A Dragons Escape A Riders Love.

Story by Eclipse_Lunablade on SoFurry

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#3 of Dark times (An Eragon FanFic)

I think I'm starting to get into the groove with my writing and as such hope to bring these out faster. Also I named the two horses in this chapter after horses from my two favorite video game franchises. A cookie to those who know what games they are from.

"Wake up whore." Shruikan yelled as he hit Saphira across the face making her roar out in pain as she quickly got up. When Saphira got her composure back she looked back at Shruikan with pure hatred in her eyes.

"Attacking someone in their sleep, how cowardly." Saphira said coldly only to be struck again by Shruikan

"Learn your place female." Shruikan replied

"I have a name." Saphira said as blood dripped from a cut on her cheek

"After what you pulled yesterday I see you as nothing but a whore, and last I checked whores didn't have names." Shruikan replied "I'm off to hunt, once I get back I may let you have some of my prey." And with that Shruikan took flight out of the cave leaving Saphira alone.

As Saphira watched the black dragon leave she reached out with her mind hoping to find Eragon. "Please Eragon... please find me." Saphira called out with her mind hoping Eragon could hear.

Saphira lay back down on her side and rested one of her front paws where her womb was as she could feel her eggs begin to form "If only it was your seed that bore them Eragon." Saphira said to herself as she felt her heart break at the thought that her first clutch had been raped into her.

"Time to wake up Eragon." Nevre said shaking Eragon by the shoulder

Eragon groaned as he got up before stretching and letting out a loud yawn "Morning..." Eragon said sadly

"Why so glum Shadeslayer?" Nevre asked

"It's just that... After what we heard Saphira say last night well..." Eragon said rubbing the back of his head

"Oh did the mighty dragon rider dream about 'riding' his dragon?" Nevre asked smugly

"I uh, I mean uh..." Eragon said not sure what to say

"Don't worry I'm quite sure most riders thought about it sometimes, even I did. That's the last time I conduct research before bed." Nevre replied as he walked over to a nearby tree where two horses stood.

"Um Nevre, where did you get those?" Eragon asked

"I found a small village not too far from here that had a few." Nevre said "I paid for them." He continued when Eragon looked at him as if he had just stolen candy from a baby.

"With someone else's money I'd wager." Eragon replied

"Look It was either that or bend over for the salesman." Nevre retorted "Listen we'll need as much strength as we can get when we face Shruikan and since walking would take too long and Shruikan would likely have Saphira eating out of his proverbial palm and since running would leave us fatigued and weak I decided to get some mounts. Now are you going to just stand there or are you gonna get on Butt Stallion?" Nevre asked getting on his horse

"Butt Stallion?" Eragon asked as he gave in and got on the other horse

"Don't know why he called it that, just be thankful he didn't call it Piss for Brains." Nevre said as he grabbed the reigns and soon had the horse galloping away with Eragon close behind.

Shruikan landed in the cave holding a half eaten buck in his mouth, as he walked to the back of the cave he placed the buck down in front of Saphira,

"I had my fill, you may eat what is left." Shruikan said as Saphira slowly walked towards the animals corpse and began to eat. Meanwhile Shruikan had walked behind Saphira and with an evil grin he lifted her tail and gave her vagina a quick lick.

Saphira gasped as she felt the warm tongue touch her pussy before leaving her alone long enough to finish her meal.

"Such a pleasent taste and scent, I chose my mate well it would seem." Shruikan said as he brought himself close to Saphira and began to nuzzle her. Saphira however moved away and brought her paw around to hit him across his face making him roar in pain. Shruikan retaliated by breathing fire at her, while Saphira's scales resisted the majority of the damage she still roared in pain at the intense heat. Shruikan kept this up for as long as he could hoping to prolong the pain of the defiant dragoness before finally stopping his flame.

"If you didn't carry my clutch I would have killed you for that, but instead I'll have to simply punish you." Shruikan said as be grabbed Saphira's left wing in his jaws before he bit down, not enough to permanently damage the wing but enough so that flying would be impossible without feeling pain. Saphira roared as her wing was bit and tried to grab Shruikans neck in her own maw. Shruikan felt Saphira's mouth close in on his neck and quickly pulled back quick enough to avoid Saphira's razor sharp teeth.

Shruikan retaliated by bringing his paw down on Saphira's head and pinning it to the ground. "Defiance will get you nowhere bitch." Shruikan said as he moved Saphira so that she was on her back "I think you need to be reminded who the master is." Shruikan said moving himself between her legs, his erect cock ready to penetrate her. "I think we'll start with your rear end today." And with that Shruikan began to push his erection against her anal passage.

Saphira growled as she felt her ass stretch around Shruikan's large shaft, Saphira hated Shruikan with every fibre of her being but couldn't deny the odd pleasure of having her rear be taken so fiercely. Saphira wanted nothing more than to escape Shruikan and began to form a plan in her head.

"It feels good Eragon." Saphira said to Shruikan in an attempt to make him mad

Shruikan growled in anger as the began to thrust deeper and harder "You will moan only for me." Shruikan demanded as he began to build up his fire breath

"Oh Eragon you're much better than any dragon." Saphira continued as she provoked Shruikan

"Defiant slut." Shruikan roared out as he let loose his fire breath at Saphira's head unknowingly melting some of the collar around her neck. Quickly acting Saphira used her talons to tear the melted metal off allowing her to free herself of the collar.

"I am not a slut." Saphira roared out as she threw Shruikan off her and quickly running to the cave exit. Doing her best to ignore the pain in her wing Saphira took off over the forest.

Shruikan roared in anger as Saphira escaped, quickly getting up Shruikan dashed to the cave entrance just in time to see Saphira decend into the forest.

"Hmm I suppose a game of cat and mouse is in order. Once I catch you my mate I'll make sure that you won't leave my side again." Shruikan said as he took off in search of Saphira.

"Eragon, I've escaped, where are you?" Saphira sent out mentally hoping Eragon could hear her.

Saphira lowered herself into the forests below and quickly began to find somewhere to hide herself as Shruikan would most certainly search for her. Saphira's theory was confirmed when she heard a loud roar in the distance.

"I need to find Eragon and get us back to the Varden." Saphira said to herself as she began to move through the forest hoping to find her rider.

Saphira's stomach however had other ideas, while half a full grown buck was enough to sate a human for a day at least, a dragon on the other hand needed at least three whole bucks to sate their hunger and even more if said dragon was carrying eggs.

"If I don't eat, I'll likely slip up and Shruikan will be able to find me." Saphira told herself as she began to hunt.

Eragon rode alongside Nevre as their horses galloped through the forest. Eragon kept his mind searching for Saphira even though he knew that he was still days away from where she was likely taken, however Eragon kept to the hope that Saphira had escaped.

"So have you come to terms with your feelings?" Nevre asked

"W-what?" Eragon asked bringing his attention to Nevre

"I mean come on your planning on taking on the mad kings dragon to save her, I mean that is some serious loyalty even for you and Saphira." Nevre replied

"O-oh, in that case, no I haven't I mean I love her but I mean we're two separate species, how could it even work? How would people react? And to be honest I'm worried how much of a father I could be to her children." Eragon said knowing of the eggs within Saphira's womb.

"Well being a Shade the only real advice I can give is to cross those bridges when you come to them. Tell you what if I find anything that can help you 'make it work' with my research I'll get someone to send you the notes." Nevre said with a wink

"That's another thing, if you're a Shade aren't you meant to be, you know, evil." Eragon said hoping that he hadn't offended the Shade

"Depends on your views on evil. I mean Galbatorix probably thinks you and Saphira are evil and vice versa. One mans idea of good and evil may be the exact opposite of another mans views. As for me, I'm willing to do anything as long as it helps expand my research." Nevre explained

"I see, so Shades although considered evil can also be considered good in the eyes of some." Eragon said in understanding

"Exactly." Nevre said as he slowed his horse Shadowmere to a trot as they came to a lake.

"It's getting dark Shadeslayer, we should rest." Nevre said as he tied his horse to a nearby tree.

"...Alright." Eragon said sadly as he looked over the lake.

"Something wrong?" Nevre asked as he pulled some branches from a tree and put them on the ground before getting some stones to make a makeshift fire pit.

"It's just, this lake looks almost like the one Saphira was taken from. I just think that, if I was there I could have helped her, maybe even save her. But I wasn't, all because I went to get some damn firewood." Eragon said sadly

"Perhaps or perhaps not. What happened in the past happened and there's nothing you can do now but try and save her now." Nevre said using magic to start a fire

"I guess so." Eragon said sitting against a tree as he slowly drifted into the realm of dreams.

Saphira kept low on the ground trying to make herself as hard to see as possible. While her stomach was full and her eggs where nourished she still had to keep alert in case Shruikan tried to use the night to his advantage. However Saphira was starting to feel fatigue from a hard day of constantly moving and as such needed to find a safe place to stay the night.

As Saphira searched she soon came to a large tree that had grown in a way that left a large arch large enough to cover her if she lay on her side. Saphira knowing that this was probably her best shot at the moment of staying hidden quickly lay down under the tree and soon fell asleep and fell into dreams of a happier time with only her and Eragon.

A Riders Deal and A Dragons Feelings

Eragon panted as he ran through the dense foliage surrounding him, his hair clung to his forehead as sweat covered his brow. "Damn it, why did I leave like that, I should have scanned the area first but no I had to leave Saphira to get some damn...

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A Dragons Capture

Saphira flew over the trees of Alegasia as her rider Eragon held tight onto one the spikes that ran down her neck, the two had been sent to investigate some strange activity that had been effecting the wild life. Eragon noticed that his dragon was...

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The Legend of Eclipse: The Night Princess

18 years later Eclipse woke from his slumber slowly his sapphire eyes adjusting to the light coming though the window of his room as he removed his blankets to get up. As Eclipse walked over to a closet he couldn't help but look over to a photo...

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