Ch7. Accelerando

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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#7 of Willing Student

Character development, and plot development. Is Dal getting to grips? Is Rick getting in touch with feelings? A few more friends? Oh and more on Ken.....

Ch7 Accelerando


Dal made a few last notes on the page and sighed. He hadn't heard anything more from his mother or father. Rick lay stretched out on the couch asleep. Dal had worked for the last few hours and finally finished the Requiem / Celebration commission. He tried his best to keep his thoughts off his brother.

Dalten shook his mane as he stood up and clopped over to the computer typing up his messaging system. He had over forty messages. He was sorely confused and rubbed his eyes to make certain the number was not 4. He normally only got one, maybe two messages a day. As he glanced over the subject lines, it became clear as to why he had gotten the messages.

"Apology for your experience at Dine."

"Tenderest of apologies"

He opened a few of the messages. The were all along the same lines. "A distinguished customer such as yourself should never have has taken the event into consideration......certain personnel have been retrained..."

His eyes widened at that. The few times he had gone to Dine by himself for a snack and wine, Bertrand, the manager had been very nice. Only on his last experience could he fault the lupine in his impeccable behavior. He hoped the lupine wouldn't fare too badly in all of this.

The last message caught his eye.

!!!!!!To. Mssr. Dalton Samuel Taylor!!!!Re: Dining Privileges!!!From!!!Owner N.AnAm Foods Inc.

Dir Sir:

I regret to have to apologize to you so deeply for the negative, and in fact, discriminatory experience you underwent with your 'friend' at our establishment. Knowing that you have been a long time customer at our fine establishment, and in hopes of offering reparation for the pain we caused you, I would like to offer you a lifetime VIP pass, and voucher for two meals per week for a year.

It is not a just compensation for the experience you underwent, and I would also like to personally present the above passes and vouchers to you and your friend in person. Please contact my secretary at your earliest convenience, and I will make whatever arrangements necessary to meet you at the arranged time.

Yours Respectfully,

Chas. T. Dawson

CEO / Owner

N.AnAm Foods Inc.

Pamela Folsum




Looks like he owed Rick a little more than twenty bucks! Dal grinned to himself. No messages about Dal. He opened the last two e-mails. Both were concerning his new commissions. He had upped his requests on his commission payments and hopped they would come close. His eyes boggled at the number each would represent for income. They had exceeded the amount of the flat rate and had included a promise of a portion of the house take for each performance, and a promise of more commissions should he meet a certain quality and attendance count. At this rate he could pick and choose his commissions.

Dal grinned to himself, his mind entirely off of Ken.


Ken stared at his drink. He sat in "The Saddle Saloon." He snorted to himself. Ironic. Here he was, in the prime of his life, and he just royally screwed up. Andrew didn't want him, D didn't want him, he'd had to shut his phone off as Meghan kept calling him and wondering when he'd be home. He was ignoring his parents. He replayed the last few minutes of his encounter with his dad as he sipped the thin bitter beer...


"Listen son, it's ok. You didn't speak up. I never did either when I was your age, and well, I got into this life, and found I loved it. It wasn't my first life, but I found I fit it much better than I would have doing something else. I was wrong in my decisions."

Ken kept his eyes down, his ears flat and teeth slightly barred. He was not happy.

He heard his father approach and shut his eyes tightly not wanting to see the patronizing smile.

"Son, I know you need time to think. I also know you're more like me AND your mom than Dal is. So here's the deal. You aren't allowed home until you figure out what you want."

That startled Ken so much his head whipped up, a look of shock on his face, his eyes wide.

"WHAT!?" He shouted.

Dal Sr. looked resigned. He knew that look from when he'd misbehaved as a colt. There would be no supplication.

"You heard me son. Go out, find out what you need. You still have Uncle Fen's money in your account. You could debauch yourself twenty times over in Europe if you want. Go find yourself. And for the love of God stay away from Andrew, D, Meghan, or anyone else, especially your brother and Rick. You don't want to complicate your brother's life now, Do you?"

The last was said with force. Ken winced. He loved his brother.

"No dad."

"Good. Call us and keep us updated on where you are, and if you need anything, but remember. Don't come home until you know yourself, however long that takes. Even if you need more money. Now. GET OUT!"


Ken stared at his beer. It was clear and lightly bubbly. Just like his head. Just as he wanted it. He'd taken a train to some east coast town near somewhere called Charlotte. One of those old towns that had been rebuilt after the huge earthquake. He'd gotten a hotel room at a weekly rate in a decent hotel, but had found he had no idea what to do. He spent the last day just wandering around until he found this saloon.

What a mess. Dal comes home happy, and it felt like spurs in my side. I run off, do what I think is right, and mess up everything. Why, oh why did I think Andrew would want me?

Ken sulked. He remembered the day they had enjoyed each others company in the barn years ago. It had been shortly after Dal had left for college. It was one time. And here he thought he could base a life change on that? What about his fiance? What about her sister Meghan? He doubted either would be happy with him, OR want him after this fiasco.

The Saddle Saloon was one of those type of bars you find on any street. Filled with workers, and normal people of all types, canines, lupines, bovines, and equines. It wasn't somewhere you went for fine wine, but it wasn't where you went to get wasted. It offered simple beer and drinks, and simple food for simple people.

Ken thought about that for a minute.

"Hrm, back to basics maybe."

He took a long drought from his beer, asking for another as he finished it.

Yah, back to basics. Find out what I want to do, and who with. I mean, farm work has always been there, but it's safe. It wasn't where I always wanted to be though.

The answer hit him like a ton of bricks. He stared at the hound who handed him his new beer. The answer was so clear. What he liked to do were physical things. Not just farming. Maybe he had another career ahead of him. Maybe if he got his muscles to work more, he'd be able to think more. Some people said equines were like that.

"Ok then, less thinking, more doing. To the future!" He raised his beer and drank it down, paid his tab and left.


Tuesday had passed in a blur for Rick. He remembered leaving Dal's late at night after a long nap. The long nap had turned into insomnia, but he found plenty of homework awaited him as he checked his tablets for classes. He finished all of his assignments by six am, and took a nap. At this point, he'd only have a few music classes, and then his lesson with Dr. Carson.

Rick snoozed for a while on the bed until he heard the other bed squeak under some weight. He looked over to see a very naked Seth and Val lying together on the bed. "Don't mind us..." Val purred.

The canine grinned at her. "I won't you minx. I see you have Seth fully under your paw. Have you met his parents yet?"

Her ears twitched. "Um, yes, on video. They" Seth flicked her ear. "OW!"

"They were rude. Don't lie." Seth sighed, a scowl on his face. "Dad and pop were rude. Period. They peppered her with questions, then assumed she was pregnant, then refused to see her 'until we've been together for a while' to make sure this thing sticks." Seth scoffed.

Rick nodded to himself. "Seems like there's some parental issues going around."

Seth shrugged.

Rick glanced at his watch and realized he'd be late for his morning lesson with Dr. Carson. His first assessment since learning from Dal. He quickly made a hasty apology and left.


Dr Carson sat in his leather chair and examined the instrument that Rick proffered to him for inspection. "Nice...mmmmm...very nice. Very tricky to play, un-fretted, but you have a lot of skill youngling." He proffered the instrument back to Rick. Rick smiled to himself. "Twelve strings are a bitch to tune, and I know what I'm talking about...." the hound smirked.


Dr. Carson waved his hand dismissively. "Now. I've read the compositions you worked on with Mr. Taylor. Not bad. Now, I'd like the following. D Major, improvize. Your choice of style.

Rick took in a deep breath and kept his ears from drooping. He made sure of a few final turnings and began. D simple line.....then an Aeolian line under it.....he could see the colors in his, yellow, red........he picked up the pace, doubling it......and changed the meter to a 3/4 meter. Soon he was rollicking. He found his thoughts drifting to his time with the Taylors. "Red River Valley" made it's way into the tune as he turned "All the Pretty Little Horses" into a descant....and soon another voice....his own humming......he finally wound down and stopped.


He looked up. Dr. Carson was beaming. His habitual, and natural, scowl was replaced by a huge canine grin. Rick could not help letting his tail wag lightly.

"Um.....was that ok?"

Dr. Carson turned around. There was a loud click. "More than OK. You're skills are proven. I have no idea how Dal did it son, but you just surpassed him. Here." Dr. Carson handed Rick a recording disk.

"You, recorded this?"

"Of course! And I expect to have a transcription, oh, by Monday. I bet Dal can help you on that as well. You are submitting that, my boy, to the composition exposition. If you don't finish in the top three, I'll, well, I'll give you an A."

Rick took a deep breath. Dr. Carson rarely gave out A's. He was known to be very stingy with his praise.

Suddenly the hound turned serious. "Now....about that diminished fingering. It's different on an instrument like this. Are you intentionally trying to ruin your tendons? Watch here....."

Rick let his mind concentrate on his lesson.


The week passed quickly. Dal was intent on his new commissions, and Rick had his classes. They met for lunch on most days, each having a few hours to spend chatting about their day. At the end of the day both were exhausted from their schedule. Rick attended to Dal for his lesson in notation, and Dal's mind was obviously a million miles away. Rick could tell it had nothing to do with his brother as his expression was neutral, and not troubled.

He sure is easy to read!

Dal picked up on notation standards quickly, and had half of his composition finished by Friday, and his last lesson with Dal for the week. That was when the other shoe dropped.


"So you've shown proficiency on guitar, and keyboard. Fine, now for something different." Dal quickly reached for an instrument stand and picked up a violin and handed it to Rick.

Rick looked at it puzzled. "Violin? Um.....I've never really played one." Dal chuckled. I don't expect you to be proficient on all instruments. I'm not. No, this is so you know how to play one, and how to construct melodies that fit the instrument. For instance..."

Dal quickly played a tuneful little melody on the piano and took the violin from Rick. It was obviously a struggle to play it on the instrument, regardless of Dalten's lack of skill. "As you can see, not all instruments are equal. So since you have no basis on this instrument we begin with fingering....."


The three hours passed. Rick's cording hand cramped badly, but he had to admit, he found the violin very easy. It wasn't the same as guitar, but the concepts were there. Different tuning was normal for a guitarist, and he made up for his lack of experience with an ease in bowing the strings. By the end of the lesson he could at least make out a clear one line melody without distortion.

"Enough for now...." Dal intoned. It was nearing six in the evening. Rick realized he hadn't eaten anything and was ravenous. He began to put the violin away.

"Um...Dal....are you hungry?"


Dal grinned. Rick couldn't have known could he? He'd e-mailed the owner of N.An.Am Foods Inc and had asked to meet him at his restaurant at 7.

"In fact, yes I am. I was also wondering if you could join me tonight as this is a very special occasion?" he asked solemnly.

Rick nodded eagerly, wanting to be a part of whatever Dal had planned. "Are you meeting with someone commissioning work?"

Dal smirked. "No, but I am meeting someone very important, and so are you. Go back to your dorm and get dressed in a formal suit. I'll be there in a half hour."

Rick raised and eye, but gave Dal a kiss as he headed out the door.


Rick scrambled in his wardrobe and picked out a gray suit. He usually wore it for performances as it brought out the blue in his eyes. Monochrome colors did that. He hurriedly dressed.

"Someone sure is handsome tonight!" Val purred while laying on her back on Seth's bed reading an old leather bound book. Seth had yet to return from class. It wasn't unusual for Val to hang out in the dorm room shared by the two artistic types.

"Um....thanks Val..." Rick rushed into the bathroom and made sure he had no lint on his suit, and that his fur was groomed. It was, but he was paranoid.

"Concert tonite!?" Val shouted.

"No." Rick tied the tie around his throat.

"Then what?"

Rick froze. "I'm meeting someone, I think, with Dal..."

"What, his parents?" Val inquired.

"No...someone....I don't know who...look I'll tell you when I get back tonight."

With one last look in the mirror he was satisfied and headed to the door.

"You mean IF you come back tonight....."


Dal was standing outside the dorm. Another carriage stood at the curb. Rick gulped. He hoped this wouldn't be another repeat of last Friday. The driver opened the door for the two. They both climbed in. The carriage departed.

Rick glanced at Dal once in a while. Dal was silent, but had a smile on his face. Rick tried to make conversation, but each time he tried, Dal would silence him and give him a kiss on his nose. Rick was confused, getting hot, and was blushing all at the same time.

I hope I don't stain my suit! A "wet" spot would require dry cleaning. He'd worn two pairs of boxers just in case.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped. Rick looked up. "Oh no...." he breathed.


Dal stepped down as the footman opened the door to the carriage. The marque "Dine" shone brightly. The dalmatian was frozen in the carriage. A huge Tiger in a pin striped suit walked forward. He had a slight french accent. "Do I have the distinct honor of meeting Messieurs Taylor and Wells?"

Dalten nodded. "You do indeed sir."

Rick stepped out of the carriage. He was nervous. Rick was human height. Dal was equine / clydesdale height. This huge tiger was somewhere in between. A head and a half higher than Rick. Even though he was of predator and carnivore stock, Rick now knew what it felt like to be prey.

The tiger smiled at Dal. "I am Mr. Dawson, owner of this establishment, and others as well. Please, call me Chas."

The tiger held out a hand to each of them. Rick noted that while the handshake was firm, it was not forceful. Rick smiled as he shook the feline hand.

"Now, please, allow me...."

Dal leaned down. "I owe you way more than twenty bucks by the way. Remember our bet?"

Rick smiled. An apology? This looked like a lot more than a free dinner.

The two followed Chas as he entered the restaurant. The front desk was manned by Bertrand who began to profusely apologize to Dal. Dal looked embarrassed.

"Please, Bertrand. You are embarrassing our guests! You did what you thought was right by our previous standards, but you now have better and more precise orders do you not?" The Tiger's voice was smooth and low.

"Yes sir."

"Pray, tell me what those are?" The tiger raised an eyebrow, extended a claw and polished it with a light silver file. Rick could almost translate the "pray" as "prey."

Bertrand stood at attention with a look of fierce concentration on his face.

"All are welcome here, regardless of their inclinations for food, their background as prey or hunter, or their choice of companion. Any customer expressing dismay at any of the aforesaid customers or circumstances will be told 'we allow all in our midst, and welcome their custom gladly.'"

"mmmm.....very good Bertrand. Now, the folders?"

Bertrand held out two folders each, one set for Dal, another for Rick. Dal took his solemly and tucked it under his arm.

"Now....gentlemen, if you would follow me to the VIP section, dinner awaits.


Dal had been ready for the VIP section. The windows, while you could see out, were coated specially so no one could see in. You could view the entire "common" restaurant from here. What he was not prepared for was the other introduction.

"Messieurs Wells, Taylor, let me introduce you to my mate, William"

William stood a head taller than Dal. His huge bovine head almost reached the ceiling. The huge bull was dressed smartly in a tight hugging black suit that matches his black fur. Imposing was not the word for the placid bovine male. Dal did not miss the fact that William slipped an arm around Chas's thin waist as they headed to a huge booth. All four sat quietly.

Wine was ordered. An array of cheeses and appetizers as well, both meat based, and grain based. Dal raised an eye at that.

"William here does not appreciate meat. I do, so I make certain our special customers get what they need. Not all are carnivores. Even some prefer a salad once in a while...." Chas intoned dryly raising an eyebrow at Dal.


Rick chuckled and elbowed Dal. "About that twenty bucks you owe me?" Dal glared at the dalmatian. Chas looked confused. "Excuse me?"

Dal rumbled deeply. "Rick here bet that once word of who I was had reached important ears I'd get a free dinner." Dal looked very embarrassed. The tiger looked nonplussed.

"Nonsense! If you had lodged a formal complaint the outcome would have been the same! William and I, we do not tolerate that kind of behavior. Our restaurants are, how shall we say, well they used to say, continental. We now term it, inviting."


The conversation flowed. Rick learned quickly that Chas and William had met overseas. Hence the taciturn bull's nature. He did not speak English, but he did speak perfect German. Rick caught a few words and did respond in William's mother tongue when he could. William looked grateful at the gesture.

Chas explained he had gotten into the restaurant business after a very bad experience at a high end place, and wanted all experiences to be perfect. He demanded perfection, grace, and acceptance, and any who fell short, well, like Bertrand, they found themselves greatly regretting their decision.

The story of having Bertrand sit in a char, in a dark closet, while the shadowed silhouette of Chas repeated his message over and over until the lupine could recite it without thinking thrilled Rick.


Desert was served. Dal has some type of ice cream as did Rick. The tiger had some cake, and William only drank coffee. "He....does not like sweets." Rick gestured at William. "Ich weiß nicht wie süße Speisen" William intoned. Rick thought he caught the meaning. The bull didn't like sweets.


After dinner Dal stood and shook the tiger's hand. "Chas, thank you so much for your apology, and this wonderful evening. I think I can speak for Rick when I say you have more than made up for our issues." Rick nodded as Dal spoke.

"It was poor recompense enough."

Rick shook his head and took the feline's hand. "Nonsense Chas, besides that, thank you for meeting us. It was good to meet another, well, mixed couple."

Chas winced. "It is hard is it not? Gay or straight, it matters not. The new matter is speciesm. The battles against sex are gone, now replaced by genes. Pah!"

Dal smiled warmly at Chas. "Well, you have free passes for the both of you to any concert my music is a part of, I'll contact my agent and my publisher tomorrow." Chas's eyes rose.

"Really? The great Dalten Taylor gives out free passes?"

Dal chuckled and leaned in to whisper in the stripped feline ear.

"Only to friends....."

The tiger chuckled, ushering them out.


Dal opened the door to his apartment. Rick yawned hugely following him. It was becoming routine. If there was a night where the two of them had little to do in the morning, Rick would stay over. If they were overly busy with their own schedules, they'd keep apart or try not to bother each other so much.

Dal wondered what would happen in time between the two of them.

Bah! Silly horse, again, afraid of the noises of the wagon. Eyes on the trail you brute!

The door made a soft * click * as it closed. Both of them sighed. Dal found Rick gently sliding into his arms resting his head on his chest.

"You really are wonderful you dumb horse, you know that right?" Rick commented as he breathed in the sweet musky smell of his equine lover.

"As are you spotty dog." Dal rested his cheek on Rick's head, inhaling the musky scent the dalmatian let out. He reached up and scritched the canine's neck.

"You know, you don't ever have to stop that....really....I could even concentrate on homework while you did that....." Rick sighed at the sensation. Dal breathed deeply and kept the rhythm up. He felt the canine paws trace a pattern on his abs....he knew it was outlining his dappled markings without looking....


"mmmm?" Dal rumbled. captured in the moment of bliss.....

"You do know I want to bottom for you.....desperately....."

Dal stopped his hand.

"I_said_ you didn't ever have to stop that."

"Um....right...." Dal started up again.

"Uh....Rick.....that's going to take some time for you't it....besides...I'm not at all experienced....?"

The tracing pattern of Rick's paw and claw inched lower....

" do know I'm a hybrid right?"

Dal nodded. It was odd. Hybrids were very rare. Stable, sane, and virile were 1 in 10,000 of existing hybrids. Out of all of the peoples hybrids consisted of 1, in 1000,000. Dal figured that Rick's family made up the majority of those existing in the nearest thousand miles.

"What else do you know about hybrids?" The soft question and warm breath teased his chest fur, even through his tight shirt. His pants were growing tighter.....


Dal shifted as a warm paw traced the waistband of his boxers.....

"Well it would be important in this case...."

Dal snorted. "Out with it pup, whats so important?"

Rick chuckled and grinned a canine grin up at his lover....

"We're very adaptable.....didn't you find it odd I could take that finger so easily...and well...deeply the other day?"

Dal began to blush. He'd been a tad rougher than he'd intended, but Rick hadn't point of fact quite the opposite. Some would argue his thick fingers could double as a normal human cock in size....


Dal had no chance to respond in words.

Dalten felt the canine muzzle press against his as Rick ripped open his slacks and shucked them down. Dal sighed as he let his equine member slide down and out. He felt his testicles lowering. Oh he'd bottomed before, but he'd never topped.....he hopped he ok....

The ministrations of Rick were getting him very hard very quickly. The pup had his own shirt off and was fumbling with Dal's buttons. Dal concentrated on the sweet and deep kiss as his canine lover's tongue did wonders.

Soon the two were naked and standing in the bedroom in front of the bed. A deep whine escaped Rick's sounded pleading. Dal slid his hands down his canine and finally felt the tight rump there, and the whip like tail. He squeezed gently each side.....

Rick moaned, breaking the kiss to nibble at Dal's neck.

Dal grumbled in his chest and gave the left side rump a light smack. Rick yelped and bit down harder.....Dal smacked his lover's rump on the other side.....Rick bit down again a little harder.....

Dal quickly spun the dalmatian around and shoved him roughly on the bed....


Rick landed with a soft "oof on his stomach." Is he really taking charge? I mean when he bottomed he was almost in charge but is he....oooooooo yes....."

Rick lifted his tail. The warm tongue lapped at his hole roughly. He wined deeply in his chest. He felt his knot expanded quickly as his canine member began to drool constantly. Dal was relentless in his assault. Soon Rick found himself pushing back against the equine muzzle as snorts emanated from Dal.

Suddenly Dal pulled away. Rick was left confused until he felt a very sticky and warm reminder of just how virile his stud was. Precum oozed down his rump and crack....gently dripping off his canine balls onto the bed.

We definitely need sheet covers, this is expensive in laundry!

Suddenly a finger was roughly probing his ass. He moaned appreciatively as Dal pressed it in suddenly and with force. Rick exhaled shudderingly....

That felt SO good......

After a few thrusts....a second finger joined....then a third....then a forth! It was all Rick could do to keep his tail hiked and his knees steady as he pushed back against the huge equine hand....


Dal roughly shoved a fourth finger in. He'd never been as hard as he was now. Sure he'd gotten head before, but he'd never...well...topped. He was too big! But it did seem as if Rick had a talent here...and Dal was not about to waste it.........

Suddenly he found himself lapping at the pups rear as his hand worked him over. The whine coming from Rick was primal, very guttural. The sound alone was sending signals to Dalten's mind he's never had before.

Rutt....mate.....I must!

Never had he felt this way before, about anyone. It was a drive. It WOULD happen. He could not hold back. Suddenly he straightened up and snorted loudly, pulling the pup back until his spotted ass was even with the side of the bed. He grinned hugely....

"My mate...."

The whine came deep from Rick's chest..."uh huh...."

"I said....MY mate..."

"Yes....mate....please.....pleaseeee....." Rick begged. His ears flat back, his tail high, his body lightly quivering.

Dal lined himself up. He let a very generous amount of pre slick up the canine hole. He gripped the base of the black tail and found himself snorting again, his front lip curling as he pressed forward....

With little resistance Rick moaned and his hole parted for a moment, allowing several inches of Dal to enter.

Dal snorted again - his lip curling.


Rick felt the initial intrusion like a stab of lightning. It was far from painful, and was so full of pleasure he was afraid he would cum then and there. He could hear Dal snorting and stamping. A soft thudding from the famous Mrs Jackobson came from bellow. He barked ferally twice. He thumping stopped. He could hear some type of muttering about kids.

All of a sudden Dal slid in another six or seven inches. Rick's breath caught in his chest and he wined loudly with lust.

" fast...."

" you want me to...??" Rick heard the pleading behind and above him

"No!" Rick growled lustily...."More...I want more.....more more more more more....ALL of it Dal!"

Dal slid slowly in. Rick could feel himself spread to accommodate the huge girth and length. Slowly he felt Dal slide in. Inch after thick inch. With each pause and thrust, more precum oozed into him. Rick moaned.


Dal was holding himself back. He could feel his equine cock head start to flare. He'd never mated before, but this was far from what he'd imagined what it was like. Now he knew the power of Rutting and why it could lead to a life of sloth for some.

He looked down at the spotted back of his lover. This isn't right.

With no ceremony, he flipped the pup over, rotating him on his cock luntil Rick was flat on his back...his cock oozing precum.

The poor pup was almost senseless with lust. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle far. He panted deeply. There was a constant groan coming from him. His spotted chest and abs shone brightly from the sweat. The soft white dividing like looking like a neat crease in the pup.

Suddenly Dal could see himself INSIDE the canine. His own cock pushing up against the abdominal wall and making the muscles move.

"more.... please"

Dal raised an eyebrow. He didn't want to break his lover, but well, Rick had asked.

He slid himself home. He was buried to the hilt. His huge balls slapped against Rick's swollen canine balls. Looking down Dal realized that Rick was oozing a steady river of cum. Not pre, but cum.

Slowly he began to pull out...

"fuck....fuck...fuck me Dal.....please....please" Rick whined. His voice rising with each breath.

Dal quickly thrust himself back in. Rick shuddered and shot a load of cum high onto Dal's chest....the rich scent of canine filled the air....

Soon Dal found a rhythm. He'd slowly pull out about half way, then slam home. Again and again. Time after time....Rick's eyes closed half way. Dal's own breathing came out only of his nostrils in snorts. He found his hooves stamping. He held off as long as he could. He noticed Rick's swolen knot. He gripped it tightly, barely getting his own fingers around it...and began to squeeze...instinctively....


Rick screamed in profound extacy. Someone or something had his knot. He felt tied. He felt full.


Suddenly he felt that fullness warm a little and spread - deeper and deeper into him. Dal was producing so much precum it could be measured in buckets. He felt it run out of him and down his tail. Suddenly there was a tremendous whinny above him...he felt Dal go wild.

Dal pounded into him. His cock flared hugely trapping the equine member deep in his gut. He felt wave after wave of cum pour into him. After the first wave he felt his own load spray upward. Dal bit down on Rick's shoulder. Hard. The blunt teeth drew blood. Neither cared. They matched wave for wave, cum shot for cum shot until both were spent.


"Ooof you big lug, get off me." Rick squirmed. He felt very full, and very squished. The scent of horse sweat filled the air thickly, as did the smell of cum, equine and canine. Dal's labored breathing slackened as he rolled to the side.

He didn't DARE to pull out of Rick. He knew from the wet feeling between his legs he'd given the canine more than his normal load, which was copious. He snorted and sneezed. His head felt light.

"Better. Oooh....I'm full. Whatever you do, DON'T pull out." Rick all but purred in front of him, licking Dal's nose.

"Uh...can't. Too tired."

Dal's eyes went wide. "Shit."

Dal caught sight of Rick's shoulder. A perfect bite mark marred the flesh of the right shoulder. Blood oozed from it. Dal's ears went back.

" marked me?" Rick rubbed at his furred shoulder. The mark stung, but in a good, and tingly way.

There had been tales from the first wave of changes that some mating ended in markings. A bite, a slap, it depended on the species. Only true matings were said to result in such marks. They were incredibly rare today.

Quickly the mark began to heal. The horses teeth marking making a perfect horse-shoe. One visible on the front, the other from behind. Marking him as.....Dal's mate?

Dal stared at Rick's face. It was a study in amazement. Both of them were a little awed at what had just happened.

"Um...did we just....ah....I mean....truly mate!? I mean....I said I wanted to mate....but....MATE!?"

Rick looked scared. Dal hugged Rick close then suddenly subored.Eyes on the goal Horse!

"Don't think so much dog brain. I've found you think too much about things that should be naturual, and I don't just mean us!"

Dal rapped his knuckle on the dog's head. Rick flattened his ears, but listened.

"In music you were afraid of the piano, but shone as a keyboardist. You said you had no talent at composition, now I'm helping you notate a work that is going to put mine to shame. And now this. Rick, stop questioning everything!"

Rick hung his head. He gulped.


Dal was right. He was afraid. Afraid of commitment, afraid of the future, and afraid of what this mark meant. That didn't mean his fears were unfounded, they were just irrational.

"I know. I'm sorry Dal. I love you. With all my heart."

Rick placed his hand on Dal's chest and smiled and licked Dal on the nose, once.


The burn only lasted for a second. Dal glanced down. He could smell burnt flesh and fur.

"Hrm, seems turn about is fair play huh?"

Rick yanked his paw away and sucked at his claws and fingers. Square over Dal's heart was a perfect canine paw print. He'd been branded.

Dal chuckled richly deep in his chest then nickered.

"I'm not going to question that either, lover-mine."

He kissed Rick warmly. It seems that things were going to be perfect.

For now.