The incredible change part 2

Story by Purpledragonbreath on SoFurry

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#2 of The incredible change

My second post

(Author note: this is a story in which I would like to explain how I wanted my life to be so I wish to see your reactions)

I wanted to express my feelings, so I did, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it,

Entharion is my character and will always be so don't steal him.

If you have any suggestions or questions e-mail me at [email protected]

I was going for another story about my favorite creature 'the dragon' but It was getting kind of long just for only dragons, so I added some variance.


The incredible change part two

As the flash cleared up and I was back into my backyard, the sun was already rising and I had to clean up the altar and the blood which was partially dried now, I was still wearing the robe and I took it off and put on my clothes, I picked up the altar and threw it into the trashcan, I had put a few newspapers down to catch the blood, it worked partially, and I tossed the drenched papers after the altar into the trashcan, there was still some blood on the grass but that would disappear eventually.

I picked up my blade and the note, wrapped it into the deep red robe and took it inside and went to bed, it was noon as I woke and I felt sore all over my body and I noticed I had grown another foot in length and was now getting a bit bluish all over, a my mouth was turning into a muzzle, I had to stay in human form to be able to fit in my bed and I decided to get some more rest but the hunger kept me awake and I went downstairs, trying to make no noise and looking trough the keyhole to see if anyone was there, luckily no one was and I rushed to the freezer, I picked out s nice slab of beef and threw it in the microwave, in a few minutes I was eating the 800 gram steak and when I was done I went back upstairs, I had to sleep some more to change faster so I could kick ass at school the next Monday.

When my mom called me for dinner I turned to my dragon form to see my progress, I hadn't grown any further, apparently I had to be in dragon form to grow further but I had been sleeping as a human, I was in a dilemma, I would have to sleep on the ground to grow or I could sleep in my bed as human and not grow, I would risk getting exposed if I slept as a dragon but I had to grow, I went downstairs and sat down at the table.

"Honey did you take that steak from the freezer?"

"Ehh it was over date and I threw it away"

"Oh I didn't know it was over date" it wasn't but I was just hungry, I wouldn't tell her of course, we had shoarma buns for dinner and I was happy there weren't any vegetables, I ate 4 buns of shoarma and put my plate in the dishwasher, I went upstairs again, locked the door turned into dragon form and went to sleep on the ground.

I woke up from my alarm clock and I knocked my desk over when I stretched on the floor, the clock shattered on the floor and I sat up, still half sleeping, I yawned and scratched my belly, I had noticed that I now had a tail and a set of wings, they were still too small to fly with but they were there, as I looked down at myself I noticed I had now sapphire colored scales and my dick and balls were gone, "they were hidden" as dracko had said and I was now about 13 feet tall and I was almost stretched across my room, touching one wall and almost the other, I laid down on my belly and stretched my wings for the first time, it felt great stretching my body, which was way more muscular than my human form and noticing all the great changes, to my regret I had to go to school now, but not totally depressed, because I could kick ass today, I turned into my human form and unlocked the door.

I quickly styled my hair and ate some chicken salad sandwiches and jumped on my bike and took off to school, this day with a grin on my face and some more speed, I dumped my bike at the entrance and walked inside with big paces as I didn't feel tired of the trip, MY DAY HAS COME, I pushed over some of my classmates as I made my way inside the classroom the last, I sat down and prepared for the asshole that always pushed me to do so again, I noticed him walking by and before he could strike I had twisted his arm and almost broken it, he screamed out in pain and I released him, I laughed in his face as I saw his arm was staying in the same turned position, he was mad but that only made me happier because I finally had my revenge for his insolence and I turned around and continued to work, no one bothered me anymore and I felt great being at school for once.(the nerd's dream O-O).

The class ended and the bell rang, I wanted to go outside but before I could go, that moron was back with his friends and I gave them the "whatever look" but when I wanted to walk on they held me back, I transformed my claws and ripped their faces open in one fluid motion and I kept on walking as I turned my claws back and licked the blood off my fingers and went down the stairs, I had stretched myself outside in dragon form and when I was done the bell rang, I turned back to my human form and went inside, knowing that the asshole's dead friends must have been found by now, but no one said a word about it, these things would better be kept quiet I think, the day went on smoothly and I had done some research about dragons, their habits and rituals, these things were already in my blood but I would like to know more about my ancestors and the history about dragons, dragons have excised since the Jurassic age and their bones have rarely been found because of their long life expectancy, they would live about 300 years there stood on the website I laughed at their stupidity and I sent a e-mail to them: "haha stupid idiots dragons live as long as 1200 years, take that from a real dragon \';..;'/."

One of my classmates saw me writing it and told the teacher, suddenly everyone got to leave except me, I got suspicious and stood up, the teacher closed the door and walked up to me.

"Did you kill those kids?" I said nothing.

"What did you kill them with, a clawed glove?" I laughed at him loudly and still said nothing, he picked up my bag.

"Mind if I look?" I smiled at him and nodded.

"Let's see hmm what the.. did you hide it outside?" I still said nothing.

"Let me see your hands" I showed him my hands and he noticed some blood under my nail, I saw him getting scared and I laughed loudly as I loved the smell of his fear.

"What did you do to the weapon?!" He yelled at me, I still didn't move and I licked the blood from under my nail, using my dragon tongue, he looked at me like he had seen a ghost and I walked up to him, the room was shaking with every step and I loved the smell of fear that filled the room, I picked him up and lifted him off the ground a little and then gently putting him down , wiping the dirt off his clothes and I casually said: "self defense".

I walked out the room bashing the door out as my classmates got knocked over by the door as I walked to the staircase, when I got down the police was waiting for me, I turned to the toilets as I took the note from dracko out of my pocket and entered the toilets, I read the words on the paper out loud.

"Returnic velocious aero"

The next moment I was in the arena again, this time in the hallway where I turned into dragon form and gave the robe that I took from the pocket of my torn pants to the half-tiger that was waiting for dracko to finish testing someone and we both stood there for ten minutes until dracko came out with a naked human girl walking next to him, the minute he saw me he laughed.

"Hehe it's you isn't it Entharion?" I smiled as he recognized me.

"Yes it's me dracko, and who do you got there?"

"Aihial is her name and she just passed her test" I turned back into human form and we shook hands.

"Congratulations, as you may have heard I'm Entharion" she blushed and laughed, covering her mouth, until speaking.

"When did you pass your test?"

"I didn't, I'm a natural dragon, euhm speaking about natural, shouldn't you cover up?"

"Eek!" she pulled the robe out of the tiger's paws and covered herself up with it, I smiled of course.

"I'm still partially human too, I just began changing last week"

"Ehh yea, ok but how long will it take for me to change dracko?"

"About 4 days, you have to be in dragon form to grow though"

"Yea you forgot to tell me that, I could have been full grown by now if you told me,"

"Sorry Entharion, slipped my mind" he said scratching his horns.

"Well it doesn't matter now, so want to go eat something? it's on me"

"That would be great" dracko looked at me and I mind-messaged him.

"I got some old gold coins, I owe you some so.." he looked satisfied with that answer and aihial didn't get the whole point of us staring at each other.

"Are we going yet?" I turned into my dragon form, and kneeled down, letting her on my shoulder, I slowly stood up and let her adjust her balance.

"Let's go then" and we walked out the door onto the path to the town, on our way I saw aihial staring at the people and I laughed, it was the same reaction I had too when I saw them for the first time, she noticed me laughing.

"What's so funny scaly boy?"

"Nothing aihial just remembered something, that's all" we got at the cafeteria and sat down at a table, I laughed again 7 ft 14 ft 35 ft sitting at a table, that must have been a priceless sight for fhets, which came slithering over again.

"Well how is it going fhets?" he looked at me not recognizing me.

"It's me Entharion remember"

"Ah yes the dragon, the same as usual dracko?"

"Yes sure, this time its not my treat, its Entharion this time."

"Yep so do us the same too"

"Ok 3 times the meats special coming up" and again fhets returned quickly with three plates of meat this time, and aihial looked like she had never seen this much meat before.

"I'm sure you can eat it all, its not as much as it looks" she looked at me and then back at her plate.

"Are you nuts, this plate is bigger than me" I laughed and started eating, dracko started eating .his meal too, and the only one not eating was aihial.

"Come on you'll be eating this for the rest of your life from now on, you got to start sometime" she looked at her plate and picked up a piece of meat, she nibbled on it and when she got the taste she was soon eating beastly like us, dracko finished first.

"Have you considered magic training Entharion?" I choked onto a piece of meat but managed to swallow it down.

"No not really, I have practiced at home though"

"Hmm that's not what I meant, they give training lessons in the temple across the street"

"Good idea, ill go there sometime"

"Can I go there too?, I am pretty good at magic" aihial said "we could go there now, I see you are finished" her plate was empty too and she blushed.

"Fhets can we get the bill please?" fhets slithered over and presented me the bill, it was quite expensive but I had enough gold with me to pay, I paid fhets and we went on our way to the temple, in front of the temple there was a panther with a white robe on, he welcomed us with a gesture.

"Greetings... ah, you have come for training in the arts of magic, please sit down" and so we did.

"Please drink these potions, they will stimulate you trough the exercise, first we concentrate on making fire" and we all did.

"Good, well done, now extinguish your fires and make ice" and we did, only aihial had some trouble getting ice, but after several attempts she managed to make an ice cube.

"Very good, now melt your ice cube and make a spark" we made a translucent ball with a spark in it but again aihial had trouble, and again she managed to do it in several attempts, it looked very weak but it was a spark.

"Take it easy, your transformation brings you out of balance" I said to her

"You need to practice your spark, little human, you dragons go on making a rock" I saw this pissed her off, why would be she called a human while she had taken the test and I didn't, I felt sorry for her, but I made a rock, it was harder to make because it was solid, unlike the rest, but I did it.

"Very good dragons now, I sense your full power has yet to be set free, I could do that for you but I will have to charge for it"

"Full power???" I asked frowning.

"The power of your ancestors, the secret power of the zylphaton clan runs in your veins and I can unleash it for you, for a small price of course" I was interested and I wanted to see what secret powers I have.

"You're going to love it" dracko said smirking.

"How much?"

"For a learning dragon 3 gold pieces, it is easier to do it with a young dragon than an old one"

"Ok I'll do it, what do I do?"

"Come with me to my room and all will become clear to you" I walked with him trough a hallway and down a stairs, there was a desk, two chairs and a big fluffy bed in the room, he sat down on one of the chairs and he was looking for something in his desk drawers.

"Go lie down on the bed and relax, I will begin shortly" I sat down on the big bed and relaxed, stretched my wings and lied down on my back, my curiosity was growing but I closed my eyes, until suddenly I felt him sitting down on the bed, he wiped some oil across my muzzle the smell of the oil was familiar to me, I felt myself getting turned on by the smell, I was hoping he wouldn't notice, I felt the skin on my crotch rip open and it gave me a mild sting, I moaned in pleasure and pain as my ridged cock came trough for the first time, it wasn't hidden anymore now and I opened my eyes as I saw the panther grabbing my dick, I wanted to lean forward, but I was paralyzed by the oil, I could only feel the soft paws rubbing my ridged pre dripping cock and he used his tongue to lick my anus, it felt great, his rugged tongue was treating my anus as he used his paws to rub my big ridged, 3 feet of hot cock that I too had seen for the first time, his paws were getting covered in my pre that was pumping out with steady globs and I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of him treating my dick I moaned a few times, I wanted to cum in him, I wanted him to be filled to the brim with my spooge, I wanted him to choke on my never-ending stream of thick cum, but before I would cum he stopped rubbing my cock and he slid his well lubricated paw down to my tailhole and used it to tease the edges of it, I could see he was enjoying it too, he rubbed my tailhole a few more times and then pushed in one of his fingers, it hurt a little at first but I started to love it after a few moments, he pulled it out again and now he pushed 2 fingers back in, it hurt all over again and it faded away again after a few moments and I moaned as my hole adjusted to his fingers, he pulled them back out and now he pushed in 3, the feeling of my stretched anus was great and I wanted him to mount me more and more, I moaned loudly, unable to control myself I started to drool, this was his sign and he pulled out his fingers and licked them off, I moaned more wanting him, he climbed onto me and pointed his erected pantherpenis at my tailhole, he playfully rubbed it a few times and then slowly started to push it in, I heard myself moan and groan as his cockhead thrived his way in, when it was totally in, the pain of my anus stretching faded away, I had never been mated before and I loved the feeling of his hot, pre pumping cock nestled deeply in my guts, I wanted to push in against it but I couldn't move, I wanted more of him in me, he slowly pulled out and slowly slid it further in me, my desire was being fulfilled, he bent over and licked the drool off my muzzle and he looked into my eyes, he could see me wanting him, and I saw him getting more aroused by this news, he pushed his 2 feet dick all the way in and he filled me up, I wanted this, he was to his sheath in my anus and slowly he pulled back out and thrusted back in, he continued to move in and out of me, and I moaned with every thrust, it wasn't long before I started to cum, my light blue cum splattered all over his furry belly and chest and I kept pumping until his fur was totally soaked and I was getting showered in my own seed, I slowly got the ability to move again and grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down against me as he came too and filled my tailhole with his hot panther semen, and I licked his muzzle clean of his own drool and some of my cum that had even reached the roof, we lied there, rubbing each others soaked bodies together as the last of our cum shot out of us, it was one sticky mess but we loved it, it was warm and lubricating, he got off me and signaled me to get up too, I stood in front of him and he started to use his small, rugged feline tongue to clean me off from the base of my cock up, I moaned some more by the feeling of his tongue scraping my cock, I felt like I was going to cum again, and I did, just as he was licking the tip of my cock I gripped into the bed while shoving my cock into his muzzle, I pumped my blue seed into his muzzle and grabbed his head while he sucked all of it out of me, he needed to swallow repeatedly, my cum shot hard, fast and long into his muzzle and I couldn't believe this was a ceremony to get more powerful, I moaned loudly in total bliss as he used his rugged tongue to massage my cockhead and I came another time, I think he really liked the taste of it, of course I didn't mind, I loved it all the way, I pulled my cock out of his muzzle and I squirted my last cum onto his face and brought his face up to mine so I could get a taste of a full load of my own cum, I licked it eagerly off him and then put my tongue into his muzzle, I loved the feeling of his tongue and I scraped some of my cum off his chest as we continued to lick each other clean, after five minutes or so we were all done and I was heavily fatigued by Cumming 3 times in a row and we went back up to the altar where dracko and aihial were discussing the ceremony, as they saw me coming out looking like a scaly spooge-sponge, I saw a wide grin appear on their faces because they knew what happened, dracko had done his ceremony 380 years earlier but could still remember the wild time he had in his ceremony, I was halfway falling asleep and he had to carry me to his house where I slept for hours, dreaming about the ceremony, I could understand it was so cheap to do it with a young dragon, he loved it too and being young and tight only made it more enjoyable and fast, I woke up the next day in dracko's bed and he was lying next to me, I was afraid we had done something the day before but I was too tired to even walk then so I couldn't have done anything except sleeping, I relaxed and stretched, his bed was just big enough for us both and I had grown a few feet in length, I was now about 18 feet long and my wings felt fully capable of flying, today I would give it a try, I turned around and saw aihial lying in between us, didn't there really happen anything? Or had dracko have been enjoying aihial by himself? She already looked bigger, about 10 feet already, I could see her skin was turning ruby red and I felt hungry again, I had 5 more gold coins, that was enough to get some breakfast for the three of us and so I did, I went to get some at fhet's cafeteria and got back in 5 minutes and I could see dracko was already awakening and I put down the bags of meat, I was so hungry I began eating my own portion of the meat and it didn't take long before dracko and aihial joined me, when I was done I noticed how fast aihial had actually changed.

"You keep looking better aihial" she looked up to me and I saw a faint blush on her already red skin.

"Thanks, your wings look ready too, are you going to test them today?"

"As a matter of fact I am, want to help me dracko?"

"Yes of course, this is your first time ever, I don't want you to fly into a tree or something"

"Ok but what secret power do I have from yesterday?" he laughed lightly, almost giggling.

"I don't know what you have now but you will find out when you need it"

"Oh that's a big help!" and I walked out the door as I flapped my wings a few times to get the feel of it and dracko followed me outside and showed me how to angle my wings, I tried, I failed, I tried again and I succeeded, I had a good control over my wings but they would turn the other way I wanted sometimes, it was frustrating me and I decided I would only find out if I tried, I spread my wings and ran forward, as I felt myself being lifted up from the ground I flapped my wings and I went even higher, in a split second it crossed my mind.

"I have to make sure I angle my wings the right way" I tried to change the angle but I went the wrong way, smashing myself to the ground. I lied there with my face in the dirt, dracko saw it all happen and picked me up, my muzzle was covered in blood and dirt and hurt like hell, I couldn't move my mouth, I could but it hurt like someone shot a bullet trough it.

"H.. how .wuill I w.. w.. eat?"

"I'll fix it" dracko told me, he made a gesture before my muzzle and it instantly felt better.

"Hmm healing, you have to teach me that sometime dracko" and I was able to smile again, so I did.

"I will practice later, I'm a little de-motivated right now maybe tomorrow will be better, I'm going to get a job, I need money, I got plans"

"Huh what?" they both said confused.

"Don't ask, please, it's a surprise" they looked confused, I looked back.

"Don't worry I know I would like it, but now I have to go, I went into town asking for a job, this far I had found jobs as a runner, a waiter and a sailor, nothing for me, so I decided to go back to dracko's place and before I could turn around I bumped into a ruby half-dragon.

"I heard you were looking for a job?" I nodded.

"You're a dragon right?" he looked down at me and I saw his eyes were gone and he had a cloth in front of it.

"Yes" I said, a little shocked by his appearance.

"Then I might have the perfect job for you, can you fight?"

"Well I never tried but yes I think so" I said looking down at my claws.

"Meet me at the arena in 30 minutes"

"Ok see you there" he walked away, towards the arena, and I went to dracko's house to tell the good news, I didn't know what kind of function I had but it couldn't be bad, as I came in I saw dracko and aihial locking jaws while rubbing each other along the back.

"Aha caught you in the act!" I yelled, startling both of them.

"Ehh Entharion we were just ehh...." I just stood there laughing while they were trying to think of excuses.

"It's ok guys I don't mind, I just found a job"

"So?, What is it"

"I don't know precisely but I think it's good.

"You have a job and you don't know what to do? You keep amazing me Entharion"

"It's something with fighting in the arena"

"What? You can't do that, that's dangerous"

"Huh why? I can fight"

"That's not the point, can you kill?...... you applied for gladiator, a fight to the death, you have to kill your opponent, it pays good but it is extremely dangerous, especially for a dragon that cant fly"

"You mean I can go back to looking for a job while I could just kill some dickheads and earn big cash?"

"You don't understand, I have been a gladiator too, but I almost died, it was horrible" I saw a tear drop down n his knee and knew I shouldn't do it but I would give it a try.

"Just once dracko, don't worry, you can come and watch me"

"I'll come and save your ass when I need to"

"Well then we better get going then, we need to be at the arena in 5 minutes"

"Don't I get a spot in all this" aihial whined and we looked at her laughing.

"Maybe she could tag along, don't you think Entharion?"

"Hmm I don't know dracko" we teased her, maybe for the last time.

About 3 minutes later we got at the arena and there was the ruby dragon waiting for me, until he smelled a familiar scent.

"Dracko helfury, come to reclaim your title? There is not much competition this year"

"I've come to coach this young dragon"

"Ah the dragon, are you ready kid?"

"Ehh sure I am"

"Then follow me inside, I'll show you the rest" there were a lot different species

Among the other gladiators, there was one of each race, and I would represent the dragons.

"Wait here until you hear the bell, then you go trough that door"

"Ah a new one eh, I always like the scent of fresh blood" a lion said "ill gladly rip your throat out kitten, but you can become my slave too"

"Haha you've got guts kid, too bad I got to waste them" he laughed, the bell rang and I put my hand on his shoulder, burying my claw in it a little, he let out a soft purr and I let go as we walked to the door and into the arena, there were now people on the tribunes and they let out a large cheer as we came out into the arena, we all got to choose our weapon from the side and I picked out a flail, the weapons from the test were replaced by these larger ones as I inspected the flail, I had seen them in games but holding one is difficult, you can kill yourself if you don't watch out, we had to walk to a spot in a circle and stand ready, I would go for the lion first, but I saw a wolf looking at me like I was his target, the bell rang and the massacre began, I rushed to the lion and threw the flail at him, scratching his face with the spiked edges of the ball, he turned around and wanted to stab me with a scimitar but I was already behind him, and I pulled the chain of the flail to his neck, trying to strangle him, he dropped his weapon and went for his neck, I just pulled the chain harder as I climbed onto his back, my claws buried in his sides which were bleeding heavily and I wrapped the chain around his neck and jumped over him, when I landed I picked him up at the chain and pulled it to break his neck, I loosened the chain and now picked up the handle of my flail, the wolf had also made his first victim, a horse which was raked open and its guts were hanging out, I looked at him and he at me as we rushed towards each other, I spun the flail around and launched it at his face, I missed but I could hit him with my claw, he had hit me in the side with his axe, I let go of my flail and decided to use magic, I charged a fireball and tossed it at him, he jumped over it and I hit him with the next one as he fell unconscious on his back, I sat down on him and picked up his axe, I slid his throat with the sharp blade and he slowly drowned in his own blood, I stood back up looking for a victim, there were two more gladiators, already fighting, a gryphon and an orca, I had no time to wait and jumped in between them and ripped the orca's throat out, he never saw it coming as I spit his bloody neck out again and turned to the gryphon, gryphon's are strong creatures and so was I, we circled around a few times, to wait for each other's moves when neither of us attacked we both jumped onto each other as we hit each other with our claws, we parted again and repeated the process 6 more times, leaving scratches all over eachother's worn out bodies, I was getting pretty tired and thought I would lose, I looked up to him and saw he was tired too, we hit each other in the face one more time and we both fell over, exhausted by our other fights, I slowly got up and stood in front of him, I bent over and reached for his hand, he grabbed mine and I pulled him up to his feet and we both rested against each other.

"Can't we call it a draw?" I said with a pained groggy voice.

"That would be for the best wouldn't it?"

he replied with the same tone to his voice.

we both slowly made our way to the door, the people didn't want to see two over exhausted creatures hit each other once in 5 minutes so we could go to fight another time, we got 500 gold per kill and I got 1500 gold and he got 1000.

"You fight pretty well, gryphon"

"Where did you learn that throat trick with that orca"

"I ..." we both said at the same time and looked to each other and laughed faintly, dracko just came in with aihial and sat down on the bench next to me, dracko healed some of my wounds and some of the gryphon's too.

"Come and eat something with us gryphon, my name is Entharion and these are dracko and aihial"

"Oh yea I am Jerhatan, and I don't have a welcoming committee and I would love to have a bite with you guys" we shook claws and stood up and made our way to the exit, on our way to town we talked some.

"So? Where did you come from...Jerhatan?"

"Well I'm from behiara, a gryphon colony" he talked some about his hometown as I was amazed by his 21 foot body, his wings, his soft white feathers, followed by the golden brown fur that covered his belly down to his groin, legs and tail, his beautiful beak and claws, he looked so perfect, gryphons were truly amazing creatures and he noticed I was looking over his body, I was afraid he would mind but he seemed to decide to like it as we headed towards fhet's cafeteria, we sat down with the four of us and we all ordered the meat special, I ordered extra for Jerhatan and me, because fighting makes you hungry, we finished our meal and I felt really tired, I wanted to fall asleep right there at the spot, and apparently I did because I woke up at dracko's house on one of the couches with Jerhatan on the other one.

Dracko's house was starting to look like a hotel and I decided to go look for my own house, the fight had made me 1500 gold richer and that's a lot to have, I figured that I could buy my surprise later J and I walked out the room to look for a builder, after a few minutes asking around they sent me to a house in the woods, I knocked on the door and a gryphon opened the door.

"Ehh are you a builder?"


"I need a house"

"Ehh its early and I don't think you have enough money, so.." I shook the bag of coins in front of him.

"How much"

"1800 gold coins for a deluxe house" I was about to say I hadn't got that much but I heard from behind me.

"Sold" as Jerhatan walked up to me with a smile.

"I think it would be perfect to be roommates wouldn't it"

"The only thing I could say was yes so.. "yes" because I really liked him and I needed a place to live too so we gave the builder the money and he went into the forest to cut some trees, and I thankfully looked at Jerhatan and he spoke.

"I needed a place to live too, we both pay 900 and we each own half the house"

"Sounds fair, I'll take care of the food for now" and we went back to dracko's house to bring them the news, we came in the house and no one was there.

"They must still be sleeping" and we went to the back where we saw aihial getting banged in her pussy by dracko, who was nearly Cumming at the time and with one last thrust they both moaned loudly as they came, we stood there, getting the full scream in our face as they came, they didn't even notice us coming in and they scared themselves shitless as they saw us staring at them with open mouths.

"Is that how you treat changing females?"

"Ehh guys ehh sorry but I got a little excited you see and she wanted to help me and... oh hell we are lovers" my stare turned into a smile as I knew there was something going on between those two.

"Ahh that explains why I didn't see you on the tribune, you were getting your rocks off then too!"

"Ehh yea we kinda were"

"Ok but we have some incumming news" I chuckled and they didn't really seem to appreciate my joke.

Dracko got off aihial and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Ok were going to live together, we just bought a house and just wanted to thank you for your hospitality and ehh we will be living next door so stop by any time"

"But there is no house next to this one"

"Not yet, I we used our money to get it built, I looked at Jerhatan, and he looked back, maybe it was the smells of sex or just our happiness, but we couldn't resist falling into a deep kiss, turned on greatly by his hot avian-feline body, and without hesitation dracko and aihial left the room to give us some privacy to let us express our gratitude while they lied down on the couch kissing each other, and we did the same on dracko's bed, kissing and getting hot of eachother's saliva and I was going down his body to his now unsheathed cock, as mine was getting harder too, I twisted my tongue around his cock and took it into my mouth, it tasted sweet and sweaty, and it made me even hornier and my penis came to its full size and was pumping pre with excitement as Jerhatan got up and stood up on all fours as he waved his tail inviting my pumping cock into his tailhole and I stood on my knees behind him and slowly pushed my wet ridged cock into his warm hole, he moaned loudly and even purred softly as my cockhead was totally inside his narrow warm cave, it felt great, this was the first time I ever penetrated someone, I reached under his body and grabbed his unsheathed cock into both hands, and as I was pushing my dick into him, I was pawing him off and I we were both moaning as loud as we could just to enhance our pleasure, I nibbled his ear and he looked at me, I saw his joy as he neared his climax and I felt his hole tightening around my cock while his cum painted my claws white, and because of the increasing tightness of his tailhole I came too, I kept pushing and moaning as my spasming cock emptied my hidden testicles, my cumming came to an end and we fell over to the side, with me still deep in him, we turned around until he was lying on my chest, I was still holding his dick and I slowly rubbed my cum painted claws over his chest and pushed my cock in him a few times more to milk all of the cum that had filled his insides and it started to retract, as my dick popped out I felt my cum dripping all over my crotch as I turned him around so he would face me, I gave him a lick across his beak and fell asleep with him on top of me.

A few hours later I woke up and I felt ready for more and licked him awake, I wanted him to mount me hard, right here, right now, I pushed him off me and made sure he sat up straight, I rubbed his dick a few times as it became hard again, I lied down my head and faced my tailhole to his cock

"Still wanting more eh? I'll just fix that" he grinned and scraped some pre off his cock and lubed my ass with it, I felt one of his fingers pop into my hole and back out, I wanted him to take me more and more, I pushed myself onto his cock and I heard a faint murr come from him.

"Hehe not yet, first I am going to taste" I lied there as he pushed his thick, wet tongue into my hole, only increasing my desire for the big veined cum cannon to be inside me.

"Take me, take me hard!"

"He laughed and without warning he rammed his dick halfway into me, I screamed because it was incredibly painful but I loved it nonetheless as 18 inch was already inside me.

"Do I need to stop?"

"No go on I love it" he took that answer a little too well because he rammed the other 18 inch in with the same force, this part was thicker and hurt even more, I felt my insides being pushed away as he started to pump into me.

"Ahh your so tight, I love it" he grabbed my dick and started to slowly paw me off and it didn't take long before he started to thrust into me with increasing force, signaling he was about to cum, he pulled out of me and pumped his seed all over my back, the feeling of the hot seed on my back made me cum too and I turned around before I started to pump my seed, and squirted it into his face and over his chest, we both emptied ourselves on eachother, he let himself drop onto me and we licked eachother clean of our own cum, I just loved feeling his warm strong body against mine, I wanted even more, but I saw he was tired again, maybe that was my power, uncontrollable lust, I needed my present, (have you guessed what it is yet?).

I went outside to the waterfall, I cleaned myself and the cum covered sheaths off and picked up my money and went to pladita, a city known for it's slavery, I knew what I wanted and I wanted it now, I was going to look for a good sex slave, and no ordinary one, one with the same hunger and stamina as me, I arrived after a few minutes of flying, which was going pretty good by the way, and went to look for a good one, they were in cages and looked hungry and horny, totally naked and tied to the bars to give the customers a good view, I looked them all over, male and female and even a herm, I didn't find anything I liked but I saw a nice present for dracko and aihial, a nice young wolf, perfect for them, I ordered him to be delivered and paid the dealer and went on to the next display, I wanted a feline, with a nice rugged tongue like the one the panther had, he had made me cum twice with that, so I looked around in six more halls, I had given up hope as I saw another cage stacked up behind a shed, in the cage was a big black panther which was just a little smaller than me, I asked the salesman about it.

"That's a troublemaker, he is disobedient and tries to escape, he's going to be put down tonight" I walked to the cage and looked into its sad eyes, I couldn't withstand his beauty and wanted him.

"How much to take him off your hands?"

"I cant sell him, he's dangerous!"

"So am I, how much"

"200 gold will do, but be warned, he is tricky"

"I don't think he will be any trouble, are you kitty?" I smiled at it and he looked down.

"Don't worry, I'll treat you well, what's your name?"

"Give me one and I will have one"

"Don't you have a name"

"I've been called a lot, bitch, pussy, meat, all kinds of things"

"Let me be the first one to give you a real name then.. let me think, nothing now but I'll think of something I'm sure"

"Let me get you out of that cage first" I opened the cage and used my talon to cut the ropes on his wrists and ankles, he fell down, I caught him up and put a magical leash around his neck, so he couldn't just leave, I paid the slave trader 200 gold and went to the store close to the market, the panther was very weakened and hadn't been fed for quite a while I think, I walked into the store with him and laid him down at the door, I picked up some milk, lot's of meat, and some toys for my new pet, I picked him back up and went back home, on the way I gave him some of the milk I bought, it seemed to make him feel much better, he drank all 2 liters of it and wanted more, I had 4 bottles but he could only have one each day, or he would get sick.

"Sorry but that's all for now, were almost home" I landed near our new house which was being built by 3 gryphons and 2 dragons, it was nearly finished and Jerhatan was looking for me, the afternoon was almost to an end and I put down my new pet, though he was only a little smaller than me and very intelligent he was still my pet, but I considered him more a friend but kept the leash on him, it looked good on him, Jerhatan walked up to me.

"Been shopping hon? " he gave me a kiss on my muzzle, how far a beak can kiss.

"Yea and you wouldn't believe what I found"

"Let me guess a, black panther"

"Hey how'd you guess?" we joked.

"What's his name?"

"He needs one"

"Hmm what about panther"

"It's already a panther Einstein"

"What's Einstein?" I was thinking about calling him Einstein but that would be too cruel.

"Never mind, what about darkfur"

"Very catchy"

"Ok your new name is darkfur" I could see he was a little scared of all the new things around him and I decided to give him some meat to calm him down, come darkfur let's get into our new house, inside everything was already furnished and I set him down on the couch, I sat down next to him, he was afraid of Jerhatan and he curled to me in a ball as Jerhatan sat down next to him.

"What?, what did I do wrong?"

"Its not your fault Jerhatan, he's obviously been abused by a gryphon"

"I won't hurt you darkfur, I want to be your friend"

"Yea that's what they all say, the next thing I know is being hurt again"

"I understand, you'll get to know me and then you know to trust me, just wait, I never hurt any of my friends"

"Well now that you mention it, this morning I got a little surprised by you"

"Hey you wanted it yourself"

"Not that hard" I said as I stroked dark fur's back, he was softly purring and I loved the feeling of his soft fur in between my claws, he obviously liked me a lot, he already had fallen asleep on my lap, I wanted to get up and go to bed but decided to let him sleep peacefully and sleep with him on the couch.

"He's so sweet"

"When are you going to put him to use?"

"I'm going to let him get used to us first, he's still scared of you"

"Ok, I'll sleep on this couch so he can keep an eye on me, I heard cats always want to know where you are"

"True" darkfur said, to our amazement.

"Did you know we have excellent perception, sometimes we just sleep and then follow whole conversations"

"Hehe if you don't mind I am going to lie down now, you can stay with me the whole time"

"I like you Entharion, and maybe I am going to like you too.. ehh jerhan right?"

"Jerhatan, and I like you too" and It wasn't long before we fell asleep, it must have been hard to sleep in a cage tied to the bars, I was still horny but that had to wait just a few days until they had grown used to eachother.

The end.