A Warm and Cozy Place to Sleep.

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Kovu's eyes opened, The darkness blinding him. Night had sunk over the land hours ago and now the early morning was coming. His night with the King and Kopa had been, different to say the least. The sex had been long, exciting and filled with immense pleasure. Kopa had really taught him how to fuck like and prince and Simba had taught both the cubs how to truly service a male lion. Kovu could still taste the thick warm strands of cum. The only dinner he had was the contents of Simba's huge lion testicles.He and Kopa had swam in the waterhole together, the two of them being very close, almost too close. Kopa had been the first to start kissing, gently around the neck, just little pecks. Then he moved around Kovu's body, on his chest and belly, gently running his tongue over Kovu's balls, licking the short fur and cleaning it of any semen. Whether it was his, Kopa's or Simba's, they didn't know. Kovu was still, the kisses got more erotic, lips starting to lock onto the body, Kopa moving his muzzle to Kovu's. Their muzzles opening and their tongues exploring each other. Kovu lay in his sleepy position, remembering the kiss, how wet and warm and loving it was. The feeling of his best friend pushing his tongue down his throat. Meanwhile Simba was pawing himself off and when he did finally let loose, he aimed himself at the couple of cubs and unloaded his sac onto the pair. Simba had laughed at their shocked expressions when his copious amounts of cum and soaked them through. The thought of it started to arouse the cub again. He nuzzled his head against the soft bedding, the musky smell overwhelming his nostrils. The earthy smell of what he was laying on. Kovu, the cub who had joined the pride not to long ago was snuggled up underneath the Kings tail. Kovu was resting his head against the puffy pucker of the king, inhaling his warm male scent, occasionally licking around the inside of the kings butt. It was comfy and warm where he was. Simba's tail curled around him to keep him from rolling away. Kovu turned his head towards Simba's hole and slowly leaned forward, pressing his lips against the furry exit, he pushed his tongue in to see if he could taste any of Kopa's seed, The young prince being brave enough to penetrate the king with his member, Kovu had not felt comfortable doing that to the king, not yet. He needed to prove his loyalty before ever making an attempt to dominate him. But then, he was only a cub, no one would see it as dominating. His tongue swirled around, tasting sweat, musk and finally, a drop of sweet cub seed. Kovu had learned over the past few days that his old family had held him back, stopped him from being someone who was able to get close and personal, he was shy before he met Simba, but now he feels at home. And Simba had said that he would be Kovu's new father if he wanted that, the cub definitely wanted that. His real father was dead, and he was a monster, but Simba was so warm

and cuddly and kind to him. Perfect to have as a dad. He continued to explore Simba's anal cavity with his tongue. The tight ring muscle clenching slightly as Simba moaned in his sleep. His tongue was pulled in slightly, He happily pushed his muzzle against the kings rear and allowed it to swallow the end of his nose and mouth. Enjoying the feeling of the king engulfing his muzzle. Tasting deeper in the king, Kovu tried to open his mouth, the sudden stretch of his insides cause Simba to wake. "Woah, mmmmmmm." Simba moaned out before looking down at the young cub. Kovu not moving from his position, he just smiled, however this could not be seen by the king but felt inside.Simba put a paw behind him and gently patted Kovu on the head, messing up his little mane tuft. "So Kovu, I think you have found your sexual preference. I remember when I was your age and my father always wondered what part of a lion I would prefer, Only speaking about males here, because when it comes to a lioness, the best part is the look on her face when you drive your cock deep into her sweet tight pussy" He chuckled."My favourite part of a male was always the cock, I love cock, I don't tend to tell many lions as they might think I am not a dominant alpha male, but secretly I love the feeling of a lion sinking his thick member down my throat and filling my stomach with his warm cum" He smiled and looked down at the cub who was wide eyed from the confession. "There was another thing my father and I used to do. He used to do a similar thing with me that I am right now doing to you. You sticking your muzzle into my tail hole, I used to fit a lot more of myself into my father. I once nearly got my entire body in, the only reason I didn't is because my father was afraid he wouldn't be able to get me out" Kovu sat there, quite interested in what the king had to say, he slowly pulled his muzzle out to breath fresh air, there was air inside Simba but it wasn't to fresh. "Well, did you enjoy your night?" the king asked the cub."Yeah I did, I really had fun with you and Kopa." they both looked over at Kopa who had opted for sleeping on a patch of grass, he liked sleeping with lions but he rolled around in his sleep to much and would always wake anyone he would sleep with, so that was his decision, to sleep in a mound of grass. Kovu and Simba chuckled together. "What was your favourite part of the night?" Simba asked. Kovu thought for a while, his face becoming very concerned whilst he thought. "I think when I was drinking your milk" Kovu said, still not having a full understanding about cum.Simba laughed and patted the cub again, thinking about what the two of them could do together now that they were awake. It would still be hours till the morning sun rose. "hey Kovu, do you want to play the game I was telling you about, the one me and my father used to play." Kovu just smiled and nodded, wanting to

learn more about mating as he knew when Simba said game, he meant sex. "Okay then, you just stand there and face me" Simba instructed, rolling over and standing, the cub sitting between the kings hind legs, the large cock dangling from Simba's sheath as he had become aroused from the thoughts he had about what he was about to do to the cub. He slowly lowered his rear over Kovu and felt the cub press his lips once again against his ass. His tongue penetrating him and sending a shiver down his spine. He continued to lower himself. Kovu's muzzle slipping into him, his tail ring stretching to fit in the muzzle. All Kovu could feel was the warmth the Simba's anal walls. Further the king pushed, now his hole slipping over the cubs eyes, darkness taking over the cub, the musk stinging his eyes slightly, he shut them and let himself be consumed."Oooh, your a good little cub aren't you, Just letting me take you in like this, but don't worry, I will pull you out, soon." Simba giggled as he felt his anus clench around the cubs head, slowly sucking Kovu in further, his mane tuft tickling Simba's butt. Causing him to laugh a little, clenching down tight on the cub. The slurping sounds of the cub being sucked into the big lions rectum aroused Siimba further, sending waves of pleasure through him. Kopa on the other hand remained asleep, having no idea what his father and friend, now brother were getting up to. Kovu felt his front legs being slowly lifted off the ground as he was now truly being sucked in. Simba had stopped lowering himself and was now allowing his anus to do the work, slowly eating the cub, pulling him inside the great lion, into the black depths of his intestines. Kovu could taste cum on the flesh around his mouth, the slippery and sloppy flesh squelching around his head. His chest was pulled up, Simba's hole was now half way down his body, pulling him further, deeper and deeper. The warmth of the lion was intense, Kovu was not afraid of what was happening. He trusted the king. Once his brother had tried something similar, and by brother he meant the pathetic animal that did not represent the lion race well, Nuka. He never trusted Nuka and he yelled for his mothers help before Nuka could devour him through his anus. "Nearly there Kovu, just a few more squeezes" Simba reached behind himself to grab the rump of the little cub. He found the cubs tail hole and slipped one paw toe into it, causing the cubs to tense and stretch, giving Simba a sensation he had never felt. This cub had gone deeper than any lion cock before. Even deeper than a zebra. Kovu kept licking around, enjoying the warm feeling he had on his inside whilst he was slowly pulled deeper, the darkness of Simba's rectum was calming and the slurping sounds were really arousing. The wet flesh making his fur stick together. The smell all of a sudden changed, it became a much less musky smell and more like the smell of breath, warm air filled his lungs as he

breathed in. It was definitely not fresh air, but it would do. Meanwhile on the outside, Simba was in heaven, the feeling of the cub squirming around inside him made his own cock go rock hard, dripping sizable amounts of pre onto the ground. He pulled his paw toe out of the cubs ass and placed his paw over the rump of the cub, pushing him in, speeding up the pace. He truly wanted to fit the cub all the way in.To have the feeling of his tail hole relax into its normal shape and know that he had fully consumed the cub. And bringing him back out would be even more fun. Giving his inner muscles a real work out. "Can you hear me in there?" Simba chuckled, not expecting a response."Yeah" Kovu tried to say, but Simba only heard a mumble, he laughed at that, knowing the cub could hear him."Your nearly inside me buddy. Only a few more pushes and I will have completely consumed your body." Pushing harder on Kovu's rump, Simba clenched his teeth as the cubs waist slipped into him, the sounds of slurping filling his ears as the cubs body was sucked from sight, deeper into the comfy confines of Simba. Kovu could feel himself being pulled deeper, he was tired from moving around and it was still very early morning. He decided it was best to rest up, allow Siimba's body to do the work and he would just wait to be awoken by the day light. Slowly he slipped into a sleep, as he was sucked yet deeper, now his groin and butt being pulled through Simba's tight hole. Simba pushed a paw toe into himself to continue the effort of feeding the cub to his anus. Disappearing slowly, the cubs hind legs and tail were sucked inside. Simba's anus relaxing back to its original dilation and Simba himself relaxed, feeling accomplished. He could feel the cub inside, he had stopped moving now and just lay idle. Simba walked over to Kopa and picked him up by the scruff of the neck and began walking back to Pride Rock, the cub not waking as he was so tired. Kovu still lay silent and resting in Simba's rectum, just waiting to be pushed out, but for now, he was Simba's, and really, he was a part of Simba for the time being. Back at Pride Rock, Simba put Kopa down in a small bed of dried grass in the cave, he then turned and walked outside, up the alter. Little did he notice Nala following him. "Simba, Where is Kovu?" Nala asked, slightly worried."He is right here" Simba smiled and rubbed his rear. Nala looked at him with shock. "How, what have you done?""He and I were just having some fun" Simba laughed. "Right Kovu" There was a muffled reply, the cub obviously had woken as the morning was rising.Simba bent his back slightly, squeezing his rear. All of a sudden his anus dilated and made a loud slurping noise, Simba's arousal had come back, erection at full mast and emitting a heavy musky scent. Kovu had turned around whilst inside Simba, his head popping out first, eyes open and muzzle yawning from

his sleep. "Hello Nala" he simply stated. Nala bursting out laughing from the comment the cub had made. He was engulfed in the kings ass and yet he was greeting her as if he was just waking and seeing her. Simba squeezed harder, the slurping continuing and arousing Simba further again, the feeling of the cub exiting his body was amazing, the rubbing against his prostate sent shivers through his barbed penis. Coming out a lot quicker than going in, Kovu wriggled his way through Simba's tail hole, his head, front legs and chest all out now, he was still to high up however to reach the ground, so he was just dangling from the king. "How was that Kovu" Simba asked before he again pushed, feeling the cub slip out even more, the weight of the cub taking hold and allowing him to slowly fall out of him.As he slipped out onto the ground, Kovu chuckled and nuzzled Nala. He turned and smiled at Simba. "It was really nice, and now its true what my mother thinks. I was eaten by the king." They all laughed at the cubs antics and went to walk into the cave. "Simba?" Kovu asked"Yes Kovu?" Simba turned and faced the cub, sitting down."I love you" the cub replied, he then ran up and sank his muzzle over the Kings cock and sent the large lion over the top, erupting with large jets of hot lion cum. And that was breakfast for the young cub Kovu.


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