Dancing in the Dark

Story by Forgotten Omen on SoFurry

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#1 of Alone, Together

A story about love flourishing between two not so unlikely souls.

Maciah sighed as she strode through the quiet hall, her heart racing. Guards donning ornate leather armor similar to hers lined the walls, strung fangs clacking together from neck, wrists, and thighs. Though theirs was a lush green her own armor was the shadowy blue of nightfall, and that alone was enough to break their practiced discipline. It was difficult not to notice the gazes flicking towards her.

I don't want me here either, she thought, allowing herself a wry smile.

The draconic companions of the guardsmen sat back on hindquarters, each to the left of their partner, their posture exact and uniform. Unlike the guardsmen their slitted eyes made no effort to conceal their disgust at the form walking beside her.

Lyuan walked at her left, ignoring their gloomy attention. She glanced over at him as they walked the soft carpet, knowing full well that it was him the guardsmen watched most closely. Sleek and muscular, the midnight dragon's scales were as smooth as obsidian, but warm to the touch. He was wingless like most lukari dragons were, hued the same dark blue as her armor, and bore a single black crystalline horn that protruded from the center of his forehead. He appeared a miniature replica of the dragons from myth and legend, maybe twice the size of a large wolf, but that size was offset but a potent intelligence and also made lukari dragons far more practical allies.

After a moment Lyuan craned his long neck to peer over at her. His eyes were covered by a wide cloth bandanna to protect them from the light, though she knew he didn't need his eyes to see. "Don't let them bother you."

She nodded, knowing his words to be mindspeak, though to be honest it was difficult to tell the difference most of the time. If it wasn't for the fact that dragons could only communicate using mindspeak she'd would have had to watch his maw to know for certain, though at the same time the lack of lips and the shape of his tongue probably didn't make for very good human-like sounds.

They reached the end of the hall and strode through the massive double doors, entering the main audience chamber of the fortress Kein Bharr. Flickering lanterns filled with the room with light, no doubt done intentionally, but if it bothered Lyuan he kept it hidden from her. Warden Ourn was already waiting for them, seated behind his massive deepwood desk. The dark-skinned man was big and muscular, his bald head greased to a shine. He had equipped his face with the degree of frown proper for the occasion: strong enough to convey his dissatisfaction but still soft enough to dissuade any notions of open hostility. Better to use veiled threats and hidden hands, after all. Isn't that right, my good warden?

She knelt with another heavy sigh, lowering her head. Lyuan curled up beside her, resting his muzzle on the thicker portion of his tail. She could feel boredom already radiating from his mind.

"Hmph," Warden Ourn began, his narrowed gaze shifting towards Lyuan. "Even your willful dragon is showing proper respect. I take it then that you both understand the gravity of the situation?"

Maciah raised an eyebrow, glancing over at Lyuan who was sticking his tongue out at the warden. She struggled to keep from smiling, least she gave him away. Turning back to the warden, she shook her head. "Actually, I'm yet again confused about what it is that we've done wrong."

Warden Ourn scooped up a stack of papers from his desk and waved them before slamming them back down on his desk. "Your field evaluations are exceptional!"

It took a moment for Maciah to reprocess what he had said and ensure it was as confusing as it sounded. Even Lyuan looked surprise, his eyes wide. Coughing, Maciah, addressed Warden Ourn. "You're upset with us because we're doing well? Uh, sir, is this some sort of--"

The warden scowled and slammed his hand on the desk. "Do I look like I'm trying to amuse you?"

"Don't have to try at all with a face like that," Lyuan said with a laugh.

She started turning to glance at her draconic partner before catching herself.

Warden Ourn noticed, his frown deepening. "Is that damn bastard saying something?" he waved a hand at Lyuan's direction. "Is this all an illusion?"

"He hasn't said anything to you, Warden," she replied, bowing her head. Well, not exactly a lie... "I'd like to remain on the topic, if you don't mind. Why are we being reprimanded for doing well?"

"Don't play the innocent with me, Maciah. All of your fellow twinfangs have submitted complaints."

Yes, they do a whole lot of that. She struggled to control her annoyance. "About what, specifically?"

"Your dragon possess no offensive capabilities and can do little more than minor deceptions, yet your success rate is without par whether alone or in joint operations. I've heard accounts detailing the use of your dragon to deceive pursuivants when they come to examine the results of your Hunts. Then, when we decided to investigate and placed you in a greater deal of joint operations your fellows all complained of being manipulated and thus cheated out of deathblows that were rightfully theirs."

Maciah snorted as Lyuan began laughing hysterically beside her. "Such deception of course earning me undeserved credit for kills I had no part in."

"Obviously!" Warden Ourn snapped. He massaged his forehead with a thumb. "Is that a confession? I like you, Maciah, I really do, but I'd like to get this annoyance done with and a crime is a crime whatever--"

"With all due respect, sir, how do those idiots even know they're being manipulated?" she demanded. "As I'm constantly reminded, the reason midnight dragons are killed at birth is because there's no real way to know if you're being manipulated by their sorcery so it's considered best to end them before they learn to use it."

"That's true, but--"

"Then," she continued, interrupting him, "there would be no way for them to know they've been manipulated. They're just voicing assumptions."

Warden Ourn raised both hands. "Fine, I'll grant you that, but do explain to me the secrets of your profound success."

"Why, hard and honest work my dear warden. You damn well know that I've spent my entire life studying the sword beneath my late father and later Master Warden Ridill." She glanced over at Lyuan who was rolling his eyes at the warden. "And Lyuan is far from useless. He trains almost as hard as I do--" the dragon snorted at that but said nothing, "--and I'll grudgingly admit that he's a lot more clever than I am. Our strength may not be as blunt and obvious as a solar or verdant twinfang pair, but it's just as potent."

The warden waved a hand dismissively. "I believe you, Maciah, but... well, you know how we feel."

"Yes. You believe I'm nothing more than Lyuan's thrall, trapped within a prison of perceptions only he controls."

"Why not even consider the possibility?

She shrugged. This was an old argument, one she had grown weary of. "Because Lyuan would never do it."

"You are too quick to defend your dragon."

"And you're surprised? I doubt any half of a twinfang would choose not to defend the other." It doesn't help that you refuse to even acknowledge him, that you talk about him as if he weren't a person, but a thing, and a thing that wasn't even standing right in front of you. You think nothing of it, but on the other side it's easy to see how cruel it is, how much it hurts Lyuan and how hard he works to keep that pain from spilling into our Bond.

"Enough." The warden let out a tired sigh. "Let me make this perfectly clear. This is your final warning."

Warning? We haven't even done anything, you pile of dung. Maciah passed a hand along her long, black hair out of frustration. Sure, just decide that they're right, those damn--

"And, so you know, I want it badly," the warden said, climbing up and standing up on his desk.

Maciah blinked. "What?"

The muscular warden ripped off his clothing with exaggerated flair, a wide grin on his face, then began to dance. It was all Maciah could do from bursting out in laughter when he began pelvic thrusting in a terrible rendition of a dance that was sweeping through civilian youths.

"A nice cock, of course," the warden said, sounding as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Maybe a horse's, right here between these manly buns." Warden Ourn turned and waggled his bottom at her. "Obviously my own is too small to impress anything, least of all myself, so I'm better off just spending my day getting reamed by horses, don't you think?"

Her lips trembled as she bit back the laughter. She kept her eyes trained on the empty chair where she knew the warden was actually sitting. Eventually though, she couldn't take it any more. "Lyuan, stop!"

The illusion vanished in a trail of black wisps, almost like dissipating smoke. Lyuan was already back at the draconic position of attention, his back straight, his head perfectly leveled forward. He turned to regard her with an innocent glance and asked, "Hm? Stop what?"

"What indeed?" Warden Ourn said, eyes narrowed. He was now clothed and sitting back in his desk. "Did you hear a damn word I said?"

"I understood everything you've told me, sir," she said. Not that it required much thought.

"Then you're dismissed." The warden sighed once more, his thumb again rubbing against his forehead. "I regret not having had more of a backbone when Master Warden Ridill let you keep that dragon."

Saying nothing, she rose and exited the audience chamber. Lyuan followed her back through the main hall of the fortress and out into the sunlight. The city of Daest was as busy as ever, the din of crowds going about their business and the smell of the sea both familiar. Here in Kein Bharr's high-walled courtyard however there was a greater sense of peace and quiet. Twinfangs walked about, though the majority of those present were young trainee pairs. Full twinfangs would be scattered throughout the realm, either seeking Hunts or actively engaged in them.

"That was just great," she said, passing a hand through her hair again. "We got chewed out for no reason. Again."

"You got chewed out again," Lyuan corrected. He stretched out his sinuous body and gave a purr-like sound as bones cracked.

She watched him for a moment, then turned and headed off towards the fortress gardens. Lyuan followed at her side, tail sweeping. Maciah put a hand behind his neck and idly toyed with his scales. "You know, we wouldn't get in so much trouble if you behaved yourself."

"How exactly was that _my _fault?" he asked. "They're the ones who think illusions equate to mind control."

"The pranks don't help."

"Well, it's not like they don't deserve it. Besides, it's funny."

She tapped her fingers on his scales and grinned. "A little."

Lyuan snorted and gave her a sidelong glance. "You were about to die back there."

"All right, a lot of funny." She sighed. "That's my point. I really would have died if I had started rolling around on the floor laughing."

"I would have covered you in an illusion. The gods know I've seen your serious look often enough."

"That's not the point, Lyuan!"

"You just said it was!"

She growled and moved into him, wrapping her arms around his long neck and squeezing tight. He curved his head and prodded her nose with his muzzle, amusement radiating from his mind. She shook her head, sighing. "Lyuan..."

"Before you wring my neck," he said with mock delicateness, "I just want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world, even more than toasted creme bits and you know how much I love those."


"And? Um," he hesitated, tail curling behind him. "I'm sorry I tried to cheer you up by replacing the warden's boring lecture with something much more entertaining?"

She patted the side of his muzzle with a hand, then released him, shaking her head as they resumed making their way to the fortress gardens. Several paces later they stood before the ornate gate that marked the entrance. She could see the variety of exotic plants through the high fence and noticed that it wasn't as busy as it usually was. The gardens were a popular retreat from the vigors of a twinfang's life, especially for cadets, and even though the gardens were gigantic enough to easily offer peace and quiet for hundreds of people she still preferred when it was empty.

She entered, nodding and smiling at the old guardsman at the gate. She always greeted him, though these days he rarely ever acknowledged her. A sad thing--when she had been a little girl and a fresh cadet he had often given her treats whenever she came to the gardens. Now she'd give almost anything for even a return smile. Shaking her head, she moved into the gardens and shivered with pleasure as the sorcery-wrought warmth and quiet washed over her. She moved to a particularly long stretch that was nearby, flowers arrayed in tall hedge bushes to either side, and sat on a small set of stairs. This had been her favorite reading spot.

Lyuan, also well acquainted with the spot, leaped the stairs in a single bound. As he landed he looked back at them with smug pride, his mind filled with the same.

"You always do that," she said, raising an eyebrow.

The dragon turned his sightless gaze to her and gave her a grin full of sharp teeth. "These stairs tormented my every waking moment when I was a little hatching and barely higher than a step."

She laughed at his response, then shook her head. "Stop making me laugh. I'm still mad at you."

"You're still mad at me?" he said. "But I didn't do anything!"

She smiled. "Now you know how I feel."

The dragon snorted. "Fine, then let me make it up to you."

She eyed him expectantly, watching as he moved over and pressed his muzzle against her crotch. Frowning, she placed a hand on his head. "Is that the best you can think of, you horny lizard?"

"I happen to know that you adore my tongue."

"It's the middle of the day, Lyuan, and this isn't exactly a secluded part of the gardens."

The dragon ignored her while he worked a claw into her pants. "No one will notice a thing, I promise."

Maciah cupped his muzzle in her hands and raised his head so that he faced her. "That's what you told me last time. Are you sure you can focus on two things at once?"

"All right, I'll accept the blame for that one," he replied, his scales warm in her hands, "but if you're going to try something weird at least warn me before you do it!"

She gave him a mischievous look. "What's the fun in that?"

"And you're upset with _my _behavior..." he muttered.

"I'm not the one nosing around in your crotch every five minutes." Maciah stood, then tugged down her pants and underclothing down to just below her knees before sitting back down. The cool, tiled stone felt pleasant against her bare bottom. "Do a good job and I'll forgive you. Don't take too long though, I want to be back in the wilds before dusk and we still got to replenish our supplies."

"Whatever you desire, Master," he said sarcastically.

Grinning, Maciah grabbed his horn and guided him downward. He allowed himself to be directed without complaint, pressing his smooth maw against her slit. He teased her with a quick lick, drawing a gasp from her, then began slowly tracing her mound with his wet tongue, toying with her clit, moving in circles, and pressing against her lips so that they parted, but never actually entering. He continued this teasing, using the connection from their Bond to monitor her reactions. That allowed him to tease her with devilish precision and timing, but she loved it, relishing the sexual frustration as much as she hated it.

"There you are, you bitch!"

Maciah's eyes snapped open. Down the long corridor of flowers and hedge bushes stood a trio of twinfangs. Two of the dragons were zephyr while one of them was a solar dragon. The color of their scales matched the dye of their partners' armor. All six marched down the corridor, a serious expression set on their faces and a smoldering hatred burning in their eyes.

"Uh," she said stupidly while trying to push Lyuan away from her pussy, though of course considering that none of them seemed shocked or surprised she assumed that he was keeping his word. _That doesn't mean you have to keep licking, jerk! _"How can this bitch help you, gentleman?" she asked, struggling to keep her growing arousal out of her voice.

The lead man, the one paired with the solar dragon and a once classmate of hers, nodded his head toward somewhere behind her. "Is your demonic dragon asleep?"

Is that what they see? She grinned up at them. "You don't have to worry about him."

"I disagree," the man said, frowning. "In fact he's the reason I'm here, but it's probably better he stays asleep. I don't need him _twisting_things, if you get my drift."

"Sure," she said with a shrug. What was his name? Federik, I think. Think? Yes, thinking would be nice, though it's a little hard to do that with you slurping between my legs, Lyuan. Her heart was thudding, her stomach twisting into knots. What do they want with me, anyway?

She tried to part Lyuan from her loins again, but it was like pushing against a wall. He didn't budge even a little and continued to work his sinuous, dexterous tongue across her slit. Her pussy and thighs were already sticky and wet and she doubted it was all from Lyuan's tongue. Great, I'm getting turned on because they're watching me getting eaten out by dragon without even knowing it.

"I'm going to be direct since it's obvious Warden Ourn didn't do shit," Federik said. "What I say may sound cruel, but you deserve the truth and I won't waste your time with games."

"I appreciate you being so considerate," she said, letting out a breath and feeling a trickle of sweat run down the side of her head. "Anyway, go on. I'm listening--ah!"

She exclaimed and clutched the Lyuan's black, crystalline horn in a white-knuckled grip, a strained grunt escaping her lips as Lyuan shoved his muzzle hard against her slit. His tongue forced itself into her sticky folds, wet and searing hot, growing wider and wider as more of the base sank into her. Lyuan curled his tongue inside her, rubbing it along her sticky inner walls, prodding and pressuring. His warm breath tickled her clit, his slurping sounds erotic and naughty to her ears, especially knowing that the three twinfangs before her couldn't hear it.

"Mmmm," Lyuan said into her head. "Your scent is intoxicating and your taste is so naughty..."

"Are you all right?" Federik asked, a frown coming to his face.

"Uh, yes," she replied. She didn't know exactly what he had heard since it was difficult to tell what illusion Lyuan had draped over them--something about having to make it a two-sided illusion and that being too much of a hassle. Well, hopefully he manages to keep the illusion up this time...

"Anyway, I know you're using that dragon--or maybe it's using you--to pad your Ranking. I've fought most of the things you've supposedly Hunted, Maciah. A devoura? By yourself?"

_That one was easier than you think, dear Federik. Lyuan made it think boulders were people until it ate itself to death while were laughing our asses off not ten paces away._She raised an eyebrow, feeling a pleasant flush coming to her face as Lyuan continued to nosily lap at her honey-pot. "We actually did kill it, you know."

Federik laughed. "I was there on your last joint mission, back when we were fighting the heilterbasts." He thumped his chest. "We're a solar twinfang, Maciah. Straight fights like that one are our specialty, yet you killed twice as many as me? Fuck that."

"Mhm," she replied, risking a brief closing of her eyes as Lyuan began to slowly sway his head side to side. She clamped her thighs around his muzzle, heart racing, feeling her orgasm building. "Get to the point, Federik. Quickly."

"Fine. I submitted for a Duel."

"What?" she said, startled. Lyuan froze, his head rising from her crotch. Strands of saliva and her own stickiness connected them until the midnight dragon turned to stare at Federik. She blinked. "For Ranking?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "I submitted it on the grounds of dishonor and betrayal and the potential for worse, so I'm pushing it forward as an official dispute. When they ask I'm going to move to have your status as a twinfang revoked." He grinned. "A bit much, I know, but somehow I don't think the wardens will argue very hard against it."

She frowned at him. "You know that if you lose it'll be your writ that's revoked instead?"

He laughed, then his two lackeys began laughing with him. "Lose? Seriously, Maciah? Are you trying to scare me into dropping the whole thing?"

"No," she replied, scowling, her anger building. "I'm trying to keep you from making a huge mistake. Don't forget your damn dragon either, Federik! You're both going to get--"

"I know what will happen," Frederik said, glancing over at where she knew he saw Lyuan sleeping. "That's the whole point. I don't plan on losing, and when I win it'll be better for all of us. You included."

"How is being dead going help me?"

Frederik shrugged. "I'm don't want you dead, Maciah. I'm sure Master Warden Ridill will intervene on your behalf and the other wardens will allow it so long as they're given the right bargain. Anyway, I thought I'd give you fair warning. The Duel will be tomorrow just after highsun." He smiled, then turned and walked by his two companions. The dragons glanced toward Maciah for a moment, then followed after their partners until they all turned the corner and vanished from sight.

"Well," Lyuan said, "that's sort of a problem. Though, honestly--"

"Shut up," she said with a sigh, scratching at her head in frustration. With her other hand she tightened her grip on Lyuan's horn and guided him back to her horn. "I was close, so finish what you started."

Lyuan wisely said nothing and obeyed, returning to his noisy licking. She chose to forget her worries, at least for the moment, and simply enjoy the base pleasures coursing through her body. She spread her knees wide, leaned back against the stairs, and began rocking against his muzzle as he wiggled it side to side. It didn't take long before she felt her orgasm building again.

"I'm cuming!" she breathed. Rippling waves of pleasure coursed through her body, a flush reaching its peak across her face before beginning to cool.

Lyuan growled, his breath hot as he pressed further into her while she convulsed and jerked, relentlessly eating out, his wet tongue slurping deep inside of her while his smooth scales brushed against her clit.

After a moment the intense pleasure began to fade, then dulled into a pleasant afterglow. Gasping for breath, she sat up and watched Lyuan remove himself from her crotch. His muzzle was glistening with her wetness, thick strands still connecting them. He gave her a toothy grin, his mind radiating smugness.

"That must be worth your forgiveness several times over," he said while licking his muzzle clean.

Maciah stood and tugged up her pants, letting out a hot breath. "It was all right."

"All right?" Lyuan said in disbelief, his tail snapping. "I'd have gotten less wet sitting beneath a waterfall!"

She giggled at that while scratching behind his ears. "I was only joking, but you didn't have to keep going while I was talking to Federik."

"You liked that I didn't stop."

"No, I didn't. That was... very awkward."

Lyuan snorted. "You can't hide those kind of things from our Bond, Maciah. Maybe your brain told you that it was wrong and you shouldn't be doing it, but you were getting more and more excited. It was practically the only thing I was getting from you."

Ignoring his words, she sighed and cocked her head thoughtfully. "Speaking of Federik..."

The midnight dragon stretched. "There's nothing to speak about."

Maciah shook her head and sat back down on the stairs, careful to avoid the wet splotches. "What then, Lyuan? We just show up to the Duel tomorrow and win?"

"Why not?"

"You arrogant idiot," she said. "You know, I wouldn't feel very good about it even if we did win. This reeks of the wardens muddling around with our lives again... Ugh! I wonder how his dragon feels. Maybe we can convince her that this is all a huge overreaction..."

Lyuan snorted. "Her name is Serrobos, and while I agree that she doesn't deserve getting the axe she also didn't argue against Federik. Dragons aren't pets--a twinfang is a whole, each with equal weight. She had to have agreed to it herself, so she's as much to blame."


Lyuan's head bobbed, tail-tip moving in a small circle. It equated to a shrug for his kind. "We could always run. That way no one has to die."

She considered that, but not for very long. She had no qualms about the act itself, but the reality was that it was pointless. They would be made into a Hunt and, for good measure, also find themselves with a bounty on their heads. No matter how far they went or how much time passed the danger would never pass.

"No, we can't run away," she said, rubbing a hand across her eyes. "This is all just wonderful. We only needed a few more Ranks then we could have just put in for a veteran's retirement and there wouldn't be a damn thing they could do about it."

"Which is probably what they're afraid of," Lyuan said. He was silent for a moment, then added, "You could always ask to be removed from the Order. We'd be separated and I'd be confined, but it would still give me a bit of time before some accident or another befell me. Actually, you could even request a new dragon partner and stay in the Order if you wanted."

Maciah smiled at him, gesturing him close. "You'd do that for me?"

He moved toward her, setting his head into her hands, his breath warm across her arms. His thoughts and sightless gaze regarded her with a seriousness that was unlike him. "Of course I would, Maciah. I'd do anything for you."

Her smile widened, then she slapped down on the sensitive region of his muzzle where his nostrils where. Lyuan yelped and leaped backward, falling onto his back. He began to roll around on ground while growling.

"Ow, ow, ow! You damn dowri!" Lyuan cried, using the draconic equivalent of "bitch". "What did you do that for?"

"Hmph," she replied, crossing her legs and folding her hands on her lap. "You ever suggest something that stupid to me again and I'll give you a good reason to want the axe."

He flipped back onto his muscular legs, shaking his head and snorting. After a moment he huffed out a long breath, his sightless gaze again on her. "All right, all right. It was just a damn idea, anyway." He hesitated, then looked away. "Thank you..."

She moved over to him and reached for his head. She turned him to face her, though this time she caressed around his earholes and scratched underneath his muzzle. "There's nothing to thank me for, Lyuan."

"I know..." he said, again sounding hesitant. "It's just... I don't know. Awkward is the word, I suppose. I see myself in your mind, see how you treat me. I wonder what I've done to deserve you and that only becomes harder to understand every time you stand up for me, every time someone accuses you of being beneath my control. Maybe it's true, maybe--"

"Stop," she warned, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, sorry," he said sheepishly.

"Don't let them bother you," she said, smiling. "Isn't that what you're always saying to me?"

"Well, we've been saying it to each other a lot lately."

"If you're ever in doubt, Lyuan, just look inside our Bond," she replied, her voice growing soft. "You know I can't lie to you there. My heart will always be bare."

"I know, but I don't like doing it much."

"What? Why?"

"Because you never do! You always just believe me! You never have a reason to look because you never doubt. That's the first thing I see and then I end up feeling too guilty to look any deeper."

She giggled, then wrapped his head in a tight hug. "It doesn't bother me one bit, Lyuan. You can look as deep as you want and find all the reassurances you need. I'll never hold it against you."

He said nothing, but huffed and nodded as much as he was able to in her arms. Maciah closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth radiating out of his body. It was moments like these that helped steel her resolve even though Maciah knew exactly what the reaction would be should anyone ever discover the depth of their love for each other. Even so, she couldn't understand what exactly was so wrong about it. They had shared a friendship no different than that of any other twinfang at first. Dragons were not animals, after all, and possessed thoughts, worries, quirks, and flaws of their own just like any human. Most twinfang pairs became close, especially since they were dependent on each other in combat.

But she and Lyuan had been shunned by their peers. With only the other for company their relationship had grown especially strong, but even then it had remained tame. Maciah remembered clearly the moment when she had first wondered if their relationship couldn't be more. It had been back when they had been children and she had caught Lyuan masturbating by accident. He had been so distracted between keeping what he was doing out of their Bond and focusing on his enjoyment that he allowed his concealing illusion to lapse. He had been thoroughly ashamed and embarrassed when she had caught him despite the fact that dragons instinctively engaged in sexual play from an early age, muttering some excuse about how none of the female dragons were willing to even speak to him. She remembered thinking how sad that was, then like a fool she had offered to help him herself.

That had only made the situation a thousand times worse, especially because she had been stubborn and determined about it. He had eventually given up arguing, but the whole situation had been awkward. From their Bond she had learned that he worried about how her perception of him would change--lost sleep over it in fact--and he had almost ended up not talking to her for an entire week.

And that was what had convinced her, funnily enough. His reaction had been the same any human boy would have had given the same exact situation. That had made her think... what really was different, then? Lyuan was a person as much as she was. Oh, their bodies and physical needs might be a little different, but she had since learned that the parts lined up well enough. If anything, the differences between them had only made things more interesting... she had to admit that Lyuan had come up with some creative--an exciting--ideas.

It was at that point in her youth that her mind first became open to the possibility of being more than comrades and friends with Lyuan... of perhaps being lovers too. This had been furthered by their Bond--the melding of any two minds would never be possible without some kind of compromise, after all. So, though she had never seen him as unappealing, the growth of their Bond had only helped things along as she began to notice attractive draconic qualities about him and he had started noticing alluring human traits. They never made it to being lovers, though. No, they had shot right by it. She had fallen in love with her draconic partner and he with her. When Lyuan had finally admitted his feelings to her, his mind feeling as if he had been marching to his death, Maciah's only response had been a smile and a kiss, followed by a simple question: What took you so long?

She had lived a dream since then despite the hatred of others, but that hatred she could endure. They didn't know what it felt like to never be alone, to have someone you truly loved. Besides, it wouldn't matter for long anyway because it turned out that they made an extraordinary team. She was a proficient swordswoman and wasn't afraid to let Lyuan explore the limits of his sorcery. Together they had found great success on countless Hunts, ascending in the Rankings at record speed. Reaching the highest tier of twinfangs would grant them the right to retire together without complaint, a hefty pension and land the reward for their hard work. It didn't matter that they'd be the youngest twinfang pair ever to retire... all she wanted was to leave the Order with Lyuan.

Now all of that was being threatened. Threatened by one ignorant man urged forward by a slew of equally ignorant wardens who would ruin Maciah's life and end Lyuan's, all while thinking they were doing her a favor. She wouldn't let that happen. Even if the alternative was also... unpalatable.

"I guess we'll have to beat Federik," she whispered. "I can't think of anything else."

Lyuan gently pulled away from her grasp, then cocked his head. "Wait a moment. Does it have to be win or lose?"

"What? We just talked about running away, Lyuan. That's not--"

"No, no, I literally meant win or lose. What happens if it's a draw?"

She frowned. "The terms of the Duel would be negated, though it can be reinstated into a second Duel by either party." She brightened, eyes widening. "Which we won't do, of course, and Federik won't want to risk it either with the fight being so close!"

Lyuan nodded. "The problem is if Federik will accept the calling of a draw."

"He would if he had no other choice," she said. "If we made it so that he put up a good fight, instead of offering him a draw calling out of pity..."

Lyuan flashed her grin filled with razor sharp teeth. "Leave that to me."

Maciah and Lyuan stepped into the arena just as the midday bells were tolling. The sun loomed high overhead, its heat slashing down through a cloudless sky. Already the prickling of sweat began to spread across her forehead, but she ignored it. All around them the stands were filled with countless observers, most of them twinfangs, but she noted far too many wardens, a handful of high wardens, and even several officials from the city of Daest. Quite a lot of people for a little spout between twinfangs. Oh well. That just means they won't be able to play stupid.

Across from them stood Federik and Serrobos. He was wearing his full set of crimson armor, leather splinted in critical sections by dragonsteel. He held a longsword in one hand, the preferred weapon of most twinfangs, but Maciah knew he was equally proficient with a halberd. Probably just wants to beat me at my own specialty.

He grinned as he noticed her gaze. "I'm sorry, Maciah. Nothing personal."

"Agreed," she said, giving him a grin of her own.

The judge stepped between them, glanced at each combatant, and then held up his hands. "The rules are known by each of you? Speak now if there are any questions. Ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse later."

All four combatants nodded.

"Then the Duel will begin, the results officially witnessed by myself and Warden Ourn."

The judge snapped his hands down, then moved away from the arena. Weapons were drawn, then a roar erupted from the stands as Federik and Serrobos launched forward and made their way across the arena. She stood unmoving just as Lyuan had instructed, watching as Federik stopped midday across the arena. Federik began swiping his blade while moving side to side, his stance telling her that he was dodging unseen strikes. The crowd roared and made noise in accordance to whatever they thought they were seeing, but of course to her Federik only looked like he was going mad.

"All right," Maciah said. "What now?"

"Now we wait for him to get tired."

She frowned. "That's it?"

Lyuan craned his neck, tail flicking. "Yes."

"That's surprisingly... simple."

"Indeed, though I wish I had thought about it earlier. I spent all damn night thinking up something clever only to realize that a simple illusion would work. It's not even fake. I'm using my memory of us fighting."

Maciah nodded while she sheathed her sword, watching Federik's movements. "I think I could have beaten him outright."

"Of course, but we wanted a tie, remember? So I'm going to give him a run for his coin, then we can take over when he's exhausted and force that draw."

"Can you hold the illusion that long?"

"Probably. If you think about it the illusion's not that complex and, like I said, I'm mostly using real memories so I don't have to make it up as I go. I'm also adding some poor illusions to distract them so he thinks they're the extent of my abilities. Other than that it might be a little difficult to make him think he's feeling the edge of your sword or to make Serrobos think she's bitten into me, but it's nothing I haven't done before. So long as I keep it a battle of attrition with lots of fancy parries and ripostes but no actual landing blows it'll be very believable." Pride radiated from his mind as he straightened. "All easy for someone as skilled as I am."

"If you say so," she replied. "So I guess we just sit here and wait?"

"No at all," Lyuan replied, turning around so he faced her. "Time for phase two of my plan. Take off your clothing."

Maciah blinked. "What? Why?"

"So we can mate, of course."

Maciah narrowed her eyes. "Tell me I'm missing something crucial about this plan of yours."

"It's an important part of the plan," Lyuan insisted. "This way we'll actually be sweaty and look like we just fought in the heat for an hour."

"Uh-huh." She regarded him with a knowing look. "And there's a reason why you couldn't just use an illusion for that?"

"I might be too tired then," he said. "Who knows how long it'll take to wear those two down? They are a solar twinfang, after all."

Maciah rolled her eyes, but began loosening her top. "You're hopeless, you know that?"

Lyuan grinned at her, then moved close and nosed her crotch, inhaling deeply. "You say that, but you're still getting aroused. Maybe because we're going to mate in front of everyone without them actually knowing?"

Maciah frowned, but said nothing. She shrugged down out of her splinted pants, then slid out of her undergarments. Standing naked before Lyuan, she smiled and gave a shrug. Well, why not. If we're caught embarrassment will be the least of our problems. He began sniffing at her, purring as he inhaled her scent. She put a hand on his head, keeping it away from her nether regions until he glanced up at her. "You better not let the illusion drop, Lyuan. You're literally risking your life just to hump me."

He cocked his head, amusement radiating from his mind. "Mating with you is something worth risking my life for."

She rolled her eyes again and let him press his muzzle against her crotch. She gave out a soft moan as he gave her a small lick. Rubbing her palm along the side of his head, she lowered herself onto the ground. Lyuan's muzzle followed her descent, his tongue never once pausing in its playful teasing.

"Turn around so I can play with you too," she whispered, running fingers along the ridge of his earholes.

He obliged, turning around while she lay flat on her back. He curved his body and neck so that he could still reach her pussy, then lowered his hindquarters. She tensed as he resumed his licking for a moment then began eating her out in earnest. Her heart started to race, a pleasant thrill rushing through her. She reached up to his own slit, spreading the rough flesh open with her fingers. She leaned up and ran her tongue wetly against it, teasing inside a little and sucking on the hole. Lyuan breathed in pleasure, a throaty growl escaping him soon after. Something fleshy and tapered began to poke from the hole.

She teased it with the tip of her tongue, then opened her mouth as it began to slip further out. She took the tip warmly between her lips and began sucking, her tongue brushing the top while her lips wrapped around the growing pink flesh. She rubbed his thighs while she suckled on the tip of his cock, enjoying the earthy taste. The draconic cock continued to grow into her warm mouth as she teased it, finally peeking out enough for her to slip it properly inside.

"Mmmph," she said, moaning as she noisily began to slurp on his cock.

It continued to grow inside her mouth, but she didn't retreat from it. More and more of it sank deep into her wet, warm mouth while she bobbed her head in a slow, steady rhythm, swallowing and tracing his cock with her tongue. Eventually his cock grew fat enough that it forced her mouth completely open, her jaw pressured by the size and hurting a little. The tip prodded against the back of her throat, a steady steam of sticky precum dripping onto her tongue and down her throat. Bracing herself, she pulled him fully into her mouth, swallowing his cock. Her mouth became completely filled with his growing meat, his scent and taste filling her nostrils.

Lyuan let out a loud growl as she swallowed his cock. She knew that he loved it when she did this, so often treated him while he grew erect. He paused licking her pussy, gathering himself and thrusting carefully into her mouth. She pressed her hands against his underside and let him, swallowing each time the cock forced itself back into her throat and sucking when it pulled out. A few more moments of this and his still growing cock became too large to hold in her mouth. She patted his underside.

"All right," Lyuan growled, his voice thick with pleasure. "Just one more, Maciah."

She opened her mouth wide and let slide it down one more time, swallowing as he forced himself deep down her throat. She sucked noisily, wiggling her head. He let out a high pitched cry that almost set her giggling, then began to pull out. His cock slid out of her throat, then into her mouth. She sucked on his tip as it pulled out between her lips, then turned her head to cough and gasp for air. His hindquarters were raised, his impressive cock dangling just above her, strands of saliva and his own precum dripping down onto her cheek and trailing from her mouth. After she regained her breath she turned once more, grasping his huge cock with one hand and slowing sliding her fingers up and down it.

"You can go back to eating me out, you know," she said pointedly.

"Uh, right. Sorry."

She felt his tongue return to its duties, then continued to work on his own cock. She teased around it with her tongue, then played with the opening at the tip, lapping up the copious amount of precum dripping from it. She took the tip back into her mouth for a few intense moments of sucking, though she couldn't fit all of his cock into her mouth any more. After a few more moments of toying with his cock, Lyuan leaped forward, ripping his cock from her grasp, then reappeared head first. He grinned down at her with his sightless gaze.

"Can I mate you now, Maciah?" he breathed, his voice filled with need.

She giggled, bringing fingers down to play with her pussy. She was soaked, sticky wetness glazing her mound and thighs. She gasped as she spread herself open, feeling the sticky strands parting inside. "Mmm, yes, I think I'm ready."

"Could you turn around? Like a dog?" he asked.

One of his favorite positions, though that wasn't to say that she wasn't particular to it herself. Licking her lips, she nodded and flipped over to her hands and legs. She felt Lyuan's body slid on top of her, his tapered cock already prodding her wet slit, but sliding away from the entrance. Around them the crowd was going wild, though none of them were watching them. So many faces she recognized, so many high ranking officials and wardens, all of them well within view. Gods, even children sitting atop their parents' laps, and here she was about to be rutted by a dragon. The intoxicating thought sent a haughty thrill storming through her.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Lyuan said, amusement flowing through his mind. He thrust once more, but again his cock slid away from the opening.

She craned her neck up at him. "Stop teasing and mate me already, would you?"

"It's not my fault you're so wet," he muttered. After a moment he reconsidered, then laughed. "Well, not entirely my fault."

"Keep talking and I'll have to rip off your cock and use it to pleasure myself."

Lyuan grunted, his amusement flaring, but kept his maw shut. He positioned himself carefully, bringing the tip of his cock to her dripping pussy, then thrust in.

Both of them let out a load moan as he slipped inside. She felt herself being forced open, her pussy welcoming the searing hot meat tightly. She lowered herself until her forehead touched the ground, grunting as more and more of his pink, throbbing meat slid inside her. His weight pressed down on her, powerful and overwhelming. She enjoyed the sensation of being taken by such power, feeling his cock as it was forced inside her, feeling her tight pussy surrender and open inch by inch. She raised her butt into Lyuan's crotch as he paused with two thirds of his length inside her, then yelped when he slammed the rest inside all at once. Without pausing he withdrew, then slammed his twitching cock back inside. Ruthlessly he pounded against her ass, his cock as hard as steel, his growing arousal flooding her mind. Every little cry she made, each and every grunt and moan, set him aflame with desire. Lyuan pressed down on her, holding her in place with his body. She knew it was something instinctual, some deep rooted need to claim females or something, but she had no qualms over it.

She allowed him his pleasure, and besides, "normal" sex like this was by far among the tamest things they had tried. After a moment one of his claws wedged underneath her and clutched a breast. They felt like warmed stone, hard and smooth. Her nipples were already sensitive and hard, so each time his claw touched them she let out a yelp. He held her modestly sized breast in that claw, squeezing and clutching as he pounded her into the ground. Her body had long grown accustomed to accepting his girth, and as such a constant rivulet of sticky wetness trickled down her thighs, a mixture of his endless precum and her own arousal.

His head lowered down beside hers, his breath heavy and warm. He pressed hard against her cheek, nuzzling her, and then brought his tail to her mouth. She took it inside without hesitation, sucking on it as if it were a cock, letting him curl it and explore. More and more of his tail slid into her mouth, filling it with a slippery texture and earthy taste.

"Mmph...mm...mmwah..." she slurped as his tail played with her tongue and thrust itself deeper and deeper. After a moment he lifted her head, then withdrew his tail slowly. She sucked wetly on it as it left her mouth, leaving it glistening with her saliva. She panted for a moment, feeling disappointed that something wasn't filling her mouth.

"Why did you take it out?" she breathed. He knew how much she liked using her mouth, so--

She blinked as Lyuan parted his own maw and brushed her lips with his tongue. She immediately opened her mouth and let him slide it inside, feeling him twine it with her own tongue. Mmm. This is fine too...

Maciah was lost in a sea of pleasure, her pussy making wet noises while it struggled to pleasure the massive guest even now deep inside her, her breast and nipple sending both pain and pleasure radiating through her as he squeezed them, her mouth wonderfully full with Lyuan's tongue. She came hard, her entire body shuddering from the raw, intense delight, but Lyuan didn't even slow. He continued to take her ruthlessly, cruelly pounding her hard enough that her bottom began to sting while she tensed through her orgasm. After relaxing and letting out a heavy rush of air through her nose, she felt something wet trace the split down the center of her butt, then felt something slip in and prod against her other hole.

She tensed, eyes widening. "Nwoath thawr, idoh!"

Lyuan removed his tongue from her mouth, licked her lips, then nuzzled her while chuckling. "Payback for last time, my dear Maciah."

"Wait, wait! I'm sorry, Lyuan! I was sort of just joking then, I didn't mean to--ah!"

She squealed as his tail pushed against her asshole, then wiggled itself inside. He didn't stop at the tip either, instead thrusting and sinking more and more inside with each thrust. The tip wiggled inside her, teasing her walls. She felt a flush coming to her face at the sensation. It hurt a little, and it definitely felt weird, but... well, it wasn't all that bad.

"Good. Maybe I won't have to use my tail next time," Lyuan said innocently.

She grunted, but didn't have a chance to launch a retort when he forced his tongue back into her. Her thoughts became a formless haze as she became a vessel for Lyuan's pleasure, a female for him to claim and take as he pleased. Every hole was pleasantly filled, her mouth wet with his exploring tongue, her ass squeezing around his thick, wiggling tail, and her pussy still oozing wetness and precum in an attempt to continue to accommodate that massive throbbing cock of his.

He began to warm as her thoughts crossed his own mind, no doubt finding them erotic. He broke their intense mouthing to gasp for air and give her the chance to do the same, their breaths heavy and hot.

"I'm going to cum," he warned.

She nodded, pressing her forehead against the cool tiled floor of the arena. "Just don't let your illusions drop."

He growled his agreement, then repositioned himself. His tail deeper inside her butt, eliciting a yelp from her, but it was soon forgotten by the intensity of his thrust. His entire body wrapped around hers, flowing perfectly over the curve of her bottom, the slope of her back and neck. He thrust hard and deep, his cock painfully rigid, hot enough that it almost burned and throbbing with the desperate need to release.

"Oh, Maciah," Lyuan breathed, his one claw squeezing her breast tightly enough that it brought tears to her eyes.

She felt the powerful shudder rushing through his body and knew he was moments from cuming. He slammed deep into her, then pressed her against the ground. She grunted as his tail popped out of her butt and his claw let go of her breast. He reared back, grinding into her, and let out a deafening roar. Somewhere in the back of her mind she noticed that some people in the crowd had heard that roar, because they jumped up and looked around in confusion.

She didn't care any more, instead gasping as his hot, thick cum splurted into her womb. Hot enough that she feared it would scar her, thick and rich. Lyuan's seed forced its way into her belly, his cock resisting her pussy's convulsing efforts to force him and his stream of sticky cum out. Her mind blanked as a powerful orgasm pounded through her, her body shivering. The pain in belly was powerful and orgasmic, but she instinctively tried to move away, to find some kind of relief and let the cum flow out. Lyuan growled warningly, something deeply instinctual giving him a sense of satisfaction from forcing her to take all of his load. She wiggled her butt up against him as he continued shoot into her, her heart pounding like drums.

Then, in a rush of color and sound as the world came back into focus, he was finished. She fell limp, gasping. Lyuan breathed in powerful tides, then snorted out a rush of hot air. He leaned down to lick her ears and cheek, then carefully pulled his softening cock out of her aching pussy. The moment it popped nosily free a rush of cum flowed from between her thighs, with it the relieving of pressure in her belly. She grunted and sighed, flipping over onto her back and playing with the tender lips of her pussy while the cum finished pouring free. When the pressure was all gone she fell back, panting, and settled her gaze on an overly smug Lyuan.

She grinned as he lowered his head, then kissed him gently on the muzzle.

"Ahem," he said with a breathless voice even though it was all mindspeak. "As much as I adore the sight of you covered in my seed, we have still have two idiots to deal with."

She raised an eyebrow, then groaned and sat up. The crowd had resettled after his roar, their attention refocused on the fight between the solar twinfang and the illusionary midnight twinfang they believed to be her and Lyuan. She rose to her feet unsteadily, thanking Lyuan when he caught her with his tail, then began putting on her armor once more. She had tried to clean herself as best she could, but quickly gave that up as a lost cause. Lyuan would have to make do with another illusion for her and the floor. At any rate, she doubted that she didn't in fact look exhausted, sweaty, and haggard.

When everything was back in place she looked over towards Frederik and his dragon. They were sweating profusely, Federik barely keeping his sword up in a defensive stance while Serrobos' movements were delayed, her tail drooping, her chest heaving.

"I'm going to lead them to us," Lyuan warned, the smugness still in his voice.

She sighed and nodded, still drifting in the powerful afterglow of her orgasm. Even so, when Frederik and Serrobos neared she drew her sword and met them with all her skill. It took only a few moments for the surprise to appear on both their faces. Not long after she saw resignation and fear flicker in their eyes.Perfect.

Maciah offered them the draw as neutrally as she could, doing all in her power to stoke their pride. The end result had the solar twinfang walking from the arena as if they_had been the merciful ones, though she gladly left them to that thought. The crowd began to dissipate once the solar twinfang left, their murmuring strung with excitement over the high stakes match they had perceived as intense and close. Many of the twinfangs among the stands had walked away looking impressed, which left her hopeful, but the majority of the wardens and officials had exited in a rage. She knew that would mean trouble in their future, but they had ground to stand on now at least. _It won't take long for us to get that last bit of Rank we need anyways. Then we'll be out of everyone's hair even if it's not in the way they'd like.

When everyone had finally left Maciah sighed and pressed back against the arena wall. Lyuan sat on his hindquarters before her, his smugness almost palpable as he watched her.

"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes. "Good work."

"The sex or the working of my illusions?"

She glared at him, her arms crossing, but then sighed and said, "Both."

He gave her a draconic grin. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

She glanced at him, wondering yet again what it was that others feared about him. He was goofy at times, kind at others. He could be hurt as surely as anyone else. He laughed and cried, became angry and felt horny. No different from any person, and yes, that meant he could have grown to be as cruel as any human, but he had instead become a sweet and loving soul. She knew however that the truth was painfully simple. He was a midnight dragon and so was illogically feared just like the deep night they were named after. Humans simply feared the unknown, what they could not measure, manipulate, and understand. Maybe that was also the reason they couldn't understand why she had chosen to dance in the dark with Lyuan.

Maciah smiled, moving forward and engulfing Lyuan in a tight hug.

It was not so confusing, really. Every relationship was built upon it, the only difference was that theirs was moreso dependent upon it. She had given it to him with all her heart, and he to her, and so their love had flourished.

She was, of course, speaking of trust.