The First Customer

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#3 of American Dragon: The Magical Prostitute Incorporated House Continues

I finally finished it, after much hiatus. It gave me quite the headache, and I did most of it while under stress, so it might not be as good as the other chapters were. If you notice any problems, post them in the comments and I'll review them.

Aside from that, chapter 3! Haley has finally gotten her first customer. It is worse than she expected, and it will just get progressively worse... or will it?

Two days passed, but to the pink dragon currently laying back in her assigned "bed," it felt like weeks. She had no idea what would happen to her in this pit of depravity, as she had not been called yet. Honeydew, her loving roommate, however, had been called twice in that time. Each time she came back looking perfectly fine. Haley assumed that someone must have cleaned her after she was finished each time.

While it certainly wasn't where she'd prefer to be, she had to admit the service was pretty nice. Food was brought to their rooms by other slaves, much to her dismay. It wasn't five-star dining, but at least she didn't go hungry. Her new friends were also great to hang around. Juliette could certainly be awkward at times, but Haley couldn't really blame her. How Lilac and Lily liked it here, though, was beyond the young dragon's comprehension. Honeydew had no explanation either. The twins had been here before she was forced into this place herself.

As she lay there, contemplating how her life will be forever, a knock sounded from the door. Without waiting, the door opening, and Harvy stood there, looking in on the two. Honeydew stood up, thinking it was time for another session. However, much to both of their surprise, he pointed to Haley. It was time. She would have her first session in this God-forsaken place. She didn't know if she was ready, though. What would happen? Would the client hurt her? Would she be tormented beyond repair? She had no time, though, as he grunted to speed her along.

The little dragoness got up and followed the larger creature, giving one last glance at Honeydew, who had worry in her sapphire blue eyes. That look worried Haley even more. She was being marched away to God-knows-where, to do some sort of horrible act with a stranger, and there was nothing she could do about it. First it was her brother, then her grandfather's dog, who was also one of her friends, and now a random creature who could do whatever he wanted to her.

When they reached the room, Harvy pushed open the door, which lead to a rather large, dull room. It was about the size of her room. There was a tall mirror against the left wall, as well as a nicely furnished bed, seemingly queen sized, in the back left corner of the room, which was much nicer than the one she had in her room. It almost looked like it would feel like laying on a cloud. There was a set of three wooden chairs opposite from the end of the bed, and a nice recliner in the corner parallel to the chairs. In the center was a square table that was low enough for explicit activities. Aside from that, the walls and floor were a dull shade of blue, and the roof was painted a bright sky blue. Another table was at the foot of the bed with an assortment of... "objects." Haley would rather not think about their use.

With all of these furnishings and the sheer size of the room, the building must have been incredibly large. Any further thoughts Haley might have had were cut short when she noticed a figure on the bed, looking absolutely relaxed. It was a large dragon with green scales all over his body. This dragon appeared to be larger than her brother, and seemingly having more muscle. He had two slightly curved horns jutting out from his head, angled back, with spikes running down from his head to his tail, looking sharp as knives. His tail was thick, and decently long. If she had to compare, a bit shorter than Jake's. His claws were sharpened to a point and a deep black. His eyes were black slits that pierced into her own when the dragon looked at her. His irises of his eyes appeared to be an emerald green.

Fear began to overtake her as she saw the lustful look behind that gaze. This dragon was a monster, just like her brother. She tried to back up, but once her back bumping into the door, she soon realized she was locked in. She was at his mercy now, and that scared her even more.

"A cute little dragoness. I'm glad I got to you first. I like my prey fresh."

The large dragon left the bed, his spiny tail swaying behind him, and his tongue brushing along his lips as he approached the scared little female. In a last attempt to stave off the imminent terror she was about to face, she let out a large flame from her maw at the dragon. This was just adding wood to the fire, though, as the dragon evaded her small blast of fire and grabbed her by the throat, slamming her petite body against the door.

"So the bitch has some spunk left, after all, does she? I'll make sure to correct that."

He carried her to the bed and jumped over her, pinning Haley down against the soft mattress, something large sticking out between his legs. The small pink reptile looked down, her eyes growing wide as she saw what was staring back at her. He was huge. Much bigger than her brother for sure. Maybe not as long, but certainly thicker. She couldn't really tell from the shadow of the large dragon, but she could estimate that it was about seven inches long and four inches thick in diameter at the base, not counting the huge eight inch knot below it. It was shaped kind of like an ice cream cone with a large point, maybe about two inches in diameter at the tip. It had some sort of bumps along the base, going from the tip to just above the knot. Haley knew what he would do with that thing, and she didn't like it one bit, beginning to struggle against the grasp of the larger, stronger dragon.

"P-please! Stop! I don't want this," she begged, however all her words seemed to make that length below her throb with anticipation, bringing a scary grin to its owner.

"Go on... Beg some more... I love it... Beg you fucking bitch," he screamed at her as he humped that huge length against her body, bringing more tears to the slave's eyes. This is what her life would be now. This is what her brother and friend gave her up to.

He dug his claws into the bed beside her head as he let his tongue hang out, the perverted dragon wanting more from his slut before his time ran out. Although new catches like this never gave in. They just cried like the scared bitches they were. Those tears and whimpers of fear, however, were enough to arouse him greatly.

He gripped the throbbing length between his legs and guided it to her tiny slit, wanting to fuck it as if she were nothing but a toy for his enjoyment. Fate had something else in mind, however, as the thick tip mashed against the slit, but she was incredibly tight. This dragon was no quitter, however, and thrust forward with incredible force, forcing his cock about two inches deep inside that tight slit.

The pain Haley felt from that initial penetration was unbearable. She let out an ear-splitting scream. She may not have been a virgin, but this was not her brother or Fu-Dog. This was an adult dragon whose member was thicker than her arm, and was currently being shoved deeper and deeper into her stretched tunnel, a little blood drizzling out from her poor cunny being torn by the massive penetration. She had to close her eyes and continued to scream out from the pain, even calling for help, and much more surprising, her brother. However, the dragon currently ramming his cock inside her relished in the suffering his little cock sleeve was currently feeling.

"So you aren't a virgin? You really are a little whore. I'll certainly enjoy breaking you in," he said, leaning down and licking at her tears, able to fit in more as he pounded away at the tiny slit, trying to fit as much as he could, not caring for her safety, but rather wanting to inflict more pain. This little cunt certainly brought him great pleasure, while Haley was in a world of pain, the feeling of her treasure being plundered worse than anything she had ever felt before.

Minutes passed and the only thing she felt was that thick length going in and out of her, the dragon's hips rocking back and forth as it entered and left her. The dragon was disappointed, however, finding that he could only get about half of it inside of her before he was too thick to go any further. It didn't matter, he was close anyways. The pre-cum leaking from his tip gave him enough leverage to go all out on her cunt, fucking it wildly.

His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he prepared to climax, his eyes half-lidded, and his claws tearing into the sheets of the bed. It was only a few more pleasure-filled thrusts later when he felt it, his eyes and teeth clenching shut, a growl emanating from his throat, and he buried as much as he could inside the little dragoness. His cum spewed forth from his tip. The white fluid began filling her little body at a rapid pace, her cervix accepting the seed and her womb filling completely, most of it gushing out from her entrance and making a puddle below them both on the bed.

The green scaled monster above Haley that looked like a dragon was above her panting, a large smile on his face. Her eyes were barely open, the pain almost making her faint. Somehow she had stayed awake. Fenrir probably had a hand in it. She could feel something sloshing around in her. It felt like it came from that thick tool between the dragon's legs, but she was too dazed to figure it out.

"Aaaah... That was incredibly good... I'll certainly come back later for another round with you. Wait for me, my little toy," the dragon said as he rubbed a claw under her chin. When he pulled out, his penis was soaked in his fluids, and he decided to clean himself off on her bright hide, dirtying that pretty body she used to take care of daily.

He got off her with a chuckle and left the room, leaving the door open slightly. Harvy arrived a few moments later and picked her up. She was more like a ragdoll now, unable to move.

She was carried to a shower room where she was washed of everything dirtying her body, inside and out, by more slaves, including a Siren and a Mermaid. Afterwards she was brought back to her room and just dropped onto her bed where she lay, and cried herself to sleep. Before she fell into the deep throes of sleep, she felt feathers brushing against her back.

Circle of Friends

Harvy finally stopped yanking Haley down the halls of doors, stopping at a dirt brown door. A wooden nameplate beside the door read "Honeydew" in gold lettering. The door itself seemed nicely furnished, much too nice for someplace like... this. After...

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Haley's New Life

Haley was dragged by the leash attached to the collar around her pink scaly neck to a room in which her captor, Fu-Dog, who she thought was her friend, turned the knob to open it. He quickly yanked her inside and towards a desk and chair which was...

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