Dirty Old Mind

Story by WWOLF on SoFurry

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=Hey everyone, me again. This is just a quick short story I wrote out because it's going to take me a few weeks to finish up just the first part to my next new series. I hope everyone enjoys this one, and as always, comments are always welcomed as well as constructive criticism. Oh, and Brian, I don't want to hear anything out of you for naming a character in this story after you @_@=

A new beginning is what they always call it. A new beginning my furry ass. You see, you're not going to get a real new beginning when you've suffered through what I have. I'm a male wolf of forty-six years of age. My fur is mostly all grey, say for a large black stripe that runs from the base of my tail to my shoulder blades that branches off into three stripes that wrap around my arms and ends to the elbows and wraps up my neck and ends at the tips of my ears. I heard a very long time ago that wolves with a white spot on their tails are very mellow and very obediant. Well sad for me I don't have that little white spot.

Close to the age of about sixteen I began to have these harsh, unnatural urges. Sexual urges at that. I knew I was gay when I turned fourteen, because I couldn't help but have to use the "bathroom" whenever my father was taking a shower. I grew up with three sisters, a great mother, and a loving father. Sure they all were supportive of me being gay, but that all would change towards the time when I first blew out the sixteen candles. Those sexual urges I was telling you about became so strange that even I was afraid of them. I had this unnatural urge to want to have sex with children.

No no, I don't mean children that can't even crawl yet, I mean toddlers. Little kids that you see running around playschool. It was an unnatural obsession to want to watch these children jumping from swings, screaming all the way down slides, and running around in mad frenzy all the time. They had such incredible energy, and I'm not sure to this day even if that's what attracted me to them. Sad part is, that attraction is what ended me up in the slammer for a long portion of my life.

A few weeks after my sixteenth birthday, I was propsed from a neighbor across the street if I was man enough to babysit their two sweet children. I've known these children for a while now. Little innocent Susie and her twin brother Mark. Susie was the oldest by an hour, but that didn't mean she was any less different. Susie was the little Tom Boy of that family, and man alive did I find an attraction to her. Inbreeding was in that family I discovered, as though those two were twins, Susie was a regular feline while Mark was a raccoon. It didn't occur to me children were born differently like that, but I guess it should've been apparent since the Mrs. was a cougar and the Mr. was a simple raccoon. Susie and Mark, seven years old, and my worst mistake.

Like any ambitious child I agreed to babysit the two to prove I was truely a man. Little did I know was that was going to be the worst mistake of my life. When I got there, Susie was wounding about like mad with a large baseball cap on her head that did nothing to cover up her long hair and pointed cat ears. Mark was running around with what looked like a bathing suit on, screaming to Susie about swimming or something, I wasn't paying that close attention. When the parents left I was all alone with the kids. Everything worked out fine. I let them watch TV, I played board games with them, I even cooked them dinner. Then of course bath-time hit, and that's where the trouble started.

Call me whatever you'd like to. A pervert, a sick pedophile, a disgusting child mollestor, but if you ask me it can't be considered any of that if the conscent of the children were given to you, right? I took Susie and Mark to the tub, both bouncing around on my arms like I was to be their form of a bungee chord they could hang off of. Once I led them both to the tub and was filling it up along with a funny smelling bubble bath, I got to watch the two strip down naked right in front of me. My pants became extremely tight on that very instant seeing two children bare naked in front of me. Once the tub was filled I went to leave before the children began to scream something at me that made my heart jump into my throat so much I thought I was going to cough it up.

They told me how, about a year ago, when they went swimming at the lake they fell out of the boat and both of them almost drowned had it not been for the couragous efforts of their raccoon father. Since then they both have been afraid of swimming and water, and that's why their parents took bathes with them, and now they wanted me to do the same. I didn't think it a good idea now, but at the time I spent no time in waisting to strip off so fast it made the children bug-eyed with the speed I did it at. But not just that, but how I forgot all about one thing: I was standing in front of two children, naked, with my adolescent wolf cock hanging right out of it's sheath. The two children stared at it with wide mouths as they couldn't think of what to say. I was embarassed beyond beleif as I was gonna cover up, before Mark broke through the eerie silence and laughed at me, saying that I looked "funny" naked.

This comment only made Susie laugh with him, apparently the two have never seen their father, the good ol' raccoon, with his cock hanging from his sheath. All of us climbed into the water slowly as we began to take a long bath together. The kids did nothing but horseplay as I tried to wash their hair and bodies, only to let my hands wander all over them without them caring. I won't go into great detail, since because of this "new beginning" and thousands of dollars at the shrink that I shouldn't bring it up anymore, but I can tell you this much. By the time I had the two clean, I decided to play a game with them. Needless to say, Mark sat crying with his paws holding his now sore rump and sheath, while Susie ran away screaming with blood trickling down her thigh from her new deflowering. It just had to be at the exact moment when Susie ran when her parents walked in. Go figure.

The judge was all fire and brimstone when my case was taken, and before long I found myself thrown into Juvie for two years until I was old enough to go to prison. By the time I did get out of jail, though, I was almost thirty years old. My mother had commited suicide from the shock of me doing this, and my father left my sisters orphans. I heard two of them were adopted while the other still has her face on every milk carton from here to India. I spent close to five years living back home, trying to get a normal life back, but I was always shunned away from everyone, looked down upon, and heard whispers from everyone. Whispers such "Look! It's that filthy child mollestor!" or stuff such as "Here comes that pedophile again!" Well, as you all have guessed, I tried moving a lot.

I moved from countys, to towns, and eventually moved from state to state, trying to find a place to really hide out and have a normal life once more. Months, thousands of dollars, and heart-aches later I finally found a place that was far enough that no one even knew my name. That's where I'm currently residing now, my "new beginning" has taken off. I now live in a wonderful neighborhood, far away from schools so I don't have to lose to my urges, and away from that old life of being a disgusting pervert. That is, until something aweful happened. Something so terrible that it just had to occur only twenty feet from my new house.

By the time I was thirty-six years old, the neighbor's next to me had a son. A beautiful, gorgeous little baby, I know this because I was at the baby shower. I mean that, too, he was gorgeous. A cute, adorable little tiger cub, and without inbreeding either. I've grown to love this child so much, and because the neighbor's were the most friendliest and kindest in the world, they even let me name him. I got to pick out the name Brian for him, and it fit him so perfectly. Over the years I got older and so did cute little Brian. By the time he was five years old, he was coming over to my backyard to play, and me and him played games such as tag, softball, catch, frisbee, you name it. Me and Brian were the best of kin, and how badly I wanted to have a son just like him. Though as mushy as it may sound, Brian, on occasion, sometimes mistakingly called me dad.

I got older and so did Brian, both of us growing up to care for one another. Brian was now at the ripe age of ten years old while I was at the old-fart age of forty-six. In a small, quiet neighborhood like this one, you can't expect to find anything to do, or anyone to do I should say. My Friday nights after work were my party nights where I'd drive almost half an hour into town to hit the more hotter clubs, since there was nothing like that near here. But one wonderous and glorious Friday was to be one me and Brian shall never forget.

A Friday had finally come, and I was about ready to go smack some tail at the clubs. Hey, even older men like me gotta keep a social life, right? Right before I was about to run upstairs to take a shower, a knock on my door through away my plans. As I opened it up, I saw a tear drenched tigeress at my door with Brian holding onto her paw.

"I'm so, so sorry about this," she began, sniffling through half her words, "but my grandmother and grandfather just died yesterday. Me and my husband are going out for the funeral, but there's no way we can bring Brian along with us!"

I stared at her for a long time, wondering where she was going with this story. Once the real reason hit me, my eyes widened and mouth just went three sizes bigger. "OH NO YOU DON'T!!! I can't watch Brian! This is like, my only day off from work! I just can't-"

"Please!" she exclaimed as she cut me off, "Brian's babysitter is home sick with the flu and the other neighbor's that he usually stays at are out on vacation. Brian grew up with you and he likes you so much! There's got to be a way for you to take him! It's just for a week, I promise! I'll pay you anything you ask for!"

My mind was talking to me in almost every form of "no" possible. Once I looked down at Brian, my heart began to give all signals of "yes." His face was full of fear, clutching onto his mother tightly as he didn't seem to want to leave any more than I wanted him to stay. "But," I began, "but what am I to do when I go to work?"

"That's no problem at all! Brian takes after school classes that end close to six o'clock, that's about the same time you get off work, isn't it? Well you can just pick him up on your way back from work, I know his school is on the way anyways!"

My face began to drop as my heart melted along with it. How could I say no to this? How could I say no to Brian? I just couldn't, but then again I couldn't take him in, either. Though shrinks have assessed me as being cured of my childhood sexual prowess, there was still that possibility it could start up once more with Brian. "Well... I guess I can watch him for just one we-"

"OH THANK YOU!!!" she screamed. I swear if she screamed any louder she could've blown out me or Brian's ear drums, even Brian jumped from startlement from the exclamation from his mother. "This means the world to me!" Before I knew it, I had a duffel bag, a pillow, a blanket, and a bag of toys that each seemed to weigh a ton thrown into my arms. "These are all his things! Make sure he brushes his teeth every morning and night, eats all his vegetables, I packed him his favorite pajamas, there's his pillow and blanket there because he sometimes wets the bed, I brought him some toys so he doesn't get bored here-" then she dropped the bomb on me "-and please make sure he takes a bath every night."

All I could do was stare in stupidfied astonishment as Brian's mother flew from my doorstep into a car as it sped away towards the road that led to the airport. Me and Brian could only stare in awe as the cloud of smoke from the squeeling tires finally blew away in the wind. As if by pure instinct, me and Brian slowly began to lower our heads until our eyes met one anothers, kinda like the way you see in old movies and cheaply drawn cartoons. Without a word, Brian turned and walked into the house, not even needing an invitation. I guess he knew as well as I that he was stuck here no matter what his objection.

"Well," I began as I dropped all his things in a heap on the floor, "I have a small house, you know. There's only one bedroom, so you can take my bedroom and I'll sleep on the couch out here. I expect homework to be done after dinner, your hair combed and teeth brushed every morning, I don't want any wild horseplay in the kitchen where you can hurt yourself, and I want you to take a bath every night." I stared at Brian but not directly at him, as if staring through him. Thinking to myself for a moment on how badly I sounded like my own father when he talked to me.

Brian's face was dull and expressionless as he stared at me. He didn't say a word but only gave a nod of his head before moving towards the couch. He plopped himself down as he stared forward in dull shock. Great, now what was I supposed to do? I didn't have any clue on what to do about parenting or what to do when a kid acted like this. Finally I cleared my throat and spoke up. "You hungry?" He shook his head. "Thirsty?" He shook his head. "Tired?" He shook his head. "...Bored?" He nodded.

With a casual shrug I simply reached over, took the remote, and flipped on the television. I immidiettly switched over to the cartoons channel and let Brian sit back and watch TV for a while. In the meantime, I took all his things into my bedroom and made the bed for him. I had to be careful, though. I had smut all over my bedroom, and if Brian was snoopy enough, he could easily dig into the drawers and find a magazine or three. Luckily none of these magazines or pictures were of children or cubs, mostly just the legal aged males. It was hard to paw off to these pictures, since of course I still had that wonderful obsession with younger cubs.

Before I knew it, it was already time for bed. I walked back into the living room, mentally preparing myself to yell at Brian to go and get ready for bed. When I got there, however, I saw that he had curled up into a tight ball and had already fallen asleep. It was so adorable I didn't want to risk waking him up. I slowly picked him up into my arms, trying to sneakily bring him to the bedroom so he can sleep. I didn't make more than five steps when he stirred in my arms and curled up tightly against my chest. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach, splashed around my hormones for a bit, before I finally swallowed my pride, and yiffyness, and took him to the bedroom to sleep.

The next two days were a blur. Wake up, wake up Brian, have Brian brush his teeth and hair, make us some breakfast, take him to school, go to work, come back, pick up Brian from school, cook dinner, make Brian take a bath, and go to bed after helping him with his homework. This didn't seem like it was going to be such a bad time with Brian after all, but soon enough, hormones kick in. You see, when I was home alone and without Brian, I would come home and usually paw off right away because I was just a yiffy old male by nature, but without having time to do that since Brian being here, I was starting to get desperate.

The third night rolled around as I just finished cooking dinner for me and Brian. As me and him sat down at the table, I noticed he was staring at me awefully hard. I tried to ignore it by keeping my head low and paying attention to my food, yet Brian never stopped staring. Finally the pressure built up too much as I quickly shot my head up and gave him a casual stare before asking simply, "What?"

"Nothing," he said, just as normal as any other boy his age. "I was just wondering why you have so much of that stuff."

"What stuff?" I asked curiously. Was he referring to something that he shouldn't know about?"

"That stuff. Ya know? All those pictures of naked guys."

Yeah, it was. "Oh..." I began, I must've had the dumbest look on my face in the world. Brian found me out finally, I guess it was-

"I like them!" he exclaimed.

I stared at him in such a manner I must've scared him. I could feel no emotions running against my face as I was in complete shock to what he told me. My eyes were wide and never moved from Brian's face as I studied him for a long time, hoping to find a trace of him lying or joking to me, but no such emotion was emitted from Brian. "You... like them?" I finally asked.

Brian only began to giggle loudly. "Yeah, I didn't tell mum or dad about it, but I do like to see other guys naked." He giggled again.

"Oh, well, I uh, heh," I began to stutter badly now. The extra blood flow down to my crotch was draining my brain of much needed thinking abilities. "Well, do you uhm, do some of that stuff in the pictures?" I asked curiously, wondering if I should even be asking these things.

"Oh, no, but when I rub my tiddley-whacker just right, it feels really good," he said with a glint in his eyes.

Wait, tiddley-whacker? Was he talking about his... "Well that's pretty cool then," I said as casually as ever, hoping he'd drop the subject.

The meal continued on in silence for only a few minutes before Brian broke the silence again. "'Scuze me... Can.... Do you like those guys too? If you do... can I see yours?"

I slowly looked up towards Brian with that same shock/disbeleif look on my face. That was something I only dreamed someone would say to me. But the question is, should I do it? Should I be so bold and dastardly as to expose myself to this child? I could risk everything if I do, he could tell his parents and I'll never be able to see him again. He could tell anybody, even if it were true or not, and they'd find my record and lock me back up. In this case, a child's word against an adult man's is overruled.

"Brian," I said as calmly as ever, "if I do let you see me naked, you have to do the same, ok? You have to get naked too."

Brian stared at me in confusion at first, but then quickly nodded his head in excitement.

"And Brian, if we do this together, you have to promise me right here and now that you will never tell anybody, not even your parents."

Again, Brian nodded with excitement.

"One more thing, Brian," I said as I took in a deep breath of air of being so highly nervous, "if we do this together, you have to promise me that you'll do exactly as I say, alright?"

Brian, confused by this, only nodded with a small smile on his face. "Can I see it now?" he said with great enthusiasm.

I looked around the room for a moment, staring at all the windows and doors. "Let's do this in my bedroom, ok?"

I slowly walked towards the bedroom, Brian's exstatic self following very closely behind me. I walked as if I was a condemned man, walking towards the doors of fate. Fate, like any other dark choice, twisted your mind and heart together for a complete meltdown of your senses. If I walk through that door with Brian, I could risk everything. If I hurt him or bruised him, his parents would see and ask Brian, and maybe he will or maybe he won't tell them that I did this to him when we were having this sort of fun. A friend could even notice at school, tell a teacher, who'd call the parents, who'd call me and find out what I had done. But, then again, if I didn't take this choice, if I stopped right here and now and told Brian we can't do this, I could be safe as always and Brian would never ask again. Yet... I had to know. I'll take that dark path in this road of fate and find out if Brian does want to do these things, or if I can be so bold, I might even find a place that will accept me for who I am.

As I took Brian through the door with me towards the bedroom, I immidiettly locked the door and closed the shades. Not wanting anyone to watch me with my new friend. Switching on the small lamp next to my bed to give a small illumination to the room, I sat down on the bed next to Brian.

"Brian, can you tell me what you liked in those pictures of mine?" I asked curiously towards him.

He only shrugged before looking up to me. "I like to watch those guys lick each other's private parts. That part where there's this big bunch of white stuff going everywhere was weird, though, what was that stuff?" I couldn't tell from the way he was talking if he were serious or not, because I was too lost in the moment to really care.

"Oh, that white stuff? I can show you what it is," I said without thinking through of what I said.

Brian jumped up immidiettly with a giant smile on his face. "Really?? Oh wow! That'd be great!!!" Soon, though Brian's face began to go flat and expressionless. My heart started to race, I didn't know what to think of what he was gonna say next. "Can... can I see it now?"

I was afraid, yes, deathly afraid. If there is or is not a single person out there that is like me, then maybe you'd understand. That huge fear that you get when you know you're about to do something wrong, something so wrong that all your concious brain tells you is to stop right then and there. Yet somehow, that adrenaline that your heart gives you makes you want to go on. As if your heart was playing with your emotions, telling you one thing while your mind tells you another. If there is someone out there like me, then you'd know this feeling, and you'd know that your heart always wins.

I slowly began to get up from the bed, not being able to control my shaky paws. My stomach was all butterflies as my paws seemed to ghost towards my pants. It was such a blur to me, I barely even remembered undoing my belt and button to my pants before I realized I was already pulling down the zipper. I hesitated, only at first, before I reached a paw into my boxers. I glanced over towards Brian, who was transfixed on watching me with wide, wonderous eyes. Slowly, I began to pull out my wolf cock, already most of it hanging from my sheath as I now completely exposed myself to this adolescent youth.

Brian could only stare at my prick, he didn't make a sound, barely even breathed, he just stared. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, or what he was feeling right now, and that knowledge scared me.

"...Brian," I said quietly, breaking him out of his trance-like state, "do you wanna touch it?"

He nodded.

I got closer to him, but not wanting to scare him anymore than he probably is, I sat down next to him. My cock was stiffening up more and more, just from the stares I was getting from the cub. It was already reaching my furry belly button before Brian reached over a shaky paw. My heart leapt into my throat as I felt his soft, smooth furry paw grasp around my wolfhood. I was enjoying just the feeling until I remembered something that Brian had already promised.

I smiled to him in an asurring way before saying quietly to him, "Brian, you gotta get naked too. You promised."

Brian looked up to me quickly, nodded, and slowly let go of my thick cock. The warmth I felt was now gone, and I desperately wanted it back. Slowly Brian stood up next to me and began to undress. Unlike me, where I only undid my pants, Brian completely stripped himself naked until only his underwear remained. Red underwear with small decorative patterns on them, how cute.

"That's good Brian, that's very good," I said as I stood up slowly afterwards. Just like Brian, I stripped as well, only going completely nude without anything to cover me up. Brian, seeing this, quickly yanked off his underwear. I didn't have control over it as my cock immidiettly began to dribble with pre down it's length. Brian's furry body was small, delicate, and his small sheath and furry balls were the perfect match for him. He was gorgeous looking in my eyes, as if he was more pure than anything in the world. Older men, usually tainted by masturbating, having sex with random people, and even doing dirty things could not compare to Brian. He was marvelous, as if he was sculpted into the form of a pure angel.

Brian began to cover himself up with his paws at seeing how I was staring at him so hard. I shook my head as I took one of his small paws into my own. "It's ok Brian, you don't have to be shy around me." I took his paw and lead him over to the bed and layed down, pulling him next to me as I brushed my nose against his. "Do you like being nude around an older furre like me?" I asked.

"Oh yes, yes I do, very much," Brian said with a gentle twitch of his feline tail.

I didn't allow us to say anything else as I slowly began to press my muzzle against his. I kissed him slowly at first, letting him get the idea of what to do at first. I could tell this was Brian's first real kiss. His muzzle and lips were shaky, pressing against mine as if he thought we had to keep our mouths closed together at all times. I began to show him how to really kiss soon after, pressing our muzzles together for a moment then moving away, occasionally moving one of our heads to one side to get better access to each other. Eventually I felt something warm and smooth glide against my lips as I realized Brian was moving ahead of me before I got a chance to react. I slowly parted my muzzle and let my tongue press against his, emitting a murr of delight from him. Soon we began to give each other a mis-matched kiss back and forth.

"Brian," I said through each small kiss, "do you want to try something?"

Brian only stared at me for a moment, breathing in deeply. He was still a little shaken up by his first kiss and was just now recovering. A simple nod of his head was all that I needed for an incentive to go on again. I pulled Brian closer to my body, guiding his paws up and down my body as we moved in time with one another. In time, I completely coaxed Brian to sit down into my lap; his furry tail swaying to and fro across my legs ever so gently.

"Now Brian," I began, "I'm going to show you something that's going to hurt a lot at first, but soon after you're going to realize it'll feel more and more better the more you continue on. I'll let you go at your own speed to make sure I don't hurt you. Are you ready?"

Brian, on account of the newly given information, was a little skeptical at first. His body shook for a moment as if a cold breeze licked his backside but soon after nodded ascent.

I pulled the smaller feline closer and lifted him up effortlessly into the air. His virgin tailhole dangled mere inches above my throbbing and awaiting cock. Slowly I began to lower him; the small hairs of fur tickled the tip of my throbbing organ which emitted a gentle spurt of pre cum to slick up Brian's awaiting tailhole. Eventually I lowered him until he was sitting right onto my wolfcock, the tip of it pressing every so slightly against his tailhole.

"I don't know about this," Brian began in a scared tone, "it's gonna hurt you said."

"Yes yes, it will," I began as I attempted to reassure him, "but I promise you that after a while it's going to feel so good that you won't even notice the pain at all, I promise."

Brian saw the confidence in my eyes, or rather, the desperation. The only thing he could do was smile and nod his head. I felt a sense of releif and excitement as well as a little bit of fear in my gullet as I began to let go of Brian's small body. He quickly picked himself up by stradling my chest with his smaller paws, looking to be as frightened and confused as I was at this point. Soon after, he began to realize what it was exactly I wished him to do.

It only took him a moment before he began to lower himself. The tip of my cock head was throbbing and coating Brian's entire tailhole with a thin stream of pre cum as the moments passed. At first, all I could feel was a tightness, a barrier if you will, for my cock. As if Brian was so small and feeble I wouldn't fit at first. I heard it before I felt it, actually. The sweet sound of wetness and flesh beging stretched as I soon realized that I was now inside of the boy of my dreams.

Brian could only let out a loud mrowl of pain at first, but still began to sit himself further. His paws were the only thing that was holding him steady on top of me as he sat himself further and further downwards. I was in heaven at this point. Brian's body was warm and tight, every internal muscle of his spasmed with the new intrusion, literally massaging my pounding organ as it seeped more and more inside of the feline.

I heard a gasp at first before I felt Brian sit up a little bit, obviously showing me that he's gone as far down onto me as was possible. I gave Brian a few moments to adjust to the size and odd shape that was now inside of his rectum. He made not a sound, barely breathed; his eyes were closed in half climatic bliss as he soon began to realize that the pain was now subsiding and the new feelings of a wonderful feeling was now washing over him. It was foreign to him but soon was learning to be quite accustomed to the feeling.

After Brian was more used to the new feeling inside of him, I took a hold of his hips once more. Slowly I began to pull him towards me and downwards to embed myself deep inside of him, then I retracted by pushing him away as well as lifting him up. I continued this for a long time, enjoying the feeling of hot wetness massaging my most intimate of places. I began to let my paws loosen on Brian's body, letting him take control; I wanted him to make love to me, not the other way around.

Brian was a pure natural if there ever was such a thing. He rocked on my body so fluently and gracefully in a way that it sent electricity to every part of my body. My world was spinning, my loins were of fire, all of this because of this one small tiger cub. Brian rode me in such a way that no words can describe it since happily bliss was hardly the term to tell of how wonderful this feeling truely was. Brian's breathing began to quicken in time to match my own. I could tell Brian was enjoying this far more than I ever could by the expression on his face. I allowed Brian to go for a few seconds longer before I wanted to try something to him next.

I reached a cautious paw over and slowly rubbed Brian's sheath, his small tiger cock already protruding outwards. I ran my fingers over it at first, causing Brian to jump from suprise. Literally I played with his cock as he rode my own. Eventually my hands ghosted over his small length without me realizing it. Brian stared down at me in wonderous awe as I began to stroke his length, feeling the small spines tickling my pads softly.

This all continued on for close to a minute, but to me and Brian, time had stopped completely. We were lost in one another; no words, no sounds, just the small rhythm and pound of our heartbeats beating together.

It took me only a split second to realize it, but Brian was not riding me any longer but more so humping his tiger cock against my paw. The humping was so magnificently perfect as it began to speed on Brian's enjoyment as well as my own as his small rump flew across my wolfhood in blinding speed.

I felt a warmth between my legs increase as my ball sack began to tighten. From feeling against Brian's I could tell his own small sack was doing the same. Before long, I clenched my teeth and shut my eyes in bliss as I felt a wave of true happiness wash over me. I exploded inside of Brian like a torrent waterfall, halfway impaling him onto my cock as I erupted inside of his small body. The added warmth inside of the tiger cub's body only drove Brian on more as he gave a few final thrusts into my paw. His small body jerked and twitched in my very paws as he had his first dry orgasm. Though my knot rested outside of Brian, not tieing us both together, it still felt as if me and him were more closer together than ever.

As me and Brian's orgasms subsided, he carefully layed down onto my chest. My throbbing and still twitching wolf cock was still embedded into Brian, twitching and spasming as it continued on filling up his small tailhole with my warm wolf cum. Brian held me tightly as I pulled him close to my body. As we both rested in the wonderous afterglow, I realized something that I forgot...

...I still have another week with Brian left.