maybe you should stay here for the night. Do you have some place where you can go? Maybe a family member or a friend?"

James shook his head. "I wouldn't go to them. Chances are they all have been changed too. Besides, my face has been on TV so much that people will recognize me."

"Well, perhaps we could work together," Razor asked.

"Maybe, but usually do things on my own," James replied.

"The way I see it James, you won't stay free for long. Not without a master to lay claim to you," said Razor. "You will be caught very quickly."

James looked at Razor as if the dragon had insulted him.

"I think not! Have you seen the news? I was involved in two car chases and I managed to escape! I think I know how to handle things."

"So where is your car now? Those bay doors downstairs haven't been opened in years," said Razor.

"It's wrecked. It got totaled in my last chase."

Razor smirked and gave James a smart look. "There, see. You lost one of your best tools. With a car you could have left the city and lived in the countryside."

"Hey if that cop hadn't hit me I would have escaped," James shot back.

"Well as much as I would like to keep talking about how you have epically failed we should really focus on getting some rest."

James let out a yawn and looked out the window at the night sky.

"What time is it?"

"I would guess 10 PM," Razor replied.

"Well I don't have a bed like you so I guess I'll find somewhere else to sleep," said James standing up, turning to the door."

"Hold up James," Razor arose and walked to the door. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

Razor left the room and walked down the now dark hallway. James waited in the room for Razor to return, listening intently. He heard what sounded like something metal being moved and then heard the sound of Razor's claws tapping on the wooden floor as the dragon walked back to the room. When Razor appeared in the doorway he was carrying a metal bed frame and mattress.

"It maybe old and a little creaky, but it's still good."

James looked at Razor as he entered the room and set the bed down, rolling out some sheets and putting a pillow down on one end.

"Why are you doing this Razor? Why are you being so nice to me?"

Razor looked at James and smiled.

"Because I've never thought about treating others poorly or being selfish," Razor replied.

"Well thank you Razor."

James lay down on the bed and curled up under the covers as Razor turned out the light. He looked at James and smiled before climbing into his bed, stripping off his shirt to expose his muscled torso. Next, he stripped off his pants and tossed it, along with his shirt, to the floor. Letting out a quiet sigh of content, he laid his head down on the pillow as he settled in for the night. He laid there in silence, listening to the sound of the fire cracking in the fireplace. The firelight gave the room a warm glow, which made it seem even more comforting. Razor turned his gaze from the room to James, who was by now just entering sleep.

He looked at the human laying there, wondering about his journey. Then he noticed something else, his body. For being a human, James was very sexy. Razor gazed at him and let out an involuntary moan of lust, which caught him by surprise. Razor shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Then he looked down and noticed that his nine-inch cock had decided to wake up and tent. To add insult to injury, he also felt his tip grow wet from arousal. Razor laid his head back down and closed his eyes, doing his best to ignore the feelings running through his head.

Meanwhile back at the station, John and the rest of the department were in a briefing about a major operation aimed at capturing James. Joining them were members from other surrounding departments as well as higher levels of authorities. Everyone was seated in the briefing room, some chatting with other officers. John found himself talking to an old friend, a fox by the name of Titus.

John and Titus were friends back in the police academy and also roommates. The two had formed a close bond together during their training, competing against one another and pushing the other to put out their best. After they completed Titus and John separated. John stayed in Palpiateen while Titus went off to the neighboring city of Sidious Hills. The two kept in touch but were unable to meet up again due to their work. Titus and James sat towards the front of the room, catching up on what has been happening in their lives.

"So how is the wife, Titus? I bet you make her beg for it every night."

Titus chuckled, "you would know John. I made you howl so much at the academy that everyone accused us of keeping a pack of wolves in our dorm."

John blushed as a flood of hot erotic memories came flooding back of when he and Titus played a nightly game of pleasure. John had to force himself to push these thoughts from his mind to calm his stirring cock.

"Yes you did, Titus. But remember, you were the one who clawed up the wall when it was my turn."

Titus shook his head and smiled, "Oh John, behave you."

"On a more serious note, has your department been keeping up with the developments of this rogue human," John asked.

"Yes we have. Sounds like he is much more cunning than everyone thought. We had a similar case where it was a human girl that refused to be a servant and escaped from the auctions. But the reports we've been getting from your part of the world make her look tame. James wrecked a quarter of your police fleet and almost put several officers in the hospital. Honestly I would be scaled to be on assignment to catch him. His background has given us some clues though, state championship track and field, former civil patrol, Eagle Scout. This guy has more skills than a Swiss army knife has tools."

"The chief isn't too happy about him being on the loose either."

The conversation was cut short when Dakota followed by other department leaders from the other precincts that were in attendance walked into the room. The muscled husky approached the podium that was at the front of the room, flanked on either side with the other chiefs. The entire room fell silent as everyone looked up at their leaders.

"Thank you all for coming," Dakota began. "As you all might know we have a slight human issue. As the law states, all humans must be owned by a master or mistress. However, for a while now we have had a case where one rogue human has defied the system and is on the loose in the city. So far he has been several steps ahead of us and when we almost have him trapped he finds a way to escape."

Dakota turned to the side as a projector hanging from the ceiling came to life to show a picture of James on the screen at the front of the room.

"This is James Wolfshire. He is 16 years old, 5' 6" and very crafty. So far he has eluded capture for around four weeks since his discovery. He has never had his collar or ever been owned. He has also caused serious injury to other officers in his efforts to evade capture. He has also put the public at great risk."

The picture of James changed to images of the various wrecked cruisers and the damage from the car chases James was involved with. In one image the entire side of one cruiser was caved in. Another showed the charred remains of a unit where the glass had melted into a molten mass. In another image was a cruiser where the engine was inside the cab.

"As you can see some of these images are very disturbing. A few of these wrecks resulted in some of our officers needing medical attention. To date, twelve officers are still in the hospital. Three will have to be retired once they are released. The FBI has agreed to send us resources to help capture James and bring him to justice. There is also a task force being formed that will be assigned to the task of tracking down James. We will have to employ a different approach to capturing him as conventional methods have failed and resulted in property damage. In front of each of you is a file on this task force which you will be part of for the duration of this pursuit. Tomorrow we will meet back here for your assignments, dismissed."

John and Titus got up from the table and joined the group of officers leaving the briefing room. The exited the room and headed for the locker rooms. On the way they passed the entrance where the night shift was coming in. The two reached the locker room where they were greeted by an orca.

"Titus, John. What's going on with you guys?"

"Not much Shadow; you going on night patrol?"

"Yeah, we are going to hit the area where James was last seen. We will be putting together a list of possible sites where he could be hiding," Shadow replied.

"They are saying that this is going to be the biggest man hunt in the department's history. It's so big that it's turned into a joint force effort," John said. "Three departments joining forces to catch one human; that's something you don't see too often."

"Not just any human," said Titus. "But one who is beginning to show that we can't catch everyone. We need to shore up our department's image."

"Well in any case, I need to go get with my partner and prepare for patrol. See you around guys."

Titus and John followed Shadow into the locker room where they changed out of their uniforms and into normal clothes before leaving the station for the night. As John got into his car to begin his drive home, he thought about the chases he had been in with James. He began to wonder why this human would risk so much and run so hard when it would be safer to just surrender.

Meanwhile back at the firehouse James was deep in the middle of a nightmare. In his dream, he was being hunted now. An order had been issued that he was not to be taken alive anymore. Everyone had guns and was actively shooting at him. James ran as fast as he could down the streets, bullets flying over his head and striking buildings. Pieces of brick flying in his face as the projectiles impacted on the surfaces. He turned to see someone pull out an RPG and fire.


He dived into a building as the round struck behind him. The building shook and a wall came down followed by a cloud of thick dust. James picked himself up and kept on running. He ran out the back into an alley where he came face to face with a gang of thugs. He saw them pull their guns out as he ran past, bullets hitting the ground as they shot at him. He exited the alley right into the sights of a tank.

"Oh come on!"

He dove to the side as the tank fired, the shock of the blast echoed throughout the city. He got up again and made a mad dash down the sidewalk when suddenly an officer appeared in front of him and opened fire, striking him in the shoulder with a heavy slug. The force knocked James to the ground and taking the wind out of him. Wounded and bleeding heavily, he attempts to crawl away from sight. He searches around for a place to hide when he hears the officer walks closer, the pace almost casual and calculated. James rolls onto his good side just in time to see the muzzle of the gun. He lets out a scream of terror as the tip flashes.

Razor awoke to a scream of terror and sat up in his bed instantly. Looking for the source of the scream, he saw James thrashing around in bed and yelling. Acting on instinct, he got out of bed and ran over to him. He reached out with a hand and gently took hold of James.

"James, James wake up!"

James sat up gasping for air as he realizes it was all a dream. He looked around to see he was still in the firehouse. There were no cops around, no tank and his shoulder was not bleeding. The fire still crackled in the fireplace and all was quiet. James turned his head to look at Razor, who had the look of worry on his face. He threw his arms around the dragon and sobbed into his chest, finally cracking under all the stress. Razor was surprised by this, but quickly recovered to put his arms around the crying human.

"There there James. It's alright, it was just a dream. Shhhhh, you're OK."

Razor rocked back and forth with James in his arms, comforting him. He rubbed his back softly, making sure not to scratch him up with his sharp claws. He could feel the tear run down his bare chest as James cried. Razor pulled him closer and laid his head down over James. After a while, James appeared to settle down. Razor loosened his grip on the human and pulled back a little. He gently propped up James's chin to look him in the eye.

"See, everything is alright James."

Razor opened his hand that had been holding up James's head and softly caresses his cheek, wiping away the lingering tears. Razor kept eye contact with him as he gave James a reassuring smile. James looked right back and gave a soft nod.

"Come, you're sleeping with me tonight."

With that, Razor stood and picked up James to carry him over to his bed. He laid him down before climbing into bed behind him. Drawing the covers over both of them, Razor then put an arm around James in a reassuring manner. It was not long until James fell back asleep, this time under the watch of Razor who lay there silently. Razor felt himself getting aroused again, his nine-inch cock awakening from his sheath. Lust began to cloud the dragon's judgment as he began to feel James's body, softly caressing his claws over every feature of the human before him. He dragged his hand across James's rump and let out a soft moan as he felt how toned it was, giving the impression that it had to also be very tight. By now, Razor's cock was throbbing, precum dripping onto the bed behind James. Acting on instinct, Razor moved closer and pressed his cock against that tight ass that was James. He slowly gyrated against the fabric of James's clothes, silently wishing the human slept naked.

Razor rolled away and lay on his back. Pushing the covers off him, he wrapped his hand around his over-excited cock and began to stroke it heavily. He did his best to keep his moans of pleasure to a minimum as he worked on relieving himself of his sexual urges. Every stroke seemed to grow in intensity. Bolts of pleasure shot through him as his thumb grazed over his sensitive gland. As the moments passed, his strokes grew faster and more primal. With his free hand, he reached down to play with his apple-sized balls, causing him to bite his lower lip to control a loud moan. Razor stroked himself faster and faster while he rolled his balls in his hand. The amount of precum leaking from his tip made it easier to massage his massive rod. Razor could sense his growing orgasm and gently tugged on his balls, feeling them start to draw up to his body. Suddenly, Razor's body is rocked by a huge pleasurable tidal wave as his balls draw up tight to him and a fountain of cum gushes out from his tip, splattering all over his chest and belly. Razor lay there panting heavily as he basks in the afterglow of his orgasm, an orgasm he had never felt before. He moves his hand up to his face to lick his claws clean of his cum before pulling the covers back over him and snuggling up next to James.

(To Be continued)