Brute Belonzyk vs. Ralf Solberg (Yoshi Boxing)

Story by Lord PichuPal on SoFurry

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#1 of Them's Fighting Words

Ralf Solberg is a young up and coming Yoshi boxer, who also wrestles on the side, that has looked up to the great Brute Belonzyk for much of his early career, helping inspire him to fight and get stronger to follow his success. It just so happens he's been granted the chance to step into the ring with the champion and his idol to test his skills for real. How will he fare in this intense battle of Yoshis?


So thanks to my friend Brute (from over on FA) I ended up creating a fighting Yoshi character of my own, to have some fun with mostly. After I got around to bringing it up with him personally, we discussed this idea of Brute facing off with Ralf, my new boxing/wrestling/general purpose fighting Yoshi. With his help, I hammered out how things would play out, so hopefully you all enjoy the results. I had a ton of fun writing this and for a first time writing boxing, I think it came out okay. And for the record, I do plan to write more involving Ralf, among other quick fights similar to this one.

Ralf Solberg belongs to me

Brute Belonzyk belongs to brute-force06 (from FA)

Yoshi belongs to Nintendo

The excitement could be felt throughout the whole arena as the last of the warm-up fights were completed, leaving only the main event ahead now. Many people had come to see this, as they commonly did when the fan-favourite champion was to be seen. But not many knew of his challenger, a newcomer to the boxing circuit but no stranger to the ring. Soon the lights went down around the crowd, and a lone spotlight shone in the center of the white-padded ring, showing the announcer holding a microphone for all to see.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the main event?" he called out, causing another roar of applause and cheers from the fans. "And now, without further ado, let's meet tonight's combatants! First, in the red corner, the challenger, hailing from right here on Yoshi's Island... Raaaaalf Soooooolbeeeerg!"

As he made his announcement, a red Yoshi was coming down towards the ring, wearing a pair of blue boxing gloves and blue trunks. He looked fairly athletic despite having a bit of weight around his stomach, and a confident and excited look about him. He climbed up through the multi-coloured ropes and hopped around in the ring, getting himself loose and limber for the fight of his life.

"This is it... this is what I've been waiting for! I'm so pumped!" Ralf thought to himself, trying to channel his excitement. He had always looked up to his opponent in tonight's match, idolizing him for years and wishing to one day be as good as him. Now he was finally granted the opportunity to show what he could do.

"And in the blue corner, the defending heavyweight champion, he also hails here from Yoshi's Island, I'm happy to introduce once again... The Blue Thunder! BRUUUUUUTE BELOONZYYYK!"

With an even louder roar from the crowd, a light shone down to the cyan Yoshi with blonde hair, wearing dark blue gloves and his well-known black trunks with two blue stripes along the sides. He confidently strolled down to the ring, climbing inside through the ropes and standing by his corner, flexing and proudly showing off his muscular, toned body and pumping up the crowd. He always loved to get the chance to show off for his fans, and this was no exception.

"So, another Yoshi challenging me? Heh, this should be fun..." Brute thought as he studied the smaller red Yoshi.

The announcer left the ring and the mic was lifted back up out of sight, soon being replaced by the referee for the match. He signaled the fighters to the center of the ring and both trotted forward to meet each other. Ralf could feel the excitement welling up inside him being so close to his idol Brute. But he did his best to control it, and focus on what was next.

"Alright gentlemen, let's keep this fight clean, no low blows or cheap shots. If you can't continue I will stop the match. This fight is scheduled for 10 rounds. Are we clear?" The ref stopped and looked between them, as both gave a nod to him. "Alright, tap gloves and return to your corners." The pair of Yoshis respectfully bumped fists with each other before turning to return to their corners.

This was it, the moment of truth for Ralf, what he'd worked so hard to reach. He looked across the ring, admiring the strength Brute embodied, excited to get started. Moments later, he heard the bell ring out, and it was officially underway now, both fighters making their way to the center of the ring as cameras began to flash and the crowd settled down. They kept their gloves up close to their face, circling around, getting a feeling out for their opponent.

In an attempt to grab the upper hand, Ralf struck first, throwing a couple quick right jabs at Brute's head. But Brute saw it coming, easily lifting his arm to block the punches. Not to be discouraged, Ralf took a swing with his left lower down, this time making solid contact with Brute's stomach. He let out a small grunt from the blow, shaking it off easily before sending a hard hook right back into Ralf's side.

"Gh..." the red Yoshi groaned, but didn't let it bother him too badly. Trying to take advantage of his speed, he tried throwing a few quick punches in return.

Brute took a couple quick jabs to the face, before getting his hands up to block the last couple attacks. He could sense what his opponent was trying to do, and for now, he was content to let him stay on the offensive. It'd be a matter of time before the other Yoshi would wear himself out, surely. Ralf swung again with a harder punch, but with a grin, Brute quickly dodged around it, hooking a hard left punch square into his gut.

"Heh, too slow..." Brute taunted, quickly putting his fists up. Though Ralf was staggered by the hit, and took a small step back away. It allowed for Brute to send another strong punch into his face, drawing a bit of applause from the crowd.

"Gah... I need to focus...!" Ralf thought to himself as he regained his footing. He shook it off, and after taking a moment to catch his breath, he swiftly moved in close again, throwing a flurry of punches towards Brute's body and head, hoping to get lucky and overwhelm him with his speed. Brute stood his ground, managing to block and dodge a couple, before Ralf managed to crack his defenses, landing a couple good shots on his body. Sensing a slight opening, the challenger reared back and sent a hard right cross right into Brute's face, forcing him to stumble back toward the ropes. Ralf started to feel cocky now, thinking he had gotten an advantage. "Yeah, I just might do this...!"

He landed one more left hook into Brute's head, before the cyan Yoshi gathered himself along the ropes, growling a bit now. "Alright, playtime's over..." he muttered to himself, focusing his sights on the other Yoshi. As Ralf tried once more to take a swing, Brute blocked it with his arm, before countering with a sharp jab across his cheek. The shot pushed him away enough to give Brute some space, as he started to notice the challenger panting slightly already. Had he really worn himself out this fast? This played into his plans perfectly if that was the case.

Ralf took another swing, but again he came up empty, leaving himself vulnerable. His eyes widened a moment as he saw Brute come right back with a hard uppercut right into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. As he took a couple steps back to regain his breath, Brute followed after, not letting up at all, and slammed a fast 1-2 combo across his face. The fans stood and cheered, getting excited as they sensed him taking back control late in the round.

"Yeah Brute, beat him down!" shouted one fan from near the front row. This gave him a bit of confidence hearing his supportive fans behind him, throwing another punch towards the staggered Yoshi's head. To his surprise, Ralf was able to block it this time, though it clearly took him some effort to manage. But this didn't discourage him at all, trying once more to weaken him, but Ralf kept his guard up, protecting his face. Seeing he couldn't get through it, he changed his target, taking aim for another body blow on Ralf, catching him square in the side.

"Agh..." Ralf groaned with a grimace, unable to hold his guard and dropped his gloves enough. A smirk came over Brute's face at this, and without hesitation, he punished his opponent with a heavy uppercut square in the jaw. Ralf's head snapped back from the heavy shot, causing him to stumble before he fell heavily to the mat on his back with his arm falling off to the side.

"Ha, got ya!" Brute proudly thought, stepping away to the side with a grin as a large cheer came from the crowd seeing him knock down the challenger. The ref quickly hurried over by Ralf's side, counting him out.

"1... 2... 3!" Ralf could hear the numbers, and though dazed from the punch, he still managed to make out the silhouette of the referee. Slowly he tried to push himself up off the mat, determined not to give up so fast. "4... 5...!" As he managed to get up far enough, the ref stopped his count there, and came a bit closer to check as he stood up. "You alright to continue?"

"Yeah... let me at him...!" Ralf growled in response, shaking off some of the dizziness. The ref gave him a nod, letting Brute approach before he waved his hand between the two and shouted "Fight!" and backed off again to let them continue. Ralf tried again to swing a low punch into Brute's body, only to be denied by a well-timed block. He sent one more punch, which was again blocked, before the bell sounded to end the first round and the ref quickly jumped in between to separate them.

Brute proudly smiled as he walked back to the blue corner, seeing that he'd really taken control now by the end of the round, and gotten into his opponent's head. He had a few minor bruises, but nothing too serious to worry about. Meanwhile Ralf held his head on his way back to the red corner, angry with himself for being so careless that opening round. His face had already begun to form bruises from the punishment he'd taken so far, and his stomach was causing some mild discomfort. There was no doubt about it, Brute was very strong. Had he possibly challenged his idol too soon in his career then? Could he even get a knock down at least? Ralf shook his head; this was no time to be getting down on himself, this fight wasn't over yet! He could still win it... right?

The two Yoshis sat in their corners, resting and recovering, with Ralf receiving a bit of light medical attention, as the crowd chattered excitedly amongst themselves. They were loving the action so far, and couldn't wait to see how this would play out in the next round. After a short time passed allowing them to receive treatment, the bell rang again from ringside, bringing the two combatants back out from their corners, staring each other down at the center of the ring. The referee stepped in between them, holding his arm out as he looked to them both.

"You both ready? Let's go!" he shouted, raising his arm and backing away, the bell ringing out again to allow the action to continue. The Yoshis raised their gloves again to shoulder height and danced closer to within arm's reach of each other, eyeing each other down. There was anticipation amongst the crowd of who would strike first and go on the offensive to begin the 2nd round.

Suddenly Ralf took the plunge, feigning a low punch with his left to get Brute shifting his guard, only to change it up and throw a fast right hook straight into the cyan Yoshi's cheek. Brute hissed sharply in pain, caught by surprise from the sudden punch. But before he could react, Ralf came back with another hard shot with a left cross, knocking his head back the other way this time. The crowd gasped in shock, unable to believe the quick turnaround the challenger was making. As Brute tried to right himself, he was greeted with one more sharp shot to the face, causing him to stumble back a couple steps before he could dig in and hold his ground.

"Gah... a-alright... now it gets serious..." Brute groaned out. He watched as the red Yoshi pressed the attack, coming right back for more. As Brute tried to prepare himself, Ralf slammed another punch square into his stomach, leaving him stunned for a moment as his eyes widened. "Ugh!"

"Ha, you thought it'd be easy, didn't you?" Ralf taunted as he pulled his fist away and stepped back. He tried again to throw a follow-up punch at his gut, making slight contact with his side as the cyan Yoshi sidestepped away.

"Hmph... where would the fun be if this was easy?" Brute responded, grimacing slightly as it grazed his body. As Ralf threw another punch, he grinned and easily blocked it, before sending a fast shot straight into Ralf's nose. He smiled as the Yoshi recoiled in pain, obviously stunned from the blow. Without a second thought, he jumped into action and made his advance. A swift 1-2 combo hard into Ralf's gut to get him off balance, before swinging hard and heavy with a left hook across his face.

Ralf felt his head snap to the side, spit flying from his mouth, barely managing to keep the mouth guard in place. As he got upright again, he was greeted with a similar hard-hitting right hook, drilling him across the face and dazing him, this time with enough force to send his mouth piece flying. Sensing he had taken control right back, Brute sent one more uppercut right into his midsection, really digging his fist into the softened gut of his opponent, before settling back into a defensive stance again. The punch floored Ralf immediately, as he dropped to his knees and down to his stomach, the crowd cheering loudly for the champion as he backed off to let the ref count.

"Let's see him get up from that one..." Brute smugly thought.

"1... 2... 3!" the ref began counting, as the Yoshi struggled to regain his breath on the mat before him. At the count of 3, Ralf slowly began pulling himself up, his arms a little shaky as he managed to get to his knees. "4... 5... 6...!"

The numbers were ringing in his head... he couldn't give up... not here, not yet. He still had some fight left in him. Halfway through and he managed to get onto one foot, and as the ref was counting out "7", he was finally standing again, though his legs were a bit wobbly. The referee came to approach and check on him.

"Are you alright? Can you continue?"

"Y-yeah... I'm good... l-let me at him...!" Ralf managed to speak. Brute looked shocked for a moment that he even got up, but was impressed by his resilience. He stepped in again, keeping his guard up in case Ralf tried anything like last time. The ref decided to accept his word, and signaled for the match to continue, backing off once more to let them go at it.

Ralf managed a slight smirk despite being clearly at a disadvantage, going right back on the offensive with a couple quick jabs at Brute's head. Being more than ready for it, he blocked the punches with ease, going to counter right back. To his surprise, Ralf finally had learned his lesson, getting his arms up to block as well. It seemed apparent that "defense" wasn't really in his vocabulary, or at least in his strategy for this fight.

Brute wouldn't be discouraged, trying again with a couple punches, with Ralf managing to still block them each time. At the very least, it helped extend the fight a little longer, but he couldn't defend forever. Finally he let his guard down, swinging hard and fast, catching Brute in the ribs. The punch caused him to grimace in pain, before he growled with a fire in his eyes, ready to take over. He circled around, trying to pin the red Yoshi in towards the ropes and a corner nearby, setting things up while he guarded against a couple more punches.

"Come on, you scared?" Ralf taunted. He swung again, but again he missed his target. Brute just smiled deviously at him.

"No, but you should be," he replied in a low tone. Like a blue blur, the Yoshi came in hard and heavy, sending a flurry of punches at his opponent, using the ropes to limit his options to escape. Ralf helplessly tried to protect himself, but it was too much for even him to handle. He took a few relentless shots to the head, knocking it around like a volleyball, cutting him under his left eye in the process, before Brute moved down to land a couple devastating shots to his midsection, causing some immediate bruising as Ralf gasped for air. Seeing him dazed and staggered, Brute smiled and took one more shot with a left hook to push him away from the corner.

"Gah...!" Ralf grunted sharply as a mix of spit and blood flew from his mouth, unable to keep his gloves up by this point.

"Good night..." Brute said in a teasing tone, winding up a haymaker and slamming the powerful punch hard into the side of Ralf's face. The shot sent the crimson Yoshi straight down to the mat like a sack of bricks, crashing onto his chest with his right arm tucked under his body, and mouth left open. He was clearly knocked out by the blow as the ref came over, checking on the fighter before standing and waving his arms.

"That's it, this fight is over!" he called out almost immediately, not needing to count him out. Brute smiled proudly and raised his arms up, running and leaping up onto the ropes near the corner opposite his KO'd foe, celebrating happily as the crowd cheered their champion. It was clear who the better Yoshi was on this night, in a dominating but entertaining show.

"And your winner, by way of knockout, The Blue Thunder! Bruuuuute Belonzyk!" shouted the announcer from ringside. During his celebration, Brute looked back over to his fellow Yoshi, smiling a bit. He'd sure put up quite a battle, to say the least. And he knew this wouldn't be their last time meeting in the ring either. As the fanfare died down, he climbed out of the ring while trainers helped carry Ralf off to tend to his wounds. Showing respect, he came over to pass along a message to the young up-and-comer.

"When he wakes up, tell him I look forward to his next challenge." The trainers chuckled a bit but gave him a nod, before heading off down the tunnel ahead of him.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 6)

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