Just another story

Story by Yomi on SoFurry

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#1 of Just another story

Um....Sorry if this story sucks, its my first attempt.

Yomi sat with Shadow around their small campfire. Shadow was fondling around with something inside his backpack, while Yomi was coating his arrows with his own poison mixtures. "What are you doing over there?" Yomi asked as if he didn't really care, but he was a tiger and curiosity was not one of his finer traits. "Look...what I found" he pulled out a small pouch; he opened it up slowly revealing a couple gold coins. "You sure you didn't steal that, Yomi said, eyeing him up. "Ha na really, was on one of those soldiers we pasted going through that battlefield."

Yomi though about searching those bodies for loot and luxuries but thought it to be bad luck. He went to put his newly armed arrows into his quiver, "So do you still have the map?" Shadow paused for a second, "Don't you have the map?" Yomi looked aggravated. "That's not funny, we really need the fucking map!" Shadow snickered, "I don't have it honest, guess we'll have to go on without the worthless thing."

* * *

"So Yomi, what do you think this war is over anyways?" Yomi didn't answer right away; instead he kept marching along the icy climate wondering why the human keeps insisting on conversing with him. "As far as I know it's just random groups wanting to prove supremacy over the others. Would you like to join em?" Shadow chuckled, "Na, I'd rather just find a cave for tonight and snuggle with that warm furred ass of yours." Yomi thought to himself if Shadow was serious or not but then forgot about it. "I guess we could set up a tent under those rocks there." They began taking out stakes and other tent accessories when Yomi looked at Shadow puzzled.

"Have you never put a God damn tent up before?" Yomi shook his head. "Aw fuck it just lemme do it." Yomi smiled at the knowledgeable human. Yomi didn't really care for tents. He was a snow tiger anyways, so what did it matter to him. Shadow had finally gotten the tent up and the two huddled inside with their belongings. "Um...Yomi, in all seriousness...not to get weird or anything...but would it be alright if I actually DID cuddle with you. I mean it would be soo much warmer for me at least." Surprised, Yomi just looked at him for a couple of seconds. "...I...I guess it wouldn't hurt. Besides if you froze to death out here I'd be wandering by myself, which isn't fun at all." A huge grin grew on Shadows face, making Yomi wonder if he ever had thoughts about him.

The night was a very harsh and cold one. The two lay together inside the small tent. Shadow was pressed tightly against Yomi's chest. Yomi was still awake looking at the sleeping human. Yomi couldn't help it, the physical contact he had with him made him a little aroused. A bulge was formed in his pants, Yomi hoping to all Gods that it wouldn't wake Shadow. As much as he was aroused there was nothing he could do...except sleep now, and so he drifted in his thoughts and fell a sleep.

* * *

Yomi was awakened but what seem to be laughter. When he came to he noticed his hands were tied behind his back. And look around and seen many furs and some humans. He started to look around for Shadow, but he was nowhere in sight. The laughing and talkative crowd around the tent seemed to have ceased all at once. Then he noticed a carriage was coming up the trail Shadow and Yomi had been following. It stopped about 10 feet away from the tent. The door had opened and a very beautiful artic Wolf had stepped out.

"Where the fuck is shadow?" Yomi wondered to himself. His attention drawn completely to the Wolf as she started to approach. She spoke and when she spoke, her voice was very affirmative. "Who are you, tiger, to trespass on my lands?" Before Yomi could answer, a panther had punched him hard in the stomach taking his breath out of him. He slowly hobbled back to his knees and didn't dare try to stand. "I...was only traveling back home, I ...didn't know these lands belonged to anyone." She smiled, with what seemed to be a nice smile. Then frowned as she slapped Yomi hard in the face dropping him again, surprised by her strength.

Shadow looked on from behind the trees. He saw the wolf slap him to the ground. "Shit, they may kill him, I guess its time to get a little dirty." He drew his Chinese straight sword from its dark looking sheath. He rummaged through a side pocket on Yomi's quiver and pulled out a smoke explosive, as he calls them. He hurls them towards the group.

Shadow charges down in front of Yomi, noticing the wolf and panther gagging on the smoke. He takes the time to kick the wolf and slashes his sword towards the panther cutting his throat. He gets behind Yomi and cuts him loose of his bonds. "Come on hurry, your gear is on top the hill!" Yomi quickly got to his feet and raced with Shadow. Raced until he felt a sharp pain that dropped him immediately. On the ground he looks back and sees an arrow through his ankle. "Arg...fuck, da...damnit just go Shadow we'll meet up again" Shadow ignoring Yomi words makes his way back, that is until a gaggle of arrows fell between him and Yomi. "Shit, Yomi...If they were going to kill you they could have done it so I'll follow them so don't worry". Yomi smiled slightly at his words "Fine just go...before they get you too!" Shadow had now disappeared.

The artic wolf walked behind Yomi placing a foot atop his wound. "Aarg ...you bitch!" She only laughed at his screaming, she bent down and very slowly, pulls the arrow out. "aarrgggg". The wolf then spoke to him in that same affirmative voice. "Your friend sure did a number on my body guard back there. Its too bad he left you here to pay for it." She nodded at a fox, in which turn the fox walked up and hit Yomi in the head with a stone knocking him out instantly.

* * *

Yomi, was now awakened, staring around wherever he was, to no avail. He had a blindfold on and judging by the pain he felt in his head, he wouldn't be able to see well anyways. "Oh is kitty awake?" Yomi recognized the voice of that being that Artic Wolf. The blindfold was removed by her and tossed on...a bed. He was in a bedroom, which looked to be that of a wealthy person. Though he was in no bed. Yomi soon realized he was literally chained to a wall. On his knees, his wrists where shackled and so was his neck. On top of that he was completely nude.

"Wh...where am I?" The wolf slapped him again hard on a cheek. "You will never speak unless I tell you to." Your friend killed my bodyguard, and since we caught you, you get to pay me back. "What do you mean" Again the Wolf slapped him hard. Yomi's cheek now red under his fur. "I wasn't finished speaking. You will pay me back by becoming my new bodyguard. "?! The fuck makes you think I'd ever do that?" The wolf raised her hand again as if to make Yomi flinch, but Yomi did not budge and stared her fiercely in the eyes. She withdrew her hand smiling. "You are tougher than Ryn was."

She walked to a closet in the large room, Yomi unable not to watch her for how beautiful she was. The white artic wolf was dressed in a very short skirt with her long bushy tail coming out the back of it and a matching long sleeve shirt both black. She got onto her tiptoes to reach something on a tall self. She herself was probably about 5'9.

As she got to her tiptoes Yomi actually had noticed she had no undergarments on revealing her tail hole and her slit. Seeing this made Yomi a little aroused and it was starting to show. Yomi looked disgusted as he seen what she was after. The wolf turned around with a mouth ball gag in hand. "This will stop your obsessive back mouthing". She proceeds toward him as Yomi starting to shake his head but to no avail. The wolf snuggly put the gag in its place. "It seems someone was enjoying what they were watching as well." Yomi was now bright red in both cheeks.

"As my new bodyguard you will become more or less my absolute pet. In other words, I now own you". Yomi frowned towards her making her frown also. The wolf walked up to the tiger with her pelvis very close to his face. She puts a paw soft on his head and with a leg reaches around and steps on his arrow wound. Yomi tried getting a yell out but only getting muffled by the gag. She stepped harder down upon him, in reaction his head being forced against her skirt. "That's right pet come to me for your protection. In time you will love me and will want to be my personal guard."

Tears started swelling up in the defeated tiger's eyes. "Now lets see if you still need the gag. From now on you are to refer to me as master, my real name is of no importance to you." She removes the gag and tosses it aside. "Is that clear kitty?" Yomi afraid of being hit or his wound exploited again could only comply. "Yy...ye.s master"

"That's a good kitty, you'll see how nice I can be don't worry. But for now you'll need to be disoplined for your actions earlier." She walked back to the closet to retrieve another item. "This is one of my favorites." She slowly takes her skirt off and grabs something. Yomi watches her as she straps what seems to be a very long and thick dildo to her pelvis. She starts towards Yomi. "Nn...NO please don't...Uhh uh Master please!" The sadistic wolf just smiles, "You really must learn to watch that mouth of yours. Now to silence you my pet. You will take this into your mouth and pleasure it as if...as if it were that human you were with.

Before Yomi could object the wolf forcefully slips the artificial cock into the tigers muzzle. Where he just sits completely still not moving. "Damnit slave, you suck and pleasure it!" Yomi still refuses to move. "Fine pet", She pulls the cock out and backhands him. "I tried to take it easy on you." The wolf walks over to her desk and presses a button. Immediately two huskies walk in and change Yomi's position on the wall. Then they walked back out. He was now standing up with his arms pointed out form his sides and his legs were now chained to. Each was spread so they were slightly father out than from his shoulders.

"Too bad you didn't wanna lube it." She walks back up to the 5'11 tiger and kisses him slightly on his lips. Yomi afraid of what was to come from her, but having an obvious idea of what it would be. The wolf got to her own knees then looked back up to the tiger. "Oh no pet. No pleasure for you." She puts a finger in her mouth and sucks on it slightly. She then reaches the finger past Yomi's cock and balls to find his tail whole. Finding it she pushes at the entrance slightly. "Hmm it seems pet that you are a virgin here." Yomi starting to shake a little. "You...can't please don't".

"Ha you are a persistent one aren't you?" She gets up and finds the gag she threw aside. "Time to keep you quiet for awhile. The gag is then placed back into his mouth. "Its time for me to own you pet." The wolf slips her strap-on past Yomi's tiger hood and finds the tail hole again. Slowly pressing at the entrance with the thick cock. Yomi having tears coming down his face. "Its okay pet it'll be all over soon enough." She smiled as she entered the head of the dildo into his hole. She then purposely slowly penetrates. "See pet you should have done what master had told you."

Yomi makes muffled yelps as loud as he could be to death ears. The wolf only seems to get happier at his suffering. "Oh pet you like this do you?" She was looking at Yomi's pulsing cock, which was growing by shear physical sensation. "Its good that you like this because you will be getting so much more. She moves the cock into him to about ¾ it's length deciding that's all he'll be able to take.

Yomi's cock fully erect now as the wolf starts to pick up speed as she pulls in and out of the tigers ass. Yomi feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure feels his own cock react and realizes he's actually going to cum from this. A couple more thrusts from the wolf were all it took. "Mmm that's right pet release yourself." Yomi was cumming over himself and on his so-called master. Releasing gobs of his seed that seemed to be endless as load after load splatter on the two.

"Hmm now it seems that I can't have this on me the whole day." The tiger obviously too wore out to stand anymore, so the wolf releases his bonds and he falls to his knees. "Clean me off pet or we will have a repeat session." Without hesitation Yomi pulls his head up and licks above the massive dildo to get his semen off his new master. "And clean my dildo also." Again without hesitation he begins to lick and suck the cock off. "Now that's a good kitty" She pets his head and ties him back to his original position as he falls asleep.

To be with the continue