
Story by PottZie on SoFurry

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#1 of The Duncous

This story is not meant for anyone that is under 18 years of age, nor for those that don't want to read about sex. All the charters in this story belong to me so don't think of using them. Anyway read at your own risk, Peace!


"Yawn...mmm, oh gods...its morning..." the young duncous says, this duncous isn't that tall, he only stands about 4ft 6in, while his tail is about 3ft 7in long, even though he is 18. His yellowish orange fur ruffled from the night sense he tosses and turns when he sleeps. His tail which is also yellowish orange has red stripes. His ears wince as he hears his dad slam the door and come into his room.

"Get up you little bitch!" he says, sounding very angry. The young duncous's dad is taller almost 6ft tall, you can tell he's mad because you can see the vessels in his head popping out. He has pretty much the same color of fur only less of a shine because he is a lot older, but most defiantly not in the wiser category. "I SAID GET UP!" he grabs he young duncous and pulls him up by the neck.

"D....dad" he coughs as he cant breath "L..let go.."

"No, your going to tell me how this god damn hole got burned into my stuff in the garage" he says and throws him down onto his bed. The young duncous scowls and shakes his head "I don't know, why do you think I did it? Hell I barley know what your talking about." He looks and covers himself up because he doesn't wear anything when he sleeps. "And next time knock..."

"I'll do whatever I damn well please, so don't talk back to me" he growls, "now then, there is a hole in my grass catcher, and now I cant use it when I mow the grass, and I have.." the young duncous isn't even listening to his dad, he thinks about what hes going to do with his friends. His dad just keeps going on and on and the young duncous doesn't care. His dad notices that hes not paying attention and smacks him hard across his maw, "Now pay attention or worse will happen....if you do anything else to any of my stuff you will be hurt, you and your stupid friends. Now get the hell out of here before I get mad"

The young duncous wants to tell his dad off buts thinks against it so he only nods. His dad walks to the door and turns, "Zander you do one more thing and you will be in trouble, got it" Zander nods scowling at his dad as he leaves. As Zander gets up out of bed and stretches he moans loudly and rubs his sheath gently, then he blinks and looks at the door, "No, I shouldn't do that here" he says to himself and grabs his boxers and puts them on, then he grabs his black shorts and slides them on. He goes to get his shirt and rubs his arm where his dad had cut him, the fur there was scared so it was white, he was cut not too long ago so it still hurts. He grabs his shirt and puts it on, it to being black with a blood read dragon eating a human on the front of it.

He growls and goes outside and stretch, he looks around and smiles as he sees that it's a dark day, the clouds covering the entire sky, the sun not showing at all. He looks at his dad working in the garage mumbling about how Zander was worthless. Zander growls softly so his dad doesn't hear and grabs his bike and hops on it and starts riding away from the house.

He decides to go see one of his friends and so he bikes over there. When he gets there is friend is outside working on his own bike. He smiles and whistles, "Hey Tiggy" he rides up and jumps off. The tiger growls "My dads in the garage, don't call me that."

Zander blinks "Sorry Tigero." Tigero is a male tiger that is 19, and stands 6ft 2in, so he towers over Zander. Even though Tigero is a tiger, he is black with orange strips so hes different from the others.

Tigero looks down at the duncous and smiles, and gives him a little pat. "So what are we going to do today, I mean you haven't been around for like a week, what have you been up to?" Tigero asks, "did you go to some places without me? Coz if you did.." he smiles, "then you know what will happen."

Zander blushes bright red and smiles "well...um, no, I didn't go anywhere like that, went to my moms for the week, and well personally I don't know who is worse, my mom, or my dad.." Zander shakes his head as Tigero asks, "how can your mom be as bad as your dad?" Zander looks at him, "coz my mom...well heres what happened.

"When I got to my moms house she was all nice and crap to me, helped me with my bags and hugged me and was a mom, we got to her house and I was tired so I got my stuff unpacked and put away and then I laid down on my bed. She came in to see if I was alright and well I was sleeping, and me, I sleep in my boxers or in nothing, and there I was in my boxers, I also forgot to cover myself up but she left me alone. Then I woke up and got dressed and went to the living room where she was and we had dinner and watched a movie.

"After the movie I went to take a shower, and that's when it went bad, she came into the bathroom and knocked on the glass, she asked if she could join me, I thought she was kidding so I said sure, and she did. I was stunned and, even though my mom is cute, she's my mom...and I said that and she said don't think of her as my mom, only as a friend. She bent down and started to suck on my sheath, I wanted her to stop but I also didn't, it felt so good, I let her do it, she continued to suck on me till I became hard, then she got up and smiled, she grabbed my hard cock and turned the shower off then she pulled me out by my dick and dried me off, then she took me to her room and laid me down then she got on me and put my dick into her pussy, it was a wonderful feeling that I completely lost my mind and forgot...well didn't care that she was my mom. I started to thrust my cock into her and she just tightened up around me, it felt great, then I grabbed her breasts and starts sucking on her nipples. She was so good to me, she hit her orgasm the same time I did.

"Then she fell asleep and so did I, we did that ever night till I came home, and now that I look back at it, it was wrong...and now I feel all dirty." He shivers as the tells what happens, "when I got home and realized what I had down I took like 20 showers, but I still feel dirty...so yeah."

Tigero's maw is open so wide you could have landed a plane in it. He blinks and he almost falls over at what he heard not believing it. "Your mom...but your moms sexy as hell, if I was you I would have done the same thing," he says, "hell, your one lucky fur." Zander smirks and pets Tigero, "trust me, if it was you I would probably be the same way." Zander blushes and smirks.

Tigero attaches his wheel to his bike, "that's so...good..." he rubs his stiffness in his pants and purrs, "just thinking about your mom...but then again thinking about you...oh now that's nice." Zander blushes and grins "I thought your dad was in the garage" he smirks and looks in it, "Oh hes sleeping, you knew that didn't you Tiggy."

Tigero smiles and nods and goes over to his friend and slaps him softly on the rump, "Yep, I knew, come on sexy." He goes to his bike and gets on it and smiles at his friend. Zander eeps and moans as his rump is slapped and he nods, "ok" he says and gets on his bike and they ride away.

They don't know where they are going but they just ride, not really paying attention to anything but each other thinking of the fun they will have. Tigero smiles at Zander, well smirks at him, Zander cant help but smiles back and looking all innocent. As they ride the meet another one of their friends, he is a male wolf named Swift, he stands about 6 ft tall, an little less then Tigero but still towering over Zander.

As they approach Swift they notice that something is wrong, as they get to him they see what's wrong. Swift is bleeding and seems to have been cut. "Swift? What happened?" Tigero asks. "You ok?" Zander asks as well, "what the hell happened to ya?"

Swift looks at them and opens his maw to speak but falls over onto the grass and is out cold. Tigero gasps and goes over to him and lifts up his head, Zander yells out in surprise and runs over to them and leans over Tigero. Zander looks at Swift and asks himself "what the hell happened?" no one says anything after that.


Swift jolts up in a bed looking around and sees his 2 friends sitting there asleep. He tries to speak but nothing comes out. He tries to get out of the bed, as he gets out of the bed he falls over his maw landing between Tigero's crotch. Tigero jumps as he hers the thud and looks down at swift, "What the?...swift your in no condonation for that come on back in bed" Tiger picks him up and places him in the bed then wakes Zander.

Swift lays down on the bed closing his eyes as the 2 lean over him. He blinks and looks at them smiling weakly. "I....I..." Swift stammers and sighs his throat hurting too much to speak. Zander looks at him, "What happened?" Swift shakes his head and falls back asleep.

Zander sighs wanting to know what happened he looks at tigero, "What do you think happened?" Tigero shrugs "I don't know, but looks bad." Tigero leans over the wolf and kisses him. "We should let him rest, come on." They leave and close the door and let him rest.

As Swift sleeps he has a dream, not even a dream a nightmare. He is running down a street, tho its like hes not even moving, hes being chased by other furs, they are yelling at him, calling him a sicko, perv, fag, all those names and more. They keep coming after him and keep getting closer, swing bats and chains at him. He doges them and runs down an ally way and right into a brick wall, they all corner him and bash him hard on the maw with the bat, almost breaking his jaw, the chains smacking him on the sides and back some furs even cutting him. He charges right through them and runs as quick as he can almost making it him before he falls to the ground. As he hits it he jolts awake screaming.

Tigero and Zander run into the room and push him back onto the bed, "CALM DOWN" Tigero says. "Its us your friends" says the duncous. Swift blinks and looks around gasping loudly as he settles down slightly. He smiles still panting heavily "hi..guys" he says.

They both smiles and say "hey sexy, how are you?" They both kiss him on the maw. Swift looks at them both and looks down, "I was attacked, they...well five humans, jumped me and shit, they had bats and other stuff, I was running as quick as I could...but they got me pretty good."

They whimper and kiss him again "Thats not cool, why do humans do that to us furs?" Tigero says. Swift shrugs and rubs his side softly. Zander looks at them "I am glad we found you, we don't want anything bad to happen to you, were here now."

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you two, I love you guys so much" Swift says and hugs the both tight and kissing them as well. As he lets go they all let out a soft blush. "Yeah...hey Tiggy, I haven't seen you for a while, nor have I seen you Zander, where you two go?" He asks.

Tigero blushes and looks at the ceiling "um....no..nowhere..." Zander starts to tell him then blinks, "What...Tigero...where were you?" he says in a seductive tone. Tigero blushes more a slight whimper and giggle excepting his maw as he thinks about a good lie, "I was...was... um..."

Swift laughs and pokes the tiger, "cum on tell us, or just cum on us" he smiles blushes slightly. The tiger blinks and nods "Fine, I went to see a friend, and we went to a gay bar, we had a sweet orgy, like 20 males were in on it and more just kept cummin...it was great." He blushes and smiles. Zander laughs and strokes the tigers chest, "Is that all Tiggy?"

Tigero giggles and purrs slightly, "yep, hey Swift, I know your sore so how about a show?" He kisses the duncous and puts his paw under his shirt rubbing his chest. Zander moans loudly kissing him back. Swift moans and nods his sheath already starting to swell.

Tigero smiles and pulls off the duncous's shirt and licks on of his nipples his paw going down into his pants and rubbing his sheath. Zander blushes turning his head up to the ceiling moaning loudly gasping as his sheath is rubbed by the tiger. Tigero goes down and starts to suck on Zander's sheath through his pants then pulls them off getting a good whiff of the duncous cock. The tiger moans at the scent and licks the cock then takes it into his maw and starts to suck on it.

Zander gasps as his cock his taken into the warmth most maw of the tiger, he pushes forward into the tiger pushing it down further into his maw going till he hits the back of his friends throat. He smiles at Tigero then at Swift moaning loudly.

Swift groans wishing he was in the action his cock starting to become thick and slip out of his sheath. He grabs up moaning loudly as he starts to move his paw up and down on it as he watches the show. He continues to watch his best friends as he starts sucking on his finger murring loudly. He pulls his finger out of his maw and moves it down to his tail hole and gently pushes it in gasping loudly in pleasure, "oh yesssss."

Tigero smiles and pulls off Zander's cock seeing Swift push his finger into his tail hole. He smirks at zander and turns around staying on all fours on the floor lifting his tail up for Zander.

Zander smiles and nods leaning down to the tigers rim and starts licking it. His tongue encircling the hole then he pushes his tongue into the tigers hole murring loudly as he pushes his tongue in and out of the tigers hole the finally pulls out and pushes his hard throbbing cock into the tiger making them both moan out loud. Zander starts out thrusting slowly in and out then starts to go faster and harder.

Tigero moans at the rim job his friends gives him gasping as his tongue enters his hole. He loves all the attention and loves that his being watched, even if it is by his friend. As his hole is done being licked he whimpers softly the moans out as it is filled with the duncous's cock. He starts purring as soon as Zander starts thrusting. He smiles and grabs his cock and starts to paw off as his tail moves around and pushes up into Zanders tail hole.

As tigero and Zander become one Swift can already feel his climax approaching not wanting it to happen but at the same time he does, so he slows his pawing off down and pulls his finger out of his tail hole panting softly.

Zander giggles and murrs as the tigers tail is pushed into his hole as he starts to trust more and more knowing that his orgasm is going to happen ver soon. He looks at Swift and moans thrusting hard into tigero and blasts his cum into him. He continues to thrust into tigero moaning more and milking himself clean.

Tigero murrs and lets out a loud roar as he gets filled with cum and his own cum blasts out onto the floor. He falls down onto the floor onto his own cum moaning and panting loudly pulling Zander down with him.

Swift can take it anymore and holws as he covers his belly and chest with his cum feeling better the he has in a while. He leans up and looks at the two smiling brightly. "Oh gods that was great, brovo."

Tigero smiles as does Zander both blushing slightly as the both get up, Zander pulling out from Tigero and goings over and kisses Switf then licks some of the wolfs cum off his fur. Tigero does the same only licks cum off first the kisses Swift. All three hug and giggle.

"Damn Swift, that was fun, gave me a better orgasum know that someone was watching us." Says Tigero

Zander blushes and slaps them both on the rump, hitting Swift on the sid of it since hes sitting. "I agree, we sould do that more oftten."

Swift smiles and nods as he lays down and falls asleep due to the excitement. Tigero and Zander smile at him as the both get dressed and fall asleep themselves, all three of them have good dreams of each other.

To be continued.

Ok mates, heres the thing, I will continue this story if I get some good comments, or at least things that could be better. Don't say, it was bad and don't give a reason. I would like to know how my story was. And if you have any questions E-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected]

Peace mates, PottZie.