The lady and the furs.

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#6 of love

she really wanted to make her own but doesn't want a sofurry account so please show my friend some love this is her first time doing this.

" I'm a lofty lovely woman," Says the lady in the furs, In the glance she throws around her On the poorer dames and sirs: " This robe, that cost three figures, Yes, is mine," her nod avers.

" True, my money did not buy it, But my husband's, from the trade; And they, they only got it From things feeble and afraid By murdering them in ambush With a cunning engine's aid.

" True, my hands, too, did not shape it To the pretty cut you see, But the hands of midnight workers Who are strangers quite to me: It was fitted, too, by dressers Ranged around me toilsome.

" But I am a lovely lady, Though sneers say I shine By robbing Nature's children Of apparel not mine, And that I am but a broom-stick, Like a scarecrow's wooden spine."

By: Alexandra Montenez

Written by: james mikoto

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