Monday Memos [song lyrics]

Story by sangheilinerd on SoFurry

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So a song that I wrote as inspired by one Tristan Black Wolf. The story entitled "No More Monday Memos" includes the opening verse. As a side thing for Tristan I did this piece. Hopefully he likes it. crosses fingers

_Memo dated Monday, 9 AM

To whom it may concern

I'm the one who took back my life,

Left the old one here to burn.

I'm sorry for the mess I left,

But it wasn't mine to start;

Perhaps someone else can use the pieces

That you'd stolen from my heart._

_ _

I coulda sworn you were my one

My someone special yet now I leave you

To start a life ever on the run

Were your words ever true

Or were you in it for just the fun

_ _

Memo dated Monday, 10 AM

To whom it may concern

I'm the one who set out on my own

To explore the world with every turn

Ready to make my life my own

The one in my heart upon the throne

Now another whisp of wind

Like the love I had for you.

_ _

Now another road crossed and burned

Another step away from you.

Where can I go, where can I stay?

At every turn another word that could slay

I wish I could change my world view.

To one around you never turned.

_ _

Memo dated Monday, six PM

To whom it may concern

I'm finally on my own, away from Us

That life of yours I couldn't lead.

And I think as I board the bus--

A tear falling, a single bead

Perhaps someone else can use the pieces

That you'd stolen from my heart.

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