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Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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I really appreciate you,

Your helpful, giving ways,

And how your generous heart

Your unselfishness displays.

I thank you for your kindness,

I will not soon forget;

You're one of the nicest people

I have ever met.

wrriten by: me

um thanks for supporting me and joshua we love you guys and hope we can be good friends josh is at the store so i wrote this for him again love you all thanks for the support


The lady and the furs.

" I'm a lofty lovely woman," Says the lady in the furs, In the glance she throws around her On the poorer dames and sirs: " This robe, that cost three figures, Yes, is mine," her nod avers. " True, my money did not buy it, But my husband's,...

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Coming together

A cat and a fog never interact But this time they will A friendship shall start And together we shall have a meal The smiling sun will wonder Upon looking at us walking and talking as friends The sky shall declare thunder But we'll still be...

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How can i forget?

_**That very first day that we met It's a feeling I'll never forget. All the experiences that we've shared, I knew right away that you were rare. You see, it's hard to find a someone like you, Usually they're too good to be true. Though I...

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