Morning Dragon Wood (Female)

Story by RageFoxx on SoFurry

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#4 of Stories

The female version of something I wrote shortly after waking up a few years back.

-The gleam in the dragon's eyes as he awoke was lustful. With his tail still wrapped around you and his arms still holding you tight against his chest, his dreams had brought his large, warm, ribbed cock out along your back. Moving slowly, as to not wake you, he gathered handcuffs from the end table near his bed, the only device he had readily available. With two pairs, one clamped around either of your wrists with the clinking of them locking into place, the next set went between and to the head board, keeping your arms snug above your head. With them in place, he edged slowly to one side of his bed, where his tail retrieved a robe, bringing it back to remove the sash. Cutting it in half with his claws and wrapping a pair around either of your ankles, he spread them apart and fastened them to the end posts of the bed.

The fact you had slept through so much amused the dragon, so he decided to push it. Lifting you, causing all the restraints to pull snug, he slid beneath your body. He would take a moment to adjust before he took his cock, guiding it to rub along your pussy before finding purchase and sinking it within your flesh. Deeper and deeper he stuffed your form, grinning as he got to watch his cock bulge an impression through your stomach; one of his paws rising to rub along it. It wasn't much after that the dragon was having his way with you, humping within your frame, the work of his warm, thick precum making the passage not entirely impossible. As much as he thrust and pounded into your body, it took him scooting up more before his cock began to make purchase with your cervix.

At this point he didn't care if you woke, thrusting and pounding against the tight passage way until he could take that as well. With a few more poundings, his cock broke through and he continued fucking, the ribs under his cock sawing along your cervix as he growled in pleasure. With the ribs swelling and his cock pulsing, his fangs slowly sank into your neck and before long he began pumping you with wave after wave of his hot, thick seed, filling your womb with every pump.

As your stomach bulged with his devious task, his swollen cock locked them into place, not allowing him to pull from your body, though he didn't care, his paws holding around your chest while his tail wrapped itself around your stomach, keeping you against his warm scales while he relaxed in his bed once again.-